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Alternate Gensis (Evangelion AU story)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Evangelion nor do I claim too I just do these things for fun, so here...


Your first time is always over so quickly, isn't it?
Dec 17, 2015
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Disclaimer: I do not own Evangelion nor do I claim too I just do these things for fun, so here we go. Characters may be OOC as this story is set in a AU where a lot of the events are turned on their heads.

Evangelion: Alternate Genesis

Chapter 1: The call.
Shinji Ikari sat in a large room wearing a white and blue Kendo uniform. Looking down in front of him sat a large file full of paper with a of information, detailing the events of the second impact and how it was in fact an alien attack on human kind. Shinji also learned that his father ran the organisation set up to defeat the alien angel meance his father now needed to pilot the colossal Eva unit one the ultimate weapon in the fight against the menace.

Looking out of the corner of his eyes Shinji is aware that someone was in the room and he immediately was on his feet in stance ready and his wooden practise sword held in front of him in a two handed grip as men and women clothed like ninja attack him at once, in graceful fluid motions Shinji steps into the guard. No wasted movement one strike to the side of the head of floored one jumping forward and rolling along the ground Shinji raised his guard after rolling to his feet. Shinji kicks the feet out from another before stepping over them and dropping with a another quick slashing motion with the sword knocking down the last of them.

Closing his eyes and grasping the inner peace he was taught Shinji focuses his mental energy as he hears a real blade being drawn, in one fluid motion Shinji rolls across the matted floor easily avoiding his sensei's strike taking a steel blade from the rack on the wall Shinji blocks another strike with its sheathe before kicking his sensei back. Shinji flips several motions to create some distance and draws the blade again.
The two circle each other and both rush each other at the same time as steel meets steel, sparks fly as the blades strike, as they both stare each other down. Shinji moves a few more steps to the right and the blades clash again causing sparks as their blades hit each other. Ducking a horizontal strike Shinji drives his elbow forward scoring a hit and knocking his sensei back.

"Good work Shinji, I think it is time you joined your father."

Taking off the ninja hood, Shinji smiles at the woman who was his sensei. She was a beautiful woman in her thirties name dTomoe. One of the few great clans that taught marital arts, and the various codes of ancient japan. Tomoe had taken Shinji in at his fathers request when his mother passed away and had in turn trained him for the day he would go to Nerv. Signally Shinji to follow her the strode out of the hall and along the wooden path that went along side the traditional garden. Sliding a door panel back they both stepped into a dark room and strolled across the floor.
At the end of the room sat a white box it was long and thin, Shinji watched Tomoe lift it and she lifted and took the item with in it out. Shinji looked over the Katana his sensei now held in her hand as she turned and handed it to him. The handle was black along with the blade yet it was material Shinji did not know off.

"I see that you like it Shinji, it was a weapon I had made for you using the resources of the organisation you father works for, it will destroy any of the human based angels you may encounter. Take it and use it well my student and remember I am always here if you need me."

"Thank you sensei."

Shinji bows and takes the blade from her as she grabs him and gives him a hug. Taken off guard Shinji embraces his sensei. Pulling away he looks into his sensei's eyes for the first time in his life, Tomoe wasn't trying to reign in her emotions.

"Please come back from this Shinji, I don't want you dying, when you came to me you were a sad little boy who shunned the world you have come far and you are the best student I have ever taught so please return to me."

Shinji couldn't help but smile with pride from the words spoken by his sensei. Giving her a reassuring nod, Shinji turns and leaves to make the call to his father to accept the invitation to join him. Stepping out into the hall Shinji stood looking down at the phone and begun to dial the number.

The conversation was long or so Shinji thought at least now he was on and in hope bond with his father again, once he is at Nerv and fighting for humanity. Now standing at the stop awaiting his left to nerv head quarters, Shinji let out a small yawn, he was not alone however. Looking over he saw three people no older than was standing and laughing, Shinji was taught to be wary and right now he was on guard this train station isn't for the public. Could they be recruits just like him? Or silly kids trying to rebel and sneaking into a station which is clearly forbidden. Shinji sighs hoping his ride would appear, hearing foot steps behind him, Shinji turns as the teenagers approach him.

"Hey are you waiting for Nerv as we are?"

Shinji remains silent feeling a strange sensation standing next to these people. He doesn't answer them. The blonde female of the group steps up and looks into his eyes, the sensation was cold and felt wrong. Shinji tried to focus on remaining calm and not letting the sensation get to him, the three continued to chat to him and ask him questions, gripping the handle on his blade tighter Shinji lets out a sigh. He was warned about the sensation he would feel.
The three angels in human form turn as they hear a car engine approaching. Misato's blue car hurtles up the road, glancing the three people surrounding Shinji, she draws her side arm and winds down her window as she hurtles towards them. Pointing her weapon out of the window, Misato aims and hopes the gun shot will alert Shinji to the fact them three shouldn't be there and are most likely sent to kill him, Misato fires.

Shinji hears the gun shot and acts quickly in one swift motion he draws his blade slicing clean through one of the angels, both body parts hit the floor as black ooze like blood flows like a river.

The other two snarl revealing their true hideous faces attack Shinji takes a couple of steps back, the two angels are now using their own at fields as they lunge at him to attack, ducking the clumsy strike Shinji counters with a vertical strike cutting the second angel cleanly into two pieces. The third angel shock is certain and draws a fire arm and fires a few rounds towards Shinji. Shinji panics slightly as Misato's car screeches to halt and she flings the cars door open and begins to run towards him.

Shinji's at field shoots up around him and the bullets crash into it dropping harmlessly to the ground and the angel turns to flee, Shinji strikes driving the blade deep, cutting his enemy from shoulder to waist. The body slumps on the ground as Misato reaches Shinji. She glances at the bodies then at the sword as Shinji gives the sword a quick flick the angels blood is flung from the blade to the ground.

"Well well, I wasn't expecting this. I come to pick you up and you cut down angels like you have done it before. You are his son alright, lets get you to your new home."

"He maybe my birth father but he isn't the man that raised me."

Shinji sheathes his weapon and walks off. Misato shrugs putting away her pistol and follows Shinji to the car, they both climb in and close the doors, starting the engine Misato and Shinji begin the journey back to Nerv headquarters.

That's it for chapter 1 I hope enjoyed it despite it being short and probably not like most of the stories in the section first eva fic so be gentle please opinions and suggestions this is my first time posting on a forum as well
Due to busy real life progress for this story is very slow, I was just wondering what you have thought of it so far and if any of you have any suggestions or advice I'd like to hear it. I am not sure when the next chapter will come but i will do my best to finish it!

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