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The Force was confused.

Or as confused as a near-omnipotent and limitless energy, life force...


Slave to the Plot Bunnies
Dec 3, 2019
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So! I want to thank any and all who happen to drop by and read this rather indulgent fic of mine. I happened to get back into Swtor following the latest content they dropped for the game (holy fuck this game is 10 years old now!) and wanted to get this plot bunny out of my head. Criticism is always welcome as well as any advice you all might have for me to improve. Now! Onto the show!

The Force was confused.

Or as confused as a near-omnipotent and limitless energy, life force could be.

It first sensed it when a mortal soul, an alien from outside its own galaxy, suddenly wound up in one of its very few and heavily guarded domains.

There were scarce, few times surprise filled the Force, but that surprise soon turned to curiosity as it watched the alien soul flicker about aimlessly in its domain. The curiosity turned to concern when the intruding soul was assaulted by the hazardous energies pervading the World between Worlds.

Normally, intruders not granted permission or allowed by the Force itself would be eradicated down to their very essence by the energies before even that was destroyed. However…

…never before had an alien soul without a body, purposely or accidentally, wound up here.

The Forced dispersed the harmful energies surrounding the damaged soul before wrapping it in a blanket of protection, the protective sphere encircling the soul mending some of the damage done.

Its deed finished, the Force gave the soul an inquisitive inspection. It was a young soul, it noted. Its former life cut short by an unfortunate event that somehow led it to be ejected from its own universe and into this one. Whether by purposeful design or sheer accident, the Force could not determine. But in the end, it did not matter. The soul was in its possession now.

The Forced pondered what to do with it, a cast about the numerous time gates, some connected to the same time strand, others connected to their own mirrored strand with differences here and there to set it apart from the others. A glance back to the soul revealed another surprise, an unexpected, but welcome one. Knowledge — Knowledge of different eras, different times, and even different events and potential outcomes.

Amusement filled the cosmic entity, or what could possibly pass as humor for one of its unique kind. Yes, that path would do. The Force willed open a gate, finding just the right moment in time for its new child to make their mark in history, whether small or large. A time when the galaxy was plunged into war by two dominating factions while a third slowly waited in the shadows, waiting for its moment to outshine the other two.

The soul, now marked and adopted as one of its own children, as every sentient life form in its galaxy is, left its adopted parent's grasp and enters the gate.

It's final deed for the soul done, the Force turned its attention back to the grand scheme of the galaxy. Certain individuals needed to be guided and specific events needed to transpire, and its home needed to be prepared for the future threats that loomed in the void between galaxies.

Death is overrated, I decided.

I can't even recall what led to mine given my memories were more scrambled than a full course meal of eggs. Not to mention, there was this killer (hah!) migraine pounding my skull several ways to next week.

From what I could draw from my incredibly vague and confused memory, I was at a gas station filling up my car when there was a loud POP followed by blinding pain and then… nothing. What comes next is the confusing part. Following my presumed death, (or maybe I'm stuck in a coma or something?), I found myself in a void, or what I could classify as one given all my senses were numbed, if not straight-up gone. I can't tell how long I was stuck there, only after a certain point of time my sense of pain returned with a burning vengeance.

Death is overrated and I want my refund.

Hearing was the second sense to return with a cacophony of noise. Music I couldn't understand played from an unknown location along with voices around me in multiple conversations.

Taste and touch came next; a dryness in my mouth that left me feeling dehydrated followed by the rough fabric that made up my pants along with the feel of leather, fingerless gloves on my hands.

The other two senses I couldn't remember the name of arrived fourth. I felt strange and disoriented, weighed down by a heft on the side of my leg and around my waist in what I presumed to be a belt and unused to my body.

Finally, sight returned and I couldn't help the gasp that left me nor the fact my heart threatened to commit suicide via jumping out of my mouth. People dressed in strange but vaguely similar clothes conversed or partied around me; people in skin tones I physically knew were not possible, like green. There was even this one lady that was blue with tentacles on her hea—

All trains of thought stopped as I stood up and stumbled my way out of the area, almost falling forward and tumbling into what looked like a poker table to the displeasure of the players and spectators given they cursed at me.

I needed to get out of here; needed to find a bathroom or – or somewhere isolated. I knew the signs of a panic attack coming on and I was on the verge of breaking down right then and there.

I stomped heavily on the flooring beneath me, practically merging with the metal wall that was cool to touch with how hard I was leaning on it for support while I looked around for an empty room.

Things only got worse for my mental state when a humanoid alien with brown skin and SPIKES growing out of his head strolled past me, arm-in-arm with a pretty human female as they chatted and laughed together over something I didn't hear.

I eventually found a door with a sign next to it in characters I could vaguely recall, but never understand.

Then things got trippy when my brain helpfully supplied what it meant and I could read it with almost perfect clarity.


That sounded like a restroom to me and I didn't hesitate to push the door open – only to fall face-first to the floor with my arms swinging wildly to catch me when the door instead opened on its own and slide into the frame on the right.

A pained hiss left me as I sat up, rubbing my head from the nasty bonk on the floor I gave it. For a time, I simply sat there nursing the swelling that wonderfully distracted me from the existential crisis I was having.

The pain left me too soon, I mourned as I glanced around. The fresher looked rather similar to a restroom thankfully. Private stalls mimicking what you would normally see in a restaurant or store lined the walls with several large private walled areas that I bet held a proper toilet.

The most eye-catching thing that grabbed my attention was the advanced-looking, metal sinks lining the opposite side of the wall to the toilets. I stood up slowly, still getting used to my movements, and approached a sink, grabbing onto its sides for support. I attempted to turn the sole knob, only to realize it was a push-button instead. Water flowed freely and almost silently as I cupped my hands and splashed my face with the liquid.

Rinsing my face and calming myself down, I glanced up and couldn't help the strangled cry that left my lips as a foreign sight greeted me in the mirror. Where I expected to see my rather plain and unattractive mug, I was instead introduced to an unfamiliar sight.

My rounded face filled with some fat was instead replaced by an angular and pointed structure, not a trace of fat on it. Tanned skin that saw some sun occasionally covered my body instead of the rather pale color I had from not getting out of my apartment. My blue eyes were gone, a nice emerald stood in lieu of them while my dirty blond hair had been dyed a chestnut brown.

A glance down my body showed a thin frame instead of my large and mistreated one. I could feel some muscle on my arms with a small flex, but nothing like an athlete, more in line with the muscles one would naturally develop as they occasionally lifted a large or heavy object. But overall, I felt lighter than I had in years, which was good I suppose.

But I still felt weak, if that made sense. There wasn't this overwhelming stamina that flooded me or a strength to go beyond my previous limits. In fact, I think it was closer to say I went to the opposite end of the spectrum. Where I was once overweight with pockets of fat over my stomach and neck, my new body was gaunt with malnutrition. In fact, I could easily push my finger under a rib.

A sardonic chuckle left me as I stared by at the unfamiliar visage. "Fuck me… guess I didn't win the body jackpot lottery." I gripped my head in my palms, trying to rub the aching headache.

So, my internal crisis finally out of the way, time to return to my existential one.

Where in the flying fuck was I?

I was in some metal house or something, there weren't any windows in the room I awoke in nor the hallway I went down if I remembered correctly, or maybe there was and I was too busy trying to not have a mental breakdown in a public area. I… would need to leave at one point and scout around to actually see if I was in a building, or heavens forbid a space—

Nope! I scrunched my eyes shut, memories of the aliens walking around me brought back that panic attack two-fold.

Deny, deny, deny! I denied what I saw prior, hard. It wasn't rational, or probably healthy, but I was an expert in unhealthy practices, and denying was my bread and butter. Deny until I couldn't deny anymore, then have that fun panic attack!

Then one of the bathroom stall doors slammed open and out-strolled ActuallySatan himself. I felt my breath hitch and my body go into a fight or flight response, with neither one being able to do anything given my panic was gripping both by the throat. Then the devil himself looked me in the eyes with a disgruntled expression.

"What'cha lookin' at, chu-ta." His voice was gruff and annoyed and his expression of displeasure from my staring grew with every second. It didn't help he was tall and imposing, nor the fact he could probably break me like a twig.

My mouth flapped open and close several times without a response, my sweaty palms trembling as I did my best to form my response.

A scoff left his lips as he rudely and purposely shoved past me, almost sending me to the floor with his push. I watched him leave the restroom without another word, the loud blaring of music flooding the room for a brief second before the door shut again and cut off the noise. For a minute, I stood there paralyzed. Then, a chuckle left my throat. It grew to a laugh before descending to the laughter of an insane person who's entire reality was just shattered into millions of pieces.

Tears slipped down my face with how hard I laughed, clutching at my stomach before I quieted down. I took one last look at the mirror and gave it a mocking smile. I just got assaulted by a Devaronian.

What was that about denying until I couldn't? Right, probably got crushed by an honest-to-God creature from Star Wars on his way out.

I couldn't deny it anymore; I was trapped in someone else's body in one of my favorite sci-fi settings of all time.

And nothing could have filled me with more dread in that very moment.

Then the entire room shook as something rocked the building (starship?) I was in, sending me tumbling to the floor.

"Oh fuck all the way off, Murphy!"
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Chapter 1: The First Step
Alright! Here we go again, everyone. Am a bit proud of this one as it not only proves to me I can keep my interest and focus on a story for more than one chapter, but I also did it in record time than I normally do when writing multiple parts to a story other than one-shots just for me. As usual, Constructive criticism is always welcomed. Oh! I should mention that I am also cross-posting this on Sufficient Velocity as well. Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!

I stumbled out of the restroom, (or should I start calling it the refresher? Fresher?), awkwardly, clinging to the walls for support as the entire building shook around me. A loud, klaxon alarm was blaring with emergency red-flood lights kicking on whenever the power failed every so often.

Of all the times for my luck to kick in, I grumbled to myself. The screams of everyone around me was disorienting, making my headache go from a regular hammer to a jackhammer set to high. I used the wall as a guide as I
slowly grew more comfortable with my new body, which ended up probably saving me as a stampede of other civilians almost trampled me on their chaotic dash for safety.

When I re-entered the room, I was greeted to the grisly sight of several people lying dead, presumably. The optimistic part of me hoped they were merely unconscious, but as I examined one unfortunate Twi'lek with severe electrical burns covering their face with smoke rising from their cooling corpse, I had to concede that this wasn't going to be the kid-friendly, Disney version of the universe.

Fuck, what do I even do in this case?!

I stood hopelessly still, eyeing the moaning and groaning injured people around me. Those who only had light injuries or escaped unscathed were helping others up, checking and their condition and such. And honestly, that couldn't have been a larger blow to my already low self-esteem as I stood paralyzed and useless nearby. My vision was rudely interrupted as a pair of fingers consumed my sight, and somehow the two, rapid snaps the owner of the fingers made were louder than all the other noise around me. I blinked, my eyes going wide and jumping to the owner.

A rather beautiful woman with coppery brown hair that fell just to her shoulders was giving me a concerned, if rather serious, look.

"W-what?" I stumbled out.

"I said, are you alright? You were standing still there spaced out for several minutes. Are you injured? Do you need medical attention?" Her wine-red eyes looked over my frame for any presumed injuries.

I shook my head groggily, rubbing a part of my forehead where my headache was most intense. "N-no, I'm alright. Just got a headache is all."

She stepped back, giving me a once-over to make sure I wasn't lying before nodding. "Alright, I need you to go help the other civilians and get them to a safer area. Security should hopefully be here soon to guide you all to a safe location." She spun on the balls of her feet before making her way to the – oh wow, that was a rather large and literal hole in the wall.

"Wait, where are you going?" What, why did I just say—

The woman seemed surprised as well, stopping to give me a look. "The bridge, I need to see what's attacking us and why."

The bridge? Why would a normal person like her be going—

My eyes fell to her waist, attracted by the reflective, cylindrical object that caught my eye – oh.

My eyes widened. Oh.

Comprehension and realization dawned on me.


That was a lightsaber. An honest-to-God lightsaber. My eyes tracked up to meet her own and it seemed she realized the same conclusion I came to if the tiny smirk on her face was any indication.
"You're a Jedi," I breathed out. I was in the presence of a Jedi. A real Jedi! My inner nerd was having a nerdgasm with how excited I was inside. That tiny smirk on her face inched upwards, amusement was clear in her eyes as she wordlessly turned around and jogged through the torn-open doorway, followed by a robot – droid, I mentally corrected, that looked like a rather weird version of an astromech if the trashcan lid-like head was anything to go by.

I lost track of time for how long I stood there, simply shaking in excitement. The words, 'I just met a Jedi,' repeating themselves continuously in my head. Then whoever was attacking us rudely interrupted my nerd fantasy by hitting the… ship? Base? …wherever I was again, shaking me from revere. The Jedi's words were brought back to my mind though, as I glanced at the still struggling passengers in the room. I should help them, and it would be safer for me to get somewhere safe that's protected by the security of the area with the rest of the civilians here. Leave the pros and the Jedi to protect us squishy and soft civvies.

And yet…

I was stuck in one of the most popular settings in all of fiction with an obvious and imminent threat lurking at the doorstep. I had been torn out of my normal life through means unknown to me and left the normal world behind. As I beheld the destroyed doorway in front of me, a small part of my subconscious recognized what that doorway meant along with the hallway I came from, where everyone else was retreating to.

The hallway led to safety. I would be hopefully protected by the security team of wherever I was and eventually picked up by the authorities along with everyone else to be provided a way home.

The doorway on the other hand…

It was something I had been dreaming and fantasizing about all my life.

The first step on the Hero's Journey:

A Call to Adventure.

My overactive mind may have dramatized this for me perhaps too much, but… I couldn't stop the trembling in my legs; how my hands shook and my heart beating erratically at the possibilities laid before me.
I stole one more glance around, the last few people were leaving with help from each other and my only company left was the still blaring klaxon alarm and the rapidly cooling corpses of those unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I gulped and took one step, then another and a third. Three steps turned into five; five turned into ten, and ten turned into twenty. Before I realized it, I had crossed the threshold of the door and into a corridor. Red, emergency floodlights were my only guide as I crossed the hallway. I could hear my heart hammering in my ears as every ounce of instinct fought against me the entire way. I was crossing into dangerous and most importantly, unknown, territory. Even the arguably smarter parts of my brain were telling me I should turn right back now and go where it's safer.

I ignored it, or as best I could, but every step I made—every foot, yard, and meter I traveled made me bolder in my decision to continue further.

That was up until I encountered another pair of corpses, probably one of the personnel of the ship and his robo—droid, partner. I gulped and looked away, moving as fast as I could away from them. I couldn't help them, they were dead, needed to keep moving justkeepgoingyoucanmakeit.

I barely had time to process the pair of droid that laid in multiple pieces with smoke rising from their chassis. In fact, what made me even see them was the fact I almost tripped over one's bisected lower half. I looked at it stunned before turning to see the other one quite literally disarmed and de-legged.

I don't think these two suffered an accident…

I swallowed before steeling what little confidence I had left and moved forward, my eyes locking onto what looked like some really, fancy and futuristic elevator.

Coming to it, I paused at the terminal. Familiar as I was to twenty-first-century elevators, the holographic display of a pair of named panels left me befuddled for a moment. I looked over the names, one was actually greyed out surprisingly. The lit up one was called COMMAND DECK.

Command deck… wait, earlier the Jedi said she was going to the bridge to check on things there. A bridge was a term only used when referring to a naval vessel, beyond the obvious other bridge, and this calls it a deck—

My eyes widened.

Oh, I thought. I'm in Star Wars and the only thing ever called either of these things is a starship.


I will forever deny I let out a high-pitched and off-key scream for the rest of my life. No such thing happened, so sir-e.

Calming down though, I hesitated for a few seconds before pushing the lit button. The door hissing shut behind me nearly had me jumping out of my skin, but I calmed down. The ride up only lasted a minute, but it seemed like an hour to me. During that minute though, my brain was going on overdrive to come up with a plan that could at least sound feasible.

What I had come up with was that I needed to help the Jedi I met earlier. If I helped her in some meaningful way, she would vouch for me so the security wouldn't immediately toss my ass with the rest of the civilians or, as my luck would have it, in a temporary brig for impeding and inconveniencing the personnel during a hostile attack. Was it ludicrous, insane, would without a doubt get me killed if I fucked up or get me captured and ransomed?

Oh, abso-fucking-lutely.

But it didn't matter how many holes anyone else poked into it at this moment, all that matter was that it convinced me and let me take those needed steps forward. The blaster I now noticed at my side in a belt-holster also helped with that decision.

When the door hissed open, I poked my head out to see if there were any security near. Seeing none was around, I took cautious steps forward out of the elevator.

There was a second elevator on my left, and a pair of doors on opposite ends of the room I was now in, and further down was some kind of terminal. Beyond that, I could see what looked like the bridge to the starship. Even the probably ultra-strong glass that had a nice view of space and the attacking warship that was shooting us with so many lasers.

Creeping up to the large terminal, I hid behind it and watched as everyone scrambled about, going to different stations and calling out words and probably commands I couldn't quite understand from where I was. At the head of the bridge though, was what looked to be a pair of officers conversing with—

I felt my breath catch for a second as I saw the Jedi from earlier. With how far away she was, I wouldn't have been able to make her out if she wore something similar to everyone else in the room.
As it was though, she stood out like a sore thumb with her brown robes I just now realized she wore. How did I miss those completely earlier?! I blinked as a thought was supplied to me that I was in the midst of fighting a panic attack and a headache earlier and didn't have time to admire her clothing. Speaking of headaches, I just realized mine was gone so that was helpful.

I almost missed the fact the Jedi and the officers finished up their conversation and she was making her way towards me. I panicked, glancing around before scrambling towards an alcove on my right, hiding towards the back.

Nope, couldn't be caught and questioned now. That would ruin any chances I had of helping.

Thankfully, she passed by me without noticing; her robes billowing with her sprint and her droid doing its best to keep up all the while chirping in its droid language that I couldn't understand for the life of me. I followed after her when she gained a little distance, watching as she ducked to the right through an open door and down a corridor, the door sliding shut behind her.

Jogging after her, the door opened without my prompting which I still think is wicked cool, but that thought was interrupted when another tremor shook the ship. I stumbled down the incline of the corridor, almost falling on my face but managing to catch myself.

Then my ears caught the sound of the familiar noise of blaster fire, and the iconic snap-hiss of a lightsaber igniting along with it.

This is it. I felt it in my bones. My first real test to see if I was cut out for this adventuring life-style. Fret with danger around every corner and perils that would test my resolve at every waking moment.
I calmed my breathing and undid the strap keeping my blaster pistol secure. Slipping out the black pistol, I gave it a once over to make sure it was primed and ready.


The M-305 Rancor Enforcer was an interesting blaster, I thought as I inspected it. My hands subconsciously flipped the pistol and flicked a switch without me realizing I had done so. I became aware of the action when I felt the blaster thrum to life, small blue lights coming alive at the back.

I stared for a moment as I thought how I knew what to do to turn it on, even knowing its name when not even an hour prior I wasn't in this universe. Maybe I'm remembering things from the original person I hijacked this body from?

A blaster bolt slammed into the wall near me, reminding me I was just outside a battle going down.

"Fuck me, I'm going to die doing this, aren't I?" I whispered aloud as I crept around the corner, peeking to see what was going on.

Sure enough, the Jedi I was following was up against at least a squad of hostile forces, her azure blade made her a beacon amongst the red blaster fire and floodlights. She expertly wove her saber, deflecting the blaster fire back at her enemies as best as she could but her opponents were at least trained to take cover and duck whenever one of their bolts was reflected back at them.

Despite her progress, I could see as several members of the enemy lied dead on the cold floor, she was bogged down by the blaster fire. The enemy had positioned themselves so that if she advanced towards one group (there were two, I noticed) she would leave her back exposed to the fire of the second. I blinked as I saw her droid helping as best it could too, a baby blaster clutched in an extended arm taking the occasional shot, not that it seemed to bother the troops too much.

I licked my lips as I crept closer to the battle, taking cover behind several containers stacked together. The enemy hadn't seen me, this was my chance to help and make a difference. I was already stepping so far out of my comfort zone, given I had never been in a simple brawl in my entire life, never mind stepping into a live combat zone, I might as well go all the way.

I took aim with my blaster, closing one eye as I remembered the steps to firing a firearm at a target my grandfather taught me. Granted, I don't think he would have ever imagined I'd be putting these lessons to use against another person, much less with futurist weaponry and in an entirely different universe.

Regardless, the steps were probably fundamentally the same. So, I took aim, steadied my breathing, and gently pulled the trigger.
The recoil from the blaster was less than I had experienced with normal guns, but it still kicked in my hand as a blue laser bolt left the barrel and traveled the length of the corridor, striking the cover the person I had been aiming at was hiding behind.

The enemy realized there was a new combatant assisting the Jedi and the nearest group turned without hesitation to see where I was. In my panic of missing, I shot off several more rounds, all of them going wide before I was forced to hide as a hail of blaster bolts crashed into my cover.

I didn't dare peak to try and get another shot off, I was too afraid I'd get either my head or hand shot off if I did so, not to mention the absolute paralyzing fear of being shot at basically rendered me useless.
Thankfully, I had provided a much-needed distraction for the Jedi, and I only realized I had unintentionally done so when I heard the cries and strangled screams of pain.

I poked my head up and sure enough, she had exploited the enemy's distraction my shots had provided and assaulted the group still focused on her while the second one had turned to deal with them. Now, the enemy was forced to pay attention to two targets, one which was currently slicing through their entire squad while the other was still a threat.

I steeled my courage and popped out of cover again, taking aim and opening fire on the second group, and actually managing to score a hit on the guy I was originally aiming at! He let out a scream and tumbled to the floor, clutching his wounded shoulder where I shot him. I didn't have time to consider the implications that I just potentially killed someone, nor the fact I somehow didn't feel anything about it either. Potential sociopathic tendencies aside, I still need to help.

I went to aim at the next person only to realize there was no one else left to shoot at.

"You can come out now, there's no more."

My eyes immediately jumped to the Jedi and found her looking at me. Even with the distance between us, it felt like she was staring into my soul. I stepped out of my cover, sliding my blaster back into my holster with disturbing ease before approaching her.

When I got close enough for her to properly see my face, her eyes lit up in recognition. "Wait, you're the passenger from earlier!"

I gave her a nervous smile, fiddling with the safety strap for my blaster like I to occupy my shaking hands."Y-yea. It's, uh, fancy meeting you here, huh?" the words stumbled out of my mouth with the dexterity of a drunken monkey.

She merely raised an eyebrow, her expression showing me she didn't believe that statement one bit, and honestly? Neither would I. "Do you want to try again?"

Her voice, now that I thought about it, was vaguely familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it to be precise. But, that was for a later time. I breathed out a sigh, shoulders slumping, and spoke the truth. "I want to help."

Her body language changed, going from amused to serious. "Listen, sir. I understand—"

"Sam," I interrupted her. "My name—Sam."

Now it was her turn to let out a sigh, though hers was probably more due to exasperation from me.

"—Sam then, listen. I understand you want to help but you're in over your head—"

Don't have to tell me twice, pretty lady.

"—and you're going to get hurt or worse, dead. Now please, go back with the other passengers aboard the Esseles and wait in safety there. I do appreciate your help earlier, but I don't think you're prepared to fight the Empire."

Wait, Empire? Which Empire is she talking about? It can't be OG Empire, otherwise, Palpatine and Vader would be—"

"Sam! Are you paying attention?"

I blinked and came back to a pair of wine-red eyes that looked rather irritated. Dammit, I need to stop spacing out so much, I thought with a wince.

"Erm, sorry ma'am. Didn't mean to do so but—but please! Listen, I can help you! While you're busy kicking everyone's asses up front I can provide support from the background. You won't have to worry about me, I promise. I'm good in a fight, this isn't my first time in one either!" Liar, liar, pants on fire! She's gonna have to babysit you and you know it.

The Jedi in front of me looked about ready to toss me out an airlock and be done with it, judging by the way she pinched her nose and was muttering under her breath. We were both interrupted by a violent shaking of the ship as one of those energy bolts from the enemy capital ship outside struck dangerously close to where we were.

"Sithspit, I don't have time for this!" she bit out, annoyed greatly. She rounded on me, a finger pressing into my shirt with some force that commanded obedience. "I'm going to say this once Sam, and only once, I'll allow you to help—and only help, I don't need you trying to do any heroics. If I tell you to stay back, then by the will of the Force, you're going to stay back. Understand? Otherwise, you're going back with the civilians." Her eyes promised a great deal of suffering if I refused, so naturally, I agreed.

"Yes ma'am! I promise you won't have to worry about me." I thought about doing a mock salute, but figured I shouldn't press any more of her buttons. Otherwise, she may go ahead with her threat.

She nodded before turning around and began marching to the elevator at the end of the corridor I just now noticed was there. "Good, we need to get down docking level and the security there. The Imperials are launching boarding pods and we've detected a large gathering down there."

Oh fuck, I'm actually doing this, aren't I. I'm actually going to fight alongside a Jedi, get shot at by the Empire, and probably die a horrible death. Why am I doing this again brain? Oh, right. Because I wanted to be cool for once. At least I got to see a hot girl kicking ass with a real lightsaber. Suppose I have that going for me.

We stepped in the elevator with the said hot Jedi pressing the button to take us down I presumed when a thought occurred to me. "Oh hey, by the way, I forgot to ask but what's your name?"

She blinked, a bit surprised by that before giving me a small smile that showed no trace of her earlier annoyance. "I suppose I haven't, apologies. Things have been a little stressful, that skirmish before was rather stressful. Anyways, my name is Kara L'harr, Jedi Pad—" she coughed into her fist, shaking her head, "Jedi Knight of the Republic." A trill of beeps echoed from her side, drawing both of our attention to the droid wobbling at her side. Kara gave a small laugh, patting the top of the droid's rounded head. "Of course, this here is T7-M4, or just Tee-Seven."

I gave her a grin, now I had a name to go with a face. I held out my hand to her for a shake which she took with some humor. "Nice to meet you, then Kara."

"And you as well, Sam," she returned, gripping my hand and giving it a firm shake.

I bent down, offering a hand to the astromech. "And it's nice to meet you as well, Tee-Seven." The droid shot out a little... hand, I think? I blinked before a chortle escaped me, grasping the small hand and giving it a shake.

Our special moment was broken up when the elevator door slid open and my heart nearly stopped at the sight of Jane-Fuckmothering-Shepard giving a rousing speech to a gathered bunch of Republic troopers standing at attention. Complete with cool armor, scarlet red hair, and Jennifer Hale's voice and all.
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