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Search results for query: *

  1. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    I'd really, really, really want to finish studying damnit. [X] Anshelm: Boss Standard [X] Shimah: Waagh Talisman [X] Vault: Consumables - [X] Pick 1 Amrita, tell others to replenish their own stocks - [X] Sneakin Paint - Make everyone try it on first though. [X] Sell to Shop: Choppa Action...
  2. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Well obviously it will boost damage, and maybe duration of water spells, while also lowering resistance to water spells on enemies. We'll also be getting another Mana Absorb! Just like every other Elementalist Job. There might be more at B and A ranks too. But the greatest advantage is being...
  3. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Ranking Water Elementalist will have its own benefits, so I wouldn't call it a waste. Plus there are going to be more fusion combinations then just Water + Ice. Water + Dark is looking likely. And I bet Water + Wind + Lightning in some form will fuse to something neat. Storm Mage maybe?
  4. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    [X] Alice: Snow Tiger -[X] Remember you will lose some item space when you equip [X] Anshelm: Artic Cleaver, Glacier [X] Vault: Consumables [X] Maya: Model the Yeti Pelt (for Anshelm) [X] Reequip Handmaiden's Dress [X] Onwards to Ork Warcamp Honestly, the Snow Tiger isn't the best, but I...
  5. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    That isn't how patrols work. If we choose to patrol, we have to stick to the patrol.
  6. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    I find the patrols a bit lackluster, myself. I'd only take them if they are the only thing we have available.
  7. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    New information for our perusal. Level 7 for the mission we want to take. Which I am pretty sure we can handle.
  8. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    I agree on that, maybe if we asked Maya to always try out new creatures then we could do so.
  9. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    We always vote for dungeons one at a time. The dress is for the ice resistance, not for the damage boost.
  10. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    We're only meant to scout it out. If it does prove to be too dangerous we can skedaddle at the first sign it is to much. We have multiple ways to slow down pursuit now, not just the Water Prison. Our survivability is way up. I am tired of turning down missions because we don't know what to...
  11. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Yeah, thanks for the reminder.
  12. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    [X] Replenish Potions and ethers as needed [X] Switch out Fire for Dark. We might need that aura and life drain. [X] Update the Guide with info from Desecrated Fortress and Ice Queen Castle. [X] There has been rumors of monster activity in a ruined castle. The castle has been confirmed to...
  13. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Only the goblin grove is noted as being kept around for newbies. The rest could and should be closed by Branded since they present a constant threat. Leaving a dungeon alone too long starts running the risk of an Event happening. And yes, we are on the frontier
  14. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Yeah, since the only way to regain HP\SP outside of potions is inns then establishing rest stops along the way is not only a good idea but practically a necessity. Camping out has got to be nigh suicide beyond the highest levels. And the definition of 'high' levels will probably change as you...
  15. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Neat, exploring past the borders of the known world sounds like a good project for someone who started out with a passive called 'Cat's Curiosity'
  16. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    ... We should totally claim the castle as our secret fort.
  17. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Actually, we should study those notes. [X] Arkeus [X] Study the notes.
  18. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    [X] Anshelm Blacksteel Greatshield, 1 hi potion, 1 panacea [X] Al- 2 ethers, 1 high potion [X] Maya - Tainted Longbow, 1 high potion [X] Shimah- 1 ether, 1 panacea [X] Sera -1 ether, 1 high potion [X] Vault- Traitor's Cloak, Highlander Job Crystal, Abyssal Staff -[X]Think about Rolf for the...
  19. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    I am currently the only one voting to not use fire.
  20. redaeth

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)
