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Building RWBY CYOA

Not much of an update on the CYOA itself but I have also started work on something of a system for a simple Dice version using d6.

Basics are:
You start with 60 Points to distribute for beginners (Cardinal Level), 75 for Advanced (team RWBY level), 90 for High level (Pyrrha level), 105 for Master Level (Neo/Glynda), 120 for Legendary level (Ozpin, Maidens)
You roll the number of dice equal to your rank +1 to do checks. You start at 0 ranks in everything.
If a Stat

Base Stats: Costs 5 each, max rank of 5
Body: Strength and Vitality, general physical condition.
Technique: Skill and Dexterity, one's control over they're body.
Spirit: Aura and Will, the strength of one's resolve
Mind: Knowledge and Acuity. One's knowledge and the ability to put it to use.

Substats: Costs 2 each max rank of 5 including stats.
Strength: Striking power and lifting weight, also governs one's ability to block
Vitality: One's overall health and durability. Resistance to hazards, disease, poison.
Skill: One's ability to fight in melee (hit and dodge) as well as general acrobatic stunts.
Dex: One's ability to fight at range, also governs piloting skill, Sleight of hand, and stealth.
Aura: One's maximum aura and Armor rank.
Will: One's resolve as well as their ability to influence others.
Knw: The general ability to know facts and remember details.
Acuity: The ability to solve problems and plan tactics.

There will be special abilities that can be bought for one point each that offer certain advantages:
Guts: Make Determination actions using Body stat instead of Will
Instinct: Not vulnerable while making plans or observing.

There will also be maneuvers for how you can act instead of attacking.
Parry: Take a penalty to dodging to gain an equal advantage to your next accuracy check to hit the attacker next turn.
Defend: Get a second try to perform a dodge or resistance check.
Determination: Use a rank of Will to perform an Epic Action (breaking limits, attacking consecutively, seize initiative, boost rolls, etc)
Observe: Take a closer look at surroundings to gather information or make a plan, to do both at once is to leave one open and vulnerable.
Demoralize: Smack talk to try and lower a base stat, one success leaves them more susceptible to manipulation, each additional rank of success (beating by a multiple of 6) lowers a Base stat by 1.

Base stats are more expensive but they're insurance, if a base stat is lowered bellow zero it is considered to fail every check by the maximum amount. Essentially equating to instant defeat in a fight.
A balanced build would have the states divided into three sections Stats, Semblance, and misc like abilities and equipment.
There will be Karma ranks to determine harder to plot aspects such as being rich/influential or having non-human traits. They cannot be paid for and the total ranks being determined by a 1d6-3 roll.
Good karma attributes will have some penalty to activate and Bad karma traits causing plot issues and enact a penalty under some circumstances. Overcoming once's Bad Karma may earn a bonus.

Equipment will be cheap but give little bonuses. Things like Armor only boosting toughness by 1 point making it inferior to Aura overall. It will be bought with a seperate point poll, probably at an exchange of 1 point to 5 equipment points or some amount of money.
Honestly I kind of feel like your over complicating things at this stage. At this point the base CYOA isn't done yet now you're working on a basic system to RP.
Honestly I kind of feel like your over complicating things at this stage. At this point the base CYOA isn't done yet now you're working on a basic system to RP.
Mostly I've hit a block and maybe this will either go further or let me look at things from a different angle to let me get past it with the CYOA.
Just remember that no matter how bad your homebrew system is, someone, somewhere, has made a worse system into an actual game.
I was talking more about how toxic the community became and the arguments about nerfs and buffs and stuff. The first part doesn't really apply here but I think it's kind of a bad idea most time to give hard numbers for CYOAs. How do you stat custom semblances?
I was talking more about how toxic the community became and the arguments about nerfs and buffs and stuff. The first part doesn't really apply here but I think it's kind of a bad idea most time to give hard numbers for CYOAs. How do you stat custom semblances?
By mapping the effects, creating ranks which they can be bought at, setting a base price, and adding Extras and flaws that can be bought along side it to shape it to better fit your image.
Like with Champions or Mutants and Masterminds. Point Buy and Effect Based.

Enhanced Stat
Enhanced Senses
Altered Movement
Altered Action
Alter Body
Status update:
RWBY Dice is actually getting done faster than I thought. The basic system behind rolls, stats, and checks is done which honestly I thought would be the hardest part. I don't have the docs saved to this computer but I'll upload it to this computer on friday and post what I have either then or on saturday.

The system runs on rolling multiple d6 depending on ranks in a stat, you add circumstance bonus onto the totals for those rolls.
Rolling a six on a dice can either add a rank to your roll or remove a rank from the defender's roll. These are criticals.
Succeeding by multiples of 6 or more causes predetermined bonuses to occur. This is Degrees of Success/Failure.
For speed and efficiencies sake, there's routine checks against weaker opponents or inanimate objects were you just compare ranks and bonus. If you have more ranks, you win. If not but have a higher total you still win, no need to roll.
Some actions may have you adding ranks as a bonus to add to attacks

I devised how aura will work as a defense. It's set stacks of negating ranks. A number of stacks equal to Will +1 but in sets equal to Aura + 1.
Overcoming this causes a stack to break and lowers Will, and thus aura making it easier next time.
When the set breaks damage is resisted by character's toughness. You roll the ranks left over after breaking as well and add any unranked bonuses.
Armor requires ranks of damage to negate, non-ranked damage will need to be divided by 6 to be converted into Ranked.
Aura will automatically negate anything less than 6 points of damage (one Rank) without taking any damage to the Armor. More than that results in losing a piece of armor.

As an example:
Ruby tries to cut Torchwick, she manages to land a normal blow, thanks to a lucky roll on her accuracy, with her scythe
Ruby has strength 2 and uses her semblance to add another 2 ranks via speed boost, Crescent Rose does an additional +20 to damage.
Torchwich has Will 3 Aura 4 and hasn't taken damage yet. So his Armor negates for Five ranks of damage. Crescent Rose's bonus can loose 6 points to to compensate for that.
Ruby uses 14 points worth of damage against Torchwicks defense
Since Torchwick only has Vitality 2 he can only roll 3d6 to resist. He rolls a 5.
Ruby Succeeds and has deals 2 degrees of damage to Torchwick who is now resisting with one less Will (and thus less Armor), and one less Vitality (one less dice to roll to resist damage), Torchwick may also suffer a penalty to his ability to act next turn.
To knock him out Ruby would either need to do at least 3 degrees of damage, or reduce his Vitality or Will bellow 0.
A bit more added, created Abilities. Small perks that either increase die rolls, allow new saves, change saves, or allow more things when performing a mechanic called Epic Action.
A bit more added, created Abilities. Small perks that either increase die rolls, allow new saves, change saves, or allow more things when performing a mechanic called Epic Action.
As promised posting what I have finished for now. Work slows down around this time of the holidays so I have time to type this up at my desk, since it's the weekend coming up I sent it via email to myself from the word pads they were saved on.

rwby dice initial concept
Rolls are ?d6 where you roll the number of dice equal to your rank +1.

<Stats> 5 points (Max 5 ranks)
Body - Str/Vit
Tech - Skill/Dex
Will - Aura/Sprt
Mind - Knw/Aqt

<Sub-stats> 2 points (Max 5 ranks including Stats)
Str - Strength of blows, lifting, block
Vit - Health, stamina, defence
Skill - Ability to hit/Parry in melee. Coordination, reflex
Dex - Ability to Hit/Dodge at range. Slight of hand, Stealth
Aura - Aura Defence, Aura stamina
Sprit - Influence, heroic willpower
Knw - General knowledge, memory, crafting
Aqt - Aquity, problem-solving, tactics/strategy, design

<Abilities> 1 point
Guts: Can use Determination by sacrificing ranks of Body instead.
Expertise: (ranked) (Multi) Full knowledge regarding a feild of study. Bonus dice equal to rank.
Limited Expertise: (Ranked) (Multi) A specific feild of study. Bonus is added to each die in a roll for that knoweledge check.
Mastery: (ranked) (Multi) For each rank taken, the highest dice in a specific type of roll will be counted as a 6.
Ninnin: Allows one to substitute Dex or Skill for strength in non-damaging and non-comparison rolls.
Improved Disarm: No penalty for failing a disarm check.
Sieze initiative: Spend will to instantly make it your turn.
Applied Badassery: Able to use Two Epic Actions in a single turn.
Determinator: (Ranked) Used in place of Spirit to activate an Epic action (Maxed @ Spirit Rank), doesn't recharge.
I've got a plan!: Able to communicate moderately complext plans as a free action instead of a Minor action.
Teamwork: Double circumstance bonus given to Aid, when both have Teamwork add a Rank Up.

<Maneuverss> (Takes a standard Action to perform)
Demoralize - perform an action to intimidate foes. If successful apply hindered to desired stat.
Parry - Close Range Only, hinders own dodge but on successful dodge add ranks of hindered to attack roll.
Defend - Sacrifice attack during combat to get a Defense reroll (must be declared at start of turn)
Determination - using a rank of Spirit to perform an Epic Action
Recovery - (Once per encounter) Become dazed to regain a rank lost to a specified stat.
Become distracted and vulnerable to regain a rank in all stats.
Observe - Better take in information about a situation. Planing while doing so makes one vulnerable.
Disarm - Use a dex, skill, or strength check to disarm an opponent instead of causing damage. Failing results in a counter.
Trip -

<Karma> Roll 1d6-3, that is your maximum karma score. can buy off deficite or cash in spares for 2 points each.
Mixed Blessing - 0
Petty - 1
Lucky/Unlucky - 2
Advantaged/Disadvantaged - 3
Blessed/Cursed - 5

One attacks by attempting to hit the opponent. An accuracy check is performed against the opponents dodge rank.
If the attacker rolls greater or more than the dodge score they succeed.
Criticals increase the number of dice rolled by 1, additional dice cannot score criticals.
2 degrees of sucess causes the opponent to become staggard.
3 degrees adds an additional dice to the damage roll
4 degrees allows a second attack with no need for an accuracy check.
To defend against accuracy one will perform a dodge check.
If the defender rolls more than the attacker the defender will succeed.
Criticals decrease the number of the attackers dice by 1 each starting with the largest.
2 degrees of success allows the defender move from their location. Either their remaining move distance or up to 5 meters.
3 degrees grants an additional dice to an accuracy check for a counter attack.
4 Degrees grants an automatic counter attack as a reflex action that turn.
Damage score is calculated from all bonuses granted such as those from weapons and dust.
The first step is to get past the opponents Armor. All ranks (strength+1, semblance, Dust) are added together.
The ranks are compaired to armor Units, if it is greater than or equal too it than damage can go through.
Ranks greater than the Armor Units are dice that can be rolled, and the additional non-ranked damage bonuses can be added.
Crits add one additional dice to the damage check.
Each degree of success removes a rank of toughness from further checks.
Two degrees of success penalizes the defender with a status condition
Three degrees of success renders the defender incapacitated.
Four degrees of success is a maiming or killing blow.
Armor is one's aura's resistance to attacks.
It blocks out attacks bellow a certain threshold (Set) a certian number of times (Stack) before failing.
Each attack that does not pass the Set will cause a penalty to the next check equal to it's damage rank.
Should something exceed the Set it will "Break" the Stack and the excess damage will spill over and harm the defender.
One can sacrifice another Stack to withstand the damage without harm. This does not count as a "Break".
The Set is determined by your Aura Rank +1 while the Stack is determined by Spirit Rank +1.
The Set decreases with every Aura rank lost, and every Break lowers Aura by 1 rank.
Use of a Semblance consumes armor, starting from the opposite end of where damage is deducted.
Armor Stacks lost to Semblance usage is not considered a "Break".
When there is no armor left Aura is considered "Depleted".
In the event an attack is taken without that gets through one must make a Defence Check
The defender rolls a number of die equal to their Vitality plus 1
They check against the damage rank of the attack. Crits negate the highest rolls of the opposing die one for one.
If the defence score is greater than the damage score then the defender succeeds.
There are no bonuses for succeeding by multiple degrees.
If the defender used a defend maneuvor then they can use a Block.

A block allows the defender to add half their strength ranks to their defence ranks by using their weapon as a sheild.
Using a sheild to block will allow full strength ranks to be added.
Blocks can only add up to their weapons toughness, and the weapon will break if going beyond that.
Unarmed blocks cause a rank down in strength if the check is failed.
One can "Parry" an attack using a direct check agains the strength of both if a block is successful.

Charge Attack:
By using a second Standard actions you can increase the effect of the first.
For Ranked checks you add half again the ranks rounded down down or add a Rank Up.
For Rolled checks you can add your number of ranks as a circumstance bonus.

Aid Action:
Teaming up to add rolls. Each participant adds their ranks of an attack as a circumstance bonus to the next attack.
Must be performed on the same turn as the attacking character. Character gives up their next turn in order to aid.

Misc terms:
Success/Fail Degree: For each time the difference between the winning/loosing side is a multiple of six add another degree.
Criticals: A natural roll of 6 on a dice, this has various effects depending on the type of check the roll was for.
Epic Action: The ability to perform beyond one's limits. Bursts of power or inspiration that can quickly turn the tide of a fight.
Broken - When a stat is lowered bellow zero. It is broken and all checks for that stat are considered failed.
Hindered - Where a the dice each have a penalty when rolled.
Depleted - Once Aura runs out, all Body rolls are treated as every dices equal to 1.
Dispaired - Once Spirit runs out all Tech Rolls are treated as every dice equalling 1.
Redshirts - General unimportant characters. They make routine rolls, take worst degree on any failure, and cannot score crits.

Others things:
Attack range: 2 Meters, 3 meters by using a Minor action, Attacking any further requires a Move Action.
Move Range: Is equal to half of Body and Tech ranks times 10 (1 if Depleted) plus 5 (Body_1+Tech_2=Move_20m)
Initiative: It is determined by the sum of all Base Stats added to a Die Roll. Ties result in a coin flip.

rwby basics

RWBY dice system overview

The materials needed will be:
a character sheet
Scrap paper
A pencil
Several types of small items to be used as markers
At least 6d6, more depending on level.

<General terms>
Ranks - These are the scores you have in a stat, though not everything is ranked.
Ranks determine the amount of dice that are used in a roll for a check.
"Rank Up" occures when a die is added to a roll while "Rank Down" is when a die is removed.
When Rank Ups are opposed by Rank Downs they negate.

Epic Actions - A special state that can be achieved by taking a Rank Down in Spirit. A variety of effects can be achieved.
Epic actions can only be taken on your turn unless stated otherwise. They cannot be granted to others.
Effects of epic action last until the end of the round.
If the same Epic action is performed the next round there is no break between the two.
Redoing a turn, the opponent's dice rolls remain the same if the same actions are taken.
Doubling your ACT score, allowing a second turn.
Negating a Surprise Round (Can be taken on opponents turn)
Getting inspiration (asking GM for help, no loss if GM refuses.)
Giving your all (Reroll all die under 4 [no crits], Circumstance bonus of +6, or two Rank Ups)
Breaking Limits (Removing a -1 flaw, adding a +1 Extra to semblance, or increasing it by a Rank by +1)
Overcoming (temporarily ignoring hinderances)
Performing an "Exotic Maneuver"
Using an Ability that has not be bought.

ACT and Actions -
ACT is the amount of actions one can make on their turn. Different types of actions have differnt ACT cost.
Minor takes 1, Move takes 2, and Standard takes 3. ACT is normally 6 and rarely changes.
Free actions are One Liners and other simple and quick tasks. Free actions don't cost ACT.
Minor actions are Speaking more than one-liners, sustaining an action until your next turn, Very quick observations.
Move actions are Moving more than 2 meters, issuing complex instructions, steadying oneself.
Standard actions are Attacks, Maneuvers, and Resting.
Going over your ACT score results in a -1 penalty per point on all dice until the start of your next turn.

Checks - A check is made to determine success or failure and occures when there is a chance of failure.
Checks against the enviroment or Redshirts are can be made routinely without needing to roll.
There is no need to roll a check if there is near no chance of failure (such as walking or eating cookies).
In the event a roll would equal 0, it will automatically fail to the worst degree.

Critical - A natural roll of 6 on a die, it can have a variety of affects. Can only be achieved if the die is rolled.
As the agressor a crit causes a Rank Up, as the defender it causes a Rank Down.
Some Semblances may have additional effects for Crit rolls.

Degrees of Success/Failure
The degree that one succeeds or fails at a check is determined by the difference between the rolls.
Success or failure counts as one degree, each additional six points of difference is another Degree.
The degree one succeeds or fails can cause a variety of effects.
Some checks require succeeding by mulitple degrees
Others only require success regardless of degree.

Hinderance is a deduction given on dice rolls. There are two types of Hindernances.
A normal hinderance acts similar to a Bonus, only deducting rather than adding and rounds up for ranks.
A Handicap however is reducing the maximum roll of a die, though does not affect critical rates.
During ranked checks the handicap acts as a normal hinderance.

A penalty is a descriptive disadvantage that's given to a player, often from suffering Negative Karma.
Penalties simulate disadvantages that can't be accurately simulated by the system alone.
Broken limbs, area hazzards, mental trauma, Hacking a secured system, Fist fights on motorcycles, are examples.
The GM decides what constitutes a penalty, what happens to the one suffering it, and the conditions to overcome it.
Penalties are temporary and must have some condition to overcome them, even if just waiting it out.
The condition to overcome a penalty does not have to be easy or even possible for the character to do alone.
` When a penalty is overcome it is removed. At the GMs discression they can reward this by giving a Spirit Rank Up.
Similarly cleverly working around a penalty may also earn a Rank Up in Spirit.
Penalties should be considered a means to enhance the experience not as an actual punishment for a player.
If a penalty is considered permanent or becomes such it is labled as Negative Karma and may reward Karma Points.

Circumstance bonus -
A bonus that stacks with all other bonuses except other circumstance bonuses of the same benefit for a given roll.
Circumstance bonus are generally +2, +4, and +6, with the last counting as a Rank Up in regards to Ranked checks.

<Types of Checks>
Rolled Check - total score vs the opponents total score.
Ranked Check - Ranks vs ranks with no need to roll. Increase degree of success by difference.
Routine Check - A check done unopposed, can be done as a rolled or ranked check. Player wins ties.
Mixed Check - Similar to ranked checks but non-ranked bonuses are divided by 6 (round down) and added to the score.
Comparison check - A check against the similar rolls (Attack vs attack, trivia knowledge, and competitions).
Begins as a Ranked check, moving on to a Mixed in the event of a tie.
If Mixed check ties roll 1 dice each with a circumstance bonus of +2/+4 for remainder of mixed check.

Getting started:
The first thing to be done before a game can commence is on the part of the GM to craft the setting of where this story will be told and game will be played. Will you be new students at Beacon academy, rising stars that will act alongside the main cast? Perhaps it could be at one of the other academies for a change of scenory and a new tale? Or even something far more seperated such as a experienced villains teaming up to complete a difficult job? Who knows, each story is unique. The GM decides what the premise and setting will be, and he will assign how many points can be use to craft the characters (60 for inexperienced huntsmen-in-training, 75 for a gifted youngster, 90 for a Full huntsman, 105 for an experienced huntsman, and 120 for a legendary huntsman) and have final say in which characters are accepted.

Who is your character, where do they come from, what are they're goals and asperations. These are questions that should be asked before doing anything else. Coming up with a character may be difficult but it's part of the fun of an RPG. It does not have to be from some grand epic nor so nuanced that that every action must symbolize or hint at his motivations. Something simple works just as well, as long as the player understands who they're character is and what they want. If you have troubles coming up with details or find your character too plain, Remant has a few traditions such as defining colors, literary and historical themes, and emblems to add a bit of flare.

The stats are what determines the very basics of what the character can do, the foundation that they are built on. They're Body, Technique, Will, and Mind, Missing even a single one of these stats is devestating. With out Body one has no strength or endurance, without technique one could barely move or control themselves, without will one cannot summon they're aura and lack resolve, and without mind they would be unable to think for themselves.

Being properly prepared can be the difference between life and death for a hunter, and so a hunter must always have the proper equipment. A weapon is all but required for a hunter to survive in this world of bloody evolution, dust is a close second in importance. Equipment can be just as defining to a character as their semblance, a weapon unique to them, tools to ply their craft, or supplies to aid their combat style.

Aura is the manifestation of one's soul, they're inner power and will, brought into the world and a Semblance is the ultimate demonstration of this. Each semblance is unique, even if some seem similar, as it is defined by the innermost self of the Huntsman. A Mirror that reflects what defines them onto the world. It is a trump card, but one to be uses sparingly or with discression, as it runs off the Aura that sheilds and strengthens the huntsman.

The Luck of one's birth and their station in the world. These are the blessings and misfortunes that govern their fate. From those born into wealth and power to those born into poverty and suffering. These are the things beyond the huntsmens' ability to control that affect their lives.

The Team:
Hunters often work in groups or pairings as there is safety in numbers, it is very rare to see a Huntsman who acts alone. Students, Huntsmen-in-training, are always placed onto a team of four at the begining of their school debut. Even after years these bonds often stay with adult hunters as well. For most this team is their second family, as the closest of friends, or brothers and sisters in battle to watch one's back.

rwby actions


<Types of actions>
Free actions are very simple and quick actions that can be performed without interfering with other actions or taking any time. As they have no ACT cost there is no limit to the number of free actions one can take, though such should be kept within reason. Free actions can only performed on your own turn. Examples of free actions are: Speaking one liners, moving less than one meter in a turn, maintaining a sustained effect, maintaining minimum situational awareness, transforming a weapon, and either negating or activating a triggered Semblance effect.

Minor Actions require some amount of attention but can be performed fairly easily. They have an ACT cost of 1. Minor actions include: Giving simple instructions, moving less than 2 meters in a turn, maintaining a move action from the previous turn, breaking a hold, sitting up, drawing a weapon, or glancing around at your surroundings.

Move Actions require more attention than minor actions and normally between 2-3 seconds. They have an ACT cost of 2. Move actions can be: Moving more than two meters up to your full movement rank, giving semi complex orders to an individual, giving simple orders to a small group, standing from a prone position, Calling a shot, aiming a weapon.

Standard actions require attention to complete and normally take about 3-5 seconds.. Standard actions have an ACT cost of 3. Standard actions can be used for: attacks, maneuvers, giving detailed instructions to an individual, giving semi-complex instructions to a group, preparing a Triggered Action, and taking a detailed look at a target or the surroundings.

Reactions are the only actions that can be take outside of the players turn and can interupt the turn of other characters. They don't have an ACT Cost but cannot be intentionally activated or deactivated outside of the player's turn. A reaction is taken automatically when a certain event occurs that the user is capable of observing. A player can intentionally set up a reaction by paying the ACT cost of that action and waiting for the trigger. Should the trigger not occure the action is lost. In the event of an interupted turn, the interupted character completes their round after the interupter. Reactions can be: Triggered Actions, Counters, Dodges, Parries, Resistance checks, and involuntary actions such as sneezing or impulsive shouting. One must be able to still make actions in order to make reactions, so reactions cannot be taken in the event a character is unconcious or incapacitated. A reaction may be "deactivated" on one's own turn using a minor action and no longer activates for the rest of the turn.

<Action Lengths>
Instant actions last for a moment, they are considered to end once the turn is over.

Prolonged Actions are those that last until the end of the round or the user's next turn after initiated.

Sustained actions are actions that can last multiple rounds, being able to remain active until they are canceled or the user choses to no longer sustain it.

Prolonged actions are similar to sustained actions, however do not require even a free action to maintain and as such can be continued even while unconcious or unable to react. They are considered constantly active during this time.

Demoralize - perform an action to intimidate foes. If successful apply hindered to desired stat.
Parry - Close Range Only, hinders own dodge but on successful dodge add ranks of hindered to attack roll.
Defend - Sacrifice attack during combat to get a Defense reroll (must be declared at start of turn)
Determination - using a rank of Spirit to perform an Epic Action
Recovery - (Once per encounter) Become dazed to regain a rank lost to a specified stat.
Become distracted and vulnerable to regain a rank in all stats.
Observe - Better take in information about a situation. Planing while doing so makes one vulnerable.
Disarm - Use a dex, skill, or strength check to disarm an opponent instead of causing damage. Failing results in a counter.
Trip -
Smash Attack -
Slam Attack -
Charge Attack -
Aim -

rwby stats

Stats are the framework that the character is built around. They are extremely important for actions that the character takes and how they can respond. Stats are ranked, starting at a score of 0 and maxing at 5. Sub-stats stack with Base stats and are also subject to the maximum limit. Any rolls concerning stats will be made with the number dice equal to it's rank plus one.

So for example a character rolling for a punch would be a strength check they have a Body rank of 2 and took a rank in strength giving them Strength 3. So to determine how hard they are punching, ignoring any other factors, that would mean they roll a total of 4d6.

Stats govern a variety of important factors, and if one cannot roll for a given stat they are considered entirely unable to perform any actions, however minor, that relate to that stat. Without Body one may barely be able to support themselves, without technique a person would trip over their own two feet, without Will they have no aura and are unable to resist manipulations, and without Mind they are incapable of rational thought and unaware of the world around them.

Stats are broken into two major categories: Base stats and Sub-stats. Base stats cover a basic if vague set of characteristics while Sub-Stats are specific expressions of the Base Stats. Each Base Stat has two Sub-Stats linked to it. Most checks will be done using these Sub-stats, but most penalties, hinderances, and similar negative effects affect the the Base Stat. Any checks that cannot be reasonably done with the Sub-stat will default to a check with the Base Stat with a circumstance bonus equal to sub-stat ranks instead.

<BASE STATS> Costs 2 points
Body: BODY
Governs basic physical fitness and wellness. It is one's ability to exert strength, withstand pain, resist poisons and sickness, and maintain stamina. Body is used in checks to determin Strength, Vitality, Move distance, Block strength, and recovery time.

Technique: TECH
Governs one's general coordination as well as their quickness and flexibility. It's one's ability to move with grace and precision, dodge attacks, aim, maintain balance, and react quickly. TECH is used to determine Skill, Dexterity, Move Distance, Parry bonus, body control, Balance, and Fall damage reduction.

Will: WILL
Governs one's mental fortitude and resolve. It is one's ability to maintain a clear mind, to remain focused, to influence others, and the strength of their soul. WILL is used to determine Aura, Spirit, Armor Stacks and charisma

Mind: MIND
Governs one's mental ability and general intelect. It's one's ability to think critically, solve problems, develope strategies, and recall information. MIND is used to determine Knowledge, Accuity, Observense, Planning, operating technology, and detecting falsehood.

<SUB-STATS> Costs 2 points
Strength: STR
One's physical might. The power of their strikes and their lifting weight. Also used on blocking.

Vitality: VIT
Health and resiliance. Their ability to continue after being harmed and their fotitude.

Skill: SKL
Fighting ability. The ability to strike, dodge, and parry.

Dexterity: DEX
General coordination. The ability to hit with a ranged weapon, perform acrobatic stunts, stealth.

Aura: AUR
The strength of one's Aura. Armor ranks are based on Aura, if Aura runs out (Depleted) all rolls for Body are rendered as 1.

Spirit: SPR
A person's resolve. One's ability to make an impression and resist demoralization, ranks used to achieve Epic Actions.

Knowledge: KNW
What a person knows and remembers. Used in memory checks, Expertise checks, and unopposed technology checks.

Acuity: ACU
Problem solving ability and wit. Used to develope plans, solve puzzles, assess situations, and during opposed technology checks.

<Non Standard Stats>
Encumberance: Encumberance is the amount one can comfortably lift without slowing down or requiring a stamina check to continue.
Carrying weight is 10 (1 if depleted) times your Strength score plus 5 in Kilos.
Lifting weight is five times your Carry Weight, but impairs your movements.
These are stats you cannot buy directly but, rather, can determined by your ranks in Base or Sub-Stats.
The order in which characters take their turns. It is determined by the sum of all base stats plus a die roll each round.

The distance a character can move in a single Move Action. Equal to half of Body and Tech ranks times 10 (1 if Depleted) plus 5 (Body_1+Tech_2=Move_20m)

Armor is divided into Stacks and Sets, it is one's aura's resistance to attacks.
It blocks out attacks bellow a certain threshold (Set) a certain number of times (Stack) before failing.
Each attack that does not pass the Set will cause a cumulative deduction to the next check equal to it's damage rank.
Should something exceed the Set it will "Break" the Stack and the excess damage will spill over and harm the defender.
One can sacrifice another Stack to withstand the damage without harm. This does not count as a "Break".
The Set is determined by your Aura Rank +1 while the Stack is determined by Spirit Rank +1.
The Set decreases with every Aura rank lost, and every Break lowers Aura by 1 rank.
Use of a Semblance consumes armor, starting from the opposite end of where damage is deducted.
Armor Stacks lost to Semblance usage is not considered a "Break".
When there is no armor left Aura is considered "Depleted".



RWBY Abilities - Cost 1

Abilities are certain advantages a person may have based on innate talents or skills. Abilities either grant bonuses, ranks, change the stats used in a check, or allow new uses for Epic Actions. They are divided into Combat, General, and Will types. Some can be ranked: taking more levels of the same benefit; or Multiple: taking the advantage multiple times for seperate benefits.

Improved Smash: Can take an added +2 Rank Ups to Damage for an equal amount of Rank Downs in Accuracy during a Smash Attack.
Improved Slam: Can take an added +2 Rank Ups to Damage for an equal amount of Rank Downs in Dodge during a Slam Attack.
Sure-Shot Attack: Can take up to +3 Rank Ups in accuracy for an equal amount of Rank Downs in Dodge or Damage.
Defence Roll: Can take up to +3 Rank Ups in Defence for an equal amount of Rank Downs in Dodge.
Improved Disarm: No penalty for failing a disarm check.
Sieze initiative: Spend will to instantly make it your turn.
I've got a plan!: Able to communicate moderately complext plans as a free action instead of a Minor action.
Teamwork: Improves bonus from Aid actions to a Rank Up, an added +2 for every other participent with Teamwork (only added once).
Unarmed Attack: (Ranked) Add Ranks of Damage to unarmed strikes. Cannot exceed Strength ranks.
Improved Initiative: (Ranked) +5 to Initiative score.
Quick Reflexes: (Ranked) Rank Up Dodge and Parry Checks.
Burst Attack: (ranked) Able to launch an attack against all adjacent enemies in a single turn, accuracy is hindered per enemy.
Alternately able to attack all enemies adjacent to a target with a single attack, accuracy hindered per enemy.
Rusher: (ranked) Able to attack while moving, but suffers an Accuracy Rank Down for every Movement rank (normaly 10 meters) used.
Extra Ranks compensate for for the Rank Downs in Accuracy.

The Look: Able to use one's looks to their advantage for a Rank Up to interaction checks against those suseptable.
Expertise: (ranked) (Multi) Full knowledge regarding a field of study. Bonus dice equal to rank.
Limited Expertise: (Ranked) (Multi) A specific feild of study. Bonus is added to each die in a roll for that knoweledge check.
Mastery: (ranked) (Multi) For each rank taken, the highest dice in a specific type of roll will be counted as a 6.
Eidetic Memory:
Keen Senses: (Ranked) Rank up to detection checks relient on normal senses.
Keen [Sense]:(Multi) 3 Rank Ups to detection rolls for a specific sense.
Perfect Balance: No Penalties for standing or running on small or narrow surfaces.
Nin-nin: Allows one to substitute Dexterity in place of Strength except in lifting and resistance checks.
Natural Grace: (Ranked) Rank Up acrobatic checks.
Light Sleeper: Maintain awareness in one's sleep, can awaken instantly as a reaction if approached or attacked.
Impusle: (Ranked) (Multi) Once per scene character is able to perform one action as a reaction to a very specific trigger.
Ranks denote the Action cost, Free is 1, Minor is 2, Move is 3, and standard is 4.
The trigger must be something that the character is able to observe.

Guts!: Can use Determination by sacrificing ranks of Body instead.
Determinator: (Ranked) Used in place of Spirit to activate an Epic action (Maxed @ Spirit Rank), doesn't recharge.
All out of bubblegum: Able to use Two Epic Actions in a single turn.
Inspire: Use an Epic Action to restore a rank of Will for all other members for all other allies next round. Lost if struck by struck.
Seize Initiative: Use an Epic Action to immediately take your turn, even interupting the turn of another. Doesn't grant a second turn.
Those with interupted turns complete theirs after the interupting turn is finished.
Withstand Damage: During an Armor Break use an Epic Action to escape any damage without needing to expend another Armor Stack.
By mapping the effects, creating ranks which they can be bought at, setting a base price, and adding Extras and flaws that can be bought along side it to shape it to better fit your image.
Like with Champions or Mutants and Masterminds. Point Buy and Effect Based.
Right. Which is why, if I ever felt compelled to run a CYOA as a group RPG scenario with full tabletop rules, I would probably use Champions. It is versatile, robust, and - unlike anything we on QQ could produce given a decade to do it - has been thoroughly play-tested.

I understand that game design is fun; that's half the appeal of writing CYOAs in the first place, in a way. I just feel that in the vast majority of cases, if the goal is to actually play a tabletop scenario, a game system already exists that will fulfill that role at least as well as a homebrew built from scratch specifically to convert the CYOA to tabletop.

...which is to say, I'm not the target audience for this system, so please carry on with your RPG writing and pay me no mind.
Rolls are ?d6 where you roll the number of dice equal to your rank +1.

<Stats> 5 points (Max 5 ranks)
Body - Str/Vit
Tech - Skill/Dex
Will - Aura/Sprt
Mind - Knw/Aqt

<Sub-stats> 2 points (Max 5 ranks including Stats)
Str - Strength of blows, lifting, block
Vit - Health, stamina, defence
Skill - Ability to hit/Parry in melee. Coordination, reflex
Dex - Ability to Hit/Dodge at range. Slight of hand, Stealth
Aura - Aura Defence, Aura stamina
Sprit - Influence, heroic willpower
Knw - General knowledge, memory, crafting
Aqt - Aquity, problem-solving, tactics/strategy, design

<Abilities> 1 point
Guts: Can use Determination by sacrificing ranks of Body instead.
Expertise: (ranked) (Multi) Full knowledge regarding a feild of study. Bonus dice equal to rank.
Limited Expertise: (Ranked) (Multi) A specific feild of study. Bonus is added to each die in a roll for that knoweledge check.
Mastery: (ranked) (Multi) For each rank taken, the highest dice in a specific type of roll will be counted as a 6.
Ninnin: Allows one to substitute Dex or Skill for strength in non-damaging and non-comparison rolls.
Improved Disarm: No penalty for failing a disarm check.
Sieze initiative: Spend will to instantly make it your turn.
Applied Badassery: Able to use Two Epic Actions in a single turn.
Determinator: (Ranked) Used in place of Spirit to activate an Epic action (Maxed @ Spirit Rank), doesn't recharge.
I've got a plan!: Able to communicate moderately complext plans as a free action instead of a Minor action.
Teamwork: Double circumstance bonus given to Aid, when both have Teamwork add a Rank Up.

<Maneuverss> (Takes a standard Action to perform)
Demoralize - perform an action to intimidate foes. If successful apply hindered to desired stat.
Parry - Close Range Only, hinders own dodge but on successful dodge add ranks of hindered to attack roll.
Defend - Sacrifice attack during combat to get a Defense reroll (must be declared at start of turn)
Determination - using a rank of Spirit to perform an Epic Action
Recovery - (Once per encounter) Become dazed to regain a rank lost to a specified stat.
Become distracted and vulnerable to regain a rank in all stats.
Observe - Better take in information about a situation. Planing while doing so makes one vulnerable.
Disarm - Use a dex, skill, or strength check to disarm an opponent instead of causing damage. Failing results in a counter.
Trip -

<Karma> Roll 1d6-3, that is your maximum karma score. can buy off deficite or cash in spares for 2 points each.
Mixed Blessing - 0
Petty - 1
Lucky/Unlucky - 2
Advantaged/Disadvantaged - 3
Blessed/Cursed - 5

One attacks by attempting to hit the opponent. An accuracy check is performed against the opponents dodge rank.
If the attacker rolls greater or more than the dodge score they succeed.
Criticals increase the number of dice rolled by 1, additional dice cannot score criticals.
2 degrees of sucess causes the opponent to become staggard.
3 degrees adds an additional dice to the damage roll
4 degrees allows a second attack with no need for an accuracy check.
To defend against accuracy one will perform a dodge check.
If the defender rolls more than the attacker the defender will succeed.
Criticals decrease the number of the attackers dice by 1 each starting with the largest.
2 degrees of success allows the defender move from their location. Either their remaining move distance or up to 5 meters.
3 degrees grants an additional dice to an accuracy check for a counter attack.
4 Degrees grants an automatic counter attack as a reflex action that turn.
Damage score is calculated from all bonuses granted such as those from weapons and dust.
The first step is to get past the opponents Armor. All ranks (strength+1, semblance, Dust) are added together.
The ranks are compaired to armor Units, if it is greater than or equal too it than damage can go through.
Ranks greater than the Armor Units are dice that can be rolled, and the additional non-ranked damage bonuses can be added.
Crits add one additional dice to the damage check.
Each degree of success removes a rank of toughness from further checks.
Two degrees of success penalizes the defender with a status condition
Three degrees of success renders the defender incapacitated.
Four degrees of success is a maiming or killing blow.
Armor is one's aura's resistance to attacks.
It blocks out attacks bellow a certain threshold (Set) a certian number of times (Stack) before failing.
Each attack that does not pass the Set will cause a penalty to the next check equal to it's damage rank.
Should something exceed the Set it will "Break" the Stack and the excess damage will spill over and harm the defender.
One can sacrifice another Stack to withstand the damage without harm. This does not count as a "Break".
The Set is determined by your Aura Rank +1 while the Stack is determined by Spirit Rank +1.
The Set decreases with every Aura rank lost, and every Break lowers Aura by 1 rank.
Use of a Semblance consumes armor, starting from the opposite end of where damage is deducted.
Armor Stacks lost to Semblance usage is not considered a "Break".
When there is no armor left Aura is considered "Depleted".
In the event an attack is taken without that gets through one must make a Defence Check
The defender rolls a number of die equal to their Vitality plus 1
They check against the damage rank of the attack. Crits negate the highest rolls of the opposing die one for one.
If the defence score is greater than the damage score then the defender succeeds.
There are no bonuses for succeeding by multiple degrees.
If the defender used a defend maneuvor then they can use a Block.

A block allows the defender to add half their strength ranks to their defence ranks by using their weapon as a sheild.
Using a sheild to block will allow full strength ranks to be added.
Blocks can only add up to their weapons toughness, and the weapon will break if going beyond that.
Unarmed blocks cause a rank down in strength if the check is failed.
One can "Parry" an attack using a direct check agains the strength of both if a block is successful.

Charge Attack:
By using a second Standard actions you can increase the effect of the first.
For Ranked checks you add half again the ranks rounded down down or add a Rank Up.
For Rolled checks you can add your number of ranks as a circumstance bonus.

Aid Action:
Teaming up to add rolls. Each participant adds their ranks of an attack as a circumstance bonus to the next attack.
Must be performed on the same turn as the attacking character. Character gives up their next turn in order to aid.

Misc terms:
Success/Fail Degree: For each time the difference between the winning/loosing side is a multiple of six add another degree.
Criticals: A natural roll of 6 on a dice, this has various effects depending on the type of check the roll was for.
Epic Action: The ability to perform beyond one's limits. Bursts of power or inspiration that can quickly turn the tide of a fight.
Broken - When a stat is lowered bellow zero. It is broken and all checks for that stat are considered failed.
Hindered - Where a the dice each have a penalty when rolled.
Depleted - Once Aura runs out, all Body rolls are treated as every dices equal to 1.
Dispaired - Once Spirit runs out all Tech Rolls are treated as every dice equalling 1.
Redshirts - General unimportant characters. They make routine rolls, take worst degree on any failure, and cannot score crits.

Others things:
Attack range: 2 Meters, 3 meters by using a Minor action, Attacking any further requires a Move Action.
Move Range: Is equal to half of Body and Tech ranks times 10 (1 if Depleted) plus 5 (Body_1+Tech_2=Move_20m)
Initiative: It is determined by the sum of all Base Stats added to a Die Roll. Ties result in a coin flip.


RWBY dice system overview

The materials needed will be:
a character sheet
Scrap paper
A pencil
Several types of small items to be used as markers
At least 6d6, more depending on level.

<General terms>
Ranks - These are the scores you have in a stat, though not everything is ranked.
Ranks determine the amount of dice that are used in a roll for a check.
"Rank Up" occures when a die is added to a roll while "Rank Down" is when a die is removed.
When Rank Ups are opposed by Rank Downs they negate.

Epic Actions - A special state that can be achieved by taking a Rank Down in Spirit. A variety of effects can be achieved.
Epic actions can only be taken on your turn unless stated otherwise. They cannot be granted to others.
Effects of epic action last until the end of the round.
If the same Epic action is performed the next round there is no break between the two.
Redoing a turn, the opponent's dice rolls remain the same if the same actions are taken.
Doubling your ACT score, allowing a second turn.
Negating a Surprise Round (Can be taken on opponents turn)
Getting inspiration (asking GM for help, no loss if GM refuses.)
Giving your all (Reroll all die under 4 [no crits], Circumstance bonus of +6, or two Rank Ups)
Breaking Limits (Removing a -1 flaw, adding a +1 Extra to semblance, or increasing it by a Rank by +1)
Overcoming (temporarily ignoring hinderances)
Performing an "Exotic Maneuver"
Using an Ability that has not be bought.

ACT and Actions -
ACT is the amount of actions one can make on their turn. Different types of actions have differnt ACT cost.
Minor takes 1, Move takes 2, and Standard takes 3. ACT is normally 6 and rarely changes.
Free actions are One Liners and other simple and quick tasks. Free actions don't cost ACT.
Minor actions are Speaking more than one-liners, sustaining an action until your next turn, Very quick observations.
Move actions are Moving more than 2 meters, issuing complex instructions, steadying oneself.
Standard actions are Attacks, Maneuvers, and Resting.
Going over your ACT score results in a -1 penalty per point on all dice until the start of your next turn.

Checks - A check is made to determine success or failure and occures when there is a chance of failure.
Checks against the enviroment or Redshirts are can be made routinely without needing to roll.
There is no need to roll a check if there is near no chance of failure (such as walking or eating cookies).
In the event a roll would equal 0, it will automatically fail to the worst degree.

Critical - A natural roll of 6 on a die, it can have a variety of affects. Can only be achieved if the die is rolled.
As the agressor a crit causes a Rank Up, as the defender it causes a Rank Down.
Some Semblances may have additional effects for Crit rolls.

Degrees of Success/Failure
The degree that one succeeds or fails at a check is determined by the difference between the rolls.
Success or failure counts as one degree, each additional six points of difference is another Degree.
The degree one succeeds or fails can cause a variety of effects.
Some checks require succeeding by mulitple degrees
Others only require success regardless of degree.

Hinderance is a deduction given on dice rolls. There are two types of Hindernances.
A normal hinderance acts similar to a Bonus, only deducting rather than adding and rounds up for ranks.
A Handicap however is reducing the maximum roll of a die, though does not affect critical rates.
During ranked checks the handicap acts as a normal hinderance.

A penalty is a descriptive disadvantage that's given to a player, often from suffering Negative Karma.
Penalties simulate disadvantages that can't be accurately simulated by the system alone.
Broken limbs, area hazzards, mental trauma, Hacking a secured system, Fist fights on motorcycles, are examples.
The GM decides what constitutes a penalty, what happens to the one suffering it, and the conditions to overcome it.
Penalties are temporary and must have some condition to overcome them, even if just waiting it out.
The condition to overcome a penalty does not have to be easy or even possible for the character to do alone.
` When a penalty is overcome it is removed. At the GMs discression they can reward this by giving a Spirit Rank Up.
Similarly cleverly working around a penalty may also earn a Rank Up in Spirit.
Penalties should be considered a means to enhance the experience not as an actual punishment for a player.
If a penalty is considered permanent or becomes such it is labled as Negative Karma and may reward Karma Points.

Circumstance bonus -
A bonus that stacks with all other bonuses except other circumstance bonuses of the same benefit for a given roll.
Circumstance bonus are generally +2, +4, and +6, with the last counting as a Rank Up in regards to Ranked checks.

<Types of Checks>
Rolled Check - total score vs the opponents total score.
Ranked Check - Ranks vs ranks with no need to roll. Increase degree of success by difference.
Routine Check - A check done unopposed, can be done as a rolled or ranked check. Player wins ties.
Mixed Check - Similar to ranked checks but non-ranked bonuses are divided by 6 (round down) and added to the score.
Comparison check - A check against the similar rolls (Attack vs attack, trivia knowledge, and competitions).
Begins as a Ranked check, moving on to a Mixed in the event of a tie.
If Mixed check ties roll 1 dice each with a circumstance bonus of +2/+4 for remainder of mixed check.

Getting started:
The first thing to be done before a game can commence is on the part of the GM to craft the setting of where this story will be told and game will be played. Will you be new students at Beacon academy, rising stars that will act alongside the main cast? Perhaps it could be at one of the other academies for a change of scenory and a new tale? Or even something far more seperated such as a experienced villains teaming up to complete a difficult job? Who knows, each story is unique. The GM decides what the premise and setting will be, and he will assign how many points can be use to craft the characters (60 for inexperienced huntsmen-in-training, 75 for a gifted youngster, 90 for a Full huntsman, 105 for an experienced huntsman, and 120 for a legendary huntsman) and have final say in which characters are accepted.

Who is your character, where do they come from, what are they're goals and asperations. These are questions that should be asked before doing anything else. Coming up with a character may be difficult but it's part of the fun of an RPG. It does not have to be from some grand epic nor so nuanced that that every action must symbolize or hint at his motivations. Something simple works just as well, as long as the player understands who they're character is and what they want. If you have troubles coming up with details or find your character too plain, Remant has a few traditions such as defining colors, literary and historical themes, and emblems to add a bit of flare.

The stats are what determines the very basics of what the character can do, the foundation that they are built on. They're Body, Technique, Will, and Mind, Missing even a single one of these stats is devestating. With out Body one has no strength or endurance, without technique one could barely move or control themselves, without will one cannot summon they're aura and lack resolve, and without mind they would be unable to think for themselves.

Being properly prepared can be the difference between life and death for a hunter, and so a hunter must always have the proper equipment. A weapon is all but required for a hunter to survive in this world of bloody evolution, dust is a close second in importance. Equipment can be just as defining to a character as their semblance, a weapon unique to them, tools to ply their craft, or supplies to aid their combat style.

Aura is the manifestation of one's soul, they're inner power and will, brought into the world and a Semblance is the ultimate demonstration of this. Each semblance is unique, even if some seem similar, as it is defined by the innermost self of the Huntsman. A Mirror that reflects what defines them onto the world. It is a trump card, but one to be uses sparingly or with discression, as it runs off the Aura that sheilds and strengthens the huntsman.

The Luck of one's birth and their station in the world. These are the blessings and misfortunes that govern their fate. From those born into wealth and power to those born into poverty and suffering. These are the things beyond the huntsmens' ability to control that affect their lives.

The Team:
Hunters often work in groups or pairings as there is safety in numbers, it is very rare to see a Huntsman who acts alone. Students, Huntsmen-in-training, are always placed onto a team of four at the begining of their school debut. Even after years these bonds often stay with adult hunters as well. For most this team is their second family, as the closest of friends, or brothers and sisters in battle to watch one's back.



<Types of actions>
Free actions are very simple and quick actions that can be performed without interfering with other actions or taking any time. As they have no ACT cost there is no limit to the number of free actions one can take, though such should be kept within reason. Free actions can only performed on your own turn. Examples of free actions are: Speaking one liners, moving less than one meter in a turn, maintaining a sustained effect, maintaining minimum situational awareness, transforming a weapon, and either negating or activating a triggered Semblance effect.

Minor Actions require some amount of attention but can be performed fairly easily. They have an ACT cost of 1. Minor actions include: Giving simple instructions, moving less than 2 meters in a turn, maintaining a move action from the previous turn, breaking a hold, sitting up, drawing a weapon, or glancing around at your surroundings.

Move Actions require more attention than minor actions and normally between 2-3 seconds. They have an ACT cost of 2. Move actions can be: Moving more than two meters up to your full movement rank, giving semi complex orders to an individual, giving simple orders to a small group, standing from a prone position, Calling a shot, aiming a weapon.

Standard actions require attention to complete and normally take about 3-5 seconds.. Standard actions have an ACT cost of 3. Standard actions can be used for: attacks, maneuvers, giving detailed instructions to an individual, giving semi-complex instructions to a group, preparing a Triggered Action, and taking a detailed look at a target or the surroundings.

Reactions are the only actions that can be take outside of the players turn and can interupt the turn of other characters. They don't have an ACT Cost but cannot be intentionally activated or deactivated outside of the player's turn. A reaction is taken automatically when a certain event occurs that the user is capable of observing. A player can intentionally set up a reaction by paying the ACT cost of that action and waiting for the trigger. Should the trigger not occure the action is lost. In the event of an interupted turn, the interupted character completes their round after the interupter. Reactions can be: Triggered Actions, Counters, Dodges, Parries, Resistance checks, and involuntary actions such as sneezing or impulsive shouting. One must be able to still make actions in order to make reactions, so reactions cannot be taken in the event a character is unconcious or incapacitated. A reaction may be "deactivated" on one's own turn using a minor action and no longer activates for the rest of the turn.

<Action Lengths>
Instant actions last for a moment, they are considered to end once the turn is over.

Prolonged Actions are those that last until the end of the round or the user's next turn after initiated.

Sustained actions are actions that can last multiple rounds, being able to remain active until they are canceled or the user choses to no longer sustain it.

Prolonged actions are similar to sustained actions, however do not require even a free action to maintain and as such can be continued even while unconcious or unable to react. They are considered constantly active during this time.

Demoralize - perform a Move action to intimidate foes. If successful apply +1 handicap to desired stat (called before rolling).
Target must be able to percieve communication from the agressor. Penalties may apply for conditions that limit perception.
Roll with the better of Accuity or Spirit
For Base stats 2 degrees of success are needed, for any others it is 1.
Each additional Degree of success adds +1 more Handicap to the stat.

Parry - Close Range Only, penalty to own dodge but if successful it adds the penalty back as a bonus to the next attack roll.
Defend - Sacrifice attack during combat to get a Defense reroll with a Rank Up (must be declared at start of turn)
Determination - using a rank of Spirit to perform an Epic Action
Recovery - (Once per encounter) Become dazed to regain a rank lost to a specified stat.
Become distracted and vulnerable to regain a rank in all stats.
Observe - Take in more information about a situation.
Seeing the obvious in front of you is a free action.
A quick glance around the general direction or focusing on detail in front of character is a minor action.
Observing 180 degree in front of you, focusing in general direction, or in depth look on single target is Move Action.
360 degree look around, Focused on 180 degree. Indepth look in general direction, are standard actions.
Disarm - Use a dex, skill, or strength check to disarm an opponent instead of causing damage.
Failure results in target getting an automatic chance to disarm back with no accuracy check
Trip - (Close Range) Roll to trip opponent, if successful remove ACT for their next turn among several other penalties.
First roll accuracy to determine if trip hits, then your strength vs the better of opponents Str or dex to determine success.
Failure - Target able to counter with their own trip with no accuracy check, additional degrees Rank Up their Affect Roll.
One degree - -2 ACT on next turn, target unsteady and can be knocked back by follow up attacks.
Two degrees - -3 ACT, target unstead and can either be made prone, thrown, or or suffer an additional -1 ACT.
3 Degrees - -4 ACT, Target Unbalanced, can be made Thrown and Prone, or suffer an addiontional -2 ACT
4 Degrees - No ACT, Target prone and defenceless, may be thrown or counter attacked.
Smash Attack - Rank Down Accuracy to Rank Up the effect.
Slam Attack - Rank Down Dodge to Rank UP Effect
Charge Attack - Double ACT cost of an action and add half again Ranks of the effect to it as a bonus. Counts as a single action.
As long as there is enough ACT the action can be taken multiple times with the same bonus.
Cannot be taken if there is not enough ACT available.
Aim - Use a Move Action to Rank Up for the next accuracy check against the target.
Fails if User or Target moves more than 1 Meter before next attack.

Other actions:
Standing is picking one's self up from a sitting or prone position. Standing from a sitting position is a Minor action while standing from a prone position is a move action. The action cost can be reduced by 1 ACT by having a Dex rank of 3 and removed entirely for a Dex Rank of 4 or more. If outside forces are making the character Prone, such as being pinned, then they must be overcome before one can stand.

Balance is steadying oneself to prevent falling or loss of action. It takes a Minor action to recover from being Unsteady, a Move Action to recover from being Unbalanced. Both conditions make it easier to be knocked over or thrown and reduce coordination. Balancing before being made unsteady or unbalanced it costs 1 ACT and grants a stackable Rank Up to resisting trips, knockbacks, or balance related enviromental hazards.

The Maximum height and distance you can jump is 1/5 your Movement distance. A standing Jump (moving no more than 1 meter before jumping) is a movement action while a running jump requires an additional Minor Action but adds the jump's distance to the distance moved. Related to Jumping is Falling. Fall damage is 1 rank every 30 Meters one falls to a maximum of 15 ranks of damage. Fall damage is reduced in equal amounts by the higher of Skill or Dexterity, the remainder is calculated like normal damage. One can take a Move action Rank Up the Dexterity/Skill check to negate fall damage, this can be taken multiple times.

Dropping an item is a free action, releasing it from your grip to let it fall without looking. In order to direct a drop, such as dropping it after a certain distance or attempting to hit someone bellow is a Minor action. Damaged delt by dropping an object is 1 point of damage for every 20 kilos the object weighs, plus Fall damage. So a car weighing 1200kg that fell from 35 meters would do one rank and 60 points, or 11 Ranks total, of damage.

Throwing objects is a standard action, though picking up objects to throw may be a minor (already carrying objects in off hand or similarly easily grabbed) or move (picking up objects off floor) action. The maximum distance one can throw is 30 meters (5 if depleted) per every rank of strength +1, this distance decrease the greater the weigth is thrown. Every rank of Carry Weight (100kg w/ Aura/15kg depleted) is equally deducted from ranks of strength, decreasing it by 30 meters. Damage from a throw is 1 point for every 20 kilos, plus a bonus equal to the strength ranks +1 minus the distance ranks thrown. Objects of significantly low weight (such as cards, paper, pebbles) do not translate damage and cannot be thrown accurately past the first distance rank.

If one is aware and prepared they can catch an object that has been thrown at or dropped on them. The ability to catch is independant of the ability to dodge. The damage is checked against the catcher's Dex score, if the catcher exceeds then the object has be caught and suffers no damage. If the dodge check had been failed the damage is reduced by the amount that the catch check was succeeded. If the Catch Check fails the object is not caught, either being dodged or striking as determined by the Dodge Check. One can Rank Down their Dodge check during the round to Rank up their Catch check an equal amount, this must be done prior to attempting to catch the object. On the turn an object is caught it can be set down as a reaction.


Stats are the framework that the character is built around. They are extremely important for actions that the character takes and how they can respond. Stats are ranked, starting at a score of 0 and maxing at 5. Sub-stats stack with Base stats and are also subject to the maximum limit. Any rolls concerning stats will be made with the number dice equal to it's rank plus one.

So for example a character rolling for a punch would be a strength check they have a Body rank of 2 and took a rank in strength giving them Strength 3. So to determine how hard they are punching, ignoring any other factors, that would mean they roll a total of 4d6.

Stats govern a variety of important factors, and if one cannot roll for a given stat they are considered entirely unable to perform any actions, however minor, that relate to that stat. Without Body one may barely be able to support themselves, without technique a person would trip over their own two feet, without Will they have no aura and are unable to resist manipulations, and without Mind they are incapable of rational thought and unaware of the world around them.

Stats are broken into two major categories: Base stats and Sub-stats. Base stats cover a basic if vague set of characteristics while Sub-Stats are specific expressions of the Base Stats. Each Base Stat has two Sub-Stats linked to it. Most checks will be done using these Sub-stats, but most penalties, hinderances, and similar negative effects affect the the Base Stat. Any checks that cannot be reasonably done with the Sub-stat will default to a check with the Base Stat with a circumstance bonus equal to sub-stat ranks instead.

<BASE STATS> Costs 2 points
Body: BODY
Governs basic physical fitness and wellness. It is one's ability to exert strength, withstand pain, resist poisons and sickness, and maintain stamina. Body is used in checks to determin Strength, Vitality, Move distance, Block strength, and recovery time.

Technique: TECH
Governs one's general coordination as well as their quickness and flexibility. It's one's ability to move with grace and precision, dodge attacks, aim, maintain balance, and react quickly. TECH is used to determine Skill, Dexterity, Move Distance, Parry bonus, body control, Balance, and Fall damage reduction.

Will: WILL
Governs one's mental fortitude and resolve. It is one's ability to maintain a clear mind, to remain focused, to influence others, and the strength of their soul. WILL is used to determine Aura, Spirit, Armor Stacks and charisma

Mind: MIND
Governs one's mental ability and general intelect. It's one's ability to think critically, solve problems, develope strategies, and recall information. MIND is used to determine Knowledge, Accuity, Observense, Planning, operating technology, and detecting falsehood.

<SUB-STATS> Costs 2 points
Strength: STR
One's physical might. The power of their strikes and their lifting weight. Also used on blocking.

Vitality: VIT
Health and resiliance. Their ability to continue after being harmed and their fotitude.

Skill: SKL
Fighting ability. The ability to strike, dodge, and parry.

Dexterity: DEX
General coordination. The ability to hit with a ranged weapon, perform acrobatic stunts, stealth.

Aura: AUR
The strength of one's Aura. Armor ranks are based on Aura, if Aura runs out (Depleted) all rolls for Body are rendered as 1.

Spirit: SPR
A person's resolve. One's ability to make an impression and resist demoralization, ranks used to achieve Epic Actions.

Knowledge: KNW
What a person knows and remembers. Used in memory checks, Expertise checks, and unopposed technology checks.

Acuity: ACU
Problem solving ability and wit. Used to develope plans, solve puzzles, assess situations, and during opposed technology checks.

<Non Standard Stats>
Encumberance: Encumberance is the amount one can comfortably lift or carry at a time.
Carrying weight, what is worn, is up to 100 Kilos (15 if Depleted) for every rank of strength +1.
Carrying weight used does not deduct from Lifting Weight which is what is held up by the arms over the head.
Lifting weight is equal to carrying weight and costs a Minor action to maintain more than half.
Carrying more weight costs a point of ACT to maintain. Each additional Point of ACT increases Lift by 100 per rank.
Maximum Lifting weight is six times times your Lifting Weight (600 Kilos per rank), but takes all 6 ACT to maintain lift.
Both hands are required to maintain maintain more than normal carrying weight.
The ACT cost of lifting is deducted at the end of the round, if unable to maintain the lift object will fall on the lifter.

These are stats you cannot buy directly but, rather, can determined by your ranks in Base or Sub-Stats.
The order in which characters take their turns. It is determined by the sum of all base stats plus a die roll each round.

The distance a character can move in a single Move Action. Equal to half of Body and Tech ranks times 10 (1 if Depleted) plus 5 (Body_1+Tech_2=Move_20m)

Armor is divided into Stacks and Sets, it is one's aura's resistance to attacks.
It blocks out attacks bellow a certain threshold (Set) a certain number of times (Stack) before failing.
Each attack that does not pass the Set will cause a cumulative deduction to the next check equal to it's damage rank.
Should something exceed the Set it will "Break" the Stack and the excess damage will spill over and harm the defender.
One can sacrifice another Stack to withstand the damage without harm. This does not count as a "Break".
The Set is determined by your Aura Rank +1 while the Stack is determined by Spirit Rank +1.
The Set decreases with every Aura rank lost, and every Break lowers Aura by 1 rank.
Use of a Semblance consumes armor, starting from the opposite end of where damage is deducted.
Armor Stacks lost to Semblance usage is not considered a "Break".
When there is no armor left Aura is considered "Depleted".



RWBY Abilities - Cost 1

Abilities are certain advantages a person may have based on innate talents or skills. Abilities either grant bonuses, ranks, change the stats used in a check, or allow new uses for Epic Actions. They are divided into Combat, General, and Will types. Some can be ranked: taking more levels of the same benefit; or Multiple: taking the advantage multiple times for seperate benefits.

Improved Smash: Can take an added +2 Rank Ups to Damage for an equal amount of Rank Downs in Accuracy during a Smash Attack.
Improved Slam: Can take an added +2 Rank Ups to Damage for an equal amount of Rank Downs in Dodge during a Slam Attack.
Sure-Shot Attack: Can take up to +3 Rank Ups in accuracy for an equal amount of Rank Downs in Dodge or Damage.
Defence Roll: Can take up to +3 Rank Ups in Defence for an equal amount of Rank Downs in Dodge.
Improved Disarm: No penalty for failing a disarm check.
Sieze initiative: Spend will to instantly make it your turn.
I've got a plan!: Able to communicate moderately complext plans as a free action instead of a Minor action.
Teamwork: Improves bonus from Aid actions to a Rank Up, an added +2 for every other participent with Teamwork (only added once).
Unarmed Attack: (Ranked) Add Ranks of Damage to unarmed strikes. Cannot exceed Strength ranks.
Improved Initiative: (Ranked) +5 to Initiative score.
Quick Reflexes: (Ranked) Rank Up Dodge and Parry Checks.
Burst Attack: (ranked) Able to launch an attack against all adjacent enemies in a single turn, accuracy is hindered per enemy.
Alternately able to attack all enemies adjacent to a target with a single attack, accuracy hindered per enemy.
Rusher: (ranked) Able to attack while moving, but suffers an Accuracy Rank Down for every Movement rank (normaly 10 meters) used.
Extra Ranks compensate for for the Rank Downs in Accuracy.
Improbable Aiming: Able to perform Close Ranged maneuvers at range using ranged attacks.
Steady Hand: Able to use Aim Maneuver as a Minor Action. Use a Minor action to negate failure if either target or user moves.
Flick Throw: Able to throw light objects (paper, pebbles, cards, etc) like normal, damage is based on Dex.

The Look: Able to use one's looks to their advantage for a Rank Up to interaction checks against those suseptable.
Expertise: (ranked) (Multi) Full knowledge regarding a field of study. Bonus dice equal to rank.
Limited Expertise: (Ranked) (Multi) A specific feild of study. Bonus is added to each die in a roll for that knoweledge check.
Mastery: (ranked) (Multi) For each rank taken, the highest dice in a specific type of roll will be counted as a 6.
Eidetic Memory:
Bright slap: Resist emotional effects on behalf of the target.
Keen Senses: (Ranked) Rank up to detection checks relient on normal senses.
Keen [Sense]:(Multi) 3 Rank Ups to detection rolls for a specific sense.
Perfect Balance: No Penalties for standing or running on small or narrow surfaces.
Nin-nin: Allows one to substitute Dexterity in place of Strength except in Encomberance and Resistance checks.
Natural Grace: (Ranked) Rank Up acrobatic checks.
Light Sleeper: Maintain awareness in one's sleep, can awaken instantly as a reaction if approached or attacked.
Impusle: (Ranked) (Multi) Once per scene character is able to perform one action as a reaction to a very specific trigger.
Ranks denote the Action cost, Free is 1, Minor is 2, Move is 3, and standard is 4.
The trigger must be something that the character is able to observe.
Taunt: (Ranked) Additonal ranks in Demoralization Rolls.
Resolve: (Ranked) Rank Up to rolls resisting against emotional manipulation.
Jump Good: Doubles Jump height.
Speedy: (ranked) An Additional Rank of Movement.
Cat Feet: Halves Fall Damage Ranks.
Even Lift: (Ranked) Rank Up carrying weight.

Guts!: Can use Determination by sacrificing ranks of Body instead.
Determinator: (Ranked) Used in place of Spirit to activate an Epic action (Maxed @ Spirit Rank), doesn't recharge.
All out of bubblegum: Able to use Two Epic Actions in a single turn.
Inspire: (Ranked) Use an Epic Action to Rank Up Will for all other members for all other allies next round.
If damaged, thrown, tripped, demoralized, or failing a resistance against a semblance before the next round, it fails.
Cannot more than double Will Ranks for targets.
Action cannot be delayed, must be taken once Turn would normally occur.
Seize Initiative: Use an Epic Action to immediately take your turn, even interupting the turn of another. Doesn't grant a second turn.
Those with interupted turns complete theirs after the interupting turn is finished.
Withstand Damage: During an Armor Break use an Epic Action to escape any damage without needing to expend another Armor Stack.
Uncompromising: Use Epic Action to immediately succeed against against Emotional Manipulation (called before roll).



Karma is the lot in life the character has, something they did not decide on and cannot truly controle that holds a significant sway over the course of the characters life. It can range from the station of one's birth, to one's heritage, to their own ingrained actions and behavior.

Karma comes in 9 ranks, starting from -4 going up to 4. Karma starts at 0, neutral, and to determine what one has they can either purchase it at 5 points per rank or by "Buying it off" with equal negative traits. The alternative is to roll a dice to determine starting karma at 1d6-3. You can one trait of the highest rank or lower, but any further must be balanced by an equally negative trait.

Karma ranks are as follows:
Cursed -4 -
The worst possible misfortune, these are complications that are felt profoundly in nearly all facites of life for the character. It holds no leverage that can be used to the holder's benefit except in the most exceptionally unlikely of circumstances. There is no means for the character to reliably compensate for or counter it's effect. It is a characteristic that only brings great suffering. Examples are: Hate Magnet, complete inability to use aura, Having an instant kill switch in the hands of someone willing to use it, a lethal alergy to something increadibly common.

Disadvantaged -3 -
A large misfortunte that is felt strongly and influences much, but not all, of the character's life and choices. There may be some leverage to it, but it is very unlikely to ever occure that you could use it. The trait can be countered or compensated for in a somewhat reliable manner, but should it fail the consequences are great. It is a characteristic that brings much suffering.
Examples are: being a part of a near universally hated minority (not faunus), being completely under the thumb of a powerful villain, having a fairly restricting code of honor that can never be broken, an uncontrolable impulse or habit that can ruin everything if it occures at the wrong moment.

Unlucky -2 -
A moderate misfortune that is felt regularly and has influence on major decisions and life points of the character. There's likely a way that it can be leveraged to the characters advantage in rare circumstances. This traint can be regularly countered and compensated for, should the attempt fail the consequences are still lessened. It is a characteristic that brings much frustration and discontent but is unlikely to be overly harmful.
Examples are: A faunus without super senses in Mistral, Being Jaune Arc

Petty (Bad) -1 -
A miner amount of misfortune, that is felt occationally and likely effects some important decisions for the character. It can be leveraged to the characters advantage on the rare occation. This trait is easy to manage and the consequences of it can be mitigated with some effort, failure usually isn't so bad. It is a characteristic that is fairly annoying and frustrating, but outside of rare circumstances it is mostly harmless.
Examples are: A faunus without supersenses in more open minded areas, Having a habit that tends to get in the way of one's short term goals, Being like Jaune Arc,

Neutral 0 -
No real positive or negative effect or at least one so small it has near no effect on decision making. It can be leveraged to the character's minor advantage with some creativity. There's not really a cost of it's use as any positive influence it has is minor or requires extremely specific circumstances. This is a characteristic that is mostly an aesthetic and rarely a plot point.
Examples: Needing glasses, having a loving normal family, having common sense, being a faunus without super senses in Menagerie, being short or tall, motion sickness,

Petty (Good) 1 -
A minor positive effect that occationally benefits the holder though there may be occational downsides. It can sometimes be taken advantage of with little or no cost, though anything more than minor benefits costs effort or some mild form of penalty. This is a characteristic that is benefitial but not overly useful or significant.
Examples: Being a Faunus, having some useful contacts, being skilled in another career path, inexplicable popularity with the opposite gender, having friends and family you can call in useful favors from, being sorta famous

Lucky 2 -
A moderate positive effect that regularly benefits the holder, though may have occational downsides. It can normally be taken advantage of with litle to no cost, though anything more than minor benefits has some form of cost. This is a characteristic that is fairly benefitial for the holder with little to no downside.
Examples: Being part of a wealthy and influential family, Being a teacher at a combat school, having friends in high places, having a close positive connection to a centeral character.

Advantaged 3 -
A great positive effect that often benefits the holder, rarely having downsides. It can normally be leveraged in a variety of ways and circumstances, occationally it may require some cost but normally that's simply for larger issues. This is a characeristic that is very benefitial for the holder having almost no negative repercusions.
Examples: Being part of the Schnee main family or similar, being a beloved and influential world figure, having friends in the highest seats of society, being the shadowy leader of a secret organization, having silver eyes, being Fannon Jaune Arc

Blessed 4 -
An emense positive effect that always benefits the holder, having no real down side. It can almost always be leveraged in a plethora of manners in nearly any situation, very rarely is there any sort of cost to it's use. This is a characteritic that is universially good, one would have to look hard to see any negatives to it's existence.
Examples: Having world leaders in your pocket, Having active Silver Eyes, being a Maiden, having some sort of powerful outside context ability.


Penalties are related to Karma. As was stated before a Penalty is a negative effect imposed by the GM. Normally this is used to simulate things that are not easily taken into account for the system. It can be such things as owing a favor to someone, to a required mission objective that can't afford to be failed.

In relation to Karma it's simply what may be needed to properly use the full weight of one's advantages. For example, a person may have a lot of influence in the underworld but their contacts may not want to investigate someone like Cinder Fall without some compensation or a large favor in return. A character may enjoy the benefits of being a faunus with it's enhanced senses but occationally be obstructed by the rare bigot who can't simply be intimidated into complience.

Negative Karma is simply a semi-permanent Penalty, and like other penalties, creatively overcoming it may grant some sort of bonus from the GM, normally in the form of excess will. Similarly one may pay a cost, either in the form of a different penalty or the use of will, to overcome these disadvantages. Within reason.

Both are important, and both can be used to the benefit of the player, simply in different ways.

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