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Alor be Cin'sara aliit.
Dec 22, 2023
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Ominis Gaunt didn't think much about the new Slytherin student, except to note he was quite odd. However, after interacting with him on multiple occasions he's slowly starting to warm up to the idea of having another close friend. Now if only Sebastian would stop trying to sneak around behind his back.

Sebastian Sallow thought the new student was intriguing, and not just for his ability with a wand. There was a sadness and desperation about the new student that mirrored his own. Kindred spirits were hard to find, and with Ominis showing an interest as well his decision was made.

But the new Slytherin has a couple of dark secrets of his own, and opening up to his new friends is more dangerous than they could possibly imagine.

Pairing: Male Slytherin/Sebastian/Ominis

Warnings: Suicidal thoughts and tendencies, mentioned child abuse and neglect, violence, dehumanization, human experimentation and all that goes with it, blood and light gore, torture (Crucio), pureblood supremacy, racism both humans and goblins.

Look, this game has a lot of heavy topics, you have been warned.

AN: I was pretty bummed you can't romance anyone in Hogwarts Legacy, even as a crush/pupy love. So here I am with the first of a 4 part series exploring relationships in HL. With my own fucked up flavor of backstory for the new Slytherin student!

AN 2: I wasn't sure if the tags were clear or not, but this is a Clean Romance. The most you'll see here is hand holding, cuddling, and maybe the rare smooch.
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Chapter 1: Ominis
When the new student arrived at Hogwarts it was all anyone could talk about. Starting as a Fifth year was surprising enough, but to survive a dragon attack on top of that? It almost sounded completely fabricated, if only the teachers hadn't been overheard speaking of it.

Standing near the windows in the common room he listened to the First years squabbling over whether or not they would be able to see a mermaid. But his attention shifted when the whispers began. "Look, it's the new student! It must be strange starting as a Fifth year."

From what he could hear over the din, the piano playing itself and filling the common room with more noise, it seemed that the new student was a boy named Oliver Parson. It seemed he was going around the room and introducing himself to his new housemates.

How very traditional Slytherin. To begin networking the moment he had a chance.

By the time the young man made his way over to the windows more of the First years had gathered nearby to chatter amongst themselves. In his hand his wand vibrated slightly, tugging to the right in warning. With a chuckle he commented on the First years, noting that he himself had never seen nor heard of a mermaid actually appearing.

"I'm Ominis, Ominis Gaunt." It wasn't a name that one could ignore, not with how prominent and ancient his family was.

"Oliver Parson. Do you... mind if I describe myself to you?"

For a moment he was left speechless, his brows furrowing in confusion. "Whatever do you mean? Why would you describe yourself to me?"

There was a long moment of silence before the young man let out a small sigh. "Your eyes... they don't react to light or follow movement."

It was the politest way anyone had ever pointed out his blindness. And shocking enough that he didn't immediately turn to anger. "Go ahead."

When the young man spoke again there was a faint change to his voice, more relaxed. "I stand at five feet and four inches, with a slim and athletic build. My hair is white, wavy, and falls just shy of my ears. I have caucasoid features with a small nose, sharp jawline, and high cheekbones with proportionate ears. My eyes are a pale blue. I do not require glasses and I have no piercings."

For a moment Ominis itched to reach out and touch the other's face, just to see if he was telling the truth. But he quickly brushed the feeling aside. "Well, that was far more informative than I expected." What he had expected he had no idea, but it certainly wasn't a comprehensive list of the new Fifth year's features.

The young man chuckled and it sounded like he had taken a breath to speak when someone called for the new Fifth year.

"It sounds like Professor Weasley is expecting you. You shouldn't keep her waiting."

"Then I suppose I should get a move on then. It was a pleasure to meet you, Ominis. I hope we meet again in class." And with that he was gone. It was odd, how his words had sounded truly sincere. Maybe he wasn't a traditional Slytherin after all.


The next time he heard about the new Fifth year it was from Sebastian. "I'm telling you, Ominis, he's been in real duels before. His reaction speed and focus weren't normal, and I know Hecat was impressed!"

"Oh really? Maybe he had advanced tutelage. It's all over the school that he's Professor Fig's protege." It wouldn't be that odd for someone to be taught how to defend themselves. Especially with tensions rising between Wizardkind and the Goblins.

"Hm, I'm not sure. Fig doesn't exactly seem like the type to be good in a fight. And I swear that the new student was holding back. Something in his eyes..." Sebastian let out a small tut and from the sound of it had shrugged. "That's neither here nor there, but I think it would be a good idea to get to know him."

Ominis scowled, something dark and heavy burning in his chest. "You do that. I have to go prepare for potions." Standing abruptly he pulled out his wand and relaxed slightly as the world around him became more clear. It wasn't sight, far from it, but he could sense when something was in his way and whether or not it was moving.

"Things will be fine, Ominis, you'll see!" It was the last thing he heard Sebastian say before he turned the corner.


Potions. Not his favourite subject, if only because it was such a visual based art. Professor Sharp was always warning them about what colors a potion should not be, yet without the ability to actually distinguish color there was no way he could correct any mistakes. Everything was muscle memory from practice. But that didn't help him when attempting a brand new potion.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" Tilting his head slightly to better listen he was confused for a moment before recognizing the new Fifth year.

When Ominis didn't answer him right away the new Fifth year shifted, his shoes scuffing against the stone floor. "I heard Slytherins stick together, but if it's an inconvenience to you I can sit somewhere else."

Ominis kept his frown to himself, carefully schooling his face to a neutral politeness. "If the seat is free, then you are welcome to sit there." He said diplomatically.

"Thank you." The sound of something heavy hitting the desk came to him a moment later and he could vaguely make out what the new Fifth year was doing.

"Mr. Parson, a word if you please." Professor Sharp called, sounding as stern and brusque as ever.

The new Fifth year hurried away, leaving his things behind without a second thought. Making two thoughts war within Ominis' mind. Either the new student believed him to be harmless because of his blindness, or he believed him to be trustworthy for some reason. The first thought made his hackles rise but the second had him stumped. Why would someone believe he, Ominis Gaunt, was trustworthy without getting to know him first? Surely his family's Dark nature preceded him. But maybe... maybe the new Fifth year didn't know of his family?

"Oh blast it, I'm sorry Ominis!" Shaking his head slightly to clear it he turned toward the voice.

"Why? What happened?" He asked.

"I tripped and splashed some of my Horklump juice into your cauldron! I'm so sorry! It's all over the table now..." The voice was feminine and vaguely familiar to him, he thought it might be one of the Hufflepuffs.

Letting out a sigh he got up from his chair. "Is my cauldron bubbling over or otherwise looks about to erupt?"

"Um, no. It's a bit too yellow but it's fine?" The voice assured him.

"Do you have cleaning cloths?"

"Oh, I have one but it's already soaked through." There was a moment of hesitation.

"Why don't you find a container to wring the cloth into so the Horklump juice doesn't drip. I'll fetch more cloths." It wasn't want he wanted to be doing, but it was better than having his things drenched in the foul smelling juice.

Going to the cupboard where he knew the professor kept clean cloths for spills he paused when he overheard a hushed conversation.

"It's just one Fwooper feather! The professor won't even miss it. They're not very rare or expensive. Come on." That was Garreth Weasley, the one who thought himself a 'pioneer' of potions. He was always causing disruptions in class with his 'inventions.'

"I don't want to get on Professor Sharp's bad side. Besides, didn't you see the Auror badge? If he doesn't account for every single item in his office daily I'll eat my scarf."

Ominis couldn't help but snort to himself quietly, agreeing with the new student. Sharp was not a man you wanted to cross, retired from being an Auror or not.

"Augh, fine! Let me know if you change your mind." Weasley said, walking off in a bit of a huff.

"...not likely." The new student muttered before disappearing from Ominis range of perception.

Going back to his cauldron with the cloths he held them out to the maybe Hufflepuff. "Here, this should help."

"Oh, thank you Ominis! I did what you suggested and it's been working like a charm!" The cloths were taken from his hand and he sat down again, pondering what to do now about his potion.

He was contemplating just banishing the potion and starting over when the new student returned.

"Hrm, what happened here?" He asked.

"Oh, it's my fault! I spilled my Horklump juice..." The maybe Hufflepuff said sheepishly. "But, um, I'm cleaning it up now s-so it shouldn't interfere with your potion making." When the maybe Hufflepuff spoke again it was with an odd hitch to her voice. It wasn't fear, he knew what fear sounded like, but it wasn't anxiousness either.

"Don't worry about it, I can see that you have everything handled." The new student's voice was soft, as if coaxing a frightened animal. "Did some of it end up in Ominis' cauldron by mistake?" He suddenly asked.

"I... yes, and I am very sorry!" The maybe Hufflepuff said once more.

It was actually becoming a little aggravating.

"Ah, well that won't do. Ominis, do you mind if I come stand next to you on your left side so I can look into your cauldron?"

Once more it felt oddly... specific, the way the new student spoke to him. Almost as if he was used to describing things to someone who couldn't see.

"Ominis? I apologize if I-"

Clearing his throat he gripped his wand tighter in his hand. "Go ahead, although I don't see why you feel the need to do so." He said, voice clipped.

Then the new student stepped closer and Ominis swore he could feel power radiating off of him. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before, almost like the new student wasn't a student at all. His presence was too controlled, too-

"I think I can see the problem. The balance is off. If you add three more leaves of Dittany it should right itself with some steady stirring. I have some extra from the professor if you need it." He offered with what sounded like a smile.

"I don't need-" He began, before the maybe Hufflepuff interrupted him.

"I have some extra leaves! Let me give you a few, as an apology. I don't want you to fail because I messed up." He felt the maybe Hufflepuff step closer but couldn't track the movement because she was moving too fast. He flinched slightly before a hand gently gripped his shoulder, stopping him from falling back off his stool.

"Lenora, that's very kind of you, but you shouldn't just put your fist in someone's face without warning." The new student chastised, letting him go the moment he caught his balance.

Almost like he knew.

"Oh, fiddlesticks. I keep messing this up, huh? I'll just leave them here, sorry again." The Hufflepuff, confirmed this time now that he could put a name to the voice, quickly went back to her own station.

A slight cough caught his attention and he returned his focus to the new student. "Apologies about touching you without warning, it won't happen again." His presence retreated and Ominis knew he'd taken a few steps back. "The Dittany leaves are sitting on the table, on your right side, about two hand-spans from the edge. You should only need three to fix your potion."

And with that the new student went back to his potion without another word.

Sitting there for a moment, contemplatively, he finally reached over to find the small pile of leaves. It was exactly where the new student had said it was. Picking out three he dropped them into his cauldron and began to stir slowly in a clockwise motion.

The faint scraping sound of a shoe against stone, coupled with the heavy thump of a boot, preceded the appearance of Professor Sharp. "How is it coming along Mr. Parson?"

"I've just finished, professor." The new student said confidently.

"Hrm, this is well done. I do not hand out praise lightly, Mr. Parson, and you would do best to remember that."

"Of course, Sir. I will do my best to live up to your expectations." It was wholly diplomatic with no hint of boot-licking or over confidence. Just a statement of fact.

"Mr. Gaunt, your potion is ready to be bottled." There was a moment of silence before he grunted. "It's looking much better than before. Keep at it."

Ominis knew that he was terrible at potions, being unable to see the color shift made it difficult to discern whether the potion was ready or not. So the mild praise from the professor was quite a shock. "Thank you, Sir."

"Time is up! Bottle your potions and bring them to me for inspection. Once you've cleaned up you may be dismissed!" The professor's voice rose over the noise of the class, before he lowered his voice once more. "You two are free to leave once you clean up. Miss. Everleigh, see me after class."

"Yes, Sir." The Hufflepuff said, sounding quite dejected.

Ominis carefully began bottling his potion but noticed that the professor had yet to leave.

"One more thing, Mr. Parson." The man said, his voice even quieter than before. "Points to Slytherin for aiding another student." Then the man walked away, leaving the three of them to their cleanup.

"Ooo, I just know I'm going to get an earful! I swear I didn't do it on purpose, I think someone accidentally enlarged my shoes in Charms the other day." The Hufflepuff complained to herself.

On the other side Parson, and he now remembered his first name was Oliver, let out a quiet chuckle.

Then the new student seemed to notice his attention. "I have to speak with Professor Sharp myself about extra assignments. I'll see you back in the Common Room later Ominis. Have a good rest of your day."

And with that the other teen was gone. Leaving Ominis to suffer through the muttered whining of the Hufflepuff girl.

It was an odd encounter all around, and one he was sure would repeat itself at some point.

He wasn't sure if he was looking forward to it or not.

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