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Away From Home, Towards The Future

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I watched as the child continued to run away from her family. Even as the storm began to build...
Prologue: Part 1

Glacium Frost

Getting sticky.
Sep 19, 2015
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I watched as the child continued to run away from her family. Even as the storm began to build, as lightning struck trees in her path, the girl didn't flinch. I was impressed, not many child would be this fearless. Then again, not many child would be able to murder their way out of their family home either. The wounds were clean at first then they started getting messy, no doubt due to her increasing worry.

I could have stopped it at any time. Before she acted, during, now. I didn't, because I wanted to see. How willing she was to save her brother. Just an infant, yet subjected to a terrible fate, I could almost hear him smirking at me, saying something about how I just wanted him back. I ignored it.


It took me too long to get over the shock that, yes I was willing to turn on my family just to save my brother from his fate. The moment I saw my mother's reaction to him, I knew. She was going to mold him into either a weapon or a heir and I couldn't let that happen to him, to me, to us anymore. So I planned, gather resources to live away from here, from the madmen. I briefly thought of the sister I left behind, was I being too heartless, leaving her to them? Perhaps, I could only hope she would forgive me in time, be it years from now or in the afterlife.

Jumping my way over yet another fallen tree, I glanced upwards at the sky to figure out my position and direction, a wrong turn could make my effort worthless. Taking a moment to reaffirm my designation, I continued running. Away from home, a terrible fate. Towards the future, our new life.


So, a simple story I thought up in a few minutes. I got plans for this of course, but it might take a while to get there. I'll get started on the second chapter now.
Prologue: Part 2
I cursed as I came to a stop at the cliff. Of course, trust them to mess with the sky even in this weather. They played me, changed the direction I was heading towards the ocean so they can take him back and clean up at the same time. If only I didn't have him in my arms, I could have fought my way out.

"So, this is it then. Nine years, and it ends like this." I stared at the moon, remember the stories I read about this country and their beliefs. "Tsukuyomi. You must have known haven't you? And called your brother Susanoo here to stop me." I let out a short laugh, to think even the gods were against me...

"Well, I suppose I should have known better. This family, this blood is cursed to descend into madness. I only wished you were spared from this fate, dearest brother." I knelt and held my head to his. Better to spend my final moments in peace with him then risk waking him cursing everyone. Strange, he was sleeping even now, the storm did nothing to bother him.

"How much are you willing to do for that wish? If serving me isn't too great a price, walk forward." Huh, so there was someone listening to us, funny they appeared only now. Well, nothing to lose I suppose.

One step, they were getting close.

Two steps, I was nearing the edge.

Three steps, they cried for me to stop.

Four steps, they shot me, ignoring the child I held.

Five steps, I fell. For a foot. Blinking my eyes open, I became aware that I was on a ship, that was right next to a tall cliff. Running to the side of the deck and looking down I found that the ship was floating.


The ship shook and began flying? Moving? Away from the cliff, a force field of sorts stopping any attempts at shooting it down. Who did this, why did they? Questions ran through my mind as I pushed my hair out of my eye. Wait, my hand? But I was carrying...

"No!" I dashed to the stern before sinking to my knees. It was pointless, there was too great a distance to jump and swimming back meant either crashing against the magnitude of rocks and dying or getting caught and dying to them instead. To think, I made it this far but still I failed. But it could be true, I was still holding him when I came aboard, surely I would have remembered letting him go? Was it when I peek over the ship to glance at the ocean below?

"He's quite the child, to be undisturbed by all the noise tonight." A floating ship, piloted by no crew. It was obvious. I turned to face my savior only to find him to be, no to look like a teenager. I won't be fooled, whoever this was he wasn't human nor was he someone I could take on.

"He is." I answered quietly. "And he will have plenty of rest in the nights to come thanks to you. I am willing to serve." It was him, he was the one that made me the offer. Saving us in exchange for my servitude. I chuckled at the irony, slipping my lease only to run towards another. It almost seemed like a joke.

"Don't blame the gods, they have rules to follow. No messing with humans like in the old days, no granting wishes in obvious manner. It's all small things nowadays, tiny changes only the most devout would be aware of." He sighed before continuing. "It's...it made many turn to other beings for assistance, either those who claim false relation to deities. Or beings made of the fantasy of imagination." He came closer to me, until our breath mingled, tilting my face to meet his, we locked eyes.

Green, Emerald, his eyes constantly shifted colors, but those were most prominent. It felt as if he could speak and many would follow his words, because there was a sense of Dominance coming from him. What was he?

"Rest now, in time you will learn of your duties." I felt a warmth wash over me before I slipped from the waking world.


"Do you really think you should have done that?" I turned towards my friend, the girl in my arms. As I carried her below the deck I answered.

"I once thought I would be doing this to a group of beautiful women, to amass a harem. Remember those days?" My friend chuckled.

"Yeah, I do. Ah, the good times. Late night discussions over our future harem. Who would have the prettiest girl serving them, who would get laid first. Then our master would lecture us to get back to work. Hey, still remember how to ride a bike? It's been years since you did." I placed the girl in a bed and started removing her clothes, soak in rain and dirt. Taking the outfit he gave me I spoke while we dressed her.

"It might have been a while but my skills haven't faded. I've just been busy with things." A sigh. "It's been slow, always making time for my family. I know I can do much more if I focused but..." The reminder of that incident brought a lull to our conversation. We headed towards my room once we had put the girl to bed. I made a note to ask for her name later.

"So what now? You saved a girl and her little brother. Made them your servant. Congrats, what's your next move?" I shrugged, truthfully the only reason I was able to save them was because of the infant, the aura he had. Were it not for that I would never have known where to even look, and she would have died.

"We bring them back with us, raise them. Let them live the life they should have, serving me comes later. When they understand what I'll ask of them. Should they choose not to, I'll let them go free. It's not in me to keep them chained to me, Saji." My oldest friend and rival smiled.

"No, I don't suppose it is, Issei."


The plot thickens. *Ominous Music* Yup, Highschool DxD crossover here. Oops, did I let that leak? Yes I did, it's a crossover with the second fandom still unknown. Here's a clue, both are the same type of story.
2080 April 6, Saturday, 00:07:56
Mt. Issei


I noted the sound of Vali landing near me but ignored his presence. He knew what this week meant for me, but then again he was never really one to show much concern for these sort of things was he? He probably got informed of someone needing my help and just decided to bug me.

Instead, he sat down beside me and together we just...watched as the world went by. I shifted my hands, crinkling the magazine held in it before I straighten it out. He kept silent. We stayed there for the rest of the day before I got up to leave. He followed me all the way back to the Gremory Mansion, we bathe, had dinner and took care of paperwork before turning in for the night. No one bothered me, Koneko joined her sister in Senjutsu training, Gasper was with Valerie, Rias and Akeno were out dealing with business, Kiba being their guard. I snorted at the though that they would even need one but that was politics for you.

I woke up the next morning, back to normal. Groping everyone as we shared a morning kiss, thinking lewd thoughts while at work, everyone pretended nothing was different. Even if they could tell my smile was fake.

When the sun set, we headed up the mountain named after me, each of us carrying something pornography related, along with a different type of flower each.

Reaching the top, we laid our burdens down, next to the two headstones.

Here lies
Hamasaki Motohama
A beloved brother, Perverted Glasses

Here lies
Honda Matsuda
A beloved brother, Perverted Baldy​

The flowers were arranged carefully. Sweet Pea, Bluebell, Shion, Yellow and White Camellia and White Chrysanthemum. The porn were place between the two headstones by me, then had magic barriers placed over them to ensure they would last.

"There's plenty to read so no need to fight over them alright?" I swallowed to wet my throat. "Y-you can share, I'll be sure to bring more sometime soon. Though I may be busy with my job, saving the world isn't an easy task ya know?" Behind me, Asia started crying the others held out a bit longer but they joined her soon enough.

"I uh, I'm sorry that I can't bring you guys back but...don't worry, just wait for me alright? I'll ask Micheal to let you guys keep an eye on me, except for any private moments with the girls. Well, maybe one free show, just one though. So you can curse me from heaven. Just, try not to be too loud. Heaven doesn't quite approve of lewdness." I continued to talk for an hour before the other's turn. By the time we were finished the moon had risen high in the sky.

That was 400 years ago.


I woke up as the memory ended, and got out of bed to prepare for the day. It hardly mattered if my old friends died. I had watched as each and every single one of them passed. Each time I attended the funeral, crafting my appearance to look much older and my body was. I ignored the whispers of how I became more jaded with each passing death, until Rias'.

It was something she planned ever since the first of our highschool friends died. Something that every Devil in the human world had to deal with, you couldn't just look the same for decades without more than a few eyes looking your way after all.

We decided to go in the order we joined the peerage. Which meant Rias was first, followed by Akeno, Kiba then Gasper. When it came to my turn I decided not to, instead letting the rest go first. They agreed after a short discussion, letting me be the last to leave the world at the age of 108. At the very least, Micheal had informed us that our friends had pass peacefully and adjusted to Heaven well. Aika was annoying to deal with, heckling me about being afraid to die until she found about that I already did twice.

The worst part about dying was that I couldn't use my real name for a while, Vali shared a few tips he learn during his terrorist days which helped greatly. He's been close to me ever since we dealt with his grandfather, and Trihexa. Then again, maybe closing that chapter of his life and seeing my parent's love for me made him realize something.

Speaking of which, they were offered a place in Sirzechs's peerage but refused, citing that they only had intentions of watching me get married and getting to know their grandchildren. It pained me to watch them die when I knew I could bring them back but they wouldn't want that and I understood.

"Um, Issei-san?" Turning towards Chifuyu, I noted that I had drifted off for half an hour. Hmm, perhaps this was how Devils passed the time if they weren't training, plenty of memories to go through if they get bored.

"Yes, what is it?" She tried not to look around my room too much, since I kept some of my belongings with me on Ryuuteimaru, but I couldn't fault her. An adult like me, someone powerful enough to rival Gods, having posters of TV shows on his walls?

"Ah, um, I would like to thank you again for helping my brother and I, and to inform you that we're reaching our designation." I nodded, rising from my seat and slinging a bag over my shoulder.

"Then let's go." She followed me out of the room to the deck. Sure enough, a magic circle appeared as a Devil materialized. Seeing me, his eyes widened before he fumbled with his words. I held up a hand to calm him.

"It's fine, everyone has to go through these procedures. But I'm bringing two people with me, her and a child. I take it I'm clear?" He just nodded his head, too surprised to speak. I had my familiar take us to where my home used to be. Turns out that making it a mansion made the government keep an eye on you, though they didn't say anything while we were 'alive', once we died though they requested us to change it back to normal.

Ichika's crib was already on deck, Saji must have brought him out. Taking him into her arms, Chifuyu walked over to me and I took hold of her in a princess carry, I grew out my wings and made our way down.

Well, time to face the music I guess.


So yeah, I think this should lay out some groundwork...