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Search results for query: *

  1. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    The looking in the magic mirror and seeing "Somepony who could rule Equestria" was in Equestria, being a prequel comic showing before she came to the human world, and it showed that she wasn't interested in magic for the sake of learning magic but sought magical power to leverage that into...
  2. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    There is a reason I typed "Nothing definitive but the pattern is suggestive." Even if I agreed your assessment the pattern would still hold with the five other parts. And an actual scientific study of MLP magic would notice the emotive element that is all over the place. Like Dark Magic that...
  3. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Uhm Zoat, you made up that Sunset's cutie mark talent being magic. Equestria Girls never stated what Sunset's cutie mark talent actually is. Considering Celestia once told Twilight that she was the most magically powerful unicorn she'd ever seen and that in one of the later EG movies Sunset...
  4. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    To let. Britishism equivalent of "for rent."
  5. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    In DC the effects of the formula are inheritable. Iron Monroe inherited them from his father Hugo, Iron's son Walter Pratt inherited powers from Iron, Walter's daughter Kate Spencer aka Manhunter might have inherited powers because she's survived things that should have killed her (but you...
  6. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Well what bothers me about the Brazil arc is that DC's Hugo Danner major problem with Hitler was that Hitler wasn't out to kill enough people. Hugo didn't set up the Sons of Dawn to conquer Brazil as in superhuman feudalism ala Worm. No, Hugo set up the Sons of Dawn to conquer Brazil as in...
  7. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    So I take it some of the weirdness with the game team was because of Simpson instead of the ALE. Because a demon getting a job as a video game designer seems like the kind of thing Paul would want to encourage otherwise.
  8. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Oh actually now I'm reminded of a series DC had ICandy. Basically Nintendo Special Forces are the thin line between Earth and the Things Beyond the Video Game Screen That Hate Us and totally want to enact the Pixels short. Until a kid playtests a video game and uses character creation to make...
  9. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    There was a storyline in which the Calculator was looking for virtual crystals in Not Second Life that were representations of pieces of the Anti-Life Equation. He had crystals carved in real life to gain ALE power which he intended to help his daughter who was comatose, but while his ALE...
  10. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    In at least one version it was xenophobia. Didn't want their perfection marred by inferior genes, inferior technology, inferior ideas. Basically "Stay off my lawn!" on a planetary level.
  11. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Wally had a dream induced by the Key where he had a Speed Force Ring given to him by the New God Fastbak. The fact it was a dream doesn't mean it's not real somewhere. In fact DC validated Kyle's dream by introducing the Weaponeers, the Qwardians' cyborgs elite units. Weaponeer 666 has a...
  12. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Anyone else disappointed that Gravy didn't state that his skin condition is because of steroid use as a sarcastic confession?
  13. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    She is in her prime, but she's choosing to look older "Azula has similar attitudes towards personal decay that I do, her eighty-five year old body looking perhaps a third of that. She only started allowing her hair to grey in places when people assuming that she was a lot younger than her true...
  14. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Never read the series but I've heard of it- Lovecraftian tradecraft series in which magic is applied mathematics which connects one to another dimension where microscopic Lovecraftian beasties who think brain matter is delicious live, so it's safer to make computer programs that let cell phones...
  15. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    No, that's pretty much par for the course, except for the hydrokinesis which he didn't get until after Flashpoint. In the comics he has the physical power to go toe to toe with Kryptonian level threats and has enough telepathy to defeat Martians and power ring bearers.
  16. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Different universes being fictional to each other is old hat in DC. Julius Schwartz helped Barry Allen build the Cosmic Treadmill in 1968 when Barry accidented traveled to Earth Prime (aka our world according to DC lore). Cary Bates murdered the Justice Society in 1974, but they were...
  17. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Do you want paradooms? Because that's how you end up with paradooms.
  18. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Yeah, American Boy is the most memorable of that group. For those who didn't read that storyline, the government got a nice patriotic young soldier to volunteer for an experiment to make him immune to biological and chemical weapons, if memory serves. What they didn't tell the poor schmuck...
  19. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Yeah I'm not seeing Brannon being a serious threat to WW at all. Heck, I might be misremembering their storyline, but I don't even remember them coming across as a valid threat to Superman, despite all of them being Kryptonite powered. Or to be more specific, their biggest advantage seemed...
  20. Stsword

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    I'm a Texan, I could go on about what a polite understatement that is, but I don't feel a need to get dinged under QQ's no politics rule.