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Search results for query: *

  1. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Or just arranged marriages. "Do not call your mother an alien again!"
  2. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Also, Wikipedia is a TVTrope: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Wiki/Wikipedia
  3. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    "Good thing we have all these ascended pairbond clones lying around."
  4. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Since you have Scion die on screen due to him being a dumbass and not seeing something obvious right in front of his face, something which any human-ego equivalent AI like Dragon would have picked up on, I'm not sure this WoG is actually consistent with your own canon. Entities are equivalent...
  5. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    They have brain-scanning tech and a seed AI. There is no reason for anyone, anywhere, to ever die from anything before the heat death of the universe, if that even happens.
  6. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    And for her to make him a sandwich, composed of every human-populated iteration of the Earth. Even the cutest eldritch abominations lose their charm when their stated goal is the extermination of humanity and the destruction of my stuff. Q: "Will I be betrayed by someone I trust?" A...
  7. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Taylia: - Abandoned two individual identities, merging instead into a gestalt organism; and - Spends all her time saving billions of lesser beings from cosmic bullies for no direct personal benefit. Why does she do this? "Dedication to the individual!" [HEH] IMHO the lesson is less about...
  8. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Alternately, use the NSFW forum. It won't be the most perverse thing on there, I'm sure. [CHARACTERIZATION] [EDITING] [PLOTLINE] [EDITING] The natural enemy of the Entity... the Edity.
  9. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Now I'm imagining Scion is not actually a god, but rather a spacewhale 4chan script kiddie. Pathetic? Bored? Destroying worlds for teh lulz? It hangs together a bit too well. "Hey Scion, thanks for stopping that natural disaster!" [ANONDELIVERS] "Hey Scion, what's up with the lack of...
  10. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    So the moral of this story seems to be: - Teen lesbian relationships are okay as long as they also involve a (naturally superior and dominant) male figure. Otherwise, they're unstable. - The only happy relationships are between older males and younger species females. - Taylor, when...
  11. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Wow, badass chapter. Oh look, it's canon.
  12. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Neat fight so far. Much more organized than the shameful brawl that happened in canon. Mildly surprised nobody made clones of Doormaker and Clairvoyant and fed them to GU, else she could pull a few of canon!Khepri's tricks. Not all her tricks, of course, but a few. It's a little odd that...
  13. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    It's pretty accurate, though. Have you seen how cheerful TanaNari is about the whole "darkest fix fic" thing? Just because it's a love affair between two pod-person replacements for emotionally broken teens mediated by eldritch abominations from the stars doesn't mean it's not true love...
  14. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Scion uses Primus~y. Welcome to the Seas of Cheese.
  15. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Scion: [BOTH] Amelia, Clarice and Ciara: "Being dead is hardly an excuse to shirk one's marital vows."
  16. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    I thought PtV was useless when it came to Entity stuff, including manipulation. It's weird that GU would keep her Contessa ghost when she ought to know pretty rapidly that it's worthless. The other two ghosts make sense, especially Jack, but the Serpent seems contra-indicated. If this was a...
  17. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Australia. Or was that a trick question? Biotinkers presumably collect odd things. If it's weird, you should expect to see seven of it in Riley / Blasto / Emma's labs.
  18. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Yeah, that was my assumption of what Dragon meant when she thanked Lisa, since she'd need Cauldron to do the heavy lifting of asking Doormaker to make a door, plus Avalon to give those people a place to live where the Birdcage wouldn't be a future risk. I don't think Dragon can do that on her...
  19. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    [PROPOSAL] [ACCEPTANCE] [HONEYMOON] [ACCEPTANCE] Only Chevalier can actually see them exchange vows.
  20. evildice

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    What the hell did you THINK the other one was talking about? That was not informative at all. The canon quote differs significantly. There's nothing in the present story that would seem to contradict canon, in spite of the lemons omake, so why would you think this?