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Search results for query: *

  1. doug89

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Sounds vaguely familiar to me. Did she end up making a twin, and later had a competition with herself for who could munchkin a particular power (libromancy I think?) the hardest in one day?
  2. doug89

    Fanfic Search Thread

    https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-adventures-of-the-young-missy-biron-and-aisha-laborn-girl-guides-extraordinaire-worm-au.349580/ https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/panorama-and-plague-worm-au.483619/
  3. doug89

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Rise of the All-Mother (Worm X-Over) by Cambrian
  4. doug89

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Sounds interesting. Do you happen to remember if this was part of a one-shot, a snip, or a part of a larger story?
  5. doug89

    Fanfic Search Thread

    I'm looking for a specific Naruto fanfiction author on fanfiction.net. He wrote a lot of overpowered Naruto/Hinata stuff. One major detail I remember is that Hinata treated Naruto like a teddy bear (lots of hugging and snuggling) and had a pet name for him, and I think also stroked his whiskers...
  6. doug89

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Thanks, you were right. Specifically I was thinking of A Day in the Life Redux Pt. 1 and A Day in the Life Redux Pt. 2.
  7. doug89

    Fanfic Search Thread

    I've misplaced a Worm smut-fic. Two or three chapters of Aisha aka Imp using her stranger power to have unaware sex with Glory Girl, Panacea, and Laser Dream.
  8. doug89

    Fanfic Search Thread

    I'm trying to remember a fic where an insanely powerful and horribly evil self insert is interacting with Coil from Worm when Tattletale mouths off to him. In response he (the SI) removes her limbs and give her to the mercs for the night as an onahole as punishment. It might be the same fic...
  9. doug89

    Fanfic Search Thread

    There was a story I read that talked about getting along with certain people requires understanding their true nature. It was set during their school years. If I remember correctly it gave three examples: 1. Treat everything Luna says and you say to Luna literally. 2. Treat Molly Weasley as...