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Search results for query: *

  1. steamrick

    Fanfic Search Thread

    There's also the fact that a Thinker Headache is supposed to be worse than a migraine and even a regular headache is not conducive to arousal.
  2. steamrick

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Seriosly, does anyone know where that one went? I've looked for it again few days ago and still couldn't find it.
  3. steamrick

    Fanfic Search Thread

    I can think of two fics where various people have gotten trapped inside Power Girl, but not a kryptonian battle suit...
  4. steamrick

    Fanfic Search Thread

    Very much so. Earlier today I sent my dad a link to a very interesting but ultimately trivia video... or so I thought. (This video) Turns out... it's completely relevant to what he's working on right now. The more you learn...
  5. steamrick

    Fanfic Search Thread

    I can't seem to find the quest/fic where taylor got a random new power every day, with the strength decided by a dice roll. I remember resurrection (Taylor's mom and Hero), Island Creation and the ability to kill anything being particularly noteable.