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Search results for query: *

  1. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    I find myself imagining this as the opening scene of a fairly dark anime. Not sure that it necessarily counts as Safe For Work, though that depends on where you work.
  2. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    At least the BBC used more than one quarry, and sometimes multiple quarries per episode (example of nerdyness: someone went out and plotted most of them, with some nice pictures for a lot). SG1 seemed to go to the same forest over and over again, to the point that I would not be surprised if...
  3. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    My immediate thought is 'entering the pyramid,' but that may be mostly due to watching a video on the Ancient Architects YouTube channel today.
  4. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    'Rope tied to an ankle' is a painful safety measure if you need to use it, but it's better than none at all.
  5. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    Huh. The face is a lot more visible as a thumbnail. Makes sense, since she's also more visible from across the room.
  6. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    'Costumes' can also fall within 'Dungeons and Dragons,' though admittedly not in the games that I recall being in. Some players and gaming groups just like to 'half-LARP' by dressing as their characters while sitting at the table.
  7. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    One of the people who died was a nineteen-year-old who only went because he wanted to spend time with his father.
  8. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    I think that we can say that that post aged poorly. It is sad that the idiot in charge took four others with him when his stupidity punched his ticket.
  9. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    My immediate thought is Hela, not 'female Odin,' but I don't think Hela had Hugin and Munin.
  10. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    One of the most realistic parts of the setting.
  11. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    I feel like I'm missing something, as I doubt that the reason is just 'hey, it looks kind of like a paw print, except for the white one.' Possibly it's related to media that I've forgotten or never consumed? EDIT: Also, now I'm hungry.
  12. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    Well, the caption/tagline/whatever seems like a reason to stay away from her, but tastes differ on that (and of course, she's probably joking... but do you really want to take that risk?).
  13. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    It says sad things about humanity that the group being complained about are common enough that the complaint isn't even unusual.
  14. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    If she can do it well, she might be able to use it to communicate.
  15. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    I could see that as either the start of an anime, or the end... or possibly both. I have kids-in-giant-robots thoughts in my head now.
  16. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    Bear's brain is bigger and more advanced.
  17. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    It look like they're armed with Martini-Henry rifles, and late-medieval shortswords or not-too-long arming swords.
  18. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    ... ew. Sadly, this happens a lot, and not just in Alabama.
  19. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    ... yeah, that was inevitably going to be needed, with a name like that.
  20. Prince Charon

    The SFW image thread

    I am sad and disturbed that this is entirely plausible.