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Long ago, a monk named Wan embarked on a journey to discover the 'truth'. On his journey he...

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Devout Budding Lotus
Apr 2, 2016
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Long ago, a monk named Wan embarked on a journey to discover the 'truth'. On his journey he learned many things, and complied this knowledge into a philosophy disguised as a pseudoreligion for fear of retaliation from the village in which he lived. Soon after his return, he was indeed banished from the village, and made a humble home in the mountains where he spent his days in deep thought, meditation, fasting, training and improving his mind, body and soul. Over time, he garnered the attention of the curious, seeking their own truths and finding Wan's philosophies to sate their desire for knowledge. Several became multitudes, and those became many. Now, a thriving community of like-minded peoples did exist in the mountains, until zealots from the village gathered their torches and pitchforks and swords, aiming to banish the heretics from their domain.

This philosophy was known as Kaizenism, and those who held Kaizenist beliefs were banished from their home and told to continue walking east until the last one was out of sight. Many moons passed and now, they've found a new place to call home, free from persecution and free to practice their philosophies and learn and improve. This is the story of the civilization of the Banished, as they seek to learn the truth and figure out life's biggest mysteries.

TL; DR (Plot): A philosopher created a philosophy that looks like a very mystic, non-dogmatic religion. The people of the village from which he hails don't like one of their own going against the grain, and when he gains what they feel are too many followers, him and his are told to scram under threat of the sword. Now they're a great distance from that village and are making their own society which will hopefully last long enough to be more than a footnote in the annals of history. That's where you come in!

GM Speak: Hello. Welcome to Banished: People in Exile. It's the bigger, better version of a civ quest I made last year. It has mechanics now, though it's very much mostly freeform and dependant on the words and actions you, the voters, choose to employ. There are mechanics, but seeing as how this intro is long enough, I'll introduce them in pieces. I have a habit of too much expo dump too early in my quests. I've learned that people need to be eased into it, even if they think they want the whole plate at once.
When the tribe first arrived to their new home, they noticed it was ...

[x] a very green and vibrant forest, with trees so high they threatened to pierce the very heavens themselves.
[x] a great sandy expanse, with many hills and little vegetation. Of note are the scattered ruins, a footprint of a past civilization.
[x] Write in.

Many years after his passing, Wan's teachings have managed to remain unmolested by the egos of those who keep his teachings alive. However, it is time for a new leader.

[x] Lotus Council. Though the teachings are held in the absolute highest regard, perhaps a more pragmatic approach can be implemented. Thus, the Lotus Council was formed, with a small number of men and women who share power, and cooperate as a group to ensure the continuity of the tribe. (Bonus to Population and Defence at the start)

[x] Hiten. Taking a different approach, Hiten is half-dragon, and eager to explore and discover truths for himself and his people. He can be headstrong, but there is no doubt that the people are his first and last concern. (Bonus to Resources at the start)

[x] Asura. Appointed by the Patron herself, Lady Kaiza, Asura is a kind and benevolent ruler. He is called the Diplomat-Kai for his impartial yet compassionate nature. (Bonus to Happiness at the start)
[x] a great sandy expanse, with many hills and little vegetation. Of note are the scattered ruins, a footprint of a past civilization.

[x] Lotus Council. Though the teachings are held in the absolute highest regard, perhaps a more pragmatic approach can be implemented. Thus, the Lotus Council was formed, with a small number of men and women who share power, and cooperate as a group to ensure the continuity of the tribe. (Bonus to Population and Defence at the start)

Looks interesting, lets see where this goes.
Looks interesting, lets see where this goes.
Thanks. Good to have you on board. This quest is kind of a rapid-fire so updates will come quickly. Sometimes more than one in a day. This doesn't mean I'm going to half-ass it. This quest will be given the same treatment as my other ones. Update coming shortly.
101 AB - Year's End
Your people have made their home in a sandy expanse with naught but the occasional tree and ruined area. This place will henceforth be known as Shambala: City of Hope, for the tribe hopes that living in it will lead to many discoveries.

<<It is AGE 101 A.B.>>

"Wise Ones, I have your census." The advisor to the Council produces a handful of scrolls which come at the end of the year.

Happiness: 5
Population: 5 + 1 > 6 (starting boon)
Defence: 5 + 1 > 6 (starting boon)
Resources: 5

"Allow me to explain. HAPPINESS is just that. The contentment of the people. Like all categories, the higher the number the better. Next, comes POPULATION. An approximation of our people's numbers. Then comes DEFENCE. It measures the strength and number of those who have pledged the ultimate sacrifice: to defend the tribe from those who would do it harm, and give their lives in the process. Lastly, RESOURCES. Everything from food, water, clothes, herbs. The ability to sustain ourselves. There are nuances to these, but the numbers act as guidelines. You understand these, yes, Wise Ones?"

You and the other leaders nod and the advisor smiles. "If you do not, feel free to ask me again. Assuming that you do, however, let us continue!"

A martial elder enters the court. With a swift bow he clears his throat and speaks. "Greetings, Wise Ones. I have practiced the martial arts for decades. Now, I am old and my time in this realm is soon to end. My legacy shall be my teachings, much how Wan's legacy is his. I offer that a strict training regimen for both civilian and defender be implemented, so that in times of danger we may ensure our continued existence."

The elder master is willing to teach his art for free, but it has to be mandatory for all citizens, especially young ones. It will build discipline and conditioning, but the people will complain to any change in their lifestyle. You could, alternatively, purchase the knowledge and direct him to teach you and those you appoint. Resources seem to be decent enough to afford it.

= = =

[x] "Harsh times indeed may be on the horizon. Let us make this a mandate for our people. Discipline builds character and fortitude."
[x] "We cannot justify a mandatory policy, though it may have benefits. However, your knowledge deserves to live on, and we will purchase it from you, allowing you to spend your final days in luxury."
[x] "We must decline, only so that we are not distracted from our pursuit of truth."
[x] "We cannot justify a mandatory policy, though it may have benefits. However, your knowledge deserves to live on, and we will purchase it from you, allowing you to spend your final days in luxury."
[x] "Harsh times indeed may be on the horizon. Let us make this a mandate for our people. Discipline builds character and fortitude."
102 AB - Early Spring
[x] "We cannot justify a mandatory policy, though it may have benefits. However, your knowledge deserves to live on, and we will purchase it from you, allowing you to spend your final days in luxury." ((Coin was tossed; this option won out.))

You explain to the old master that a mandatory regimen is too much to ask of your people at this moment, but you do want to acknowledge his desire to leave something behind, and offer him payment in exchange for being trained in the art yourself.

Age 102 A.B.
Early Spring

A scout reports to the Council that he has spotted what appear to be bandits. It seems you aren't as alone out here anymore as you'd thought. They were spotted about half a day's travel south and don't appear to have any intention of going north. That said, it never hurts to be careful.

= = =

[x] Send more scouts to keep tabs on the bandits.
[x] Build watchtowers on the highest hills in Shambala.
[x] Send a team of defenders south and camp for no more than 5 days and 4 nights just to make sure.
[x] Write in.
Pretty bad for one of my first quests but, I'm thinking this particular setting is better played as a character adventure quest rather than a civ builder. Better to cap it now than to pull a Hello Games. Will scrap this and make a better quest in its place.

I'm still learning the ropes!

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