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  1. Fencer

    Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    Word of god is contradictory at times and full of trolling. I will grant the point on how Ziz apeared. Which also make no sense. Did someone just so happen to have a telescope capable of seeing a... what 15ft? Tall woman at that distance pointed at the edge of the moon? Sounds more like...
  2. Fencer

    Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    Also becaise space time is influenced by gravity just being in any kind of general proximity to a black hole causes a time dilation effect... I forget how exactly that impacts things but I’d bet good money it would play havoc with shard communication. Hell the things are controlled at least...
  3. Fencer

    Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    Would that make her weapons more effective against Endbringers or are the two forms of dimensional displacement non compatible?
  4. Fencer

    Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    meh not really surprised here. Daniel’s focus was almost entirely on egyption in the early seasons of the series and branched out weirdly into, I think, celtic? When the asgard showed up. Mostly because he was the history guy and they suddenly needed someone who knew about that too. So why add a...
  5. Fencer

    Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    oh, well, that’s even better! Sam is going to have a complete breakdown the first time that happens.
  6. Fencer

    Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    Yes. Eating probably recharges the zpm.... though that might require some stupidly spicy food if my understanding of the series is correct. Better, Sam is onboard so upgrades with stolen tinker tech are a future possibility if given sufficient time.
  7. Fencer

    Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    Look I already conceded defeat. To be fair though I was not thinking about Stargate atlantis at all.... and wouldn’t atlantis be on a similar scale to an island or instalation princess? Relativly speaking I mean?
  8. Fencer

    Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    .... your point is well made.... retracted.
  9. Fencer

    Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    I realize I’m truly behind the curve here but I have to pitch in something I haven’t noticed anyone else say so far. The ship girls heights and sizes were determined in part by making a scale of ship sizes and then matching that to a human scale. Taylor is the only ship girl in existance and the...