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Search results for query: *

  1. Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    Actually, there might be less uproar from going from black to white. There is precedent in Michael Jackson who I did not realize was born black until the 20/20 interview. Mostly because I was a child in the '80s and only really became aware of him in the mid 1980's, by which time he looked...
  2. Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    Not really. BB is appropriate for the pre-1943 refit. BBV is appropriate for them after December of 1943. So the Kai form can represent the conversion from BB to BBV. I always though of the ZPMs to be like non-rechargeable Alkaline batteries. Once the charge is used up, you just throw it away...
  3. Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    Ise and Hyuuga were originally battleships completed in the closing days of WWI but had no part in that war. By WWII they were obsolete despite attempts to modernize them. They were eventually partially converted into seaplane carriers in a rush job and have been called the world's only...
  4. Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

    What about basing her on Ise or Hyuga instead? Those ships were modified to be seaplane carriers, but a shortage of aircraft and trained pilots prevented them from ever being put to the test. The Japanese had some usable combat seaplanes, including a variant of the Zero, so they were not just...