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Chapter 1
<<<Princess Luna Noctis>>>

Cults and the Eldritch have always been a fact of life...


Feb 18, 2018
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Chapter 1
<<<Princess Luna Noctis>>>

Cults and the Eldritch have always been a fact of life even before Luna was banished to the moon. And since the early days of Equestria the Solar and Lunar, and eventually the Equestrian, guards made sure to stamp out cults when they were found. Mainly focusing on those that kidnap and forcibly convert or practice mortal sacrifice, but generally, all cults were to be stamped out no matter how benign they seem.

The 'blessings' from those Beyond are never simple.

So finding the remains of The Cult of the Black Wood had somehow taken root in Canterlot made Luna itch to let Nightmare out to express her displeasure! Granted compared to the Esoteric Order and a few others the Cult of the Black Wood is simply an eccentric fertility/pleasure cult but still, cults were a corruptive and destabilizing influence no matter how benign.

"The guard has become soft since our time away." Luna's eyes narrowed, "We will correct this. Whether Tia likes it or not…"

"Indeed… I can't believe my sister Daybreaker let Celestia become so… soft…" Nightmare Moon purred in the back of Luna's mind.

"Truly, a thousand years of peace has clearly dulled Tia's senses…" Luna shelved the thought and approached a Bat pony (they prefer Thestral) guard, "Report."

The guard saluted, "Yes Princess! We received reports a few hours ago due. According to reports a patron became violent and went on a tear through the entire faculty. Initially, the Equestrian guard came to investigate but quickly uncovered evidence of a cult and it went up the chain!"

The guard paused to gather his thoughts.

"Forgive me for disparaging our Solar comrades but they seemed less than interested." The guard flinched at Luna's displeased expression, "Captain Nightshade and Lieutenant Nightbright with a squad breached the club. And well…"

"And?" Luna asked impatiently.

"Most of the cultists were already… subdued. Some more harshly than others." The guard soldered on with his report, "Survivors have already been contained and gathered up. But… we found evidence of mortal sacrifice. And apparently their latest sacrifice disagreed and showed his displeasure violently."

Luna blinked at that, momentarily shelving any thoughts on the sacrifice and instead focusing on the fact that a cult that practiced mortal sacrifice was operating in Canterlot the capital of Equestria!? Bucking Tartarus how did Tia miss this!?

With a marely effort, Luna pushed her outrage from her mind, though Nightmare was more than content to rage for Luna.

"And the status of the sacrifice?" Luna asked.

"Surprisingly fine Princess. He's a tough little colt, meaner than a rabid timberwolf and twice as ornery-"

Luna blinked and mouthed 'colt' to herself. Even Nightmare stopped her ranting in surprise.

"-though he's an odd one. He has an extra set of legs and an Elemental mane. Though I honestly can't figure out the element. And his scent is just… off-putting."

"Take me to this colt." Luna said, "Also have any cult artifacts and writings destroyed. Salt the ground if you must. I refuse to allow this cult to spring up again because someone got a hold of a statue or grimoire. Furthermore, I want every shop thoroughly searched for any cult memorabilia and any suspected of spreading this corruptive knowledge brought in." Oh, how Luna missed the Old Days when cultists were simply executed when found, especially if they were too heavily indoctrinated and enraptured in the worship of their new god.

"As you command Princess!" The guard said with a salute, "Solar Wind will take you to the colt."

An Earth pony in Lunar guard armor stepped forward, "If you'll follow me, Princess." He said respectfully.

Luna nodded and followed Solar Wind, absentmindedly wondering about this colt.

"... Are you sure that's a colt and not a stallion suffering from Dwarfism and Chaos mutation?"

"Yes, Chaos magic has a distinct presence after all. And while the colt is unusually burly I don't think it's Dwarfism. It's his mane that interests me…"

"Yes, like yours that manifests as a starry sky and mine is the darkness between stars. This colt is War, his magical presence reeks of battlefields and blood. But I detect more to this colt. How interesting…"

Though this indeed was interesting Luna was more concerned over the fact that the colt was heavily restrained and…?

"Solar Wind? Explain to me why this colt is restrained and muzzled like a feral madstallion?" Luna asked.

"Because he's mean as Tartarus and wasn't in his right mind." Solar Wind said simply, "He injured a few of the guards before he was sedated. Best Captain Nightshade can figure is the colt was terrified and angry beyond words. And eventually, his fight or flight instinct settled on 'fight' and let me tell you, princess… I've seen rampaging Minotaurs. This little colt here is freakishly strong even for an Earth pony."

"... Were there any deaths?" Luna asked.

"A few. Though we don't know if they were deliberate or accidental." Solar Wind said, "Colt was losing it pretty bad so I think the deaths can be ruled as accidental. Especially taking into consideration his strength."

"Is he asleep?" Luna asked.

"... Yes ma'am?" Solar Wind answered clearly confused

Luna didn't answer and instead closed her eyes to concentrate, and with a surprising bit of effort Luna entered the sleeping colts dreams.

<<<Shifting Space>>>

I'll admit, I took being spirited away and turned into a tiny horse pretty bad.

And learning I wound up being the chosen sacrifice for some Lovecraftian god I might've lost my temper. Which combined with my now child brain made for a rather dangerous mix, nothing like a super-strong child having a temper tantrum while hard lining years of repressed anger.

And realizing I had six legs and no hands? Well, that just made me even angrier.

But the shit icing on this shit cake? I couldn't even remember my name or family. I mean I knew I had both, I just can't recall any names or faces.

So yeah I tore through the place like the Hulk, only small and I suppose adorable looking. And honestly, I'm glad those other small horses eventually subdued me and sedated it. It gave me a chance to pull myself together.

There was a sudden shift and I found myself standing in the middle of what looked like an ancient battlefield littered with broken weapons and bare bones. And despite how old the remains were the air was still tinged with the smell of blood and the very sky was thick with a dark writhing smog.

Somehow I knew what this was somehow, an instinctive knowledge I honestly couldn't describe even if I wanted to. All I knew that this desolate battlefield was Mine and no one else's. This is my… Plane and I could shape it as I wish. I was god here and… someone was trying to intrude!

I thought about just rejecting the intruder out right but… I needed information. And someone able to attempt to enter another's Plane isn't someone to dismiss. Besides this person should be able to tell me what the hell is going on!

It took me a few minutes to figure out how to allow the stranger in but when I did the stranger manifested and… why do I think the horse is hot?


Why does she look so familiar?

"Err, welcome to my Plane I guess?" Why did her eyes sharpen when I said that?

"A Plane… curious. But you do have an abnormal presence…" She mumbled seemingly to herself before refocusing on me, "Excuse me. I'm Princess Luna Noctis. I'm hoping you could tell me how you wound up here."

"Err… in this Plane? If so I came here after I was sedated." I said, "But if you mean the building with the cult? No idea. Honestly, I just woke up and heard these guys calling me a worthy sacrifice."

I tried to not notice how Luna's shadow flickered and stared at me curiously, though it was damn distracting so much so I had enough.

"Luna? What's up with your shadow?" I finally asked, unable to contain myself.

Luna looked at me like I did something amazing, which I honestly didn't understand in the slightest.

"You can… see my Nightmare?" Luna asked, "You're something special…"

"Indeed, perhaps we should claim him before Celestia makes him soft and weak?" The shadow purred, sounding excited, "Colt do you have any family or guardians?"

"I…" I paused and thought.

I have a family, granted I can't remember their faces or names but I have a family, but they're in another world entirely. And… no, I suppose I don't have a family technically, but… I don't need a guardian! Damn it I… was nearly forty… damn. I suppose I do need a guardian…

"No, none that I can remember." I answered eventually.

"Ah, well." Luna stopped, "We'll figure something out. Now… if I wake you will you keep yourself under control?"

"... I don't know…" I said eventually.

My brain chemistry was all different now, I was a child again, and a tiny horse. I had absolutely no idea how I would react when I woke up.

"Hmm, I'll have you taken to the infirmary at the castle." Luna said, "Now… I'll take my leave, but I think I'll leave you with some sweet dreams instead of this… desolate place."

Again her presence forced itself upon my Plane and everything changed as I lost myself to dreams of whimsy.

<<<Princess Luna Noctis>>>

Luna opened her eyes after that very… interesting encounter.

"Solar Wind I want this colt taken to the infirmary in the castle. Keep him sedated until I come." Luna said.

Solar Wind looked a little confused but saluted all the same, "Yes Princess!"

She would talk more to the young colt later, right now she had to make sure the cult was stamped out.
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Short Description: Let us follow the journey of an ANGERY mama's boy from multi legged Earth pony colt to eventual Alicorn King!

This is the CYOA I'll be using.

I won't be following the CYOA to the letter however.

Finding myself in the magical land of Equestria as a six legged Earth pony colt honestly made me think I was in some sort of generic Human-turned-Pony piece of fanfiction in all honesty. But yeah… this certainly isn't the Kid-Friendly Equestria from the My Little Pony cartoon! For one… well… cults are a thing and ponies are pretty human-like as a random pony is just as likely to help you as to fend for themselves.

God… why couldn't my time in Equestria be the canon verse instead of… whatever this one is!?

Well... at least I got my hot mom, aunt, and cousins (technically I guess?) to help me figure all this shit out...

<<<Princess Celestia Solar>>>​

"Lulu? Why do you have this young colt in the infirmary?" Celestia asked with her usual serene voice, "I can't detect any Chaos magic or anything dangerous… or perhaps you've decided to groom him?" She added teasingly with a faint giggle.

Luna blushed a bit before giving her sister a deadpan look.

"Please, don't make such crass comments. I get them enough from Nightmare." Luna said dryly before returning her attention to setting up something, an affinity ritual.

"And… why are you about to use an affinity ritual on the colt?" Celestia asked, "Other than extra legs and being a bit burly can't you just wait for him to find his cutie mark?"

"Tia, he has a Plane. Other than myself, you, and our niece I've yet to meet that isn't normal." Luna said, giving her sister a half-lidded look.

That caught Celestia off guard and she understood why Luna was preparing the ritual. Planes themselves weren't rare or anything, Celestia could think of a couple of students of her academy that developed them. Vinyl Scratch, Lyra Heartstrings, Sunset Shimmer, and Twilight Sparkle being chiefly amongst them. Granted Sunset and Twilight she had personally taught but they still went to the academy as she couldn't spend all her time teaching.

"Okay, that's not too unusual. But given his apparent age, I can see why you're doing this." Celestia said, "Need a helping hoof?"

"Please." Luna said, "I'm still rusty on my ritual work."

Celestia smiled and helped her sister, "Rusty? Ha! You're still the superior Ritualist between us Lulu."

An hour passed in relative silence, bar the occasional Ursa Minor-Esque snore from the colt, and eventually, the ritual was complete. Though Celestia noticed a few adjustments which made her curious but opted not to question Luna about them.

She probably had a reason to test for multiple affinities.

"Probably Nightmare talked her into doing it." Celestia figured as she stood back as Luna fed some mana into the ritual.

War (Primary Affinity)
Destruction (Secondary Affinity)
Darkness, Shadow, Blood, Sound, and Gravity (Tertiary Affinities)

"What?" While Celestia wasn't connected to the Ritual as the caster she was still able to perceive the result.

"How can an Earth pony colt have so many affinities? And I thought Twilight's Magic affinity was impressive…"

"Then obviously the colt is anything but a simple creature, my Weaker half."

Celestia acknowledged her tyrannical brutal other half but otherwise didn't comment, instead she watched as Luna methodically went through each affinity. Nightmare no doubt was excited due to the Shadow and Darkness affinities. She herself was rather concerned over War being the primary affinity.

Affinities, especially those strong enough to form Planes, always affect their holders in both good and bad ways. Twilight's affinity made her a scholar and researcher that Celestia had no problem with likening to Starswirl, but it also made her somewhat sedentary though thankfully her own neurosis refused to allow her to be anything but healthy.

Vinyl Scratch, with her affinity of Sound, became a savant and lover of music. However, her interest in other forms of magic and study waned as she focused exclusively on Sound magic and music.

War as a primary affinity… it could affect the colt in a countless number of ways. Almost certainly he'd be more prone to violence and an intuitive grasp on combat and tactics. However any more possible effects Celestia could only speculate over.

"Hmm, other than Shadow and Darkness I'll have to find other tutors." Celestia rose a brow at that, Luna almost sounded like a parent.

"Hmm, so the Dark sister has a maternal streak… not surprising."

Again Celestia ignored Daybreaker but couldn't help but acknowledge her other half's point.

"Tutors? Are you planning on adopting the burly colt?" Luna blinked as if surprised, "What? You're talking about tutors, you're either going to adopt him or take him as a student."

"We…-" Ah so Nightmare was involved, "-I… don't know."

Celestia tilted her head slightly and waited for Luna to continue with patience she had honed over a thousand years dealing with conceited nobles, boorish Minotaurs, aggressive Griffins, and apathetic Dragons.

"He's alone." Luna said, "I… visited his Plane, he was sedated by the guard. He said he doesn't have any family and he doesn't know where he is or what was happening. He was running on pure instinct, said instinct being heavily influenced by War and Destruction. I can't in good conscience allow him to just… wander freely. He needs training so he isn't ruled by his instincts."

"Those sound like excuses. Oh." The realization struck Celestia, "Oh Lulu I am so sorry… I never even considered…"

Despite Luna's stern nature, it's easy to forget that the younger mare (only by a century) is extremely maternal, though it's only natural seeing as she is a Defender of Dreams. In fact comparison, Celestia was barely motherly though over the centuries she sort of grew into the role.

And being cut off from the Dream and only having her darker (and more aggressive) half as company during her banishment must've been terribly lonely. And all the distrust and wariness ponies give her is probably like a knife to the heart for the younger mare. So her spontaneously adopting a colt that needs help wasn't all that strange.

"I understand Lulu." Celestia said, deciding to let her keep her excuses.

"Thank you Tia." Luna said with a sigh.

Celestia just smiled and restrained herself from giggling when Luna started brushing the colts limp mane. From her understanding, the colt's hair flickered like fire earlier but now was laying limp and looked stark white and wild.

"I'll make the arrangements." Celestia said, "And I'm sure Twilight won't mind tutoring. But we'll have to have Cadence tutor him regarding Hematurgy."

That caught Luna by surprise, "Cadence uses blood magic?"

"Yes." Celestia said, "With Love as a secondary affinity. However, given the bad reputation Hematurgy gets we simply agreed that the public should know her as a Love goddess instead of Blood."

"While that's interesting I think I'll go into his Plane and help him wake up." Luna said, making Celestia smile as that maternal tone slipped into her voice.

"You do realize she could still groom him as an ideal mate, yes?" Daybreaker said dryly.

Luckily, Luna was already entering the colt's Plane and couldn't hear Celestia's perverse giggles.

<<<Shifting Space>>>​

I looked around my Plane thoughtfully, "So, is this like… an Unlimited Bladeworks knockoff or something?"

Though if it was supposed to be one it was kinda lacking honestly, though I suppose giant gears could be hiding in the ever-shifting and roiling clouds of smog. But I'm pretty sure the UBW didn't have ancient desiccated remains of warriors. I spotted the remains of a Knight, Viking, Samurai, and I'm pretty sure there was a paladin at least.

Did the remains come to life and march to war at my command? Sorta like that other Reality Marble? I think Alexander used it in Fate/Stay Night.

"So… does this respond to my will? What can I do with this…"

War is an affinity that is connected to various forms of magic. While I possessed no active knowledge regarding it, instinctively I had a good idea what I could do. Tilting my head I focused and throughout the desolate battlefield, the ancient remains of dead warriors stirred.

"... Where is that music coming from?"

Granted it's fitting but still… and why does spontaneous music sound so familiar? Actually, why did Luna look familiar?

What about this entire situation that seems so familiar??

"War Planes are always difficult to enter…" A rather annoyed Luna muttered when she materialized.

"Huh? Oh… uh? Sorry?" I said, not entirely sure what to say about that.

"Tis fine. It's certainly not your fault." Luna said, putting me at ease "That's just the nature of War. The only thing more frustrating is Chaos."

I just nodded in… again instinctive understanding. After all, Chaos is a part of War.

"I see you've discovered an Aspect of War as well as your Sound affinity." Luna said with a bemused smile, though her eye did twitch when she saw ancient dead warriors and soldiers marching.

"So… I guess it's time to wake up?" I asked getting a nod, "Fine. But first, can you tell me what the hell is going on?"

Luna nodded and started to explain everything.

Apparently I was abducted by The Cult of the Black Wood, an eldritch Fertility/Pleasure cult that Luna had thought was destroyed long ago, and I was going to be sacrificed to their God due to my abnormal features as well as unusually dense mana.

"Go figure." I said dryly with a sigh, "Okay well what now?"

"Well, my sister is making the arrangements. But… if you wish I would like to become your Guardian and take you on as my student."

I just looked at her for a few moments, "Why? You just met me and I'm pretty sure I accidentally crippled some of your grunts…"

"While regrettable, and you will be making amends for that regardless of your frantic state, it's nothing some Healing magic and some rest won't fix." Luna said.

"Well, I don't really have any other choice." I said after some thought, "I don't have anywhere else to go honestly. Though I'll have you know I refuse to be something I'm not. I refuse to act like a perfect anything."

"Very well. Besides one Twilight Sparkle is enough." Luna said with a chuckle.

I… just blinked. That name…

Twilight Sparkle…

Twilight… Sparkle…

"... Oh, fucking hell…"

I was in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that's already so far off the rails… well, at least I won't be bored. Besides I can learn fucking magic!

That's a fair deal in my opinion!
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Succession Wars by Stormshadow [Canon?]
Nightmare723764 said:
My first Omake! Done by the glorious Emporer @Shadowstorm ! Thanks dude! I'm not sure if this will become canon eventually or not so I'll make id as "Canon?" kay?

For some reason, I kept looking towards the East. Something was drawing me in… But I couldn't see anything that could be doing it, not even when I looked through the highest window I managed to find. It was simply… irritating.

Meanwhile, in the Badlands.

Blood and ashes covered the desolate Plains. Sand obscured the vision, with flashes of emerald and cerulean occasionally piercing the clouds. Pieces of black and grey chitin covered the rocks, mixed with the iridescent green of insectoid blood.

All manners of beings were fighting, seemingly with no lines drawn, no order, no allies. And yet, when they fell, those forms faded in a flash, leaving behind only ponylike insectoids, broken and dying.

In the middle of this battle, for it was nothing less, was a maelstrom of energy and violence. Two beings fought, with nothing but the other mattering. The combatants' forms changed each second, different weapons, different tools formed, used, countered and discarded in a flash. Any soldier that dared venture too close was gone in a flash, destroyed, or devoured to fuel the next transformation.

And yet, as the seconds turned to minutes, it became clear that one of the combatants was becoming less and less capable to keep up, forced on the defensive more and more. Until it happened. A simple mistake, and a pair of large pincers, akin to those of a Hercules beetle, closed over their neck. With a sickening crunch the head rolled on the ground, cerulean flames engulfing it, only to leave behind a grey head akin to that of a pony, the eyes staring into nothing, the jagged horn broken from the impact, and the crown-like antena drooping. The rest of the body stayed still for a moment before it reverted to its original form, fly-like wings flapping before it collapsed on the ground.

Green flames engulfed their adversary, revealing a similar form, only black in color. And all around them, the fight stopped, the effect spreading like a ripple through the two armies. One staring at their leader in triumph, the other at the corpse in horror. At an unseen, unheard command, the black insectoids resumed attacking those who did not switch sides, who did not paint their chitin in the color of their enemy.

It was a matter of minutes before black triumphed over grey, with the victor of the duel laughing maniacally, green blood dripping from their fangs as they tore into their opponent's flesh.

The Succession Wars were over.

Long live the Queen of Changelings.

Long live Queen Chrysalis.

Suddenly, the strange feeling I was having disappeared. Huh… That was odd. Oh well. Perhaps it was nothing important. With a shrug I hopped off the windowsill and back in the room. I still had my magic lessons...
Alicorn King {partial build)
  • Physical alterations (3)- Extra Hooves, Titan Strength, Elemental Mane
  • Powers (7)- War (Primary Affinity), Destruction (Secondary Affinity), Darkness, Shadow, Blood, Sound and Gravity (Tertiary Affinities)
  • Location- Canterlot
  • Changes- Uncapped Magic (Free), Early Drop
  • Consequences- Eldritch (partially nullified)
  • Setting- Neutral
  • Drawback- Tugging your Alicorn Out

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Chapter 3
<<<Princess Luna Noctis>>>

>>>One Hour Later<<<

"Well… he is a healthy colt-"

Luna just looked flustered.

"-and it's a perfectly natural reaction. I don't mean to sound arrogant but well… we're probably the most attractive mares he has ever seen!"

"Stars, Tia! Will you stop grinning like that!" Luna exclaimed covering her face.

"Think of it as a compliment Lulu!~" Celestia chirped still in full Trollestia mode, "You know technically I'm his aunt. And you know what they say!~ Family is the Best put your Family to the test!~"

"Oh, so does that mean your nephew is lusting after you?" Luna snarked back, her cheeks a rosy red at the insinuations.

"No. You know as well as I that my dear Blue has ever only loved one mare and refuses to love another." Celestia said deciding she had already had her fun, "And the only reason they aren't together is that she didn't want to be drawn into the drama that is Royal life."

Luna nodded when Celestia explained it to her after she met Blueblood for the first time it certainly explained the stallion's prickly attitude. Knowing that you have two fillies that you can't visit or even talk to unless he risks drawing them into the labyrinth that is Noble politics.

"... To change the subject." Luna said giving Celestia a serious look, "I'm taking over the training of the Guard. And I won't accept platitudes or no for an answer."

Celestia just looked back at Luna and nodded in acceptance.

"I can accept that. You were always the more military-minded one." Celestia said, "I'm afraid in the last thousand years standards to have dropped. I'll deal with any complaints. Just… try not to turn them into bloodthirsty warriors."

Luna snorted at that.

"They will be professionals." Luna said simply, personally doubting even SHE could shape the current-era Guard into a shadow of the Guards of Old.

Actually she was surprised. Luna honestly expected to have to deal with an argument or something, perhaps in the last thousand years has worn some of her idealism and optimism down?

Regardless Luna was thankful.

<<<Shifting Space>>>

My new room was pretty damn awesome if I do say so myself, though I have no idea why it was night-themed or so close to Luna's room (which I had learned from my escort). Actually, why did my escort treat me like I was someone important anyway?

I mean, I'm just a stupidly strong mutant tiny horse? Is it connected to the fact that I look like Slepinher's cousin or something? Do these tiny horses worship that eight-legged horse??

At least when I asked my escort got me some books to read.

"Actually let's see what she got." I thought as I looked at the books the freaky looking pictographs that were their written language twisting around into English, "Hmm… Fall of Nightmare Moon, The Elements, a training manual for some martial art called Raging Avalanche, and… Oubliettes & Ogres? Is this like… tiny horse version of Dungeons and Dragons?"

Oh, this was making me feel all tingly with nostalgia, I remember first getting into D&D and my first Human Fighter character. Granted I ran with other characters as well and different races but I always came back to playing Human, I have no idea why honestly.

I remembered my last character fondly; Šašek. A Human Two-Handed Barbarian. A man who remained a mystery to the party as he refused to speak of his past only telling them that he was on a journey to repent for all his sins. What sins he never spoke of but anyone who asked, and passed their Perception checks, would see that his gaze was that of a broken and haunted man.

He died holding back a daemonic horde allowing the rest of the party to escape the hellish realm and sealing it. He continued to fight even when the portal closed and when he was finally overrun and the horde descended on him his last thoughts went towards the God that turned him away from his previous damnation.

"Was I a good man?"

I sniffed and whipped away a tear, even years after that campaign I still get all teary-eyed thinking of the brave Šašek who willingly damned himself to save the realm.

"Hmm, maybe I could find a group willing to play…" I muttered as I opened the book to start reading.

After all, I think it's safe to say the rules wouldn't be exactly like D&D 5th Edition, what with it being a whole different world and culture.

<<<Princess Luna Noctis>>>

If Luna had to choose between the utter monotonous torture of paperwork or dealing with the Council, which could be compared to herding cats Tia had confessed, she would take paperwork each and every time. It didn't help that other than her nephew Blueblood and a stallion called Fancy Pants most of the nobles still saw her as Nightmare Moon and suspected she was just laying in wait.

So the thought of going before them and informing them that she was taking a student and adopting said student? She could only imagine what madness this would stir up!

Luna looked over quickly to Celestia, and the bucking bitch was sitting there all serene while Luna was on the verge of freaking out. And that cheeky little wink Celestia gave her seriously made Luna consider sending her to the sun again. Witnesses be damned!

Fancypants cleared his throat, "Well we're all here. What is this meeting for? I was under the impression the council wouldn't be convened for another two weeks."

"My sister has some things she would like to say." Celestia said, "And on that note I want everypony to know I fully support her decisions." And with that, she saved Luna at least some complaints about manipulation and brainwashing.

Luna put on her princess face and mentally prepared herself to face the jackals that considered themselves nobles.

"As of noon The Cult of the Blackwood was discovered in the entertainment district, more specifically a… gentlecolt's club called Diamond Flanks. As such I am having the entire district quarantined and thoroughly searched for any other signs of cult corruption." Some of the Nobles looked to raise a fuss but a single glower from Luna and Celestia stopped them, "This is non-negotiable. My sister and I refuse to allow cults to take root in Canterlot, and leading to my second subject as of next week I will be taking over training for both the Solar and Lunar guards."

That did start something, some of the nobles ranting that they refused to have Nightmare Moon teach their sons and daughters. Celestia looked livid at that while Luna remained stoic though her heart ached at those words.

The Nightmare just hissed at the weak-willed and pathetic nobles but remained silent. She knew what she did and wasn't apologizing, in hindsight she realized she could've gone about things in a different manner that wouldn't have ended with such heartache and sorrow. If anything she wondered how Equestria would've been under the iron hoof of Nightmare Moon.

Probably something not worth living in.

"SILENCE!!" Luna bellowed, "My sister agrees and I will do this! The guard has become soft and arrogant! I will rectify this! I'll finish this quickly as I grow tired of your arrogant prattle! I've also taken a student and will adopt him as well! Good evening!"

And just as Luna finished she teleported with a loud bang which gave away just how frustrated she was.

<<<Shifting Space>>>

Pausing to take a drink of water I sat down the O&O book, I was completely wrong. O&O was D&D only horsy-fied, okay ponified technically but whatever. That was actually kinda relieving honestly as I struggled with the rules when I first got into D&D.

So knowing that I won't have to learn completely new rules was a very welcome relief!

"Hmm, I wonder if Celestia and Luna play?" I mused scratching my chin, "They both seem too regal to be nerds but that just means they're either in the closet about it or keep it secret."

And now I'm imagining Luna and Celestia playing WoW. That's… kind of a hot image actually.

Man, what is up with that? Why am I suddenly looking at mares and going 'omg I must get it in' all the sudden? Did whoever fucked with my memories fucked with everything else as well?

"... Goddamnit…"

With a sigh, I went to get a shower to… relax...
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Chapter 4
<<<Shifting Space>>>

"Man, this is one part of the tabletop scene that I never enjoyed..." I thought as I manually designed my character, regularly referencing all the O&O books to keep her balanced.

While O&O is an almost direct D&D copy there are slight differences, like the traditional races were replaced with well… yeah. I try not to give it much thought and focus on designing Omelette Stonesmasher, a Dwar- err Earthan Barbarian. Equipment-wise she'll have a Greatclub, a pair of handaxes, some basic hide armor, and an explorer pack with a few javelins. Her mane is wild and in rough braids, and she has this wild look about her that is fitting her status as a Barbarian. Around her neck is an amulet showing her worship of the Celestial Sister-Gods Solis and Luna.

"Now, how do I want Omelette to act?" I mused as I laid back in thought.

Eventually, I just huffed in irritation and decided to go for a walk, maybe some fresh air would help me think. And if anything I am curious about this place and it's not like I was told to stay in the room.

Rolling over and getting up I stretched out, which is somewhat awkward given my extra legs, and I trotted to the door and opened it. Looking up and down the hallway I saw no one around and after mentally flipping a coin I picked a random direction and started walking.

Though after passing a few maids and the occasional guard I do wonder why they're so… deferential, honestly some of the servants stopped and bowed to me! Seriously, is there some sort of prophecy about a multi-legged horse coming and save them or something?

"What a freaky looking statue."

It was clearly a chimera of some sort with mismatched limbs and antlers with a serpentine base, hell I bet even the eyes were mismatched as well. Maybe it was some sort of abstract personification of what chaos would look like if it was a being and not an abstract concept?

"Man, wonder what the artist was smoking to make this?"

It's a good carving despite how odd it looks, however, though I can't escape the feeling that it's looking at me and cackling for some reason.

"Oh! This is a pleasant surprise." I turned and saw Celestia trotting into the stone garden or whatever its called, "I'd thought you would be with Luna or still in the guest room reading."

"Eh, I felt like I needed some fresh air." I said with a shrug before looking back at the statue, "Why does it feel like it's cackling about everything?"

"Probably because he is." Celestia answered much to my confusion, "Discord is the God of Chaos and generally found amusement in every little thing."

I looked at Celestia blinking, this was a person!? And he got petrified. And Celestia (and I assume Luna) decided that he'd make an interesting conversational piece? That is… very disturbing in all honesty.

"So… you have the petrified remains of this Discord guy as a conversational piece." I said wrinkling my nose, "That's kinda disturbing."

Celestia laughed faintly, "No, no Discord isn't dead. Just petrified."

"That… doesn't make it less messed up. How long has he been stoned? And is he aware or asleep?" I asked curiously.

Seeing Celestia giving me a curious look I decided to get a move on and resume my wonderings.

"Well, I guess it doesn't matter. Just a random thought." I said, "I'm going to wander around for a little while longer."

And with that, I left.

<<<Princess Celestia Solar>>>

"Well… he's an interesting one… if I wasn't 'stoned' as he put it I'd be throbbing in excitement over the chaos that little one will bring~"

Celestia looked at the Madgod suspiciously over how excited he was over the colt. He was an odd one, what with his multiple affinities as well as his extra legs and ridiculous amounts of strength, but… why would Discord be so excited?

And why did she get a strange chill run down her spine?

"What do you know Dissy?" Celestia asked telepathically with narrow eyes, "He's a bit odd but the colt is a good pony, which is surprising given his Primary Affinity, so what's got you all eager?"

"Oh, now that'd be telling my dear Tia!~ But I promise you one thing… that colt will bring about Change! But will it be for the better? Or worse I wonder?"

"What do you know, Discord!? I don't have the patience for your usual games now!"
Celestia telepathically exclaimed with a faint scowl marring her usual serene expression.

The madgod just cackled in delight and Celestia huffed, knowing she wouldn't get anything out of Discord unless he wanted to share. Grumbling some to herself she decided to head back inside, and maybe observe the colt subtly.

"Your Molestia is showing my Weaker half." Daybreaker taunted.

"Shut up! That was only one time and it was Lulu and my first time drinking!" Celestia snapped at Daybreaker making the tyrant laugh.

Daybreaker just laughed even more"The lady doth protest too much."

Celestia just growled before she used an invisibility spell along with a slew of other spells to hide her presence and decided to observe the colt.

"... Actually, what is his name? I can't just keep calling him colt… but I don't think he ever shared… huh."

Shaking it off Celestia set off to spy on the colt.

<<<Shifting Space>>>

"Damn, I've gotten ballsy as hell. Criticizing what's the God-Queen of the nation." I thought.

Granted I've always been blunt in my thoughts, which has gotten me in trouble more often than not, that might not have been my most intelligent moment. Granted Celestia seems like a pretty level headed lady, perhaps a tiny bit trollish but… I dunno. Mouthing off to her doesn't seem real smart.

I was pulled from my inner-monologue by a quiet voice, "You look like Sleipnir. Well, if he shrunk and lost two of his legs."

I didn't jump or yelp in surprise, but I did give a start and look to who had surprised me. And she looks a bit… odd. Not freakish I found her rather cute actually. Her coat was purple and her mane was purple as well with a band of white. Perched atop her head was a cute little prop hat and her pupils looked like purple swirls.

"Err? Thank you? I'm sorry… my name's… Shifting Space." Why did that name come to me so naturally, "And… you are?"

"I'm Screwball." The filly said with a ditzy smile, "Daddy thinks you're interesting."

"Thanks?" I just looked at her oddly hoping that she would expand on that comment.

She didn't. If anything she just got real close and looked at my mane, which had started flickering to life (having been hanging limp and magicless) and she… sniffed it? Honestly, I was caught so flatfooted (hooved?) I didn't react to the sniffing. Which turned into her nuzzling my mane.

"I love the smell of explosions and chaos." Screwball murmured, "It reminds me of Daddy...."

Who the hell is this Daddy and why does he smell like explosions and how does chaos have a smell??

Despite Screwball weirding me out a little, she's the first horse that didn't bow or seem differential to me so I was sure as hell wasn't going to run her off. Besides she seems friendly enough.

"Err, thanks I guess." I said, "So um… you like O&O?"

"Oh! I've always wanted to play but never got the chance." Screwball said with an excited grin, through her eyes made it hard to tell if she was looking at me or through me.

"I could teach you?" I offered, "I'm making my character. So I could help you learn the game."

"Thank you!" Screwball said with an honest to god squee and nuzzled me.

"Well, come on. I have all the stuff up where I'm staying." I said, "Also you wouldn't happen to know the deal with everyone being respectful to me?"

"Oh. That's cause while it hasn't been made public Princess Luna is adopting you and taking you on as a student." She said in a very nonchalant manner.

"Wait. What!?" I exclaimed in surprise, my voice breaking slightly much to my embarrassment.

Screwball just giggled and… led me to my room? How does she know where I've been staying? I just trotted off after her determined to ask some more questions about this whole adoption thing.

<<<Princess Celestia Solar>>>


Celestia and Daybreaker just watched as Shifting Space (a rather cute name Celestia would later think) and Discord's Little Abomination made their way back to Shifting's room. To talk about a tabletop roleplaying game.

"Should I… do anything?" Celestia was rarely at a complete loss and the sudden appearance and apparent befriending of Screwball left her flabbergasted for the first time in centuries.

"Do nothing!" Daybreaker hissed, "You are well aware of just how protective Discord is of Screwball. And as confident as I am in my power I have no desire to test the Madgod if he gets serious."

Daybreaker's piece said the tyrant retreated into Celestia's subconscious to brood over this odd turn of events.

"Well… at least he isn't consumed by his affinity…" Celestia muttered weakly still very off-balance, "I think I need some cake… and maybe some wine to settle my mind. Yes, that sounds like a good idea…"

Shaking her head Celestia teleported away to get her cake and wine.


Discord's statue remained unmoving, but if anyone had even the slightest talent towards Mind magic they could hear the Madgod. Usually, he didn't do much of anything, telling himself impossible riddles to pass the time. Occasionally he would spook ponies having salacious encounters by his statue.

But now? If anyone had the talent they could hear the Madgod howling with laughter, it wasn't deranged laughter one would normally attribute to one titled Madgod but the laughter of genuine amusement.

So strong was his laughter the birds that normally rested in the Statue garden had all flown off, each of them sensing Discord's mood.

"My Little Abomination is growing up! Oh, my dear former human… May You Live in Interesting Times indeed!"
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Chapter 5
<<<Princess Luna Noctis>>>

"Tia… have you been drinking??" Luna was surprised by how… disheveled her sister looked.

While Celestia wasn't drunk or anything Luna could smell that Celestia had been sampling the various wines kept in storage. But Luna couldn't understand why as Celestia had been the driest of dry mares where the consumption of spirits was concerned, Celestia maintaining the opinion the drowning oneself in boozes was the sign of a weak mind and will.

"Something must've shaken her if she turned to drink." Luna thought as she waited for Celestia's answer.

Celestia summoned a wet cloth and wiped her face down, more to give her a few moments to gather her thoughts than anything. Luna, well aware of her sister's tactics allowed it, expecting Celestia to reveal something deeply troubling. Perhaps Discord's prison is weakening? Or the Gates of Tartarus are opening slowly?

… The Black Goat with a Thousand Young deciding to get revenge for her worshippers? Doubtful but odder things have happened.

"Shifting Space, that's your new son's name by the way, and Screwball made fast friends." Celestia said bluntly.

Luna looked dumbfounded at why exactly this troubled Celestia so much. After all, didn't she claim that Friendship is Magic?

"Screwball is Discord's daughter-" Luna's look of realization drew a sardonic smile from Celestia, "-Who happens to be older than me. So technically I guess she could be considered a foalcon." And she tried to inject some humor into the situation.

"What is a Foalcon exactly sister?" Except for the fact that Luna spent a thousand years on the moon slipped her mind, "And… should we do something? While Screwball never shared in her father's… disruptive behaviors she's still very much a chaotic creature."

"Err, I'll explain it later." Celestia said, "And… we can't do anything. Shifting and Screwball seem to be getting along despite some initial awkwardness on Shifting's part."

"Well of course he'd be awkward!" Luna said dryly, "Honestly that filly makes Laughter look slothful. And I want that explanation, Tia." She added with narrow eyes.

Celestia knowing she couldn't put off this explanation tried to think of a way to phrase "Sexual feelings and/or attraction to foals" without Luna doing something… drastic.

>>>Two Days Later<<<

Luna rarely felt at peace since she came home from the moon.

This new age was simply too strange for her to feel fully comfortable with. The convenience that ponies now enjoyed, while Luna found herself enjoyed them as well, often made her feel awkward. She remembered when every day was, while not a hardship or trial, was difficult. When the cults were still running wild and could be found in the most unlikely places.

(Like that time she discovered a cult in the basement of a poor unicorn mare. Her son had somehow expanded a simple root cellar into a vast temple to some blighted Eldritch abomination.)

And currently, she was on her way to give Shifting his first magical lesson!

Though she was worried, he seemed to struggle with recent history as well as culture, which Luna understood completely seeing as she was struggling herself. Thankfully Screwball seemed to be willing to help the poor colt out, the filly ("*snort Filly… ha!") seemingly alternating between best friend and tutor.

Though outside of those moments Shifting was proving to be a firebrand when he was riled. How did that guard put it?

Ah yes… as mean as a timberwolf and twice as ornery.

Thankfully he hasn't lashed out physically when he's riled but Luna and quite possibly the entire castle and maybe even a little bit of the city have learned just how… colorful his vocabulary is. And vile.

And the one time Luna washed his mouth out with soap it just made him rant more. And she swore he peeled paint off a wall!

Eventually, Luna was able to convince him to not be so vulgar, in the public for the most part. And not when interacting with the nobles… no matter how much Luna wanted to watch their expressions when a colt started swearing at them like a seasoned sailor.

Stopping outside his door Luna pressed her ear against the door and listened with a bemused smile.

"Shifty, it's too big! It won't fit!"

"Sure it will! Just stay right there…"

There were a grunt and a squeal of surprise, and Luna's smile faded as a blush started to grow.

"I-I think you broke something!"

"Just… give me a few minutes. I'll make this work!"

Stepping back Luna tried to gather her wits, surely she had just misheard things! Screwball and her little Shifty weren't engaged in intimacy and she didn't hear that her colt was too big or anything of that sort! And she ignored Nightmare cackling in the back of her mind or the strange surge of motherly pride.

Shaking her head again she took a calming breath and knocked on the door, originally she was simply going to walk in but didn't want to walk into any… compromising situations.

"Shifty? Are you ready for your lessons?" She called through the door.

"Uh… sure! Just… give me a minute!" Shifty called back making Luna's blush return with a vengeance.

There was another squeal and Luna heard two ponies fall over. And well… that just sent Nightmare on a right ripper. Harassing Luna with all sorts of explicit and lurid ideas about 'the monsterhood' Shifty was packing and how he might be 'virile as a dozen stallions' and she just got more depraved and lewd.

And it was only because Luna had been dealing with Nightmare for most of her life and her impressive self-control did she not physically react like a mare that got a little hot under the coat.

Eventually, a slightly disheveled Shifty opened the door, his mane somehow looking wilder then it normally does, leaning in Luna saw Screwball laying on her back sprawled out with what looked like a disassembled table.

"Oh… that's what was going on." Luna did not show any relief on her face, "You ready for some lessons Shifty?"

"Or maybe the Little Abomination used her magic to get rid of all the evidence~" Nightmare lewdly suggested, playing Discord's Advocate.

"Um, sure Lu." Luna wanted to frown but knew Shifty would call her mother in his own time, "But I was under the impression I needed a horn to use magic."

"While having a horn makes using magic easier it's hardly a requirement." Luna tried not to give Screwball a pointed look, "In fact, I'm surprised Screwball hasn't mentioned that…"

"I've been helping him learn how to navigate the nobility." She answered off-hoofedly, "Who to talk to, who to avoid, who to deal with, who to not deal with. I even showed him a few tricks to deal with poison but his constitution is stupidly robust. I wouldn't be surprised if he could down shots of Manticore venom fresh from the source."

And now Luna was looking at Screwball while Shifting was looking sheepish.

"And… How exactly did you discover this?" Luna asked, her eye twitching faintly but she knew Screwball and Shifting saw it.

"... So what sort of lessons?" Shifty said, obviously trying to change the subject.

Luna stared at a twitching Shifty for a few moments before allowing his crude attempt to shift the focus, but she would get her answers one way or another!

"First thing I believe I'll be covering Affinities and what they mean exactly." Luna said, "You'd be surprised how many ponies initially believe that if they have an affinity for something they'll become Grand Sorcerers in a month if not less. And I'm sure Tia would have even more stories, seeing as she is a patron of the Arcanium Academy."

Shifty nodded, "Okay. Do you wanna have the lesson here or in the library or something?"

"Hmm, I think in my chambers." Luna said, "Don't want anypony to think things…" She added trailing off as her mind gave her a few ideas.

"Okay." Shifty said with a shrug, "I guess we can try putting this together again later Screwball. What're you going to do?"

The daughter of Discord tilted her head in thought, "Mmm, I was thinking about taking a bite out of a gingerbread house in a small town a couple of miles away." She said whimsically before she skipped her way out.

"... Such a peculiar filly…"

After a few moments, Shifty and Luna were safely tucked away in her chambers, Shifty was looking around taking everything in and generally seemed to like the decor much to Luna's pleasure.

"So where do we start?" Shifty asked curiously as he went over to a cushion and took a seat.

"Well, tell me how much you know about Affinities." Luna said sitting beside him, "I know you've been reading like a mad bookworm for a while now."

"Not as much as you'd think." Shifty said rubbing his head, "Most about culture and history. But I got a little bit. Affinities are like… different schools of magic. But Affinities only manifest in pe- er ponies with a strong talent towards a specific type of magic. From what I've read I'm something of an anomaly in that multiple Affinities rarely ever manifest."

Luna nodded her head, while barebones Shifty pretty much hit the nail on the head with his description. A lot of ponies, or at least they did a thousand years ago, put too much stock in Affinities. They'd believe a unicorn with an Affinity for Arcane would become the second coming of Starswirl, and he could've… if he studied and put in the work instead of thinking his Affinity would do all the work for him!

"A bit basic but you're correct." Luna said, "Do you have any questions about any specific affinity?"

"Mmm… how about War?" Shifty asked, "It's my primary one right? And I like to know how War results in my mane looking like a bonfire and smelling like explosions."

Luna just looked at him oddly, mostly due to his ending comment about smelling like explosions. Giving it some thought she guessed it'd make sense, given how vicious open battle can get.

"Well first of all War isn't just a field of magic. It's a catch-all term more than a specific type or branch of magic." Luna explained, "Ponies with War affinities, and they have been no matter how rare they are, tend to find themselves naturals in combat and can employ tactics and strategies naturally. And while I can't say in this day and age in the old day's ponies that joined the Guard eventually developed a minor War affinity."

Shifty looked fascinated and Luna wondered if this was how Celestia felt with all her students over the centuries? Nightmare had snorted and retired into her subconscious.

"Okay. I think I understand. War is less a magic and more of a collection of skills and magical abilities connected to combat right?" Luna nodded as he was right more or less, "But then what are Planes exactly?"

"Ah, well Planes only manifest when somepony has a particularly strong affinity as well as enough power to support one." Shifty looked confused and Luna continued, "Think of them as… separate realms that exist in the Aether. No one Plane is like the other however, they're shaped by their Hosts and just how strong their Affinity is. And I have to say you're possibly the only colt I've ever met or heard of to have so many strong Affinities. You're going to be something amazing one day."

Shifty squirmed and Luna just hugged him and nuzzle.

"But, why does my Plane look so desolate? Is it because of War?" Shifty asked.

"Partially." Luna asked, "Another is that how you think of War. I imagine when you think of War you imagine ancient battlefields filled with the skeletal remains of long-dead warriors? Well, that's what your Plane will look like. With time you'll eventually be able to alter it as you wish."

"Okay. But… what about my mane?" Shifty asked.

"Oh. Well… a combination of your primary affinity and overflowing magical energy." Luna answered, "It also responds to your emotions. And given that War is what it is it responds easiest to anger but that doesn't mean it won't respond to others."

"Huh, okay what about…"

And the lesson stretched on for a couple of hours. And Luna never felt so content.
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Nightmare723764 said:
Credit to Mix-up for being a sounding board to bounce ideas off of. Thanks, dude!

<<<Shifting Space>>>

I tried to keep my fidgets to a minimum as Celestia and Luna, or rather my Aunt and Mother as they've claimed, introduced me to the Council which would in turn lead to my eventual reveal to the general public. It was going… just about as well as expected, especially when I got the whole story of Nightmare Moon from them both. Though Luna's side of the story was especially revealing, and with some coaxing she revealed some things only she knew that Celestia would never even consider.

So I understood why they were wary of Luna and myself, though I find it stupid. But I suppose it's a collective failure of sorts. Neither Celestia nor Luna ever educated their subjects of how impactful emotions, especially repressed emotions, are or how all beings of sufficient power always manifest a Nightmare self.

And by the time Celestia possibly even had the notion of enlightening her subjects the damage had already been done. Nightmare Moon had been demonized and reviled and seeing as Luna is Nightmare she got tarred with the same brush.

All the good things Luna had done before the Nightmare Moon incident had been completely forgotten or made out to be a plot.

"It's so disappointing really. I realize this is my reality and not a cartoon but… I was... Just seeing ponies being so human is… upsetting I suppose."

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I realized everyone had quieted down, the nobles all looked nervous whereas Celestia and Luna looked amused? I looked around before spotting my reflection.

Huh… had no idea my eyes changed color as well. Neat.

"Shifty? Do you have something you'd like to say?" Celestia asked serenely, though I could see some eagerness no doubt thinking about that blue streak I swore a while back.

Well… I certainly don't want to disappoint my dear hot Auntie. But… I have to remember my lessons with Screwball.

"Yeah." I said before I looked at the nobles and forced myself to relax and recall everything Screwball taught me.

"When you're inevitably introduced the Nobles will 'test' your mettle. They will try to drag you down and make you act like a 'commoner' and as good as it would feel you can't let your emotions control you. If you need to you can always rant at me. Daddy knows I need a shoulder to lean on and vent to occasionally."

"Okay… okay. I can do this." I thought as I gathered my thoughts.

"Uh, my name's Shifting Space and I won't claim to fully understand everything. I won't say who is more at fault or anything. All I do know is that Mom accepted me and has decided to teach me. And it's most likely personal bias but I don't believe she deserves all the suspicion to be thrown at her. She acknowledges the wrongs she had committed as Nightmare Moon and is willing to make amends but to my ears, it sounds like no one is willing to give her a chance." I said slowly, both to articulate my thoughts and to sound more like the child I resembled as per Luna's instructions.

Which might look suspicious or something to the nobles but honestly? Fuck them, I just wanna go get a snack and take a nap.

"Remember that Nobles are just ponies and ponies fear things just like anyone else. In this case, it's the Unknown, that is Luna and you, and the idea of losing their perceived power over the commoners. Things had been stable with only Celestia on the throne but with an unknown princess coming out of nowhere, who happened to be the entire nation's boogiemare, threw that stability out the window. They're wary of Luna not necessarily because of something that happened a millennia ago but because she's a threat to their influence."

The nobles all started mumbling to one another and I honestly wasn't willing to humor them anymore. Deciding to use my young appearance to my advantage again I looked at Luna.

"Mom? Are we done here? I'm getting hungry and wanna take a nap." I said with a not-quite-fake yawn.

Celestia and Luna had a knowing look in their eyes because of course, they would. They're old hats at this political song and dance, even if Luna has been cut off for a thousand years. Somethings just never change after all.

"Of course." Luna hugged me and looked at her sister, "Can my son and I be excused sister?"

"Of course, after all, I want my new nephew to grow up to be a strong stallion." Celestia said with a faint giggle.

Luna nodded before placing me on her back and started to trot off.

<<<Princess Celestia Solar>>>

"Such a cunning colt your sister's found."

"Indeed. But how much of it was of his own making and what was from Luna and Screwball's advice?"

Shifty's introduction to the Council went about as Celestia had predicted, she wasn't oblivious to the Council's disgruntlement over having the Balance of Powershift so violently but she had been so overjoyed to have her sister back after all these years she had decided to put off dealing with it.

But now seeing just how things have devolved Celestia knew she had to do something, and it seemed like her favored subtle manipulations wouldn't do. They were inadvertently threatening her family!

All it took was a simple clearing of her throat that made the Council, who had been debating Shifty and no doubt plans to use him, fall silent.

"This is probably, no. This is my fault entirely." The Council all looked at Celestia with trepidation, "I knew Luna's presence would destabilize things, however, I was simply so overjoyed to be reunited with my sister I decided I would address the situation at a later date. And for the most part, ponies have opted for a 'wait and see' policy regarding my sister. However, the only ones that haven't adjusted are you my dear Councillors."

"Princess-" Celestia cut the noble off.

"Onyx Star, I'm aware of how upset you all are." Celestia said, "However I want you all to consider this. Luna will do anything to prove herself worthy of ruling beside me, all she wants is respect which isn't a costly thing I believe. And in her son Shifting Space we have a future general of great power."

Celestia hated sounding like she was taking advantage of Luna and her son, but sadly nobles only understood profit and benefits they could gain. So to get the Nobles back under control and stabilize the Council she took advantage no matter how much it made her sick.

"Princess Celestia if I may." A unicorn with a monocle stood up, his mane styled to perfection and dressed in an opulent suit and tie, "And forgive me if I sound rude or even paranoid but… should the colt be trusted? With his… deformities and according to reports freakish strength he could be Eldritch Spawn?"

And that comment sparked another round of debate, and Celestia felt the beginnings of a migraine take form right behind her horn. She knew Shifty wasn't Eldritch Spawn, as did her sister, however the sad truth is that their suspicions weren't entirely wrong.

Shifting Space until the Guard found him didn't exist. Celestia arranged a ritual to locate any blood ties and for the first time since the ritual's creation, it failed. And if that wasn't enough to suggest potential Beyond-origins, Shifting Space's soul and magical signature was unlike anything Celestia had ever seen.

Seeing the paranoia starting to ramp up Celestia banged her hoof on the floor like a gavel drawing everyponies attention back to her.

"Cease this baseless speculation! Regardless of Shifting Space's origins, he has proven himself to me and Luna to be a colt capable of reason and logic. Something which most Beyond is not, so until he shows signs of being Beyond Spawn let the matter rest." Celestia said, "Now we've spent enough time on the subject of my new nephew. Let us attend other matters such as the increased-"

The rest of the meeting devolved into politicking and the nobles trying to get the most whilst giving the least.

So, a regular day at the office in Celestia's opinion.
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Nightmare words: Sorry!
Yeah, sorry to say this but I'm going to put this on haitus pending a possible rewrite. I'm sorry but honestly I got to where I left off and I can't figure out how to continue. So... I may rewrite this or not, I'm not sure yet.
But if this does get a rewrite I'll post a link to the new thread!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ultricies dolor nec enim sagittis posuere. Vivamus porttitor, lacus at cursus condimentum, risus ligula iaculis arcu, non feugiat diam libero at justo. Sed libero leo, pulvinar id est id, congue fermentum leo. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec eget mauris id ligula tempus posuere id sed massa. Quisque non interdum urna, eget hendrerit neque. Ut non erat semper, mollis neque vel, imperdiet nisi. Etiam et pharetra sem. Nulla a dapibus ex, eget fermentum dolor. Etiam erat leo, auctor sed ante posuere, porta tempor risus. Sed fermentum dignissim consectetur. Donec vitae sollicitudin turpis. Sed accumsan eros metus, sit amet luctus sem interdum in.
Duis placerat velit dui, quis eleifend sem molestie id. Aenean interdum nibh nec enim finibus congue. Cras malesuada sodales mollis. Cras ex eros, posuere ut velit ac, pulvinar egestas ante. Etiam non dolor eget urna faucibus dapibus eu blandit leo. Nam a faucibus est, nec blandit velit. Vestibulum elementum velit eu sollicitudin rutrum. In et imperdiet urna. Duis laoreet, mi at volutpat tristique, augue arcu auctor est, eu aliquam nisl est sed metus. Suspendisse mi justo, varius at pellentesque eu, elementum eget nulla. Donec tempus non lacus sed pretium. Phasellus pharetra pellentesque nulla eu mattis. Pellentesque sed ligula sollicitudin, bibendum enim vel, ullamcorper turpis. Quisque eleifend velit a neque cursus gravida.
Sed non eros id libero consectetur interdum a dignissim massa. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam ornare, sapien a posuere pretium, quam augue rutrum nisl, quis consequat nulla nibh vulputate turpis. Nulla sit amet ex sed elit iaculis suscipit. Morbi nibh purus, tincidunt sit amet nulla sit amet, posuere pulvinar nulla. Phasellus ut libero ut nunc pretium faucibus. Nulla lacinia libero quis libero suscipit blandit. Cras non turpis quam. Aenean non libero id mauris dictum euismod. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi sit amet tempus lacus. Donec bibendum vel eros et convallis. Nunc tristique nulla quis scelerisque rutrum. Vivamus sit amet efficitur tortor, sed convallis enim. Proin dolor est, malesuada nec tellus at, venenatis dignissim justo. Nulla risus lacus, porta ut justo egestas, iaculis elementum lectus.
Proin rhoncus finibus mi ut tempor. Sed sit amet eros eget sem tincidunt tristique. Maecenas a mi sed arcu suscipit pharetra id sit amet tellus. Pellentesque ac luctus odio, eu faucibus lectus. Fusce sit amet tincidunt nulla. Fusce convallis orci ac metus malesuada eleifend. Mauris sollicitudin tellus et erat dignissim fermentum. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus non blandit ipsum. Mauris id suscipit ligula, non ultrices arcu. Nulla nisl nunc, ultrices eu tempor condimentum, sollicitudin id mi. Proin non orci hendrerit, mattis ligula quis, faucibus nulla.
Ut metus elit, ultricies laoreet vehicula eget, tristique id est. Pellentesque porttitor egestas ante, maximus imperdiet nisl pulvinar in. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum scelerisque hendrerit ante vitae vestibulum. Aliquam nec ex vel est rutrum interdum non ut mauris. Phasellus sed libero ornare, blandit ipsum vitae, molestie nisl. Aliquam dictum leo nec velit ultricies feugiat. Sed mattis lorem pharetra risus pulvinar, a consequat ante aliquam. Vestibulum orci mauris, commodo vel magna non, volutpat fringilla magna. Nullam nulla magna, lobortis id feugiat eu, elementum in urna. Donec venenatis mi lorem, eget lobortis dolor sodales sit amet. Nullam interdum fermentum turpis sit amet laoreet. Fusce sollicitudin enim sit amet volutpat mollis. Integer consectetur diam in odio vehicula auctor.