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A/N: So, I'm crossposting this here to QQ from FFN because I'm hoping the better feedback will...
Chapter 1

Mina Misa Mi!

Super Cute Ghost
Nov 9, 2020
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A/N: So, I'm crossposting this here to QQ from FFN because I'm hoping the better feedback will help with demotivation issues I face with writing.

This is about a year old and definitely not terribly great, but hopefully it is fun. The second chapter I... just wrote today. Lol. Probably upload it in a few days if this gets some traction.

This is a learning experience for me. I enjoy brainstorming more than writing, so my technical writing abilities are, in all likelihood, pretty bad. I want help improving them, feeling more motivated to write, and maybe help tempering my ideas. Any help given is greatly appreciated.

Also, are we allowed to link Discords on QQ?

I've been floating in this endless darkness for awhile now. Or at least it feels like awhile, but I can't really be sure. My perception of time has been destroyed by my time here, as has my sense of self. Who am I? Do I even exist, or am I just the darkness around me manifested into a conscious mind? I'm left to my own weird thoughts, like… is any of this real, or not?
A high pitched noise, that almost seems to echo all around.
What was that? Did I truly hear a sound? I can't even be sure. I've been here for what seems so long that I'm not sure that I even exist. Do I have ears to even hear a sound? Am I just going crazy, now manifesting odd sounds in my own deluded "mind" in order to stay sane?


There it is again, but clearly this time. I must have heard it. Now, a bright light in front of me; it seems to have a shape to it, but I can't be sure. I have no ability to process such complexities anymore; if there is text for me to read, I am too far gone to even understand anymore. My own sick mind is playing tricks on me, trying to pull me back from this chasm I have crashed into.

Skill Gained
[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)
Allows the user to calmly and logically think.
Gives a peaceful state of mind.
Immunity to psychological status effects.

Now, I understand again. I can perceive this script on a level beyond basic sensory experience. I can read it, and thoughts return to me; memories that I have forgotten, knowledge that I have never held, isolated in this dark existence, but no character to draw from and parse why I hold such knowledge or remember these things. No being to hold such beliefs; just a damaged mind, intrinsically connected to this nothingness.

Skills Gained
[Gamer's Body] (Passive)
Gives the body the ability to live like an RPG character
[Observe] (Active)
Provides information about the target.

Now, I exist on a level attached to the conceptual; before, an outerversal being living above platonic concepts and without form to exert my power. Now, I exist physically, my own strength seemingly granting me a body with which to exert my will. Yet still, I feel an attachment to this plane; as though I am not separate from it, yet simply just exercising my endless power. Am I this realm? Perhaps it is not a realm at all, but myself. Perhaps I am this place, and this place is me.

Shush. Choose now.
[Human] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked] [ Locked]

Another mind, existent within mine? Or perhaps yet another manifestation of myself; simply a facet of my endless power I cannot yet concentrate, exercised for me by some muscle memory I can't, as this small piece of myself, yet use.

Do I simply touch this panel? I find myself struggling to physically do so, but all at once the knowledge I knew I held flooded into me, not teaching me but simply awakening within me the ability to touch, to manipulate this vessel. I do so.

The race that dominates the multiverse.
The jack of all trades, yet also the master of them all; simultaneously, they are the failure of all trades, the rejected.
25% bonus class EXP

Now select a class.
[Fighter] [Ranger] [Support] [Mage] [Rogue]

Yet again, I simply know what these mean, and I simply parse a distinct feeling of desire for which "class" I would like to use. Perhaps it strays from my some long past existence, or it is simply a vague hint from my infinite being I cannot yet fully understand.
I choose Fighter.

Select a specialization.
[Warrior] [Berserker] [Knight] [Lancer] [Martial Artist] [Samurai]

Again, the same thing happens. Perhaps while here, my power aids me in more direct ways; I simply know which I want to choose. Why? Maybe it'll be the most useful, or perhaps not. Until this vessel becomes strong enough to understand more about my existence, I may never know. Either way, I choose [Martial Artist].

You've selected the [Martial Artist] sub-class.
Class Gained
Martial Artist (LVL 1 / 100) [0%]
You have decided to begin a journey down the road less traveled. Upon this journey you will be forged in the flames of unrelenting hardship and a more difficult and technical path to strength than most, but upon this road you will learn to master your body and exercise this mastery in beautiful and deadly ways. You will find strength in the most unlikely or even common of places as a Martial Artist, and perhaps even discover a new energy to command as your self-mastery reaches an apex.
(This class provides no weapon proficiencies; In exchange, you will gain more stats per level than most classes and some skills are much more powerful than those of other classes.)
You gain 10 Dexterity, 10 Strength, and 10 Endurance per level that is gained in this class.

[Boxing Proficiency] (Novice) (Passive)
The sweet science. Footwork, head movement, fight IQ, combinations; you've definitely got all the fundamentals, but maybe stick to the ammys for now, champ. +10% hand-to-hand (striking) damage.

[Muay Thai Proficiency] (Novice) (Passive)
You know enough to get by, but don't be surprised if you get flattened by somebody either physically or technically superior to you! Kicking, punching, throwing knees, throwing elbows; it's not called the art of eight limbs for nothing, and throw in some clinching just to round it off. It may be the most complete, versatile and practical of the striking arts but you're just a beginner. Don't get cocky! +10% hand-to-hand (striking) damage

[Judo Proficiency] (Novice) (Passive)
The gentle way might be a misnomer. You know the basics of judo; throws, takedowns, jointlocks, chokes, all of it. If you get lucky, you might be able to combine one or two things with your other techniques. Don't bet on it, though; you're a beginner. +10% Strength and Dexterity when grappling.

[Wrestling Proficiency] (Novice) (Passive)
Maybe the most dominant martial art to exist, yet wielded by a poor beginner like yourself. Nonetheless, you know the basics of most forms of wrestling. Battling for takedowns, upper body throws, ground control, leg hooks, submission holds. You do know them, but maybe you should stick to the striking for now, champ . +10% Endurance and Strength when grappling.

[Clothing Proficiency] (Martial Artist) (Apprentice) (Passive)
Clothes, robes, tops, pants, gis, and other basic articles. While they may not offer protection, as a magical martial artist they offer you other benefits. +25% Dexterity, +10% Strength, +10% Stamina, +5% MP when wearing clothing.

[Bulk-Up!] (Active)
Add more force to your blows or your throws. Can be used while executing a choke, lock or other submission hold but beware of bone shrapnel and blood spray in those cases.
STR x 3 + hand-to-hand or grappling damage.
SP Cost: 100

[Brace] (Active)
Envelop yourself in your physical energy and brace yourself for a blow. Reduces damage of Braced attacks by 25%. You may unleash a free Counterstrike after a Braced attack.
SP Cost: 250

[Counterstrike] (Active)
Unleash a retaliatory blow which deals enormous damage.
(STR+DEX x 3) x 5
SP Cost: 1000

[Second Wind] (Passive)
When your health drops below 10%, regain 50% of your HP and a temporary x2 Boost to your Strength, Endurance, and Dexterity. Activates once a day

Seemingly quite powerful, but also quite… different comes to mind, but I am not quite sure why. Why the rest of my being compelled me to choose this, I'm not sure why, but it feels right.

New classes are unlocked through certain circumstances or once you max out the current class.
You'll get to choose a secondary class once you reach a certain level. You may choose a Production class at level 20.

Seems fair to me, but then again this… game is simply an extension of my being, so that makes sense.

Level - 1
Class - Martial Artist - LVL 1/100 [0%]
Race - Human [?]
Rank - Mortal [?]
Alignment - ?
HP - 200 [40 per minute]
MP - 100 [20 per minute]
SP - 200 [40 per minute]
STR - 20
END - 20
DEX - 20
INT - 10
WIS - 10
CHA - 10
LUK - 10
MP Regen = WIS X 2
MP = INT X 10
SP/Health Regen = END X 2
SP/HP = END X 10

That seems like a nice starting point, but I am not sure with what I'll be using this. Right now, all I am concerned with is growing enough to understand my existence; clearly, I must have been right if those question marks next to my race and rank are any indication.

You can get a random bonus perk or skill, but a random trait will also be added. The flaws can be removed through certain means, however. Do you choose to do so?

My being pushes me; yes.

Trait Gained
You care about no one but yourself.
You have an inability to form an emotional connection with others, and/or feel guilt.
Perk Gained
[True Adaptation]
A step beyond adaptive regeneration. Your body adapts to most anything; you grow stronger faster, you gain new abilities or physical features in response to damage, you gain traits that may be necessary or intensely desired, and your body can be extensively modified without repercussion; in fact, you become immensely more powerful for it.
Stat gain and class EXP gain are doubled.
Adaptation to most stimuli or intense desire or need is granted

That is… obscene. This is clearly an immensely powerful ability, and at a minimal cost; I exist on a higher level. I am beyond concepts. To care for the desires of others is beneath me; my desire sets exist above theirs. Laws of existence do not apply to me, for I simply exist beyond even those puny laws. I'll test my luck yet again.

Trait Gained
[Sin of Wrath]
You have a short temper and become utterly uncontrollable once fully enraged; being given your due respect is a requirement for other beings and
none may cross you.
Bypasses the protection of Gamers Mind.
Skills Gained
[Plunder + 1] (Passive)
Steal a bit of the stats of your fallen enemies.
Start with an upgrade as a result of the trait system:
Plunder racial abilities.
Skill Gained
[Gamer's Power Bestowal] (Active)
Allows you to bestow skills, perks and other abilities you have to other beings, access the status menu of your allies and manipulate it like your own, grant stat points to your allies limitedly, and more.

While the skills are truly amazing, the Trait is quite bothersome; I dislike having my judgement clouded and acting impulsively without my control. I am a higher being and this will be something I don't think even the rest of my existence, which clearly has more experience and knowledge than this puny vessel does, has had to deal with. An odd feeling of internal rumbling seems to agree, and so I choose not to try again.

Skills Gained
[ID Create] (Active)
Creates an instant dungeon
Dungeons available
[ID Escape] (Active)
Exits an instant dungeon.
Good luck.
Your starter world has been pre-chosen. Starting in…

My eyes open slowly and I feel a similar weightlessness to that of when I was alone in my higher existence, and yet I am distinctly aware I am no longer there. In fact, the sudden simultaneous sensory overload and deprivation makes me shudder and my mind race; I am now aware of the painful tubes trailing out of my upper body, the mask covering my face and allowing me to breath in the cold, almost sticky green water-like substance that is suspending my body.

Yet I am also aware now of the complete lack of sensory input that the absence of my comforting all-nothingness gave me and I start to thrash and to scream and to slam myself into the warm glass and oh god that's another feeling and when the glass breaks and slices me open everything suddenly-

The tall man chuckles and stares at the boy in front of him. He couldn't be more than sixteen or seventeen years old, and yet the dark skinned boy who was more or less grown in a test tube had enough physical force to destroy a bullet proof glass door by simply slamming his arm into it. Yes, the boy was certainly powerful on a basic level the man mused as he idly twisted the button on his suits long undershirt.

The boy definitely looked like he did as a young man, he observed. Tall, well built, snow white hair in a short and messy style with defined features, a strong jaw and sharp, almost eagle like eyes.
However, the boy had some distinct differences; for one, the boy had dark skin, not quite african in nature but certainly darker than an arab, yet also a different tone from that of the hispanic residents of the continent formerly known as South America. Yes, the man mused, it seemed quite unique.

For another, he thought while scratching his neck, he noticed the boy had powerful black eyes, rather than his own formerly blue ones.

Additionally, his face seemed a bit more angular than his own, broader face, though the resemblance was clear. It was, perhaps, akin to his brothers face in that regard.

Yes, All For One thought, scratching his neck and grinning madly underneath his mask, this boy would do quite nicely.
Ch1 is constantly waxing in empty philosophy that comes off as kinda stupid. like this
Another mind, existent within mine? Or perhaps yet another manifestation of myself; simply a facet of my endless power I cannot yet concentrate, exercised for me by some muscle memory I can't, as this small piece of myself, yet use.

Do I simply touch this panel? I find myself struggling to physically do so, but all at once the knowledge I knew I held flooded into me, not teaching me but simply awakening within me the ability to touch, to manipulate this vessel. I do so.
what the hell is this even?

We then spend a bunch of lines on MC making choices... except instead of actual reasoning we get bullshit like
Again, the same thing happens. Perhaps while here, my power aids me in more direct ways; I simply know which I want to choose. Why? Maybe it'll be the most useful, or perhaps not. Until this vessel becomes strong enough to understand more about my existence, I may never know. Either way, I choose [Martial Artist].
which is utterly meaningless and could have been skipped. why even walk us step by step through the choices if his logic is going to be "i just pick randomly on instinct"
A/N: So, I'm crossposting this here to QQ from FFN because I'm hoping the better feedback will help with demotivation issues I face with writing.

This is about a year old and definitely not terribly great, but hopefully it is fun. The second chapter I... just wrote today. Lol. Probably upload it in a few days if this gets some traction.

This is a learning experience for me. I enjoy brainstorming more than writing, so my technical writing abilities are, in all likelihood, pretty bad. I want help improving them, feeling more motivated to write, and maybe help tempering my ideas. Any help given is greatly appreciated.

Also, are we allowed to link Discords on QQ?

You come to us, on this, the day of our daughters reading and you expect advice?
Do you truly expect compassion and constructive criticism from QQ. . . . .oh you sweet summer child, you know not the dark abyss you have happily skipped on into, do not pray to your gods, for there will be no mercy.
Ch1 is constantly waxing in empty philosophy that comes off as kinda stupid. like this

what the hell is this even?

It's definitely empty pseudo-philosophical drivel, but that's an intentional choice. The irregularity of the prose is simply a really easy (and lazy, admittedly) way to impose Hansha's odd cosmological origin.

We then spend a bunch of lines on MC making choices... except instead of actual reasoning we get bullshit like

which is utterly meaningless and could have been skipped. why even walk us step by step through the choices if his logic is going to be "i just pick randomly on instinct"

I mean, yeah. Lol. Hansha is effectively newborn. Like, is the newly spawned consciousness supposed to contemplate his build like a normal isekai'd SI?

The "instinct" (which is literally the intuitive usage of nigh-omnipotent outerversal power to basically write a deterministic timeline in real-time masked as being fed knowledge by some greater self-existence; this is intentionally vague but pretty parsable if you understand some of the language used, like "outerversal") you mention is basically set up for further exploration of the space Hansha is born in. If you don't like it, that's cool, but you're basically going "lol, this isn't actually rational... Where's the contemplation?" and doing so despite the obviously different character origin. It would literally make NO sense for a consciousness which has no prior knowledge or life experience to start character building, which seems to be what you want?

Idk brodie, you seem to object to the admittedly vague cosmology of the verse/character than to any actual story decisions. I could just skip the initial game decisions, but then we'd be left with a bunch of questions like "why would this newborn consciousness choose these specific things?"

I've never been super happy with this chapter (wrote it in, like, an hour) and there are criticisms I'd make (the vagueness, for one, and the pseudo-philosophical contemplations about existence being pretty hamfisted) but "why no thought out character building?" isn't one of them. Maybe in another story, man. Hansha has a weird background and it really wouldn't fit.
You come to us, on this, the day of our daughters reading and you expect advice?
Do you truly expect compassion and constructive criticism from QQ. . . . .oh you sweet summer child, you know not the dark abyss you have happily skipped on into, do not pray to your gods, for there will be no mercy.
Tru. QQ is mostly horny SB rejects, but SB rejects are better than Fanfiction reviews which are just "so good" and "pls update" and "harem or no?"
Tru. QQ is mostly horny SB rejects, but SB rejects are better than Fanfiction reviews which are just "so good" and "pls update" and "harem or no?"

that is actually really sad, but true..
Rejected for realism, entertainment or catering to the audience, sb being full of little bitches is just too bad.

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