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Blind Date Panic Quest

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You are sitting across the table from your date, in a dark booth of an already dimly-lit...


Versed in the lewd.
Feb 19, 2019
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You are sitting across the table from your date, in a dark booth of an already dimly-lit restaurant. Why you let your friends set this up, you'll never know. The server has stopped by only once to say they'll get your order in just a minute, and has not been back for at least three. Maybe there's a lot of people here tonight, but it seemed kinda empty to you. As it stands, you can barely see the person across from you -- their age, their face, their clothes -- you might as well be blind.


[] Introduce yourself.
[] Try to motion for a server.
[...] Break the ice by:
- Making a joke.
- Bringing up interesting trivia.
- Asking a probing question.
[] Fidget nervously until your date does something.
[] Write in ideas.

(QM note: Full disclosure, I'm hoping to get a feel for QQ and my potential audience before I launch the big quest project I've been writing on the last few months. New here, can typically get internet access every couple of days, and not on weekends. But I will diligently read and reply if you show up and participate. You will all be contributing for the single player character, and your actions will reveal more info about your mystery date, including their name and gender. Nobody's suggestion is dumb, but not everyone's input will get used. All depends on what kind of stuff you contribute. Think of it like your character having a bunch of voices in their head, pushing them to say or do conflicting things. If they can do more than one, they might, but a conflict will have to be resolved as one action of my choosing. That being said, happy posting, and I'll see what you write the day after tomorrow.)
I'm no QQ expert but this intro may be too vague and short for the average quest voter/poster to get into. If we're the only people supplying ideas, then it's all on us to create the interesting story, which uh, doesn't quite work when people are more invested in reading it? You gotta think of your opening post as the draw factor. What's the anchor, and what's the hook?

We don't know anything about this quest, so we could literally choose anything, and people also become decision paralyzed pretty easily.

People also use the first post to see if they're interested in the premise. I'm not interested in male protagonists usually, though undoubtedly there are people interested in that. I'm not really interested in yuri either, though there's undoubtedly people interested in that too. etc, etc.

In this case, I could be persuaded to be intrigued about the mystery date, but I don't know who the protagonist is supposed to be either.

[X] Casually show off some cleavage.

A vote! It's pretty much up to you if this means pectoral muscles or boob. I threw this out pretty randomly, but here it is anyway.
[X] Introduce yourself.
Always good to start off with the basics...
> Casually show off some cleavage

Sometimes, the best way to make a first impression is to let actions speak louder than words. Your neckline was already at levels that most grandmothers at Sunday Service would take offense to, but you give it a little tug and try to present your assets. (I'll take this as one "vote" toward a female PC. If it gets much support, then we'll proceed as though you're playing "she/her.")

> Introduce yourself.

You stammer for a first word, since the other party hasn't spoken yet, but in your nerves you realize you've forgotten your name! Quickly now...

[] What is your name?

> A little bit of depth on our situation...

(Where are we at, and who are these people? This quest is not taking place in any setting established by existing media. Assume if you like that we're in the "real" world. Exactly what all that entails will be revealed as the date continues. You are in a dimly lit restaurant that your friends picked, by the name of Gerson's Bar and Grill. You've never been here yourself, haven't heard of it really, and you haven't gotten a chance to look at the menu yet. It's a bit above your usual price point, but you're on a blind date, and the idea is to impress. Or so your friends say. Both of you are of legal consenting age, we'll leave it vague exactly how old unless you contributors dig deeper into that. You are in the city where you were born, but the blind date might not be from here originally. You'll have to find that out yourselves. Far as you know, the other person was also set up by their friends. I think that should work for now.)

(Edit as of 2/26/2019: I'll give this a few more days to sit, and then drop it and start another one with the advice I've been given. If people start posting before that point, I'll see where this one goes.)
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