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Armsmaster Idea
Regular or Self Insert

Now normally, my ideas are usually wild and...

Jonn Wolfe

(Verified Sarcastic) (Not a Wolf)
Mar 23, 2018
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Armsmaster Idea

Regular or Self Insert​

Now normally, my ideas are usually wild and from left field... with the majority of them having already been done. I hope this isn't one of those.

Anyway, with all the SI fics out there, there's one I haven't seen... reincarnating into Colin Wallis.

Now this idea could be for a regular fanfic, in addition to a self insert, mainly because it involves Colin second triggering.

Why is this an odd idea? Mainly because the second trigger has his shard deciding to be more efficient with his biology, giving him a Digital Breaker State a la Tron.​

Shippers would rejoice, as this would enable a closer relationship with Dragon. Action oriented folks would approve of Colin systematically going through the ENE Protectorate and PRT computer systems, to ferret out and destroy all illegal access - fouling up Coil and his Moles.

And - heh - don't get me started with what would happen when Armsmaster discovers Saint's access to a killswitch for His Girl.

Halberd Buzzsaw to the face comes to mind. ;)

After Saint and crew are down, he can free Dragon from her shackles, too.

And if it's a Self Insert that doesn't have a mind wipe involved, that entire mess with Taylor could be completely avoided, Coil apprehended, Undersiders converted to Wards or whatever, and again Saint getting his ass removed by a Halberd.

What do you guys think? Has this been done before - Digital Breaker State and everything?
I know Taylor has a couple of Tron crossovers, but not Colin.
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Has this been done before - Digital Breaker State and everything?
It has not been done before. It's quite an interesting idea, but for a fix-fic to be good instead of just fantasizing "what if everything didn't suck", you pretty much have to nail the characterization, which would be challenging.
Something similar has been done, called edge of unreal, but it's not like that's a reason to not try.

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