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Search results for query: *

  1. Vanathor

    Log Horizon [Fate-System]

    This may be useful for you to read: http://log-horizon.wikia.com/wiki/People_of_the_Land
  2. Vanathor

    Log Horizon [Fate-System]

    Okay so here is the details I have worked out: We are going to be using Fate Core for our text, for the system . This is going to be our primary resource: http://fate-srd.com/ It is basically the entire Fate Core text in a searchable website form. It is perfectly legal due to the source...
  3. Vanathor

    Log Horizon [Fate-System]

    I'll try to arrange a time everyone can be on IRC to talk it over, and do it collaboratively, but right now I am waiting for abyssmal_kismet to get back to me.
  4. Vanathor

    Log Horizon [Fate-System]

    Yesh. Sounds le awesome. Any luck with your research? Those are fine :) Pending responses to asked questions this may end up going ahead.
  5. Vanathor

    Log Horizon [Fate-System]

    So this is just a thread to see who might possibly be interested in participating in it, which looks likely given the IRC conversations. Just three important things to understand: I am looking for four to five players maximum. Please note this is not first come first serve - I reserve the...