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Search results for query: *

  1. daimahou

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Another similarity then, the story follows the MC at 5 years old too for a whie... https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/gandalfr-murderhobo-familiar-of-zero-skyrim-dropped.4064/page-7#post-879479
  2. daimahou

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Was that here on QQ? The only one I remember is one that started in Zero no Tsukaima, and somehow dragged along Louise to Skyrim...
  3. daimahou

    Fanfic Search Thread

    tried even this? https://www.fanfiction.net/X-overs-and-Final-Fantasy-VII-Crossovers/29/527/?&srt=1&r=10
  4. daimahou

    Fanfic Search Thread

    thank you!
  5. daimahou

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Looking for a Harry Potter one-shot. It basically went like this; Harry mastered Occlumency because Dumbledore always obliviated (here occlumency negates it) him when it came to a certain topic. Which was IIRC Sirius taking custody of Harry, he went into what Sirius did up until his...
  6. daimahou

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Looking for a Harry Potter one-shot. It had Harry waking up in a girl's body, with the whole cast also genderbent. And I mean everyone, even the professors. (Imagane Snape as a woman with the same hair...) Anyway, the headmistress can't help with the situation so he goes to sulk. Then comes...