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Search results for query: *

  1. Kiyone4ever

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Good to see Hamilton on the ball there. As for Pina? Good read of the situation on her part. She seems to also realize that the Allies engineering prowess is such that any attempt to use 'Scorched Earth" tactics would only be self-damaging here. To borrow an example from the Civil War: During...
  2. Kiyone4ever

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Greek/Roman Pantheon: 1%: Hades: "I probably shouldn't do this. It really breaks the rules but... Look... If you can just NOT LOOK at her until you lead her out of Hades, I'm good with it." ...A little later. "Damn... I hoped he'd make it." 9% God/Goddess NOT Zeus: "Who the F***! Does this...
  3. Kiyone4ever

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Between the Changelings and the 'Inferni' in my fic, this really proves that some gods in Falmart are jerks... Like Hardy... and some are real bastards!
  4. Kiyone4ever

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Whatever you decide, I'm certain it will be interesting when it comes. As for Prince Heinrich, I did not know he had a godson who was a failed chicken farmer.
  5. Kiyone4ever

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Yes but I was thinking the exact piece I was thinking of (Where Superman impersonates Batman while helping Robin find Bruce Wayne) I forgot whether this had been done on BTAS or STAS As for Galen, I think that would be quite appropriate.
  6. Kiyone4ever

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    A vague rememberance of Babylon 5. Galen was a Techno-Mage. One of a group of beings that used advanced technology to simulate magic He found his supposed wise peers fools for closing themselves and their minds to a coming threat whereas the fools unsophisticated in the ways of the technomages...
  7. Kiyone4ever

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    "A Quest and a Question! Tis all the same! Well then, to find an answer we'll play the game! A crisis! Makes wise men fools And fools be wise! Seek the answers but know the right questions.The art is in solving thy riddle without being riddled!" Paraphrased from The Mage Galen