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Search results for query: *

  1. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)
    Extras: Sidestory: A Christmas Miracle's Return

    Oh boy, I found out what has been giving me my damned writer's block: a little side story idea that explores a little more of Hauptmann Aaron. In this case, something stolen and shattered out of spite returns whole. I lost it because Chrome was being a finicky bitch, but it has returned after a...
  2. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Ok, ladies and gents, I'm still having some writer's block, thanks to the aforementioned Rule 8 event. Working on a few snippet ideas but they're slow going. One of which is basically a sort of wargame between US/Japan coalition pilots against Iron Pact pilots when, suddenly, a wild ghost ace...
  3. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Sorry for the long delay, but here's a situation report. After getting a job at the local Subway, I've been finding less time for my stories (my actual stories, not the various short snippets). Then I hit some writer's block as I went to visit my mom over Christmas. Then, reality gave me a...
  4. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Well, the funny thing is that I've been planning what would be considered 'gaiden' -or literally translated: side story- fics to this fic. Some of them are comedic in the 'WTF am I getting into' fashion, some are smut (because let's face it, the setting of GATE has a lot of possibility of sexy...
  5. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    There are more than two continents, it's just that two are the focus of the fic. Oh boy, that is a level of stupid that I can't fathom...
  6. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    From what I understand, Marx wasn't above letting people live, especially if they have knowledge that needs to be learned, the problem -as I see it- is that the later branches took the 'kill the rich' far more literally than necessary. Given that we're going to be starting to need a few cork...
  7. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    That... is very much not the case from my understanding... While true, you also forget the Saldarian pantheon into the equation.
  8. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    That was the aim. Most of the players here are making logical mistakes, no literal idiot ball handling (outside of a few, but those have extenuating circumstances to them). The real stigler was the fact that the Imperialists won the power plays of the 1920s and 1930s, if that didn't happen...
  9. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 7: Beginning of Motions

    Chapter 7: Beginnings of Motions Fort Portal, Medical Center (High Security); October 3rd, 2017 Chrysalis felt groggy as she woke up from her hibernation and saw that she had been moved into a vastly more advanced version of an Equestrian infirmary… which had creeped her out a little...
  10. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Here's the thing, they don't fucking care. Empathy in such individuals is very low, doubly so when dealing with powerful paranormal artifacts that have tendencies to cause power trips. That would get Qelena pissed off, actually, as those minotaurs like to target merchants and raid villages...
  11. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Well, more or less. Although, someone like Mr. House would be oh so infinitely better than someone like Andrew Ryan, largely because the former has actual principles (that doesn't get thrown away the moment things get tough) and is someone that actually keeps his word.
  12. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    The sad thing about this sort of people is that they tend to slide into the 'cause the apocalypse' grouping due to how that power going to their heads and wanting to remake the world in their image... which inevitably causes an apocalypse. It also doesn't help that these guys tend to be...
  13. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)
    Threadmarks: Informational: Demihumans: Minotaurs and the paranormal organizations in Iron Pact!Earth

    Alright, ATP asked about the minotaurs in the snippet on another forum, so I'll give you an informational detailing the (SFW) elements of demihumans, starting with the minotaurs. First, let's begin with the definition that the Saldarian Empire has for demihumans. Demihumans, in the official...
  14. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    So, here we go, and I've even got an introduction to a 'giden' story in too. ;) Quick word of warning, the chapter is currently over 10k words in total. So it's going to be a long one. Fort Portal, Wolfenstein Temporary Field Headquarters; later that day I was pensive as I looked at the...
  15. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Alright, here is what I have so far: Fort Portal, The War Room; October 6th, 2017 Fiction has this unsettling tendency to make War Rooms these grandiose constructs, filled with rows upon rows of computers and holoplots and screens where legions of men and women type and click away...
  16. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    So, status update: I now have a job at Subway! So far it has been consisting of 6-hour days so I won't have as much time doing my writing as I would usually. At least I've got a job and going to get paid. So sorry for any delays this may cause.
  17. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    I'm someone that takes quite some time writing. Funnily enough, I've rewritten this snippet three times already. So be patient. The next snippet will be coming soon. Just have to figure out how to make sure that the GATE!Earth US General does not look like a complete idiot, sprinkle a few...
  18. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    So, here is the second part of the psi-memory part of the chapter. I'm not exactly happy with it but since you guys are so patient, I have to post what I've got so far. ____ We managed to land in good order despite the circumstances, but the one thing that got my immediate attention was the...
  19. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Ok people, news update, I had to undergo gall bladder removal surgery yesterday. So content updates will be slow at this time. Sorry about the inconveniences that this will cause. My luck kind of went somewhat sour these last two weeks.
  20. Aaron Fox

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    To give you guys an idea of my plans, the next snippets have our reality shard/psi memory diving Apostle discovering the 'signature' of the Iron Pact timeline's 'mastermind' which would cause chaos in every pantheon on the planet (to give you an idea here, the last time this mastermind came to...