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Search results for query: *

  1. Ocean Sailor

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Hear, hear! Some works such as Gate and ZnT are wasted on their authors, who just stumbled onto an awesome setting only to misuse it grievously. Kudos to all fic authors who took these jewels and polished them to what they could have been.
  2. Ocean Sailor

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Fair enough, short of ZnT there are few works in which rehashing the stations of canon again and again doesn't quickly become boring. More than fair enough, fan fiction is written for personal fun, we should just be thankful that you also post it for our amusement. BTW, I edited another bit of...
  3. Ocean Sailor

    GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought (a GATE: and thus the JSDF Fought fic)

    Well, that was a brief POV. The problem with surrendering to a modern army is that they don't need to actually see you to kill you, they just need to roughly know where you are... Though I like it, there are too many exposition chapters to actual plot; while you dedicated more than a fair...