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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to yet another Game of Fate and Destiny!
This time though, we've...


Confirmed Idiot
Nov 19, 2018
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Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to yet another Game of Fate and Destiny!
This time though, we've brought you something a little special! While perusing the omniverse for contestants, we found a rather interesting young lady, one Sarah Nelson, who possesses a rather malleable soul, compatible with a show we've had in mind for a while now.

After making a few tweaks, Miss Nelson has been moved from her home universe to one of our choosing. Ordinarily, that'd be the end of it; she'd have to clear that world's Destiny in order to win. BUT! This time, thanks to the flexibility of her soul, we were able to place her in a Loop of universes!

To put it more simply, Miss Nelson will wake up in her first world, which we'll call World A. Then, after she goes to sleep, she'll wake up in World B. Then she'll wake up in World C, then World D, and so on, until she closes the loop, and wakes up in World A the day after she went to sleep there in the first place. Injuries and physical items won't be carried over between worlds, but powers and the results of physical training will. Sounds complicated? Well, maybe, but that's where all of you come in, our beloved Audience!

You see, Miss Nelson is unfamiliar with these worlds, as shocking as it may seem, and as such, she hasn't got an inkling of how they work or what their stories are. However, we've equipped her soul with the standard feature for all our shows, the Interdimensional Chatroom!

With it, she can ask you for advice on what actions to take, starting with the creation of her Avatar for each world. Your answers can be delivered via the Voting Option as always, but feel free to include some persuasive remarks to improve your chances of success! She doesn't necessarily need to follow your advice though, so try to give helpful answers when she asks for aid, or she might start ignoring you!

We've also equipped her with an Achievement Hunter, a rewards system that powers her up a little when she does something particularly impressive or creative, so don't be afraid to push her to try new and crazy ideas!

Like we said before, the objective for each universe is to clear that world's Destiny. You'll probably know what it is once the world is introduced, and completing that objective will see our lovely contestant's time in that universe coming to an end shortly afterwards. There are rewards for clearing a universe, of course, but some will be more difficult to complete than others.

Of course, this doesn't mean much if we don't show you what Worlds are in the Loop, after all! So here they are, chosen by popular demand from the voices in our head!
World A- Avatar: The Last Airbender
World B- My Hero Academia
World C- RWBY

World D- Worm

But that's not all! Every few loops, you, our beloved Audience will be given the choice to expand the Loop, adding new universes to Miss Nelson's challenge. Try not to make things too hard too fast though! After all, if she dies in any of the universes, that's GAME OVER!

Now then, let's get started with the debut of our Game of Fate and Destiny: Multiverse Edition!
Avatar: Day 0 (Character Creation)
Sarah blinked.

That was odd in and of itself, considering she wasn't sure she'd ever been able to blink in a dream.

She'd had strange dreams before, but none that were just herself floating in a vast, empty blackness.

After a few moments, text began to appear before her, the words being read as they appeared by some booming, vaguely feminine disembodied voice.

Welcome, dear contestant, to the first ever Game of Fate and Destiny: Multiverse Edition!

Miss Nelson, congratulations! While perusing the omniverse for contestants, we've found you to be the very first applicable candidate for our newest show, thanks to your very special soul!

"Um?" Sarah tried to interrupt, but the voice steamrolled over her, like it was pre-recorded.

You've been chosen to visit not one, not two, but four universes to try and complete the Destinies of those worlds! To put it in layman's terms, something is going to happen in each of these worlds, a story, if you will. Your task as our contestant is to do your best to reach the end of those stories, and though that ending doesn't necessarily need to be identical to that which is preordained, it is advisable to get close.

As for traveling between these universes, your body won't be making the trip. Instead, your mind and soul will slip between a different body in each universe each time you go to sleep for the day. Don't worry, a short nap won't do it. Your mind and soul will travel between these worlds in a circular loop, and time won't pass in these universes when you aren't present. The loop is currently four worlds long, but it might grow in the future...

Now, we know what you're thinking. And while these worlds might be completely foreign to you, you won't be making this journey alone! You'll be watched every step of the way by our viewers at home, and you'll find our beloved Audience is quite familiar with these worlds! They're rather knowledgeable about this sort of thing, so we've included a feature that'll allow you to ask them for advice! The Interdimensional Chatroom! A handy feature installed into the depths of your soul, you can use it to pose questions asking for advice when you reach a crossroads or need to make an important decision! You don't have to take their advice, but they might take it personally if you ignore them all the time! You've also been equipped with a second tool, which we'll call the Achievement Hunter! This one's got a passive effect. Basically, the more things you achieve, the stronger you'll become. Think of it as a reward system for doing impressive things.

Like we said before, the objective for each universe is to clear that world's Destiny. The Audience will be able to help you figure out what that is, and completing that objective will your time in that universe coming to an end shortly afterwards. There are rewards for clearing a universe, of course, but some will be more difficult to complete than others.

Of course, it wouldn't be a game if we didn't tell you how you lose. Not to worry, there's only one way to lose, and that's by dying in any of the universes! Don't worry about actually being dead, this'll just mean your soul gets returned to your original body without any of the prizes for winning.

Oh, the prizes? Well, the main one is Godhood. Capital-G Godhood, complete with your own personal universe. You don't even have to give up your original life to do it. Being a Capital-G God is convenient like that. There's other, less substantial prizes too, but that's the main one.

Now then, before you can get started in any of these worlds, you'll need to create your Avatar for that particular world.

This will be your body within that universe for the duration of the game. During your Avatar creation, you'll also be allowed to choose from a number of options to make your time in all the universes a little easier. Powers and Boons that will be available in each universe. Unfortunately, we haven't quite worked out how to help you move physical objects along with your soul, so any Items you acquire, either during the Avatar creation or otherwise, will stay in their original universe. Sorry about that.

Since you aren't exactly familiar with the worlds you'll be going to, we strongly suggest that you look to the Audience for advice in developing your build. For each of these universes, most of the choices you make here will be irreversible.

So! Without further ado, here's the Avatar Creation Sheet for the first world! Which, ironically enough, is called Avatar!

A wall of text not entirely unlike a game menu appeared in front of Sarah's face, complete with what seemed to be a translucent keyboard and checkboxes for selecting items. At the same time, she felt something...odd...appear inside her mind. It was like...oh, like a messageboard on the internet. Nothing was posted there yet, just a blank thread. At the top was the title: A Game of Fate and Destiny: Multiverse Edition.

So that was the Interdimensional Chatroom? And that was just...inside her head now?

Wait, hold on, back up.

If the disembodied voice was to be believed (and that was a massive 'if'), she was a contestant on some multi-dimensional game show? Had...had she applied to be a contestant for something like that? Or had she just been kidnapped in her sleep?

After what felt like twenty minutes (though she had no real way to tell), she gave up on waiting for things to change and started reading the menu in front of her.
Avatar: The Last Airbender

A world of great beauty, though it is currently embroiled in a 100-year war. Many people in this world possess the power to control one of the four classical elements: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. These people are called 'benders'. You will be starting in one of the four nations of this world, though which one depends on the choices you make. Your starting age will be fifteen, and we'll be making you a bender, of course. You'll arrive in late winter of the year 99 AG, 2 days before a pair of children from the Southern Water Tribe find a boy and his bison frozen in an iceberg.
  1. Appearance: Your exact appearance is largely up to the ethnicity of the nation you choose to hail from. However, if you want to choose some features, like being tall, or having long or short hair, you can choose that here.
    1. Write-in
  2. Nationality: This will determine your Element for bending and your ethnicity. It also dictates your starting clothes and location. Do note that you aren't expected to adhere to the philosophies and principles of the nation you choose, only that others may expect you to follow them, and perhaps take issue if you do not.
    1. Water Tribes: An adaptable and community-minded culture, they make their homes at the North and South Poles. Their philosophy is one of balance. Waterbending will allow you to manipulate water, as well as convert it to ice and steam at will. The strength of this power is tied to the phase of the moon.
    2. Earth Kingdom: A proud, tradition-centric culture, they possess the largest of the four nations. Their philosophy is one of conservativism, taking action only when necessary. Earthbending will allow you to manipulate rock and stone, and favors defensive might with powerful counterattacks.
    3. Fire Nation: The strongest nation in terms of military and economic might, their culture is both passionate and innovative. Their philosophy is one that favors quick action, and concerns itself more with the ends than the means. Firebending will allow you to control fire, and to generate it using your body heat as a catalyst. It's strength rises with the sun.
    4. Air Nomads: A now-extinct people, they were a nation of free-spirited pacifists. Their philosophy is one of peace, avoiding conflict rather than engaging in it. Airbending will allow you to manipulate the air around you. Unfortunately, they've all been wiped out, except for one, so your existence might attract a bit of attention. Finding a teacher might prove difficult too.
  3. Boons: Special skills to help you survive in this world. And, as a special treat, these Boons will accompany you to other worlds as well. They'll stack with other Boons with similiar effects too. You may take one for free, but any more will require you to take Banes to pay for them.
    1. Talented Bender: For all that can be said about training and hard work, there's always that extra edge that those with talent have over those without it. You are now on the favored side of that equation, possessing remarkable talent with your nation's element. You can learn new skills within your field with speed that amazes your teachers. And of course, you're simply better than others in terms of raw power. Your attacks just have a little bit more weight to them.
    2. Spiritually Attuned: Something about you resonates with the spirits of this world. They will rarely act aggressively towards you, and are willing to talk to you, at least for a little while. You can sense the presence of spirits and the Spirit World, and may even be able to cross over with practice. Even so, this Boon alone won't save you from having your face stolen, so be careful.
    3. Soldier: You've been trained as a soldier, giving you knowledge of your nation's preferred fighting styles and weapons. This applies to both your bending and non-bender approaches to combat. It also makes you a little better at keeping your cool in battle.
    4. Fine Control: Raw power is nice and all, but if there's one thing that demonstrates your sheer aptitude for your bending art, it's your precision. Bringing every raindrop to a halt in midair during a rainstorm. Molding a statue so perfect in its likeness that it could pass for the real thing. Thin jets of flame that cut through metal like swords. Controlling air currents so not a single speck of dust touches you. This is the level of control over an element is something masters spend lifetimes to achieve, and it comes to you rather naturally.
    5. Prodigy: Now this is something special, isn't it? You've somehow learned the secret to your bending art's specialist branches. If you're a waterbender, you can heal wounds with Lifebending, manipulate plant life with Plantbending, or puppet the bodies of others with Bloodbending. If you're an earthbender, you can sense vibrations through the earth, control metal via Metalbending, and create lava with lavabending. If you're a firebender, you can create blue flames, manipulate heat without flame, and shoot lightning. If you're an airbender, you can sense your surroundings through the air around you, create areas of extremely high pressure or even vacuums via Pressurebending, and project your spirit from your body. You only start with the most basic knowledge of these arts, but with training and effort, you could become a force to be reckoned with.
    6. Survivalist: It's a wild world out there, even without the war to consider. So what could be more valuable than knowing how to survive. What plants and animals you can eat. Where it's safe to pitch a tent in the wilderness. How to avoid dangerous animals. How to hunt for food. You might not know it all, but you know enough.
    7. Chi Blocking: You ever wonder how all those enemy benders would fare if they couldn't sling around their fancy elementalist powers? Well now you can find out! You possess knowledge of the art of chi blocking, a martial art that focuses on light, precise jabs targeting pressure points. Using it, you can disable a person's bending powers, or make their bodies go limp, or paralyze them. It doesn't work through thick armor though, and you have to be able to get in close. As an added benefit, this Boon makes you extraordinarily flexible.
  4. Items: Your abilities on their own might not be enough. These items may help you on your journey. You get one for free, the rest require Banes to acquire. As we mentioned earlier, items don't follow you between universes. Sorry about that.
    1. Bender's Weapon: A trademark tool all of your own, designed to supplement your bending powers. Waterskins for waterbenders, stone hammers or fans for earthbenders, a glider staff for airbenders, or dual broadswords for firebenders. Your weapon repairs or refills itself every other night. You can buy this more than once if you want extra copies of your weapon, or if you want weapons belonging to one of the other groups.
    2. Survival Gear: More than just the basics, this pack comes with all the essentials for living on the land; a tent, a map, flint and steel, simple rations, tools for setting traps and hunting for food, and so on. Your equipment always manages to stay in good condition, no matter the elements it suffers through.
    3. Master's Scrolls: A collection of scrolls covering the various forms and techniques for bending your particular element. Using these to guide your training will see your skills improve by leaps and bounds, though an actual teacher would be useful.
    4. A Mount: A faithful animal companion, large enough to carry you, a couple friends, and your stuff. Exactly what animal is up to you, though it has to be within reason. If you want a moose lion or something, go right ahead, but if you want one of the animals that taught the original benders, you'll have to be a bender of the appropriate element. You have an established bond with this animal, but if you mistreat it, it will abandon you. Also, if it dies, it stays dead, so take care of it. Feel free to give it a name while you're at it.
    5. Schematics: An assortment of blueprints and plans. Some of them are detailed maps of buildings, while others are of assorted machines, some of which look a bit...advanced for this society. They're not quite complete, but with time, you might be able to figure out how to make the weapons of war they display.
  5. Banes: Perhaps you want more skills? Well, they'll cost you. These Banes will provide you with extra dangers or challenges on your journey, but will also allow you to take more Boons or items in exchange. Unlike Boons, Banes do not carry over between universes, and they can only be used to buy things in this universe. One Bane will earn you one Boon or item.
    1. Unsure Footing: Instead of starting in a city within your native nation, you'll be starting somewhere else entirely. You'll still find yourself in a city, or at least a town, but the kingdom is chosen at random from the three other nations. Hope you packed a map.
      1. Dangerous Territory: Scratch that, the location isn't random at all. If you're from the Fire Nation, you'll be starting in the Northern Water Tribe capital at the North Pole. All other nationalities will be starting in the Capital City of the Fire Nation. You aren't really supposed to be here, and the residents will probably be looking for an excuse to throw you in jail. Try not to cause trouble, alright?
      2. Chopping Block: Or, just do that anyways. Now, you aren't just starting in hostile territory, you've already been captured. You start your journey imprisoned within the appropriate capital city, and are awaiting interrogation and execution. Your items have been taken from you. To say that escape will be difficult is an understatement.
    2. Culturally Insensitive: You have a knack, a talent even, for walking into a new environment and insulting the culture of the people there. Whether on purpose or by accident, you find a way to degrade their traditions, way of life, or customs. This won't lead to you being executed or anything, particularly if you apologize, but it'll certainly make it hard to make new friends. And you'll probably stick out like a sore thumb when you show up in an unfamiliar place.
    3. Wanted: You've committed a crime, or at least that's what you're accused of. The law enforcement of the nation where you committed the dastardly deed would like nothing more than to capture you and bring you to justice. You might be able to prove your innocence (if you are innocent), but that will take time and effort. If you take this with Chopping Block, the nation you're imprisoned by is the one holding you accountable for the crime. And your trial is coming much sooner.
    4. Pacifist: You're so peaceful, you couldn't hurt a fly. By which we mean you actually can't hurt a fly. Or a person, no matter how much they deserve it. Even considering taking lethal action against another will make you weak in the knees, and actually taking a life is literally impossible for you to pull off. If you happen to kill someone by accident, you'll fall into despair for a while, and your fear of accidentally killing someone again will grow.
    5. The Avatar: Congratulations! You're the Avatar! You've supplanted Aang's role in the story. As such, you need to fulfill his destiny and put an end to the 100-Year War. The Fire Nation will recognize you as such, and will react accordingly. If you take this with Chopping Block, you're imprisoned by the Fire Nation, and Fire Lord Ozai himself will be seeing to your executing when he arrives in two days. Oh, and in case you were getting any ideas, no, you aren't actually the Avatar, with any of the associated powers. Only one element for you. Good luck!
Sarah stared.
There was just...so much to unpackage here. She was able to understand most of what was written, though the comment about having her face stolen was concerning, but she didn't have much context to frame it in. After going back and forth between the different nationality options and surveying the Boons and Banes, she gave up and turned to the Chatroom in her head.
Then she tried dumping all the choices she had to make into it.
"Um. Any advice?"
Voting Options
[] Write-in


[][Talented Bender]
[][Spiritually Attuned]
[][Fine Control]
[][Chi Blocking]

[][Bender's Weapon]
[][Survival Gear]
[][Master's Scrolls]
[][A Mount]

[][Unsure Footing]
-[][Dangerous Territory]
--[][Chopping Block]
[][Culturally Insensitive]
[][The Avatar]

Well, now that that's all out of the way, here's an informational post to explain the Quest.

Basically, the voters in the Quest take on the role of 'the Audience' watching the show for their own entertainment. Voting is largely the same as in any other Quest, and we'd strongly prefer plan voting for any Character Creation parts. The only real difference is that any comments you include in the post where you vote will also be 'visible' to the Quest character. And rather than your votes being a way to dictate what the main character decides to do, this is an effort to sway the character's opinion, so justifying your votes isn't a bad idea. Don't worry about the popular vote being vetoed too often, but know that if the Quest character has reason to believe she's deliberately being screwed over one time too many, she might start to doubt your calls. Think of it as another stat to manage; a Social Link between the character and the Audience, so to speak. The exception to this is any character creation votes. The popular vote will always win for those.

This is basically a multi-cross Quest. Each round of the Loop consists of a single day spent in each setting. Physical items, injuries, and Banes won't follow the main character between settings, but powers, Boons, and gains from training will. Knowledge obtained from blueprint-style equipment can be applied in any setting, so long as the character can actually work from memory. It might be possible to bring items between worlds with an appropriate power.

Boons with the same or similar effects stack additively (unless they have a multiplicative effect, in which case they stack multiplicatively).

Achievement Hunter is our way of trying to reward unique, creative, or daring approaches to challenges.

Expanding the Loop is something we'll hold off on for now, but it's an option we'll include at some point. Feel free to give us suggestions for settings you want added to the Loop in the future.

Also, although we called this Quest A Game of Fate and Destiny: Multiverse Edition, that's just a name. There's no non-Multiverse Edition, or if there is one, it's not written by us.

Finally, for those wondering about lewd options? Uh, we really really suck at writing lewds. And writing a Quest where the voters are the audience of a game show literally telling the contestant to bang just doesn't seem appealing at all. Hence the Quest's placement in here, rather than in the NSFW section. But then why's it on QQ? Well...we kinda had trouble figuring out if we'd have been posting it in the right place on Spacebattles, so...here we are.

Feel free to ask us to clarify stuff.
Character Sheet
Character Sheet
  • The world of Avatar: The Last Airbender
    • Waterbending: the ability to manipulate water, ice, and snow through controlling chi within the user's body.
      Talented Bender: a boost to Sarah's growth rate and starting skill level with Waterbending
      Prodigy: allows Sarah to use the waterbending techniques Lifebending (healing), Plantbending (manipulation of plants), and Bloodbending (manipulating the blood within others)
      Fine Control: a boost to Sarah's ability to manipulate water with a higher level of precision
    • Sarah has the following equipment in the world of Avatar:
      -Bender's Weapon (waterskin)
    • Sarah suffers from the following Banes in the world of Avatar:
      - Unsure Footing: Sarah began her journey at one of the Air Temples
      - Wanted: Sarah is a wanted criminal within the Fire Nation
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Space reservation [2]
Don't really know what would go here, but we're saving it anyways.
That's the last of them though. Go nuts.
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[] Write-in

[X][Water] Next to fire this would be the best for defense and offense with the added bonus of being able to heal

[X][Talented Bender being able to learn fast is always a good thing.
[][Fine Control]
[X][Prodigy] this will give you healing powers, great for yourself as healing yourself mess survivalist a little less necessary, it can help you make way by healing others, and bribing people as in 'oh no you child is sick/hurt mr. mayor here I can fix that'

[X][Bender's Weapon] unlimited water again make survivalist unnecessary as well....water. Also healing. Healing is good.

[X][Unsure Footing] worst case the fire nation best be sneaky. Absolute best case the air temple before Aang arrives. Then there's second best chance to meet Toph

wanted if you are absolutely lucky you'll be wanted by the dead normadic air benders ego a free point! For fine control so you'll be a master in no time. But remember only go for this combo if you feel lucky. As you will be a prodigy fine control can be learned. Cause if you get this and end up in the fire nation..,,well things are going to be very tricky
[X] Write-in

[X][Air] Arguably the best defence [Doging and blocking] and offensive element. Had to be removed and nerfed, using pacifism, to justify why they hadn't conquered everyone.

[X][Talented Bender]
[X][Fine Control]

[X][Master's Scrolls] Allowing us to learn things much faster.

[X][Unsure Footing]
[X] looks like velma from scooby doo.

[X][Water] Next to fire this would be the best for defense and offense with the added bonus of being able to heal

[X][Talented Bender being able to learn fast is always a good thing.
[X][Prodigy] this will give you healing powers, great for yourself as healing yourself mess survivalist a little less necessary, it can help you make way by healing others, and bribing people as in 'oh no you child is sick/hurt mr. mayor here I can fix that'

[X][Bender's Weapon] unlimited water again make survivalist unnecessary as well....water. Also healing. Healing is good.

[X][Unsure Footing] worst case the fire nation best be sneaky. Absolute best case the air temple before Aang arrives. Then there's second best chance to meet Toph
[X] Plan: Fit for fighting
-[X] Being unusually fit, while not having any bulky muscles there's not much body fat here.
-[X] Earth
-[X] Chi Blocking
-[X] Master's Scrolls
-[X] Mount
--[X] Armadillo Lion
-[X] Unsure Footing

While i like the premise, a tip for how you structure your votes next time, rather then having the answer in brackets you should have the category in brackets, that's how you make a tasked vote, example [][Nationality] Earth

Being hopelessly lost somewhere you want a furry friend, that's why i took the armadillo lion not only will it be able to carry us places a lot quicker it's also useful for getting back home, or wherever we actually want to go, also Earthbending is the best way to disable enemies and the most abundant element, it's only if we're forced on top of a ship or iceberg we wont have material to work with.

Anyhow earth is maybe the least good for chi-blocking due to earth being one of the less mobile elements and got other ways to disable, but earth is very good at surprise strikes from anywhere by moving through the earth or blocking peoples sight with dust, and walls throwing them off,

main reason i was thinking of not taking chi blocking for a long time is because not taking a bending perk in a Avatar (partially) quest is like grand heresy
Well, since it seems people actually have an interest in seeing how this Quest pans out, we'll go for it.

With the votes as they currently stand, the build that will end up being chosen is as follows:

Avatar Creation Sheet: [Avatar]
[x] Being unusually fit, while not having any bulky muscles there's not much body fat there
[x] looks like velma from scooby doo.
[x][Talented Bender]
[x][Fine Control]
[x][Bender's Weapon]
[x][Unsure Footing]

Since we know how important something like the build that forms the foundation of a character is, we'll give y'all ~24 hours to raise any objections. After that, the vote will close and the chapter will be put out.
Well, since it seems people actually have an interest in seeing how this Quest pans out, we'll go for it.

With the votes as they currently stand, the build that will end up being chosen is as follows:

Since we know how important something like the build that forms the foundation of a character is, we'll give y'all ~24 hours to raise any objections. After that, the vote will close and the chapter will be put out.

just gonna say, if you want actual feedback you often need to summon people a lot of people only check for OP updates, aka posts by you with +500 words.

Ameraaaaaa, Rayrage, Brian Stewart, i summon thee to partake in the choices made!
Got no objections.

Simple question, how willing is she to use lethal or potentially lethal force?

Also, unsure footing could be overcome using water bending to move us around.

Water shoes/boots to stabilise us while trying to hide? It also works as training our stamina and knowledge and our fine control should be good enough to make it work.

People in Avatar have pretty linear movements during fights unless they can use air of fly with fire, using water to move around like spiderman or even as a stretchable rope will hopefully negate the movement buff and improve speed whilst fighting/running away.
Also, unsure footing could be overcome using water bending to move us around

it can't unsure footing means we start in a not newbie friendly area, we're basically just lost somewhere rather then having clear direction, it's not unsure footing as in bad at walking but unsure footing as we take our first steps into the new world we have no idea were we end up.

so we don't have a actual moment debuff, if you read my plan up above that's the very reason i went with a furry friend.

here's what everything do, feels odd to need to describe things that can be found on this very page since i expect people to know what they vote on.
  1. Appearance: Your exact appearance is largely up to the ethnicity of the nation you choose to hail from. However, if you want to choose some features, like being tall, or having long or short hair, you can choose that here.
    1. Write-in
  2. Nationality: This will determine your Element for bending and your ethnicity. It also dictates your starting clothes and location. Do note that you aren't expected to adhere to the philosophies and principles of the nation you choose, only that others may expect you to follow them, and perhaps take issue if you do not.
    1. Water Tribes: An adaptable and community-minded culture, they make their homes at the North and South Poles. Their philosophy is one of balance. Waterbending will allow you to manipulate water, as well as convert it to ice and steam at will. The strength of this power is tied to the phase of the moon.
    2. Earth Kingdom: A proud, tradition-centric culture, they possess the largest of the four nations. Their philosophy is one of conservativism, taking action only when necessary. Earthbending will allow you to manipulate rock and stone, and favors defensive might with powerful counterattacks.
    3. Fire Nation: The strongest nation in terms of military and economic might, their culture is both passionate and innovative. Their philosophy is one that favors quick action, and concerns itself more with the ends than the means. Firebending will allow you to control fire, and to generate it using your body heat as a catalyst. It's strength rises with the sun.
    4. Air Nomads: A now-extinct people, they were a nation of free-spirited pacifists. Their philosophy is one of peace, avoiding conflict rather than engaging in it. Airbending will allow you to manipulate the air around you. Unfortunately, they've all been wiped out, except for one, so your existence might attract a bit of attention. Finding a teacher might prove difficult too.
  3. Boons: Special skills to help you survive in this world. And, as a special treat, these Boons will accompany you to other worlds as well. They'll stack with other Boons with similiar effects too. You may take one for free, but any more will require you to take Banes to pay for them.
    1. Talented Bender: For all that can be said about training and hard work, there's always that extra edge that those with talent have over those without it. You are now on the favored side of that equation, possessing remarkable talent with your nation's element. You can learn new skills within your field with speed that amazes your teachers. And of course, you're simply better than others in terms of raw power. Your attacks just have a little bit more weight to them.
    2. Spiritually Attuned: Something about you resonates with the spirits of this world. They will rarely act aggressively towards you, and are willing to talk to you, at least for a little while. You can sense the presence of spirits and the Spirit World, and may even be able to cross over with practice. Even so, this Boon alone won't save you from having your face stolen, so be careful.
    3. Soldier: You've been trained as a soldier, giving you knowledge of your nation's preferred fighting styles and weapons. This applies to both your bending and non-bender approaches to combat. It also makes you a little better at keeping your cool in battle.
    4. Fine Control: Raw power is nice and all, but if there's one thing that demonstrates your sheer aptitude for your bending art, it's your precision. Bringing every raindrop to a halt in midair during a rainstorm. Molding a statue so perfect in its likeness that it could pass for the real thing. Thin jets of flame that cut through metal like swords. Controlling air currents so not a single speck of dust touches you. This is the level of control over an element is something masters spend lifetimes to achieve, and it comes to you rather naturally.
    5. Prodigy: Now this is something special, isn't it? You've somehow learned the secret to your bending art's specialist branches. If you're a waterbender, you can heal wounds with Lifebending, manipulate plant life with Plantbending, or puppet the bodies of others with Bloodbending. If you're an earthbender, you can sense vibrations through the earth, control metal via Metalbending, and create lava with lavabending. If you're a firebender, you can create blue flames, manipulate heat without flame, and shoot lightning. If you're an airbender, you can sense your surroundings through the air around you, create areas of extremely high pressure or even vacuums via Pressurebending, and project your spirit from your body. You only start with the most basic knowledge of these arts, but with training and effort, you could become a force to be reckoned with.
    6. Survivalist: It's a wild world out there, even without the war to consider. So what could be more valuable than knowing how to survive. What plants and animals you can eat. Where it's safe to pitch a tent in the wilderness. How to avoid dangerous animals. How to hunt for food. You might not know it all, but you know enough.
    7. Chi Blocking: You ever wonder how all those enemy benders would fare if they couldn't sling around their fancy elementalist powers? Well now you can find out! You possess knowledge of the art of chi blocking, a martial art that focuses on light, precise jabs targeting pressure points. Using it, you can disable a person's bending powers, or make their bodies go limp, or paralyze them. It doesn't work through thick armor though, and you have to be able to get in close. As an added benefit, this Boon makes you extraordinarily flexible.
  4. Items: Your abilities on their own might not be enough. These items may help you on your journey. You get one for free, the rest require Banes to acquire. As we mentioned earlier, items don't follow you between universes. Sorry about that.
    1. Bender's Weapon: A trademark tool all of your own, designed to supplement your bending powers. Waterskins for waterbenders, stone hammers or fans for earthbenders, a glider staff for airbenders, or dual broadswords for firebenders. Your weapon repairs or refills itself every other night. You can buy this more than once if you want extra copies of your weapon, or if you want weapons belonging to one of the other groups.
    2. Survival Gear: More than just the basics, this pack comes with all the essentials for living on the land; a tent, a map, flint and steel, simple rations, tools for setting traps and hunting for food, and so on. Your equipment always manages to stay in good condition, no matter the elements it suffers through.
    3. Master's Scrolls: A collection of scrolls covering the various forms and techniques for bending your particular element. Using these to guide your training will see your skills improve by leaps and bounds, though an actual teacher would be useful.
    4. A Mount: A faithful animal companion, large enough to carry you, a couple friends, and your stuff. Exactly what animal is up to you, though it has to be within reason. If you want a moose lion or something, go right ahead, but if you want one of the animals that taught the original benders, you'll have to be a bender of the appropriate element. You have an established bond with this animal, but if you mistreat it, it will abandon you. Also, if it dies, it stays dead, so take care of it. Feel free to give it a name while you're at it.
    5. Schematics: An assortment of blueprints and plans. Some of them are detailed maps of buildings, while others are of assorted machines, some of which look a bit...advanced for this society. They're not quite complete, but with time, you might be able to figure out how to make the weapons of war they display.
  5. Banes: Perhaps you want more skills? Well, they'll cost you. These Banes will provide you with extra dangers or challenges on your journey, but will also allow you to take more Boons or items in exchange. Unlike Boons, Banes do not carry over between universes, and they can only be used to buy things in this universe. One Bane will earn you one Boon or item.
    1. Unsure Footing: Instead of starting in a city within your native nation, you'll be starting somewhere else entirely. You'll still find yourself in a city, or at least a town, but the kingdom is chosen at random from the three other nations. Hope you packed a map.
      1. Dangerous Territory: Scratch that, the location isn't random at all. If you're from the Fire Nation, you'll be starting in the Northern Water Tribe capital at the North Pole. All other nationalities will be starting in the Capital City of the Fire Nation. You aren't really supposed to be here, and the residents will probably be looking for an excuse to throw you in jail. Try not to cause trouble, alright?
      2. Chopping Block: Or, just do that anyways. Now, you aren't just starting in hostile territory, you've already been captured. You start your journey imprisoned within the appropriate capital city, and are awaiting interrogation and execution. Your items have been taken from you. To say that escape will be difficult is an understatement.
    2. Culturally Insensitive: You have a knack, a talent even, for walking into a new environment and insulting the culture of the people there. Whether on purpose or by accident, you find a way to degrade their traditions, way of life, or customs. This won't lead to you being executed or anything, particularly if you apologize, but it'll certainly make it hard to make new friends. And you'll probably stick out like a sore thumb when you show up in an unfamiliar place.
    3. Wanted: You've committed a crime, or at least that's what you're accused of. The law enforcement of the nation where you committed the dastardly deed would like nothing more than to capture you and bring you to justice. You might be able to prove your innocence (if you are innocent), but that will take time and effort. If you take this with Chopping Block, the nation you're imprisoned by is the one holding you accountable for the crime. And your trial is coming much sooner.
    4. Pacifist: You're so peaceful, you couldn't hurt a fly. By which we mean you actually can't hurt a fly. Or a person, no matter how much they deserve it. Even considering taking lethal action against another will make you weak in the knees, and actually taking a life is literally impossible for you to pull off. If you happen to kill someone by accident, you'll fall into despair for a while, and your fear of accidentally killing someone again will grow.
    5. The Avatar: Congratulations! You're the Avatar! You've supplanted Aang's role in the story. As such, you need to fulfill his destiny and put an end to the 100-Year War. The Fire Nation will recognize you as such, and will react accordingly. If you take this with Chopping Block, you're imprisoned by the Fire Nation, and Fire Lord Ozai himself will be seeing to your executing when he arrives in two days. Oh, and in case you were getting any ideas, no, you aren't actually the Avatar, with any of the associated powers. Only one element for you. Good luck!
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Got no objections.

Simple question, how willing is she to use lethal or potentially lethal force?

Also, unsure footing could be overcome using water bending to move us around.

Water shoes/boots to stabilise us while trying to hide? It also works as training our stamina and knowledge and our fine control should be good enough to make it work.

People in Avatar have pretty linear movements during fights unless they can use air of fly with fire, using water to move around like spiderman or even as a stretchable rope will hopefully negate the movement buff and improve speed whilst fighting/running away.

Without taking the [Pacifist] Bane, she'll have a pragmatic view about lethal/potentially lethal force. Unless her mental state changes due to her experiences, she won't go out of her way to kill people, but she won't have problems with breaking out moves that could kill people if she's in a life-or-death scenario. Naturally, her experiences over the course of her journey could change that, and input from the Audience can certainly steer her in one way or the other.

As for the clothing, the default will be normal clothing for people of the nation she belongs to. In the case of choosing the Water Tribes, that means the fur coats and whatnot seen at the Poles, which come with boots. Nothing specially adapted to support riding on the water, but plenty of waterbenders seem to do that without any modifications just fine. With a boost to precision control and growth rate, figuring out how to hide in the water likely wouldn't take long.

Edit: As Banarock said, [Unsure Footing] doesn't have anything to do with personal movement or balance. It means that the starting location is randomly chosen from the three nations Sarah doesn't belong to. So for a waterbender, it'd be a 3-sided die, rolled to see if she starts in the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, or at one of the Air Temples.

If you're looking for ideas about mobility options with waterbending, the armless lady from the Red Lotus in Legend of Korra has a style that's good for maneuverability.
Got no objections.

Simple question, how willing is she to use lethal or potentially lethal force?

Also, unsure footing could be overcome using water bending to move us around.

Water shoes/boots to stabilise us while trying to hide? It also works as training our stamina and knowledge and our fine control should be good enough to make it work.

People in Avatar have pretty linear movements during fights unless they can use air of fly with fire, using water to move around like spiderman or even as a stretchable rope will hopefully negate the movement buff and improve speed whilst fighting/running away.

so while movement is not a problem, water is actually the least flexible when it comes to movement techniques due to being limited by access to water, earth mages can earth surf, fire mages can rocket themselves forward for impressive speed boosts and wind is very mobile overall.

Another thing of note is that Water bending is HIGHLY dependent on the moons phases, almost stupidly so so we'll be very weak a few days a month and VERY strong a few days a month if we go water,

Earth is reliable, it always got a mediocre power rating unless you're in a cave or similar where you're surrounded by stone, but those are really edge cases,

Fire is weak during night but not to the extent water is during days without a moon, and stronger during the day but not to the extent of the moon boost water bending, it's pretty reliable overall.

Air is omnipresent and quite reliable, unless you're in a very small room, wind is stronger with open areas that's the reason where the air temples are built on top of mountains with lots of nothing but air in every direction.
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it can't unsure footing means we start in a not newbie friendly area, we're basically just lost somewhere rather then having clear direction, it's not unsure footing as in bad at walking but unsure footing as we take our first steps into the new world we have no idea were we end up.

Sorry meant that we can possibly get a boat/raft and travel using water bending, basically leave where we start, especially since freshwater won't be an issue.

Water shoes to help us move around uneven terrain and cover any sounds we make.

Reading back, my last post does seem pretty confusing. Sorry about that.
Sorry meant that we can possibly get a boat/raft and travel using water bending, basically leave where we start, especially since freshwater won't be an issue.

Water shoes to help us move around uneven terrain and cover any sounds we make.

Reading back, my last post does seem pretty confusing. Sorry about that.

Just satin for someone wanted being riverbound makes us very predictable.
Sorry I'm here sorry for no discussion from me. I'll keep my questionable questing tab open now. Anyways I've got no objections.
Avatar: Day 1
Avatar: Day 1
You have (4) new messages!

Sarah sat up with a jolt.

It had been months since she'd been taken to this dark space, and the Audience had said nothing. She'd begun to think they didn't exist at all, or that her mental chatroom was broken, or they were hanging her out to dry, or they just weren't interested.

She'd tried accessing the Avatar Creation Sheet, but had been barred from doing anything without at least one suggestion from the Audience.

So she'd been left there. In the endless darkness.


She'd discovered she couldn't die. Lack of food or water did nothing to her in this place, and she was physically incapable of harming herself. No one had responded to her screams and cries for help.

She'd just been alone.

{Sarah's time locked in the Avatar Creation Sheet has given her [Cleithrophobia].}

Sarah grabbed hold of the message and opened it within her mindscape, the action effortlessly natural.

[] Write-in
[X][Water] Next to fire this would be the best for defense and offense with the added bonus of being able to heal
[X][Talented Bender being able to learn fast is always a good thing.
[][Fine Control]
[X][Prodigy] this will give you healing powers, great for yourself as healing yourself mess survivalist a little less necessary, it can help you make way by healing others, and bribing people as in 'oh no you child is sick/hurt mr. mayor here I can fix that'

[X][Bender's Weapon] unlimited water again make survivalist unnecessary as well....water. Also healing. Healing is good.

[X][Unsure Footing] worst case the fire nation best be sneaky. Absolute best case the air temple before Aang arrives. Then there's second best chance to meet Toph

wanted if you are absolutely lucky you'll be wanted by the dead normadic air benders ego a free point! For fine control so you'll be a master in no time. But remember only go for this combo if you feel lucky. As you will be a prodigy fine control can be learned. Cause if you get this and end up in the fire nation..,,well things are going to be very tricky
[X] Write-in


[X][Air] Arguably the best defence [Doging and blocking] and offensive element. Had to be removed and nerfed, using pacifism, to justify why they hadn't conquered everyone.


[X][Talented Bender]
[X][Fine Control]

[X][Master's Scrolls] Allowing us to learn things much faster.


[X][Unsure Footing]
[X] looks like velma from scooby doo.

[X][Water] Next to fire this would be the best for defense and offense with the added bonus of being able to heal

[X][Talented Bender being able to learn fast is always a good thing.
[X][Prodigy] this will give you healing powers, great for yourself as healing yourself mess survivalist a little less necessary, it can help you make way by healing others, and bribing people as in 'oh no you child is sick/hurt mr. mayor here I can fix that'

[X][Bender's Weapon] unlimited water again make survivalist unnecessary as well....water. Also healing. Healing is good.

[X][Unsure Footing] worst case the fire nation best be sneaky. Absolute best case the air temple before Aang arrives. Then there's second best chance to meet Toph

[X] Plan: Fit for fighting
-[X] Being unusually fit, while not having any bulky muscles there's not much body fat here.
-[X] Earth
-[X] Chi Blocking
-[X] Master's Scrolls
-[X] Mount
--[X] Armadillo Lion
-[X] Unsure Footing

Being hopelessly lost somewhere you want a furry friend, that's why i took the armadillo lion not only will it be able to carry us places a lot quicker it's also useful for getting back home, or wherever we actually want to go, also Earthbending is the best way to disable enemies and the most abundant element, it's only if we're forced on top of a ship or iceberg we wont have material to work with.

Anyhow earth is maybe the least good for chi-blocking due to earth being one of the less mobile elements and got other ways to disable, but earth is very good at surprise strikes from anywhere by moving through the earth or blocking peoples sight with dust, and walls throwing them off,

main reason i was thinking of not taking chi blocking for a long time is because not taking a bending perk in a Avatar (partially) quest is like grand heresy

Advice! Information! Something to work with!

Sarah may have actually cheered as the Avatar Creation Sheet unlocked itself in front of her.

No, she definitely cheered.

"Thank you!" she shouted into the empty world around her, giggling with delight. "Thank you!"

First, her choice of element.

Between the information in the Avatar Creation sheet and the suggestions, it was obvious the Fire Nation was the designated villain of the setting. Across the four messages, there were suggestions for three different elements; two for water, and one for air and earth each. The argument in favor of water was that it offered a balance of defensive and offensive options, and it came with a healing power if she took the Prodigy Boon. That seemed pretty important. On the other hand, air apparently had better offensive and defensive options, supposedly to the point that the only reason they weren't ruling the world was because they were pacifists and 'removed', which was presumably the extinction mentioned in the Avatar Creation sheet. The argument in favor of earth was that it was available pretty much everywhere and apparently good for surprise attacks, despite being less mobile than the other options.

From there, the different suggestions deviated further based on what Boons, Banes, and Items would synergize best with her choice of element and reduce the impact of the Banes she chose. There was also a brief back-and-forth about mobility limitations and ease of access to the element she chose.

Sarah closed her eyes, considered it and decided to go with the option that had gotten the most suggestions.

She selected water as her element.

Next she had to choose her Banes. The consensus between the advice given was to definitely take Unsure Footing, and Wanted if she felt lucky. So the question was, did she feel lucky?

{Three months without communication from the Audience has made Sarah [Determined] and a [Risk Taker].}

Sarah filled out the sheet.
Avatar Creation Sheet: [Avatar]
[x] Being unusually fit, while not having any bulky muscles there's not much body fat there
[x] looks like velma from scooby doo.
[x][Talented Bender]
[x][Fine Control]
[x][Bender's Weapon]
[x][Unsure Footing]
Are you satisfied with your choices?
Upon selection, these options cannot be changed.

She hit Y, and the screen disappeared, replaced by a pair of rolling dice.

Unsure Footing Roll said:
Rolling d3
1 = Earth
2 = Fire
3 = Air
Result: Roll = 3
Starting Location Set
Wanted Roll said:
Rolling d4
1 = Water
2 = Earth
3 = Fire
4 = Air
Result: Roll = 3
Wanted Nation Set
Crime Roll said:
Cause of [Wanted] Bane not included.
Rolling presets:
1 = Murder
2 = Arson/Property Damage
3 = Theft
4 = Political Dissident
5 = Official's Grudge
6 = War Criminal
Result: Roll = 4
Rolling Legitimacy:
1 = Rightfully Accused
2 = Falsely Accused
Result: Roll = 2

"Alright, I'm done!" Sarah shouted into the void around her. "Now--"

And suddenly there was light.


She was...standing on the edge of a cliff!

She immediately scrambled away from the edge before taking in her surroundings properly. As far as Sarah could tell, she was on top of a mountain of some kind. A very sheer mountain.

There were several other tall, pillar-like rock formations surrounding the one she was standing on, separated by a void with a drop so far whatever ground was at its bound was hidden beneath a veil of clouds. Lush greenery was growing all around, somehow finding purchase in the gray stone of every mountain.

Most prominently though, was the city.

On the mountain she was standing on, maybe a kilometer away from the cliff's edge, was a dense cluster of white buildings with blue roofs. They were packed together, arranged with a vertical design, rising with the mountain to meet a tall tower at its center. She could see what looked like birds circling the structure, swooping down over the houses below.

It was very quiet.

A gentle breeze stirred her hair, which she abruptly realized was now chin-length. Tugging a few strands into view, she realized it was orange. She couldn't quite remember what it had looked like before. She felt a little taller as well, and perhaps a little heavier. Running her hands over her arms and legs, she was able to feel the changes the suggestions for her appearance had wrought upon her body, her limbs thicker, her head more squarish.

She idly wondered if she was stronger than before, or if her new musculature was just cosmetic.

Her clothing was made of some kind of fur, warm and soft on the inside, but rough on the outside. Probably waterproof.

A sizable waterskin was attached to her waist by a leather belt, sitting above her bottom like a fanny pack, only filled with water. Despite how full it seemed, it didn't feel uncomfortable or heavy, like it was dragging down her pants or something like that.

And that was when Sarah realized she could feel the water inside the container. Almost like a sixth sense, or that feeling of knowing where her arms and legs were even when she couldn't see them. In fact, if she reached out just so...

She felt the water ripple within her waterskin in response to her 'touch'.

Sarah sighed, slapped at her cheeks, and pulled up the Chatroom.

"Any pointers on where I should get started? And is there anything important I should know about this place?"

[X][Directions] Write in activities that Sarah should prioritize. There is enough time in the day for her to get 3 things done.
[X][Information] Write in anything you think Sarah should know about her location or the world of Avatar in general. Bear in mind she currently knows nothing about either.[/Information]
main thing i suggest we try to find out what we're supposed to be doing, other then that find water, should be some in the city, third try to find a way down that does not include climbing since falling to our death because we were not looking for a proper path seems like a bad idea.
I don't know much about avatar but we should probably try to find some food and water. Also we should find the avatar for protection.
I don't know much about avatar but we should probably try to find some food and water. Also we should find the avatar for protection.

Well we're wanted by the same guys as the avatar, so we can be confident if the avatar is near he'll draw everyone towards him so we don't even need to be careful.

Hanging out with the avatar is pretty much just more dangerous then by ourself, while all of the world is more or less occupied by the fire nation they are not very popular in most places making it unlikely for people to care to report us.

The city is probably raided, I'm sure we can find water but food will be rough, it have been a long time since people lived here it's probably dust by now.

Another thing is to find out where the fuck this mountain is, probably earth continent since most were but air nomads had settlements on lots of mountain peaks and just traveled between them, their monasteries for air benders are their most stationary part of life more or less.
i guess i should X things, waited to see if someone would come up with other suggestions for actions.

[X][Directions] Try to find drinkable water in the air temple
[X][Directions] Look for a path down, you don't want to climb if you don't have too, it might be overgrown since it have not been used for a long time
[X][Directions] see if you can get a sense of direction, there's a half island to the west, see if you can see it from the Temple then travel east towards the earth nation by island hopping, aka get something that floats and propel it towards the next island with your bending power.

[X][Information] You're close to a air temple, on a mountain in the middle of the sea, this is also the former home of the avatar, meaning you'll do best to get away from here quickly since this is probably a place the fire nation (the guys hunting you) will check out as soon as he awaken, the water tribe is to the south it would be smart to visit but unless you have food to supply pretty long travel overseeas, and have a way to not be swept away by the currents as you sleep, or freeze to death in the frigid weather, it's probably better focusing on getting away from this island first and try to forage food as you go.[/Information]
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