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The beginning…

Ok so this is my first story, general feedback would be good, blatant flaming...
Chapter 1

Pink Panda Priestess

Official Red Panda
Nov 6, 2020
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The beginning…

Ok so this is my first story, general feedback would be good, blatant flaming will be ignored or I'll try to ignore, I have depression, sooo~

I'm writing this on my phone so sorry if it looks weird.

I'm inspired by the dark wolf shiro, as he is the first and only person I've read all stories from, he inevitably rubbed off on me(no, not like that you perverts)

Sorry if the punctuation is bad I failed 10th grade English

Okay I think I stalled enough, um try to enjoy I guess.

Edit 1: changed the ending slightly, wanted something more permanent and didn't want the world to wait up.

"Come on, come on, come on" I say as I kill the last zombie, as I run up the steps to the portal to trigger the cutscene

"Whoo~" I let out as Agent maxis exits the portal, still holding my controller

I'm not really a big zombies player, I play casually, but I love the franchise, though I have never finished an Easter egg before, I've been playing since black ops 2 came out. I watched a bunch of Noahj's zombie videos before playing, and decided this would be the day I finished my first Easter egg and the main one of black ops cold war at that.

I got to round 62, mostly because trying to catch the right mimics took forever.

Though as the cutscene continues playing, I ready myself to face the orda, the giant beast of a boss. Abruptly the screen freezes as maxis looks at the orda...then turns off.

"The fuck" I whisper no one around to hear me.

I look over at my TV to notice the Xbox off

"The absolute fuck" I say louder in horror as I bolt up to go check on it.

"Overheated" I say as my horror turns to anger, all those tries, the amount of times I ran across the map because I caught the wrong mimic or my trap broke.

"The Xbox turned off, because it over heated"

'Mother fucker' I scream in my head, outwardly appearing calm

"I'm done, I'm done, I'm going to bed" I repeat my face blank, as I get up off my couch, head through the hallway before entering my bedroom, moving towards my bed I angrily climb into bed, before throwing my blanket over me, turning on my side to get comfortable, As I plug my phone in, I set my alarm because I remembered I have school tomorrow. I notice my cat foxy, an orange and white cat, jump onto my bed and pad around before curling up behind my legs, I scratch his ears a bit to calm down, before I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, after I manage to get Mr. Brightside by the killers out of my head, which is unfortunately an hour after lying down.


Loading game….loading game…

Error unable to load game.

Please don't move as we try to identify the problem…

Problem found, you do not have a proper device connected…


Found device, connecting to smartphone galaxy s10+


Device insufficient for purposes..

Finding another device…

Connecting to Xbox one…

Error you are connected to (two) devices, if you proceed, things will not go as smoothly

Do you wish to proceed..

Accepted, a new patch will be created and added to prevent game from crashing

This may take a minute…

Thank you for waiting, enjoy


Beep, Beep,Beep

Ugh~ I mutter groggy as my alarm goes off crinkling my eyes in annoyance as I try to hit snooze.

hmm~ I hum in contentment, the alarm turns off, as I roll over to continue sleeping for 5 more minutes, I abruptly pause as my brain starts working and I realize I didn't move my arms, I begin blinking my eyes rapidly to wake up as I turn back around to check if my phones is still there. I notice something off, not my phone no, that's still there thankfully, in the corner of my vision I notice the time, 6:00 am, in a little clear blue hud in the top right corner of my vision, I let out a startled laugh before cringeing as my brother on the top bunk tells me to shut up before asking what time it is.

I don't answer because I'm having a mini panic attack, wondering if I went insane before looking at my phone, I go to reach out to grab it and check the time on it to see if it matches up with my little corner clock, before freezing as it turns on seemingly by itself showing me my widowmaker background and the time, it matches up with my hud I notice

Haah~ I let out an anxiety laced sigh as I try to calm myself

'Okay, it's not guaranteed I turned my phone on with my mind, which is impossible, my phone is overly sensitive, im just tired and seeing shit' I reason to myself, but the chance I did was too much to overlook, I'm average and I always wanted powers, so as a test I try to login without touching it, as I watch my password get typed in without touching it, I let out a shuddering laugh as I start flipping through everything using my mind, before being abruptly cut off as my brother throws a pillow at me.

"Stop laughing and what time is it you idiot"
My brother asks, like a dick

"Its 6:10 you ass" I say as I get up to get dressed because I still have school, as I do so my brother trails behind me.

"You're an ass" he says to me

"Uhuh" I reply, going to ignore him

As I fiddle with my phone, going through Google while my phone is in my pocket.

As I go through my day nothing really seems to change well except for math class, because I Google the answers on my worksheet.

No, nothing really seems different...until I get home, I go to sit on my couch, mentally having my phone turn to the Tv remote app to turn it on, I grab my Xbox controller disappointed with my day, I turn the Xbox on and open cod cold war not really noticing that I don't even have to interact with the controller to open it, I open zombies and get myself ready to try the Easter egg of fire base z again, before suddenly the world grays out I don't see any color in the world except for me, like entering a old picture, I look towards the screen before freezing staring at Stitch, at his muscular form, his black hoodie, his gas mask, his black leather fingerless gloves, his gray camouflage pants and black combat boots, his one white eye with a scar though it his other eye black before turning hazel-blue to match my own, I then look down at the gun he's using an M16 with a crimson red camo with black stripes through it, as I look back up above his head this time, as the timer countdown hits zero, I'm immediately picked up by an invisible force before being slammed through the console and disappearing from the world, entering a new one.


What do you think?

Again this is my first time writing anything so please be gentle.

I'm not going to explain how the system works right now….but as a hint and cause I need help, um can you recommend games with interesting features and your favorite games. I would appreciate it.

Until next time Ciao
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Chapter 2
Yo, sorry this took a minute I had to figure out how I'm gonna do the system and plan and shit….and I got distracted dicking around on discord, anyway my goal is to get two chapters a week maybe more, maybe less I don't want to exhaust my muse

I'll also start putting out songs of the day
So, song of the day is u mad bro? By Kevin Flum

Alright let's get started


"Fuck" I awoke with a gasp, bolting up right and taking in my surroundings in an instant, something I'm not used to, but feels strangely familiar. I freeze realizing that in my head are memories are definitely not mine yet also mine at the same time.

I look down at my body and realize thus definitely isn't mine, but it is, it's muscle-y, bulky yet not overly so,extremely toned to the point that every muscle can be traced like it was cut from marble and made by a team of the greatest sculptures the world has ever seen, lean, the body of a warrior who's been fighting all his life I'd say if I were to describe it.

I look around again noticing the room I'm in is very...bunker-like, very minimalist. 'That's normal I don't like having a lot' I reason unconsciously before realizing that's not true. But I can't even tell if that's Jeremy the ordinary teen or Vikhor Kuzmin alias stitch the memories are seamlessly intertwined to a degree its impossible to tell the difference.'I'm both' I reason, no need to make it complicated.

I go back to inspecting the room, even though I already memorized everything in here, the black metal desk with a pencil holder full of pencils and pens, the slightly cushioned chair behind it, slightly turned to the side, like someone got up and didn't bother pushing it back in, the floor is tile, and the walls are a dark wood even though I know behind the wood is metal, I get up off the comfortable twin sized bed 'anything is better after lying down on the ground for 72 hours preparing to snipe an informant for Omega, the bastards' I thought to myself, laughing internally at the thought that I, myself used to be one of those bastards.

I go to the chest of drawers, with various outfits I prefer to wear and get dressed.

I pull up my black boxer briefs, and turn to look in the mirror at the far side of the wall for a moment, the memories of Jeremy I realize are comparing my body to his game.

It's similar, except I'm not bald, my head has neatly cropped dirty blond hair, I used to be blond but my hair darkened as I grew older, and I only have very few wrinkles, my right eye is a dark cobalt blue, while my other eye with the scar through it is still white.'wait, how am I seeing though it, I haven't seen though that eye in years' I think to myself going through my memories, The game thing Jeremy had, I realize.

'How do I activate it' I question myself, before saying menu

A ding sounds out as a screen appears in front of me


I stare at the at the screen in confusion for a minute before deciding to goal through them all.

Profile I say in my head before in slight annoyance I repeat it out loud.

Name:Vikhor Kuzmin
Hp:400/400(40hp per 30 sec)
Mp:216/216(24mp per 10 sec)
Height:2 meters
Summary:Born on August 14th, 1938 in Moscow, Vikhor Kuzmin graduated from the Faculty of Technology of Organic Substances and Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology in 1959. He joined the Operations and Technology Directorate of the KGB the same year and was assigned to the Laboratory 12 R&D facility. He lost his eye in 1968 when requiem broke into the facility he operated in to steal a valuable chemical compound he created, called Nova 6, though he and his team managed to repel requiem, his superior colonel Lev kravchenko was disappointed in his speed, in a rage Kravchenko took his eye and through him in the Gulag, where he escaped 2 years later, and became a hired hit man and bounty hunter for 12 years before in 1980 he joined requiem after doing a few jobs for the Cia

"Hmm, seems right, Stats" I say


Hp regen=End×2 per 30 sec
Mp regen=Wis×2 per 10 sec

"why 20 and why is it so even" I question, it looks unnatural

20 is the peak of human ability


"Gamer body huh, that's one mystery solved" I say touching my supposedly blind eye I'm seeing through as I look them over

Gamers body(passive)

Allows user to live life like a video game
User can survive indefinitely without food or water(though can still be consumed to regenerate health or provide buffs)
Can survive without sleep(optional)
User has set amount of health, as long as user has health user will survive
User can have scars or damage looking effects, but it won't hurt or effect the user as the users body is protected by a shell of interdimensional energy
Upon waking up user will be well rested and in perfect health

Gamers mind(passive)

Allows user to remain calm in all situations
User is immune to mind altering and mind control effects(User will receive notifications when a being is attempting to read or enter the user's mind, as well as what direction its coming from) however user can allow a being in their mind, and will receive a prompt


User is able to infer knowledge about a target(dependent on user level versus target level)


How well you use a gun
User has a 80% chance to hit target while using a gun

Knife play(passive)

How well you use a knife
User has a 20% chance to kill a target immediately


How well you can pick up and keep a trail when following prey


How well you understand Biology
Gives user a 25% chance to land a critical hit


How well you understand Chemistry
80% success rate when applying Chemistry

"It seems really combat focused, why is that, why not a cooking or cleaning skill" my eyes narrow as I continue.


Basic training

You completed basic training
User will always be in peak condition
User has 50% extra experience gain

Cold-blooded killer

User has killed before and will kill again
User does not flinch and is unaffected by the act of killing

"That seems fine, I guess"


"So what is this just like a pocket dimension or something" I mutter as I look at the screen filled with dozens of black boxes with a second screen next to it with a mini copy of me surrounded by boxes most of them full except for the wrist and fingers, I go over to the desk and grab a #4 graphite pencil before inserting it into the Inventory it appears in one of the boxes as a yellow pencil with a one icon next to it, "okay" I mutter as I grab another pencil, this time a #2 charcoal pencil and insert it into my inventory, instead of adding the pencil in a new box it combined with the other one, I reach my hand in, the screen rippling like water, as I grab the #2 charcoal pencil and pull it out, the box reduces to a one again, I put it back in and working on a hunch instead of pulling out a #2 charcoal pencil, I pull out two #2 graphite pencils, "so it combines" I say to myself "I'll experiment more later"

In here you can creates various loadouts with the weapons from systems you unlocked for more information please go to Systems in the menu


This is your map you will unlock more areas to see on the map as you go the map will fill itself out

These are your quests, objectives the game or other beings will task you with,, at the moment you have no quests please come back when you have quests

The help menu will provide help with any of your questions please continue exploring the system first

Audio 100%
Flashlight mode:eek:ff
Subvocal interface:eek:ff
I flick those on immediately
Subvocal interface:eek:n

This is where you can see the systems you unlocked, you will unlock more systems as you go about your adventure
You have unlocked two(2) systems so far

The CoD Modern Warfare system
The CoD Black ops Zombies system

Do you want to turn on both systems now

'Yes' I say

Okay, you can now use the Class option in the menu to create weapon classes

This is where you can repeat Missions or quests if you want to

*sigh* "Okay that looks like everything" I say to myself before hearing a knock at my door

I immediately have a Karambit knife in my hand and am facing the door before I even realize it

"Vik" a feminine, english sounding voice calls out from behind the door " get your old ass up and ready, weaver wants us in 15 minutes"

I immediately put my knife away and grab a few more so I always have atleast five knifes on my person at all times.

I open the door to the surprised face of Helen Park, 5 feet 10 inches of English beauty with shoulder length,black, silky, straight hair with one half curled around her ear, beautiful blue eyes porcelain white skin with the only blemish being a scar on her neck, she's wearing a saddlebrown bomber jacket with the front part way unzipped revealing a gray sweater underneath with jeans so tight they frame her curvy ass, followed by brown boots

Her surprised face quickly turns into a smirk as she looks at me "I don't think I've ever seen you without your gasmask off" she says quickly "that's because you haven't" I reply just as quickly before I put said gas mask on my face, covering my mouth and nose completely

As we walk, me a little behind her, her to her right, through a barran white hallway towards weavers office I get an Idea, I glance at her and think 'observe'

Helen Park
Summary:While studying as a young prodigy at Oxford, Park lost her brother to a terrorist attack. With new focus she joined Requiem, and quickly became one of their leading experts on international paramilitary organizations. On a field mission one of her teammates accidentally triggered a trap losing both his legs and launching shrapnel at her neck scaring her there, she managed to get her team to a medic and immediate evac, her team ate later died of extreme bloodless, shock and poisoning due to an unidentified chemical, she has since then become a certified surgeon and medic in an effort to prevent such happenings, she is very conscious of her sky and refuses to be in a relationship because of it. She feels a kinminship with Stitch due to them both having scars, but feels bad because Vikhor Kuzmin can't hide his scars while she hides hers

Huh, well fuck you think as you finally arrive at weaver's office for what you assume is a briefing

Opening the door we see weaver standing behind a table before a table with a Map on it

Weaver is a surprisingly intimidating man of 5 feet 11 inches in height with graying brown hair an eye patch over his left eye, wearing a light blue long sleeve dress shirt with a Grey striped tie with dark blue dress pants and brown dress shoes

'Observe' I think me and Helen standing at attention

Grigorieva Weaver
Summary:According to Weaver's CIA dossier, he was born in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on November 10, 1936. His father was a local political figure who was killed during Stalin's Great Purge and his mother defected to the U.S. during World War II. Formerly apart of OP40 he later joins the Cia after being saved by Woods and Mason, Weaver develops a bond with them after the Baikonur mission. However, Mason's deteriorating mental condition has caused rift in the friendship, from worry to mistrust, and by February 1968, Weaver was convinced that Mason is burnt during the latter's days in Vorkuta, and advises Hudson to deal with Mason with "two in the chest, one in the head," thus deeming him unfit to continue any further operations.

I close the screen as weaver turns around to address us.

"Glad you could join us Agent Kuzmin, I have a mission for you and agent Park" Weaver says as he picks up a vanilla file and drops it onto the table before me and Park, I quickly scan through it as Park picks it up.

"Maxis is M.I.A" Weaver says as Park looks back up "You think she's compromised" Park says as Weaver considers her a look "No, Sam wouldn't do anything like that" he replies "We have Intel however that she was going to bring in Peck before she went missing"

"Peck, that snake" Park snarls before stopping as Weaver lifts his hand up

"Your mission is to find and retrieve Sam Maxis and put a bullet between Peck's eyes, while retrieving the data he has on his computer, when left for Omega, he became our enemy, so we'll treat him like one, I want him gone before he ends up making a crazy contraption to wipe us out"
Park smiles slightly as he finishes.

Before he continues by saying "Peck created some sort of virus using a mixture of substance from Dimension-1A and the energy from the portal, luckily we've had enough time to create protection" he says as he hands over a brief that he then opens revealing 12 vials with a purple liquid with gold particles floating around in it "is it safe" Park asks concern on her face as she looks them over before looking back up at Weaver "it is, it's been through extensive testing and being introduced to the required vaccines as you join, it makes it so no one ends up like the ghouls from Operation Zagreus" "okay" Park says somewhat hesitantly "so how do we apply it" She asks as she reaches out to grab a vial "just grab one and drink it" he says as both I and Park get ready to do so.

As I drink a vile a small blue flash appears in the corner of my vision

Perk gained
Zombie Camo

Makes you immune to the initial zombie virus and grants a 50% chance zombies won't detect you

"Huh" I let out licking my lips as I reread that

"I don't really feel different" Park says somewhat snarkily

"Good" Weaver replies "you head out in via chopper in 30 minutes, hustle up and pack well, let's go get Maxis"


Okay another chapter out yaaaay
Hope you guys like it and sorry it's mostly game crap, but I had to establish it somehow so *shrugs*

And the reason it's so much longer is because I spent more than 2 hours on it

As for romance I don't know if I'm gonna wright a harem or not but Helen Park is main waifu

I'm probably gonna update twice a week idk depends on if I feel lazy or not

Anyway enjoy and see ya
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Chapter 3
Wow, okay um yeah 2 chapters per week for my main story at least is a little too ambitious
I'll try to get 2 chapters out per week but it's mostly gonna be either my lemon story or something else...I'm toying with an idea of mine.

I'm on a new pill for my depression so fingers crossed it works, and I'm probably gonna completely rewrite the first chapter, because wow that's trash, anyway here ya go

Chapter 3


"So how are we gonna do this" I ask as I go through a few guns in the armory

"Well, we're going to get the Intel from Ravonov, see why Maxis dropped off the map and give Peck a third eye" Park replies confidently while looking through a scope she put on an M16.

"Right, yeah I get that but…why just us two, I'm not complaining but this would probably be better with a whole squad" I say picking up my own M16 as I begin fitting it out.

"Stealth, apparently there's supposed to be a big Omega experiment besides the wraiths" I roll my eyes as she says wraith "yeah, I know but there's supposed to be a bunch of the fuckers, I would prefer at least a four man squad"

"Uhuh, well you get along with Adler as well as moose and a Tanuki" I snort at that before she continues ignoring me "and woods is hunting down Menendez" Park finishes as she picks up a bowie knife.

I finally decide on a load out as I fit the Kobra red dot sight to my M16 followed by putting on an extended barrel then adding an infantry stabilizer for the muzzle, then an infiltrator grip as the underbarrel in addition to a KGB Target designator then place a Spetsnaz PKM Stock as the stock which improves my aiming speed and use a Spetsnaz Mag to increase ammo capacity and reload speed while using speed tape on my handle to increase my aiming speed.

I place that down as I pick up a .50 cal handgun with a Forge TAC Enforcer, a 1mW laser, a Match Grade Trigger, Granulated Grip Tape and a 13 round Mags. As I place the handgun in a holster on my thigh I pick up my M16, go through multiple checks, grab a bowie knife and place it in my boot, before going through the checks needed to get my load out approved and confirmed as I spot Park waiting for me by the exit to the armory
"Slowing down old man?" Park asks face cocky but showing concern "nah, just making sure I got everything" I reply as we head through the base to the helipad. There we saw a Bell AH-1G Cobra, the helicopter that will be used in taking us to the village, in the helicopter was our pilot, a quick observe reveals him as William Aaron a redneck looking guy in the standard pilot jumper.

As me and Park strap in our pilot starts flicking switches and says without turning back "there's been a change of plans, I'll drop you off at a nearby facility and you'll drive the rest of the way"

"What, why" Park replies as she sits up straight

"It's deep in Omega territory, I have to make sure you get exfilled if you need it" he replies as we lift up into the air and starts flying towards our destination.

"You okay, i haven't seen you look so worried before" Park asks as she looks up at me concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I say lying through my teeth
'I wonder how many zombies are going to be there' I think to myself. In the game there were thousands potentially, if you got to a high enough round 'we can't be turned but we can be ripped apart' *shudder* "this is gonna be bad" I mutter under my breath as I look at the grass hundreds of feet below us.

That's chapter three

Hurray, um yeah this was gonna be longer but I decided to cut it here

How would you guys feel if I update with 10k words every month, that way to give me more time to refine and plan.

I love writing but I need money, so I set up a patreon to give you guys special benefits, this is my first time doing something like this so if you want specific benefits message me but if you want commissions or merch when I add it check it out.

I've recently gotten into coding and 3d modeling, so watch out for that.

I think next on my list is the Hp Lovecraft get reincarnated as a Taimanan story which is a lot of work, the first chapter will be 10k words also watch out for that

Announcer voice
Good bye, I hope to see you next time on Console of reality
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