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  1. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Yes. If things go wrong people can get hurt. That's also true of anything. I'm not arguing that. I'm arguing against over hyping just how much danger the mission presents. We seem to disagree about our party's capabilities.
  2. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    The same can be said of dungeons. Should we not risk going into dungeons? Going into a new dungeon is more dangerous than scouting because we're forced into fights we might not be prepared for, yet we do that every other day. In fact we almost died not that long ago.
  3. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Then we shouldn't leave the city, because random encounters can get us inbetween dungeon runs. Kiln Knight was a critical roll. We were only supposed to hear rumors. Yrs said this. If we get bad criticals we're fucked no matter what we do.
  4. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    There's nothing suicidal about a scouting mission. You're not supposed to come into contact with the enemy at all.
  5. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    I wish Kiln Knight never happened. It's made people excessively paranoid.
  6. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    We now have a reason to do Missions. We can use the wrist to level our secondary jobs without switching. Also, Catgirl Alice amuses me. yrsillar do race mods break if you swap them out for another? I imagine Alice would love not having to sleep in the tub.
  7. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    The Kiln knight was a critical role. Bad things happen regardless of your level when you roll horribly.
  8. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    [X] Replenish Potions and ethers as needed [X] Update the Guide with info from Desecrated Fortress and Ice Queen Castle. -[X] Think about adding a section on Tame-able pets. It has been really helping your party, and could help others'. [X] Switch out Fire for Dark. We might need that aura and...
  9. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    -apologizes for missing an update- -updates everyday- Thank you for the heads up. I hope whatever is beating on you passes. Don't stress out too much.
  10. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    All according to plan. The non-branded have souls, the Goddesses just don't love them as much.
  11. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    [X] Damned if you won't get any use out of Maya's interest in your love life. Ask Maya if she has any advice to make you a better kisser.
  12. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    [!] Damned if you won't get any use out of Maya's interest in your love life. Ask Maya if she has any advice to make you a better kisser.
  13. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    We should see if Rolf wants to buy Highlander.
  14. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    We ought to keep a full supply of consumables in there, since anyone can access it.
  15. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Then do dungeons?
  16. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    The ice devil one is a good way to get an in with a powerful branded.
  17. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Yeah, you came across really salty.
  18. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Damn, I wanted to make Anshelm a Crystalline Oni or something. Or Maya a CatWolf. or Alice a Bunny Undine.
  19. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    yrsillar can you fuse race mods?
  20. GiftofLove

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    +Boob ?