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Begone! (Worm One-Shot)

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Lurker on QQ, Newbie at writing on QQ
Jan 14, 2019
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We stared at each other. My eyes, emboldened by power and abilities trained via multiple millennia of time loops, met the Goddess' - the 'R.O.B' that took me from my home. My world. My universe. It wasn't peaceful, far from it. Wars and deaths, concentration camps and prisons that were on the edge of becoming no different, greedy politicians and CEOs. All were active forces on my Earth, but it was my home.

And this being claimed what she did was a good thing, that anyone would jump at the chance of being "isekai'd" as she would tell me, as I found myself randomly transported to her realm of mismatched Greek and Roman architecture.

She was… like how I think a deity would act: petty, spiteful, annoying, demanding and found mortals to be nothing more than playthings - toy soldiers to be thrown against each other for childish amusement, and like any child, throws her toys away when she's bored.

I knew what she was when I was 'gifted' with abilities that broadened the horizons of my mind. No, it was beyond even the horizon and into the stars, universes, and multiverses.

Her mind, while vast for an entity that would be classified as a Goddess, was small and fragile. A symbol of that which was decedent and untrained, a deity recently formed or one born out of slothiness, I first thought.

I was wrong, she was not always a Goddess.

She was human, or once was.

Jennifer Dryer, an ordinary woman from an Earth different from Worm's or my own, was a human like any other. Working day to day, nine to five, single, no prospects for husbands or wives, come home, consume foods, drinks and several works of fiction, fall asleep and start the cycle again. Except her life was taken, snatched by another such R.O.B, proclaiming that she was chosen for entertainment - just as I was. However, things were different between Dryer and I, while I despised her for taking me from my life - mundane and hurtful as it was - Dryer embraced her new role as some thing's amusing doll. Killing her fellow man, a teenager named Issei - a boy who hadn't lived long, cut short by this thing's hunger for power and recognition by Its R.O.B. Never thinking about the consequences of its actions: manipulating, killing, flying, torturing, humans and humanity - countless humans, both innocent and guilty were slaughtered in her pursuit of power.

In the end, It received Its wish. The R.O.B cheered, clapped and congratulated this false deity on a job well done, showing that R.O.B's disgusting nature

"Hey!" Dryer pouted, Its form forever transformed into one of a model on a walkway, a teenager's wet dream - sexual characteristics ballooned to just below cartoonish, skin set to smooth, height reaching two and a half metres perfectly, silky blonde hair that reached mid-back, shining green eyes.

It was hideous.

"Why didn't you do anything?!" The Abomination whined. "You just stood th-"

"Be silent!" I commanded. My order ripped through the pycsic field that surrounded us and took control of the thing's body. With a mouth now snapped shut that would render an ordinary human's teeth shattered, the thing made a noise as Its control was stripped. "Your words are poisonous and fueled by childish cruelty and want for things you do not have. Just for the sake of having it. Be stripped of power!"

My second commander was followed through without question. Its connection to this universe's equivalent of the Warp was halted, a dam of beyond adamantine strength blocking the flowing ocean. Its body was no longer the pinnacle of human attractiveness but of averageness: pudgy, breasts and buttocks now small, skin no longer smooth and shortened to an average height.

The clothes It wore, once baggy stripes of a toga fell lifelessly as it could no longer fit the changed body.

The Thing was now naked for me to see and to my "Emperor" influenced mind.

It was once beautiful.

The soul for It was forever marked and destroyed the attractiveness I would've felt towards Dryer.

"You have forsaken your humanity to be something's toy!" I condemned the former human, a snarl on my changed face. "You were human, a powerful race that would've inherited the stars themselves, all of reality - fictional and non-fictional - would have been ours for the taking! Yet, you threw it away to be this monstrosity!"

"Says you, you fucking hypocrite!" It screamed back, voice scratchy and breaking, tears gathering under my rightful damming threatened to fall. "You didn't hesitate to get power when I offered it!"

"I accepted for survival!" I countered, voice echoing through the fading realm. "I accepted power so I could survive! So I could uplift humanity!" My snarl turned to a pitiful smirk. "But I saw your mind the instant I was granted these gifts. You would destroy all my work when you were bored, claiming I failed to entertain you."

I raised my hand.

"No, the Verses would be safe without the likes of you.

"No!" It screamed, tears finally burst downwards, snot streamed and mouth frothed in the realisation of what I planned to do. "Wait! Please, wait!"


The Abomination screamed as It felt pain - real pain - for the first time in years. Cracks made of colours, both seen and unseen, ripped through the false deity's form - piercing and slamming through Its body and soul - ripping apart the Abomination at such a level that not even the idea of It would resurrect the false deity.

The False Goddess shall never come back, no reincarnation, no transmogrification, no heaven, no hell.

It was gone. Forever.

Letting my arm drop, I looked out to the void, far from this broken realm.

"What to do now?" I wondered, mind speeding through idea after idea - the careful work in morphing my physiology allowed the thoughts to be introduced and sorted at speeds unfathomable to an ordinary human, not even some of those that proclaiming to be gods could comprehend.

One thought would be to take the false goddesses place, but the idea was struck down before it could even finish. I was not a god, I will never steal the souls of humans for entertainment or amusement.

Another would be to leave reality alone and be like the Emperor of Mankind before the Age of Strife, let the lives of the inhabitants play out like they would, and leave them to their fate - good or evil. Only pushing them along towards a certain path.

The third was to do the opposite, conquer Earth and unify it. In every universe. An Infinite Terran Empire that would spread from an Earth to subjugate the galaxy until only Humanity ruled in every universe, every multiverse.

The fourth was to simply leave, find my home universe and simply go back to the life I lived. Hiding my power and fading away, destroying the Perpetual side of myself and dying of natural causes - taking great care in making sure my abilities didn't transfer into my progeny, if I had any.

Many more ideas came and went, ranging from extreme to extreme. Some were monstrous, some were benevolent, all sorted into a "Maybe" or a "No" pile. Half an hour of thinking compressed into thirty seconds before I had decided on one.

"Taking a page out of Darkseid's book." I muttered and immediately put my plan into motion. Absorbing the lingering energies and essence of Dryer's psychic power, I performed a tweaked version of the ability I used on the false goddess.

Instead of splitting me apart in such a way that not even the thoughts of ordinary mortals could bring me back. I instead split myself apart, using my combined powers to safeguard the shards so that they wouldn't be attacked by the void between realities, and sent the splits of me out into the multiverse.

Reincarnations that would inherit all of my memories and experiences, and let them loose onto their respective multiverses.

Be they guardians of good or harbingers of evil. That would be fine.

They were only human after all.

And so, I faded away, a smile on my lips.

A/N: I had to just get this out of my head. I'll definitely give it a second look if it looks like I need to change things later. So this is literally a one-shot.



Self-Insert: You are dropped off into Brockton Bay on April 8th 2011. Taylor is currently trying to avoid her tormentors and in a few short days will be taking to the streets for the first time. You are able to pick a set of clothes that you own to take with you, and you are given a scant hundred bucks in your pocket. Beyond this however you will have to make your own way. You are alone, with no experience in this world, and nothing that you haven't purchased with points. However you are a completely unknown factor to the people here, giving you a perfect opportunity to blindside the established players and status-quo.


World Breaker: You have twelve points to spend, and all of your powers start out twice as strong. You have no special ability to avoid danger but you also have little need to fear it.



-You are attuned to not only the fabric of space and time, but the very essence of the multiverse itself. All worlds, timelines, and possibilities are now within reach of your new senses, and you find yourself able to manipulate them to your will, and even travel between them.

-What you can accomplish with this is limited only to your creativity, imagination, and experience. Drawing in alternate versions of people to fight under your control, copying powers from alternate selves or fictional characters, fixing a destroyed neighborhood by overlapping a pristine version on it. These and any imaginable manipulation of space and time (time travel included) are within your reach, and it isn't limited to the Wormverse.

-The entirety of infinity is at your fingertips. If you wanted to you could just walk on home right now and leave Earth Bet to its fate. But where is the fun in that?


-With nothing but your will alone you are capable of shaping the physical world. Moving objects, generating and manipulating all forms of energy or matter, or even creating psychic constructs. The world is a vast ocean of vibration, matter, and energy to your senses, and all it takes is a thought to send it moving according to your wishes.

-Complex systems such as biology and technology will require a great deal of practice before you can reliably work them the same way you would matter and energy, with other powers here being far better at doing so and developing faster. But when it comes to sheer breadth and raw power to control the physical world you are peerless.

-The Endbringer Behemoth's Dynakinesis is the only other power the world has seen that could compare. It would be wise to show caution when using your abilities. It would not be difficult for you to level cities and leave them uninhabitable for centuries.

Emperor of Man

-Within you blooms unparalleled psychic might and impossibly vast vistas of knowledge. Any knowledge or skill that was possessed by a human being from the 40k universe at any point in time is granted to you, and all at superhuman levels of proficiency. Your physical and mental abilities skyrocket as well, leaving you able to go toe to toe with Brutes and Thinkers simply from raw prowess.

-Your psyker abilities are the equal of the Emperor's at his peak, with perfect control and understanding. The Warp does not exist here, meaning you are immune to the perils that normally plague psykers. You know how to induce these abilities in others, and train them in their use. Combined with your mastery of all human technology you have all the knowledge to forge an empire greater and vaster then anything possible in the original lore. First things first. You'll need warriors to face the dangers of this world beside you. Genetic technologies and treatments float to the forefront of your mind. Almost like they are eager to raise your first legions.

-Your mastery of humanities technology explicitly extends to things that the Imperium did not understand or had long forgotten about. You are the equal of any Tinker when it comes to applying this knowledge.

-If you wish, your body becomes that of the Emperor as well. Don't expect to blend into a crowd. Or have much of a secret identity. Not that you should conceal your unbound majesty of course.

-Daemons are not a thing, but you could theoretically create psychic entities. I'm sure that won't go badly in anyway

-Games Workshop will file a lawsuit against you for being the Emperor. Even if in your glorious magnanimity you spare them despite this heresy they will keep trying.





Knowledge is power, and that means that an opponent who knows what your every move will be is an unbelievable threat. By taking this you are completely immune to being perceived by Thinker abilities. Your future and past cannot be observed, clairvoyants cannot detect you, and even danger senses cannot warn their users of an incoming attack from you. This is pervading enough that you cannot even be perceived by noticing blind spots in their sight, such powers simply acting as if you didn't exist. This applies only to uses of such powers that are hostile to you. Other thinker abilities that do not rely on directly perceiving you with the power itself are unaffected. Enhanced senses pick you up just as easily, Tattletale can still read you like an open book, and Coll is still able to perceive you in his split timelines.

Shattered Limiter

The factors that kept your powers growth and ability in check are completely done away with. At a base this doubles the number of slots and charges you have available. Your power growth skyrockets, with your power doubling in strength every year if you do nothing but live a normal life. Actually fighting on a regular basis drops this down to half a year. Each such interval also increases the number of slots and charges your power provided by one. Your powers refuse to be kept in check, rendering you immune to trumps who would try to affect your abilities.


Your will is absolute, boundless, and unbreakable. By taking this, factors such as distress, suffering, and difficulty mean nothing to you. You are capable of undergoing any disaster without batting an eye, ignoring any amount of pain, remaining mentally untouched by even the most terrible events, and even the most fearsome odds will not give you pause. Abilities that would affect your mind or control you are useless, you shrugging these off as nothing more then an irritant. You will never break, never bow, and even come a thousand apocalypses, you will stand as tall and resolute as ever. Being torn in half, locked into a time loop of endless agony for thousands of years, or facing the most hopeless odds are nothing to you.


Something about you reaches directly into the hearts and souls of others. Even if you don't lead them, just your presence seems to lift their spirits and restore their hope. You'll find it nearly trivial to recruit others and sway them to your cause. Wherever you go people see you and find new purpose and courage. The broken will rise above their suffering to go on, hopeless defenders will rally to defy the odds, and even the most inhuman of your enemies will be shaken with a sense of terrified awe at your presence. This perk is effectively the same as Invictus, but applying to the people you lead or fight beside. As long as you stand they will never stop fighting, and should you fall, your memory will drive them to greatness and heroism that has only existed in the imagination.

First Impressions

No matter what you do it seems like you're incapable of making a bad impression on others when they encounter you. Even your enemies will find themselves respecting you, seeing you as a worthy opponent. You'll find it trivial to find a place with various factions, and they'll be more then willing to help you out or extend the benefit of the doubt. This isn't permanent, your actions and decisions will Influence them as normal, but you are given significantly more leeway then would be extended to anyone else. Expect to become very popular with the media should you so much as give them the time of day.


I don't know how you do it but you are able to find, recruit, and manage competent and loyal minions (or workers, troops, professionals, etc) with almost zero effort. Whether it's lawyers, mercenaries, doctors, or just raw manpower you have no trouble finding people to work for you. This extends to training, even minor effort showing extreme gains. The logistical efforts needed to pay and support them also become extremely easy, money seeming to show up whenever you need to sign paychecks, high quality equipment abundant, even political leverage if you need to keep a politician or two loyal to you. Fate itself seems to be opposed to the idea that you would lack for somebody to call on. Only the most extraordinary circumstances could prevent you from having people to rely on, and never for very long.


Self Insert

Self-Inserts are capable of going back home after ten years have passed. This means it's possible to never have to deal with the entity if you play your cards right.

Choice IDs:

Self-Insert,izx9,Kaleidoscope,Psychokinesis,Emperor of Man,Blank,Shattered Limiter,Invictus,Inspiration,First Impressions,Manpower,Victory Self Insert:
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