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Search results for query: *

  1. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Considering Bastet's long partnership with Kali, he might need to "acquire a new host" first.
  2. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    That still leaves the question of how he's the Elector Count unresolved. AU element born of imperfect memory?
  3. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Considerably more mad than he was in Honour of the Grave. Did the Turmoil of 2512 take place earlier in the year, if he's already the Elector Count?
  4. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    In addition to what's already been said, it's anointed with every bodily fluid and excretion available.
  5. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Telling them that Mannfred's back, and that your plan is bad for his ambitions against the Empire, ought to help.
  6. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Marienburg, being helpful? That's certainly a novel approach. Although I suppose there's nothing stopping Paolo from mining enough asteroid gold to bury their greed, is there?
  7. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    "Even if I didn't already have a healthy romance, which I do, Mousillon neighbors Lyonesse." "I suppose they'd monopolize any potential for a political match, wouldn’t they?"
  8. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    What about the porn star who drank the evil potion?
  9. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Be fair; Truggs helped.
  10. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Again, he's British. Aggressively so.
  11. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    His perfect awareness of his desires lets him weaponize the social insecurities that come from being British.
  12. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    "You and your brother are hurting because of these assholes. I will both help you and pay you to hurt them back."
  13. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    I wonder if Paul is going to realize that he also name-dropped Superman by his Kryptonian name during the conversation.
  14. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Seems Paul has another nemesis.
  15. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Apollo: "Murphy had nothing to do with it."
  16. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Isolation hasn't been good for Paul. Those rambles about physiology had me half expecting a phrenology diatribe.
  17. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Sure, that might be the history of Earth -16 now, but what was it like before the Anti-Monitor's rampage?
  18. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    No Common Sense logo?
  19. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    What forum do you think you're on?
  20. Ganurath

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    It was established back when Kara threatened to crush and breath in the black kryptonite if Paul didn't fuck her that getting dust out of someone's lungs was one of OL's few limits.