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Cosmic Genesis(Rewrite of Rise of a fake God)

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Thank you @V3LITHIUN, @Ricardo, Bal, PbookR, Nick P, @Glenn Mcneal Garner. Without you all, I wouldn't be here today...I wouldn't have been able to make stories and bring ideas to life that I enjoy.

Now then on with the story.

I was inside a six-year-old boy. Again. Which was not a sentence I envisioned saying anytime soon, or ever.

Was this a dream, perhaps? That was the most logical answer, after all, but I had never dreamt so vividly in my life.

Well, I suppose this was too early to know for sure. Maybe I was still asleep, though I doubt it matters. This ridiculous dream of me being six again has to end eventually, right?



Turns out, it doesn't. Have to end, that is.

Two days passed, and I was still stuck here with this couple who claimed that they were my parents despite speaking English fluently, far more fluently than I knew my parents to be capable of. I had never seen these new 'parents' of mine in my life.

I-It is still too early to come to a proper conclusion. This could always be one of those long dreams, right?



A week passed, and for the first time since I woke up here, I had an injury. While exploring the house, I managed to cut my hand on the scissors.

'Oh. I am bleeding.'

It hurt. Why was it hurting? I thought it wasn't supposed to hurt in a dream! And besides, what kind of an adult cries because of such a shallow cut? I had been injured worse before!

I stared at the blood, tears, and snot dripping down my chubby, six-year-old face. I didn't even register the moment I started crying. Then I couldn't hold back my sobs any longer.

This was real.

Those strangers really were my parents.

This wasn't a dream, and I had no idea what to do.

My home...

My life...

All of it was gone in the blink of an eye and replaced by a new one.

What do I even do?

I was so shocked by this revelation that I even stopped crying. Now, I know you'd normally think I would be jumping in joy after reincarnating with all of my old memories. But no, this wasn't all that good for me. A fresh slate might sound good, but I already had a pretty awesome life.

As awesome as it sounded, it also meant that I lost everyone and everything close to me. They were forever out of reach, and even if I managed to find them, what would I even say?

Hell, was there my body lying about somewhere right now?! Would my parents have found my body by now? Were they crying right now?


I think they would have buried my body and prayed for me. They would be sad, but they definitely wouldn't cry.

I would be rather surprised if they did because I certainly wouldn't if they died. Don't get me wrong, I would miss them a lot if they did, but cry? Nah.

They might cry if I was kidnapped, or getting tortured in a dark hole somewhere. But death?


It was kind of an understanding in our family. After all, death is going to come for all of us. For every single thing

Everyone and everything, the very earth, the stars in the sky, the Angels, and the Demons, every last atom and black hole is going to face death eventually.

Death would come for them all. Except for GOD almighty.

Unlike most people, we've simply made our peace with it. We had even discussed about what to do should one of us die.

Perhaps my brother was taking all of my stuff as I had asked him to? My gaming PC, and my S8-- I hope he uses them well, those were all I really had, after all. Oh, and my laptop- even though its hinge is broken... I do hope he finds some use for it.

"Adam, sweetie, it's alright. Don't cry, mommy is here," my new mother tried to comfort me, not knowing why I started crying. Or rather why I stopped crying so suddenly.

She had been so worried since last week when I 'woke up' inside her son.

I highly doubted she would ever come even remotely close to my old mom's place in my heart... but I suppose I can give her a chance to be my mother.

Mom and mommy were already taken, and there was no way I was ever forgetting my original parents. But I could at least give them a chance.

It was the least I could do after taking over her son's body. I just hope she doesn't turn out to be like my grandmother.

My face scrunched up and I shuddered involuntarily as I thought of... that. Was it even right to call that thing a woman?

On the outside, she was really kind always ready with a nice word for everyone, but once you looked at her as she really was, she was much worse than a cliché evil stepmother.

Because of her, we had to struggle to survive every day. Her and her fucking black magic. J was sure we even had proof, but my mom being the kind person she is decided against saying anything about it.

Honestly, she is too kind for her own good. Then again, even if we took the proof to the police, I doubt it would be easily accepted. After all, we were talking about black magic in this day and age! We would be lucky if the policeman just laughed us off, to say nothing of what would happen if my dear grandmother found out. Even I was skeptical at the start, and that was after I had been reincarnated!

So we kept our mouths shut, and grandmother kept on pretending to be all nice and friendly even as she kept on trying to use magic to ruin us all. Honestly, I would be surprised if her kids didn't know that she was evil with how much of a stereotypical anime villain she was.

I prayed for their safety even as my mother sung a lullaby to put me to sleep. While I couldn't do anything about my old family, perhaps I could do better this time around? My eyes closed shut as the world turned dark...

And then white.


It was so beautiful.

The world around me was full of life. White bunnies were rolling around in the grass, butterflies and bees buzzed around from flower to flower.

Ethereal music played all around me.

Cats, lions and tigers were sleeping on the grass. Deer sprinted across the field, girrafes and cows were were munching on the grass which grew back as soon as they ate it.

Fairies and birds flew through the air, and in the distance I could have sworn I saw a dragon. There was a pixie peeking out of the flowers, and in the distant horizon I could see islands drifting lazily in the air like clouds.

As far as I was concerned, this was heaven. Everything was perfect and harmonious.

Reluctantly, I tore my gaze away from the scene and looked at the 'center' of this place.

There was something there. Something which I had never seen before and yet, paradoxically, knew about. Something bound to my very soul, its name was at the tip of my tongue but I couldn't name it.

Somehow, I could see the world drifting past me even as I stood there until I could see it. Somehow. I knew that I could never mistake it for something else.

It was a giant tree.

A tree so huge that it easily broke through the clouds and continued upwards.

It was beautiful. It was big. And it was inside me.

Wait, that came out wrong.


The tall grass and flowers separated in front of me and created a path towards the beautiful otherworldly tree... no it was not a mere tree.

It was the center of everything. It was also something more. Something beyond words.

I felt a pang of happiness that was definitely not mine.

As I stopped in front of it a beautiful voice spoke out. It was as if the rain and the earth were singing together and the very air chimed.

There was no way I could properly describe it.

"Greetings, Adam."

I was a bit taken aback, but decided to play it cool. "Hello? Sorry if I sound rude but may I ask what are you?"

"Yes," the voice said.



"So... what are you?"

"I have several names. The Tree of Life, Tim, The World Tree-"

"Wait, Yggdrasil?" I interrupted. Why was I seeing the world tree? Why was I in front of it? Was this a dream?

"That is indeed one of my many names, but you are currently within Annihilation Maker."

That name... I know of it from somewhere but where?

"I believe its from the show you watched called High School DXD?"

Yes, that must be it. Wait... I was in DXD? Oh hell no, I am so fucked. This world is a fucking death world with copious amounts of tits thrown at the top to make it look appealing to perverts! Wait, how did she know that?

"How...how did you know that?"

"I am connected to your very soul, of course I would know. I can see that in your previous life, you lived in one of the infinite worlds near my bark. Not near the edge of my realm where Chaos tries to destroy worlds yet not close enough to my 'trunk' to become strong enough to grow and support more esoteric energies."

"However, it is close enough for a lot of 'knowledge' to be accumulated."

"I think I got it, since the 'bark' is like the skin cells of a tree, unlike a human being it collects on top of each other a lot more as the tree grows. While nutrients don't flow through it the bark can be used to tell the age of a tree and some of its history, which is why I know about a lot of worlds, but nobody back there could use magic... Wait, does that mean the Multiverse theory is wrong? "

"That description will suffice. And no the multiverse theory isn't wrong. Just incomplete."

"What about Zelretch? Does he exist?"

"Of course, he is one of the few who I have allowed to move between my 'leaves' and shape them to some degree. But he will never be able to leave the 'branch' from where his world originates nor will he ever even know that a branch exists. Even then there are an infinite number of leaves within the branch he is in, and I highly doubt he would even be able to see all of the leaves, much less the other branches."

And then a thought occurred to me.

"Wait a minute. If you are indeed Yggdrasil, and this world is a part of you, then how in the world did GOD seal you inside Annihilation Maker? That should be impossible? Right?"

"Of course not, this sacred gear is merely a connection to me. He requested a portion of my power and since I knew why he wanted it, I decided to humor him and created for him a tiny sapling, split from myself. The sapling is still quite young, only 5000 years old and is what allows you to connect to me through the Sacred Gear named Annihilation Maker. Make sure to take good care of her, alright?"

"Oi! 5000 years old is young? And this ridiculously large tree is just a Sapling?" My eyes widened as I looked at the tree in disbelief. And then a wave of sadness encompassed me.

"Wow, you've already made her sad not even a minute after I left her in your care. This has to be a new record."

"Er... sorry, please forgive me." I gave a deep 90-degree bow. Now that I think about it she is pretty young compared to Yggrasil. "I said it without thinking, I just realized you are really young."

I sighed as a surge of relief passed through me as I stood back up.

After all, compared to Yggrasil who had been there since time began and is at least 14 billion years old, and that's probably a low guess considering some of the worlds out there are trillions of years old. So Yggrasil is probably even older unimaginably old....Also it kind of looks like the SAO Yggdrasil...

I felt an ominious tingle upon my back. Yggdrasil can't hear my thoughts....

Can it?

"Of course I can," Yggdrasil replied as the oppressive aura increased for a moment nearly giving me a panic attack before it disappeared and laughter echoed through the air. "Though you really made quite an expression there. And yes I created her to look like that."

No wonder she let Zelretch though, she's as bad as he is!

"Did you say 'her'? Aren't trees genderless?" I asked.

"Think about the world you are in and then ask yourself why I created her as a girl."

Dread formed at the pit of my stomach. "Don't tell me."

"Also darling," I could somehow tell Yggdrasil was addressing the sapling in front of me, "make sure to give me a grandchild soon alright? I did give you a human form after all! Make sure to use it well! Oh, and Adam you'll need to Kiss her if you ever need to use her full power, and I know that you know that you are going to need it so better do it soon and don't hold back, BYE!"

With that, there was silence as the presence of Yggdrasill, vanished and I felt embarrassment, not my own flood me. Honestly, I was a bit embarrassed myself.

"Sooo..." I began awkwardly what should I begin to break this awkward tension?

Right first questions first.

"What's your name?"

"Annihilation Maker" She replied her embarrassment vanishing as it was replaced with sadness, her voice extremely soft.

"That's the name of the Sacred gear, not yours."

"I was never given one."

"Well, would you like one?" I asked.

"So, you wish to give me a name?" She seemed almost eager.

"Well yeah, I can't say "hey you!" or something like that all the time can I? Whoever gave you that name must not like you a lot. So I was thinking of something different."

"Very well, what do you have in mind?"


I stayed silent as my mind began to wander. I didn't just want to give her any random name.

I wanted to give her a name that was nice to call, would fit her, and was something which I liked too. I dove deeper and deeper into the memories of my past life searching.

I didn't know how long I was thinking but eventually decided. It was something that instantly clicked.

Something that I loved and above all a beautiful name.

"How about Gensōkyō? What do you think?"

A gentle breeze blew.

"Yes... It's nice." I could feel the joy that such a simple gesture gave her. "I can feel that you have a lot of fondness for it. If you don't mind me asking, may I know what this name is from?"

I nodded. "Gensōkyō is a land in which Fantasy becomes reality. A place where anything can exist." And so I began to tell her what I remember about Gensōkyō.

I don't know how long we spent talking but it had been so long since I could talk to someone without holding back that I didn't really mind.

"I do not understand how this Cirno survived. How can a Fairy be that... that idiotic?"

"I don't know, but at least Daiyousei is there to pull her out if something goes wrong."

I could even play music here. I just had to will it.

"Wait, don't you know this already?"

"I haven't grown enough to pierce the blind eternities, let alone survive against Chaos. Unlike my progenitor I am much much different. I can only create life right now. I generate energy, which my progenitor calls Cosmic energy, which can be used with Annihilation Maker to create, shape, and mold any living being that you desire."

"Wait Cosmic Energy?"


"You mean the energy which can literally create entire universes?"


"And I can only create Living beings with it."

"Up to a certain limit, yes. Your body cannot handle too much. And without Annihilation Maker protecting you, your body would probably explode from even the tiniest bit of cosmic power. As you use Annihilation Maker to create more and more beings, your Body will get used to the strain and get stronger allowing you to create more and more powerful beings."

She was thoughtful for a few seconds.

"Though there are a few humans who can use a small amount of cosmic power without repercussions. I believe they are those who have unlocked from what I remember are called Chakras. Perhaps if you unlock that you would be able to use cosmic energy without Annihilation Maker's protections and limitations? Though it would be quite dangerous for you to unlock it now. Neither your body, nor soul is ready."

It was certainly worth a shot in the future.

"Alright then... though I am curious, what does your Human form look like anyway?"

I was flooded with embarrassment once again. "Really? Can't you let it go?"

"Nope." I grinned. "I can already guess you must be really pretty."

Her embarrassment intensified. I swore some of her leaves turned red...

The tree vanished in a flash of light and in front of me was...



Yggdrasil, really? Why? Why did you make her look like Kusano of all people?

I know she's 5000 years old but I'm still uncomfortable.

She looks kind of like a much more knowledgeable and more mature version of Ophis.

This must be because I called you old in my head?

"W-what do you think?" Her blush was really cute though.

"You're really cute."


"Yep... Though I have a question. Can I call you Gen-chan? Gensōkyō is kind of a mouthful even if it's a cool name."

"Sure! I don't mind." She replied hurriedly, still a bit embarrassed.

"So...what do you want to do now?"

"Play a game?"

"Like what board games? It's not like there is a board game here."

"This is a mindscape..." Gen deadpanned. It took me few seconds to understand what she was getting at.

"So, Chess?"

"That game Devils love to play?"


So we played chess and talked the rest of the night until it was time for me to wake up again ready and armed to face the dangerous world.

Somehow knowing that there would be someone always by my side made me actually look forward to this life.

It helped that she was a cute girl.

Like seriously I wanted to pinch those cheeks of hers but I held myself from doing so. I don't want her to dislike me.

Perhaps once we get a bit more familiar with one and another?

A/N: Thank you for reading. Please consider donating to my Patreon. Link in the Signature below. Though if you can't donate a lot it's fine a small amount like 1$ over a long time is better than a short-term $20 or $50.

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