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Search results for query: *

  1. Grosstoad

    Log Horizon [Fate-System]

    They aren't AIs? It's all magic, so might be closer as Stubborn Native Craftswoman, with 'Am I Good Enough?' Trouble.
  2. Grosstoad

    Log Horizon [Fate-System]

    Also, about place, where do we want to start? Standard Japan? Or Standard US? Or the more rare Europe? (There will be no South-East Asian Server...)
  3. Grosstoad

    Log Horizon [Fate-System]

    I'll put forward these two first. High Concept: Armored Rampager Trouble: Loose Cannon
  4. Grosstoad

    Log Horizon [Fate-System]

    If I get this correctly, we each need: - Aspects: What defines your character (3-5) -- High Concept: Who your character is, can give bonuses and complications -- Trouble: Your character's flaw, will almost always bring your character trouble -- Other: Various other Aspects of your character...
  5. Grosstoad

    Log Horizon [Fate-System]

    Why not? I only have one experience with Fate-like system before. One or two Fudges. Typically plays 3.5e, 4e, and PF. Used to like d20 Modern and derivates. Have a bit of experience with GURPS, a lot more with Mutants and Masterminds. Played a couple of OWoDs, learned but never played NWoD...