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Blade and Soul


Begone Thot!
Apr 15, 2013
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So this game came out in the States about a week ago and I've been busily playing the shit out of it in my free time. It's a fascinating diversion from World of Warcraft thanks to combat mechanics that give fights a feel that's more like a fighting game than a WoW-clone due to the importance of combos and counter-attacks. And it's all wuxia-themed, so double awesome.

Is anyone else playing this game? Is the anime adaptation any good? And most importantly, is anyone else playing on Yunwa server?
I could, but it usually takes me like 2 minutes to load the game and about a minutes and a half for load screens between areas. Bit frustrated with it atm. My 4 year old PC is getting long in the tooth.

Edit: Made a summoner named Rojoda.
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I've been playing it a decent amount since it's come out and I'm sitting at level 35 on a Summoner at the moment. Sadly I'm on Jiwan so we wouldn't be able to do non-dungeon content together, but because of the cross server dungeon lobby thing the game has I'd be able to do any dungeon with people from here.

If you ever need help with earlier dungeons I'd be up for helping in those, Blackram Narrows especially since I want that fucking outfit and it refuses to come to me and it's getting harder to justify actually wasting the time running it at this point since there's other outfits I could be trying to get, like Pinchy's or Pugilist.
I'm currently a level 20 Destroyer on Hajoon. This game is seriously fun, but it makes my computer shit the bed hard. I really need to put aside some money to build a new one soon.

I'm a little annoyed that they decided to censor the game, and how they fucked with some character names, but it's such a fun combat system that I'm willing to put up with almost anything. Even lagstepping around the map.
I'm currently about 16 levels into a kung fu master and 14 into an assassin.I'm not quite sure which I prefer stylistically-speaking but they're both pretty awesomesauce.

Also, does the game branch out at some point and allow for more exploration or are we going to be on rails for the whole game?
Huh the English version is out already? Well I might give it a try.

...I'm kinda getting to the stage where eye candy is no longer the draw it used to be for me, but I recall being curious about this game and its setting. Guess i'll give it a go.
Man, there's a lot of Korean MMOs that recently got ported to English servers. Nice.
I like looking at the shonen abs :V Is that wrong and lewd of me to do so >.>?
I like looking at the shonen abs :V Is that wrong and lewd of me to do so >.>?
I play as a big dude with a giant axe. Right there with you. ;)

Huh the English version is out already? Well I might give it a try.

...I'm kinda getting to the stage where eye candy is no longer the draw it used to be for me, but I recall being curious about this game and its setting. Guess i'll give it a go.
It's not just eye candy. It has a pretty fun take on combat that's familiar, but still pretty new. Well, as new as a game of several years can be.
Servers down for an update atm.
Starting at January 27 3:00 AM PST / January 27 11:00 AM UTC, all servers will undergo maintenance for approximately 4 hours. An in-game notice will be given 30 minutes prior to the maintenance starting.

Below are the list of changes introduced within the update:
> The amount of Hongmoon Keys and Hongmoon Unsealing Charms obtained from certain quests has been increased
> Fixed an issue where the client would crash when using the Spar Request function in PvP Arena
> Fixed an issue where the "Blue Porcelain" and "Scarlet Shade" costumes could not be put within the Wardrobe
> Lowered the amount of Salt Lake Crystals required for the quest "Top Chef" from 7 to 5
> The Healing Tonic given during the tutorial quest will now be bound to the hotkey 8 by default
> Fixed an issue where it was possible to skip NPC dialogue by using the "F" key during a cinematic
> Fixed certain chat commands (emotes) which were not working in French and German
> Fixed an issue where items bought from the Hongmoon Store in French or German would display the English name in the mailbox
> Fixed various localization issues

Based on the community's feedback, we have implemented the below highly requested features:
> We have added a level 10 or below chat restriction for Region, Faction and Party Finder Chat Channels
> We have removed the level restriction to report a bot or spammer
I like looking at the shonen abs :V Is that wrong and lewd of me to do so >.>?
If you like looking at abs then you'll really like when you start coming across people wearing either Dark Sandstorm or Stinger stuff.

I should really start trying to get Dark Sandstorm for my Summoner, it looks really nice on Lyn and I'd love an alternative to Deva's outfit for walking around.
Some servers are back up, they say.
Greetings everyone,

The maintenance is now completed on all North American Servers. The European maintenance is still on-going but will be over soon. We will update this thread as soon as the maintenance will be over on European Servers.

Thank you again for your patience.
It's not just eye candy. It has a pretty fun take on combat that's familiar, but still pretty new. Well, as new as a game of several years can be.
Huh. I guess I may well give it a go.

Though to be honest while this game and PSO2 and Black Dragon Online are pretty appealing in terms of waifuing and nice asses to look at, I'm finding myself appreciating more and more the rear end of the Challenger 1... then again if it's a choice between tanks and waifuing, I pick tanks lol. :p
So, I played a bit of the Force Master... and I really dislike it. I don't know why, but it just doesn't click with me. I'm going to try the martial artist and see how that goes.
So, I played a bit of the Force Master... and I really dislike it. I don't know why, but it just doesn't click with me. I'm going to try the martial artist and see how that goes.
Yeah, I think Force Master and Summoner don't have that wuxia feel to them like the others do. Kung Fu Master is all bone-crunching sound effects and precision-timed combos and counter-attacks, it's probably the class that best displays how B&S is different from the competition. I love it to bits.
So, I played a bit of the Force Master... and I really dislike it. I don't know why, but it just doesn't click with me. I'm going to try the martial artist and see how that goes.
Force Master has the dullest early game by far. It gets pretty neat later on, but whenever I go to level my alt FM I just find myself wanting to do something else, and I'm saying this as someone that mains Summoner.

The melee classes have a much nicer feel, I'm a big fan of Bladedancer when it comes to them, it's nice and fast and gets some really fancy shit later on.
The melee classes have a much nicer feel, I'm a big fan of Bladedancer when it comes to them, it's nice and fast and gets some really fancy shit later on.

My second is a Bladedancer, and it's pretty fun with a combination of AOE and heavy hitting skills.
I have played the game for a bit, mostly playing as Force Master on an European German Server. Bambusdorf I think? Got to Level 15, toying around with what to do next. Thing is, I am lazy and tend to lose interest every so often, so I don't know how Long I will Keep playing and how often. Because I don't have that much time due to work and other stuff.... Character Name is Flaming Pleinair.

I also toyed around with Kung Fu Master, but it felt somewhat slow and the countering had a weird feel to it. I may try that class again on the Weekend when I have time to Play really.
I actually like the KFM much better than the Bladedancer I currently have... I'm actually thinking of deleting the Blademaster and starting a Summoner instead.
Ok, Iksanun has just became my favorite character when you're doing the chapter 10 quest of "A Pig in a Poke".

He still seems like a complete ass everywhere else, but that's got me a few chuckles.
I've played very little of this game beyond messing with the character creator for a while.

I made a sectoid with an afro, so the game's probably pretty alright.

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