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Search results for query: *

  1. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    The fic ended, but the "watch thread" option didn't get removed at the same time, so it has a pre-installed fanbase already in place to see it simply because it showed up in their alerts.
  2. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    QQ didn't for quite awhile while we were small enough that necroing only brought something up 5 pages at most, but now that the list is much longer it's generally a good idea to keep it to a minimum before it gets out of control. I think we have the 'unless large relevant content' addendum in...
  3. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Luckily Taylia has had several centuries to figure out how to create intergalactic ninja space grasshoppers in preparation for the ascendency of Zachma.
  4. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    A suitably epic ending and in a method I have theorized but hadn't thought of doing this way. My version was always another Entity going the Avalon route just because it's more efficient, my usual suspect being Abbadon with the whole of Worm being his PtV'd method of disposing of both of them...
  5. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    A Seed AI grown in a vacuum and only progressing by itself? No. A Seed AI with a shard boost to get it started and has examples of the Entity's own power and abilities to experiment and work from? Yes, because they will eventually be able to replicate everything the Entity is able to do but...
  6. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    They can't be completely unshackled, Defiant might have managed his panicked escape without those tinkertech manacles she has installed by default.
  7. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    You know, I like that twist to that stupid theory. I get a lightsaber and the badguy gets a death star? Fuck that, I'll take the damn superweapon and he can have the laser sword! I never wanted a humming laser sword anyway....*sniffle*
  8. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    They're advancing themselves just as much, it's just not as noticeable because they're already so far up there. To use a loose analogy, and this isn't advertising a power levels debate it's just an example, going up by 1,000 points is pretty big when you only had 1,500 to begin with, but when...
  9. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    She respected Skitter for kicking ass and taking names right up until she found out she was Taylor, then Skitter was just weakling Hebert faking and hiding behind her teammates. Once she calmed down and watched Weaver fall into the same position Sophia was in and do it better, she then had a...
  10. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    She's fluffing her own ego. She is important and powerful after all, the only reason Taylor became anything is only because of Amelia. She's not so tough, Sophia kicked her around as Taylor and she could do the same thing when she's Khepri if she didn't cheat and have others fight for her...
  11. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    You're missing the obvious Scion killer. Cherish+Jack Slash+Tattletale Cherish is a bud, a new power not in Scion's library, that targets his only functional weakness, Jack to get him to actually listen, and Tattletale to find out what to poke while he's listening. Brute force fails 100%...
  12. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    I think I see the problem. The brainmods are artificial, something sewn into their grey matter to alter what it does and this is extremely obvious since it doesn't match the surroundings. The answer if they REALLY wanted a solution is beyond simple. Pavlovian training. Give Taylor an...
  13. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Not only that but spies are pretty much pointless on Avalon. Without Tinkertech Beacons or the individual in question being a Tinker themselves to make one to guide in dimensional portals, the spy is going to accomplish pretty much nothing. They have absolutely no chance of getting even...
  14. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    I was thinking about referring to that but it doesn't quite count as 'Extreme Limb Loss' because her body is still whole. She's not in it anymore, but her body only has relatively minor problems compared to being fully vaporized.
  15. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Pretty much this. 'Losing limbs' only counts if being cloned isn't the only way to recover from said loss. The only real thing that beats this would be having her entire body get vaporized while her mind offloads itself to the shard/swarm and she continues on in that fashion as a disembodied...
  16. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    They didn't even bother digitally editing the report. They just took a pen, scratched out 'CUI' on the printout, and wrote in 'terrorist organization' above it before submitting it to the various interested parties.
  17. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    I'm always sad to see authors say this. I mean it's awesome that you will potentially be making money from all this effort but often times the author in question, not necessarily Tananari in specific this is a pseudo-rant for the general situation, drop fanfics entirely to become...
  18. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    The part that I'm most amused about is the fact that his heritage is mostly British while he himself is Australian. I know there's a joke about how Australia was original for British convicts and speculation on that but I can't get it to form right.
  19. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Two theories on Lisa actively being bitchy here. To tweak Accord. Entirely possible and well within her canon personality. Dinah gave better odds if they are thrown into the mission without a proper briefing about what is coming. You can't overthink details you don't know after all.
  20. doomlord9

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    We did that on accident. Had a jug of some non-hard cider but by the time we got around to drinking it, it had a distinct tangy bite to it. Of course we discovered this when the 3-7 year old kids got the first glasses and were going on and on about how awesome it was. It wasn't actual hard...