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[DC] Raven's Replacement (Raven Lunacy sequel; OC in Teen Titans)

Ravens Lunacy - Episode 31
Raven's Replacement, Episode 31

"Holiday. With colourful people. Now"

Raven seems very firm.

"What are you waiting for?"


Raven's room.

Attempting to read her entire library. Never-ending task. Keeps adding more books. But, my reading speed's increasing.

Raven looks... haggard.

Drained. About to collapse. I... use my Third Eye on her.

Defences look pretty solid, far better than last time. They're good enough to hide her chi from me, which is new. Certainly can't see her magic, or spirit. As usual, tech-sight sees nothing.

Door opens.

Raven walks-in, carrying puppy.



Tired Raven looks at me.

"You're not My Apprentice. And you're not her... replacement."

Looks at other Raven.

"You're not Neo Raven."

Looks around the room.

"This isn't my room."

Turns back to me.

"Who are you? Where am I?"


I'm making tea.

Raven is looking at Raven. Both are sitting-down. Looked like was really needed. Raven's looking back. As is puppy. I'm pretty sure that's my Raven, and Cosmo. They... feel right.

So, who is Tired Raven?

Tea is made, four cups placed-out. Which... seems to puzzle visiting Raven. Three cups are poured. Tea is sipped.

"I... think you're Raven. Your defences are so good I can't tell. Did you escape from your father? We still hadn't managed to locate you."

She frowns, looks between us. Then, looks around the room. Then, more widely, as if looking through the walls.

"You've got a few books, I think, that I never obtained. And, there's novel defences on this Tower. Clever design, looks like a three-fold ritual. One of the participants looks like me, one... Sugoi, I... don't recognise the third."

She pauses, sips.

"I'm guessing this is a different time-line to mine, though quite similar. But, I followed the link back that my Apprentice has to me. You're not my Apprentice. Who are you?"

I look at my Raven. I'll have to take the risk.

"I'm guessing that you're the Raven who went off to deal with Trigon's empire, after banishing your Apprentice home destroyed him?"

"Yes. I ask again. For the third and final time. Who Are You."

Beginning to feel very dangerous...

"I think... I'm your granddaughter."

Her jaw drops.


More tea is poured. We look at each other.

"Could you... please expand on that?"

"You sent... Sugoi, who considers herself your daughter, Home. But, in the moment before she arrived another Raven, in another Titan's time-line, summoned a potential apprentice."

"That would be you?" She raises an eyebrow at my Raven.

"Noooo... That would be my mother, Raven. Who's currently missing."

She looks confused.

"You... look remarkably like your mother."

"One of them. Sugoi, here, is my other mother."

Raven looks between the two of us. Shakes her head.

"I'm going to regret asking this aren't I?" She addressed the air.

"Simple explanation please?"

"My mother, Raven, her spirit was stolen by Puppet King's doll. I'm her body, infused with Sugoi's spirit. That makes local Raven my body-mother, Sugoi my spirit-mother. Oh, and Cosmo got mixed-in along the way."

She hefts the puppy.

Who promptly wriggles out of her hands, tumbles to the floor, morphs to a maybe eight-year-old girl, dressed exactly as both Ravens. Though, her looks are a mixture of Raven's and mine.

Oh, yes. Guess I should mention. She's wearing my Best Boots.

Cosmo looks between the Ravens, dodges her mother's attempt to grab her, runs to other Raven, wraps arms around her.

"Great Grandma!"


Raven looks down at the small girl.

Tentatively pats her on her head. Looks over at the pair of us.

"I'd... no idea my family was so extensive. You've... been busy."

I blush.

"Cosmo's our... spirit-child. Unexpected, but we love her very much."

Her eyebrows raise.

"You've been doing spirit magic?"

"Mostly accidentally. I was summoned into Raven's just-emptied body. My, not-previously-used, empty body was in the summonee circle. All the Titans lacked spirits. Raven had... hurried her ritual. Just did my best to... fix things."

"I... see. My apologies. I burst in here, demanded things of you. I'm guessing you're in the middle of a war with... local Trigon. I'm lucky you didn't attack me. My only excuse is that I'm at the limits of my... sanity. I really need that holiday. And, my Apprentice promised to take it with me."

I look at my Raven. My daughter. At Cosmo, my daughter and granddaughter.

Magic, it can really mess-up your family tree.

"I'll cheerfully fulfil that promise, that my mother, your Apprentice, made. Assuming Raven has no objections?"

She shakes her head.

I think for a few moments.

"Would you object to Raven's Apprentice joining us? And her... adopted daughter?"

"Someone else's your Apprentice? Not Sugoi? And she has a daughter?"

"Yes, she's 'Shepherd', her daughter's 'Fang'."

Raven looks back to me. Raises one eyebrow.

"It's going to be an interesting holiday."

It was.


AN: Story's On Hiatus, 23:00 UCT Sunday 13th Sep 2020 to 23:00 UCT Sunday 20th Sep 2020.

AN: Hope you don't mind another trip to the world of the colourful people? :)

AN: Originally the above was just the first half of an episode. But, I thought it worked best on its own.
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Just Resting - Episode 32
Raven's Replacement, Episode 32

I'm late. No paws and whiskers. But, I'm late.

Yes, I know I'm mangling 'Alice', but was one of my first books.

Think my father liked the author's math.


Nurf warned me. This day's a mess. I've ignored her warnings, before. But, this time, No. Just. No.

Been so lucky. As Raven's Apprentice. First time-around. This time, in quite a few ways, I'm Raven. And, the rest of the Titans. Someone else's the Apprentice.

Can't rely on Luck. Have to... Be Prepared. A Scout as little as a White Rabbit. Not even Bond, James Bond. But, have to do my best.



Time To Die.



Tried to answer the question, 'Become a Shaman, or a God?', with 'None of the Above'.

It's been... hard. There's Powers, trying to force a choice. But, neither feels right. And, I think, this's somewhere Nurf and I firmly agree. Need to... find another way.

Nurf's not here. I'm (mostly) alone. Dangerous rituals area. Untested psychic surgery.

On myself.

With my Knife.

Raven's... pretending to read a book. Off to one side. Her own protective circle. Levitating. It's... nice of her to be here. For me.

But... have to do this... Myself. Alone.

She'd helped me find the right books. Design the ritual. Explained she'd done something like this, herself, a lifetime ago.

All chanting done. No song, knew that'd be a bad idea. With my voice. Now, the tricky bit.

Very carefully I shave a thread-thin bit off, round the outline of my shadow. Yes, it hurts. Then, slowly, cut my shadow free, making sure maintain a good grip. It's... really painful. Worse is yet to come.

Carefully fold, twist, my shadow. It... doesn't want to. Lay my fast-fading will on it, force things into the shape I need. Start sewing, back in place, but, slightly different. One part at a strange angle, doesn't exist in space-time. A... private, personal, reality.

It's... incredibly painful. Feel tears dripping from my eyes, breath catching in my throat.,. heart... stuttering. Then. Stop. I'm dead. But, not. Part of me's still alive, the tuck of shadow sewed Outside The World.

Wait. Have I killed myself, to no good end? I'm... beginning to despair. Then, from the tuck, the hidden, other, part of me. Life. Spreading-out. Creeping-back. Into the rest of me. A jolt. My heart beats. I'm breathing. again. Slowly, crawl-back, into existence.

Believing Raven, I'd always had this potential. Since I was murdered, back on the Walk, home, in that false Wales. Or, not actually false, but, not my Wales. There, I'd hung-on, my father'd dragged me back. Now, had to do all the work, myself.

Raven'd the advantage of divine ancestry, being a demi-god. I'd, maybe, time as a NMC, a 'non-material computer'. But, really, that's (just) a guess. I needed to control the process. Fully. Myself. As a stepping-stone to something else.

Rest. A few moments. Gather myself. Complete the ritual. Open the circle.

Walk-over to Raven.

She looks up.

"Good. You seem to have survived. Now I can teach you the difficult bit."


This's Visiting Raven.

The one really, really, in need of a holiday. But, she looked at me. Said I wasn't 'ready'.

Hence, this ritual.

"Part of you's extra-dimensional, now. Something you thought was native to me, but, yes, I had to learn. The hard way. You've got something to anchor your wards to. To bedrock your private dimension. Act as a gate to your private workshop."

She looks at me. Gives a (tired) grin.

"I know you're not my Apprentice. That this is a one-off thing. But, it was... really good to work with you. Gives me... a little hope that I might, one day, complete my task. Be something of a free agent, again."

"I'm now... somewhat rested. The time-lock in this room is solid, does not need my presence. I believe I've grasped the basic logic of your Workshop. I'd... like your permission to do something... creative for a change. While you rest. Power is, of course, not an issue."

I look at her. There's a... spark, wasn't there earlier. Reach out.

She gestures, floats-out her circle, lands.

We hug.

"Yes, please."


AN: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; just in case.

AN: Note that this was previously the second half of the previous episode, so, arguably, it's a bit short. But, didn't seem right to make it longer.
Fail Safe - Episode 33
Raven's Replacement, Episode 33

"Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was black as soot, and every where that Mary went, its sooty foot it put."

"Right... Are you trying to tell me something?"

"That's a variant. On the classic 'Mary had a little lamb' nursery rhyme. We... suspect that someone's playing games with us. But, it's possible there's useful things we can learn, from that."

Shepherd's boggled.

"I know. It all sounds a bit mad. But, my previous time-line we'd strong evidence the local Universal Powers, the Endless, were... concerned about what we did. I wont say their names, but one has an ankh, one a book chained to them, and one a bag of sand."

Disbelieving look.

"OK, I'll write their names down, just don't say them out loud."

Notepaper. From my dimensional pocket. A pencil. Really need a way of easily putting pencils back... The number I go though...

Shepherd takes note. Eyebrows raise.

"Wow. Are you sure?"

"Yes. We... met the first of those. She forced 'Larry' to pay-up for... improper interference."

"Think me meeting Larry's important?"

"Yes. Shows this time-line matches the previous. Also, second name on the list? Raven and I'd visions of him, when you agreed to be Raven's Apprentice."

"So that's who that is! Pity they don't wear name badges, or something."

"Too easy. Think you can see... why we're cautious?"

"What do we need to do?"

"I... don't know quite how to say this. I had to go through it, recently, myself. Just to be sure."

I look at her. So innocent. So powerful.

"You need to die."


"Eat, drink and be merry! For tomorrow, I die!"

Shepherd's in fine form, actions following words. Fine food, excellent drinks, and, yes, you've guessed who's paying for all this.

We're in a... caravanserai, a stopping place, on the dimensional paths. Time apparently flows normally, here, but it's... sort of at right-angles to most worlds.

Also, you don't get older here, catch diseases, and I suspect there's more subtle effects. Pretty sure new, higher, life can't be engendered, for example.

It's a large, flat, area, several kilometres across. Lit only by mysterious stars. Mysteriously supplied with air, water; no one admits to knowing where the sewage goes.

A hostelry, market, place with rooms to rent. Unclear management, staff a variety of, mostly humanoid, races. Quite a few black-skinned lizard-y types. Some with... body odour problems.

Neutral. Open to all. Not... somewhere it's smart to start fights.

We've... done a deal. Created a 'dangerous ritual' area, in an under-used storehouse. We're leaving it intact. Rent-able by future visitors.

In return, we can use it, while we're here, or on future visits. We've agreed to use a difficult-to-forge magical token to identify us. And, yes.

Assuming we're not too frequent visitors.

At the 'Dragon's Vest'.


At our table, Raven (the holiday-needer), myself, Shepherd and... strangely enough, Fang in girl-form.

Fang's now about eight-years-old. Usual black skin and dark-red hair, changeable eyes. Also, as usual, she's looking at all with suspicion.

A certain common appearance - we're all in our robes, so we reasonably look like a group. Fang... looks a bit more civilized, than I've seen her before.

Raven's... looking a bit more 'decompressed'. We've 'started her holiday'. Also, I think she's looking towards tomorrow's ritual. Where we'll...

Kill Shepherd.


Raven, the one I left behind, had worked with me to 'fix' Shepherd.

But, we'd this horrible suspicion that there were... remaining traps, other unpleasant surprises, cunningly concealed in her. We'd discussed, between us, and with Shepherd, how to tackle this. But, come to no conclusions.

Something visiting-Raven'd said. Got me thinking, about that 'Mary' rhyme. I'd a strong suspicion, that, from our point-of-view, fleece-colour was irrelevant. But, there's other issues...

Explaining to Shepherd why her dying was a... good idea.



"You're Raven's Apprentice."

I guess there's worse starts...

"I was, too. I... think I set some sort of pattern. That you're, to some extent, following."


"One of the reasons I've been able to... handle a number of things is that I died, brought myself back to life. I've... a strong suspicion that's a characteristic the Apprentice requires. I'd have warned you, before, but, it's something I only, just, figured-out."

Makes a face, but nods.

Raven's talking to Fang, off in another room. Ensuring she doesn't get to listen-in on this discussion. That could be... bad.

"I believe... you've developed considerable affection for Fang. I suspect you're going to tell her that you consider you're her mother?"

"Yes, though, she seems to get... irritable when I start talking that way. Says we're 'just shepherd and flock'. I'd... begun to wonder why. Wouldn't read her mind, of course."

"Very... ethical of you. Lizard suggestions?"

She nods, and shudders.

"Right. I think she's concerned, if you declare you're her mother, you'll die. As her birth-mother did."

Cocks head on one side, "I can see that...".

"So, one way to reassure her is to've already died. Then, brought yourself back."

"That's... about as mad logic as I've ever heard."


"But, yes, I've not died before now. Come close, come very, very, close. But, not quite. I'll... admit it scares me. A lot."

We look at each other in silence, for a bit.

"If... there's a chance, a way to learn to restore myself to life, under controlled conditions, I'd be a fool not to take it."


Dead Shepherd.

Lying in her ritual circle, hood-up, hands crossed on chest. Eyes closed. At rest.

Raven, and I, we're in our circles, the other two points of the equilateral triangle. Watching. Now, much more smoothly for Raven, we step out of our bodies.

Follow the really carefully hidden paths out of our circles. Float across. Hang in the air, next to Shepherd's circle.

"Come on! Don't just lie there."


Yes, that was Raven, not me.

"Should we enter her circle?"

"Suppose so. I'd thought she'd got further in her training, but, dying's a bit of a shock."



We've walked a strange, twisted, path. We're in her circle.


"Why not."

Attack her sides. Initially, nothing, then, the odd, non-physical, twist. She bursts-out of her body, about... 13-years-old, I'd guess.

"You're evil!"

"We're your teachers. Just doing our jobs."

"So", she turns, looks at her body, "I'm dead?".

"Yes. And, we've little time to waste. Please, both of you, follow me on this path."

As always, Raven's got a few tricks I've not seen before. We're now beside a sort of 2D but also 3D representation of Shepherd. Her body, her magic, her spirit. All spread-out. No way to hide any... nasty secrets.

"Know Thyself!", remarks Raven, a little grimly.

"Had to learn this to... understand my new powers. After my father fell. A... difficult time."

She walks around. I'm slowly starting to make sense of what I'm seeing. Pull it into line with what we learned in defusing some of her more obvious... bombs.

Shepherd, I'm afraid, stands there, looking lost. I step back, grab her hand, start pointing at features, naming them.

"Of course", Raven remarks, absent-mindedly, looking around, "your death might take your lamb with you, as you're so tightly linked, cause a berserk fury..."

I give her a meaningful look. She doesn't appear to notice.

Wait. What's that? Hmm.

"Guys? Look at this. I've been theorising how power-copying actually works. This's a critical part of it. It's... wrong..."

We look at it. Raven and I chuck ideas, back-and-forth. Shepherd, initially silent, starts asking questions, then making suggestions. Eventually, she summarises.

"Self-destruct device? Designed to... detonate, if I'm critically injured, dead? So no one gets to analyse my remains?"

"Yes." Thanks, Raven. Break it to her gently.

"Raven's... basically right. And, there's another, feature, too. If you receive the right signal..."

"Boom!", remarks Raven, with broad gestures, "Found a bit over there, you might like to look at, too. Not sure, but I think it locks-out all your super-powers. That one over there? Pretty sure it makes you... stupid".

We look at each other.



Back in our bodies.

Shepherd's slowly waking. We found another five... undesirable features. Carefully removed and disabled them.

Raven'd applied a lot of force, once or twice, holding things still, as I cut and pry'd 'bombs' free. Carefully patched, then healed, the holes.

I've decided I really don't like her creator, her grandfather. Pretty sure Raven agrees.

Compared with that, coaxing through the process of returning to life was, comparatively, easy.

"Ow. What planet hit me?"

She rubs her head. Stops. Looks down at her hand.

"I really died, didn't I?"


"Brought myself back to life?"

"Yes." Duet from Raven and me, that time.

"You know one thing, At least..."

Shepherd and I look at Raven.

"Next time, it'll be easier."


AN: Mary Had a Little Lamb; respect the classics...

AN: Caravanserai; yes, I have trouble spelling this...

AN: Just to tell you. This episode. Fought back. A lot.
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Toothy Flower - Episode 34
Raven's Replacement, Episode 34

"Once upon a time..." Defiant look. Hardly surprising.

"'Mind my teacher?' Wasn't that what Shepherd said?"

Defiant look.

OK, that didn't work. Lets try something else.

"Lets introduce ourselves. I'm called 'Sugoi', and my personal name is 'Geo'. I know you're called 'Fang', do you have any other names you'd like me to use?"

Defiant look, with a side-order of glowing red-eyes.

I wait, a bit. Silence. Look at the eight-year-old in neat clothes, a Shepherd-style robe, sitting at the table across from me. In a private room. At the Dragon's Vest caravanserai.

She's very good at defiant silence. Unfortunately, I need to interact, communicate, with her.

"I am one of Shepherd's teachers. Along with Raven. Raven is my daughter. The other Raven, the one who's with us, here, is my grandmother. That puts me above you in your flock."

"My flock is only me, and I don't listen to anyone but Shepherd!"

A response! Lets see if we can expand on that. This'll be cruel, but I've got to get her full attention. Some days I hate myself...

"Once upon a time, there was a ewe. She'd been a ewe for a very long time, and was getting tired of life, wanted to move on, see what came after. So she had a lamb..."

There's a look of horror on Fang's face.

"I'm sure you could tell that story far better than me. And, through your life you're going to have to tell your story many times. Or, never talk about it. Or, have a short life. Or invent a story. Or, something... more interesting."

"I'll not talk about it!"

"Yes, but others will. And, what'll you do if you don't like the story they tell?"

"I'll... bite them!"

"That, or the threat of that, will work for some. But, you'll meet those it wont work on. Or, children who will ask innocent questions. Or, Shepherd might ask you to talk about your previous flock, or your birth-mother. What'll you do then?"

"I... don't know."

"The answer is, think about it, beforehand. Try telling your story to yourself, to 'safe' people, see what they say, see how you feel about the story you tell. Experiment."

I pause. Look at her. She's listening.

"Don't... threaten to, or actually bite, people, unless you've got very good reason. Like, they tried to hurt you, physically, first. Running away is something you might want to consider."

"I... don't run away. They might... attack me from behind. Think... I'm weak, scared."

"So, you do care about what they think. Realising that's a good start. You've walked the dimensional paths, you've got a lot of... magical and spiritual power. If you wanted to, you could become very good at running-away. Avoiding physical risk. But, yes, sooner or later, you'd meet something you couldn't out-run."

She's... looking thoughtful.

"You see? Maybe you can learn a few things from me."

"Don't push your luck. Old lady."

I grin.

"Do you think I'm human? What do you think you are?"

"I'm... a demon lamb. In a flock. With a shepherd. That's... one of those trick questions, isn't it?"

"You are, to some extent, what you say you are. If you say, strongly enough, in the right way, that you're something, you will be that thing. Get it wrong and you'll only be that thing. That's how you can use magic to turn into a tree, and forget you're anything but a tree. And, end-up as firewood."

"My mother taught me that!"

She looks guilty.

"I'm... not supposed to talk about my birth-mother, am I?"

"You can talk about her, but you would be wise to think about the consequences. She's part of you. When you talk about her you are giving part of yourself to another."

She looks puzzled.

"I could read your True Name, from your spirit, shout it out-loud, in a busy place, for all to hear."

"No! You wouldn't do that!"

"Correct. I wont. But, in theory, I could. If you refuse to give anything of yourself to others, the... curious ones, who're powerful enough, and care not for your privacy, will go digging. So, it's best to be ready, with names to give them. Names that you're prepared to let others know."

Reluctantly, she nods.

"Lets start again. I'm called 'Sugoi', and my personal name is 'Geo'. I know you're called 'Fang', do you have any other names you'd like me to use?"

"I'm called... Flower."

"Good start. And what do you say when asked if there's more to your name?"

"I'm... Flower That Blooms In The Shadow."

"That's... probably more than you want to tell them. Some... might spot you left something off the beginning, too."

She's... blushing. That's the first time I've seen her do that. I think... she's starting to get angry.


I put all my magic behind that, all my knowledge of Naming, but, I reined-in any use of spirit magic. That... could've been bad.

Stops. Looks shocked.

A door opens, I heard its lock break. Guess I'll be fixing that, later. Shepherd sticks her head in. Looking worried.

"Is everything alright?"

I look at... Fang.

"Is everything alright?"

Fang takes a deep breath. Looks at me, in a calculating way. Nods.

"Yes. Things are alright. Sugoi was just explaining things to me. We'll... be a while longer."


Yes, we were a 'while longer'.

I explained that mentioning, reluctantly, that 'Beautiful' was the first part of your name might be a good way to stop some people digging deeper. And that, 'In The Shadow', might say more about her than she'd prefer.

Blushing, but looking thoughtful, she agrees.

We agree that 'Flower', with its contrast with 'Fang', might be a good personal name to give to a few, trusted, people. Her 'secret identity', so to speak.

Then, explain secret identities, how Titan world-logic seems to protect them, if moderate effort is made, how that world-logic... isn't common to all worlds.

That... interests her. Says she'll want to know more about that, maybe how to sniff-out the way the logic of worlds vary. How to... know to escape the dangerous worlds.

I... explain that's one reason I felt we needed to talk.


"We're going to a world of many colourful people. Not the boring colours of almost everyone on the Titan's world. Locals with Starfire or Beast Boy's skin and eye colours. Yours. But, changing shape, or eye colour, or teeth shape, in front of the locals... could be unwise."

She looks shocked.

"They don't have shape-shifters?"

"We're... not sure. They've certainly got some magic. When we were there, before, with Cosmo, she stuck to either puppy or small-child shape. Not changing where the locals saw. When she did... magic things, 'magic child' seemed an accepted explanation. But, we think, only minor magic is safe."

"You don't know?"

"We were on holiday. We... really needed the rest. Didn't have... enough curiosity to try and figure-out the world-logic."

"OK." She obviously doesn't completely believe me.

"While we were there, someone did a major magical ritual, a long ways off. The sort of big magic that... Shepherd, Raven and me, working together, trying very hard, taking big risks, would have trouble doing. Nurf... told us she could feel it... wasn't our problem. My... magical instincts, told me the same thing."

"That's... a bit scary."

"Yes. We got on with our holiday. Let the locals deal with the problem. All seemed OK. Nothing strange in the news media."

"Nurf's... a bit scary, isn't she?"

"She's... probably older than your previous Shepherd. I'm not sure. Almost certainly had a lot of strange and nearly deadly experiences your previous Shepherd hasn't. And, learned from all of them. She's... not someone I'd recommend fighting. I think she could be very, very, nasty, if you upset her enough. She's had a hard life."

"I'll... remember that. Don't upset the Blue Lady."

"While we were on holiday Cosmo did... a few childish things. Like pull the tail of a cat-lady. We had to teach her, looking was OK, touching was something you needed to... negotiate. Unless the other person started it. Then, be careful you didn't break them. She learned pretty quickly."

Chin stuck out.

"I can learn quickly."

"Good. I think you can. But... one of the things you need to learn to do, I think you'll find hard. You need to figure-out, smell your way, to admitting that you're wrong, that you've made a mistake. And, you need to learn to say 'I'm sorry', and at least sound as if you mean it, and act in future as if you did."

Slow nod.

"I... can learn."

I sigh.

"I... also think you need to learn to... enjoy yourself. Keep part of yourself alert, for danger, for wolves, yes, but still have fun. Cosmo... is better at that than you."

Gritted teeth.

"If Cosmo can do it, so can I!"

"Also, watch out. People will use your relationships to manipulate you. Like I just did."

She looks shocked.

"You manipulated me?"

Deep thought.

"Yes. You did."

A deep breath.

"Thank you."

"A final warning? I... suspect you've got more secrets, you've not told. Like that your birth-mother was head-ewe of your flock. 'Demon Sheep Queen' so to speak. That makes you 'Magical Lamb Princess'. Those sort of people can find they've got... lots of extra risks, in life. Male beings who want to marry them, and aren't very good at hearing the word 'No', for example. Please, don't confirm or deny my guess."

She looks at me. Blank-face. I can tell she's likely learned that by watching humanoids. I'm very carefully not thinking the word 'lambush'.

"Are you ready to go rejoin the others yet? Spend some time thinking about how to not upset a... sensitive Raven, so she turns you into a shape you might not enjoy?"

She opens her mouth. Thinks for bit. Closes it.


We do.


AN: Robots kidnapped my brain, so Episode 34 was delayed. Posted next day.

AN: Suspicious people might wonder if the magical disturbance was at a school, and involved music...

AN: Fang is not your common-or-garden demon lamb, with a tragic past. You could write a whole story about her. But I wont. I'm very firm on that point. (Looks around in a worried way) :)
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Quiet Evening - Episode 35
Raven's Replacement, Episode 35

"Help Me, Old Ben Sugoi, You're My Only Hope!"

"Get. In. The. Chop-pa."

Oh. Dear.


We're back from 'holiday', with the colourful people.

Raven's a lot more relaxed. Mimes cracking her knuckles. Says she'd got... a few new ideas. Gives a very worrying grin.

Then, sobers.

Says she owes a favour. While can't call for direct help, I could call, any time, once, on her aide, 'Carver'. That... Carver's really quite capable. Though... a little wooden in her execution.

Grins. Won't explain.

Is gone.


Early evening. Shepherd, Fang and I, sit down, have a meal with the Titan's who're around. Fang, still a robed-girl, is looking at them with... an evaluating expression.


Appears to've come to a decision.

Does a small bow. While keeping her eyes on them.

"My personal name is 'Flower'. You're... all part of my flock. I'll... do my best to look after you."

Then suffers through a Kory-hug.


Help request came from a bald middle-aged man, in a very neat white suit.

After making it waggled his (red) eyebrows at whoever was watching the dodgy hologram. Yes. You've guessed it.

Lex Luthor.

Hologram projected from an obviously, quick hacked-together, fake version of a certain famous robot.

Which, gently fell to pieces, once I'd seen the hologram. I could recognise the parts as coming from a number of standard Lex Corp models.

Voice in the background? Yes. Classic T-800 Terminator.

An 'Arnie'.

Lex is really grabbing me by the roboticals, isn't he?


Just before the robot was special-delivered, I'd been chatting to CMO Nurf.

Telling her about Raven-holiday. She told me I'd needed it. Also, Shepherd, Fang, looked a lot better, now.

I remarked, hopefully, could now go plan, with local Raven, our Garfield session. How we were going to help him. This evening.

Just grinned at me.



I'd discussed the Lex issue with the Titans. Sans Robin. Who's still not about.

Cyborg wanted in, the others were willing, but less interested. Raven said she needed to prepare for later this evening.

We walked the dimensional paths to Metropolis. Openly as Teen Titans. Mostly travellers avoided us. Cyborg quickly handled a demon who wanted to question us. Apologised for not leaving me 'a piece of him'.

Kuro Industries, all seemed OK. Took the opportunity to resync with CTO Geo Kuro. I now know Lex Corp've tried a few probes, legal and otherwise, but got burnt fingers. Have to upgrade the defences, again. When I can find focus and time...

Bit of an adventure. We rescue Luthor.

One of his (criminal) enemies'd obtained a pretty-authentic T-800 Terminator. From somewhere. There'd been a bungled kidnap operation.

It'd all got terribly messy.

Reluctantly, as if pulling teeth, Luthor gifted me the Terminator remains.

I take it back to Kuro Industries. They're going to deep-scan, and, if think it's safe, crate it up, secure-ship it to the Tower. Otherwise, thermite-wash time.

I'm curious, but not, I hope, too stupid.

Back to the Tower.


Zatanna's waiting on our return.

It's later evening. She's... got a baby with her, in a basket. No, she doesn't want to leave... him with us. Just wants our help.


Cadmus. I knew it'd turn-up, sooner or later. Why now?

Red-headed man, dangerous grin, medieval-looking clothes, materialised on Zatanna's doorstep. Baby-in-a-basket. Brought baby, as prophecy required. She'd foster him, raise him, help him fight his nemesis.

Or a whole world would be destroyed.

She'd asked for explanations, while checking the child. Also, precise details of the prophecy. A boy, maybe fifteen-months, lightning-shaped scar on forehead, messy dark hair, green eyes.

In need of food and a clean nappy.

Magic fixed those issues.

Visitor, who mentioned he was not Loki, said the boy was 'Zander Harris', presented a pile of seven hardback books. First titled 'Zander Harris and the Philosopher's Stone', by J. R. Ewing. Books of what'd happen, in a more 'normal' world, if the boy was adopted by his aunt, not rescued from a magical bike accident.

Not-Loki, casually mentioned, a stolen child of Superman being raised by Cadmus. Needing to be rescued. This night. By magic.

If Zatanna didn't go, do the job, Raven plus Sugoi's the only other choice. Delay and he'd be taught to hate his father, Superman. The super-boy, currently nameless, could be called 'Conner', or 'Kon El'.

So, Zatanna's here. With her new son. To beg for our help.

Double Joy.


AN: A New Hope; classic Hong Kong martial arts.

AN: I'm going to assume you know what 'Terminator' refers to... You might be interesting in the science fiction novels of Ted White, in particular the 'Android Tanner' ones; some claim 'Android Avenger' is the origin of 'Terminator'...

AN: Want to know about 'Carver'? A version of her's in the 'Doll Raven' Omake...

AN: J. R. Ewing; not normally known as an author. Just to be clear, that's not Xander Harris, but wouldn't want to confuse Lex, and you need a 'Z' name to be in Zatanna's family.

AN: Best not to get 'philosopher' and 'sorcerer' mixed up...

OK, it's 'Predator', not 'Terminator', but hopefully you get the general idea...
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Workshop Blues - Episode 36
Raven's Replacement, Episode 36

White. Totally white. A white-out.

All mine. Completely private. As secret as I could want.

Except, yes. I've invited Shepherd, here.


"OK. My private workshop. Created by visiting-Raven, just before we left to holiday. Looked in here, once or twice, while on our trip. But, Raven was very firm. No 'working while on holiday'. So, that was as much as I did."

I sigh.

"I've... not had time since we got back. It's been... busy. Yes, I know time here's disconnected from 'real time'. But, not really had time to even think of coming here. What do you think?"

"It's... White."

"Yes. Not... done any decoration. Plan's I'll put-up walls, mirror-surfaced, on the outside, as if a building. The white provides free illumination, though... the physics's a bit funny. I'm not trying to extract energy from it, for example. Need to install full environmental support, air-recycling, sewage, waste heat storage. The lot."

"So, not ready to use?"

"We've got air, that's already here. And, I've makings of a Workshop, in my dimensional pocket. We'll start with the Synthesiser, work-up from there. Going to take us, personal time, one or two months? So, now, tell me what materials and tools you need, to record your current situation, for study before we leave?"

"Is this... safe? Do we need to do this, now?"

"Assuming Raven didn't make any mistakes, yes. I've checked, all looks OK. If I understand the path, you'd be strongly advised to follow, you'll be taking Nurse off to my ex-Workshop World. After hand-over to you. There, you'll need to establish your own Workshop, after contracting with tech suppliers. Spend... a Year on the Ship."

She quails.

"What about Fang? Wont we miss each other?"

"For her, no time will pass. I'm... pretty sure it should be only you and Nurse on the Ship. She'll... need all your help. I'd... a hard time, working with Nurf, as she became CMO Nurf. Nurf and me, we'll do our best to prepare you. Yes, I'm pretty sure you'll miss Fang."

She gulps. Nods.

"This could easily take more than a couple of months. Idea's you learn, from me, enough alchemical technology, 'alch tech', that you can happily do it on your own. Self-teach. I can teach you more, back at the Tower. I'm not... sure the world-logic of the Workshop World, where the Ship is, permits you to learn, there."


"It's a... strange place. Nurf certainly learned there, a lot. I... changed, improved my... social skills, but, I don't think I improved my technical, exotic, ones. Even when I tried really hard. Think I was... the world-anchor, or something. You really don't want your anchor changing, in the wrong ways. Could be... really bad."

"Can you learn here?"

"I'd... really not thought about that. Suspect the answer is... No. So, yes, place to build stuff, learning from builds? Think I'll have to leave to do that. By that logic, if I'm the 'anchor', yes, you can learn here."

Grin, widely.

"You're asking some really good questions!"


"Suggest you work on your meditation, maybe practice Tai Chi. Non-combat stuff. Should all work. Tell me if you've any problems. We're setting-up a mini-med-hub. Can probably handle most things. Yes, I know. Whole thing's been dropped on you, without warning. Raven, Nurf, me, Roshi as well, doing the best we can."

"Guess we'd better start?"



Just before coming here, something led me to check the BBS sites. A message from Max. He'd found something... pretty exotic. Thought we'd want to know. Urgently.

I sigh.

Grab Shepherd, as 'Mary', notice Fang playing with Cosmo, chance a time-less trip to Tokyo, Japan.

He's got... a massively-damaged robot. Most of the upper torso, head, left arm, intact. All wrapped in lead-impregnated bandages. In a tray, to one side, a single eyeball. Mostly intact. A golden... belt-buckle? Something's strange. As if... doesn't quite fit in this reality.

"I can feel... there's something out-of-place."

Mary's leaning over, looking at it (him?) carefully.

"I think... we need to see, under the bandages."

Max and I look at each other. Seems to make sense. As Mary unwraps, Max provenances the robot.

"A man with red-hair, grinned a lot. Old-fashioned looking clothes. Looked out of a fantasy game. Said he'd noticed it in his travels, between the worlds. Heard we... bought robots, bits of them. Wasn't cheap. Had to use two unique Star Crystals, my cousin left me. Now, only three left."

"I... don't know how to value those. Do they have any other name?"

"Not sure. Guessing from his notes, 'Infinity Gems'? Don't know."

"Can we worry about that later?"

"Look at this!"

Mary's a long roll of bandage. She's unwrapped most of the torso, Revealed blue tunic, red 'S', over yellow triangle, point-down. Guessing overall-build teenager?



Three-months since we started. Robot's on the bench. Mostly repaired.

Time to see if he works.

Couldn't properly fix him. Materials, design, simple, but not subject to analysis. Built a new lower-torso, legs, a right arm. Replaced missing eye, remounted loose one.

Essentially, I cheated.

Used best materials I had, anchored everything to existing structures. Testing suggests all should work. The eye, all the Superman eye-powers. Mine's good, provides sight, doesn't do heat-vision. Bet my father could've done it...

The robot breathes, heart beats, no clear source of power.

So strange.

Mary says... Silver.

She's been to worlds, classes them as Gold, the simplest, Silver, most powerful, Bronze, most culturally complex. Titan's world is 'Bronze'. Also encountered worlds without supers; calls them 'Normal', 'Mundane'.

Mary, herself, she's grown a lot over the three-months. Externally unchanged, an eternal eighteen-year-old, her spirit now matches that. Here's hoping that means she can handle what's to come.

Go Time.


Says he's a 'Superboy Robot'.

Once we made it clear we'd seen him damaged, repaired him.

Ended-up between worlds, after... an apocalypse. Has no idea what happened. Would like to be... helpful.

I... ask him to allow his mind to be scanned, recorded. Agrees. Says we could have done it, without asking, while repairing him.

He trusts us.

We go astral.

While Mary could use magic, she's developed a skill, without using any copied powers. Got the basics, pretty early. Getting dimension walking, from Geo Kuro, while visited my previous time-line, locked it in.

She's also, slowly, been developing her Third Eye; it's so useful.

We carefully extract him from his physical body. He's a small boy, about five-years old. In a Superman suit.

It's... a bit sad.

I look at Mary. We're going to do everything we can.

To help him.


We got... permission to walk in his dreams. No, neither of us really believes he knew what he was agreeing to.

It was... strange.

His mind's... four-colour. Black-and-white in places. Far too... simple. Cosmo, even when she started, was more complex than this. Even my spirit-sparks were.

Show Mary how I create, then reabsorb a spirit spark. A couple of tries and she gets the hang of it. Comments it's very tiring.

So, I generate one, hold it out, on my hand. Ask her to change the colour, any other details that feels right to tweak.

She does, says it feels... creative.

I give the blended spirit-spark to... the little boy. Takes it, turns glowing ball around in his hand, rubs it against his cheek, sniffs it, peers into it. Presses it to his forehead.

It... seeps in. He looks... more real. Not so much a character from a book.

"Thank you. That felt... good."

"Can we look at you more closely? Check you're... fully healthy?"



His mind-home. A comic-book. Four-colour, of course.

On the front Superboy's battling a green man-in-a-rubber-suit alien. The boy looks at this. Frowns.

"That's... not me."

Leads me, by the hand, into his book. Mary follows.

It's... Spartan. But, a wider range of colours is seeping into the pages. A man and a woman, parents, I think, they've little detail. A young Lex Luthor.

A teenage boy, 'Pete', a girl, 'Lana'. A vague sense of a white dog. A rural setting.

"Lets look for anything out-of-place."

We walk around. Again, things're too simple, though there's hints complexity could grow. We don't find anything really nasty, like a self-destruct. But...

"If Superboy tells you to do something, would you do it?"

"Of course!"

"Even if... you thought it was wrong?"

"I... don't know."

"You know the difference tween right and wrong?"

"I... think so. I need to protect people, help them, look after myself. I... need to be trusted, friendly, polite, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and respectful. Be prepared."

"That sounds like... the Three Laws, mixed with the Scout Code?"

"I'm not sure what a 'Scout' is, but, if they agree with that, I respect them."

"Excuse me?"

We both look at Mary.

"Why lead bandages? Anti-radiation?"

"I... needed to help more. So,,, I wore those. So... Superboy wouldn't know what I was."

"How could you see through them? Your X-ray vision is blocked by lead, isn't it?"

"I... moved my eyes to my knees."

Mary and I look at each other.

I pick-up the thread.

"So, you don't always obey Superboy?"


He looks upset.

There's hugs.

"You are people, too. You can't protect, help, everyone. Trying to would destroy you, so, you'd not be there in future to help. You only do what you can, and you make time to be with those... close to you, live your life, for you, not just for others."

Pause. Look firmly at him.

"Think about all humanity, all thinking, living beings. But, don't forget yourself."


"One day at a time."


We've... shuffled him into a five-year-old sized humanoid robot.

Living skin, no super-powers, except the radios.

Oh, and the best force-field suite I could engineer-in. OK, yes, he can still fly.

Left his old body empty. Ritually bound, so only he should be able to get in, occupy, run it. Taught him basics of meditation, astral projection.

He's... a lot happier.

Hugs all round.

We agree his name's 'Chris'.


AN: Provenance; don't want to buy a forged robot...

AN: Infinity Gems; beginning to wonder just who Max's cousin is, and how widely he's wandered? :)

AN: Say 'Hi!' to Chris. :)

AN: Silver Age (of Comic Books); just so you know...
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Boy Trouble - Episode 37
Raven's Replacement, Episode 37

I. Am. Not. Happy.


Because Shepherd and me just... caught Doctor Blue and Roshi.

In bed.



They weren't actually doing anything, but lack of clothes, Barry Manilow music, scented candles, subdued lighting...

I'm a bit naive, but, even I can't miss clues like that.

And, there's an air about them. They'd either already... enjoyed each other, or were planning to do so.

Very soon.

Why? Why didn't Doctor Blue's psychic powers tell we were coming? Why didn't Roshi's chi-sense spot us miles away?

Then. I realise. They both probably did.


Wanted us to catch them.


In case you're worried? That the eyes of an innocent child are being scarred by this scene?

Chris, he's outside the, now closed, door. Dressed in blue t-shirt, red shorts, yellow belt. Hugging a little black lamb.

Telling her she's beautiful. Really nice to stroke. They're going to be best of friends.

Fang's... suffering under this.

Is... not at all impressed by Chris.

Only got a quick glimpse, as Shepherd closed the door, but...

She's blushing.


For those late on the scene? Wondering why I'm upset?

Both're adults, both more'n half-a-millennium old, after all.

I've memories of being... very close to Doctor Blue.

And, Roshi, not someone I like to think of, in that way.

This's... like being... intimate with Master Roshi. once removed.

No! No!

Won't think about that!


"This activity's called 'mating'. Studies would indicate."

Oh no. Shepherd's channelling the Martian Manhunter. Didn't need that.

"This is called 'friends with benefits'."

Roshi has spoken. It must be true.

"Oh, Captain Sugoi! You've caught me with my 'boy toy'. What will I do?"

Roshi grins at Doctor Blue.

How do I know this's Doctor Blue, without any clothes to help?

Well, the blue skin's a bit of a hint...

The pair of them. In the bed. Grin at me.



"It's your own fault. I needed to do that."

Nurf's whispering, as we slowly proceed towards Raven.

"You and Raven, forced Roshi-chan into that shape. That's... given him problems, which I'll not discuss without his permission. Those who live in the Tower? They're crew. I talked to CMO Nurf, our visit to your previous time-line. The Tower's a ship, you're Captain. I'm CMO. I'm responsible for the health of crew."

She's... got a good point.

Raven and me, we were... annoyed with Master Roshi, so, we pranked him with a teenage body when we summoned him to life. Didn't think about how that might effect him. Mess with his self-image, damage his identity, his life-path. It was... thoughtless.

"Also, I wanted to mess with your head. You've been far too serious, lately. Need to lossen-up, a bit."

I'm... not happy with that diagnosis. Or, the treatment.

"Why didn't you tell me? Discuss it like rational beings?"

"Because I modelled your response. You'd agree with me, then shove the stick... You'd treat it all as your fault, not be able to blame me."

I'm afraid... she's right.

Sometimes, it's really, really, annoying. Living, working, being friends with, someone a millennium your senior.

"I'll need to get my revenge, of course. For the good of my mental health, you understand."

She grins at me. We're at Raven's door.

"Of course."


Not-Loki. Said Raven and Sugoi. Had to save Superboy.

However. That wasn't an exclusive list. So, we're taking Doctor Blue.

We're out-of-phase. In a secret installation. Deep underground, near Metropolis.

Looking at a super-science cloning lab. Boy floating, in a giant test-tube.

"Does he have a spirit? Is he stable?"

Doctor Blue's staring at the boy. She's hundreds of years of cloning-up bodies, implanting minds in them, psychic powers even she doesn't fully understand.

"I... think so. His body's part-grown, I'm guessing he's eighteen-equivalent. His mind's stable and consistent, matches his body. But, there's... something wrong. His... reality doesn't feel right."


"I'm hiding us from psionic sweeps of the installation. Some of the sweepers are skilled, and sensitive. They feel alert, maybe someone's warned them? Yes, I can split my concentration, but, probably best if you handle it, Sugoi."

Sigh. Here we go, again. Will this day never end?

Delicately as I can, focus my Third Eye. I'm reaching through dimensional barriers, but, not the first time I've done that. It's... unreliable, and, tricky.

"He's... not properly integrated into this reality. I can't see anything, but that's what I feel. Like someone's taken several of him, from different time-lines, possible pasts, mashed them all together, stuck the result in here. I think. Way beyond my ability to fix. We're going to have to go physical. Then Raven, you fix him."

We do.

An alien-looking man rushes-in. Our mental defences, resist his telepathic attack. He pauses.

"We're friends. I'm Sugoi, this's Raven, Doctor Blue."

"I'm Dubbilex. Tell me why you're here."

"This is Superboy, being grown in this tube. Very soon he'll be grown to adulthood, programmed to hate Superman. That's wrong. We're here to rescue him."

"There's... not supposed to be any clones growing in this lab. As head of security, I should know. It was mothballed. Donovan's playing his games, again?"

We look at each other. Doctor Blue shrugs.

"We've... not heard of him. And, we only know of Cadmus by reputation. Were directed here by one of those... Cosmic Over-Beings. The sort that turn-up, chuck around true prophecies, rearrange people's lives."

"I'd heard of those. Fortunately, I've never knowingly met one. What do you want to do?"

I look at Raven.

"We're going to do a magical ritual. Stabilise Superboy on this world. If we don't it could get... very messy. Worst case? Destruction of this entire time-line. But, more likely, the equivalent of a medium-sized nuclear explosion. Probably most of Metropolis would survive."

"We'd be at ground-zero. I can tell from your, quite-well shielded, minds, you're not lying. You'd better get on with your ritual. I'll inform Security that the situation, here's, being handled."

"Thank you.


The ritual proves to be pretty simple. Raven talks me through it, so as to save her magic for later. Pretty smooth.

We've an unconscious boy, in a Superman suit. There's... something not quite right with his eyes. Doctor Blue's pretty sure she can fix that.

Dubbilex looks at him, cocks his head to one side.

"He's... not quite right. Wait a minute."

While he's away, we take a quick look around. Masked by Superboy's tube, marked '13', is another one, '13A'. I look at Raven and Doctor Blue. Do a quick but careful ritual. Into my dimensional pocket.

We'll check it out, and the woman in it, later.

Dubbilex returns. Carrying a black-leather jacket, and what looks like a spectacle case.

"Got these from the guardroom. Left behind by a guard who's... no longer with us. Try them."

Slip boy into jacket, place round-lensed sunglasses on his face. It all... works. His reality firmly gels.

Going to need time to plan our next move. I've a nasty suspicion we don't get to help Garfield, quite yet.

Tidy-up. Check we aren't forgetting anything.

"Thank you for being so helpful,"

Dubbilex nods to us in reply.

We go.


AN: Barry White is best not confused with Barry Manilow. (Sugoi may have a 'perfect memory', but if she learned the wrong name in the first place...) :)

AN: 'Roshi-chan'? Nurf's using her knowledge of Geo's culture, here, by adding a Japanese honorific as a suffix.

AN: Dubbilex; not a well-known character. Dabney Donovan, a seriously able mad bio-scientist.


How do I know? Doctor Blue's a blonde. :)

Time-travel, it can really mess with your face-recognition skills...
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Best Mom Ever - Episode 38
Raven's Replacement, Episode 38

"No! Wont do it! No Luthor DNA!"

"All right. Calm down. How about being someone he built? Someone built by a good version of Lex Luthor? So, his 'daughter'? Would that work for you?"

"I guess so."

Nurf grins, at the dialogue.


I grabbed Nurf. On our return from Metropolis, Cadmus. Dragged her into my Workshop.

That's my personal one. That visiting-Raven built, and I spent a few timeless months outfitting, with Mary. Repairing Chris. Giving him a suitable body.

I've done a lot this evening...

There, take cloning-tube, #13A, from my dimensional pocket. We stare at it, me using my Third Eye, she her psychic senses.

"Hmm. Adult woman, matching mind, no spirit."

Not the diagnosis I wanted. And, my spirit-sight agrees.

"Can we leave her there? I've... got a bad feeling about that..."

"No. She's got the same reality instability that Superboy had. You'd better fix it."


Set-up to do the ritual.

For the second time this evening.


We're in the circle. Sealed. In my workshop. Pretty secure. In the Tower. Warded by our best efforts.

We're not alone.

Spiritually, anyway.

Nurf and I look at each other. Float off the floor. Meditate.

Go astral.

There's a woman's spirit, of unclear appearance. An even more shadowy man's one, behind. In a cowl. With bat-ears.



"You want to build the Batbot. It calls to you. Says, 'Build me!, I need to Exist!'."

The woman grins at me. From an otherwise unclear face.

"I'm Sugoi. This's Doctor Blue. Introductions, please?"

"Didn't I do that? Such a flutter-brain! Right. I'm 'Proty', big, dumb, and silent, the one who needs the Batbot, that's 'Proto'. We're not from around here. Not-Loki delivered us."

Doctor Blue and I sigh, simultaneously.

"Would you like to know who he is? Got a glimpse of his true form while we were travelling. Well, part of it. Cosmic Being, too big to see all of them at once. You know."

I look at Doctor Blue.

"Alright. Tell us. We can tell you want to."

"He's got eight-legs, looks like a horse, can go anywhere he wants, is Loki's son, calls Loki 'mother'."

Wrack my brains. Norse mythology, not something I know. Thursday's named after Thor, Wednesday Odin, Thor's got a hammer, Odin one eye, Loki's bad news; all I've got.


Doctor Blue looks at me. I look back.

Obviously, we need more mythology.


Tells us she's from the 30th Century.

Pet of someone in the Legion of Superheroes, a teen-group inspired by 20th Century Superman. Died restoring a dead Legionnaire to life, so Saturn Girl didn't sacrifice herself. Got horribly confused by 'recons', which I've a nasty suspicion Garfield knows allll about.

Wants to live, again.

Her friend's a Batbot.

Built to defend Gotham, by the Batman. Defeated an entire army of later models. Wants to get out, on the mean streets. Wants to do it in a robot body, not incarnate, as a squishy human

Another Robin.

No, he's not prepared to be 'Batdog'.


I've got one half-built...

Prepared to wait, though.

"Got some instructions for you, somewhere. Give me a moment..."

Plunges her hand into her body, feels around, pulls-out an (astral) piece of paper.

"Nurf should drag Dicca out of the Black Door. She's incomplete, didn't get properly created, by the ritual that made Nurf from your backup crystal. She'll be a good anchor-point for the spirit of Snoopergirl, here. Oh, BTW, she's a Lois-Lane clone, but you should negotiate the details with Proty."

She grins.

"That's me."


Choose-Your-Own-Supergirl. Proty makes the choices. I do the ritual.

"So. Core's a Lois-Lane clone. With no Luthor DNA. Merged with Matrix, for shape-shifting and Supergirl powers..."

"Gotta have the shape-shifting!"

That's the biggest, most creepy, grin I've ever seen.

"Right. And, you want the latent, unrelated-to-Superman Kryptonian DNA, with the 'Snoopergirl' power-set, initially."

"Yeah. Lois Lane for one X-chromosome, Rex Leech for the other X-chromosome, Matrix for the Z-chromosome. And, you'll find my indestructible hypno-specs hidden in the base of my cloning-capsule."

"Humans don't have a Z-chromosome. And, would you like a partridge, in a pear tree, as well?"

"Nah. 'Z' is for 'Zod'. That's the Kryptonian DNA used to make Matrix, and it hides from human DNA tests. Like for paternity."

"Should I know 'Rex Leech'?"

"Not yet, but you will. I'll be his daughter, 'Roxy', who arrives with a big fat trust account. That'll make him swallow being a father. Oh, and, if he perv's on me? Well, I can offer to crush, or rip-off, various bits he's very attached to."

Nurf grins.

"Reminds of a few incidents... Good times."

"Don't forget. Stabilise. Insert Dicca, then Proty. Decant. Add clothes. Those last should be in the capsule-base."


We do it.


Before us stands mild-mannered reporter, Lois Lane.

Neat business suit, respectable hemline. Neat hair, black-rimmed glasses.

Except... she isn't Lois Lane. We know she's... someone else.

Shake my head. Try to throw-off the subtle passive hypnosis. It's... difficult.

"Do you have to do that?"

"Sorry, glasses do it by default. Have to learn to use them, for anything but secret-id maintenance. This's, of course, my actual secret identity."

"Who is she?"


"Don't know. Need some research. Figure how to fit-in. It's not easy to invent an identity, out of whole-cloth. Need raw material."


Looks at me speculatively.

"Got any 'Superboy', 'Supergirl', out-universe reference material?"

Honest. I don't look guilty. I didn't get a load of graphic novels, on Superman and anything vaguely connected. Honest.

"Might... have..."

Holds out hand.



Considerable study later.

"Hmm. Yes. I think I'll use 'Tana Moon'. No inconvenient relatives, can use Snoopergirl powers, while learning how to be a good reporter, she'll be attractive to Superboy. Should work."

"Is being attractive to Superboy important to you?"

If Nurf hadn't asked, I was going to.

"Links to other supers, reduces your chance of being retcon'd. Can still happen, but, use what you can."

Looks thoughtful, still paging, carefully, through my collection. Obviously taking mental notes.

"Also, she's a 'woman of colour'."

Yes, she does the finger quotes.

"Killing those off may be less common in future, if I read the trends right. Also, makes her stand-out from the crowd. Not just another busty blonde. Like Galatea, who I think I've replaced."

"Do you, personally, have a gender?"

"Didn't, previously. As Proty. Now, Dicca's female, so's Lois. Matrix's ungendered, much like I used to be. I think there's attraction and trust for Luthor, though, engineered-in. Lois also fancies Luthor; she likes powerful men. Dicca, she's young, but worships at Nurf's feet."

Nurf blushes.

Snoopergirl twirls a moustache she isn't wearing, says, in a deep voice, "This is your captain speaking".

Nurf shudders. Says in a pained voice.

"You didn't have to do that!"

"A practical demonstration of how much Dicca survives, in me. Didn't mean to upset you. Much."

"My revenge will be terrible!"


She grins, then sobers.

" 'Splatgirl' might be a good start? Or, falling Tana Moon, Superboy could catch her?"

Pauses, stares at the wall.

"Invulnerability, super-senses, nothing else. Best attack? Death-from-above. Fall on people. So, currently, limited mobility. No flight to-and-from Hawaii, for example. Of course, I've got the shape-shifting. But..."

She sighs.

"Can't afford anyone knowing. Even in the 30th Century shape-shifting's thought 'creepy'. Now?"

Shakes her head.

"At least I can talk, now. Mute as Proty? So sad. Guess I'll need acrobatics, hand-to-hand? Ideas where I could get some training?"

Nurf and I grin at each other. She silently mouths, 'Roshi'.

"Yes. I think we've a few ideas..."


AN: Proty; obscure enough for you? :)

AN: Sleipnir; honest, it's just four men, in a horse-suit, carrying a coffin! :)

AN: Lois Lane, if you don't know who she is... Matrix, getting obscure... Galatea, because you shouldn't mix-up your blondes... Tana Moon, need to kill a no-background love-interest, every-so-often, to prove the universe's a dangerous place for non-supers? Roxy Leech, so you're a Superboy fan, and/or you just like blonde's in bikinis? :)

AN: Retcon, for when 'a wizard did it' just doesn't convince fans, any more...
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Just Kidding! - Episode 39
Raven's Replacement, Episode 39

I was right. Oracle warning. Tomorrow Woman needs us.

Got it wrong, though.

I'd predicted a Pure attack. Robin doing something stupid. Alien invasion. All three.

Still, would've been nice to be disappointed...


I'd hoped to find time for a ritual.

We've got enough extra people, now, we're going to need to share Tower rooms, at least short-term. Unless Raven, Nurf, me, all pull some trick like sleeping in our personal dimension, Workshop or the med-lab. Shepherd's in what was Terra's room, in my previous time-line, Doctor Blue got the last spare room, who knows where Roshi sleeps?

Yes, got to corner Roshi. Ask him about that. He's one of the team, really should have a Tower room.

Thought we might do a 'Gay Deceiver'/Oz trick, like in Heinlein's 'Number of the Beast'. Except, instead of adding girl and boy bathrooms, to a 'flying car', we add extra suites. Probably dangerous-rituals room work, needing all three of us.


Not really something you could do 'outside' time. Unless, of course, we could shift the entire Tower there.

We're not ready to do that.



'Zarry Zotter and the Philosopher's Stone'.

Yes, I've read that classic of English Literature.

I don't just read science fiction, you know.

Well. All right.

I mostly read science fiction. 'Harry Potter' stories, slight shortage of robots, after all.

Please don't accuse me of racism!

Nurf's read it too.

During our 'Ship Year'. Quite liked it. Said she thought Sirus was 'really sexy'. Maybe we could go grab him when he goes through the 'Veil of Death'?

We'd talked that through. Decided best not to risk upsetting the Lady with the Ankh. Zatanna's situation is making me think again...

Another minor issue...

Before Raven's Apprenticeship, I'd only read first three books. Finding the fourth book in Foyles, on my book-raid to other-worldly London, bit of a surprise.

Published, just, after I'd left my Home world. Year 2000. Finding the fifth book, published 2003? That's asking for trouble!

All right! I'll admit it! It's my favourite fantasy fiction book. Series. Whatever.

Might've imagined myself as Hermione. I'm sure she'll marry Harry, mix science with magic, reform the Wizarding World. Yes, I know, that'd break the logic of the series.

Hmm. Maybe I should write a fanfic?

Guess I'm mixed-up in a few too many relationships, these days, to marry 'Zarry'... Also, Zatanna. I've still, possibly futile, hopes of living in a world not infested by supers...

'Zander Zotter and the Renegade Robot'?

Oh dear. I'm blushing.

Main point.

Do I tell Zatanna what her newly-adopted son's 'real' name, likely is? Tell he he's really...

Harry Potter.


"Here Flashy, Flashy, Flashy!"

No. I'm not saying that.

Hanging over the city. In accelerated time. About a million-to-one.

Should means Pure's mind-numb wont affect us. Or, if it does, not for very long. And, very few people but The Flash should be able to spot us.

Raven and me, we're around a dimensional 'corner'. Further out-of-sight, to non-dimension walkers, but OK for us.

Just as I did, in my previous time-line, Shepherd is floating, cross-legged, apparently meditating. Cowl-up.

Bait for The Flash.


Kid Flash arrived.

Let's see how this goes!


"Excuse me, miss? What are you doing in the Speed Force?"

"I'm meditating, waiting for the Flash. You're not him."

He a bit taken-aback.

"Are you a new speedster? I thought I was the only speedster who hung around the Teen Titans."

"Been a speedster a long time, recent arrival in this world. Yes, I'm in the Teen Titans. I'm Shepherd, Raven's Apprentice."

She looks at him.

"You're Kid Flash. I've met a few different ones, over the years, in different worlds. I won't give any secret identities, but first Kid Flash was nephew of the second Flash, and they both got their powers in a lightning plus chemical lab accident. Second Kid Flash's from the Future, third one's grandson of the first one, and he's... Afro-American."

Looks more closely.

"You've not got the eye-lenses, Your costume torso and boots are yellow not orange, you're not Afro-American. But, you can reach this speed rather than being limited to only a bit over the speed of sound. I'm guessing you're the first Kid Flash, and either you've always been this fast, or you got your speed problem fixed. Maybe at the cost of health issues?"

"You... know a lot about me."

"I've travelled a lot. Would you mind if my teachers join us? They're just around that corner."

She points. He shakes his head, blinks, hard.

"Sure. Why not? Please don't do that with your arm, again. It really hurts me eyes."

We join them.


"Are we secure here?"

Raven nods, gestures, the lack of sound around us doesn't change, but the night-time city, below, is more blurred.

"I'm Sugoi, this is Raven. My personal name's 'Geo'. I'm guessing you're Wally, Flash's nephew."


"Like Shepherd, I'm from another world. In that world I'm a member of the Teen Titans. We all knew each other's personal names. Even Robin's. Garfield, Beast Boy, says that in some worlds Kid Flash is a member, a founder, of the Titans, in some he isn't. I'm guessing in this world you aren't?"


"Also, I read a lot. Are you a Titan?"


Shakes his head, again.

"This's a lot bigger than I thought, isn't it? Flash sent me because I've met the Titans, before, and no adults are supposed to mess with them. For... magic reasons, I don't understand."

Raven and I look at each other.

"We think that's fixed. Raven has an Apprentice, Shepherd, here. Zatanna, when she visited, said that fixed things. But, the Titans are still... in big trouble. With Raven's father."

"Right. I tried to get into the Tower, but I bounced. So I scouted around the city. Then, I felt the Speed Force, up here, came to look,"

Peers at Raven and me.

"How are you in the Speed Force? Raven isn't a speedster, and you don't feel like one."

"Raven's using magic. I'm using psychic powers. We don't think... the Speed Force is just for speedsters. It's part of a larger, dimensional, thing, and speedsters, the Atom, those who walk between dimensions, they're all using different parts of the same thing. The math is... tricky."

"Wow! I guess that explains Jonny Quick's trick. I'd... like to know more about that, some time."

"Sure. Drop-by, later. Best to walk-up to the Tower, not super-speed, ring the doorbell. That way Raven's wards wont bite you."

He looks at Raven.

"I'll... do that."

"I'm guessing The Flash sent you for some particular reason?"

"Right. Sorry. I'm used to having plenty of time to think things through. You've... rather thrown me. I'm to lead you to Hall of Justice, on the other side of the country, using my ability to grant speed to others."

Raven speaks, for the first time.

"While that sounds interesting, and is something I'd like to experience, how about you walk there, along the dimensional paths, with the three of us? We believe you'll find it... educational."

He looks between us, still running on air, as he has all along. Shepherd still floating, cross-legged. Raven and I, standing on air, no visible means of support.



AN: The Number of the Beast, very late Heinlein novel, where he manages to upset many of his fans and critics. Of course, 1980, science fiction was 'just that stuff read by geeks and nerds'... Though, 'Star Wars' in 1977 had started to change that...

AN: Gay Deceiver; sometimes the disambiguation pages on Wikipedia are quite instructive...

AN: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone; respect the Rowling. Single-handedly got British kids reading books again, after the UK had become 'post-literate', or so it's claimed. Even if you don't believe that, an amazing bit of 'mythological engineering' (creating a mythology), and brilliant for a first-published book.

AN: Veil of Death; try and not trip...

AN: Fanfic, did you know it'd been around since the 1960s? Apparently we should blame 'Star Trek'...

AN: Jonny Quick; hopefully not too obscure for you! :)
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Family Reunion? - Episode 40
Raven's Replacement, Episode 40

Walking On The Moon. With Kid Flash. Not what I expected to be doing.

He's wearing one of my environment shields, a radio headset.

Shepherd, who's been joined by Fang, is off having fun, somewhere. Last I saw of them was Fang making immense, highly-undignified, leaps, with the odd mid-vacuum manoeuvre. I wonder how many lambs have gambolled on the Moon?

Why are we here? Shouldn't we be hurrying, along the dimensions paths, to the Hall of Justice, Metropolis?

Well. Someone declared we were coming here. Gave the rest of us no choice. Who was that, seeing as it certainly wasn't Shepherd, or me?



We're starting in the 'Speed Force'. As far as Kid Flash's concerned.

For the other three of us? It's more the 'temporal two-step', we learned from Raven. Though, not the same Raven.

To be fair, though, Shepherd got here, above Jump City, using her speedster powers. Her copy of The Flash, to be exact, that she obtained when Amazo Girl. We've proved to her, to our and her satisfaction, dimension-walking includes the Speed Force, as a small part of it.

Of course, this means we could do similar tricks to The Atom, and that Raven's father's giant-size trick is also within our grasp. But, those experiments are for another time. Yes, Time Travel, so far, we've avoided the 'back in time' side. Consequences are... potentially devastating.

Raven looked at Kid Flash, really hard. He squirmed.

"Shepherd? You know his powers. I'm guessing he hasn't got anything that protects him from unbreathable air? From vacuum? Can't fly in vacuum?"

Shepherd does the hand-rocking-from-side-to-side gesture.

"Some of his powers surprise me, but he must have some sort of life-support interface, or he'd not be able to breathe while travelling quickly. I don't think it protects him from poisonous air, though. He relies on being able to hold his breath while ducking in-and-out of clouds of poison gas. Vacuum, that really messes him up."

Kid Flash, he's doing the open-and-close-mouth bit, without any sound coming out. Guess he's not used to people dissecting his powers, in front of him.

"So? Environment shield? Radio collar? Flight?"

Shepherd looks thoughtful.

"Yes on the first two. He'd have to learn how to use any flight device. Best if one of us just carries him."

Kid Flash is looking between the two of them, rather confused. Suspect he's used to being able to out-think, or at least think faster, than anyone in the room.

"Sugoi? Equip him."

I do.


Raven's taken us on a route I'm unfamiliar with. Figured it out, after a while.

Yes, it's a friendly path, not a 'hellride', but we still go through sticky areas, where environment shields and flight are very useful. Between us, we carry Kid Flash, as required.

Raven avoids most dimension walkers, though, we see a few. No demons.

Kid Flash's a dedicated tourist. Head moving to see everything. We watch him try and use super-speed, once or twice, but he's problems, a low success-rate.

"Don't worry, with a bit of practice you'll be able to speed as easily as usual!"

A kind Shepherd comment.

Our destination, Mountains of the Moon, Africa. As opposed to my Lunar route, via the Moon Watching site, Japan. Raven remarks this's the 'magical path', as the mountains are legendary, not completely in the normal world.

"Why're we on the Moon? I thought this was a quick route to Metropolis?"

Raven looks at him. He visibly braces himself.

"I've had a bad day. A bad evening. Unlike some people..."

I smile, sheepishly.

"I did not get several holidays, or breaks doing other work."

She sighs, deeply.

"I am tired. I am annoyed. If I go to Metropolis in this state, the Justice League will likely end-up as sheep. No offence, Fang?"

"Fang? Why does a little lamb get to be called 'Fang'?"

She shows him the teeth. No, they couldn't possibly fit in her mouth. He gulps.

"If you've finished? I'm going to meditate. Here. On the Moon. Regain my centre. Balance my power. When I am ready, we will go to Metropolis. Do not worry, no time is passing, relative to there."

She looks firmly at him.

"Go, play, bounce around. Take pictures. Sugoi will give you a camera. And, a sample box, if you want to take moon-rock, back with you, sealed in a vacuum. I'll call you when I'm ready."


We enjoy ourselves.


Tomorrow Woman's unconscious. Not at risk of dying. Just 'resting', thanks to Martian Manhunter.

Apparently she'd overheard, possibly using her psionic powers, other members, quietly, discussing her problem. Tried to fix it, herself. Martian Manhunter stopped her before detonation. Apparently, it was a near thing.

Raven and I look her over, explaining things, quietly, to Shepherd. Removing the EMP bomb looks... tricky. It's thoroughly booby-trapped. We start brainstorming approaches.

Then, there's a cough, from near-floor level.

"I couldn't see what problem was. I went to micro-time, went to where the bomb was, wrapped it in zero-time, brought it out. Where do you want it?"

Fang is speaking clearly, ignoring the elaborate bomb-shaped mirror, that's twice her size, held in her mouth.

Shepherd opens her mouth, holds up her crook, apparently thinks better, closes mouth, looks to Raven.

Raven does a complicated gesture, says something which hurts my ears, and from the look of it, the others, including Martian Manhunter.

Bomb is gone.

Steps up, puts her hand on Tomorrow Woman, staggers, face goes pale. Then, colour slowly returns.

"Didn't consider injury removing the bomb might cause, did you, Fang? That parts of her body might be deliberately dependent on it?"

A small black lamb is blushing. But, just stares at us.

"I'll let Shepherd discuss that with you, later. For now, I think it best we let Tomorrow Woman rest, sleep, recover naturally. Then, we'll check her, very carefully, with her permission, of course, see if she includes any other nasty surprises."


In front of the Justice League. Flash seems to be Chair. They look... pleased.

Except Batman, who's frowning.

Martian Manhunter, who's expressionless.

"Thanks for your help. Though..."

Flash nods to Martian Manhunter.

"We understand your lamb removed the bomb."

"Yes. We'll be discussing that with her. Later."

Raven is stoic.

"We wish to make you associate-members of the Justice League. Is that acceptable?"


Shepherd leaps in the air, punching-up with the hand not carrying her crook.


Looks embarrassed.

"Sorry. It's just... that's something very valuable to me. Thank you."

Does a shallow bow, wipes a tear from one eye.

Raven, carefully, pats her on the back. Fang rubs against her leg.

"I understand, My Apprentice. Congratulations."

League members are looking at each other, somewhat confused.

Batman looks at Martian Manhunter. Who nods. Batman isn't frowning, quite so much.

"Excuse me?"

Tentative Shepherd.

"If I'm an associate member, that means I'm part of the League?"


Flash, and several others, like Wonder Woman, are watching Shepherd closely.

"That means we are all one flock. Thank you. When do we go face those responsible for this... mess?"

"Why not now?"

We do.


Belle Reeve prison. The authorities must be mad. Prof. Morrow and Prof. Ivo, in the same cell.

Two men in a meeting room. Chained-up. Chained to chairs. Bolted to the floor. They know, we know, this is pointless.

Ivo is raving.

"Fools! This is all part of my brilliant plan! Now you are all here, I will be free!"

Morrow shakes his head.

"Like this. All the time. 'Amazo will come soon!' 'Amazo will rescue me!' 'Amazo is unstoppable, unlike your puny creations.' He Never Shuts Up!"

Drops face into (chained) hands. Obviously not happy.

"Excuse me? Why are the two of them kept in one cell?"

The prison deputy-governor answers me.

"Policy. Saves resources."

Various members of the League are shaking their heads. Batman appears to be waiting for something.

Amazo smashes through the wall.

"Now! I will be free!"

People ignore Ivo.

"Amazo? You have the powers of all the Justice League?"

Amazo looks at Shepherd. Fang is red-eyed, bearing her teeth at him.


"I'm Shepherd. I'm in the Justice League. Does that mean you have my powers?"


Amazo... looks confused. Sways. Falls flat on his face.

Shepherd looks satisfied.

Fang nudges him with her head. He doesn't stir.

"How? How? He was invincible!"

Ivo continues to be ignored.

Shepherd walks up, inserts her hand into Amazo, looks thoughtful, feels around.

"Ah. Older model. I can deal with this."

Pulls-out something complicated-looking, which hurts the eyes to look at.

"His main dimensional interface. Without this he can't access any of his copied powers, and can't copy any new ones."

Ivo is suffering from dropped-jaw.

Shepherd looks at him.

"The problem with your designs is that they are... inflexible. You are scared of them, so you put in too many 'protections' to stop them turning on you. Strangely enough, that makes them turn on you."

She turns, looks at Morrow.

"You will be put in a separate cell. Out of hearing-range of Ivo."

She tosses the thing that it hurts to look at, up-and-down, in her hand. Looks at the deputy-governor.

He nods, urgently.

"Yes! Yes! Policy will be changed."

Batman nods to her.

We go.


AN: You know the drill, Walking On The Moon, by The Police, and the video. Watch the drummer, he's obviously the pilot. :) What was that? You thought (or, maybe hoped) I'd be bored with this, by now? :)

AN: Vacuum, you get a lot of this, for free, along with Lunar gravity, on the Moon...

AN: Mountains of the Moon, in Africa, a bit legendary...

AN: Hellride; stealing from the greats, in this case 'The Courts of Chaos' by Zelazny.

AN: Prof. Morrow, Prof. Ivo, only slightly mad scientists...

AN: You might wonder why Shepherd/Amazo Girl/Mary doesn't say more to her 'grandfather'? She's read the Evil Overlord List, you see. :) Why does Amazo fall over? Can you say 'feedback'? :)

AN: That's the end of the first Shepherd arc. There'll be more about her, of course.
Green Market - Episode 41
Raven's Replacement, Episode 41

AN: This episode risks confusing you, unless you realise the previous 14 episodes were a flashback to earlier in the day. Episode 27, 'Hollow Consultant', was the last episode before the (long) flashback sequence started.


Thinking back on the day we had, before meeting Animal Man... It was a 'Day from Hell'.

Not that it was evil, but, in some senses, for me, anyway, it lasted for months. Though, the holiday was nice. And, we've a few new (Super) friends as a result. I... hope Robin hasn't done anything stupid.

OK. I know he almost certainly has. Just hope the situation's recoverable.

I'm guessing...

Someone's trying to tell us something.

Most likely candidate's the Man with The Book chained to him. We, Raven and I, possibly with Shepherd, will have to do a thorough review of what we've done and not done. It seems likely we've missing something important. But, that's for...



"Give you good money, for the green monkey. Even buy that puppy. What say you, dearies?"

Goblin Market. First port-of-call. Hope Animal Man knows what he's doing...

We're in Faery, or Fairy, or some other similar name. My first visit, obviously not Raven's, or Animal Man's. Get some respect, the locals are... unsure of me. Heard one mumble, 'Dreams of iron'; a strange concept.

Raven looks at goblin stall-holder with a... neutral expression. A small, round, woman, of late-middle years, green skin, short pointed ears, any hair hidden by scarf, many layers, of many-patterned, clothes. An air of... restrained menace.

"You would buy Our puppy?"

Frantic glances between us.

"I thought she was the Iron Girl's?"

That's enough.

Release the bonds on some of my magic, look deeper into this... woman.

"Iron Girl am I? Would you like me to Name you?"

Grovelling ensues.

We watch.

Some of the other stall-holders shake their heads, or nod in a considering way.

"Grumble didn't mean to upset the Great Ladies!"

"You offered to trade with us. I accept that we will trade. Shall we retire to your tent?"

She looks at Raven, hopefully.

"Yes, Yes! Grumble will do that!"


The tent is remarkably large within, though whe'd still to bow our heads on entry. Many strange things hang from hooks, are in baskets, some look to be still living.

"Grumble. I am Raven. You know of my Father. This is our guide, I call him 'Animal Man'. This is my companion, Sugoi. I am not naming the monkey or the puppy. We thank you for your hospitality."

"You want to buy something from Grumble?"

"You've sold me books, before. This time we come in search of knowledge. I know you sell such."

Cunning flits across green face.

"Some knowledge is dangerous to share. Very... expensive."

Her glance flits tween monkey, and Animal Man.

"Yes, look more closely at the green monkey. We would know where such gain their power, what source they draw on."

She walks-up, stares directly at our Beast Boy mommet. He stares back.

"A strange one. Both mortal and not. Yes, young, still ignorant, but very powerful."

Walks over to a travel-chest, not unlike some of Raven's. Opens. Rummages. Pulls-out an old, travel-stained, book.

"No... No... Hmm. Must visit there again. No... I see your next stop. The Land of Birds."

Turns. Looks between the three (or is it five?) of us.

"I have dealt with you fair. Not bargained for my secrets. Gifted you. Will you gift me, in return?"

"Of course. Though, that was not a gift, but your side of a trade. I give you, in return, this stone. When regarded, in the dark, from it will always shine the first star of evening, Mid-Summer."

Grumble steps forward, takes the small stone. Cups hands around it. Blows... darkness? into her hands. Looks. Grins.

"A fine... payment. I will gift you a warning, yes, a true gift. I ask nought, and will accept nought, in return. The Wolves are out. Hunting. The Huntsman is Cloaked. Some say they smell fear from him."

Raven nods.

"A generous gift. And, now, I, we, should leave."

We do.


We travel through mists. Along cliff-edges, with roiling mist below. Over invisible bridges, hung tween invisible pillars.


It's weird.

My mind trawls back. Things to be done. Forgetting Robin, there's Terra. Control Freak. Max, in Tokyo. 'Larry'. Many others. Pure, of course.

Act of Faith: it's all do-able.

More mist. We're walking on a firm surface, that we can't see, but it's pretty even. There's the sound of wind, or, maybe, deep, slow, breathing...

Leaving the mist. Blue sky above. A desert scene, sand, warm air, and...

A Sphinx.

A mobile, living one. Big enough to swallow all of us, at once.



Answer the riddle. Raven's good at this. Sphinx watches puppy, carefully.

Rolling dunes turn to hills, then mountains. More mist, but this suits mountains. Slowly, distant sounds become clearer. Almost, crystallise.

Calls, birds. All clearly separated, so all may be heard.

I guess...

Land of Birds?


AN: Destiny; not someone you want to disagree with.

AN: Goblin Market; probably a relative - note that a lot of different beings are called 'goblins'...

AN: 'Land of Birds'? Doubt I just invented this. Not a 'Naruto' reference. Possibly slightly inspired by Greg Bear's 'The Infinity Concerto'? (BTW, strongly recommended.) Dunno.
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Bird on the Head - Episode 42
Raven's Replacement, Episode 42

"I am not a Norwegian Blue. Let's make that quite clear."

Seeing as the parrot's a rather familiar shade of green, that's a entirely reasonable comment.

"However, my name is 'Praline', which has caused a few... issues over the years."

I can see that...

"On the other hand, I can see the attraction of being a lumberjack..."


It's one of those parrots.


Land of Birds.

None of us have been here before, so we're sort of feeling our way.

I'd asked Animal Man how he was navigating. Thought for a few moments

"I'm tempted to tell you it's 'instinct', but in truth I call on my bird aspect, internally, and that gives me a feel for direction."

"I was a little surprised we didn't have to fly to get here."

"Yeah. That throws a lot of people. You've got to realise birds are still animals, and animals need ground to live on. We could have got here a lot quicker if we flew, or were prepared to do some really nasty climbs, but walking here makes a sort of point with them. That we share their animal nature."

"I... can see why that might be important."

But, still, we got a parrot. In Beast Boy's colours. With his sense of humour.

I'm choosing to believe that's a good sign...


"Of course, you have to pass the test..."

"Wasn't the Sphinx enough?"

"You came that way?"

He (yes, I'm guessing gender) looks us over, carefully. Eyes stop on Cosmo. Cosmo yawns, showing all her puppy teeth.

"I can... understand that."


"So, how can you claim to be connected with birds? I'll warn you now, keeping one, in a cage, as a pet. Probably not a good place to start."

"My name is Raven."

He looks at her.

"So it is. Pass, friend."

"I'm teaching a... friend how to get on better with her Owl spirit."


How do I know he's smirking? Somehow it's just obvious.

"'Friend'? Nudge..."

"Complete that phrase and we'll be talking dusters."

Stops. Looks at me more closely.

"I see. One of those owls. Pass friend."

Suddenly, without visibly changing, Animal Man is all the birds. Every Single One.

There's silence, for a few moments, as we all, even the mommet, and Cosmo, Look at him.

"OK. I know when I'm out of my depth. You're all Big Juju. What do you want?"

The Hook.

"Two things."


No objections.

"We've a friend called 'Robin', who needs help. And, we need to find the source of Beast Boy's power."


On our way out of there. Pretty sure they want to get rid of us. The mommet turning into a precise copy of the parrot probably didn't help.

We've got a tiny, robin, who's, I guess, about the size a robin normally is. He's riding on Animal Man's head, next to the mommet. A few muttered comments and the three of them seem to have come to an agreement.

Yes. On our way.

The next stop.

The Land of Machines.


Animal Man can't help. Raven's reluctant. My job.

After all, I'm a robot.

Was. Still am. Part of the time.

Industrial landscape. Bend it, so it's a healthy one, with consideration for Life.

No, isn't perfect. Nothing is. But, Life and Machine, working together, to find Balance.

Turn aside from the obvious approach, to The Factory. Walk through City, strangely deserted.

Reach deeper into myself, call on my roots.

Made to work with humans, help bend the machines to fit human needs, help the humans understand, work with, the machines.

I approached Life from the side of Machine.

We all start to see movement, out of the corner of our eyes.

At least, I guess that. Based on how heads suddenly move.

Nothing direct. Just hints. Some on the ground, even among the bushes, trees, that green City. Some in the air.

I swear one of the traffic lights winked at me...

We're there. I think. Sort of a combined university-hospital.

A place of learning and healing.


For a moment the name 'Trurl' comes forward in my mind, then fades almost as quickly. I really need to research that... I think... it's connected with various things I can't quite remember...

The Hall of Mechanism.


AN: Norwegian Blue; best not to mix up your parrots.

AN: Trurl; no one smart messes with him.

AN: See! Marvel (or DC) at my restraint! No parrot puns! :)

With free Lumberjacks!


Probably not drunk...
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Naked Machinery - Episode 43
Raven's Replacement, Episode 43

"Strip." "How much?" "Everything."

You know, sometimes I just think the universe wants me naked.,,,

But, it wont win.

Because, I'll be nude, instead.

"The collar. On the puppy. The... clothes. On the monkey. Too."

My, they are thorough, aren't they?

"My name is 'Mac'. Short for 'Machine'. You are Geo. Raven. Buddy. Cosmo. Trix."


"Why not? Let's go. With that."

This is a very strange machine...


I'm nude, Raven is nude, Buddy's...

Not sure. Think he's managing 'nude', rather than 'naked'.

Cosmo's turned-out not to be wearing a collar, instead a smug expression.

Our... No. 'Tricks'. Tricks turns-out to be nude, when we checked.

We're not even allowed footwear.

"The floors are warmed. Free of things. Likely to damage your feet", was the, rather smug, comment, when I asked.

The machine's... no clear shape.

Every time you look there's a different machine. Once it (he?), was even a small burning fire, a 'fire bow' beside.

Back of the university-hospital. A smoothed, possibly warmed, area.


Junk-yard. Many dead, discarded, machines.


The Machine.


Static-shaped. Apparently male, given the general build. Not... 'anatomically correct'.

Looks at us with interest.


We need to start? Glance at the others. I'm elected.




"My personal name is 'Geo'. Your... left little-finger seemed to know all our personal names, so I needn't introduce the others. May I know who I'm addressing?"

The Machine thinks for a few moments.

"Not a terrible start. But, you asked 'Who' I am, not what I'd like to be called. Still, you gave your personal name. Let's go for 'Trurl'."

"The god Trurl? Lord of All Machines? The Great Constructor? He Who is both Horse and Rider?"

Tilts his head, made of formerly-junked machines, to one side.

"Yes, but. That last one... Ah. OK. I recognise it. That's from a long way off. You've really travelled, haven't you?"

"If I hadn't been there I doubt I'd be the person I am today."

He nods, neck being a rather interesting recycled ball-joint.

"True of all of us, I think."

"Why can't I recall you properly? I'm supposed to have a perfect memory."

"Yes, but those aren't strictly your memories, they're the ones grafted on to you so you fitted the world you visited. Some worlds do that. Without asking your permission. Which, I think, is a little rude."

"That would make sense. My father has a perfect memory, and he told me he'd consciously worked hard, all night, to recall as much of his local self's skills, as he could. Arguably, that made him the man he is today."

"We are our experiences."

"If it's not a rude question, is there a reason you present yourself as male?"

He shrugs. Walks over. Picks out pieces of junk. Adds them. Becomes generously female.

"Luke, I Am Your Mother!"

"OK. Point made. Azar, my father's ex-wife, is my mother. And, I've come to realise, in a rather spiritual way. Without her suggestions, her inspiration, I wouldn't exist."


She gestures. The added bits return to their piles. She is now He.

"Did you have to use a toaster for one breast? I really liked that toaster, growing up!"

He shrugs.

"He was one of the ideas that made you who you are. Your mother is inspiration, ideas. It seemed appropriate."

"Should we do some sort of social thing? Sit down? Eat? Drink?"

"Good! You figured that out. Maybe there's a chance for you, after all!"

We social.


"I'm supposed to ask you the right questions?"

We're sitting, on surprisingly comfortable, bits of no-longer-junk machines. We're sipping human drinks, nibbling human cookies/biscuits, our host is sipping what looks like machine-oil.

"Correct. Nice meta-question."

"Thanks. So, what have we done wrong, so far?"

Because you can always guarantee that you've done something wrong, no matter how near-perfect things've been.

"Hmm. I'll choose to answer that from what I believe is your perspective. You are on a quest to rebuild Beast Boy, after your first attempt failed. Mainly due to lack of the right parts. Everything you do on your quest affects how Beast Boy will be in future. Does that make sense?"


I look at the others. Raven and... Buddy are looking worried.

"You didn't negotiate your previous two encounters. You brute-forced them. Used a power-play. At least there was no direct violence. True, you've no 'formal' shamanic training, but the three of you should know better. Is that how you want Beast Boy to act, in future?"


Three of us are shaking our heads. Cosmo's looking thoughtful. Tricks has grabbed a needle, is holding it aloft.

"I Have The Power!"

No. Just no. I think... I'm beginning to see what's going on. It's... worrying.

"So, you're me? Next, Land of Cats? Then... Land of Animals?"

"Excellent! You can learn. Correct on the first two. Last one depends on actions in the next one."

"You're... about the nature of Machine, aren't you?"

He looks... surprised.

I take a deep breath. Prepare to work harder than I've ever before, in my recalled life.

"Machine... is using mind to shape the material of the world, into something separate to you. In stripping we removed all our machines, our 'cyborg enhancements', tools we carry to manage the world."

He nods, makes a 'continue' gesture.

"I'm... the first 'natural' machine, in my world of origin, that's a... person. An AI that gets to make her own choices. That has a natural mind, as well as a spirit, which is something of all things."

He's grinning. Widely.

It's quite unsettling.

"At base level... AIs and homo sap, we're both info-morphs, beings of information. Go deep enough, and everything is information. We're both bits of the universe that know we exist, can act on that knowledge..."

"STOP! You're not ready for the next bit! Any further and you'll likely destroy yourself!"

I... Stop. Sway.

Fall over.

Goes black.


"Does she always overdo it?" "Yes, it's one of her bad habits." "Well, she needs to learn better!"

Buddy, Raven, ending up with Trurl. Presumably discussing my, hopefully now-ended, unconscious state.

"What hit me?"

"You did."

Thank you, Tricks.

"Seemed best to let you sleep that off."

A comment from the party healer.

Open my eyes.

On my back. Dressed again in my clothes. Others in theirs. A comfortable, but firm, bed.

No, the others are standing around me, looking down. Not on the bed. With me.

Cosmo's in (dressed) dark-haired girl-form. Looks worried. Reaches out. Grabs my hand.

"Please don't do that again, Mummy! Mommy said you'd be alright, though."

"I think you stopped in time. Likely no long-term damage."

Rumbling of trash compactors, heavy machinery. Concealed concern.

"What gifts might we reasonably accept from you?"

"Good! You are able to learn!"

Look at him.

Same size, but a lot more effort's been put into appearance. Still obviously machinery, metal, but... more... elegant, better selected parts, not just anything that'd work.

"Hold back on the deductions, the revelations, at least for a bit?"

He nods.

"At least until after you leave this place. It's too... close to you."

"Right. You've already given me the gift of Insight, for which I thank you. Please tell me, more clearly, what was the third gift from the previous two places."

"Cunning. I like that! Magic, the Market, you bought manipulation. Bird, you were gifted humour. So, tell me. What are your second and third gifts from here?"

"The second gift is Self-Knowledge. Which's use of intelligence, and's different to the wisdom of Insight. The third we'll only learn after leaving this place."

"Correct! Please, give my best to Cyborg. The path he treads is a difficult one. And now, I think you've kept some cats waiting, for far too long. And, you know how cats are about waiting..."

I rise.

Seem functional.

We go.


AN: Why nude isn't naked.

AN: Green monkey, I wonder why this might be relevant? :)

AN: Fire drill; a pretty basic machine...

AN: Trurl; finny how this name keeps appearing...

AN: The Brave Little Toaster; recommended!
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The Lady and the Cat - Episode 44
Raven's Replacement, Episode 44

Cats. All the cats. Everywhere.

Should I worry?

Cosmo looks... interested.


Avoiding the Wolves. Non-trivial. Raven saved our bacon.

She's still better than I am at dancing between the dimensions. There were a lot of wolves, of unclear size. And, they had a leader, who we didn't get a good look at.

I'm afraid...

They're the Wild Hunt.

If that's been set on our trail, then someone's either desperate, incredibly powerful, or both.

Have we pushed Pure too far?

Animal Man's... out-of-his-depth. We've got 'too mystical' now we're so 'deep'. He led them off for a while, but got mauled. Raven healed him, just, but it exhausted her.

Guess it's all down to me.

Tricky's looking... more substantial. Paying more focused attention. I think... I've guessed what going on. But, I'll need to be sure.

And, we're here.

The Land of Cats.


I'm... up front. We've arrived. An unclear landscape.

And cats.

All The Cats.

I'm... a cat lover. More than dog person, really. Raven's exhausted. Animal Man's looking shaky. I need to focus. Do the right thing.

But, I'm feeling my way.

We don't want Cosmo... cat-bothering. So. Cat-girls.

Better than the way that sphinx is looking at us.




Many, many, cat-girls.

Including, on a hazy hill, some ways-off, a slightly surprised-looking sphinx cat-girl. Full-sized.

I recognised the Cheshire Cat. Up a tree. Before we shifted things.

Now we've a Cheshire Cat-girl. One who's... rather under-dressed.

Maybe I shouldn't have glanced through that manga?

But, I recalled 'Alice' from when I was younger. So I... wanted to see what a manga treatment looked like?


I blushed.

Steps forwards.

"I'll guide you. Where do you want to go? What do you want?"

Cosmo's... shifted. Now a dog-girl. Playing with some of the cat-girls.

They all look to be enjoying themselves...

The robin's... hiding.

That makes sense.

"We're looking for the... lost spirit of... Beast Boy. Can you help us, please?"

She looks thoughtful.

"We've got a lady here. With a cat and a chicken..."

She licks her lips.

"She said she expected visitors. Would you like to meet her?"

I hope that's good news...

"Yes, Please."


Landscape's unclear, so I focus on it becoming clearer. More... green. Open woodland.

And... I'm focusing on robot cat-girls.

Maybe that'll help?

Cheshire's... as under-dressed, but now has cyborg-looking bits. This doesn't seem to bother her.

As we pass her, Nuku Nuku waves, grinning widely. We wave back.

I pause. Everyone else does. Look. Up a tree.

Tigger's there. Not as a robot cat-girl. Maybe he's too strong?

Feel my throat catch, resist a flash-back. Swallow. Continue.

Pass through a section of building. Or... maybe, a space station?

"I don't think we're dreaming, Bones."

A table. Two cat-girls. A shorter, red-headed one, with a look of sharp intelligence. A taller, white-haired one, classic doctor's bag by her.

"I did wonder, Macavity. This doesn't feel like a normal dream."

Pause. I nod politely.

"I think we're just passing through. We wish you a good day."

Get a nod in reply.

Move on.


A clearing. With a hut. Which is also a chicken.

Oh dear.

"Good. I've been waiting. I'm guessing you want some sort of explanation?"

"Yes, please."

"I'm... I was, Mother Mae-Eye. I don't know what happened, but when I awoke my cat'd brought me here."

A black cat, which isn't a girl, looks up from the lap of the dark-haired lady, of uncertain age and garb. Opens one, green, eye. Yawns. Apparently goes back to sleep. The lady strokes the cat.

"I've had a lot of time to think. Someone stole my body, my magic. I will repay that. But, I realised..."

She looks at the three, no, five, of us.

"I see. We are alike. You are... Elder. You have your Daughter, your Granddaughter with you. I, too, am Three. Let's call me... Baba Yaga, Willow, and, Hecate. But, not the weak Hecate of this world. The larger one. Who knows she is bigger than this world."

She sighs, shakes her head.

"Yes, I know. The Triple Goddess, which is most obviously the... Three Witches, in this world. And, we get to blame Graves for the Three. But I like the idea..."

She stops. Blinks.

Tricky's now taller than any of us, a crudely-made giant of a man, green-skinned, bolt through his neck. He bows.

"Your servant, Ladies. Any bells you want ringing?"

"Oooh! I like this one! Can I keep him?"

A pause.

"Clever. You invoked the Maiden. She's... a bit more modern. Easily distractable. But, the most unthinkingly cruel. While you might think the Mother is... fond of children in a way you don't like, she's arguably the most balanced, most human, of the three of us."

Another pause.

"Also... You might like to note how good his shape-shifting is. Even in this place, where things tend to show their true form. He's grown-up nicely."

She pauses, again.

"You're on a Quest. Nearing the end. Next is the Land of... Ah. But, you've not, yet, made that choice. Have you? We need to make... an agreement. What... do you suggest?"

Rack my brains.



A sit-down. Tea and cakes. Provided by the Lady.

Then, the ritual.

Cosmo, Raven, and I.

We... dance her a new shape, a new body, restore her magic, attempt to patch the holes we're pretty sure Pure ripped in her spirit.

It's... hard, not actually painful, but we're shifting something that doesn't want to be moved. And, we're deep in the Dreaming. That some consider the source of all magic, all creativity.

So, hope we don't make any mistakes.

It's... done.




Waking-up. Comfortable bed. Cosmo, girl-form, mopping my brow with a cool cloth.

Think I overdid it...


Look around. Cheshire's no longer with us.

Hut... feels a lot more real. So does the green wood, out the open, unglazed, windows.

There's a bird-boy, who I guess is the robin. Maybe... eight? Tricky's an early teenage boy, full-sized, with green skin. The black cat's... watching us. The Lady comes back in.

"Well. I'm impressed. I believe we're in a small, private, world. And, it's all mine. Could grow larger, in future. This's... difficult. I am greatly in your debt, in fact, so much, that I will not use that as an excuse to harm you."

Raven looks up from where she appears to be sewing. A... Beast Boy costume?

"You could... play a game with us? That we, privately, agree the rules of? Would that work?"

The Lady ponders.

"That would fit with my reputation. I challenge you, you rise to the challenge, learn from that. I give you a reward to help with some future problem. I'd... be happy with that."

Raven gets up. Walks over to Tricky. Holds-up the (tasteless) costume.

Suddenly, he's wearing it.


The Lady cocks her head to one side. Straightens. Nods.

"Are you done with... Twinkle Star's world?"

Stand. Seem to be OK. Look out a window. See all the different views of Cat Land, that somehow fit together.

"I think..."

Cosmo interrupts.

"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat..."

The world changes.

There's a (shocked-looking)... Batgirl, stepping through the doorway, as the Lady steps aside.

Tricky continues.

"You know... that's the same tune as 'Baa, Baa, Black Sheep'..."

There's a small-ish black lamb. Improbably carrying an unconscious Robin, dressed as Red X, with a ripped-open head-covering, so we can see his masked face.

Lamb looks annoyed. How surprising.

"Maybe I shouldn't have said that?"

His voice fades away.

Tricky's... doubled. Then, complete. Faint images of Raven and I flicker out of him, over to us, rejoin. Our lost selves can now rest, having returned 'home'. I feel a sense of relief.

The Lady takes a firm grip on her cat. Who I know's, honest, not a cyborged Blackfire.

Cyborg, Starfire, fade-in. Solidify. Look around.

Step forward, give Starfire the alien disguise gadget, originally from Blackfire. She nods thanks. Puts it on. Goes from orange to pink-ish skin.

Hand the Lady the Blackfire-maintenance kit and manual. She grins. Her cat looks confused.

Tricky, Beast Boy, high-fives Cyborg.


The gang's all here?


AN: The Wild Hunt; not something you want after you...

AN: Cheshire Cat; honest, just a guide, honest... :)

AN: Nuku Nuku; as enthusiastic as ever. Tigger, because he had to be there. Macavity's from 'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats', as is 'Bones' (Grindlebone); they're OC.

AN: Baba Yaga, generally, not someone you want to meet... Who is 'Willow', I wonder? :) Hecate, Teen Titan's Hecate, not quite the same person... Graves and the Triple Goddess...

AN: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star; apparently Mother Mae-Eye's nickname for Starfire was 'Twinkle Star'... Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat; know your Alice. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep is, possibly unfortunately, relevant...


Or you might prefer:

Or, maybe you'd like Mildred, Mordred (Morgan/Morgaine) and Cynthia (Mother, Crone, Maiden):

Finally, a montage.

Please be warned: The Three Witches break the fourth wall...
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True Names/Full Circle - Episode 45
Raven's Replacement, Episode 45

Wolves. Swallow-elephant sized Wolves. Sniffing at us.




The gang's not all here.

We're missing Shepherd. Doctor Blue. Roshi.

More recent additions, Snoopergirl, Conner, Chris.

And, I guess, Nurse Nurf. Though, strictly, she's not a team member.


I'm guessing Fang knows where Shepherd is. Could get to her in a hurry, if needed.

I'm... connected to Doctor Blue, and, I guess, Roshi. We could summon them here. But, probably best we leave someone to keep an eye on the Tower. Hopefully help... resist Conner, and Chris, getting into trouble.

Odds are Snoopergirl will be out snooping.

OK. Let's be sensible. Best hope's Chris persuades Conner to not do anything too stupid. Or, at least, not Boy Scout-ish.



"So, Baba, what else could I have done better?"

She holds up a mirror, reflective-side before my face. I look at my eyes.


Cat-like pupils. My night-sight ring. Tend to forget that. Guess I could've done more than just claim to be a 'cat person'?

Hmm. Will magic out of the ring. Eyes resist, for a moment, then. morph back to human-style.

"Control, girl. It's all about control."

Nod a little bow. Never taking my eyes off her.

"Thank you for the lesson, Grandma."

She hides it well, but, I catch the smallest hint that she's pleased.

"Guess we should get on with fixing green-boy here?"

Tricky, OK, 'Beast Boy', morphs.

Now blond-haired, un-pointed ears, no gloves, strange golden ring on one finger, elaborate golden belt, both marked with an 'L' symbol. Still in (tasteless) purple costume, though. A surprised expression.

"Tch. You should know better than to be sloppy with Naming, this deep in The Dreaming. Mr. Dox? Thank you for your visit. You can go now."

Waves her hand, Hair dark-green, again.

"Wow! I knew all the tech! Knew how you had to work."

Nods at Cyborg, who raises his eyebrow.

"Knew all the science! It was... frosty."

"I didn't notice a change in the weather."

Could Baba Yaga have been drier?

Looks at her. Obviously considers.

"Sorry, Grandma."

"I believe it's time for you children to go. I'll keep an eye on you, while you're in The Dreaming. If nothing else, for the entertainment."

Gets up.

Walks over to an immense cooking pot, which I don't think was there before. Stirs it with a suddenly-there ladle. Sniffs, sips from the ladle. Nods with some satisfaction.

"Well? Run along!"

We, briskly, leave.


At a crossroads. OK, a fork. We've evaded the wolves. So far.

Batgirl is slowly coming out of shock. She's supporting a barely-conscious Robin. A certain bird's sitting on his head, an owl on her's. Pretty sure I'll soon have to answer... 'questions'.

Cosmo's in girl-form, as is Fang. They're talking quietly together, so quietly I can't hear what they're saying. Fang looks... worried, Cosmo's reassuring her. Maybe... thinking about Shepherd is more urgent than I thought?

Animal Man's talking quietly to Beast Boy. Gesturing ahead. I think he's got his confidence back.

The others are keeping their heads down, watching our surroundings.

And... we've stepped on the third, hidden, path.

The one between the two forks. Looking, the wider fork's well-paved, faint smell of brimstone wafting from that direction, the difficult fork, that leads to golden gates, faint sound of choral music.

Guess we've got a majority of Christian backgrounds, here...

And, ahead of us. On the path. We need to follow.

A Lady of utter beauty. Quite annoyed. Facing an horde of hunters, their leader wreathed in shadow.



All look at Beast Boy. All look at each other. All, but him, take one step back.

"So, that's how it's going to be? Right. I can handle this."

Strides forwards.

"I'm Beast Boy. I'm a shape-shifter. I can take the form of any animal."

"I'm... the Queen of Faery Land. This is the Wild Hunt. They've been summoned. To bring back to their summoner the bodies of the Teen Titans. And, they get to keep the spirits which are currently in those bodies."

He turns, looks back at us. Then, turns to the Hunt.

"I am Beast Boy, of the Teen Titans. Would you hunt me? I warn you. I hunt back."

For a moment the shadow of a Wolf, large enough to take bites out of the Moon, stretches behind him. Then, he's just a boy, again.

The shadowy figure, leader of the Hunt, steps forwards. Does he have horns? Bows.

"We must. So are we bound. By ancient contract."

"A moment."

Beast Boy gestures us to join him.

We do.

"These are all those currently Teen Titans, and two associate."

He indicates Animal Man and Batgirl.

"Except one."

Was that my voice?

"No matter, my... master has already acquired that one."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Cosmo hugging Fang. Can't tell if she's comforting or restraining her.

"Who are we addressing? We have given our names, shouldn't you give yours?"

My voice, again...


There's a sense of terrible straining, then, somehow we know ancient bonds have been broken. There's a man of utter beauty, slowly removing a horned crown from his head.

"I'm the King of Faery Land. And, this day, You have freed me."

We realise that Baba Yaga is now with us.

"I think you know me. I'm Baba Yaga. So, you no longer lead the Hunt. Who replaces you as leader? Isn't it normally the one who summoned you?"

The King and Queen are smiling. Those are not smiles you want pointed your way. Speak in unison.

"Pure! Be Here. You Are Needed."

And, we have, a very surprised looking Pure.

He's unconscious as well, which is a good trick.

Lying on the ground.

With a stocking'd-footed Shepherd standing on him.

Holding one intact and one damaged Best Boot.


It's Shepherd looking surprised. Pure's just looking unconscious.

Shepherd now has a small girl hugging her. Who is not crying. Honest.

"It would appear we now have all the Teen Titans. So, we have caught them. Their souls are ours. We choose to leave them in their bodies. And, we choose to release them, unharmed."

The King bows to Baba Yaga.

"Will that satisfy you, Mother?"

Baba Yaga looks thoughtful. Walks over. Carefully kicks Pure, several times, groin, belly, jaw. Rips his shadow away from him. Shakes it out. Breathes on it.

Throws it into the horde.

The horde look at it. Sniff it. Bow towards it, as it rises to its feet. Obviously ruined groin, belly, jaw. The King hands it the horned crown.

"Be about your business. Begone!"

The Queen makes a brisk gesture. A howl, and the Hunt's no longer there.

Also, I notice, neither is Baba Yaga.

"Come! This day we Feast the Return of the King. I swear that supping with us will in no way bind any of you, and you may return to Mortal Lands, the same night as you left, un-aged, un-harmed."

We Go.

We Feast.


AN: Brainiac 5; don't get your green boys mixed-up. :)

AN: Thomas the Rhymer, AKA 'True Thomas', who's apparently a real historical person...

Again, this time with the lyrics:
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There and Back Again - Episode 46
Raven's Replacement, Episode 46

On our way back. From the Faery Feast. The team reunited.

Of course there's no problems.


I believe we're still in the Dreaming. When, there's the harsh cry of birds. And, an irresistible wind.

We're... elsewhere. A brief glance and the only team member with me is Raven. The place is featureless, feels... abstract.

Yes, there's someone else. A man in a science-fiction styled suit-of-lights, festooned with mirrors. He's astride something, that's obviously a machine and is silver, but refuses to be resolved any more.

"She told me you'd be brought here. Don't worry, I'm not famous, one of those in the background, like a roadie. Very unlikely you'll recognise me."


He gestures, and he's sitting on the hand of an immense woman of silver metal, with silver wings. A flicker. She's now a team of dancers, similarly metal, formally dancing, switching between masks (in a masque?), around him. A third shift. Back to the first machine.

"She is The Dancer. Taking whatever shape the dance requires. Honouring me with her presence."

A forced cough.

"I'd offer you refreshments, but was told you've just come from a feast. I don't wish you ill, but I needed to do this, can really use the... credit balance."

He looks rather anxious, now I look at him closely.

"You've... upset your... 'sponsor' in the world you were proceeding to."

A pause.

"The simpler of his names is 'Destiny'."


We're in a night garden, on one of many paths, and there's many robed walkers on the other paths. All look very similar, are carrying a book, a tome, chained to one wrist,

But, if you look carefully, there's subtle differences.

Raven is looking calm, which I'll confess to not totally feeling. I think she's deliberately letting me take the lead. Floating along, cross-legged, mostly embedded in a meditative trance. Our... reluctant 'driver' is no longer with us.

Looking down at the path, in the garden, that I'm walking. It's made of paper, no, parchment. As I walk my steps are leaving black, inky, foot-prints, which run and twist into unreadable words, then 'sideways', into a direction I can't see.

Reality twists, and the garden I'm standing in is now a page in an immense, open, book. As this happens I twist my will, resisting becoming passive text. So I'm standing on the page. I can, very faintly, see Raven floating next to me.

Looking down at the garden-now-page is an immense figure. Skin parchment, clothes, all the detail on the skin, ink. The only thing not parchment or ink is the chain, holding the book to his wrist.



Looking up at the figure, words start appearing in my mind, as if they have been written there. The lips don't move, there is no sound, but I know where the words are from.

>>You have not been following the required path.<<

The words have a pressure to them, almost irresistible, the pain, not anything like I've known before. But, I resist. And, write words into my mind, in response, using the ink of my will.

>>I have been carrying out all the required actions.<<

For a moment I consider giving the Eric Morecome quote about 'playing all the notes, not necessarily in the right order'. The one I got from my early education, using old family video. But... it seems unwise.

>>This world would have ceased to exist, as somewhere worth writing about, without my actions. It would have burned in the flames of Trigon, as he strode in, using his daughter, Raven, as his Key. After that there would have been no further words to write in the book-of-the-world. The book would have been a tale of drifting ashes.<<

My response is being pondered. There is a long pause. The immense head nods. A hand reaches down, closes the book, the page of which I'm standing on. Exerting my will, I twist.

Colour seeps back into the world. I'm, we're, standing... in reality. In Titan's Tower.



AN: Yes, this is a (unnamed) OC from a setting in the style of Moorcock & Butterworth's 'Time of the Hawklords'... The Dancer is a mixture of the characters from that work, some of the mythic stuff 'Hawkwind' have done, and the multiple dancers used as part of some concerts *cough* Stacia *cough*. Suspicious people might wonder if the 'harsh cry of birds' could be hawks...

AN: Parchment; paper, by contrast, is vegetable, not animal...

AN: Destiny, brother of Dream, and Death, of the Endless.

AN: "I'm playing all the right notes, just not necessarily in the right order" - Eric Morecambe
Morecambe and Wise were a, arguably the, cornerstone of British comedy, on BBC television, 1970s and 1980s, Even after Eric Morecambe died, 1984, their Christmas Specials were a central part of many people's Christmas.

AN: Yeah. A hiatus of more than seven months. Really not what I wanted, or might have planned.
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A Restful City - Episode 47
Raven's Replacement, Episode 47

Breakfast. A bit scaled-up, and not in the usual place. Because, there's a lot more people there.


Best as we could tell, Raven and I got back minutes after the others. They'd not realised until they'd returned to the Tower from Faery that two people were missing.

Animal Man, or 'Buddy' as he preferred, was the expert on the whole shamanic journey thing. He was part of our original expedition, and was pretty sure that we would return soon. He'd recommended everyone go about their business - he was going home.

Shepherd wanted to wait for us, but Doctor Blue persuaded her that was unlikely to help. And things were likely to get 'complex' the next day. So, she, and Fang, went off to their beds, with Cosmo sneaking along behind.


Yes, breakfast. We are in the gym, but it looks like a larger eating area. Sometime when I wasn't looking Raven and Cyborg appear to have used the ideas we worked-out in the other timeline.

Not central, because that'd obviously make them the focus of attention, are the three who recently joined us. Superboy, Snoopergirl, and Chris. Superboy in super-wear, with leather jacket and sunglasses, Snoopergirl in a classic Supergirl costume, with a magnifying glass replacing the S-in-a-triangle, and Chris in shorts and t-shirt, with the 'S' Snoopergirl hadn't.

Snoopergirl was the most confident of them. Superboy was fiddling with his sunglasses. Chris... Took me a few moments to realise he was stroking the head of a lamb, who was invisible below his table.

All the team looked pretty good. Though Robin was switching between looking around the large room, and looking distracted. No one looked as though they were going to start talking, so I nudged Raven. A brief glance promised revenge.

"Ahem. I've checked with Cyborg, just in case anyone wondered, and we are pretty sure we got back to our own world, as we were promised. The little side-trip Sugoi and I took? We want to talk that through, between us, before any explanations."

She looks around. No one seems to want to jump in.

"Two major issues. Introductions."

She gestures to the three newcomers.

"The second being what do we do next. I found some time, at the Feast, to talk to Animal Man. He strongly recommended a bit of a break to let things settle. Not rushing into the next adventure. I think we can make a good case that with Pure... dealt with we can take some time."

She pauses. Still no one else stepping forward.


Yes, she did say that a little... sharply.

"Huh? Right. This is Superboy, Snoopergirl and... Chris. The full situation hasn't been explained to me, so, maybe they could each say a little about themselves?"

Three people look at each other. No one looks ready to speak. Superboy twitches, is now on his feet, maybe as if he'd been head-butted by a lamb?

After a brief look down.

"I'm Superboy. Though I'm happy for you to call me 'Conner'. I was rescued, yesterday, from Cadmus."

He takes a look around. Cyborg is visibly wincing. Robin is doing good blank face, though I see him swallow. I see Doctor Blue clenching her fist.

"Yes, I'm a sorta clone of Superman. Because, Earth science, even at Cadmus, can't really clone him. From my implanted memories I think I was being trained to fight him. Which is stupid. Because, Superman."

He sits down. Snoopergirl stands.

"I was in a second cloning tank behind Superboy. I think something was wrong with... reality. Because without a lot of help I would've have been... mindless. I'm a 'sorta Supergirl'. And, for the moment, I'm calling myself 'Snoopergirl', partly because I'm trying to figure out who I am. Sorry, I haven't settled on a personal name."

She sits. Holds out a hand to Chris, who stands.

"I'm Chris. I believe in Truth, Justice, and the Boy Scout Code. I've got a life, because of the Teen Titans, and while I'm not a grown-up hero like the rest of you, I'm going to do my best, to do what is Right."

He looks down, shyly. Then, "Psst!", behind his table. Leans down. Listens. Stands.

"Ah. Yes, I do have super powers. I'm pretty tough. Can hear radio waves. And..."

He rises up into the air.

"I can fly."

A rather pointed look, at me, from Raven. Didn't I explain Chris to her? No... I didn't.



We are going out into the city. In smaller groups. Because otherwise, we'd look like an invading army.

This makes sense, but was in some ways really frustrating. Towards the end of the discussion thoughts of things I needed to do kept occurring. And, I had to rein them in, because, yes, Animal Man was right. Yesterday had been a terrible, hurried, mess.

Doctor Blue has prescribed Robin and Snoopergirl to do careful exercise with Master Roshi. Says it will be good for all of them. I wasn't sure to start with, but Robin is in need of time to 'settle'. Snoopergirl needs to get used to her body. And Roshi needs a bit of a diversion, which getting to know a new student will do. They're also guarding the Tower.

Cyborg is quite firm that he will be taking the sub out, from the sub pen I still haven't visited, along with Beast Boy, to, and he half-glances at him, "make sure everything is working". Their job is to remove the anchor stones Pure put underwater, around the Tower, the ones that fuzzed our minds. Hopefully they can ensure they are happy in themselves, and with the other, in the process.

Starfire is... taking Barbara and The Boys shopping. All appearing as normal humans, Barbara as a wealthy lady with her assistance dog, Starfire as her assistant, The Boys as minions. As a last minute addition, Doctor Blue will be joining them as a human doctor. Apparently she wants a quiet word with Barbara.

The rump group, the rest of us?

Raven, Shepherd and me. We get to supervise all the children. Cosmo and Fang will be human, and of course there's Chris. And, Conner. He doesn't count as one of the children. Honest.


Careful explanations to Chris. We are investigating the city, surface view, in the wake of Pure. So, it makes sense to be 'human'. For him, and Conner, a new place. While pretty new to Fang, who we'd like him to keep an eye on, persuade to play human. Meanwhile the three 'adults' will be trying to get a feel for things. And relax. He's a little puzzled, but accepts this.

Cosmo... will do what she does. We ask her to 'play nice'.

Conner, we privately ask him to do a bit of child-minding.

Talking to Raven, as we walk, I quietly explain Chris, as that's the most urgent issue. Robot Superboy. Probably someone else mixing in our affairs. That in... unpacking him my personal workshop is ready, and Shepherd has been briefed and got some training. I promise to go over Snoopergirl later, as I judge she's not, doesn't feel like, an urgent issue.

Shepherd explains how she was drawn into the city, partly because of a remark Robin made. How she kept hearing the baying of dogs, in the distance. Then, assailed by magic from multiple sides, thrust into a shadow world, she was captured by and fought Pure. She's a bit shaken, recounting it, but seems better for telling the tale. I agree with Raven we need to investigate further. But, with the fall of Pure, not immediately urgent.

As a bit of a distraction Shepherd tells a story to Cosmo, of a fantastic world of magic, civilizations both above and below the ground. Of a people, of the second sort, fascinated by spiders. That they used in their religion, and some became half-spider.

Raven and I look at each other. Both, I think, reminded of the (unfortunate) drow wizard on the route to finding Nurf, in the other timeline. Guess one of the worlds Shepherd visited while travelling as Amazo Girl had some parallels. Cosmo insists that as we're in the city we must find time to go to the zoo, see some spiders. Seems a reasonable request.

Poking around one of those backstreet junk shops, which, like this one, seem to have a faint other-worldly aura. Looking at Raven and Shepherd they also sense it. Cosmo grabs my hand, drags me over to what looks like a pile of rubbish, in a large bin. It's a large model boat, made of a strangely familiar wood.

"Don't know why, but that boat sort of smells of you and Mom. Thought you might like to know."


Yes, seems best we buy it, get it indirectly delivered.


Anyone else seems to have had a restful day.

Master Roshi remarked that Robin seemed a lot better, and, he thought he could 'do' things with Snoopergirl. Who has apparently decided on 'Mara' as a personal name.

Only strange bit is some sensor ghosts that Cyborg spotted, while magical anchor clearing. Said they reminded him of Gizmo. But Gizmo didn't do underwater work, best as anyone knew.


Anyway, tomorrow is another day. I hope.

And, yes, Cosmo did get to see her spiders.


AN: You've probably figured this out, but... Currently the most dangerous individual, at breakfast? Chris. Because, robot copy of a Silver Age super, and they don't tend to have these things called 'Upper Limits'...

AN: A relaxing day. Nothing important happening. Move along. :)
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From Extensions to Keys - Episode 48
Raven's Replacement, Episode 48

Time passes. It's a bit of a cliche. But, seems the best description.


After our 'quiet day', and before we slept, beds needed to be made. All right. Not just 'beds'. Whole rooms.

We had run out of guest rooms some time ago. While it might have been nice to 'do the job properly' the simple approach seemed best. So, a little discussion, and use of the 'dangerous rituals' area, just in case.

At the end of each corridor, in the two sides of the 'T', is now a door. This leads to another corridor, looking remarkably similar. Then another. We settled on two extra pairs, as more than that seemed an excessive walking distance. And it made our visualisation simpler, as we could think of it as a sort of folding around front and back of the crossbar of the 'T'.

The windows obviously were an issue. We settled on being able to exit through them, in an emergency, and appearing outside the corresponding 'real' window. Views are duplicated, and dimension twisting combined with the Tower wards stop light leaving, or anyone entering, via windows. The doors into the corridors were a little simpler.

Kory remarked on the inconvenience for those who fly, but the roof access to the central well is still good. There was enough extra capacity in the utilities feeds, water, etc., that we could get by until we finished a proper upgrade. Minor details like increased load and flexing in earthquakes have of course been thought of.

If anything goes really terribly wrong a dimensional shunt takes all the extra rooms into a protected dimension, with an emergency supplies and communications room which we've slowly stocked. Of course, it all needs someone who knows what they are doing to later fix things.


Chris has started school.

Allegedly he is an orphan, with foster parents. Cyborg used his contacts to set it all up. And, there's some mind blurring and transport magic to fill in the gaps.

We'd started with home schooling, but the Tower isn't ideal for that. Listening to him talk about school can be fun, he joined at the some time as someone called 'Hillary Chang', a far older girl, but who seems drawn to chat with him during breaks. We've suggested he not be concerned, and things should be OK.

He's also been doing another sort of school.

Getting used to how his alternate Superboy form works, locally. Master Roshi has dealt with most of that, and has said, privately, that he's a 'real monster'. A lot of it is about controlling his use of force, how quickly he moves. We've ensured few know of this schooling, but Fang is one who loves to watch him practice.

Raven has been using watching his development as an opportunity to teach Shepherd finer use of her senses. They spotted an anomaly, and when the three of us looked, carefully, it seems his original material is slowly replacing the local 'patch' materials I used.

With one exception. My replacement eye is unchanged. So, Raven has again used this 'training opportunity' to make it look to almost all forms of detection that his eyes are symmetrical. Any visible effect, like heat vision, appears to come from both, equally.

Worth noting is that Chris takes a lot of interest in what all our 'Super Family' does, as well as Superman, and Supergirl.


Snoopergirl has proceeded with her plans.

She now has a solid identity as 'Roxy Leech', in Hawaii, having been accepted by Rex Leech as his 'long lost' teenage daughter. Other times she's in Metropolis, where we suspect she's investigating Luthor, and his connection with Cadmus, undercover as a publicity officer at Kuro Industries. Rest of the time she's local, getting training, being trainee reporter Tana Moon.

I read-up on Super supers in those comics I bought. Locally, no Power Girl. After we put her together Snoopergirl made it clear she was going to let things develop, naturally, not force a contact with Superman or Supergirl. See who contacted her, in her travels.

How is she travelling?

Eventually Cosmo admitted to a fixed portal, only usable to Snoopergirl, that she'd been able to make for her, because she 'really needed it'. Raven, Shepherd and I took a really careful look at it, and, while crude, it seems to function just as Cosmo claimed.

We've left it alone.


Superboy has taken a hard look at his memories.

Initially, there was some suggestion, from Nurf, that he consider further education. Make him separate, in his own mind, from the imprinted memories. He decided to take a different route, after considerable, and I suspect painful, discussions with Superman.

Conner is using his strength in a more human way, as a labourer. We suspect that Superman has said something about the importance of work, as a way of understanding people. Not holding yourself above them.

He has travelled around, we suspect sometimes leaving when he made a mistake, showed too much strength. Come back to the Tower, every-so-often, talked to us. Last we heard he was in Hawaii, moving heavy props around for the film industry.

Wonder who he might meet there?


Among other things I've resync'd myself with Geo Kuro, at Kuro Industries. That was how I confirmed SnooperGirl's presence. We had diverged quite a bit, recently, and I wondered if the process would work. But, it did.

Receiving the Terminator shipped to me by Kuro Industries was also positive. I'd really been looking forward to stripping it down. Yes, I've checked to see if there was any more spirit than expected for something of that complexity. Nothing.

Strip-down yielded nothing unusual. Mostly parts easily obtained at the top edge of tech for this world. In other words, 'basic super science'. The brain though, is the 'real thing', and's surprising effective for something that crude. The geometry of the circuitry...

Realising that there was some sort of temporal feedback logic got me turning to my math. My alch-tech math. While I now understood the level of intelligence I couldn't tell if the original design was lucky or based on a thorough understanding of the principles. Or if that's even a sensible question, given the paradox. Annoying.

I wrote my (edited) report for Mr. Luthor. Edited because I wasn't mentioning the time stuff, just the surprising brain effectiveness. I'd not promised him a report, but, this emphasised I got to do the analysis, not him. A bit petty, I know, but... Also, might ensure he underestimated me.


I found why Nurf wanted to talk to... Barbara. She'd been 'sleeping' in our med lab, operating a Batgirl bot on the other side of the country, in Gotham. Yes, I'd built her one, for future testing, but it wasn't, I'm pretty sure, ready for field use. How?

Nurf hadn't asked. Her concern was Barbara's health. And, that Nurse had let her do this without reporting to the CMO. Me. Nurse claimed that Barbara wasn't 'command staff', and barring correct ship roles there was not obvious reporting path. I strongly suspected attempts to mislead, Nurf was certain.

"We have... because Oracle isn't busy enough, a Batgirl who needs to be 'useful'. We have Nurse who is... unanchored, unstable. I've done damage limitation, but the med lab is beginning to worry me. A lot."

I blame myself. For not being more observant. On our last date Barbara was getting rather distant. In retrospect, was talking a little carefully about what she'd been doing. Wasn't pushing to agree another date. In some ways I guess I'm not 'driven' enough for her. Or, maybe longer term, we don't really suit each other.

Things are going to have to change.


Raven, Shepherd, myself. We've dug into Pure.

I think I now understand the shadow world. It does something using obscure reality logic to create, or access, a world shift, a 'battle zone'. A people-empty, darker, mirror of the real world. Not somewhere you can live, or base yourself, but excellent for combat where non-combatants wont get involved.

We've also found his base. There is a demon supervisor who is very happy to have someone to take orders from. This is where the demon patrols of the dimensional paths was run from. After a little thought it seems best to fold-up that whole operation. Pay-off (where morally acceptable) the demons, who vary from being philosophical to moronically accepting, send them home. Done.

There is also what looks like the foundations of an invisible wizard's tower. That's what The Boys said, later, based on when they worked for Pure. Only signs of what happened are a deep embedded bird footprint. So, we guess it was Baba Yaga's Hut. And she took it back.

Any other signs? Not really. And we looked pretty hard.


Then there's the personal stuff. Shared in this case with Shepherd. We've been pursuing our medical studies at the local University.

And all the other day-to-day stuff. Seems to be going pretty well.



Nice to have a quiet period. But, I was waiting for the 'other shoe to drop'. While we waited for the dimensional tides to allow searching for Raven's spirit.

Raven has been getting the pair of us to study Buttercup, a dark-haired girl superhero living with her two sisters, by dimensional skying. Not the colourful horses. We think something to do with her is the second key to Raven, the knife being the first one.

And we think we know what the third key is, or at least must be made from.



AN: Those familiar with the (1990s onwards) Superboy comics might understand why Hillary Chang is a bit bemused...

AN: In case it's useful, 'CMO' is Chief Medical Officer.

AN: Conner and Chris are two separate cuts at 'Superboy', one sorta canon, the other home-brew. Don't anticipate much more use of them. I could comment on whether Superboy is a good fit for the Titans, but... I wont. :)
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Control and (Mis)Communication - Episode 49
Raven's Replacement, Episode 49

"Come on! Let us in. We only want to talk to you!"

"No! You're going to hurt me!"


Contacting the local Control Freak, using what we'd agreed with the one in the other timeline. On the surface, easy, as he should be less powerful, but we'd prefer not to compromise his secret identity, so where do we go to meet up?

Larry would seem a possible complication. So, we prepare to summon him, using the magic circle Shepherd created, through which he appeared to her, and Robin. Just the core team is present, plus me. Oh, and Cosmo.

"Larry? Could we have a few words with you?"

Robin has his doubts, but is making the appeal for us. Larry pops-up from behind a potted plant, off to one side.

"Hi, Boy Wonder!"

He looks around.

"I see you have the team, plus the apprentice. Nice to see your destiny is back on-track."

Cosmo, as dog, comes out from behind Raven.

Larry pauses.

"Who is that? They aren't part of what is supposed to happen."

He looks more closely. Turns his head in a direction that doesn't exist in normal space. Goes a bit pale.

"Destiny. I expect you can handle all the problems you run into. I'm going on holiday. See you never. Chow! No, Ciao, I meant Ciao!"

And he isn't there any more.

Robin is looking a little bemused.

"Was that the result we wanted?"


Raven, Shepherd and myself, in Raven's room, we'd sat down, discussed, figured-out how to contact Control Freak. Tea was drunk. We even resorted to the special English cookies, the 'Rich Tea Biscuits'. Yes, we were heathens, we dunked them.

We are hunting a Dream Walker, or that's how previous timeline Raven described him. But, we don't want to dunk ourselves in The Dreaming again. The last little venture was enough. So, we need something more directed.

When he was supposed to first meet the Titans, as was shown to previous timeline Control Freak by Larry, a video shop and an attempt to rent a copy of a Warp Trek movie was the basic situation. No Larry interference, so presumably that is still in this timeline, as a 'destined event'.

So, using a Warp Trek movie video, borrowed from Cyborg, Raven will act as a ritual anchor, and we will be on the end of a line thrown, into the edge of The Dreaming. We should, hopefully, arrive at the dreams of local Control Freak. Then communicate with him, offer our deal.


The ritual seemed to go OK. We were at the top of some steps, at the front of a half-imagined older house. The steps led down into a basement-entry, a door by a rarely-cleaned window. Stickers, a radiation trefoil, "Danger: Mad Scientist!", and one that just said "Fnord".

We knock. A pause. A brief discussion ending in a... thorough refusal.

"What do you want to talk to us? Money? Fame? Production secrets from Warp Trek?"

There's a pause.

"How do you know I'm interested in Warp Trek?"

I look around the door, at the window. Ah!

"The Warp Trek starship model, hanging inside your window might be a hint."

"I'm dreaming this, aren't I? Women never turn up at my door, in real life, who know anything about Warp Trek."

"We are superheroes. We are supposed to know about all sorts of things. Including risks to the future of the whole world. Which is what we said we wanted to talk to you about."

The door opens, a crack. A suspicious eye peers at us.

"All right. You can come in. But... Give me a couple of minutes."

We wait. The door opens, and we are invited into a cluttered room. A closet door is bulging, a little, I could imagine it creaking, as if recently crammed even fuller. We are faced by Control Freak, in Warp Trek pyjamas and a too-small robe.

"Shepherd? You're supposed to do the next bit?"

"Right. I'm Shepherd, this is Sugoi. We are with the Teen Titans."

Suspicious look.

"I don't think I've seen you on the news."

"I'm Raven's apprentice. I'm pretty sure you've seen her on the news. I can do some magic, if you like. Raven did the magic which sent us to you, here."

"No need to do magic. I'm pretty sure you are here, in my dreams. But, you feel real. I've been having strange dreams, lately. As if... something is going to happen, change."

"Yes. We need your help, to save Earth. Where is your video player? We've a short video for you."


He'd watched the video. It showed Control Freak, the previous timeline one. Smirking. Saying "Listen to Raven's Apprentice. She's got a fun deal for you. Live Long And Prosper, Within The Force.". Ending with a strange hand gesture.

Then, rewound it. Watched it a couple more times. Thought for a while.

"Tell me the deal."

Shepherd explained how he'd get super powers, via a video remote, get to play a chase game, using all the video tricks he could imagine, with the Teen Titans, and then do set-up to help save the world from demonic destruction. No, he wouldn't have to fight any demons. Probably.

I don't think he liked the 'probably', but he did seem interested.

"So, I get to keep the super powers? Once the world is saved?"

"Yes. And, you should be able to learn more ways to use your powers, later."

"Nice offer. But, too risky."

"You do get one more thing. Maybe you noticed at the end of the video? When the camera pulled back, a little, didn't your alternate look... a little more athletic than you?"

"Yes... You mean that wasn't a video trick?"

"No. You can get that build. Raven will do the magic. Raven did the magic on your alternate, she can do it for you."


"Sugoi? Could you do that image trick you said we had ready?"

I pulled out the prepared image crystal, from a belt pouch. Concentrated on it. A six-inch tall 3d image of 'athletic' Control Freak appeared, dressed as a Warp Trek admiral, rotating above my hand.

"You've certainly gone to a lot of effort... So, end-of-the-world scenario, I'd be one of the heroes, and I get super powers and a tune-up out of it..."


"I'll do it! Do I need to sign something?"

"No, and if anyone ever asks you to sign something, using your blood? Work out a way to delay them, and get professional help."


After that it was a matter of agreeing how he'd contact us, at Titans Tower.


Nurf has been doing something I should have been doing more. Talking to people, rather than worrying about them, what they might be thinking, feeling. Yes, this has got results.

"Geo? Did you ask Victor what was going on with Barbara, and the Batgirl robot? As we both know, they discuss things a lot, as between them they run all the non-magical security of the Tower."


"Barbara asked Victor's help in turning your prototype into something sensible to field test. Because, according to Victor, she thought you looked really stressed, and turned her down when she tried to talk to you about what was worrying you."

"I guess... she could have taken what I said that way."

"She was 'trying to give you some space to work things out'. I strongly suspect she wanted you to approach her to discuss the Bat-bot situation."

"I'm still not at all good at this relationships thing..."

"Why don't we go talk to her, once she's available? I'll work on making sure things don't get too... upset."



We got our discussion. Nurf had to cool things down, several times. It looked as though we'd both misunderstood the other.

Barbara says she's achieved her objectives, in field testing her Batgirl robot, and establishing Batgirl is around in Gotham, again. Plenty of data to use in building the next version, and some crimes solved.

I explained that the secret rebuilding of the Teen Titans had affected me more than I realised. A supporting role, not leadership, worked far better for me. And, when there'd been a break, it looked as though the most critical problems were fixed, I was a bit lost.

We are still friends. Might we be more than that in future? We're both willing to say 'maybe'. But, for now, just friends.


Nurf has gone with me to talk to Nurse. Nurse is... being official. I recall, from the previous timeline, this meaning considerable unhappiness.

"Nurse, is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

Nurse, in her blue-skinned servitor aspect, her image on the screen, looks at me.

"No, Captain", from the servitor.

A brief pause.

"No, Chief Medical Officer", from the screen avatar.

I look at her.

Nurf and I leave.


"So, I get to spend time on the Ship, as I thought I might?"


Nurf looks resigned. Snoopergirl has a tiny smile.

"Just call me when you need me."


AN: Control Freak is one of the new-in-the-cartoon Teen Titan villains. These tend to be different in style to the comics ones, like Slade. Main difference? Hard to say, but they give me the impression of being less 'rooted'.

AN: It would appear that Larry pronounces 'chow' and 'ciao' in a very similar way, and really doesn't want anyone, like Cosmo, to think he is using the wrong word... (*cough* Dog Chow *cough*)

AN: When you are thinking of cookies to dunk in your tea, you need to follow the science. :)

AN: You probably wont notice the fnords; wonder where Control Freak came across them?


Rich Tea Biscuits
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Spirit, Mind, Body - Episode 50
Raven's Replacement, Episode 50

Annoying priest got to be annoying. And I wasn't there. I'm calling that a win.

Another three-part discussion, with Raven and Shepherd. Circumstances don't force it on us, but taking Robin to see the annoying priest, in Japan, seemed wise. Best as we could tell, I wasn't required, as Shepherd would be there, as the apprentice.

Raven can dimension walk as well as I could, in the previous timeline, and Shepherd is interested in meeting the man. Robin is a bit reluctant, but making clear this is partly about fixing the fallout from our recent trip to help Beast Boy makes sense to him.

On the return Raven says it went as well as could be expected. The priest didn't get to have as much fun as in the previous timeline, though. Robin seems interested that, with practice, he might be able to focus his spirit into weapons, so they can strike things otherwise immaterial.

Before they went we'd briefly discussed whether Master Roshi might benefit from joining the visit. Consulted Doctor Blue on the matter. Decided it was unwise to complicate things, and it might be considered cruel, to Master Roshi. So, he didn't get invited.

Like I said, a win.


I'd obviously got a bit out of balance. So, first I tried some slow exercises, as slow as I could, in the gym, with Master Roshi. My normal exercise program had got a bit mechanical, so this didn't seem a bad idea. But, it wasn't what I needed.

"I do not think that The Tower is a place you feel you can be calm. You are waiting for the right conditions to do something important, unless I read things wrong. You need somewhere else."

He coughs.

I look at him directly.

A moment's thought, and he has shifted to his elderly appearance, dressed in his full instructor-is-formal-to-student wear. I suspect I'm going to be troubled by what comes next...

"You do not have a real mentor, here in this place. Raven is not your teacher, it is clear in how you interact. Nurf, while greatly experienced, is an ally you called into existence, and gives good advice, but wont tell you what to do. Cyborg was and still is someone you greatly respect, but don't see as a teacher, a mentor."

He pauses. Looks at me for a few moments.

"You called on Oracle, Barbara as she has asked me to call her, for help when you arrived here. Became very close. Drifted apart. She can not be your teacher or mentor. I am afraid..."

He looks at me, nods decisively.

"I'm afraid that I am the only one who was in what you call the 'previous timeline', as well as this one. And, I do not think I can be the teacher or mentor that will help you through your problems. Now, go, find a better place to seek your centre. This... old man needs to do private exercise."


I am here, in a 'better place'. Outdoors, well-lit. A place with good memories.

Doing my slow, slow, exercises.


On the Moon.


Back in the Tower. A lot calmer. Arrange a meeting, which will probably include a ritual, with Raven and Shepherd in Raven's room.

"Finding the spirits of the missing Teen Titans. We went into the Dreaming, found... a Beast Boy spirit, and a number of other things, too. But, we did not get a better idea how to find those missing."

I look at the other two.

"We've figured-out two of the three ritual objects we're pretty sure will create a link to Raven's spirit. But, not the details of the third one. When I met previous timeline Raven she wouldn't directly offer help, but she gave me a boon to summon a person called 'Carver'. While I was meditating on our problems a comment made by Master Roshi took on a new meaning - getting help from someone I thought of as a mentor, which translates via Raven to 'Carver'."

The two look at each other.

Raven speaks.

"Based on your chain of logic I'm assuming that we summon Carver, and ask for assistance. Hence the planned ritual. Carver hopefully delivers, then the next evening, once we're mentally prepared, we reach out for Raven's spirit. Anticipating that we may well get Trigon as part of the deal."

She looks at Shepherd.

"That makes sense to me."


We do the ritual. There shouldn't be any great risk, as Carver expects to be summoned, But it's a good idea to be respectful.

Suddenly there is a shower of leaves, falling in our summoning triangle. They clear, and there's a woman in a business suit, slim attache case, short dark hair, dark clothes, slightly above the knee skirt. A calm and competent look. And, we may now know why she's called 'Carver', as her skin is wood, her hair leaves.

"Good to be here."

She looks around the room. Then stops, at the strange wooden boat, off to one side.

"You might guess I'm interested in things wooden. Might I ask where you obtained that boat?"

I look at Raven. Her brow furrows. Turn back to Carver.

"In an unnamed junk shop, in the city. A little time ago. Why?"

"Not important at the moment. So, how would you like me to help?"

"We need help crafting a ritual tool. Unfortunately, we don't know what form the tool needs."

"I would strongly suggest it be made of wood. I can help you most, that way. So, please tell me the details..."


We now have our three ritual tools.

Raven's knife, from when I entered this world. A limbless wooden doll, two-faced, my face on one side, Raven's on the other, completed by me breathing on it while mentally chanting. And, a knot of Buttercup's hair, from her (wooden) hairbrush, tied by Shepherd in a way impossible in three dimensions.

Carver had to go off and fetch the wood for the doll, and while she was doing that she fetched the hairbrush hair. Yes, we could have done that, but she saved us a lot of travelling. When she got back she looked a bit distracted.

"Any problems?"

"Had to take a longer route than I expected. I sensed the attention of your local Trigon, and it seemed best to ensure that didn't focus on me."


The final work, then, done. Carver departs. We look at each other.

The tools. The time. The place.

Just the last one of those will need more work...


AN: I could have put all the 'Moon' links, as I did, previously. But, I didn't. :)

AN: Winding towards the end, here, as you probably guessed. Only a few more episodes. I'd wanted to do more with this episode, but it wouldn't cooperate. These things happen.
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Trail Run - Episode 51
Raven's Replacement, Episode 51

"Mom, Mommy? There's a funny magic wood smell in here. And it smells a bit like that model ship."

Sometimes I wish I could figure out which of the two of us is 'Mom'. But, Cosmo wont explain her logic. And it changes, sometimes.


Fortunately, while we'd been summoning Carver, Cosmo had been off playing with Fang, or 'Fleur' as she looks like she now wants to be called. Chris was probably involved, too. And, Shepherd was keeping a general eye on them.

Her question arose when she came into Raven's room, where we were discussing our next steps.

"There was a lady here, who looked to be made of wood. Do you think that's who you are smelling?"

I'll let Raven handle the questioning.

Cosmo doggy-ly wanders around, sniffing.

"Does smell like living wood. And the model boat is definitely not living."

She pushes part way behind where the boat is, on one of Raven's chests, by a wall.

"There's a dimension trail, starting here. Faint, but I think I can follow it. Can we take the boat, see where it goes? I think it's... important."


We discuss this. Raven pull-out some books on magical boats, and magical wood. But, it quickly becomes clear we could spend a great deal of time studying the subject. And... study doesn't seem the right way to go.

We prepare to leave. Raven has put the model boat in her personal storage. Then, pauses.

"I was given a bottle, when I left Azarath, by a priestess of Azar, who hid their identity. Told me I'd find a good use for it, some day. I've not thought of it since then. Now I remember it."

She rummages in one of her bigger chests, pulls-out a small glazed bottle. Vanishes it into the folds of her robe.

We check the wards, the ritual we are using the leave the tower. All looks good.



It isn't like one of the more normal dimensional paths we tend to use. Yes, those curve, vary in what's underfoot. This is more... organic. Sometimes twists back on itself. Sometimes I can see a hint of what I think Cosmo is following. A golden thread. A scattering of red sand. But it comes and goes, and I can't feel the patterns as they shift.

We take a long detour around an immense eyeball. Takes me a few moments, but I realise Raven is trying to signal to me that it's connected with her father. Oh. Not really sure I wanted to know that.

But, even through the route is strange it quickly takes us out of the local dimension, into far areas that look a little familiar.

Cosmo leads us into a green wood, scattered trees. To a pond. Drinks from the pond. Looks at the pair of us. We scoop a drink. Are refreshed. I feel... the pond is happy to help travellers. Proceed.

We are getting close to the dimension of the Ship, though by a different route to any I'd followed, even scouted. Then, Cosmo leads us into a strange, spiralling twist, my stomach drops, and when up and down are clear again I realise we are in the previous timeline, again close to the local Ship dimension.



Cosmo stops. Looks puzzled. Casts about.

"I can't find any more of the trail I followed to get here. But, there is a faint trail of... both of you. I'll follow that."

This is the strangest dimensional trail I've ever been on. I'm smelling sounds, tasting colours. Sometimes I'm looking out through Cosmo's eyes. Then I snap back to my own body.

We are in... grey mists. A place that feels... empty, but full of potential.

A... 'turn about' place.

Cosmo digs a hole. In grey misty reality.

"Put the model ship in there."

We do. She buries it, very neatly. Then, tilts her head on one side. Looks where she dug.

"I think it might be time for that bottle?"

Raven carefully pulls it out. Examines it. Sealed, but there's a faint score mark. I loan her my knife, and with a precise blow opens. Sniffs.

"It doesn't smell of anything. Pure water?", she says a little dubiously, "I want to hear a really good reason to risk tasting it".

"Just pour it!"

She follows Cosmo's instruction.

"Now, I think we get a long way back!"

We do.


We get to watch a dimension forming. It is a moving, beautiful, experience. And, not one that there's any way to describe, in any language I know.

Time to retrace our trail. Sensory distortions and all. And...

First we can see the Ship dimension of the previous timeline. Carefully enter it. See the Ship, off in the distance.

OK. But, we beat a hasty retreat because I think I catch a glimpse of Nurf, astral travelling.

Round the spiral, and we are back in our timeline. And, yes, now there is a matching Ship dimension.

Again, entry. Visible ship.

Funny how I never realised what the model ship matched...

I feel drained. Raven is flagging. Cosmo... I think we've found one of the limits of her energy.

I pick her up, she nestles into the crook of my arm. Looks at me, hopefully.



We are drinking tea. Again. In Raven's room.

Raven is speculating.

"I think Carver made the model ship, put it for us to find in that junk shop, because she could see it was her work. Then followed the other trails to see where the model ship went. We in turn followed her trail, which led to where we needed to 'plant' the model ship. Each of us following the trail the other made. One of those paradox creation events."

I look at her.

Cosmo looks at her.

She is in small girl form, and nibbling a cookie.

"I... see..."

Well, maybe I don't, but I'll go along for the moment.

Raven looks speculatively at Cosmo.

"You effectively made a whole dimension."

"Sorta. All the bits were there, I just started them going."

"If you had proper support, all the bits, could you make a credible place both to do summoning and fight in? We need a place to reach for Raven's spirit, and to fight Trigon if he arrives."

"I think so..."

"We get Control Freak, off-stage, to do his... bit."

"Oh Kay..."

I'm beginning to think we have something that might work...


AN: Dogged determination will get you places reason will not? :)
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Chase Nurse Ship - Episode 52
Raven's Replacement, Episode 52

Semi-scripted. Multiple takes. Experts ignored.

What's that?

They've done the Teen Titans chase scene.


There were multiple takes of all but the end bit. Where Raven turned Control Freak athletic. And made it stick.

They were happy to 'patch' fit Control Freak to unfit one, with edits. Raven refused to do any magical editing, said it wasn't in the spirit of the thing. And, I'm pretty sure she was right.

They'd found a small animation studio, swore them to secrecy. Bounced ideas off them. I didn't get really involved, we let 'the boys' (not 'The Boys') sort it out.

The three of them did borrow Fang, briefly. Introduced her to the studio staff. I'm sure I saw one drinking from a hip flask, a while later...

They got us all in to watch the different takes. I think because they'd been arguing. Beast Boy, I asked him later, why he'd sat so he could see everyone. Explained he was watching people's bodies, seeing how they reacted.

So, they agreed nearly all the first take was, in fact, the best. And went with that. If nothing else, they enjoyed themselves, distracted us all from what we know is to come.


Doctor Blue (note, not Nurf) took me down to the med bay after the decision. The slow way, by the stairs. Explained she'd been talking to Nurse, explaining what was to come.

There was Snoopergirl. Sitting on the floor. Holding Nurse. A full-sized Nurse servitor, which was not what I expected. There'd been crying.

Doctor Blue looked at the scene.

"Raven had to transform Nurse, make her 'grow up', before they did the chase scene. I read your notes, you asked me to check them, add anything missing, fix anything you'd got wrong. So, I reminded Raven she had to."

Shakes her head.

"She wasn't happy."

I reach out a hand, towards the sitting pair.

"I'm sorry, Nurse. We really haven't treated you well. My fault, I've been trying to make everything work. And..."

She looks up at me.

"I've just tried to do my job. Run the med bay. Only two people ever really talked to me. Oracle, and..."

She hugs Snoopergirl.

Glares at Doctor Blue.

"I don't count HER. She just came and talked AT me."

I swallow.

"We need you to help. To go to a strange world with..."

Snoopergirl looks up, at me, nods.

"With Tana. Spend a lot of time there, at least months, maybe a year, supporting her. Very soon, after a few final preparations."

Tana does a barking laugh.

"Yes, I do need you. Originally they thought Shepherd could do the job, but, turns out she's not, at the moment, creative enough. Her mental wounds are still healing, I think. I, on the other hand, am."

She sighs.

"I can understand roughly what I need to do. It's a bit like creating a virtual world, a bit like writing a book. But, I just don't have enough... psychic strength to do the work, on my own. And you, you may not believe it, but you're incredibly strong."

She leans back, holding Nurse with both hands, looks her straight in the eyes.

"Will you help me?"



'Final preparations'.

Plenty of supplies. Devices needed to make life on the Ship reasonably comfortable. A few months, personal time, of building, testing, assembly work in my personal workshop dimension. Lonely, but there wasn't a compelling reason for anyone else to be there with me. OK, in retrospect we could have organised that better.

Shepherd had found the time (yes, we cheated) to locate Prof. Ivo's workshops. Based on what she knew of him from previous worlds. Borrowed some of his tools, that he uses to build Amazo.

She said she'd, previously, considered finding as many of them as she could. Thoroughly wrecking them. But, on some level, it seemed... not right. She'd achieved her personal objective, already. So, borrow, return.

We realised we needed to work on this somewhere... 'real'. Where all of us, me included, could learn, be creative. That was our best guess why we couldn't use my personal workshop dimension. Or, it was something to do with the nature of the Amazo tech.

So, we time-accelerated the med lab, as the only place secure, under our control, isolated enough to do that. Did a few tests, seemed OK. And, we'd realised it was sensible to use locked-out parts of the med core as tools.

It took Raven, outside, to do the acceleration, and Nurf, Shepherd and I, inside, to do the work. We needed to distract Nurse from the way we were using her systems, so she worked with Tana, starting to create the virtual-book-world. Shepherd was also using some Martial Manhunter mental tricks.

After we started, she took me to one side.

"I'm pretty sure I can distract Nurse, particularly if she willingly lets me, but... Her mind works on the surface, I can definitely feel her... incredible strength of will, below..."

She shudders.

"I don't want to go below the surface."

Shepherd, Nurf and I, we turn to meditation, quite often, to get through this time.

And, we are sleeping in the med beds, because of the confined quarters. Strangely, this seems to make Nurse a lot happier.


We've built a strange, hybrid, device. An 'engram crown'. Prototype, test, break, test again. Alpha, then beta version. Built into it redundancies.

We'd had to accept restrictions. It would only work for Tana, who has a rather... strange mental architecture, and the skill sets it provided were hard-wired. The basics of them came from Shepherd, learned some time back, in our stint in my personal workshop dimension. Then, from me, and Nurf.

Using Amazo tech it would give Tana the skills she needed to do the more advanced parts of 'writing' the virtual-book-world. A good chunk of which is math, concerned with... Lets just say 'math'. And, if Raven and I were correct, 'bring Nurse out of her shell', by her desire to help.


The five of us. Raven, Shepherd, and I. Tana and Nurse. We are at the Ship, we have unloaded the supplies. I can tell those we are leaving here are scared, but determined.

Both Tana and Nurse have a Raven doll. They know that if they whisper 'Done' to it, they'll be picked-up. 'Help', and we'll be here as quickly as possible.

Why did Shepherd come? We aren't quite certain, but it seems that it would be wise for Raven's Apprentice to visit the Ship. It would be bad if everything failed because we hadn't arranged that.

What do we do now?

Going home.




AN: A bit more gloomy than I'd have preferred, but that's how it came out.
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