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Bug report: Can't stop getting site's emails.


Mar 31, 2017
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Ever since I subscribed to this site, I've been receiving emails for things as insignificant as 'EmptyHusk, X user replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.' when I find alerts to be all I need.

Is there a way to stop receiving these emails? I've already looked through the options, but even with 'Receive site mailings,' 'and receive email notifications of replies,' and 'and receive OP email notifications' turned off, the emails don't stop, and then can pile up quite fast. I also haven't been able to find any other option that seems related to emails.

I was told to make sure to ping the admins tehelgee and alethiophile for this problem.
The site mailings option you mentioned is specifically for forum-wide emails from the admins. I've never used it before, as a notice will do the same job.

When you post in or create a thread, you have the option to set the thread as watched when you go to More Options. This is where your emails are coming from.


For some reason, the option to disable watched thread emails is squirreled away on this page. I don't know where the link is on each style, so here's a direct link to the action to stop all emails from your watched threads.

This should stop the emails.
Thank for clarifying that. Should I change the threads titles and tag, seeing how it wasn't actually a bug?

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