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Search results for query: *

  1. The SFW image thread

    Another entry from the SB advertising blunders thread: .... Really hope that the fellow in charge doesn't go by the name of Jones....
  2. The SFW image thread

  3. The SFW image thread

  4. The SFW image thread

    Something else from SB's advertising blunders thread- some 1972-vintage slogans that have aged in a way that make them seem more like something relevant to the particular interests of this board, rather than a presidential election campaign:
  5. The SFW image thread

    If, while restoring your vintage British car, you've replaced the wiring with something that actually works like it's supposed to, but you still want it to appear to be a fully accurate restoration, then this is the product for you:
  6. The SFW image thread

    Found in the advertising blunders thread on SB- talk about things that have aged badly....
  7. The SFW image thread

    Fruit Collider Mouse-over text: The most delicious exotic fruit discovered this way is the strawberry banana. Sadly, it's only stable in puree form, so it's currently limited to yogurt and smoothies, but they're building a massive collider in Europe to search for a strawberry banana that...
  8. The SFW image thread

    Fissile Raspberry Isotopes Mouse-over text: Grandma's shelf-stable blackberry pie meson recipe was a huge seller until her farm was shut down by a joint FDA/NRC investigation. https://xkcd.com/2504/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2504:_Fissile_Raspberry_Isotopes
  9. The SFW image thread

    No, The Other One Mouse-over text: Key West, Virginia is not to be confused with Key, West Virginia. https://xkcd.com/2480/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2480:_No,_The_Other_One
  10. The SFW image thread

  11. The SFW image thread

    Bad Opinions Mouse-over text: I thought of another bad opinion! I couldn't find anyone who expressed it specifically, but still, the fact that I can so easily imagine it is infuriating! I'm gonna tell everyone about it! https://xkcd.com/2051/...
  12. The SFW image thread

    Unfulfilling Toys Mouse-over text: We were going to do a falling-apart Rubik's cube that was just 27 independent blocks stuck together with magnets, but then we realized it was actually really cool and even kind of worked, so we cut that one. https://xkcd.com/2049/...
  13. The SFW image thread

    X Girls Y Cups Mouse-over text: Also no results: 1girl10000cups, 2girls(5+3i)cups, 65536girls65536cups, or 3frenchhens2turtledoves1cup. https://xkcd.com/467/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/467:_X_Girls_Y_Cups
  14. The SFW image thread

    Spotted on the front page of the local ABC affiliate's website:
  15. The SFW image thread

  16. The SFW image thread

    From https://jalopnik.com/heres-new-slightly-offensive-license-plate-mottos-for-e-1845741318
  17. The SFW image thread

  18. The SFW image thread

  19. The SFW image thread

    Damaged and destroyed aircraft at NAS Ford Island during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The fireball and plume of smoke in the background is from a large ammunition explosion aboard the destroyer USS Shaw.
  20. The SFW image thread

    The battleships West Virginia, Tennessee, and Arizona during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor