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A World of Monsters. (An Encyclopedia on the creatures of the world of Null, Original Writing.)

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[Sketches depict several species of mice, rats, and squirrels working in mutual cooperation with one another in a collective fashion, building nests in trees and treelines. They come in a wide variety of colorations and shapes, all unified by the leathery wings sprouting from their backs.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'They're so cute! But like, rodents are cute by default. Unless they're uninvited to your homes. Then I'm sorry little rat, but then you have to go. Thems the rules.']

Scientific Name Translation: Varies on species.

Average Size: Varies on species, between 5 inches to 1'6 feet.

Average Weight: Varies on species, between half a pound to 20 pounds.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Varies on species, most common being that females have longer tails than males.

Habitat Range: Continent wide.


There are numerous species on our world that, whether through evolutionary pressure, convergent evolution, or a species splitting into several distinct subspecies, that have different members exhibiting extremely different morphological traits from one another. Of mammalian order of Rodentia on Null, one of the most extreme examples of this occurring is the wildly varied divergences between various distinct species collectively known as Flittermice. Contrary to popular modern day belief, Flittermice do not have to be actual mice. Indeed, the family line of Flittermice includes, but are not limited to, mice, rats, squirrels, and mythological dire chinchilla. The unifying feature that distinct this family line from other rodents is their small, but functional bat-like wings on their backs. Indeed, Flittermice receive their name directly from a now long extinct species of bat. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon bat placing a crown on a cartoon Flittermice, the species name written on the crown.]

The unifying factors for these species is not only physical: While much debate continues to rage on as to whether their evolution was natural and convergent with other non-Flittermice rodent species, or the end result of a mystical event as is too common with the formation of such 'mixed' species on Null, there is conclusive evidence that Flittermice of all subspecies cooperate with one another in mutually beneficial cross-species communities to better survive. Each species contributes in ways best suited to their kinds strengths, and each cover the others weaknesses, leading to a eusocial way of living usually only seen in insects.

Ranging from 5 inch long mice to one and a half foot tall squirrels, Flittermice lack a central leader figure, lacking any form of 'queen' often seen in Nullian insect hives such as the Spider-Ants or the Bullet Bees. However, research by Flittermice biologist Sosyia Kapoora indicates that a form of communal forum of sorts exist where adult Flittermice trade information of food sources, dangers and threats, as well as locations of other Flittermouse communities amidst the trees, making them eusocial in the same way other hive-breeds such as most regular ants and several bee species on our world. These nests are built into and out of trees, with each tree in a given area housing segments of the wider Flittermouse community. Initially, this was seen as odd due to the fact that Nullian trees is notoriously ruthless in their defense against incursions by small animals. However, it was quickly discovered that this is in fact a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship: The Flittermice receive shelter and protection against predators, while they in turn protect the trees of Null from parasites and herbivorous insects that are a threat to their continued existence. [A note is attached. It reads 'Lucky little punks! >

This is not to say that Flittermice are totally defenseless, however. Mouse and rat type Flittermice, like other rodents of their kind in other family lines, are able to coat their tails in a matter disruption field, giving them incredible cutting power in their defense against smaller predators or the grubbing mitts of curious creatures, while the larger squirrels are capable of coating their claws in typical plasma coating to enhance their strikes in a flurry of vicious mauling to anything foolish enough to give them an opportunity to defend themselves. Their communal nature means they are quick to come to one another's aid, regardless of specific subspecies, and they always rally to the defense of their home-trees if needed and able. If all else fails, their small but functional wings allow them to glide and even fly for a short amount of time to escape danger.

Despite their communal nature and advanced eusocial behaviors, as well as the Aleph Xara's animal counterparts in the case of the mouse-types, it was discovered that Flittermice are not, in fact, Sapient, and thus not a Civilized race unto themselves. Sentient, but lacking culture or history of their own, the innate intelligence and communal bonds of their species did earmark them as objects of interest in some circles of Null's scientific community. Namely, they are the species with the distinct honor to be part of research efforts by Median scientists to create the fist Uplifted species in modern Nullian history, a project which is housed in Yang Quartz. Whether the project has borne fruit yet or not, however, remains a closely guarded secret. [A note is attached. It reads 'I really, really hope if it succeeded, they were able to survive the attack that took out the city....']

In terms of relationship with Civilized Nullians, contrary to popular belief, Flittermice do not make for good pets. Their instincts to build networked communities in trees makes housing them in a normal home virtually impossible, and their desire to be in large communities of their kinds also means that no manageable amount of them can feasibly held within any one household for long anyway. Despite this, Flittermice are considered good luck charms for communities living near or around Flittermice tree-networks, though a popular misconception that originates from the Aleph Xara's 'book mouse' nickname means it is not uncommon for Flittermice to be used as iconography for libraries across the Median. [A note is attached. It reads 'Aleph Xara aren't just icons of scholarly pursuits. They are also very common scribes attached to Median soldiers of renown, to archive their adventures and the things they learn and fight along the way!']

When it comes to reproduction, Flittermice are genetically compatible between their various species, however they exclusively pair up and produce offspring in same-species couplings. To avoid genetic oversaturation of the same genes in any one community, is common for young adult Flittermice to break off from their parent networks in search of new homes to find mates with. Young Flittermice of all species are defenseless for the first few months of their lives, thus necessitating careful care and sanctuary within the most well fortified depths of their tree homes. Needless to say, during pupping season, Flittermice are extremely protective of their homes.

Though the sight of Flittermice has grown uncommon in recent centuries for city-dwellers, especially within the Great Walled Cities, they remain a staple part of scholarly culture due to their Aleph Xara connection making them iconographic staples in places of learning. Only time will tell if the Uplift project in Yang Quartz will work and allow us to interact with these amazing little creatures as equals, or if we will just have to continue on as a society and scientific community without them. In this writer's humble opinion, I can only hope for the latter. [A note is attached. It reads 'I hope so too.']
Last edited:

[Sketches depict a furless feline species coming in various sizes, covered in smooth skin with marking covered skin. Various subspecies, differentiated by different skin and color patterns as well as phenotypical changes to morphology separate them from creatures as small as a house-cat, to twice as large as a tiger. The biggest unifying factor across all species is the fact the tail splits apart into three segments ending in sharp barbs at the tips, which sketches show it using like a poison laced scourge for defense by swiping it at the faces of hostile animals.]

[A note is attached. It depicts a well drawn Cheshire cat with a collar sitting on a bed, with a name underneath reading 'Mr. Stretch.']

Scientific Name Translation: Displacement Cat.

Average Size: Varies based on subspecies.

Average Weight: Varies based on subspecies..

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have longer ears and tails than males.

Habitat Range: Across most biomes of the Arisa Continent, but particularly found in the forests, jungles, and rainforests.


Null is home to a wide variety of creatures, of various Genuses and family lines. The Felines of our world are generally split into two distinct groups: The first is the Armored line, which includes the Rock Cats of the mesas and deserts, the Armored Fang, and the Fireiron Tiger associated with the Erui Tiger Spirits. The other, larger family line of felines are the Cheshires, furless cats covered in marking laced skin with forked tails and signature toothy grins they use for psychological effects on their prey. While the Armored line is the stronger and more durable of the two kinds of felines, the Cheshires stand out for being the more mystically imbued.

Evolved on Null through millions of years of natural selection and exposure to the magics of our world, the Cheshires are a home-grown, naturally occurring native of Null. Their power, biology, and psychological characteristics are therefore all perfectly geared towards not only surviving on our world, but thriving in it. As a result, they have a long and storied history with the various Nullian natives, but of are particular import, ironically enough, to the Cerberi, who were the first to domesticate the Cheshires thousands of years ago. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Cerberus throwing a stick at a cartoon Cheshire cat, the stick bouncing off their head. Words follow underneath, reading 'Lesson 1: Cheshires don't play fetch.']

Found across most biomes, but particularly thriving in forests, jungles, and other such environments, Cheshires come in a wide range of subspecies, from the small Pygmy Cheshire Cat whose domesticated offshoots have become popular pets and pest-control measures in Nullian society, to the massive, hulking King Cheshires that are known for their hulking sizes and physical power on top of their mystical abilities. Their wide variety of subspecies means they have a form that fills every niche in the Nullian ecosystem as predators on every level, though as with most things on Null, their status as predators is precipitated on the fact that they are not caught by surprise by other creatures of more vicious temperaments.

One cannot talk about Cheshire biology without getting into their suite of powers and abilities. One of the biggest abilities that give the Cheshire an infamous reputation is their ability to turn invisible by altering the flow of light around them in order to appear as though they aren't there. Even to the sharp eyes of a Normal type Oros, nothing appears to be there if the Cheshire remains unmoving, with only movement causing a subtle distortion on movement, a distortion which is easily hidden by canopies rich in flora and darkened by shade. This, combined with their species wide ability to climb up and down trees, make them excellent ambush predators, allowing them to strike at unaware prey with ease. However, while they can indefinitely hold their invisibility when staying still, movement proves draining for them to maintain their optical cloak. As such, when crossing far distances, patrolling territory, or making threat displays, they phase out of their invisibility in order to conserve energy, reserving it for tactical uses to avoid exhaustion. [A note is attached. It depicts a blank spot inbetween two trees, with words underneath reading 'Lesson 2: Cheshires are great at hide and seek.']

Their skin and color patterns are also able to naturally change color and texture, however rather than being for camouflage, this color changing is used to show the current mood and emotional state of the Cheshire in question. As a result, color changing is combined with their vocalizations and emotive facial expressions in order to communicate with one another, allowing for Cheshires to hold conversations with one another, though research is inconclusive if this form of communication is universal in that all Cheshires of all subspecies can communicate with one another or if each subspecies is limited to only their own kind for conversation. As a direct result of this, although Cheshires live and hunt alone, they are able to form communities with one another spanning entire territories, sharing information on the locations for food, the best sunning spots, and areas of danger. [A note is attached. It depicts two cartoon Cheshires meowing at one another while a cartoon Oros with an eyepatch is trying to go to sleep. Words underneath read 'Lesson 3: Cheshires are chatty.']

In addition to invisibility and communication, as well as the usual plasma coated claws, Cheshires also have multi-tipped, poison covered tails that they use to target the eyes of an attacker in order to blind them. Smaller Cheshire species use this as an opportunity to escape, while others use the momentary blindness of their enemy to attack and kill them. The Oros cultural habit of wearing masks has, for the longest time, meant that outside of the largest and most powerful Cheshire species, their ability to blind has been a non-factor for our species. The Cerberi that have domesticated various Cheshire lines have bred different species to have less effective and more effective poison for use in pet and attack animal lines respectively.

One rare ability that is very uncommon among all species of Cheshire is the ability to teleport. What should be an energy intensive ability is, through some unknown arcane means, easy and repeatable for use by the Cheshires to inherit this rare ability. Those that have this ability use it in everything from hunting, to battle, to even sport, with a common 'game' for these Cheshires to scare a prey animal into running before teleporting in front of them over and over again until the animal drops from exhaustion. Extensive research has actually managed to find that the Cheshire's ability to do this is due to what is, technically, a genetic disorder that triggers their mystical abilities in a way that allows for teleportation as an act of instinct rather than concentrated spell-craft, though the disorder is recessive which results in it only occurring as a result of double-recessive expression. As such, the ability is, and will remain, rare in the wild. [A note is attached. It depicts a Cheshire with its lips curled back in a big, threatening grin.]

In terms of temperament, the size of the Cheshire is a factor as smaller Cheshires are more relaxed due to their ability to better hide in smaller, harder to reach places, while larger Cheshires ironically are more aggressive due to an increase in conflicts for survival. As a result, in the wild, smaller Cheshires are unlikely to attack creatures larger than themselves save to escape and rarely approach Civilized Races as a result, while the larger, more aggressive species can and will engage in combat if they feel threatened or if their territory is trespassed against. In combat, Cheshires use ambush to begin the conflict before making use of their invisibility cloak in hit and run attacks. If the target remains standing and unblinded after they have exhausted their cloaks, then they will engage in intense tackles and body slams, with occasional wrestling down of the target to the ground before moving in for the kill. This fighting style, while highly aggressive, is predictable if you already know how they operate, and as such various tricks, tips, and suggestions to survive or win encounters with larger Cheshires are common.

Breeding year round, Cheshire mated pairs stick to their own subspecies, producing kittens that grow to maturity every two years. As a result, the Cheshire population remains somewhat stable despite a, very relative, fragility, allowing them to compete with other predators in their respective size brackets. Young Cheshire kittens follow their parents under their instinctively activated cloaks, observing and learning from their hunts via a safe spot to observe from. Once reaching maturity, Cheshires break off from their family units to hunt on their own, often not taking on a mate until they have lived on their own for several years.

In popular Nullian Culture, Cheshires are known as mischievous creatures, both for the domesticate versions playful natures as well as for the wild counterparts telltale hunting tactics. Their likeness is often used in symbols and charms among the Yayai Fox Spirits, Mortalized or otherwise, for this association with mischief, making them the most common owners for Cheshire pets outside of the Cerberi who first domesticated them. In the modern day, feral Cheshires are a common sight in cities, considered a boon as free pest control in keeping unwanted rodent and insect populations in check, with their own population being kept in check via careful applications of sterility initiatives to allow for the breeding population of the animals to remain at a manageable size. [A note is attached. It depicts a well drawn sleeping Cheshire with a collar, curled up in a ball. Words underneath read 'Lesson 4: Cheshires are tired little guys who just want to sleepy.']

[Sketches depict a species of feathered Dromaeosaurid with particularly large claws on their front hands. The feathers range in coloration to match the environment they are in, with a major unifying factor being their large, wide open eyes and their 'grinning' muzzles.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'I'm so glad I never lived in any places with these freaky things around.]

Scientific Name Translation: Dread Eater.

Average Size: 7-10 feet/2.1-3.05 meters in length.

Average Weight: 500-850 pounds/226.8-385.6 kgs.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females have longer feather crests than males.

Habitat Range: Select forests and jungles spread across the Arisa continent.


During the long evolutionary processes on our world, most Dromaeosaurid life of the most ancient of times to avoid extinction have long since evolved into modern forms as the birds of our world, with the most successful lines being the ones that were mystically fused into the first Gryphons in Null's history. However, just as there are living fossils such as the Mud Skimmer or certain family lines of Crocodilians, a handful of these original Dromaeosaurids, for one reason or another, never made the full evolutionary leap into modern day avian status. Indeed, those that remain to this day stand out for being remarkably unchanged compared to the fossil records of their ancestors, at least on a superficial level. [A note is attached. It reads 'Why couldn't they turn into normal ass birds like the rest? Was that too much to ask?']

The most common, widespread, and successful of these remaining family lines are what are commonly referred to as 'Psychoraptors'. This unflattering name is not without precedent or reason, however. Where other, less common family lines focus more on survival, the Psychoraptor's size and intelligence combined with their physical strength and strong pack dynamics affords them the ability to develop emotional intelligence that often leads to a level of sadism not often seen in the wild. Where most creatures stalk, hunt, and kill to feed or to drive off threats, Psychoraptors have been known to toy with potential prey over a period of hours, isolating them and wearing them down with hit and run attacks for the sake of entertainment before finally moving in for the kill. While the Jaco Killer remains more hated, lone Civilized Race members in Psychoraptor territory are known to feel a deep dread at potentially encountering these ruthless creatures when they are in a 'playful' mood.

The armaments of the Psychoraptor are many. In addition to wicked toe-claws that allow them to do great damage with a powerful leaping attack, penetration of armored hides aided by the usual Nullian animal's ability to coat their attacks in a plasma field. Additionally, their large and powerful tail, used primarily for balance, is also suited for strong swipes and strikes, with the tip of the tail being coated in quills laced with toxin. The Psychoraptors do not naturally produce this toxin, but rather create it by harvesting various kinds of toxic materials, mixing them together, and dousing their tail quills with them. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon Psychoraptor in a salon getting their tail quills attended to by another, words following: 'Oh honey, you'll knock 'em dead with this, you'll see.]

The most standout weapon of the Psychoraptor family line, however, and what sets them apart from most other remaining Dromaeosaurids, is their multi-inch long sharpened claws tipping their hand's digits. Giving them additional weapons to tear into armor with the added benefit of limited but functional dexterity to grab and grapple, Psychoraptors are adept close range combatants who are more than willing and able to swarm targets they have set their sights on. More than one Civilized Hunter has fallen believing they could outgrapple a Psychoraptor, only for its packmates to interupt the duel to attack the distracted Hunter before they had a chance to win.

The intelligence of these creatures allows them to plan, coordinate, set up ambushes and crude traps, or even direct other animals to attack while they sit back and watch the ensuing battle for their own entertainment. This similarity to Spider-Ant behavior has not gone unnoticed in the scientific community, and it is a common debate in some academic circles as to which species developed these behaviors first and which the other learned through observation. Furthermore, they have an uncanny ability for vocal mimicry, allowing them to mimic the voices of their prey to lure others in for the kill, or to psychologically attack more sapient targets. [A note is attached. It reads 'They love to say 'Who is a pretty bird.' and I don't know why. Creepy.]

In spite of their often-sadistic love of bloody entertainment, Psychoraptors are dedicated parents who raise their offspring communally with the rest of the pack. The young, hatched from eggs laid seasonally every year, are well taken care of and taught every trick and skill their pack knows until they are old enough to head out to find a new pack for themselves. This causes a spread of knowledge amidst the various Psychoraptor packs, so whenever one pack learns something new, it is only a matter of time before it spreads to more and more of them.

Historical enemies to many towns and villages in, near, or around select forests and jungles across Arisa, the Psychoraptor has made quite the name for itself in Nullian culture with their distinct, often psychopathic love for carnage. Encounters with them almost always ends in a fight, which has soured the image of the raptor for many, even those species that lack the more horrific traits of this particular species. A shame indeed, but not unexpected given the traumatic violence many in these more far flung settlements have to endure with such volatile and brutal neighbors. Only time will tell if the Psychoraptor's days are numbered, or if the increasing movement to live in the Great Walled Cities will see these places abandoned by Civilized Races in favor of newer, safer pastures.

[Sketches depict a large scorpion like creature with 8 legs, two large pincers, a long tail ending with a trident like three pronged stinger, and an armored face with jaws surrounded by mandibles and 5 piercing eyes. The Sketches show the creatures tunneling through the sand as if they were swimming through it, living in burrows and often laying in wait for prey to come near their hiding spots before springing into action. Their carapaces show various colorations, from the striated looks of those in the Great Banded Desert to the red hued shells of the ones in the Red Desert, and more.]

[A note is attached. It reads 'When I was little, I heard people kept pet scorpions, but I didn't realize at the time only the small ones were kept as pets. So growing up, I would imagine Scorpanids on leashes and it wouldn't be until I was in college where I found out the truth. XD']

Scientific Name Translation: Sand Crawler.

Average Size: 7-12 feet/2.1-3.65 meters in length.

Average Weight: 500-800 pounds/ 226.8-362.9 kgs.

Notable Sexual Dimorphism: Females are distinguished by their orange markings compared to the males' red ones..

Habitat Range: Most Desert regions in Arisa.

Across Arisa, the Arachnid branch of life has seen many varieties and species come and go over the eons of evolution, from the primitive Pseudo-Spiders dated back 150 million years ago in our worlds' history, to the modern day and prospering Migo's Forest Scorpion. One particular species, however, have come to dominate the deserts of Arisa compared to other arthropods, having out competed all but the most powerful or numerous other species. The Scorpanid, also known by the native peoples of the deserts like the Skyrunners as the Dune Swimmers, is a family of large, hulking scorpions adapted to the harsher conditions of our world's deserts, finding plentiful food in the form of wandering bands of desert creatures moving from one oasis to another, and their competitor rival species, the Desert Spider-Ants.

The Scorpanid's evolution can be traced back roughly 23 million years ago, where their earliest known ancestors still lived in the inland sea of what is now today the Great Banded Desert. Living an amphibious lifestyle, when the Great Inland Sea began to dry up thanks to shifting continents and climate, these early creatures were forced to adapt quickly to the increasingly hostile landscape. While several different family lines would branch out to try and survive, the one that would directly lead to the Scorpanids were able to adapt the best to the new status quo, having grown to become the apex predator of its era. [A note is attached. It depicts a cartoon scorpion wearing sun glasses telling several other kinds of Scoprions in water 'You guys are dumb, water is for losers.']

Compared to most other ground scorpions, the Scorpanid is notable for its large size. Powered by a complex set of expansive internal lungs even by Nullian insect standards and a robust skeleton, the Scorpanid is protected from both the elements and most forms of attack by their hardened, chitinous armor. Difficult to pierce even with modern day, non armor piercing rounds, the Scorpanid's biggest limitation to their dominance in the deserts is their relative lack of social bonds. While cunning hunters, it is rare to see more than a handful of Scorpanids in the same area, and even then, usually only to feed on a large enough kill or when there are packs of prey near by.

With hunting strategies ranging from stalking hit and run tactics, ambushes on well walked prey routes, and using their ability to 'swim' through the sand to perform coordinated take downs of largest prey animals, the Scorpanid has a reputation among the peoples of the desert as a common hunter of livestock and pets. As such, culling's of their populations are common whenever they make their way to Civilized lands in any large numbers, though a more common tactic is to lead them into known Spider-Ant colonies to have the two mortal enemy species fight. [A note is attached. It reads 'During my time fixing up military gear at work, I once got to see a live cam footage of just one such fight breaking out. Words can't describe how cool it was to see live!']

In battle, the armor of the Scorpanid increases its survivability by an incredible degree, allowing them to ignore all but the most powerful of attacks. Crushing damage, such as that inflicted by the Hammertail of the region, makes short work of them, but their agility belied by their large size allows most to dodge out of the way. In terms of armaments, the Scorpanid is a living weapon's platform: Their legs are edged with sharp spines, their massive claws are capable of crushing almost anything that they can fit between them, their venomous stingers are stung with such force as to pierce modern military powered armor, and they are able spit out a burning corrosive stomach acid up to 50 meters away with great accuracy. Dangerous both to wild life and Median military units, dealing with Scorpanids is not something to be handled lightly as the powerful beasts can just as easily turn the tables on their attackers and inflict severe injuries or worse. [A note is attached. It reads 'It's almost like it's a living biological tank. I can't imagine why fighting one on foot would be dangerous. :V']

During the mating season, Scorpanid males have their red markings brighten to a flamboyant bright red, to help them attract females. Rather than compete in feats of strength or hunting, Scorpanid mating rituals are unusual in that they involve what can only be described as an intricate, ritualistic mating dance. Interestingly, each dance is unique to each Scorpanid, who must learn to develop their own dance on their own. Initiated by a hopeful male suitor, if the female is uninterested she will simply go away. If the male does manage to catch her eye, however, she will respond to his dance with one of her own.

The ritual is considered complete and successful only once both parties have danced up to 4 times each and begin to dance in unison. Once completed, the two mate, and then the pair go their separate ways. Females lay large eggsacs in their burrows which take several weeks to gestate before hatching into a swarm of young that follow their mother around, learning from her how to survive and what hunting tactics to use against what prey. At around 3 years of age, the Scorpanid young have grown to a sufficient size to survive on their own, and the cycle of life begins once again. [A note is attached. It depicts several tiny scorpions taking notes as a larger scorpion in a moo-moo is holding a Spider-Ant in one claw. Words follow: 'Now pay attention class, this is how you crush your enemies and drink in their dying lamentations like a can of soda.']

Tenatious creatures, Scorpanids are respected by desert cultures for their lethality, power, and overall level of danger, with a common saying among the Skyrunners about a foolish act as being 'Hitting the Dune Swimmer in the face instead of in the back.' Popular icons in both the military and as the representative animals for numerous tribes, the Scorpanids are held in high regard in spite of their danger and often frustrating attacks on local farms due to their tenacity and predatory cunning. To be compared to one is among the highest honors Skyrunner soldiers can give to another.
Official Legit Totally For Real Announcement
[Greetings to all of my readers. I know it's been a while since the last update, to which I profusely apologize for. I have been busy behind the scenes handling something important, and have come to make an announcement for it:

We are rebranding!

Who cares about silly deathworlds, complex lore dumps, and intricate histories? Nobody gives a toot about stuff like that these days. You know what people like? Sports ball! As such, I am proud to announce my Totally Legit and Absolutely Official™️ Partnership with HBO™️ to bring you Magic Johnson's Slamdownverse, a Totally Canon™️ prequel to Space Jam.

Join MJ as he takes on the greatest B-Ball players in the universe to learn the secrets of the Cosmos and help the Fellowship of the Slam to dunk on the competition of the Dark Jam Masters!

This partnership will be fruitful for all parties involved, and I am proud to say that absolutely nothing can stop it from happening!

Update: I have just been informed that Warner Bros has written off and completely destroyed all seventeen pre-recorded seasons of the would-have-been hit animated series to start this new multiverse off for a tax write off of half a baloney sandwich and a pocket full of lint.

However, due to not signing off the rights to my first ideas to them, I retain full power over everything written up to this point and can continue to do so in the foreseeable future.

Updates will return on a semi-regular basis starting with a Sidestory update to get us back into the groove!]
Goods of the World of Null, 6.
[A new digital poster is visible, showcasing an array of different branded drinks. 'Sylo's Drink Emporium, Dreamhold's newest Native-Displaced drinking franchise! Enjoy classic Median brands from Pop-Pops, Sip's Up, Soda Jerks, Wine 'N Dine, and Suuki's Shake Shack, to iconic brands including Neo-Sunset's Sorry Sake, Buzz On, and O'Nell's New Eirland Whiskey. Step on in and meet new folks with a drink in hand and a smile on your lips!']


[An old, worn out poster depicts a war scene out of a science fiction setting, showing heavily armored soldiers firing at one another with energy weapons as a star ship comes down in flames in the background. Words underneath read, 'Strained: Crimson Orchestra, Volume 4 Coming Soon. Catch the climactic finale of the critically acclaimed dark science fiction war series that have captured Nullian minds and thoughts for decades.'


[A holographic display showcases what seems to be a promenade at Dreamhold's residential area for aquatic species, the Pond. It scrolls through several mom and pop establishments, as well as some more mainstay Nullian eating establishments, including fast food staples like competing pizza franchises, the sun icon clad Dominus Ignus and Nullian predator themed Apex Den, as well as iconic staples such as the not-officially-endorsed Burger Mediator, the officially-endorsed Harley's owned by Mediator Media's right hand jester of the same name, Dreamhold's own native Byr-Byre Burger, and the all encompassing Soup Palace.]


[A new holographic poster is visible, depicting a Median aerial cargo ship traveling to the West, with words following stating 'LongLong-Tehemon Shipping, the shipping company with exclusive rights to private trade with the Sun Kingdom on the West Coast! Apply your company for a trading space on our cargo liners now! Space limited, first come first serve!]


[A Median military recruitment poster showcasing a Hunter, a Knight, and a Guardian planting a flag upon a strange creature of craggy stone like flesh and blue ichor spilling out of its wounds as words underneath read 'We need you to fight against their celestial tyranny! Join the Median Armed Forces today to take the fight to Yarah Dam!]


[An online video advertisement begins to play, depicting a crazed looking Empusa in disheveled office clothes standing in front of an enormous assortment of various items and objects.

"Come on down to Maggie's Madhouse, the only approved source for extradimensional media, games, toys, and assorted garbage the Artist's Quality Control Union didn't take behind the shed and put down like a mad Clucken!" Walking around, the Empusa woman takes out various items including, but not limited too: A singing plastic wall bass, a tacky lamp designed to look like a hairless female's leg, an archaic game system with a odd, trident shaped controllers plugged in, and a poster depicting a group of fantasy adventurer's journeying to destroy an evil ring. "If you want to experience the oddities and wonders of the multiverse, but lack the ability to travel the distance and/or are forbidden from doing so, we here at Maggie's Madhouse can become your one stop shop for all manners of foreign, alien media and wonders!"

"Have you always wanted to reexperience the disappointment of never amounting to anything?" She took out a packet of cigarettes. "These lung-cancer sticks can make you die inside physically as well as emotionally! Have you always wanted to keep a pet, but don't want the responsibility of a real animal?" She then lifted up a surprisingly very robust and advanced dynamic robot dog. "We've got all kinds of mechanical friends to keep you company! Have you always wanted to experience never ending dread and fear for your life as you are watched in your sleep by a horrific nocturnal predator?" She proceeded to bring in a Furby from just off screen. "Now you can experience that and practice your staring contests with this Godless crime against goodness!" Tossing the thing aside with barely contained disgust, she smiled widely at the camera as she spread her arms wide, the camera pulling back to see the whole of the store.

"Maggies Madhouse, new locations opening in Dreamhold, Bloodmount, Ceárta Iarainn, Long Lotus, and Orehaven soon!"]


[A poster advertising a convention of some kind is present, the word 'MonCon' at the top. It is split between three sections: On the left is 'EcoMon', depicting an armored Oros commanding Nullian animals to fight an off screen enemy. The other on the right is 'ManaMon', which depicts a more wholesome scene of a Chimera eating ice cream with a floating creature of Nullian urban legend allegedly confirmed to be a myth. At the bottom is 'HighBound' a spin off of ManaMon that depicts a legendary powerful creature, in this case an extremely muscular ghostly dragon, behind a sitting Oros with a buckler connecting the two of them through an etheral link. Words on the bottom state 'Opening Fabius 32nd'.]
Grimoire: The Old Gods of Null
[The following is a Transcript from the Grimoire of the Magi Order, unknown author.]

The Old Gods of Null: The Pantheon of Violence.

'Before there was the World of Null, there was the Old Lands, the old spaces when the universe was young and new. Gods of all breeds settled into their own corners of burgeoning reality, and laid down the foundations for what were to be their worlds. And in what would one day be the location of Null, there was what can only be described as a Pantheon of Violence.'-Excerpt from the Chapter Before The Beginning, The Book of the Great Spirits.

The World of Null which we Mortals call home is old. Even before its physical foundations were laid in the early universe, the blueprints for its make were woven into the cosmic tapestry by the Weaver Null. Indeed, much was planned from the onset for our world, from its lethality to its carefully chosen location. One aspect that did not survive to the modern day, however, is the pantheon that calls its Spirit World home.

Before the Great Spirits, there were the Old Gods.

The Pantheon of Violence.

Where other pantheons were woven of tales of drama, familial affairs, and a variety of misadventures, the Pantheon is notable in that it lived up to its namesake. Violence and brutality was the order of their day, be it in the swift and ruthless execution of Elder Gods that thought them easy prey, or in the ruthless and absolute power that Ha, Queen of Spite, rule over her fellow gods.

The Pantheon of Violence was once thought to be but a myth, the oldest known religion among the Oros and their kin once believed to have been constructed as a way to explain why our world was as harsh and brutal as it is. Over time, however, we would find evidence to suggest that the legends and tales past down over the ages were, in fact, truth, stories of this primordial age bleeding into modern Nullian memory as the final remnants of our spiritual forefathers.

What is known for sure is that the Pantheon is long dead, or that if any of the Old Gods survived they have either left or have gone deep into hiding. Indeed, it is believed that the reason the Great Spirit Pantheon came into being is because our intended gods, the Pantheon of Violence, had died out in ages long past and that they were brought in as replacements for our now missing divine component to our world.

The Old Pantheon is known to have been originally comprised of 8 individuals.

At the top of the pantheon was the brutal, merciless, and all powerful feline like Queen of the Old Gods, Ha. The Queen of Spite, it is said that Ha was cursed with being the vessel of Divine Wrath itself, and that as time went on, all that remained of her was Perfect Hatred for all that existed, which if true would explain much. Ruling with an iron fist, Ha gained her title as the Queen of Spite for carving every slight, no matter how small, against her unto her own flesh. Indeed, according to legend, once Ha ran out of space on her skin, she peeled herself apart to carve more slights underneath her flesh-muscle, organ and bone-until even her marrow was etched with grudges.

Directly beneath her in power and status was her brother, the canine like Ra, her enforcer and who is agreed upon to be the spiritual forefather of the Oros family line. Compared to his sister, Ra was far less consumed by rage, though was as quick to battle as any within his pantheon. Technically, Ra was weaker than the other Old Gods in terms of raw power, something he made up for with incredible cunning. An inventor by nature, Ra would construct tools using his own molten blood as the ore for weapons, armor, and more. Irony of ironies, it would be Ra who would lead the rebellion against his sister in the end of it all and would be the last one standing against her in the Mutiny of Old Heaven.

After them was La, the Jackal esq Shadow Mistress. La was tied with Pa the Scholar as the most level and cool headed of the Old Gods, using cunning and a sharp tongue to deescalate situations before they could become battles. Though not lacking in power, La as the others paled in strength to Ha and thus used her wit and tongue to secure her place in her court. Unfortunately, for all her intellect, La miscalculated just how deep the strength Ha's Perfect Hatred ran within her, and her very strengths became all the reason Ha needed to assail her. Losing an eye, La escaped into the Shadows and is believed to be the only one of the Old Gods still alive, albeit far from us. Indeed, her still being alive is believed to be the reason why no direct replacement for her has arisen among the Great Spirit, though this is purely theory.

Ga, the enormous serpentine Old God of the Sea, was proud and arrogant, though the irony of being God of the Seas in a realm that was volcanoes and shifting tectonic realities was not lost upon him or us. The fiercest rival to Ra, Ga often engaged his smaller opponent in battle to claim his place as the enforcer of Ha's will, though Ra always bested him in the end to his great frustration. He was not weak by any measure, however, for in all their battles, Ra always won by outsmarting and out-maneuvering the larger, stronger deity.

Ya, the draconic Old God of the Skies, spent almost all of his time flying high above. Aloof and haughty, Ya believed himself safe from the affairs of his land-bound kin by remaining in the skies above, something that was one day proven incorrect when Ha, having grown tired of his flaunting ways, leapt up and brought him down to the dirt for the first time in his long life, a humiliating humbling that led to him being first in line to join Ra in the eventual rebellion.

Fa, the Jailer, a hulking goddess assigned to guard and watch over any prisoners who had earned the ire of Ha enough for long term imprisonment, was methodical in her book-keeping and was said to be able to recognize one grain of sand out of place within her domain. She was the last and hardest to turn against Ha due to relative lack of bad blood between them, becoming convinced with the idea of being able to apply her trade to more than one world if they could depose Ha and open up their borders to other realms.

Pa, the Scribe, was the least aggressive of the Old Gods and, as his title would suggest, was tasked with all of the duties of writing down and maintain the ledgers and codices of the Pantheon at Ha's command. It is said it was he who turned Ra against his sister by pointing out that her attack against La was provoked only by pettiness, a trait not befitting a ruler, though if this is the actual truth has long been lost to time. During the Mutiny of Heaven, if it said that Pa sacrificed himself to give Ra the opportunity to deliver a killing blow to his sister.

Finally, Ta, Mother of Monsters, the smallest and weakest of all of the Old Gods and said to be the mastermind behind the primordial proto-forms of what would one day become the biosphere of Null. Relatively tiny and angry, Ta notably had no allies, only varying degrees of enemies among her kin, hating them as much as they hated her if one believes the tales. Knowing her weakness, she used her incredible intellect to create her 'children', the proto-monsters whose spiritual descendants we know as the flora and fauna of our world today. Despite this quality, modern interpretations often portrays Ta sympathetically, seeing her as an underdog surrounded by those far more powerful than herself. Among the Old Gods, she was the easiest to turn against Ha, hating the Queen of Spite more than she hated the rest of her kin. Though many believe her to have been among the first to die in the Mutiny of Heaven, some stories tell that Ta was the only survivor of the great battle, and would go on to shape the world into what it is today with some believing her to be the literal mother of the Great Spirit of Mortal Life on Null, Xarara.

The Pantheon of Violence is a tragic tale of brutality and internecine conflict that ended in total destruction, it is also something of a relief among our people that they died out and that the Great Spirits arose in their place. Our world is horrific enough as it is without them. Who knows what horrors would have awaited under the tyrannical heel of one like Ha?​
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