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Search results for query: *

  1. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    That's reasonable. I think it's justified in using this system for Requiem, since the game it was designed for was supposed to be an open-world game with multiple possible endings and distinct storylines based upon the player decision. Most of the major characters can be allies in some story...
  2. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Fair enough... how's "The story of a young necromancer trying to find her way in a world which has no place for her." work for you? Also, second post goes into a whole lot more detail on the story and setting. Yeah, I am fully aware of that. But with all the people saying they followed the...
  3. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    ... Of course, I can't help but notice that a fic that ended 3 years and 8 months ago gets more attention from an omake in one day than my newest project has received in the last 10 days. So, y'know, figuring out how to process that.
  4. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    I know, right? Kinda makes ME wanna reread. But maybe later. For now I'll just focus on writing my new story. Adorafying necromancer... because apparently I can't escape body horror stories. Exactly! I was shocked, myself. I mean, I was the one who encouraged her to post in the story thread...
  5. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Yeah, I thought these were lovely looks into the post-ending universe and characters, so I provided just enough corrections to make sure they were "canon compliant", and now I'll go ahead and threadmark them as canon omakes. Everyone thank the nice person for adding to the story and making me...
  6. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    To be fair, tigers are cats. And getting one's balls cut off with scissors sounds like pretty clear torture.
  7. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Thank you. Please check out my original stuff. I think it's better. :p Psst. That's my job. Damn little boys and their imaginary tigers. Time to go get my imaginary neutering scissors. And my real neutering scissors.
  8. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Hey. I can think of worse compliments than being compared to Orson Wells. Tvtropes has a review comparing me to Ang Lee and Kubrick in basically the same breath. Granted... it's in an almost back-handed compliment sort of way, with some 'it's a work of art... the story's so smart that if you're...
  9. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    What I'm becoming confused by is where my new readers keep coming from. I presume my story's come up in conversation somewhere, but I'm not sure where that somewhere is.
  10. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    337.5 (Linked on 337). 404 (linked thereabouts). And to date two epilogue smut chapters focused on Riley, Theo and Missy's engagement and "celebration". Hehe. Easiest way to find those is here. http://archiveofourown.org/works/3998737/chapters/10548360 And for my OTHER erotica... of which...
  11. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    And thank you for the glowing review. Can you believe there are still people who refuse to read this because they think it's just lesbian sex and power wanking? I strive to do my best. PS- read my original work. :p It's a lot stronger written than this story... especially the early chapters...
  12. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    For those still watching this... here's your update. https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/price-death-of-a-hero.2083/#post-414221 Price is now up and running. With Zach getting his ass handed to him in glorious fashion.
  13. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Good idea! I'll keep that in mind with Price. :p
  14. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    See, now, this is the kind of thing I like to see. Dialogue.
  15. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Not until they were well past the point of saying "no". I mean, ch 67 is when they first activated the bond. Figuring out just how completely mindrapey that was didn't come until a while later.
  16. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Fair enough. . You're kinda forgetting the part where the outside source is using mind control, which is a little different than what you list there. Be more like the computers in the matrix selecting who you're supposed to love and then forcing you to do so without your consent. Or even...
  17. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    See, and I have no problem with that. But it would have been nice to hear it said a bit. At least then it would feel like it was noticed instead of just ignored entirely. It's a matter of seeing feedback- and I rarely felt like I got much of it during the course of Amelia. And what little I did...
  18. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    That's actually worse. Putting so much effort into things and then have them be missed... well, it's not something a writer enjoys. But feeling like it was ignored entirely by those that even did notice? That's not exactly wonderful. I mean, I started this because I enjoy writing and want to...
  19. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Tvtropes *is* a wiki.
  20. TanaNari

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Not that long. Also highly appreciated. As is the pretty pretty art. There's a theme? I was just throwing things at a wall and seeing what I enjoyed writing about. :p The transhumanist stuff was a definite part of that, and the whole ascending thing that started with basically the first...