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Current Tally from both Questionable Questing and Space Battles~

Please be checking to make sure your voat is correct~ :3

- Xicree,
[X] Vampires were harmed by sunlight, why not go look for the Librarian Giles with Cordelia and Willow, he might have an idea of what to do?

- Koden, hunter09, ZurigaSungama, Vindictus, MHLord, Marked_One, Fallenblades643, MacroDaemon, horus, theBSDude, Minion #Q, cyberswordsmen, Lunaloyalist, dracklor, spidermounky92k, Yog,
[X] Let Harris talk to Buffy as he is more familiar with her?

- Larekko12,
[X] Check with Harris about anything thing that might be sensitive with buffy so we don't step in landmines while trying to calm her down.

- Andrew5073, ZiPeppe, Berserkslash, Vampirelordx
[X] Call Giles (ask Harris for his number) and explain that Buffy may be...altered.
- [X] Let Harris talk to Buffy as he is more familiar with her?

- fitzgerald, nick012000
[X] Just who is the "Crimsion Fucker" and how in the blazes did they manage to slip a letter in by carrier pigeon addressed to Policegirl mk 2

- Varano,
[X] Vampires were harmed by sunlight, why not go look for the Librarian Giles with Cordelia and Willow, he might have an idea of what to do?

- Lightwhispers,
[X] Let Harris talk to Buffy as he is more familiar with her?
-[X] If possible, scan her to determine what level of changes have remained.

- Happerry, lost egos, Shador, jkey
[X] Carefully and slowly talk to Buffy with cover from Harris?

- Redon
[X] Go in with guns blazing... ah hahahahaha... no. You were going to carefully examine her to see if she was safe.
[X] Just who is the "Crimsion Fucker" and how in the blazes did they manage to slip a letter in by carrier pigeon addressed to Policegirl mk 2
Since you asked so kindly for a vote and an amusing write-in/addition came to mind...

[X] Vampires were harmed by sunlight, why not go look for the Librarian Giles with Cordelia and Willow, he might have an idea of what to do?
--[X] Yet first would it not be best to attempt to message him via the vocalisation to galvinic signal (and its reverse) device using the appropriate destination code? After all here is probably a working phone around to try calling him with...
[X] Let Harris talk to Buffy as he is more familiar with her?
Current Tally from both Questionable Questing and Space Battles~

Please be checking to make sure your voat is correct~ :3

- Xicree,
[X] Vampires were harmed by sunlight, why not go look for the Librarian Giles with Cordelia and Willow, he might have an idea of what to do?

- Koden, hunter09, ZurigaSungama, Vindictus, MHLord, Marked_One, Fallenblades643, MacroDaemon, horus, theBSDude, Minion #Q, cyberswordsmen, Lunaloyalist, dracklor, spidermounky92k, Yog, Gideon020
[X] Let Harris talk to Buffy as he is more familiar with her?

- Larekko12,
[X] Check with Harris about anything thing that might be sensitive with buffy so we don't step in landmines while trying to calm her down.

- Andrew5073, ZiPeppe, Berserkslash, Vampirelordx
[X] Call Giles (ask Harris for his number) and explain that Buffy may be...altered.
- [X] Let Harris talk to Buffy as he is more familiar with her?

- fitzgerald, nick012000, SETIFAN
[X] Just who is the "Crimsion Fucker" and how in the blazes did they manage to slip a letter in by carrier pigeon addressed to Policegirl mk 2

- Varano,
[X] Vampires were harmed by sunlight, why not go look for the Librarian Giles with Cordelia and Willow, he might have an idea of what to do?

- Lightwhispers,
[X] Let Harris talk to Buffy as he is more familiar with her?
-[X] If possible, scan her to determine what level of changes have remained.

- Happerry, lost egos, Shador, jkey, Mindless Drone
[X] Carefully and slowly talk to Buffy with cover from Harris?

- Redon
[X] Go in with guns blazing... ah hahahahaha... no. You were going to carefully examine her to see if she was safe.

- Merior
[X] Vampires were harmed by sunlight, why not go look for the Librarian Giles with Cordelia and Willow, he might have an idea of what to do?
--[X] Yet first would it not be best to attempt to message him via the vocalisation to galvinic signal (and its reverse) device using the appropriate destination code? After all here is probably a working phone around to try calling him with...
[X] Just who is the "Crimsion Fucker" and how in the blazes did they manage to slip a letter in by carrier pigeon addressed to Policegirl mk 2
25 - Depressing Perspective


[X] Let Harris talk to Buffy as he is more familiar with her?

As you stood outside the door to Buffy's bedroom looking in, you had to admit that this was a problem. A serious one at that.

The blinds in the room were down, blocking out most if not all the sunlight from coming in. The scent of not quite smoke and burning meat a good indication of how Buffy had woken up.

There was also the way she was looking at herself in the mirror, with eyebrows replaced by ridges and yellow eyes.

Inwardly, you knew that this was a problem. A very big one. Buffy wasn't human, at least... not any more. Whatever the 'slayer' might have been, in terms of muscle for the Librarian, she had been human even if likely augmented. But in the here and now, she wasn't.

As a native of Sunnydale, you were well aware of the things needed to avoid... trouble. You never invited people into your home, it just wasn't done, even if it was someone you knew. One did not go out alone at night, there being far too many dangers such as... gangs on PCP.

It was an instinctive knowledge that outsiders from Sunnydale never seemed to quite acquire fast enough. It was why the city had forty-three churches and twelve cemeteries, things could and did go bump at night.

And those unspoken of guidelines to survival in Sunnydale were only guidelines... things still did happen at night or worse... in the day. There were tragic murders, numerous children and teens who... ran away from homes, never to be seen again.

You knew all this in the back of your mind. However, the sight of Buffy with that inhuman face threw that in your face. That this was... bad. This was one of those things you needed to run away from. That you needed to fight and kill.

Your hand inched towards your zap pistol, a motion that was stopped when Harris and Willow go into to speak to the inhuman Buffy. You didn't really have any connection with the blonde that those two had. At least beyond the adventure of this one night. You really could do nothing but sigh as the door was closed before you and muffled words were heard.

"Sucks to be me..." You could only sigh and walk away from the bedroom. Now... where was Cordelia.

Hmmm... why was she looking down at the pile of dust that used to be... Angelus? Angel? Oh... didn't he had that horror face like Buffy? This could be awkward. "Morning, Cordelia."

- - -
Harmony Quest /// Depressing Perspective
- - -​
What Do?
[X] Write In?


Name : Harmony Kandell, Gentlelady Adventurer and Professional Cheerleader
Status : At the Summer's residence and quite confused.
Alignment : Ditzy Good

Resources / Equipment :
Zenith Aetheric Pulse Pistol (in layman's term, a Z.A.P. gun for ladies)
- Current Charge (100% Ionization Charge x 6 Vitae Capacitors)
- Settings : Incapacitate Pulse (1170/1200 shots) / Modified Lethal Pulse (554/600 shots)
- Maximum Range : 1 Imperial League / 3 Miles / 4.828 Kilometers

Basic Aetheric Equipment Repair Kit
- The absolute minimum, mind.

Zenith Aetheric Pulse Pistol Charger
- Requires plugging into an aetheric charging station. Alternatively, vitae capacitors can be recharge via electrostatic discharge from a negative charged atmospheric region. But only in the most barbaric hinterlands is this necessary.

Portable Babbage/Lovelace Analytical Engine
- Monocle Display unit
- Hand held scanning device
- Miniaturize Babbage/Lovelace Analytical Engine

'Immobile' Thinking Clank "Victoria Celestia Lunatic Pandora Frankenfurter the First"
- High speed dial-up connection to the "internet"
- Spy Satellite Drone
- Wireless Display Unit with a connection to Victoria

A lady's personal effects
- It is most crass and impolite to ask about the contents of such. And only the most brutish of boars would do so.

A coin purse
- Contents are most distressingly low. You are down to your last few sterling notes and shillings.
- Contents are TRULY distressing, you don't have your credit card on you and only have money from Britain.
So when the night ended Buffy turned into a BuffyVerse vampire? Damn that is a massive power decrease.
[X] "So, now what?" Eye Cordelia. "After all, if Buffy is still some form of Vampire, Alexander still has a working gun, and I have my own devices... how many other newly 'gifted' people do you think are now drifting around town?"
Last edited:
Hmmmmm okay peps one question we need an answer to and fucking fast is whether or not she still has her soul? If yes, condolences and sparky "Curing" must insue. If no, kill it NOW!!!!!! The faster the demon puppeting Buffy's body dies the better.

The reason im like this is that Buffyverse Vampires that were Slayers are all BAD NEWS slayer enhancements get added on to Vampire bonuses.

hey biigho would it be possible for us to use a Sparky action to get her back to Hellsing Vampire? Cause that would make everyone's lives easier.
Right, Buffy vamp, not Hellsing vamp.

[X] Kill it with fire

Just a matter of general principle.
Hmmmmm okay peps one question we need an answer to and fucking fast is whether or not she still has her soul? If yes, condolences and sparky "Curing" must insue. If no, kill it NOW!!!!!! The faster the demon puppeting Buffy's body dies the better.

The reason im like this is that Buffyverse Vampires that were Slayers are all BAD NEWS slayer enhancements get added on to Vampire bonuses.

hey biigho would it be possible for us to use a Sparky action to get her back to Hellsing Vampire? Cause that would make everyone's lives easier.
You have no idea about what is natural for vampire metaphysics or biology.
Right, Buffy vamp, not Hellsing vamp.

Just a matter of general principle.
Current tally

- Happerry,
[X] "So, now what?" Eye Cordelia. "After all, if Buffy is still some form of Vampire, Alexander still has a working gun, and I have my own devices... how many other newly 'gifted' people do you think are now drifting around town?"

- Vindictus
[X] Kill it with fire

- Larekko12, frozenchicken
[X]Vow to study the Arcane arts and Tranmigratify her back to human!
[X]Vow to study the Arcane arts and Tranmigratify her back to human!
A Buffy quest! My little fan-heart is screaming in joy. Now I just need to catch up and prepare myself to see things from Harmony's point of view...(and that's not something that I would have ever expected to do)
A Buffy quest! My little fan-heart is screaming in joy. Now I just need to catch up and prepare myself to see things from Harmony's point of view...(and that's not something that I would have ever expected to do)
Great and Terrible things have happened....
[X] Kill it with fire

I really don't want to find out that slayer!vamps keep their slayer powers when undead the hard way.Frankly even if she keeps her soul she will probably want vengeance against us anyway for killing Angel.
[X] "So, now what?" Eye Cordelia. "After all, if Buffy is still some form of Vampire, Alexander still has a working gun, and I have my own devices... how many other newly 'gifted' people do you think are now drifting around town?"
Barbs in the 'morn

[X] "So, now what?" Eye Cordelia. "After all, if Buffy is still some form of Vampire, Alexander still has a working gun, and I have my own devices... how many other newly 'gifted' people do you think are now drifting around town?"

You really weren't feeling yourself.

On the one hand, you were Harmony Kandell, professional cheerleader and a Cordette. On the other hand, you REMEMBERED being Harmony Kandell Gentlelady Adventurer.

Everyone knew that things weren't quite... right in Sunnydale. That you had it waving in your face so blatantly meant that you couldn't ignore it any more.

You had to acknowledge that the monsters who went bump in the dark of night were real. And... that Buffy Summers was now one of them. Her boyfriend had been one of them.

Even if his dimensional analog had been evil and he 'claimed' he wasn't... he'd been one of the monsters of Sunnydale.


She really wasn't going to take this well, was she?

"So... now what?" You sighed and looked at Cordelia. "Given that Buffy is some sort of constru... ahem... vampire. Alexander has a functional kinetic gun, and I am armed and dangerous."

There was a disgrunted look on Cordelia's face at your intelligence, but she seemed willing to wait for you to complete your ponderings.

"How many other... newly 'gifted' people do you think are still around town?" You shook your head. "I have this... bad feeling, you know?"

"Bad feeling?" Cordelia's opinion about your instincts said much, but to just dismiss such out of hand with the way she spoke. That slight raised eyebrow and slight curve of lips that subtly mocked you. Oh, it would fool a non-Cordette, but it wouldn't have fooled the others... and it certainly didn't fool you.

Which you supposed was the aim of Cordelia in an attempt to put you down and give herself a superior ground to build up on.

"Think on how many little monsters there were. Now think on what that means for the teenagers and grown-ups who bought costumes at Ethan's."

You settled for a sigh as of encountering a simple girl who didn't know what mascara or lipstick was. Said reaction of shock on Cordelia's face as if she hadn't expected you to react in putting her down.

"We're going to need to find the Librarian." The certainty in your voice was only fitting as you declared the path of what needed to be done.

- - -
Harmony Quest /// Barbs in the 'morn
- - -​

What Do?
[X] Head off to the school and library.
[X] Head off to Ethan's.
[X] Something Else.


Name : Harmony Kandell, Gentlelady Adventurer and Professional Cheerleader
Status : At the Summer's residence and quite confused.
Alignment : Ditzy Good

Resources / Equipment :
Zenith Aetheric Pulse Pistol (in layman's term, a Z.A.P. gun for ladies)
- Current Charge (100% Ionization Charge x 6 Vitae Capacitors)
- Settings : Incapacitate Pulse (1170/1200 shots) / Modified Lethal Pulse (554/600 shots)
- Maximum Range : 1 Imperial League / 3 Miles / 4.828 Kilometers

Basic Aetheric Equipment Repair Kit
- The absolute minimum, mind.

Zenith Aetheric Pulse Pistol Charger
- Requires plugging into an aetheric charging station. Alternatively, vitae capacitors can be recharge via electrostatic discharge from a negative charged atmospheric region. But only in the most barbaric hinterlands is this necessary.

Portable Babbage/Lovelace Analytical Engine
- Monocle Display unit
- Hand held scanning device
- Miniaturize Babbage/Lovelace Analytical Engine

'Immobile' Thinking Clank "Victoria Celestia Lunatic Pandora Frankenfurter the First"
- High speed dial-up connection to the "internet"
- Spy Satellite Drone
- Wireless Display Unit with a connection to Victoria

A lady's personal effects
- It is most crass and impolite to ask about the contents of such. And only the most brutish of boars would do so.

A coin purse
- Contents are most distressingly low. You are down to your last few sterling notes and shillings.
- Contents are TRULY distressing, you don't have your credit card on you and only have money from Britain.
[X] Head off to the school and library.
[X] Head off to the school and library.

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