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Search results for query: *

  1. Fanfic Search Thread

    nope dawg but thanks for the fic
  2. Fanfic Search Thread

    I've proably posted here but in case I haven't I'm looking for a dxd fic where the Mc(shota) is a reincarnator from our world, how original I know right Buuuuut he hates devils and the fic basically puts realism on what the devils would be like or should be like completely giant peoces of...
  3. Fanfic Search Thread

    I am looking for a fanfiction where a dude dies and gets stuck as a ghost with these chains connected to him Then he is forced to interact with main characters to try to help them but sometimes fuckes it up, The first world was either evegalion or naruto Other worlds was legend of Zelda...
  4. Fanfic Search Thread

    Thank you
  5. Fanfic Search Thread

    I have been looking for a rwby fanfiction for A looooong time where the premise is that a si/oc gets transported to remnant right buy instead of him getting a new/upgraded body like most transfiguration he's still "irl" form and fir those who dint get it imagine a rwby charecter any will do...
  6. Fanfic Search Thread

    Thank you I'm new here so I didn't know about rhat thread Can you pls post the link to it I'm kinds crap at these controls? Buttons? Features?
  7. Fanfic Search Thread

    I need help my fellow consumers and writers, i am in a dire need of assistance to find a fic or another fics like this specific rwby fic. Now I can't remember the name but I can remember the premise of which the Mc got transfered to remnant but with a twist he didn't get turned into a...