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Creating a setting For a Tabletop RPG

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Hey everyone. Recently my friends and I became interested in table top games, such as DnD and...


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May 4, 2014
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Hey everyone. Recently my friends and I became interested in table top games, such as DnD and Shadowrun. We thought it would be cool to play in our own setting. So naturally, since I am the one who almost always DMs the games it was left to me to create it. Mechanics wise we are running of Dungeons and Dragons 5e since that's what we are most familiar with.

After a night or too of brain storming this is what I have come up with, any suggestion or improvements would be more than welcome, that is why I putting this up here after all.

So I guess first up is the lore behind the setting. Although the setting take place in modern day the lore goes back a ways.

Before creation there were the Abyssal Ones. They were the only things that existed and they inhabited the lands before creation. An endless field of nothingness that extended into infinity. These beings were made up of what we now call Blackfire, the raw essence of nothingness. The Abyssal Ones were all equal in power, and they never had reason to fight or disagree with each other.

Then one Abyssal One grew tired of the constant nothingness and created the first realm. In that instant a portion of the land before creation became a new place, something that had never happened before. The Abyssal one that did this tied its very essence to this plain and became far more powerful than the Abyssal Ones. The Blackfire that formed him changed. What was one pure nothingness had created something and became Whitefire, the power of creation. And this Abyssal One became the first Primordial.

The Primordial saw the power he had gained and looked upon the beauty of his realm, and decreed that his realm should expand to consume the entirety of the land before creation.

The Abyssal Ones tried to resist him but found he was so much greater than them, so they to began to create their own plains and also became Primordials. But the Primordials all looked upon their plains and saw the beauty within them. And so they said that their plain should grow to encompass all other plains and what small parts remained of the land before creation.

And so the Primordials went to war with each other. Each one fought alone, for they new that only their realm should be the one that encompassed all things. And so this war went on for eternity. Time and space were were born and torn apart in an instance, Primordial fought Primordial in epic clashes that would destroy a lesser beings mind if they were to gaze upon it. The few remaining Abyssal Ones could only cower and hide in the scraps of the land before creation that had been left untouched.

It seemed like the war would have no ending, but then four Primordials formed an alliance, they thought that they would rather infinity was split between their plains than risking their deaths and the consumption of their plains. So these four Primordial began to kill the others. One by one the other Primordials fell, till only those for still lived. The four remaining Primordials gazed upon their plains.

Lucifer, the Primordial of Hell, suggested that in order to prevent the four from turning on each other that they should create a pact. They would create the pact and place their own essence within in it, so if they broke it they would be destroyed.

The first to agree was the one many on Earth call God, the Primordial of Heaven. He was benevolent and trusting and had grown tired of the eternal conflict.

The second to agree was the Primordial of Earth, Gaia. She wished to return to her realm and to create new life, not to continue a war that could be ended with words.

The last to agree was Oberon, the Primordial of Fairy. This was not through any wish to continue the conflict, but he was cautious, and he was right to be as Lucifer was a cunning creature.

The pact was formed. It was a simple thing, the other Primordials could not enter, affect or contact anything or anyone in another Primordials plain as long as that Primordial lived. And with the pact made the four retreated to their plains.

After the four Primordials retreated to their plains they began to create life. Gaia was unique among them as she made many races, but the other Primordials created just one. God created the Angels, Lucifer formed Demons and Oberon brought forth the Fae.

The Fae were the greatest of the races. For the other Primordials, rightly, feared that these races may try to strike out against them. But Oberon loved his creations and did not risk to stifle them. In fact he doted on them. He gave them more and more power and he helped them become the most powerful race. At their peak the Fae numbered billions of billions and the had spread across the entirety of Oberon plain.

But then they began to ask him for something he could not give them, they wanted the power of the fires of creation, they wanted Whitefire. Oberon refused, and the Fae unfamiliar to refusal became furious. They began to seek a way to gain Whitefire for themselves, instead they found its opposite. One of the last Abyssal one saw the greed of the Fae and saw a chance for revenge against a Primordial.

It gave itself to the Fae, destroying itself to give them the power of Blackfire. With this power the Fae turned on their creator.

The battle lasted for one hundred centuries and at the end Oberon lay dead, but where there were once billions of billions of Fae there were now just one hundred. These hundred Fae set upon Oberons corpse and devoured him. They ate his body, they ate the remnants of his mind and they consumed his magic, they Fae gained the power of Whitefire.
Then the other Primordials came.

Gaia assaulted Fairy out of fear, fear that the Fae, drunk on new found power would attempt to attack her creations. Lucifer came out of greed, now that Oberon was dead he would be able to claim his realm. God walked across Fairy in rage, he came to avenge his fallen comrade, while they were never friends they had fought together since the birth of time and God thought he owed Oberon at least this.

The Fae cowered and saw that their power would not allow them to fight the Primordials. So in order to survive they gave it up. They created a wall around Fairy that could not be penetrated. It was forged of White and Blackfire and well as the small amount of Oberon blood that had remained when the Fae had finished feasting upon his corpse.
And so the Primordials returned to their realms, and the Fae, weaker than they had ever been gazed upon what their foolishness had wrought.

Gaia was, like Oberon, killed by her creation. Although it was not quite as dramatic. Humans, the dominant race on Gaia's plains poisoned her. It was not deliberate, but centuries of industrial and magical pollution killed her.

Time does not work in a linear fashion when Primordials are concerned, and therefore though she died thousands of years into the future, she died in the past as well.

Heaven and Hell began to war for control of Earth and the inhabitants of the realm could see that the end was approaching. While few Demons or Angles made it past the opposing sides lines, when they did they caused massive amount of damage and death. The greatest of this was when one of Lucifer s most powerful general, the so called Bull of Heaven that was only stopped by the combined efforts of Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

The wizard Merlin, a Hanyo or more specificity a cambion turned his back on his demonic parent and fully embraced humanity. He gazed upon the great wall they Fae had built and he attempted to build something like it.

On his first attempt he took a tiny fragment of the wall and made it grow and become more powerful. It did so but when he released his concentration it fled back to its origin in Fairy.

With his second attempt he anchored the wall to beings he created from it. These beings were the dragons and they were the physical manifestations of the walls power. But these dragons also flew back to Fairy, taking the wall with them.

Merlin's third attempt was successful. He repeated the second attempt but then bound the dragons to two swords. As long as these swords existed upon Earth then the dragons could not leave. Merlin named these swords Caliburnus and Kaledvoulc'h and hid them away.

Okay next is the playable races.

Humans are the original and only natural magic using race of Earth. They are also one of only two races to slay the primordial entity of their home plain of existence. However unlike the fae, who's killing of the primordial entity Oberon was entirely deliberate, the humans killing of Gaia was an accidental event brought about by centuries of industrial and magical pollution. After the death of Gaia humanity found that their plane of existence was now under threat from the forces of the other primordial entities. Humans are also not truly human. Due to their killing of Gaia they ascended from the concept that they were birthed around. However to to the fact that they still believe themselves to be human they remain so.

The warped began to appear in mass after the death of Gaia. With the primordial entity that governed the natural flow of the ether (the free flowing magic that exists on earth) upon Earth dead the ether itself was vastly unstable for a long period until it adjusted to existing without Gaia to direct it. This unstable state of the ether caused mutations to unborn humans changing their bodies to better handle a specific form of magic. While the warped still existed before the death of Gaia they were far less common and were only born when a child was exposed to a truly massive amount of magic in the womb.

The fallen angels are angels that defied God, the primordial being of heaven, and were exiled for it. There are very few fallen angels in existence due to four factors. There are almost no angels that would ever defy God, those that do usually die due to the shock of losing their power after they have been exiled and the impact when they fall, and for those that do survive the fall most cannot prevent the degeneration of their soul. For those that survive all this still usually die due to the fact that the agents of God upon Earth such as the church seek to exterminate them. Fallen angels can also be describes as liches due to the fact that in order to prevent the slow decomposition of their soul the fallen angel must transplant it into an object. The process of this allows them to use a bastardized form of miracles, the magic used by angels, called Thaumaturgy. This is achieved by pushing the ether that is refined in their body through the object transforming it into a form of divine radiance (what replaces the ether in heaven).

The Hanyo are half breeds between a human and a demon. The Hanyo are often accidental and unwanted offspring and this is only made worse by the fact most inherit some features from the demonic parent. The demon blood that courses through the Hanyo's veins allows them to use the demonology school of magic by converting the refined ether in their body into Fel energy, the free flowing magic that exists in hell. There are two main groups of Hanyo. The Open Circle and the Closed Circle. The Open Circle wants the demons of hell and the primordial being of Hell, Lucifer, to gain dominion of the Earth. The Closed Circle is dedicated to stopping the denizens of hell from gaining any form of power on Earth.

Homunculus are created through very high level necromancy. Homunculus are artificial life forms created by forming a suitable body from the spiritually charged remains of powerful necromantic creations. The soul of a homunculus is also artificial, often created from the remnants of several other souls that the necromancer has fused together. Homunculi are created without sentience or free will, however over time a homunculus can develop sentience. After this has occurred it is fairly common for the homunculus to kill their creator in order to gain free will. What triggers the killing of their creator is often fairly mundane and not triggered by some large scale decision. It is common to find a homunculus that killed its creator in order to decide if they should walk up or down a flight of stairs.

Okay, that's all I have done so far. Any input would be appreciated and I need some help coming up with a lot of the different factions. Also should magic be public like Shdowrun or be secret like Dresden files?
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