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Search results for query: *

  1. Fanfic Search Thread

    This is the 'I once (read/heard about) a fic where X happens, but now I can't (remember the name/find a surviving copy); can anyone help me out?' thread, not the 'I like X and I'm looking for recommendations' thread.
  2. Fanfic Search Thread

    Was the game it was based on Girls Frontline?
  3. Fanfic Search Thread

    This is the 'I once (read/heard about) a fic where X happens, but now I can't (remember the name/find a surviving copy); can anyone help me out?' thread, not the 'I like X and I'm looking for recommendations' thread.
  4. Fanfic Search Thread

    Sorry. Misread your post and thought you were looking for generic 'Percy is edgy and takes over the camp' fic recs.
  5. Fanfic Search Thread

    This is the 'I once (read/heard about) a fic where X happens, but now I can't (remember the name/find a surviving copy); can anyone help me out?' thread, not the 'I like X and I'm looking for recommendations' thread.
  6. Fanfic Search Thread

    Trying to find 2 Harry Potter fics I read probably 15+ years ago on FF.net. In both cases, all I remember is a single scene/plot point, which I hope someone else will recognise. #1: A particular newsperson (I don't think it was Skeeter; maybe the editor of the Daily Prophet?) had been...
  7. Fanfic Search Thread

    Dreaming of Sunshine. The SI genuinely loves her new family (the Nara clan) and adopts their ways wholeheartedly. She admittedly recognises and dislikes the way the entire village system is a social and propaganda machine for turning out loyal child soldiers, but a) she doesn't blame her family...
  8. Fanfic Search Thread

    She had a claim on her brother, and thus the right to challenge the queen for his freedom. She didn't have any claim on the handmaiden, or at least none the fae would recognize.
  9. Fanfic Search Thread

    Not actually a fanfic, but a short story I read once: Young woman intercepts the fairy queen and her hunting party and challenges her for the life and freedom of her ensorcelled brother. Queen subjects her to various pains and torments, but she pulls through. The twist is, when she's won, she...
  10. Fanfic Search Thread

    Not actually a fanfic, but a published classic SF short story: The US, instead of inventing nukes as we know them, invented nuclear dust which acted as basically the ultimate poison gas. They used the threat of them to declare worldwide hegemony, on the basis that if they didn't do so now...
  11. Fanfic Search Thread

    Cross-posting this from another thread: I vaguely recall a fic that actually ran with that idea. Richter gave Dragon a built-in sense of morality that was supposed to include protecting the species, on the assumption that Dragon would consider herself part of humanity. Unfortunately, testing...
  12. Fanfic Search Thread

    Are you looking for a recommendation, or are you trying to find a particular story you read previously?
  13. Fanfic Search Thread

    Wayback Machine FTW This one, by TallMan0029, yes?
  14. Fanfic Search Thread

    NSFW Fanfic Search thread
  15. Fanfic Search Thread

    C'mon... first hit is free...
  16. Fanfic Search Thread

    'Skitter Facts' have been a meme since 2013, but it sounds like you're thinking of this omake from A Tale of Transmigration. Was it NSFW or crack? I'm pretty sure I've read a crack snippet which had Hermione arranging for Harry to end up in a closet with a Slytherin girl. I think it was in...
  17. Fanfic Search Thread

    Not actually a fic but an original work I read once: 'Realistic' superhero-world reconstruction story, a la Worm or Wearing the Cape Started with the main character, a teenage girl, in a police station, trying to report that her father - the city's most celebrated superhero - had attempted to...
  18. Fanfic Search Thread

    First thing that comes to mind is Dreaming of Sunshine, which is a huge Naruto self-insert. Note that the early parts have something of a Stations of the Canon problem, but that gets better after the Sasuke Retrieval arc, and everything past the start of the timeskip is entirely original...
  19. Fanfic Search Thread

    The Rules of Acquisition.
  20. Fanfic Search Thread

    So, I finally tracked these down (after nearly 5 years!); they're the work of Pigblossom (later known as Rubber Panda); however his FF.net profile has been wiped and his stories taken down; fortunately Wayback Machine seems to have a complete archive of them.