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[DC] Raven's Replacement (Raven Lunacy sequel; OC in Teen Titans)

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This story was originally inspired by Prince Charon in a prompt you can find here. Actually...
Author Notes for 'Raven's Replacement'
Author Notes for 'Raven's Replacement'

This story is a sequel for 'Raven Lunacy'. It's based in an alternate Teen Titans/DC Universe to the one of Raven Lunacy, and Geo arrives earlier in the time-line. The real difference is that the Geo who arrives in response to the 'apprentice summoning' has already been 'graduated' by a previous Raven. Possibly worth noting is that 'astral projection' is an important part of the story (as is 'meditation').

There are multiple references to 'alchemical technology', alch-tech, in the story. This is a set of add-on rules for the tabletop fantasy role-playing game D&D, which were written in the late 1970s, and were still being updated into the 2000s. The rules cover a very wide range of 'tech levels', and a great deal of technology found in science fiction stories has a write-up there.

Please be warned: if you don't like tech, or you're looking for an action-based story, this isn't likely to suit you.

AN: Astral projection, going places in spirit, leaving your unconscious physical body behind. Can be fun, could be rather risky if you don't know what you're doing. Meditation may help.

AN: I believe the idea of 'tech level' was first widely spread by GURPS.

AN: The author has requested that the alch-tech rules are not directly linked (maybe they're planning on moving them?), but a duckduckgo search for "(a)d&d technologist character class index" seems to find them, as 'Index to Technologists'.
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Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 1
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 1

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AN: This is an 'Author Omake', this one happens to be 'canon', but shouldn't (greatly) impact the overall story, so you can skip it if you want to. It falls after Episode 5, 'The Rules'.

AN: Do you believe in 'spoilers'? If so, do not read this Omake. You've been warned.





AN: Still here? OK, read on.


I'm not dead. Always a good start. At least, I don't think I am. Difficult to be certain.

You might think, 'How can someone not be sure if they're dead?'.

Well, not being in your original body is a good start. Not knowing if your current body counts as 'alive'. And, being rather concerned about the state of your original body.

OK, you might be wondering who I am?

I'm Raven.


Apparently I'm both a Princess and a Toy, who lives in Toyland. The inhabitants are all toys, of different sorts, many carved wooden dolls. I live in a castle, and I have my own Tower. My purpose in life is apparently to lean out the (unglazed) window, at the top of the Tower, and sigh, as I wait for my prince to come and rescue me.

Sometimes, if I get into the right state of mind, I can half-recall another life. In that I also lived in a Tower, but I was one of a group of great heroes, who fought against evil. For a while I hoped one of them would come and rescue me, but, then I had a nightmare, one night. One that I cannot forget.

In that the heroes were also wooden dolls, and they were in a T-shaped Tower, by the sea. But, their Tower was a dolls-house, owned by an immense red ogre, who played with the dolls, in cruel games.

One of the dolls was not like the others, it was a girl doll, in a cowl, but she never moved, always lay in her bed. No matter how much the other dolls begged her to help them. I half-recall wearing a cowl like that, once, myself...


I've tried to escape, on my own.

But, whenever I get far from my castle I get weak, and the further I go the weaker I get. Eventually I fall to the ground, unable to move. But, fortunately, other dolls quickly find me. Carry me back to the castle. And, in a day or two, my strength returns.

I've asked the other dolls, ordered them, to tell me what lies beyond the wood, on the other side of the hill. Most, just look at me with blank eyes, say they don't understand me. But, a few, the less predictable ones, they say nothing, but look at me with real fear in their eyes.

So, who am I?

I'm Princess Raven.

And I'm very, very, boar(e)d.


AN: The Adventures of Noddy might be relevant...

AN: Normally it's spelled 'bored', not 'board'...

AN: So, the 'Doll Princess', the 'Wooden Heir'?


AN: Still here? OK, read the above.





AN: Do you believe in 'spoilers'? If so, do not read the above Omake. You've been warned.

Next >
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Missing Episode - Episode 7
Missing Episode - Episode 7

Episode 7 had gone missing. It was written, polished, but was gone, over-written by Episode 6. So, I've had to reconstruct/rewrite, and I'd neither time nor energy to do that.

Ten hours later, I've had a night of sleep, and done a total rewrite. The previous version was a bit 'lazy', was 'speed run' grab-the-med-bay. It's still a speed-run, but there's more background, logic, reasons why there's a need to hurry.

This hasn't had several days of rereads and polishing, but, I hope it'll do.

Sorry about the delay...
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Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 2
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 2

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AN: This is an 'Author Omake', this one happens to be 'canon', but shouldn't (greatly) impact the overall story, so you can skip it if you want to. It falls after Episode 10, 'Names and Pack Drill'.

AN: Do you believe in 'spoilers'? If so, do not read this Omake. You've been warned.





AN: Still here? OK, read on.


Someone has apparently decided that as a princess I need a ladies-maid.

I'm not sure who, or, why. But, I now have one. Her name is 'Miss Carver'.


And I'm 'Princess Raven', or, as I prefer, 'Raven'.

She gives me someone to talk to. Which, I'm a bit suspicious about. Are princesses supposed to have someone, safe, to confide in? How do I know she's 'safe'? Who might she tell my secrets to?

So, I ask her about herself.

Like me, she's a wooden doll, a Toy. As are many of those in Toyland. Those who aren't talking animals or other beings. Her father's the Royal Woodcarver, Mr. Carver.

He lives on the far-side of the wood, where I can't go. And, he carefully selected every piece of wood she's made of, carefully shaped them, then breathed life into her.

She's... got more 'life', personality than most of the dolls. Hasn't got the fearful-eyes of the stranger dolls, who mostly avoid me. Maybe I pressed them for answers, a few too many times? I think... she's got secrets. Ones she wants to tell me.

But, she wants to be sure, or surer, of me first.

We're at a bit of an impasse. I don't trust her, she doesn't trust me. So, I offer to tell her one of my secrets, if she'll then tell me one of hers. She looks thoughtful, and, the next day, says she'll show me a secret trick, that almost no one knows.

So, I tell her of one of my early-dreams, of the dolls in the other Tower, by the sea.

She's... shocked, and... elated.

Explains how there's a special spot, on the back of the neck of some special dolls, like her, me, and my friends in the Tower, by the sea. Very hard to reach, but, if you do, and press firmly there, then...

Just tells me I'll like the result.

I'm... suspicious. So, I insist she does it first, then I will follow.

We do this.


I'm... outside my wooden, doll, body. To start with I'm dressed as a princess, then, I reach deep into myself, pull-up the hero in the hooded-robe. And, I'm her. With... my grey skin, like my doll's skin, but flexible, like heavy cloth. My hair is far less coarse. I... feel deep wells of power, within myself.

Looking down, I can see my doll-body, lying on my tiny bed. And, on the floor, is my maid's-body. An even smaller figure, see-through, next to her. I kneel, move my face close, reach out a finger. She's about the same length as it. Looks, bravely, at giant-me.

"I knew you were our true princess! I knew it!" And she drops a deep curtsey, something she's not done before.

"You will save us from the red ogre who calls himself king! Restore those forced into wooden dolls to their true selves! Free all the people!"

I know I was a (great?) hero, but... Wasn't I captured, forced into a wooden doll myself? My... magic lost, my memory gone, almost power-less? Hadn't I already lost? Wasn't I... hoping against hope that someone would rescue me?

The word 'apprentice' floats into my mind, for some reason, then's... gone.

Do I have any power?

The mite looks at me. What did she say? Her father breathed life into her?

Leaning closer, I breathe on her, willing some of this 'hidden power' I'm not convinced I have into her. She doubles in height, is now far less see-through. Looks at her hands, front, then back, feels her face.

Gives an immense grin.

"Thank you! You are indeed our true princess! You will fell the ogre, your father, and take his place!"



We spoke for a while, in that strange unreal place.

Then, returned to our bodies. She'd some trouble, but eventually managed it. I... was far less sure. Pressed the back of the neck of my... more squishy body. Nothing.


I... recalled meditation. So, I float, cross-legged in the air. And... slide back into wood.

It's... deeply uncomfortable.

My maid looks at me with eager eyes, as if I will immediately start a revolt. I feel... that's unwise. Stretching, twisting, bending in improbable ways, I settle into the wood. It feels... more alive. My servant, not my prison.

I... fold my legs up, float, cross-legged, in mid-air.

She looks at me. Gulps. And, with several jerks, copies me. We float, face-to-face. Grinning wildly at each other.

"You call yourself my maid, but I hereby offer to take you as my Apprentice. Do you accept?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"For your first lesson you will learn to meditate. Control. First the self, then the world around you."

We begin.


AN: There Can Be Only One? Apprentice, that is. Should Geo feel she's been replaced? :)


AN: Still here? OK, read the above.





AN: Do you believe in 'spoilers'? If so, do not read the above Omake. You've been warned.

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Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 3
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 3

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AN: This is an 'Author Omake', this one happens to be 'canon', but shouldn't (greatly) impact the overall story, so you can skip it if you want to. It falls after Episode 15, 'Body. Mind, Bear'.

AN: Do you believe in 'spoilers'? If so, do not read this Omake. You've been warned.





AN: Still here? OK, read on.



Knowing that it's not a dream. Is real. That the places you go are real.

I'm at the Tower, by the sea. The 'T'-shaped one. Made of glass and metal. On an island, by a city.

But... the city is wrong.

It's sprawling, yes, but the houses are made of stone, or wood, or earth. The people, they have many shapes, but few of them look happy. And, the happy ones, they're in secret, with family or close friends.

Over the city, built for a giant, looms... the Royal Castle.

It's stone, built for a siege.

In my spirit-form, as stealthy as possible, I don't want to go anywhere near it. Do not want to be glimpsed from its arrow-slits, its look-out towers, its battlements. It looks... strangely deserted to the naked eye, but I can see it throngs with unseen forces.

There's a path, from the castle, down to the shore.

It looks new, smashed debris of the properties that were once there've just pushed to one side or other. Compared with the size of the city-dwellers that's the path of a giant. And, laid with new cobble-boulders.

I do not see the giant. I'm... afraid I know what he looks like. He's strode my dreams, laughed at my fears. He's...

My father.


At the Tower.

Up close it's... a little crude. Good from a distance, here you can see the glass-and-metal windows of the front are a little uneven. And, the hinge, the metal catch that holds the front in place, that spoils things, too.

Through the wall. Drawn to... my room. The doll lying in the bed. It's... not mine. My spirit has never enlivened it. But, there's a faint magic of life about it. An impression that, any moment, the eyes might open, the limbs move.

The room, it's familiar. Books on shelves, chests that should contain... magical tools. A place that's... Suddenly, I'm sure. A fake.

A... wooden hand opens the door. It's... green. A green-skinned face looks in. He... Garfield? Does not look happy. I want, I NEED to do something.

I... will the hand of the doll on the bed to move. It refuses. I... move my spirit hand, FORCE the doll-hand to move. It twitches. Garfield was turning away, but caught the movement. Turns back. Stares.

One of the magic (ha!) books floats over from its shelf. As suspected, the pages, ruffled-through, all blank. A fake. A piece of sharpened charcoal isn't, though. Floats over to the book. Scrawls...


Garfield falls to his knees, sobs, I'm guessing. No tears fall from wooden face, wooden eyes.

I'm... exhausted. I... fade.

Wake in my bed. In my Tower. My maid is sleeping, in her maid-bed, at the foot.



The king is coming!

There's celebration, panic, both.

He walks through Toyland. A giant among the toys, the animals, though only about half-again their height. Red-haired, clean-shaven, crowned in a thing of twisted white bone or horn, hanging four rubies on his forehead.


He moves swiftly, crowding me into my Tower. Grasps me firmly by the upper-arms, inspects me, leans down, takes a loud sniff of my hair. Holds me at arms-length. Feet off the ground.

"You look well!"

Another brief inspection.

"Yes, it is you. No clever imposter. I know the smell of my own. And, yes, you are stronger. Have freed some of your power."


He grins widely. Carefully puts me down, leans forward.

"You are worth all your brothers, and more. They simper, they plot. They waste the space they occupy. No fire! No life! No defiance! Not like you."

He inspects me again, prowls into the next room, where my maid waits. I hurry after. She's... apparently fallen into a deep sleep. Strides up to her, leans, takes another deep sniff.

"Excellent! You're empowering servants. I expect a splendid revolt! Entertain me!"

His voice drops.

"If you don't attack me, sooner or later the will of your... fellows, in the doll-Tower will fail. They'll acknowledge me as their liege. Then, you can have them as knights. But, I expect better of you."

He starts to fade, while swelling into something monstrous.

"Hurry, I'm bored!"


AN: Still here? OK, read the above.





AN: Do you believe in 'spoilers'? If so, do not read the above Omake. You've been warned.

Next >
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Late Omake - Author Omake 3
Late Omake - Author Omake 3

Busy weekend, busy month, really, didn't have time to publish Author Omake 3 before Episode 16. So, I put a 'place holder' in. While that was only there for a few hours (3?), you might've read that and been confused. The real (rather rushed, so hope it's OK) Omake has now been posted.
Author Note 2 for 'Raven's Replacement'
Author Note 2 for 'Raven's Replacement'

You might be wondering, "What the *bleep* is going on in this story?".

As the previous Author Note said, this story is a sequel. If you haven't read the first story then any confusion is quite understandable, but I'm afraid that's your problem, not mine. Quite a few strange terms, even characters, will only make sense if you've read the first story, sometimes the 'AN' at the end of the episode.

More exactly, you could be wondering what the logic of this story is. Telling you this earlier might've been a 'spoiler', and while I might not particularly believe in those, some people do, with a fanatic devotion. I do not want to join the list of authors who've received death threats for 'spoiler'-ing their own work.

If you haven't figured-out by now that these stories use 'Geo', AKA 'Sugoi', as the point-of-view (PoV) character then I'll reveal that now. If other viewpoints are required then they cannot be in the (main) story, they can only be (Author) Omake, side-stories. These Omake may not be synchronised with the main-story, so, 'spoilers'.

In this story Raven, of the Teen Titans, has been split in two. At story start her emptied-body was where Geo found herself. Where's the rest of her? That's the subject of a series of hand-threaded Author Omake, published (hopefully) after every five episodes of the main-story. Yes, these Omake are 'canon'.

So, you can make the case, that this story consists of two parallel story 'threads'. Will Geo's Raven, the main-story one, rescue Doll Raven? Will Doll Raven escape her father, with or without her fellow Doll Teen Titans? Will Raven's father, Trigon, be defeated? You can hope that these questions will be answered, in story or omake.

How do you find-out what's going to happen?

Well, the traditional way is to read the story. :)

AN: Spoiler; because everyone has to learn new terms, sometime. Being generous I'll also throw-in Omake and Canon. I'll even throw-in Thread! :)
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Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 4
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 4

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AN: This is an 'Author Omake', this one happens to be 'canon', but shouldn't (greatly) impact the overall story, so you can skip it if you want to. It falls after Episode 20, 'Slay'd, Worm'd, Shop'd, and Mind'd'.

AN: Do you believe in 'spoilers'? If so, do not read this Omake. You've been warned.





AN: Still here? OK, read on.


Walking in the woods. One of my hobbies. On the boundaries of Toyland.

I am, after all, a Toy. A wooden doll. Dressed as a princess. Though, a princess 'out in the wilds'.

There's not much wilds in this wood. It looks managed to within an inch of its life. Carefully-placed hardwood trees, no pines, nice grassy areas, clumps of wild-flowers. No bracken, no dead-wood, no fallen tree-trunks. The only fungii being safely edible, or those blatantly poisonous.

Someone must have designed this place, a few centuries ago, assuming the trees grew naturally. And, I'm guessing that various pixies and sprites maintain it, as it is. Possibly with gritted teeth. Some of those visit town, some live there, though they tend to be the more urban varieties.

I wonder how this wood benefits my father? Maybe he thinks Toyland and its surroundings is an amusing joke?

I'm... not sure I want to understand him well enough to know.


Slowly I fight to get further into the wood, before weakness makes me collapse. My judgement's got better, and now I can hover on the edge, as my vision fades in and out, pushing my limits.

It seems to, slowly, free more of my chained power, as does meditation, practice with my Apprentice. I... need to improve quicker.

I'm pretty sure patience isn't a virtue my father enjoys exercising.


My maid's... acquiring a stronger personality.

Is now able to disagree with me. I'm encouraging this, but only if she can give me good reasons. Her spirit's rapidly growing, it's now the size of a human child's, a little over three-foot tall. That's... impressive.

I... fear for her safety.

But, my safety is also in considerable doubt.


A prince has come to town.

He's arrogant, and, in my opinion, deeply stupid.

About a head taller than me, with our father's red hair, wearing a simpler version of father's crown. But, still the four forehead-rubies. And power like a cloak.

"You don't mind me visiting, do you, sister Raven?"

He doesn't bother introducing himself. So, in my head, I call him 'Pride'.

"I'm sure our father knows of your visit."

He looks a little hunted, then his features smooth.

"Father know all."

I've told my maid to hide, I don't want him to see her, get... ideas.

"Dear brother, do you have a reason to visit? Or, are you just wandering?"

"I always have a reason for what I do."

I'm not convinced...

"You, sister, have never been seen in court. So, when I heard you were in father's realm, I had to come and see you. It would've been rude to do otherwise."

So, he's probing, trying to figure-out if I'm a new 'player' he needs to be concerned with.

"I'm enjoying being in this rural place."

Let's see if he can spot me lying. No, doesn't look like he's that ability.

"You enjoy playing with toys?"

An attack! I was wondering when that'd come.

So, I need to respond.

Take a big risk.


We're elsewhere.

I'm in human form, in my robe, hood down, in a pleasant sitting-room. He's also in human form, dressed as he was, except his crown's gone, and he's entirely human. None of the 'eldritch aura' that previously cloaked him.

He looks around, wildly. Then, smooths his face.

"An interesting exercise of power."

I indicate the seats, on either side of a small table.

He sits, so do I. I lift the steaming teapot, pour him, then me, a cup. Use the sugar tongs to lift a cube.

He watches me with wide eyes, obviously fighting to keep his composure. This is going to be a delicate job of social balancing, when one of us is very weak on the rules.

"One lump or two?"


A long period of social fencing.

With me in quite firm control. He doesn't know how much power I have, where we are, what I want from him. I do my best to not educate him, while probing for information.

He's... looking at his limits. Much more and he might do something... unwise. Rude. Something we'll both regret.

Father apparently told his court that I was 'visiting', though not where I was. Told them not to 'bother' me. Smiled as he said that.

I'll have to give my (half) brother a few marks for finding me. Or, I guess he might just have intimidated or bribed someone. Not that all uses of bribery are wrong...

Let's see. I think he's about reached the limits of social discourse.

"This has been a pleasant visit, sister, but I now need to take my leave."

With an effort of will and the final dregs of my power we're back in Toyland. And, both of us are as we were, when we left.

His hand flashes to his forehead, brushes over his 'rubies', he lets out a sigh of relief.

"I... must be going."

There's a swirl of fire.

He's gone.


The policeman comes up to me, thanks me for handling the situation.

I'm... gritting the teeth my wooden mouth doesn't have, being polite to him. Carefully walking back to my Tower, as my vision fades in and out. Evicting my maid from under my bed.

Collapsing on it.



AN: Sugar cubes; so now you know. :)

AN: Still here? OK, read the above.





AN: Do you believe in 'spoilers'? If so, do not read the above Omake. You've been warned.

Next >
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Late Omake - Author Omake 4
Late Omake - Author Omake 4

Robots kidnapped my brain, held me hostage, didn't have time to publish Author Omake 4 before Episode 21. So, I put a 'place holder' in. While that was only there for a few hours (11?), you might've read that and been confused. The real Omake has now been posted.
Author Note 3 for 'Raven's Replacement'
Author Note 3 for 'Raven's Replacement'

If you're worried about 'spoilers'...

That might be why you're not reading the 'Doll Raven' Author Omake. Generally, reading those is 'safe' between a day and a week after they're posted. The latest one spoiler'd something in Episode 21. The previous one was 'safe to read' after Episode 20.

I think.

They vary. :)
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 5
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 5

< First
< Previous

AN: This is an 'Author Omake', this one happens to be 'canon', but shouldn't (greatly) impact the overall story, so you can skip it if you want to. It falls after Episode 25, 'Remotely Demonic'.

AN: Do you believe in 'spoilers'? If so, do not read this Omake. You've been warned.





AN: Still here? OK, read on.


Miss Carver. My maid. My Apprentice.

My 'hostage to fortune'.

All I had to do was say the wrong thing to the wrong person, and she would be dead. Or worse. 'Or worse' was a definite possibility.

She's a wooden doll, a Toy, like me. Possibly made by a rebel against my father, to be my companion, that rebel being her father. But, while flesh-and-blood was involved in me existing, though I currently have none of that, she was carved into existence. From wood.

I think.

That's one of those things I need to confirm, for myself. Without revealing any more of my possible plans than I'm happy with.


"Meeting my brother was... difficult."

"Yes, My Teacher and My Princess. But, I did what you asked. Hid from him. And, someone who tampers with the bed of a Princess is taking a big risk. So, I hid under it."

Did I mention she's... a work in progress? And, rather naive.

While my half-brother was being cautious, I doubt wrecking my possessions would greatly concern him. Though, if he thought our father was watching it all, maybe...

OK. She could have a good point.

"I'm glad we both survived. And, the experience was very useful in a number of ways. Confirmed what my father said of my brothers. Let me test that tiny private dimension we exhausted ourselves creating. Let me push my power to the limit."

What I don't tell her is I should have added 'and beyond' to that last statement. Exactly what would happen if I pushed myself too far, I don't know. I've got, I believe, immense reserves, locked away. But, if I reach the limits of even those, go beyond?

I might... permanently injure myself. My spirit. My essential self.

"Come. I want both of us to leave our bodies, without that 'special trick'. Leaving our bodies meditating, levitating. Then, I believe I've devised a way that might improve your power. But, I suspect it will be very painful. Are you willing to attempt this?"



I think... her spirit is now as large, as powerful, as an average human.

I'm working from memory, here. And, she's far more skilled with her spirit than that human. But, my father, my brothers. They'd defeat her with no effort at all.

Yes, it did hurt her. And, my empathy meant I felt that, too.

I'd been afraid I'd lost my empathy, my gift from my mother, with my physical, fleshy, body. Which, maybe rests back in the Tower, by Jump City. Or, maybe is dead and buried. Cremated. I just don't know.

Another possibility, it's being worn by another. Who is maybe pretending to be me. Then, there's that desperate half-done ritual I did, as I clung to my body. Who knows what resulted from that?

But, I feel my empathy trickling back. The psychic powers connected to it. My shadow, which is oh so useful. Feels like it was all... injured, but is now slowly healing.

I'm... a lot stronger. I willed a pot-plant into existence. While I was astral, with my Apprentice. Then, I reached across the dimensional barriers, to the physical. Forced the plant, and its pot, to exist physically. I'm... pretty sure it's stable, will last as long as a normal one would, in Toyland.

A major achievement, though, hopefully to an observer, trivial.

I'd considered creating a living body of some sort for myself. A copy of my original one would be the obvious choice. Maybe one for Miss Carver. But, the risks...

That observer, I suspect my father's watching. Or, he has someone else watching, for him. Instructed to call him when I do 'something interesting'. He might have set one or more of my brothers to the task. Though, if the visitor was representative, probably not.

He'd... cheat. Lie. 'Slack off' as Beast Boy would call it.

So, more likely an, observant and skilled, reliable minion.

But, we've more work to do...


I've worked with my Apprentice, on the astral.

We've crafted protective amulets, for both of us. To guard our wooden bodies, while we're away. When we return to them we'll be carving the physical forms of those amulets, tying the astral part to them.

It's... something I've invented. New, as far as I know. When I get home, to my library, I'll check. Probably an ancient trick.

I anticipate it being particularly effective.

Then, astral amulets made, I talk my Apprentice through the major ritual working we're both doing. Creating the framework of our own, personal, defences. Permanent wards that'll cloak us all the time, whether we're physical or astral. Tied to our spirits, not those wooden bodies.

My Apprentice... struggles. Fails, this time.

I've got my personal one in place. It... looks good. Solid and reliable. Strong but flexible, gives me plenty of room to grow inside it. I think I've invented the spirit defence that I spent so long searching for in ancient books.

Reminds me to balance book and practical research. I've none of my beloved library, here. So, it's all practical.

I've... noticed how the other Toys, and Fae, and talking animals, stuffed and fleshy, seem to be reacting to her. They... show her respect. Nod politely to her. I don't think there's any fear. Just she's... more real. Has a stronger presence.

Soon, I hope. Soon she'll be strong enough to travel with me in our dreams. To the Tower, by the Sea, with the Great City, loomed over by the Royal Castle. I want to show her the Titans, no matter their pitiful reduced state.

Teach her something of the size of problem we face. How large, how monstrous, is my father.

Hmm. That's a thought. Maybe my father has a library I can loot?

But, no, I don't want her to see him, yet. Maybe I can find an estate, or something, where one of my brothers rules. Let her glimpse one of them. See the power they wield.

Because, if she saw my father, it would...

Destroy her.


AN: Hostage to fortune; thought you might like to know.

AN: Still here? OK, read the above.





AN: Do you believe in 'spoilers'? If so, do not read the above Omake. You've been warned.

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Late Omake - Author Omake 5
Late Omake - Author Omake 5

I'm afraid this is the third time in succession I've put a 'place holder' in because I'd not time, over the weekend, to write an Omake before the next Episode. I'm not very fond of that pattern, or the fact I've no current Episode buffer. It's not sustainable. I... may have to re-think things.

There wasn't time to publish Author Omake 5 before Episode 26. While that was only there for less than a day, you might've read that and been confused. The real Omake has now been posted.
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 6
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 6

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AN: This is an 'Author Omake', this one happens to be 'canon', but shouldn't (greatly) impact the overall story, so you can skip it if you want to. It falls after Episode 30, 'Doctor Moon'.


A doctor wants to call. At my Royal Tower. He's sent me his card.

"Doctor Az. Physician to the Noble, and All In Need."

Yes, I'm guessing it's a 'he'.

A little... unusual. Probably not from my father's court. They'd just barge-in. I think. Though, after what I did to my brother, maybe not. I'm... curious.

Send back a note.

"Please visit."


"Call me 'Uncle Az'."

Maid's hiding in the next room. What's she to do if doctor turns nasty? Don't know.

But, at least, might give her a chance to run-away.

She's... more powerful than when we started. Her Apprenticeship. How powerful? Not sure. Nothing to compare with. Except memories.

I think... she's, maybe, as powerful as I was, when first started teaching myself magic. I'd sneaked in, to the Temple of Azar, back in Azarath. I was... eight? Nine?

No seasons in Azarath, but that fitted with my ceremonial birth-days. Call it nine.

Found myself dreaming bout Azarath.

Woke, a few nights ago, recalling my combat training. Bucket of ice-cold water, middle of the night. Out of my soaked bed. Fight for my life.

The martial monks were strict. But, they wanted me to live. Have a chance to fight, for my life.

When Trigon came.

Everyone knew you couldn't fight Trigon with your fists, weapons. You needed to use your mind, your spirit. So, physical training, education, spiritual training. Meditation. Learning to use everything you had.

For me, that included... magic. And, the empathic powers I'd gained from mother.

Monks taught me to read and write. Ignited my love of books. Taught me basic arithmetic. How bodies worked, inside and out. Sensing the ills of animals. Healing them.

Azarath, priests of Azar healed humans. At the temple. Or, if patient couldn't be moved, where they lay injured.

I saw a priest at work, one day. Draw injury out of a monk, near-dead from a training accident. Too ill to move. Then, resisting the pain. Obviously meditating, as they, themselves, healed.

I had to learn. Needed to. First times I'd chosen to do something, I'd not been instructed to.

There's an aura about the priest. As they leave the training yard. Of... accomplishment. I stepped forward, reached out a hand. Was brushed past. Ignored.

But, I touched her robe. Felt... the power. The power of healing. Of Azar.

Kneeling before me, down on one knee. A dark-red robed figure, hood-up, head-bowed. Waiting for my attention. I sensed, tasted, felt, knew...

The Power of Azar.



Figure gets-up. Robe hides all, bar golden-glow of a pair of eyes, hint of a face, below.

"How do you have the Power of Azar?"

Golden eyes look into wooden painted ones. I'm... inspected, judged. Weighed... And, I can feel, accepted.

"Niece. I'm glad you look well. Your spirit appears much healed, from when I last saw you. Would you have me speak of that time?"

I swallow.

How? Don't know. Wooden dolls don't have throats. But, recently, physical sensations of my lost body have returned. Almost as though the doll... is an illusion. A cloak worn to keep those around me... happy.


Raises his head. I see his face, better. He... resembles my father. Trigon.

"You were a doll. As you seem now. But, hardly anything but a doll. A flicker of spirit. Maybe dying. Your father... Trigon. He was furious. Tore the demon, who delivered the dolls, in two. Then into quarters. Ever smaller pieces. Stamped on the pieces."

"I seem... quite healthy, now. My... visiting brother seemed impressed. Did... father send you here?"

"No. I wander the lands. Only going to court if summoned. There, typically, I work to heal one he's injured. I refuse to stay there, watching him injure others. I... stayed, in the hope that I could heal you."

"Tell me more."

"Three days and nights, I wrestled with Death. Bargained. Plead. She... stepped back. Said it was not yet your time. But, mine would come, soon. And, she would be there. I... thanked her for her kindness."

"You saved my life?"

"I believe so. I'd never seen someone so badly injured survive. I think... you were not yet ready to die. That's why I fought so long and hard. And, yes, I had other reasons. After all, you're..."

"Yes, yes?"

"My Niece."


We eat, and drink. He consumes food reasonably normally, drinks. Chewing, sipping, swallowing. I bring food near my painted mouth. Bits disappear. Cup gets emptier. I... feel better.

"How can I have an Uncle? Are you my mother's brother?"

He pushes his hood back, a little. Shows his red-skinned face, two sets of closed eyes, on his forehead, neatly filed-off horns.

"No. I'm from your father's side."

He sighs.

"I'm... the touchy, feely, part. The bits of the power of Azar, his father, that he's not comfortable with. Cast out, given my own body. To walk-around in. To... heal. He wont, can't, harm me. I'm part of him. But, long as I don't speak, act, against him, I wander the lands, freely."

"I must ask... how was I injured? Did... my father do it?"

"No. There's no mark of his power on you. Or, power of any but yours. Twas as if you... drained yourself, near death. Doing... some great work of magic? I don't know."

He shakes his head.

I... Remember.

Frantic ritual. Fighting to hold on to my spirit. Resist it being ripped from my body. The magic, the power draining from me. Into the ceremony. My, last, final, attempt. A summoning.

Drawing on every ounce of my strength, magical, spiritual. A ritual to summon....

My Apprentice.


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Hiatus - Author Note 4 for 'Raven's Replacement'
Hiatus - Author Note 4 for 'Raven's Replacement'

I'm declaring a 'Hiatus'. Not something I wanted to do, but the last couple of weeks have been... unpleasant. I've had no Episode Buffer since the start of this month, September 2020, so, write one episode a day, often immediately before it's posted.

I'm two weeks behind with the per-episode Character Sheet updates. They drive the logic of some episodes, check things are going OK, give me episode ideas. I've done no Omake except for the 'Doll Raven' ones for... three weeks? Don't know. And, messed-up sleep is impacting the rest of my life.

So. Hiatus. Need to build my Episode Buffer to at least three episodes, before I start posting, again, Write at least one episode or Omake which isn't 'Raven's Replacement', or a 'Doll Raven' Omake. I'm hoping that means next episode will be posted Monday 21st September 2020.

This story is important to me. Helped kick-start my creative energies, survive the Covids. Makes me happier. But, I can't let it wreck the rest of my life. So, sorry, need this hiatus. And, during it, I'll try avoid falling under a bus. :)
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 7
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 7

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AN: This is an 'Author Omake', this one happens to be 'canon', but shouldn't (greatly) impact the overall story, so you can skip it if you want to. It falls after Episode 35, 'Quiet Evening'.


Dr. Azar's left. Left me... with much to think of.


My maid hurries in. One advantage of wooden dolls is there's less dusting. No human skin, far less dust to clean-up. Just what comes from outside, is shed by living visitors.

She's still dusty from hiding under my bed. Guess that needs a more regular clean.

"He's gone. He was... my Uncle. The white sheep of the family."

I look at her.

"We're going to have to kill him. When my father falls, he will as well."

She looks at me.

We hug.


Something I needed to check. After my brother's visit. My 'palace' got bigger.

I say palace, I originally just had a Tower. But, mysteriously, while I'm sleeping, sometimes my home gets bigger.

There. I said it. My 'home'.

Guess this place has become that?

But. My palace. Its tendency to grow.

I think it's a property of this world, it's magical nature. Places change to fit those who live there. Conversely, I suspect the people change to fit the places they live. I'd better watch that. I could lose more of myself, that way.

But, I wonder, maybe my father put me here to heal? Gave me the Tower to shape me into the daughter he wanted? Or, it's all a joke to him?

Can't tell.

No point in worrying.

The new 'feature' was a stable-yard and stables. These, of course, contain horses. Rocking-horses, of course.

Carver and I inspected them. Finely-made, beautifully carved, from many sorts of wood. Though, she said, not up to father's standards. Inanimate, though, I'm guessing the world-magic doesn't produce animate beings.

"Do you think we could animate them? Breathe life into hem?"

And interesting question from her.

So, we try.


A ritual circle, in a large, mostly-clear, room. I think it's a 'tack room', or, maybe somewhere horses are brought into to be dressed, before being taken riding. We carry the horse I like the look of, best, draw the circle around it. We can both draw on magic, these days, to make ourselves stronger.

I found a blackboard, chalk, cleaning materials, in a hidden cupboard in the palace. Actually, 'found', I laid my will on the palace, said such a place with the required contents would exist. So it did. The blackboard's now in our ritual room. We're writing-up ideas on it. One's we'll transcribe into our work-books, later.

We think... we've got something that'll work. Start in the astral, draw a little spirit from both of us, merge, shape it into a horse. Then, back to the physical, create a mommet of the horse, a few hairs from his mane, a flake of his paint, a sliver of wood from one hoof.

Then, bind the spirit-horse into the mommet, saturate it with life-force, transfer all to the real horse.

We do it.


I think... we've over-done it.

The horse animated, Looked at us, snorted. It, he, feels... powerful.

We, very carefully, 'tame' him. Familiarise him with who we are, on a spiritual level. He accepts us. No force, just befriending.

He, mentally, says his name is 'Slippy'.

The three of us look at each other. Carver, My Apprentice, makes a helpless gesture.

I break the ritual circle.

Let Slippy out.

He steps off his rocker, moves carefully over to us. He's... big. I don't know exactly how big, but it's more than on just a physical level.

As he moves, his legs blur. As if, maybe, there's eight of them, not four.

I recall an old illustration. In a book. In my library. In the Tower. Next to Jump City.

He looks just like that.



AN: Rocking horse; honest, this story's just toying with you! :)

AN: Mommet; a magical doll, often made from plant-matter, with bits of the being it represents attached. You can find these going back thousands of years...

AN: Slippy; just so you know. :)

AN: Yup. This Omake was very Late. Just wouldn't gel. Was posted ASAP.

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Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 8
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 8

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AN: This is an 'Author Omake', this one happens to be 'canon', but shouldn't (greatly) impact the overall story, so you can skip it if you want to. It falls after Episode 40, 'Family Reunion?'.


My private room. Carver, Slippy, me. I've remembered. Carver and I didn't build it.

It... existed, 'in potentia', because, it's tied to my spirit. Not my body. Was likely damaged when my spirit was damaged. We just... made it real again.

It's... a pity...

Didn't think to keep a copy of my Library, here. All my books. I wanted to... celebrate their uniqueness, having acquired them, as actual, physical, objects. Copying them, by magic, would've cheapened them.

A conceit. Wont make that mistake, again.

Slippy's, a red-haired boy, who grins a lot. Made of flesh-and-blood. Looks about eight-years-old. Dressed in well-cured skins.

Carver's still made of wood, but flexible, sensitive, living, wood. I'd offered her a fleshy body, but she feels wood is more 'her'.

I'm Raven, flesh-and-blood, no wooden princess, cowled. As is Carver.

We've Work to do.


This is the biggest, most dangerous, ritual we've done. Slippy's a critical part of this. He's no skill with magic, but is excellent at following instruction, and's deep wells of power we can draw-on.

Initially, once we arrived, we'd permanently warded the place. Wards good enough to stop my father overlooking us. Without me noticing, anyway. Drained all our magical strength. And, no, as I feared might be the case, my father didn't attack, enraged at us hiding from his sight.

We'd discussed things, carefully felt-out the limits of Slippy's power He's quite capable of taking the three of us, and the Titans, back to Jump City. Dancing around all my father's barriers. Laughing at his attempts to stop us.

But. What would happen, then?

My father had me, his Key, in his power, long enough to unlock the Door, all the barriers, tween him and Earth. He would likely follow, full-force. Earth would fall, become part of his empire. We would've lost.

The prophecy?

My Apprentice and I, together, can defeat him. Pull him down. How? I don't know, but I think, if we take a terrible risk, we could become a lot more ready to fight him.

Also, I've become... attached to the people of Toyland.


He was, in part, a gift from this World, in its fight against...



First we go into each other's minds. Starting with mine, repair, strengthen, at the mid-level. Repeat for Carver, then, Slippy. Return to the physical. Thorough checks.

All looks fine.


Shape-shifting. We need to be able to confuse my father. At a really fundamental level. So, we must change our fundamental selves. I... shift into a man, a Native American, who's also a bird, called 'Raven'. Carver, a living tree, still female, though. Slippy, a red-haired girl; says it's 'easy'.

The difficult part.

Down, down, below the surface of Reality. Into Dream. Pay the toll, in stories, to the man with blue stars for eyes, who caries the bag of sand. Walk through Dream. To the Council of Tricksters. Petition them.

A long wait, a few tests, we pass. They have no, and all, faces. We ask to grow, be granted access to larger selves.

I'm to be Raven, Trickster. Carver, The Tree That Walks, she who shapes herself, a mobile child of Yggdrasil. Slippy, horse-child of Loki, though, this one's female.

And we're... joining our spirits, so we'll be the 'Triple deity'. Daughter (Slippy), Mother (Carver) and Elder, as well as the Norns, the Fates, and many others.

There's... terrible pain. I fight to recall, remember, every moment of this. I can feel that's terribly important.

We wake.

Back in the room. Looking the same, but we all 'know' each other, can feel where the other is. Carver's as deep wells of power as do I. We've all died, remade ourselves, restored ourselves to life. Are no longer fully mortal.

Forever, joined.


Carver could look my father in the eye, at his most terrible, not be harmed.

We think...

A good day's Work.


AN: Great Work; generally alchemical, but can refer to other forms of magic. Transforms the mage as much as it 'makes' something physical.

AN: 'Council of Tricksters'; as far as I know I just invented this, but I feel it fits-in with the DC Comics style of things.

AN: Raven, Yggdrasil, Slippy. Triple deity.

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Delays - Author Note 8 for 'Raven's Replacement'
Delays - Author Note 8 for 'Raven's Replacement'

You probably noticed, episodes for last week were... delayed. As was the Omake, due to follow them. You know that alleged Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times"? That was last week, for me. But, now, three-days late, I've done last week

Unfortunately, my episode buffer crashed-and-burned, last week. This means I'm three-days behind, this week. That means, Wednesday, Monday's episode isn't published. Obviously, I hope to catch-up. When will I? I don't know.

So, delayed stuff is delayed. :)
Retroactive Hiatus - Author Note 9 for 'Raven's Replacement'
Retroactive Hiatus - Author Note 9 for 'Raven's Replacement'

I'm declaring a 'Retroactive Hiatus' for the week Mon 5th Oct - Fri 9th Oct.

Delays have continued, and I currently have no episode buffer. The plan is to attempt to create an episode buffer over the weekend, and resume posting Mon 12th Oct.

Your continued patience is appreciated!
Difficult Episode - Author Note 10 for 'Raven's Replacement'
Difficult Episode - Author Note 10 for 'Raven's Replacement'

Episode 43, 'Naked Machinery', is the most difficult one I've done, so far, Took me at least a week to get it straight in my head, so I could type it in. Why? Unsure, but it's about a major change to Geo, in how she sees the world. Tricky to get right.

The most difficult thing, as always, is what bits to leave out...

So, yet again, apologies for delays.
Difficult Episode - Author Note 11 for 'Raven's Replacement'
Difficult Episode - Author Note 11 for 'Raven's Replacement'

Episode 44, of course, took me longer than the previous one, about 50% more at ten days. I'm hoping this arc is atypical of the rest of this story.

Getting rather ridiculous...
Difficult Episode/Arc - Author Note 12 for 'Raven's Replacement'
Difficult Episode/Arc - Author Note 12 for 'Raven's Replacement'

Episode 45, end of 'Hunt for Beast Boy/The Dreaming' arc. Glad that's done.

Just the Author Omake that follows it to do.

I'm writting-off the last two weeks of October. This arc will have to cover those, too. Next episode is nominally Monday 2nd November.

Shall we see how things go?
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 9
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 9

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AN: This is an 'Author Omake', this one happens to be 'canon', but shouldn't (greatly) impact the overall story, so you can skip it if you want to. It falls after Episode 45, 'True Names/Full Circle'.


"People of Toyland! I am your Princess, Princess Raven. I swear myself to you, and I will..."

No more words.

I'm dry. And it isn't because, until very recently, I was a wooden doll.

Standing on a dias. In a back room of my palace. With no windows. Though, lit about as well as if by daylight, magically produced.

I'm dressed as Raven. Though, the cloth is of best quality. My cowl is down. All I'm wearing in the way of ornament is a simple silver circlet. A living body. The gems dangling on the forehead style, favoured by my visiting brother? No. Just no.

My audience? Carver, my loyal servant, and Slippy my... royal rocking horse. Impressed? No, they are not.

Carver looks thoughful.

"Starting with a speech? I don't think that will work. Some sort of magical demonstration? Far more your style."

I don't believe I've ever seen a wooden horse try harder not to grin.


We've been thrashing-around, a bit. Trying to figure what to do next. I'd prefer more time before facing my father, but we've all a strong feeling we're not going to get much. Hence, preparations, a mixture of improvised and scripted, done with a thought to entertaining my watching father.

Didn't I mention that? Yes, I'm pretty sure I can now feel if his attention is on me. And, sometimes my empathy gives me a brief feel as to his attitute. So far, 'amusement' and 'anticipation'.

So, first step done, now back to my warded workshop.


Up into the astral, then Slippy carries us to the cruel Tower, off-shore, from my father's city. I'm fully focused on cloaking our travel, and part of that cloak is misdirection, 'subtle' (carefully calculated) probes of the defences on my father's castle, which seem to come from below.

Meanwhile, we're in the Titan's dollhouse. In the room where the false Raven doll lies in bed, never waking. The doll Titans, with their bound spirits, are there, drawn by Carver. I force myself into the doll. Sit it up, make eyes than were never intended to, open.

"Titans, awake!"

AN: More than a seven month delay. For... let's say 'health reasons'.

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Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 10
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 10

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AN: This is an 'Author Omake', but it is the other half of the main story, as is the case with the previous omake. It falls after Episode 50, 'Spirit, Mind, Body'.


Beast Boy puppet jerks, a light appearing in his eyes. The rest of the team, as they see me sitting-up, with open eyes, focus, expressions appearing on their wooden faces. And, they jerk, shuddering in agony, as my father's power descends on them.

"Daughter. A nice bit of stealth. A good diversion. But, I've been ready, I had these puppets made, tied to an alarm. You could not resist saving your... team-mates. Your friends."

His power roils around me, I look, fighting to control my expression at the tortured wooden faces. Slump, broken.

"You never had a chance, here. Will you end your fight, now? Fight me for your friends, knowing you cannot win? Abandon them, go rally other forces, continue the fight?"

Grit my (wooden) teeth.

"It doesn't end here. I will fight on."

A wave of dark humour. His attention withdraws. Probably to check my diversion wasn't a hidden second attack.


So far he has done just what our best guesses said he would.


Carver's father is the Royal Wood Carver. He was reluctant to talk, to her, about his past, but she thought he was the only survivor of a race of wood workers, the implication being Trigon had killed all the rest. He was... not a Trigon loyalist, and had supported as many rebellions against him as he could.

Trigon took pride in finding reasons for him to carve wooden figurines, and the trap we been caught in, back on Earth, was his work. He in turn took pride in putting near-invisible flaws in any work he did for Trigon. Carver, his latest, greatest, work is flawed, or she was, but he'd told her ways she could work around almost all her problems.

Having seen Trigon crush rebels for several centuries he knew the patterns he followed, and passed these to his daughter. This knowledge, plus fragments of spirit we'd woven, between the three of us, and Slippy's delicate dancing between the dimensions, let Carver substitute for the true spirits of the Titans, as I drew Trigon's attention, by waking my false Raven body. His torture of the carved bodies, with false spirits, before he tires and kills them, should hide any missing details.


We are in my private dimension. 'We' being Carver, and Slippy, and the Titans. Carver wooden in her apprentice garb, Slippy a grinning, red-headed male teen, in leathers, and the Titans in human bodies in costume.

There is tea and cakes. Shocked expressions. The examination of hands, the touching of hair, faces. Looking at each other.

"Friend Raven!"

Yes, I'm being hugged, then I'm patting the back of a crying... Kory. While I'm still looking at the others.

"You came for us! I said you would!"

There is mutual hugging, between Garfield and Victor. I politely don't notice the tears.

"I told you she'd visited the prison! I told you!"

"Yes, yes!"

Robin, shaking a little, but with a neutral expression, looks around.

"I had hoped that the Justice League..."

Slippy sighs. Somehow steps in all directions at once, and trips Robin into lose hug, which Robin quickly turns into a firm one. Though, Robin pauses after a little, notices that Slippy's now a red-headed girl.



People are calmer. I've apologised for not getting there sooner, the apology's been rejected. Carver and Slippy introduced.

"So, you've... found the apprentice that you said, back on Earth, you'd been thinking of looking for. And a rocking horse."

Slippy stands, bows to Robin, blurs his head briefly into a wooden horse. Robin sighs, and continues.

"These living bodies that we're... in. They're permanent, not going to fade away?"

"Permanent. I needed something like that as part of my apprentice-summoning ritual.

"Your father..."

"Trigon. Call him Trigon. We are within very good wards, here."

"Right. Trigon. Not likely to overhear his name, here. I'm guessing 'here' is a long way from Earth, and just going home isn't something we can do."

"No. Nothing at the moment stops Trigon from turning his attention to Earth. I, we, must find somewhere to fight him, defeat him. He has blind-spots, we can exploit those. I'll need all your help."

Cyborg coughs.

"We created the Teen Titans to support you. Ultimately, to defeat Trigon. Tell us what we need to do."

"For the moment, rest. Regather yourselves. A little light exercise, use of your powers. I'm going to scry across the dimensions to Earth. Slippy will be doing some scouting."

I look at them.



"Why don't you entertain them with... some stories of Princess Raven, in Toyland?"

Only the tiny twitch of the edge of the mouth from Carver...


"I've scryed, Slippy has scouted. There's a big disturbance in the dimensions around Earth."

I look at Carver and the other Titans. They look... amused.

"Best guess is something major has shifted in The Dreaming. What it does mean is that until things settle down Trigon is unlikely to attack Earth. And, when he does, his route there will be... a bit more complex."

Kory looks thoughtful.

"Slippy will be able to scout a good route for us?"

"Yes. And we should be able to pick a good ambush point."

Robin stands up. Brushes his hands off each other.

"Until then, until the right time, you explain the route, things like The Dreaming to us, we plan and practice."


I take a deep breath.

"And then Trigon dies."



AN: Looks like Raven's not going for just a take-down...

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Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 11
Raven's Replacement, Author Omake 11

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AN: This is an 'Author Omake', but it is the other half of the main story, as is the case with the previous omake. It falls after Episode 52, 'Chase Nurse Ship'.


Slippy looks around. A little uncertain. Gathers himself. All eyes are on him.


The Titans are looking a lot better. This started with some careful work on my private dimension, which has grown more considerably complex. I drew on the Titan's expectations, their dreams. Created a gym area, a workshop, even a lounge to socialise in. And, in the process, drew-off some of their shock, their pain, helped them smooth the edges.

It is not the Tower, nor is it a simple extension of my room there. It is a... blending. There is more (carved) wood than was in the Tower, there is less... of a wizardly workshop, than my room was. There are several rooms the Tower didn't have, like a sleeping area, which both gives privacy and companionship, in ways normal physical reality wouldn't - Slippy had a lot of input, there.

Slippy and Carver.

The Titans aren't completely sure what to make of them. They are obviously... connected to me. And, they are friendly. Kory has little problems, one-on-one, but I've caught confused glances, between the three of us. Garfield and Robin seem to take easily to Slippy, but have more trouble with Carver. Carver seems to make sense to Victor, but Slippy makes him uneasy.

I guess it is a work-in-progress.


I've spent some time off failing to inciting rebellion. Not because I really wanted to. But because it would match the expectations of being an incompetent rebel that we're trying to build with my father.

I've been appearing, doing grand magic, on occasion healing. Sometimes starting but then failing to do speeches. Then disappearing again. Sometimes only managing the disappearing in time with Slippy's hidden help.

I'm using information provided by Carver, who in turn got it from her father. There was a list of the 'usual suspects', who any rebel would be expected to visit.

I can't actually start a rebellion. Carver tells me that the odds are millions, across many worlds, will die.

But, if I do nothing, my father will get bored, likely start executing the people of Toyland. Being an incompetent rebel leader keeps his attention on me. We hope.

So, a holding action.


"As we agreed, now things are little more settled, I did some more scouting, towards Earth. Trigon is looking really hard that way, Raven, I think he is alert to anything you might do, so it was smart to avoid any more scrying."

Slippy takes a deep breath.

"I found a strange place. It is... both new and not. A route to Earth, that is a little hidden, due to dipping quite close to the Dreaming, but I'm pretty sure Trigon will see it."

Another pause.

"I... need to guess. There is something strange about it. I'm sorry. It feels important. That's all I can really tell you."

A decisive look.

"It does feel... right though."



We have prepared ourselves. Physically, mentally, spiritually. It is time to go.

To Luna.


AN: "This is not the moon you were looking for..." Bit of a mangling of a couple of Star Wars quotes...

AN: Apologies for confusion, but this was posted before I finished editing it. Raven was done really badly wrong. I'm still not happy with this, but I hope it works a lot better.

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Mangled Omake - Author Note 13 for 'Raven's Replacement'
Mangled Omake - Author Note 13 for 'Raven's Replacement'

Author Omake 11, made a real mess of the characterisation of Raven. Reposted that, which totally changes the meaning of the omake.
