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Search results for query: *

  1. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

  2. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    That was a sarcastic argument by GoL, pointing out that Roarky arguing that 'unknown number and type' circumstance is similar with walking between dungeons, with the Kiln Knight encounter as the risk, is simply exaggerating the probabilities, when Yrs had stated it being a bad critical roll...
  3. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    I think it is more of a ponderation on Xic's choice to attempt the Mission now, when night is approaching. Unless you meant to vote for it tomorrow morning, Xic.
  4. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Not at night, though. We probably don't want to test how strong night encounters are compared to day ones. Especially with our party not truly set up to do stealth/scout.
  5. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Loot: [X] Anshelm: Boss Standard [X] Shimah: Waagh Talisman [X] Vault: Consumables - [X] Pick 1 Amrita, tell others to replenish their own stocks [X] Sell to Shop: Choppa Action: [X] Return to Town [X] Expand Vault [X] Split up to gather information - [X] About Ranks, Levels, and Rarity -...
  6. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    And Ash Snake nest clearing?
  7. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Again, the minimum level for a Branded to go to any Dungeon is level 1. That is not to say that you can do any Dungeons at level 1, like what Dark infers. Okay, for E-Ranks, it is clearly level 1 to level cap. Of course, this shoddy system of mine cannot take into account the Dungeons that...
  8. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Oh, wait, yeah, my bad. Ashen Grotto D-rank is 6-7. Regarding Maya, she is close to B-rank, so she wants to have the writs beforehand, thus requiring minimal time to set up. Maybe she didn't specify today, but she does want to dip into Missions. Regarding availability of Missions, I think...
  9. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    +coughs+ If you take a look at some of these recent Dungeons the party did, most of them are above our levels. Ice Queen's Castle D-Rank (party 4, lv 8-9) = Last update Goblin' Glade C-Rank (party 3, lv 6-8) = First C-Rank, more Goblin Bosses Ashen Grotto's D-Rank (party 3, lv 7-9) = Ashen...
  10. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Because of this combination: 1. Ice + Hex = Winter Witch(/Wizard?) (more effective Slow & Freeze) 2. Ice + Water = Polar Adept (better Freeze) 3. Winter Witch + Polar Adept = Glacial Lady(/Lord?) (both sides pumped up) Another combination: 1. Ice + Dark = Necromancer (temporarily cause dead...
  11. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Will gives extra SP, though on the other hand, Maya is already planning on picking up Wind Elemental, so that might clash with Ice. EDIT: Not to mention, if she does pick up Ice to capitalize on it, then there is three Ice users in party. Not sure why, Maya is not using Fire at all. Are you...
  12. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    +sighs+ EDIT: Updated vote again.
  13. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Switching requires one to return to Town, and Ice Queen Castle was pretty far, if I remember right. EDIT: Ah, no general Power, just Ice damage for Snow Tiger, so agreed, not very good, I guess. EDITEDIT: Updated vote set.
  14. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Is the axe a normal axe or a greataxe? Loot: [X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver, Glacier [X] Maya: Snow Tiger Race Mod? [X] Vault: Consumables - [X] Alice to grab an Ether, others to replenish theirs [X] Find Branded: Snow Tiger (no Hunters), Frigid Blade (Lucia? Rose?), Yeti Pelt (no Hunters?)...
  15. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Might be comparable. Anyway, Mission lost again.
  16. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    +stares+ Hmmm, for comparison purposes, the Killer Drakes (C, party 5, min lv. 7) and the Investigate Castle (?, party 5, min lv. 7) Missions might be comparable to: - Wailing Cavern C-Rank (party 3, lv 8-10) - Drake's Nest D-Rank (party 4, lv 8-9) - Ashen Grotto's C-Rank (party 4, lv 8-10) -...
  17. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    There was the option to do Ash and Herbs in the morning, split 3/2, then we can do a different thing in the afternoon. Or do Ash full party. Castle is minimum level 7, still not too sure.
  18. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    +shrugs+ Convo results. yrsillar The easiest standard seems to be the character level, rather than Rank, since Rank applies to a number of quite different things. Level increased with gained XP and one cannot switch character levels, so that will be a good measuring stick. You can already see...
  19. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Yes, edited and clarified such matters.
  20. Grosstoad

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    More info from convo with Yrs: Separated for emphasis. EDIT: Cleared up the Mission Rank's definition to "The Mission-giver's opinion about the needed Branded's Rank (highest Job) to fulfill the goals of the Mission"