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Divinity (X-Men/Marvel) (Reality Warping SI)

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You can never gain too much power in this place, but what happens if you gain more than enough.
Chapter One


Making the rounds.
Oct 26, 2023
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This story is inspired by many fanfics and comics such as the fanfic; A Crooked Man and Extraordinary Life (X-Men OC), comics like; Valiant Divinity, Divine Right, and Dr. Solar. Of course, I don't dare to think what I write is even a taste compared to the works above but this is merely me trying my best to conceive an Idea I have using the above stories.

Chapter One

When you get down to it, I'm sure my story is quite as banal as they come.

It isn't original.

My circumstances aren't what will make you go 'Whoa'—even though that is what it did to me.

This story of mine began just as I had seen it in various forms of entertainment channels.

I died and was reincarnated in a different world.

A marvelous world.

The Marvel Comic Continuity.

At first, I wasn't sure 'where' I had been reincarnated to. It could have been a world of swords and magic, or of giant mechas or supernatural monsters—heck, it could have even been some kind of grim dark, or post-apocalyptic world.

Although, I desperately prayed it wasn't the last part.

Then again, I am quite ashamed to say that even as an adult of over 25 years, I had not been able to take such new happenings calmly… Or rather, I had spent the next four hours or so of my conception, crying and bawling my ass out so that my 'new' parents who at that time, seemed like a pair of beaming giants won't have any interest in eating me.

What? ATTACK OF TITAN ruined any positive emotions towards giant monsters for me.

It was only after I had been placed in a crib and I had the opportunity to look at my pudgy fists did I realized what had happened to me… And cued in another panic spell.

Hah... You know, I look back at my behavior and the only emotion I can muster is shame.

'Open System. Open Menu. Spiritual inner tower. Super bloodline. God-like Grandpa. Broken Gold Finger...'

In the first weeks of my life (and years to come), I had spent most of my 'agu-gu-ga-ga' time invoking every form of cheat I knew in my second life. After all, if reincarnation is real then it shouldn't be surprising of me wanting to expect something fantastic from it.

But unfortunately, it was all in vain.

Shouting. Crying. Cursing. Begging... Nothing I did seemed to work.

I was even planning on taking the protag loner's route if that is what it takes... But it took me only some months to realize that no man is an island.

I may be currently a kid who's formerly been an adult, but without any of the said adults to talk to -apart from my parents- seems rather meaningless, and that leaves me with a specific set of individuals to communicate with... Children.

Brrr... That was not due to the cold.

Yeah, while I admit that I enjoyed my second chance at childhood, I still find it quite TOUGH being a child all over again.


Funning enough, what kept me persisting for any form of reincarnation cheats despite my hilarious failings was due to that particular day. That day when I finally realized the sort of place I had been transmigrated to.

Back when I was some months old, I was in the living room with my parents doing baby things -which I will never say- and keeping an eye on the TV for news -as best as a toddler can- when I saw some frankly ridiculous words on the TV Screen.

[The Avengers saves the day yet again]

[Red Rocket and Captain America proves that the past does not determine the future]

[Metallic Incursion: Magneto of the Brotherhood strikes yet again]

"Uwaagh?!" Baby words for 'what the fuck?!'

Words couldn't begin to describe the emotions I'd felt that day.

Oh, the shock was present, that's for sure. But I couldn't deny the excitement welling up within me.

Of all the places to be in!

I am in Marvel. While it was the comic Marvel rather than its cinematic counterpart like I'd hoped, just the fact of me being in Marvel meant that there must be a reason while I am here...

No one wishes for mediocrity—especially in a reality like this.

God, looking back, I still can't help but shiver feeling the cringe.

I'd gone weeb and chuuni, back then.

Dark times that will never be mentioned EVER again.

It had taken me over 15 years of my new life to understand, and another I more year to comprehend that I wasn't really special in the grand stream of things.

I wasn't a mutant. A mutate. An alien. A god. A cosmic being. A bio-engineered being, or anything related to that sort.

I am Adam Abrams—just a guy, lucky or unlucky to be here if one takes a look at the grand scheme of things.

A guy whose name bore similarity to a character from a comic that is not Marvel...

... Or at least, that is how it's supposed to go.


"Adam, seriously. That's what you want to wear for the Halloween party?"

"What's so bad about this one?" Adam said, spreading his arms out to give his mom a full view of the red-colored outfit while walking down the stairs. "Even Johnny gave this his seal of approval. He called it unique."

Jessica Abrams—Adam's mom, who relaxed on the cushion raised a brow as she regarded her son. "Well~ he certainly isn't wrong about the unique part. But Adam, why a colored spacesuit of all things?"

"Well..." Adam dragged.

It wasn't like Adam could tell his mom that he had the idea for this outfit from a comic book that doesn't exist in this, well… Reality. While considering the state of the world today, the probability of Jessica believing him wasn't quite zero—Adam still didn't want his mom to see him as crazy.

So his reply was simple.

"You know I want to become an astronaut. This is just my way of reminding myself of that."

"Astronaut, hmm?" Mom uncomfortably hummed. "I... I have nothing to say that hasn't already been said."

Adam winced upon the look on his mom's face.

'Ah, can't believe I'd forgotten about this. She isn't comfortable with me becoming an astronaut, is she?'

It is not like Adam could even blame her. Space today, seems considerably more dangerous than the planet Earth, with all the planet-razing aliens and cosmic beings flying around.

Just earlier this year, the Shi'ar Empire had launched some sort of nuke at our solar system which would have obliterated us, if it weren't for the aid of the thunderer, Thor, who had helped in destroying the nuke.

'Besides that, and the earth-size flaming bird fiasco from 7 years ago, which had something to do with the Phoenix. Mom has been quite adamant in curbing my desire to see the vast starry sea.'

Sighing, Adam scratched the back of the head.

Again, Mom wasn't wrong; he only has one life to live in this World…

"Mom... Can we come back to this at a later time?" Taking a deep breath, Adam said. "I've been thinking about having a go at engineering, and I want your help in deciding which field is the right one for me."

Mom froze before a small smile blossomed on her face. Adam decided right then that such a face looked perfect on her. Jessica's thumbs fiddled with each other, an unspoken sign that she was surprised, yet happy, yet sad.

She cleared her throat.

"Well… Alright then. But what brought this on?"

"Hmm..." Adam said, projecting a confidence he didn't have. "I feel being an astronaut would only shorten my lifespan. Besides, I haven't seen all there is to see on this planet, no need to go looking for space that doesn't have an end to it."

Mom rubbed her forehead with a resigned smile.

"... ... As long as you are sure of this." Standing up, Mom walked towards Adam and kissed him on his forehead. "Now you go out to that party and bag me a girl or two, Mr."

Adam groaned. "Seriously? We were having a moment, here."

Mom huffed with a small smirk. "Well, a mom's got to be worried if her son hasn't expressed any sort of interest in the opposite sex."

'Because doing so will make me a pedophile.' Adam mentally replied—though outwardly his lips twitched minutely.

"Although, that doesn't mean I give you the go-ahead to have actual sex—"

"La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la..." Adam interrupted his mom by making a show of covering his ears. "Can't hear what you're saying, mom. I've gotta go."

With a kiss on his mom's cheeks, Adam bolted straight for the door with Jessica's pearly laughter ringing in the background.

"Have a safe trip and an enjoyable party."

Adam thumbed up in affirmation.

"That's a given."



That sound halted Adams's footsteps as he headed for the car across the road. Unlike with his mom, Adam let out his scowl on full display.

"I dare you to laugh, Johnny." There was no heat behind Adam's words, but that did not mean there was no irritation. "Come on, let out a huff and see if I don't fix your face a new one."

Johnny, a boy of Adam's age sporting an auburn hair coupled with a face and frame that wouldn't look out of place in a football team, beamed.

Of course, Johnny didn't laugh. Adam was very much willing to carry out his threat. But didn't stop the irritation in Adam from growing.

After all, if Adam had to choose between Johnny's knowing smile or laughter? He would undoubtedly choose the latter.

Coughing, Johnny eyed Adam and said. "So I see you've decided to wear the costume?"

"Huh? What else did you expect me to wear?" Adam rhetorically shot back. "I did ask you if this was alright and you gave me the thumbs up."

"Nope. I only called it unique."

"Isn't something being called unique a good thing?"

"Aren't you all genius, figure it out."

"... Urg, I so wanna' punch you right now."

"Not unless you plan to head out to school in public transit. By the time you're here, I'll already be gone."

Adam sighed rubbing the back of his head, and headed for his friend's car. Opening the door, Adam grumbled. "You're lucky that you're the one with a car right now."

"Nah, that's just your excuse for saying that you love me."

"Keep this up and you'll be expecting a kick to the groin."

"Oh, scary~"

"Just... Drive, for pete's sake."


The first thing Adam had picked just as the car approached his high school was the sound of a party blare at full blast.

"St. George High... Never fails to impress whenever they decide to go out." Johnny said with a beam as he drove into the school premises.

St. George High, one of the many public schools in Oklahoma. It wasn't famous for anything, truly one of the many average institutions across the state. However to Adam, if there was anything the school was quite good at would be their official and unofficial parties.

While the student activities were overseen by the school officials, it wasn't heavily laden compared to most of the schools Adam had been in. Of course, that meant vices such as bullying and all forms of illicit practices abounded—that is if it weren't for the Head of Public Morals Committee.

Namely, Adam Abrams...

To fucking tut his horn, having over 3 black belts in 4 martial disciplines has truly helped Adam through his adolescence. By the end of the day, the student body of St. George High learned not to mess with him as those that did found themselves in hospitals—and they were the fortunate ones.

Who says violence cannot propagate peace?

There is a reason why despite not being part of the school's football team, those jocks respected him more than their brawny back liner, Johnny.

"I only hope they can keep everything in moderation," Adam commented as he stepped out of the vehicle.

"Come on, don't be such a spoilsport, champ," Johnny said, draping an arm over Adam. "Soon after this will be the final papers for me and unto final year for you. Now isn't the time for you to be going on all busboy on me."

Adam sighed—and elbowed Johnny in the torso hard.

"Oomph... Seriously, what the fuck—oh, I called you busboy just now, didn't I?"

Nodding at Johnny's bowled form, Adam said. "Be glad that I'm in a good mood and you're strangely making sense for once."

Still wheezing, Johnny rubbed his stomach with an uncomfortable look.

"I've been hit many times in the torso out there in the fields, but I don't think there's anyone who's hit me as hard as you do."

Adam smirked at the former school head bully and one of the luckier ones.

"Well, I suppose that's good for me, then."


The Halloween party was as Adam had suspected it to be. Rowdy as hell. Teens dressed in their vampires, mummies, werewolves, Frankensteins, and many others, littered the hall room while busting out moves that could be classified as both slick and awkward.

Johnny, who by the way, dressed as a Bigfoot was also on the dancefloor with his fairy-clad girlfriend, Melisa. Yeah, from the way they were both eating up their lips, Adam was quite sure they would be having sex by the end of the day...

Then again, Adam wasn't their guardian so it's not like he has any say about it.

"Hmm..." A girl bumped Adam, giving him a drink from the two she had in her hand. "Here..."

"Oh, thanks, Soph."

Adam took a drink—and his face changed as he eyed the drink that had a familiar sour heat in it. Adam turned to Sophia Grainheart with an incredible look.

"Di-Did you add whiskey to this?"

With a smirk like the sexy witch she had portrayed herself to be, Sophia placed a hand on Adam's shoulders. "Well, seems like our golden boy sure knows his drinks."

Shrugging her arm off, Adam replied. "Cut it out. It's not like I haven't had a drink in my entire life... I just don't like how it tastes and how it makes my head spin... there's also the sobering headache."

It wasn't like Adam hated drinking... Ok, he hated drinking, but it certainly didn't come out from nowhere. Even from his past life, Adam had always hated that sharp hot aftertaste from alcoholic beverages—even the sweeter ones weren't sweet for him at all.

Not to mention how weak Adam is to that stuff.

Although, Adam did have a soft spot for wine. But wine is just the exception.

"Snrk... Sorry, sorry." Sophia mirthfully said, as she made to exchange the drink Adam held with her. "Here have mine..."

But Adam shook his head. "... No, it's alright. It's not like I'm a light drinker or anything. I can handle at least this much."

The only problem being that Adam lied about his light drinker status.

"Men and their pride." Sophia sighed. "Suit yourself then."

With the party still raging on, Adam took the opportunity to regard Sophia while slowly sipping his drink.

Dynamite Sophia—she's living up to her nickname.

Her well-proportioned tall frame with her auburn hair now dyed blonde, coupled with her green latex outfit that comprised of a cropped sleeveless and criminally short pants that had a material of the same color attached to the pants as some sort of griddle.

Normally, one wouldn't have associated such a sensual outfit with a witches' costume—that is if it weren't for the Norse sorceress infamously known amongst Thor's expansive list of archenemies.

The Enchantress.

Adam huffed, "Cool outfit you rocking there, Soph."

"Right." Sophia twirled, (un) intentionally showing her sensual appeal. "Becky and the others wouldn't stop hounding me to join in with their Egyptian Queen parade. But as you can see, I've got my own thing going."

"Yeah, I can see that."

It seems Adam's stare must have been quite noticeable because Sophia's eyes and smirk widened as she slinked towards the astronaut-clad Morals Committee member and placed a hand on his chest.

"You know, when I was going for a witches' theme, I hadn't been for magic and hexes or trick or treat... I'd been going for—"

"Control." Adam interrupted her, holding her hand. "The prototype for your costume is from the Enchantress Amora, who's one of the known villains to not be part of the punching and beam blasting group... Well, not the beam blasting part but her usual operandi is to have controlled minions fight for her."


"That's just common information."

"Well then, since you already get the point of my costume that means you already know what comes next."

With a small huff, Adam genuflected, kissing Sophia's hand.

"Will you grant me the honor of taking you to the dancefloor, my mistress?"

"Of course, my darling servant," Sophia replied in a faux haughty tone. "Nothing pleases a woman than a man treating her like the queen she is."

With that, both proceeded to the dancefloor and bopped to the raucous music. Of course, there was no small amount of lips exchange, but at this point, Adam couldn't bring himself to care about it anymore.

Maybe his reincarnation was merely just remembering memories from his past life and the 'him' from before was gone. Either way, it is not like the memories he has about this world can help much. It is more of a detriment than a blessing.

Like what the fuck was Adam to do about the fucking Incursion Event or the Infinity Event or the Civil War, anyways? Either of them could blow him out like a candle before he can say, 'fuck this shit'.

Life is short. Adam has only one life. One small fragile life amongst the millions of 9As to 1As superhumans, and he intends to live it freely.

A soft bite on his ear drew Adam out from his musing as he looked at Sophia who was pouting at him.

"Eyes on me..."

Laughing, Adam pulled her closer. "As my queen commands."

"You're lucky that I'm in a merciful mood."

"That I am, my lady."

Sophia chuckled resting her head against his chest, while Adam smiled swaying to the music that took on a cool tempo.

Now isn't the time to be pondering on heavy stuff. Life is short, and Adam Abrams intends to live it to the fullest.


Shaking his head, Adam let out a groan as he struggled to lock the Library room's door. He would be having words with the Library Prefects for this, but that would have to wait as it seemed like the drink Adam had back at the party was getting to him.

Grimacing as he failed to stifle a belch, Adam turned around and mentally took count of the remaining rooms.

"Hmm... I've already checked the terrace, the cafeteria, the sports storage room, the art storage room... All that's left is the computer room."

With the lethargy suffusing his very bones, Adam dearly wanted to just call it a night and head back home. It is 3:24 AM and with the drink -which still shocks him that even a drink mixed with juice could do him this much- compounding his tiredness, Adam didn't have the energy to do much.

"Urgh..." Slapping his cheeks, Adam prepped himself. "Hah, won't take a minute or two. Let's just get this over with."

On the way to the office on the school's second floor, Adam distracted himself with the pleasant happenings that night. Namely, the enjoyable time with Sophia.

"Ah, if it weren't for this damn tipsiness the things I would've been doing..." Adam grumbled—before it changed into a dopey smile. "This and that, and a little bit of this..."

Yeah, Adam can see himself going far with Sophia if they both decide to progress their relationship. Sophia is his type, and Adam wasn't merely referring to her dynamite body.

"Next week—no, tomorrow. I'll ask her out tomorrow..."

But upon reaching the computer room, whatever perverted fantasy Adam had died as a scowl took its place. The room's door was locked all alright, but judging from the faint light coming from inside the room there is no denying the fact that one of the PCs has not been switched off.

Adam peevishly fished out a key from his keychain and opened the door.

"I swear to god, I'll take this to the council if this happens again. This ain't under my goddam jurisdiction."

The only reason Adam had to do this was because he was part of the party planning committee. While Adam hadn't been able to contribute much in the planning per se, he had been tasked with making sure the school was 'ok and normal' before he left.

After all, it is a pain in the neck if Mr. Henderson (McDonald) calls the committee to his office first thing Monday morning to nag them dry because it had been reported to him that something went missing.

Entering, Adam trudged to the PC with a grumble that quickly turned into fear.

"What. The. Hell...?"

Frozen on his feet, Adam mechanically turned left and right, front and back, up and down. But he didn't see anything or anyone. Even so, Adam still couldn't keep his calm.

In a world where beings like Mephisto, Dormammu, Satanus, or any of the supernatural freaks exist -and Adam wasn't only referring to only the big names- looking around doesn't guarantee one's safety.

They could be fucking omnipresent for all Adam knows.

"Is this some Halloween joke? Because if so, I don't think I'm getting it."

Logically, Adam should have run as soon as he saw those words on the PC screen. Who or whatever did this knew who he was—it even knew his status as a reincarnate and his former life's name to boot.

Whatever was going on was totally beyond his pay grade.


But even so...

'Hadn't I been waiting for this all my life?'

As Adam thought this, his body robotically walked and sat before the glowing PC screen that had those damn words.

[Chose Your Archetype]

[Reincarnate: Benjamin Kersley/Adam Abrams]

[Type: -] (Options)

Adam really should have run, but he didn't. The possibility of this being real rather than some conjuration from his current state was too enticing to ignore -not to mention his tipsiness had been cleared from his system.

Picking up the mouse, Adam clicked on the options as a list appeared.

"Alright, let's see... Mutant. Mutate. Cosmic being. Supernatural being. Alien. God. Mechanical being. Cursed being. Incarnate..."

Adam folded his arms, pondering.

From the get-go, many of the options were out.

Adam didn't want to be some kind of robot or android. A cursed being feels like nothing but trouble. Supernatural being means dealing with all the Ghost Rider shit which could ultimately lead to him taking a trip to Hell or some Splinter Realm—which is a no, no.

Being a God wouldn't fit his heritage (parents and all) and depending on the Pantheon means too much trouble -Ra's alternate form and Gorr, the God Butcher. An Alien—eh, not many aliens can bring the kind of perk Adam needs and he didn't want to play the 'I am not Human' troupe.

For Adam that leaves three choices; cosmic being, mutant, and mutate.

He chooses 'Mutant—though that could change depending on what Adam sees in the further options.

[Class: -] (Options)

Eye twitching, Adam regarded the four options and picked the highest available.

'Who would I choose mediocrity if I can choose? Especially with what's gonna be happening in the coming years.'

[Class: 6 (Beyond Omega)]

[Ability Description] {-}

"What? No options." Adam muttered in bemusement. "Am I supposed to write what I want or something?"

Adam's fingers rest on the keyboard keys, contemplating what he should write. Different kinds of powers exist in Marvel in their thousands—be it through spells, genetic heritages, or some esoteric means.

It doesn't matter what Adam could think of that Earth 616 didn't have a variation of it.

The core truth is that Adam wants a power that would help him survive—that would help him thrive. If Adam could help it, he wanted a power that could protect him from dying in general.

But then again, no one is truly above it.

It doesn't matter the kind of power one has in Marvel. There is always something or someone greater, or some kind of foil or condition that a power could have, no matter how cool it may seem on the ostensible level—unless...

Y̸̡̢̨̧͉͔̠͈̹̙̱̺̪͚͑͒̓́̒͒̾̓̓͛̃͆̏͌̀̀̀̆̽͂̊͗̓̈̓̈́̀͒̃̚̚̕͝͝͝o̶̡̨̟̰͇̦̜̹̟̬͈̗̞̻̤̯͔͚̩̪̣͕̙̭̩̗̼̼͍͙̘͎͉̩͙͚̽̉̋͊̊̈́̒̿̈́͗̀̂͐̔̀́̆͒̊͂͋̎̅̀̊̌͌͂̇̍̌̿̑̆͊̂̾̌̕͜͜ͅư̸̧̛̟̥͍͓͓͓͈͍͔͎̼̹͇̝̬̦̭̐̔̔͋̀̈̀̊͌̒͐͆̈́͒̀̃̆̾̓͌̕͝͝ ̴̡̛̯̻͙̮̝̟̑̑̂͗́͆̿͆̋̽̽͆̈́̅̓͊͑̆̇̽̋̐̐́̍͛͗̈́͂̽̌͗͋͘͘͘͠ͅâ̷̡̧͕̻͔̦͈̤̿͑̊̏̕ŗ̶̢̛̦̦̺̤͈̺͖̖͔̱̹̝̺͉͓͔̪̹̖̫͉̗̹̤͙̩̗̖̪͈̓̽̈́̾̅̇̀̀̍̿̓̎̊͌̉͛͛̈̏̎̀̽̂̕͜͜ͅͅȩ̸̡̢̛͇̥͉͎̟͇̜̖̞̙͖̮̳͔̬̻̠͎̻̘̠͍̰͈̗̊̃̍͐͐̉̇̒̿̌̚͜͜͜ͅ ̴̢̨̨̖̻̥̪̟̲̫̥̝̥̫̖̘̦̰͎͔̠̦̥̳͚̳̣̰̭̙̄͑͗͒̽̊̀͗̊͂͛̍̕ȃ̶̡̡̧͍̝̖̺̘̲̬̥͔̗̬̥̤̟̫̥̥̜̲̙̦̺̖̲̣͚̮͎̹͓̜͇̊͒̏̿̏̎͌̒̓̈́̈̎̀͐́̀̈̅̊͒̕̚̕͠͠͝ͅͅͅb̵̧̡̧̢̥̬̺̭̲̲̱̟̤̞̳͔͙̺̖͖̝̗̰̣̭̻͓̤͈̘͖͂͂͆̔̋̀̆̌̓͑̓̂̄͌̍̑̓̎̿́̇̓̔̚ͅö̶̗͍̰̜͓͎̟͙̣͚̣͉̘͚̺̪̰͍͈̖̹̘͓͖̖͙͍̹͓͙́̔̀̏̐̇̃̽̃͘̚͜͝v̶͍̣͇͍̥̹͛̉e̵̟͎̬̜̮̜̝̹̠̳̩̙̪̫͌̌̎̈̋̿̾͗̊̓̄̚͝͝ ̴͕̱̻̰̯̦̫̖̖̬̱͈̻̭͖̺̼͍̣͎̝͇̱̦͕̎̑̉̏̍̾̎͒͆͗̓̉͗̈́̀́̄͐̉̉͂́́͊̋̂̍̓̓͘̚̕̕͘͝͠͝͝ͅḙ̸̛́̏͒̿͒͋͐̌̒͂̓̈́́̈́͋̀͑̍̈́̓͌̄̾̎̃͊̕͘v̵̢̨̢͖̹͓̣͔̟̣̝͕̜͎̥̳̜̜͚̣̰̳̲̟̲̠̬̞͖̹̽̌͑͒̉͊͂͆̈́̾̈͗͐́ͅê̸̢̨̧͍̫̣̣̬͚̼̤̖̘͉͍̲͚͖͚̜͎͎̱̝̆̐̆́̍̈́̚͜r̸̙̬̆̏͂͐̒́̈́̔̀͊̏͂̇̈́̿̈́̃̕͠͝y̸͎͇͓͈̱̣̞̳̮̳͛̇̆͊̉͒̀̒̀́̇͛̂͂͌̎̉̐̃̀̉͋̽̑́̄̐͜͜͝t̵̡̳̪̻̦̗̤̺͓̮͚̅͑̎̃̌̅͊͊̈̇̀͐̀̈́̊̾̈́̐̊͗̏̍̕͘̚̚͜h̴̡̞̖̪͉̩͉̝̭͚̝͚̥̞̖̭̔̓̊̅̌̀̑̾̓̓͗̈́͗̃̎̈̋̈͗̀̐͒̅̋̄̂̑́̏̈͂̚͝i̵̞̰͕̠̠̤͚̟̩̤͓̯̗̻͍͕͕̜̳͋̿́̈́̅̈͐̈́̓͆͊ͅṇ̸̨̲̐͂̌̍͒̈́̌̂́̓̍̈́̏̽̌̂̒͒̑̂̕ğ̸̛͇̺͇̺̝̻̼̼̺̦̲͖̹̳̺̠̣̱͇̎̋͛͗̈́͐͛́̄͛̈́̌̊͌͂̚͜ͅ.̷̛̹̰̗͓̼͙͒͊̔̂̒͋́̆̽̃̌͊͛̏͋̐̇̄͆͂̅̒͑͌̓̊͒͌͐͐̂̚͘͠͝

Eyes widening, Adam looked at the keyboard keys with a new sense of caution… And hunger. Adam has an idea of the kind of power set he wants... The only problem is that it is too 'powerful' to even consider.

Turning back, Adam peered into the darkness, strangely assured by the silence.

"Ok. Alright, what's the worst that could happen?"


'Wait, am I going to write this?'

Adam Abrams only has one life, but if this works—then everything's going to change.

"Ah, fuck it."

{Pre-Retcon Beyonder}

Exhaling, Adam quickly clicked on the enter option before any feelings of hesitation could settle in—only for the monitor to abruptly switch off.

"Wha..." Adam dumbly gaped. "Well, that's lackluster endin—"

Skrrk! Skrrk! Skrrk!

Ȓ̴͚͖̲̻͕͚̗͎̦̎ȩ̸̨̼̙̫̥̲̖̦͚̟̘̺͔͇̲̮̜̫̮̫̄ͅi̷̧͕͚̼̋̚̕͜͝͝ņ̵̡̡̗̗͓̗͍̜͈̦͈̖̣̦̤̍̂̒̉̿́̃̐͂̄̅̎̈́̀̓c̷̛̘̥̟̯͕͕̰̺͎̭̻̙̺͖͔͖͍̮̖̯͖̥̖̉̎͂̅̈́̓̓̽̈́̈̂͑̈́͆͝͝ä̸̠͔́̓̀̿̈́̑̓́̈́̕͝͝͝r̵̡̨̼͙͎͓͉͎̗͎̟̣̲̻̲͕̔͛̔͑͛͛̎̇̋͘̕̕͜n̷̺͉̩̟̹͈̩̭̥̲̱̝̭̄̾̒̓̃͆̇̔͂̾̈́̂͌̚a̵̢̢̢̡̫̞͉̯̤̐͐̍́͐́͆͝t̸̛̮͓̺̺̣͕̙̰̮͛̂̃̓̈́͗̈́̀̃̽͘̚͝͝ͅe̷͓͎͇̼̝̘̪̅̂̌̄̈́̎͗͘̕͝ͅ ̸̢͇̺͍͈̞̦̠̮͙̖͔͈̺̈́̇͐̿̐͜ͅǍ̴̢̡̡̨̧̢̭̠̺͔̹͍̫̥̮̹̟̹͈͔͜͝r̷̛̼͂͑̎͝c̴̛͎͔̞̩̰̤̬̝̲̳͖͚̠̦̱̓̽͌̔̈̊͆͗͠͝h̸̡̡̻̺̬͉̤̼̦̞̯͈̣̠̒̐̋͐͘͜e̶̛͖̱̥͎̫̝̖̹̝̫͉͓̤̟̻̱̼̓̄̏̽͒̂́͘͝͝ţ̶̢̧̛̗̯̰͇͙̺͓͈͍̯̣͉̩̘̻̙͙̲͉͍̉̎́͆̎̏͐̃͊̋̏̐ý̶̫͇͈̲͖͈͔̍̊͒̋̈̀̒̅̍́̂̔̅̌p̵̢͖̮̬̱̝̰̻̳̫̱͓̮̟̯͈̗̮͓̤̱̩̎̈́́̒̄̑̋̎͘͘͝e̸̢̢̢͔̼͕͍̥̩̭̬̯̘̦̻̪͖͖̮̦͑͊́̈̂̉͑̉̐̔̀̏͘̕ͅ:̷͉̩̏̇ ̸̥̓͌̐S̶̞̩͔̭̣͉̮̺̟͇̝̻̗͙̮̥͇͙̊̃̈́̓̒ͅE̶̛͔͎͊̄T̵̛̛͕̺̗̉̈̌͌́̎͊̈́̌̂́̀̃͑̈̈̊̿̊̚̕͜


R̶̦̻̝̟̤͐͊̉̅̽̓́̇̈͛̊͊̇̀ę̵̛̻̞̯̤̩͗̈́̓̈̈́̒̃̀̋͌͒̃c̷̨͔̯̲͈̖̹͍͉̺̈́͆͗̋̀̾̎̐̉͗͌̈̓̑͊̄͘i̷͈̳̦̺̘̼͉̘̼̠͌͊̎̄̆̆̐̎̍́̕͘͘ͅp̵̛̛̖̥͛͐͑͌̅̈̑̊͐͆̒̎̕į̸̧͎̳̪̺̺͍͎̯̖̻̙͕̾̅͝ȇ̴̡̧̦̫̺̫̝̤͇̦͙͕̻̈́͋̓̇́͘̕͜͝ͅn̶͈͙͇͉̩̞̪̳̗̠̱̺͈̯̝͓͒̋͊͂̓͐́͘͠t̶̨̢͓̥̤̤̞͂͗̔̋̓̀͌͝ͅ:̵̛͉̭̙̯͚̻̥͖̯̮͈͂̏͊́̐́̈́̀́̅̕͝͝ ̵̧̡̢͈̳͔̙̳͈̗͙͓̭̠̞̺̂̈͑B̴̧͚̤͆̀͘̕É̸̞̘͔̥͓̥̺̺͙̩̭͊̂̂̍̆̾̀̓͌̾̆͆͜͝N̵̢͚̱͍̣̞̙͖̖̻͓͒͌́́̀ͅJ̵̧͚͉̹̮̬̺̼̘̜͖͚͍͈̽͛̍̊̇̓̓͜A̶̡͓͔͓̹̖̞̲̝̰̩̤̤̓̎̾̐̾M̴̺̽̈͛̏͗̀͗̕͝Í̵̧̨̗͔̱̪̹̱̫̘̰̭̝͍͆́͆͛̾̏̅̕̕͝N̶̨͇̗̦̮̦̩̮̭̬̾͑̌͑͑͝ͅ ̵̮͔̻͇͈̑͋̓̒͗͊́̈̇̾̀̂̈́̈́̚ͅK̶̳̙̗̆́̓̿̒̈̏̀̀̀͗̉̾̈́͘̚͝E̷̡̢͎͊̑̄̚͝͝Ȑ̸̡̨̨̫͔̙̦͕̦̘̻̦̠̬͍̊̈́̿̌̂͗̈ͅS̸̰̩̱͊͋̉͂͂̓͒̇̋̒̓͗͝L̷̫̉̍̀͛͗̓̋́̀̏̋̒̂̾͋͐͘Ë̴̡̦̲̖̻͖̝̲̠͔̱̻̖͍̮̞́́̍̐̔̈̍͒́͝Y̶̧̪̬̰̬̗̪͓̦̱̤̪̼͖̞̬̬̋̈́͊̍̌͝/̸̢̧͖̤͕̯͖̼̠͉͇̩̱͖͈̦̥̿̏̓̀Â̵̧̗̪̙͈͙̘͌͘D̷̛̛̬̩͇͓̟͈̘̼̗̣͓̠̒̽̂͂̀͋̃̄̈́͋͗̌̕͠͝A̶̡͙̫̫͕̫̞̞̽͒̏̀̉͑̈́̃̇́̋̉͜͝͝͝M̷̡̱̗̘͍͚̹̼̩̣̤̿͐̑̚ ̶̨̛̛̠̹̟̘̲̙̻̫̤͙͚̊̃̿́̃͆͐̾͗̄̇͌̚͝Ä̸̧̡͓̖̰̟͔͉́̏͗͊̈̌͑̀̌͌̿̈́̍̈́̎̽͝B̴̹̪̹̦̯̲̀͊̀̎̋̋̕R̵̢̟̦̬̹̗̯̫̟̭̆̐̅̉̀̈́́͒͒̆̾̈́͆̕͜ͅͅA̷̧̯̬͇̋̚M̶̡̧̡̨͖͕͍̘̥̩̮̥̗̆̅̍̽̓̿̐̌͑̕̚̕͝S̸̨͚͍̱̥̬̟̰͍̼̠̼̗̰̪̤͚̊͗̈́̓͘̕̚


T̶͎̪̼̓̒̑̽̾̔̾͗̎̊y̷̛̥͙̽̀̀͛̀͂̀͛̊̌͆͛̍͝͠p̶̨̧̤̺̖̦͙̥̭͈̓̈́͜e̴̛͇̹͓̺̞͙̔̀͐̅̽̋͂͂͛̂͑̿̚͠:̶̧̧̛͓͋́̒̈́͐͆̽̕ ̸̳͔̳̻̬̉́͑̓M̷̡̨̨̬̜̭̫͖̠͕̻̹͍̺̿̄̏͒̃̆̅͂̏́̾̇͊͘͜͜ͅU̴̧̡͔̖̦̜͉͈̲͉̬̔̈́̾̑̓͑̽ͅT̵͔͎̳̙͍̦̣͌̒̋́̾̽́̆̑̋̋͗̈́A̵̦̿̍̈̅́͛͛̓͋͋̀͘͠N̵̪̜͖̥̝͙̖̈́̎́́̍́͜͠T̸̢̛̯̬̗͈̦̤̣̰̤͓̞̹̟͋ ̸͉́̃̑̑͒́̉̂͑̚͘͝͝ͅ(̴̨̢̮̮̻̹̮͉͔̮̞̲͑̈́͜B̷͇̮̜͓̩̰̖̐̾̐̆̃̓̎̍͑͋̀È̷̠̜̯͖̤̰͎̹ͅY̶̧͓̞̳̜̾͛͌͂̇̉̓̊̈͑̇̚̚̕̕ͅO̴͈͚̲͉̤̩̜͒̽͠N̴̡̜͔̤͙̭͇̹̠͚̓͂͠Ḑ̸͙̤̠̤̼̱͙͚͖̯̩̱̒̒̽͊̽̾͆͊̓̈́̓̄̕ͅ ̵̟̩̱͇̻͚̥̜̞͚̹̲͈̩̾̂͛́͂̑̿́́̽̇̔̾ͅṌ̵͖͓̮͛͛̎͑̍̆̕͝M̵̨̘͕͉͍̤͔̼̍̓͐́͐̋̑͑ͅE̸͎̙͎̝̯̜̪̦̤̣̠͔̗͖͛͆̿̑̿̔͆̍͜͜͝ͅǴ̷͓̙̹̜̟̲̺͍͒̎̎̆͐͆̊͛̈́̍̎̕͝͠Ạ̶̢̧̛͕͖̙̗̭͍͚̦̝̭͎̑̐́͆̀̔̓̓̅̄̓̍͜͠)̵͔̱̜̝̳͙̘͔̥͇̮̓͋́̈́̏̽̾̾͒̈́̆̊̂͘

Skrrk! Skrrk! Skrrk! Skrrk!

P̴̡̛͉̎͗̍̉̀o̶̡̨̘̤̪̞̳̦̻͛͒̂̐͝ẁ̸̭͔͖͎̩̞̰̫͒ę̵̧̣̼̥͔̟̥̙̜̬̲̽͜͠r̵̨̨͇̞͚̩͖̖̮̥͉͗̽͝ ̴̰͖͕̙̖͋̅͐͊͛̔͝Ḑ̷̛̫̊̀͛͑̈́̑e̶̪͔͇̭̲͈͆͆͂̈́͐̈͝s̸̱̤̪̥̳͌͂̅̽̈͆̓͝c̶͙̪̘͓̮̏͊͐͛̾͛̓́̚͠r̸̢̼͉̭̥͍̞͙͇͍̝̃͒̀́͌͊̐̚͘͝͝i̴̥̯͈̗̰̻͎̤̅̀p̵̨̧͉̟̠̑̊͆̐ẗ̷͖͈̭̥̩́̌̈̌̏̈͑͝i̷͓͊̇̈͗̋̄̒͝o̴̡͎̬̟͆̓͜ṉ̴̢̛̞̣͓̫̲͍͑̍͌͛͜ͅ:̸̺̻͙́ ̴͍̮̱̟̳͙͖̔̍̍H̸̜̟͎͚̟̯͓̯̉͌̑͌̿͊͗Ĩ̶̪̫͖͎̫͈̱̝̦̱̰̼͖G̶̛͓͚͎̥͎͎͗̊̇̀̉͗̑͗͛͠ͅḨ̵̦͕̦̐̅̏̒̎̋̊͝-̶̯̔̀̍͐̎̽̈́̀̐̀̋͝T̸̻̱̠́̎͐̾̋̌̄̃͌̅̆̔I̴̛̦͔̹̥̼͖̦̝͙̼̻̳ͅE̸̺͚̳̍̆͒̽̌͘R̴̨̮̰̗̼̿̍̍ ̸̡̱͉̬̩̙̲̲̘̝͇̮̬͋͂̄̾̾D̶͓̗͈̰̼͛͂̈́̾̉͆́͆͝I̷̛͈͕̘͙̺̽̓͐͗̾̂̽̐M̵͉̥̳̹̰̖̘̫͉̟͕̄̈́͐Ę̴̘̟͖̥͔̙͉͖͖̼̞̑͜N̵̨̛̫̗͈̪̮̤̮͈̦̈̽̊͗͊͛̌̚͝S̷͓̞̎̑͊̇̈̇̑̈́̐͘͘I̵̧̲̣̱̘̠͆̑̐Ơ̸̢͓̲̺̜̙̳͎̟͖͍̣͎̾͛̄͋͑̾͑̋̉̑̐̅Ǹ̵̗̲̝͍͓̣͕̲̺̆̏͛̇͜A̷̪̼͐͜͠L̷͇̲̬͛̀̀̈̋̕ ̵̢̨̙̫͈̟̘̫̫͌̉̽̈́̿̈͘͝͠ͅȨ̵͔̤̞̼͌Ẍ̷̱̖̭͙͔̭̥͈͇̭̝̤̙̐̈́̃̚͝Į̷̢͚̲̫̩̫̼̼͚͚̯̒̚Ş̷̼̫̥̖͘̚͜T̷̢̛̘̼͎͙͕͕͚̟̯̻̾̐̉̓͂̆͒̌͂̌̓͝ͅȨ̸̘̫̦͓͓̹̙͉̜̺̩͌̔̌̔̅N̷̰͕̺͎̽͌͘͝C̴̣̱̣̪̻̭͈̪̙͈͉̪͘Ê̴̢̻̣̰͔̣̪̲͌͝.̷̢̪̱̱̺̽̓̐͛̂̄̐ ̴̨̡̜̖̮̘͉̝̇͛̾̐ͅȞ̷̪͉̺̺͚́̈͋͊Ī̷̥̞̙̫̻̻̩̘̝͎̀̈G̶̘͉͖̉ͅH̶̨̨̡̧͙͖̭͖̲̖͔̭̓̀̐̂̄̀ͅ-̸̭̹̤͓̹̮͓͔̞̪͔̦̺̂̿̆̊̓͋̕͘͘T̷͙̱̱̜̪̤̹̻̦̼͍̈́İ̴̩̯̻̻̯͚̣͕͔͔͎̲̓ͅȨ̴̻̠̫̤̹̈́̈́̇Ṟ̸͙͉͍̪̤̬̻̤̾̉͂̑̈́͑̿͆̓̾̔͠ ̴̢̟̤̪̽͂̽͜R̵̡̡͚̗͙̯̭͔͓͔̥̠͇̄̋̑́̒̔͗̉̃̋̄̕Ė̷͔̰͉͇̯̹̬̼͍̘͚̎̈́͜ͅA̵̤̹͎̖̚͠L̵̨͎͚̩̭̘͔̩̫̣͐̏̾̋̚I̵̲̙̻͍͉͉͇͂̈͌̂̓̆̕̕ͅT̷̢̨̐̑̽͑̔̀̑̉̚͘͜͠͠Ỷ̶̠͗̓́͑͊̍̓̐͠ ̵̢̦͖͖͈̈́͐̅̈́̿͌̄̿͂̉̆͠ͅḾ̶̪̥͍͎͓̻̟̠̔̀͊̐͌̈́͌̀̀̚͠Ǎ̴̢̲͈̣N̴̼̪̜͙̳̫̍͆̇I̴̛̖̮͍̼̝͋͐͒̓͛͊͘͝P̸̲̪̰̪̜̜̼̃̄̊̽̆́̽͛͒̑̔̚͜ͅǗ̶̢̨͚̟͎̟̹̠̤͈̱̰̹́̉̈̓͒͗̅̅̍̑Ĺ̶̡̘̟̲͉̹̳̪̥̬̭̳Ä̴̢̛͈̖͈̘͖̬͛̔̄́͌̊͝͝ͅT̶̢̪̤̝̩͍͓̜̯̣̣͕̃͝Ḯ̵̞͎̪̮̩̦̤̹̩̞͋͒̍̈́̀͛̕̕͜Ò̷̺̣̱͐̿͛̉̂̈̅́͆̕͘N̸̻̳̳̲̗̭̟͇̹̼͉̤͖̈́̊͗̏͛̔͐̾̔̉̚͘͝.̷͖̅̍̆̈̾́̓ ̴͉̥̘̬͕͕̗̤̟͍̤̊͒̄̋͜ͅN̴̥̜̙̗̬͉̲̰͙̫̘̐̽̈́͐̌͗̀̚͜I̴͉̠̻̠̗͚̼̝̬̲̝͈͆̽̑G̴̡̨̱̮̯̟̠̠͂Ḧ̵͙̪͓͎̦̹̰͓͓͉̰̤̔̉͗̂͝͝-̸͍͇̗̲̝̈́̌O̶̰͍̱̙̙̟̟͕̓̚M̵̮̟̝̜̜̲̓N̷̮͐̿̈Ǐ̷̢̟̭̯̦͙̗͉̗̻͂̏̔͊̽̔͌͐̃͋͝S̷̨̥̭̻̻͓̫̟̾̃̆͒̍̓̇C̶̢̢̘̱̰̮̥͓͉̮̩̋̋͋̋͂͆̕͠͠I̵̎̑̀̽̎̆̌͘͜E̵̛̺̯̪͉̲͔͕͐͋͒̉͝N̸̻̠͂̅̅́͗̎̔̾̾̿̚̚͝Ĉ̴̡̮͉̝̦̎͗̆̍͘Ĕ̴̳͉̭́͛̔͌̓́͋̉͘̕͝͠ͅ.̷̟̎͂̔ ̸̻͉̰̥̈́̋͛͐̓̓͝Ǒ̷̡̦̣͍̜̖̜͔͙̝̥͙͖͊̕Ḿ̶͓̭̙̻̰̫͛̓̊̿̽̓͂̏N̴̨͓͍̫̳̘̫̟͎͖͇̲̼͑I̶̛̩̘͂̈́͌̀͗̊́͆̑͝P̷̧͕͍̤̩̃͘R̸̢̻͉̬̻͍͍̲͎̓͌̀͐͛̂͜Ȩ̶̜͍͉͈̄̒̈́Ś̷̡̡̝̙̖͕̘͋̒͋̕ͅE̵̡̻̩͕̜͕͙̘͗̓̓̂̋̊́̉͛͑̊̕͜͝N̷̢̘̊̈́͐̏̉̃̿͐̀̍̿͘C̴̪̞̱̿̔̍̽Ȩ̸̢͕̬̜̰̞͙͓̘̺̾͗͊̈́̍̈́͑̀̚̚͝.̶͙̼̠̯̙͈̔ ̵̛͉͓̏̒͗̈́̃́̚ ̷̞̮̲̅͆A̸̡̭̮̻͔͔̥͔̝̼̰̓̏̉̒̚͠B̴̧̿́͐͊͊̀̄͋̐̎̀̆͝S̷͖̺̗͚̮͖͉̥̱̼̝̜̓͑̈́̎̌̃̀͜͝T̷̡̜̱͍̺́̎̆R̶̡̨̛̞͚͈̳̥͎̗͖̿̀́̒͛̄̆͋͒ͅÁ̷̡̧̞͓̠̃̉̂̈́̇͛͆C̸̥̤̬̥͖̻̭̘̬̊Ť̵̻̙͓̞̜̿͋ ̵̢̢͔͎͎̼̖̳̗͒̊̋̆̾͋͑ͅÁ̸̹͕̠̟͈̗̭̤̗͉̻͛S̴̩̩̻̙̥̮̻̫̎̆̓̅̈̒̔͆͆̉͜ͅC̸̢̥̜̒̇̊̈͒̈́̚͝Ę̴̛̠̹̼̫̩̲̟̪̫̀̐̃͂͆͐̚ͅN̵̡̜̹̼̼͎͍͉͚̖̳̍́̎͗͗̈́̕͘͠D̵̗̜́̏́A̵̺̥̲͕͓̭͓̦̣̫̙̳̾ͅN̵͙̟̣̯͖̪̫̭̮̈́̾͑̓́̋̍̍̂̍ͅC̶͎̲̠͚͛͜͝Y̷̨̝̱̖̰̰̘̹̏͋̓̀̕̕͝.̵̰̼̗̟̟̯̠̘̥̘̊̄́̽̉̆̇̋̄̒̀̽͜͝ ̷̢̡̰̮͍̠̙̜̣̤͔͆̓͗͋̓͗͌̕̚̕C̷̡̩͉̝̘̯̳͚̠̰̗̊̓̉̄̑̚͜Ã̷̞̰̐̓Š̶̢̧̛͍̩͙̠̾̿͂̋̉͗̓͘Ũ̴̩̮̗̞̣̃̇̐̈́͋̓͋A̴̢̪̗̱̼͎̼̻̜̟̼̯̎͋̇̀̈́͘L̶̡̧̡͎͎̪͔͍͎͙̱̎̌̀͗̈́̉I̷̪̿̄̄Ţ̷̮̱̫̩̻̝̜̯͚̼̈̔̇̽̃͒̃̑̇̈́͝Ŷ̵̡̧̛͉̹͙͍͉̘͈̣͎̉͌́̓͐̑̌̕ͅ ̷̨̛̟̞͉̞̟͛̍́I̸̡̧͉̤̦̩̼̙͊M̸̰̬̫̈́̅̄̐́̈́̀͘̚M̵̢̨͇͓͙̑͂͌̀̎͠Ũ̵͇̩̦͚̱̤͍̓̒̀̒̓͊͆́͌N̸͕̔̔̈́͋̍̄̉̏̚̚͠İ̶̡͖͚̬̋͌̓̂̿͂̒̉͝Ț̸̩̤͉̟̑̃̅̊̌̍̽̀͠Y̵̰̬̼͉͖͙͔͖̲̼͙̫͛͜.̴̲̩̦̦͉͇͔̮͔̙̫̊̿̒́͒ ̷͉͙͑̓̾̓͋̆C̴̯̲͙̠̳̫͐O̶͈̓͗̉̓̕ͅN̸̛̤̲͚̥͍̖̩̑͒̅̇͐̎̊̃͂͠C̶̛̛̮͋̓̈́̇̐̈̿̎͐̚̕Ȩ̷̱̩͆̔͂P̸̝͚͈̞̥̱̝̪͆͋̒̒͌̃̍̐̌̕͜͝͝Ţ̵͈͕̱͓̮͙̞̘̹̇̑̎̓̐́͗̀́͐͠ ̸̨̈̓̋̋͆̾͝Ĩ̸͉̜̰̚͜M̴̙̝͈̗̩̼̼͕̈̐̽̇̀̍̌̅͛̑M̸̡̺̘͖̼̫̲̌U̶̢̢͓͓̗̳̱̤̹̱̞̼̓̓͑͘̚͝N̶̛̗̆͌͛́Ĭ̶̢̡̙̥͇̲̮̬̰̩̠͎͜T̸̟̮́ͅY̵̨͇̜̥̘͉͑͋̂̉̌͑̊̃͐̀̚ͅ.̵̟̘͎̖̬͓͔̰̤̂̐ ̸̢̛͎̦̝̐̓̓̎̆̓̓̄͆̔̄̈́A̸̧̬̘̻̪̗͌̊͆͌͒̽́͐̕͝B̴̦͚͉̗̭̐͆̐͊͋͊̀̑̓͆͠͠S̵̬̯͙̒̈T̵͇͍͉̋͌͌̐̿̉͋͗͛́R̵̡̬͙̜̭̮̙̣̳̪̘̂̋͒͒̊͋̌̌͝À̶͖̟͉̩͔͕͎̠͈̽̄̊̂̑̌̕Ĉ̸̢͈̤̙̼̳̝̩͎͔̈͜T̶̜̝͖̲̓̉͌ ̸̡̞̩̏̈͑̋͐͌͘Ể̶̼̳̟͋̂̾̈́̋́͗̅X̷͍͇͙͔͕͎̿̒̈́͐Ị̶̘̜͙͚̱͙̗̅́͂̓͌̄͑͑̊Ŝ̸̗̅̏͝T̸̞̫͔͔̱̲̳͙͉̞͎̿͝E̵̻̙͈̊̒̎̅̚͜N̵̹̈́͊̅̉̋̔́̍̑́̾̊͘ͅͅC̶̡̬̯̫̝̪̥̘̱͓͇͆͂̀͗̋̕͘E̷̙̻̱̟̝͔͉͍͉̫͓̳̰̋̇̈́̀͝.̴̺͍̮͈̔̒̍ ̵͔̈́P̷̢̲͔̘̗͔͙͕͕̪͗̂͛́̇̍̾̕͝͝L̸͍̘̝̭̩̓̀Ò̶̝̘͕̘̹̙͓̮̪̮͗̈́̌͊̈́̕͜͝͝T̵̡̡͍͙̆̔̾̓̎̕̚͠͝͝ ̴̛̤̞̤̮̋̏̅̍̀̀̈̃̋̕͘͝I̶̢̦̮͍̹͓̜̦̝̻̺̾̑͜͜M̸̼̔́͗̚͝͝͝M̴̘̝̺̭̓͑̐̆̋̓̂̕ͅU̷͇̞̒̌̀̈́͝N̷̡̟͈̮̗̙̳̂͌͐̀͜I̴̧̛̺͕̝͓̯͓͕͊̾̋̏͌̕͠ͅŢ̶̨̞̗͍̦̙͔̦̱͎̼̗͂̓́̿́̐͛͊̉͒̆͘Y̴̗̞͇̪̞͛̒͗̽͋͒͜ͅͅ.̷̧̺̅̇͌̑͆̃̊̄́́͘͝͝ ̵̡̢̡̨̲͎̘̺̹͙̳̣́̓̇́̆͊͗͑̂̃̍́͘Ǹ̸̡͉̣͗̂̌̃͊͆͌̊͗̓Ȏ̶̪̬́̂͛͗̊͝Ñ̷̻̪̫͔͉͓̽̀͠͝ͅ-̸̡̛̹̜̙̰̱̿̀̂͌͋͋̀̽̏͛́̃ͅĘ̸̢̣͔̜̳͖̹̝̻͓̀̅͊̕X̸̜̘͇̰̾̎̈́͆͛̉͝Ḯ̶̮̘̞̈́̓̀́̅̉̆͋̌̄̈́͝S̵̬̠̝̼͆̅̋͋͛̔͌͂̏͠͝T̷͉̄͒͒ͅË̵͎́̇Ǹ̶̜͕̉̋͂̈́̊͐̔͝͝Ţ̷̡̲̘͔̈́̌́̌̈́̈͛́̾̀͠ͅ ̸̛̩̝̥̣̯̪͙͈̦͍͋̏̀̾͒̐̎͜͝͝͠P̶̡̱͎̠̩̙͖͎͕͒̌ͅH̵̥̹̜̻̣͈̲̿͋̄̂̋̚͜͝Y̵̧̺̺̼̰̞̩̦̫̗̼͑̍̀̎̍̿̓̋̽̅̍͝S̶̨̨̲̪̣̝͆͒͜͝I̷̢̨̧̛̲̟̳͖̟͚̹͗ͅO̶̥̠͉̩̘̩̍̓̀̀̎̓̈̕L̷̯̮̊̆̕͘O̴̢͚͙̫̞͚̙̅̉͛G̵̢͎̥̞̺̯̥̤̲͚̦̋̽Ỷ̵̨̩̲͙̤͇̭̦̮͇̝̱͒.̷͕̩͓̼̿̍̄̀̆̍́̉ ̴̨̞̩̭̱̪̖̠̭̈͒͗ͅN̶̯̮̜͕̄̎̅̉̌̍̽͜͠ͅƠ̴̧̺̖͕̗̖̗͙̰̟̣̓̂̄͐̐̇͛̓͊̓͝N̵̳͇̬̣̦͓̦̾̀̀͊̿͊̄̀̿͜-̵̭͚͓̭͈͑̇̋̈́̐̚͝D̸̢̦̳͈̗̖̭͋̀́̈͋͝͠Ŭ̸̢̫́̇̓͊̽͘͝A̸̘̻̗̤̭͕̯̣̲̋͊̎̎̀ͅL̵̡̪̯̪̫̠̟̝͓͒̍͂̎̕I̷̢͖͊͛̄͒̃͑̚ͅT̶̛̹͕̰͚̥͈͇͓͊̊͆̂̄̅͒͝Ẏ̴͕͇̮͇.̶̬͓̮̌͒͗͛̎͐̓͜

Skrrk…! Skrrk…! Skrrk…!

P̷̛̖͖̞̠͉̭̾̈́͐̒o̴̮̜͖̣̪̥̩̬͗͗̐̍͆̓̋̇̾̄̅̀̃̕͜͠ͅw̵̧͙̱̭̯̙͉̮̻̗̼̪͍̳̋̂͂̑̎̀͂̿͆͆͗̚ė̵̢̧͔͎̰̣͍̝̩͍̑̎͘ͅr̸̢̡̥̙͓̼̎̊̈́̉̿͆͐̇̀̔̄̆̿̈́͜ ̸̧̨̨͉̠͍͆͛̽̓̏̊Ḍ̵̡̛̻̺̊͗̇̈́̕o̸̧͓̟̱̺̰̽̀́̕n̷̫̥͖̥͚̻̫̬̯̦͉̣͗̋̿̿̋̀̃̿́̌̊̔̕̚ͅͅo̶̱̐̂r̵̞͙͙̦͚̤̝͖͍͊́͗͌̂͂̐̕͘ͅ:̷̧̥̹̫͇̹̫̣̼̹͍͎̥̤̉̀ͅ ̶̨̧̛͙̠̫̜̖̪͈̳͔͖̖͇̰̗̠̄̆C̴̨̛̯̝͈̜̜̲̼̥̿͆̈́͛͛͌̾͊̊̂͜͜͝O̶̯̭̓̃ͅM̷̲͕̳͛̿́̔̈́̓͘M̸̢̛͕͎͈̤͍̒́̒̏̑̊́̀̿͐̋̈́̚͝͝A̵̝̖͖̘̩̩̤͇̋͂͒̉̎̇́N̵̤̫̈́͒̍̈́̈́͘̚͝D̷͔̖̗͖͖̥̘̰̈́̄͊̒͊́̉̈̚͘͘͝E̴̛͓̣̼͖̘̪̼̫̘̪̯͑̏̋͛̏̑͊̒̋̉̚͝R̸̢͇͔̬̤̺͉̙͕͇̝̤͂̌͌̽̊̊̂̀̓͜ ̵̧̟͈͇̺̬̗̳̩̱̘͙̞́ͅÓ̸̢̲̮̘̓͘Ḟ̵̡̢̱̮̘̟̮̪̩̼̯̣̜͖̰͕́̃̈́͒̓̌̇͜͝ ̶̨͇̫̼̭̬̞̬̈́͘͜T̷̨̥̜͚̜͍͎͙̀̂̄͗̈͑̐̀̿̽̓̕Ḧ̶̢̝̖̞̥̘͔͈̮̺̯̈́́͒̒͆͑͋̎̒͆͑̌͌̋̚̚ͅE̴̢͍̭̭̟͂̇͒̅̆̈́͊̈͋͆̚͝͝ ̵̭̰̞͓̠̭͙̬̗͙̱̤̹̪̋͊̚̚ͅC̸̡̛͓̺̲̯͔͍̝̮̰̟̫̟̥̞̤̓͂̄͌̓̀̈͆͆̀̓́̓̅̚͝E̶̛̲̲̝͚̘̻͓͇̳̐̿͒̆̾Ľ̷̯̫̫̦̟̪̘̗̮̙͝E̵͙͚̼̮̫͙͚͎͓̦̞͔͕̓͜͜͜S̷̨͇͕̯̠̦̫͈͉̦̭͈̿̌̅͗̾̎̒̐͂̀́̕̕͠͝͝T̴͕̖̰̆͊̒͝Į̶͇͖͖̺̘͙͕͗́Ą̸̢͓̪̥̺̠̼͈̖̟͉͔̜̦̱̿̂̅̅͆͊́̊̉̓͋̇͐̀̅͝L̶̛̛̘̮̦̮̼̟͎̦̤̰̆̄ ̴̛͕̳̻̌͘F̴̡͇͈̜̲̪̜̠̙̌̊͒̄̾Ò̴͓̜̦̤͕̩̲̰̱͗̈́̋͑̀͋́̈́̽̓͜͜͝͠͠Ů̵̧̡̡̼̥͈̙̠͕̗̏̿̂͜Ř̸̪̝̲̮̟͈̙͂̀͘͝T̶̢̛̛͚̼̝̹̞̙̦̙̦̦͇͉̓͐̏̔̈͗́̌́̎͛́͝ͅͅḤ̶̨̨̨͕͎̩̦̖̙͎̰̲͓̱̀̈́͐̌̽͆͑͛̆͐̍͑̚͝͠͠ ̸̺̥̮̭̤̮͈̖͖͕̩͚̺̤͇̰̟̎̉̄̈́̒́̍̎͊̏̂̾̕͝͠H̵̛͖̱̍̑͑̅̔Ơ̵̧̨͙̠͚̲̘̔̀͊̈́̏̀̈́̑͛̀̋̉̋͊̐̚S̷̢͙̪̓͒̍͂͛̓̽͑̍̄̃̕̚͠T̵̢͙̦̟͖̝̝͈̳͕̖͗̅̌̀̈́̀̊̓͝͝ ̶̫͊̆̀̋̓͛̿͐̔̽͝'̸͇̤̣̭̪̔͊́͂͐̾͛͛͒̎̓̒̚̕͝͠͠ͅO̶̠̼͇͙̻͙̤̣͋̽̏͜ͅṊ̵͓̥̺̠̰̺̄̐̄͜͝Ȩ̷̡̧̠̹̋̎̋̀͋̚̕͝ ̷̡̫̹̖̲͗̒̽̌̔̀̏̉̽̈̌̈́͌̎̈́͘͝Ą̶̮̤͎̲͙̖͎̗̭̼̭̣̣͓͋̈̀͆̃̔̏̿B̸̬̼̦̓̾͆̀̇́̀͋͗̈͝O̴̩̞̤̬̜̪̱̍͂͑͠V̸̢̡̧̳͖̼͕͍̆̈͐́̑̿̓̿̄́̄̾̕͘̚͠͝Ė̴̢̛̞̲̯̖̬̜͚͊̀̽̍̂͝ ̸̢̢̛̱͙͔̥̦̟͔̘͎͍͓͓͚̆̋́͠ͅÀ̸̢͓̭̺͈̲̥̣̠̰̀͐̈͌͊͗̒̔͑̒͛͝L̶̜͍̥̙͍̰̥̯̔͛̎̿̃̂̈́̕͜L̶̖̞̭̜̯̠̎͑̐̐̓͐̾́̒̓ͅͅ'̴͇͓͍̬͙͙̈͌̊̋̔́̾͐͆͐̓̚͝͝͠.̷̨̢͕̟̞͍͇̣̩̳͙͙̖̭͂̒̎͜ ̶̨̖̣͎̖͖̂͆ͅ ̶̤̠̘̮͎̹̩̽̆̌͐̐͆̄̊̀̈͐̍́̇̉͋̚ͅ ̵̧̡̡̛͚̝̟̀̈́̎̏͌̅̓̓͛͂͊̔̋̂̕̚ ̶̢̩͍̖̱̉̿͗͐̀̋̋̂̚̕ ̴̨̨͕͕͖͔̩̦̹̲̼͖̜̌̃̐̑͆̓̿͒̚͘͜.̴̢̛̙͙͉̹͎̺̳͊͐̄͌̀̈́̉̅͠




The screen died once again.

"... Know what? I think I made a mistak—"


What followed soon after was a bright light and with it came pain…


Then darkness...

Then silence...

Then emptiness…

Then nothing...

Then nothing...

Then nothing...

Then nothing...

… … I...

Then something...

I am…

Then something…

Then something…

O̸̡̯̱̟̦͖̦̠̊̒̔̐̐̿͘͘n̴̢̧̹̎͗́̃́͜e̷̦̯͔͖̺̳͇̅̇̆́̎͗͘ ̸̺̼͇̺̀͛̿̂W̸̮̩͖̳̦͇̎̕ͅh̴̜̝̼͖̤͙̦͑͛̈́̎̈́̀̑̆o̶̧̞̽̀́̉͆̀͑̀ ̶̧̪͔̘͇̳̩͕͎̍̔̄̓̋͠I̷͖̜͔̬̬̤͑̌͛̍̅s̸̻͊̆͘ ̸̺̳̙̲̦̼̼͉̗̓̍̒́̿̽̿̂͝ͅA̴͍̻̺͒͗̓͐̅̑̅l̷̢̳̳͈͓̼̚l̶̝̙̳͚̦̭͔̳͍̓̋̍



3 months later...

Oklahoma Cemetery

(James Howlett P.O.V)

There were many things that James had no joy doing ever since he had begun being an X-Man. But if he had to name one of the most annoying things of all, it wouldn't be facing Magneto and his goons or facing some kind of cosmic entity—sometimes, James has found himself wishing for that.

Those he could slash.

Heck, it wasn't dealing with Scott and his annoyingly stupid decisions.

What James hated doing the most was taking care of kids.

Namely the ones in the Institute.

Spongy meatballs of chaos and vermintude—that's what they are. It hadn't once that James had caught them playing or stealing his ride without his permission -permission he certainly wouldn't give. His drinks sometimes go off on a long break a break of no return- and when James asks it's always a no-no or why is he accusing them...

People, sometimes, really forget that he has a good sense of smell.

Well, he always gets them back during physical training. Though all things considered, James didn't see that as enough to compensate him.

Those were damn good beers.

But even so, if there was one thing James hated when dealing with kids; it would be dealing with kids too powerful for their good.

The Quentin Quire's fiasco of months ago only served to strengthen his belief.

Now, though it seems he would be dealing with another one.

One of a much grander scale if the strange happenings around the Milky Way from 3 months ago hadn't been obvious enough.

'Omega Mutants just keep popping up like damn flies, these days.'

Hopping down the jet, James sniffed as he put on his Wolverine persona—which, frankly put, is the only persona he can truly be himself.

"Ready there, git?" Wolverine asked his partner.

Nodding, Kitty Pryde, codename; Shadowcat adjusted her goggles.

"Ready as ever."

On Shadowcat's arm was a ball-sized mechanism the size of a beach ball. With a whirr, the mechanism hummed to life and floated as a voice came out from it.

"Can you both hear me?" Emma's –haughty in Wolverine's opinion- voice sounded from the device.

"Loud and clear," Shadowcat replied.

"Good, Prodigy's work is always a darling to use. Now, let's go see our new friend."

"New friend, huh..."

Grunting as they walked towards the cemetery now covered with a crystalline dome and surrounded by the city police, Wolverine muttered.

"Let's just hope this Mutant ain't crazy like the rest of them."

Author's Note,

You know, I've come to one great conclusion or maybe, enlightenment concerning writing an origin story, especially of the superhero kind. A good Marvel or DC chapter is very, very long. I had originally planned at 2 thousand words, I merely wanted to write a story of a reality warper, but my prologue seems to have taken too many words.

So, I'll stop here just in case.

What prompted me to write this story was that I was reading about Krakoa and what the X-Men are these days... Now let me be frank...

I hate it. Seriously, hate it. I feel like I wasn't reading about the X-Men, it had changed into something out of a 'The Boys' comic.

Dying to restore Mutant Powers... Seriously.

Now, I do like the Hellfire Gala a little though, still can't get behind the X-Men doing fashion poses, though it's funny as hell.

But that's just it.

I hate the Quite Council. I hate what Charles has become, what Kitty Pryde is becoming. Scott's still an idiot. Fuck Charles again, for letting freaks like Apocalypse be part of the government and even damn Sinister.


I really, really, really, really hate what they did to Moria. Like God, they've made her into a Villain. All I see of that Mutant Paradise is a freaking time bomb.

Though trust Marvel to milk it before it blows.
Nice Chapter.
watched, and I got a question: Will the MC have some sort of condition or limit on his power or is he as powerful as pre retcon beyonder? I gotta know man [ Or this is likely revealed next chapter, and you don't want to say, which is fine.]
Chapter Two
Oklahoma Cemetery

(Katharine 'Kitty' Pryde P.O.V)

It's been, well... Close to a decade since Kitty Pryde activated her Mutant Gene, and joined the X-Men in their never-ending fight for a mutual Mutant and Mankind peaceful co-existence, and Kitty could safely say, her life since then had been nothing short of colorful.

From dealing with Magneto's Brotherhood and his Acolytes to Apocalypse and his Horsemen. From hostile alien civilizations to cosmic entities that consider wiping out galaxies to be nothing more than stretching out their legs.

It's been one heck of a wild run.

Sometimes, Kitty couldn't help but wonder about her place in all this. Her Mutant ability was density manipulation or simply put, the ability to phase through objects. In the grand scheme, it is nothing much. While Scott, Ororo, and the others try to say otherwise, Kitty can't stop that sinking thought that maybe/surely her best wasn't enough.

Withstanding recent events merely complimented her moody sentiments.

Focus... Now is not the time for self-pity.

... ... Anyways, ever since Kitty had become a Mutant and with all the experiences it had given her -both the good and bad. The one thing Kitty can proudly say she's quite an expert in is being able to properly interact with newly activated Mutants.

Not to tut her horn, but after Jean, Ororo, and maybe, other Telepaths. Kitty is quite sure that she is up there when it comes to interacting with Mutants -especially, the ones who still have not been properly initiated to the world of Mutants.

But then again, after going through the process for over more than thirty times, the signs had become quite easy for her to identify.

Despite how the world sees it, there isn't much difference between a Mutant and a Mutate, or any superpowered folks in general—of course, with the only exception of an X-gene. The Hulk going on a rampage is no different from James going full-on Wolverine.

Powers were still powers no matter the form it takes or where it comes from.

Which once again, brings her back to dealing with newly activated Mutants. Just like in most first contact movies -the man meets alien types- having contact with a Mutant requires calm and understanding.

Show that you are there for them and that they don't need to go through that sudden significant and transitional change in their life alone.

She has seen firsthand, the miracles performed by such sentiments.

'God, I miss that cheerful redhead.'

Cheerful, till... Kitty couldn't bring herself to continue her line of thought.

It'll only dampen whatever happy feelings, Kitty has managed to scrounge up.

Compared to most Mutants, Kitty considers herself to be quite lucky. Her powers started with a migraine and then slipped through her bed down to the basement. Of course, her parents were confused and afraid –heck, she was too. But they accepted her for what she was; a Mutant.

Maybe that is why, unlike some others, Kitty did understand that Xavier's dream was worth fighting for.

Not just for the Mutants but for the Humans as well.

If only he had been truly honest with us.

Sighing, Kitty—no, Shadowcat rubbed her face with a small groan and then activated the device on her wrist with a holograph springing up.

"What're you doing messing around with that thing, git?" Wolverine asked, a brow raised in bemusement.

"Nothing," Shadowcat replied. "Just going over the information one more time."

"Diligent as ever aren't you, Miss Pryde?" Emma quipped from the floating device.

"It's Shadowcat, while on the field." Shadowcat corrected, "And I like to think of that as one of my good points."

"Hmm~ you're right. Well, that leaves you, Wolverine to deal with local authorities… But you can always holler if it gets too much for you to handle."

"Hmph. I'll show you, too much." Wolverine grunted and stomped away.

Sighing, Shadowcat eyed the device. "Can you both stop trying to step on each other toes? I get tired just watching you two argue about every single thing."

"Can you blame me? He's the one making things hard for himself and easy for me."

There was the familiar sound of adamantium glistening followed by panic cries of alarm. Wolverine, unsurprisingly, was getting a tad too stabby with the police officers who weren't being cooperative.

Same old story.

"Hey, are you gonna' stop him?" Emma asked.

"Nah, he's a big boy. Besides, that's his M.A.—it's not like he'll cut anyone, right?"

Memories of a pissed-off Wolverine flitted by and Kitty's smile slowly turned stiff

"... Right?"

Meanwhile, the voices only grew louder.

"Now you listen here, bub!"

Shadowcat blinked, "Know what? How about I go take a look."

"Or," The telepath speaking through the device interjected. "I can simply do this..."

The agitated officers suddenly froze as their eyes dazed for a moment. With a few calming words and an apology to a perturbed Wolverine -who certainly did not expect it- the law enforcement platoon entered their vehicles in a somewhat mechanical fashion and drove away.

"All things considered, I am still connected to the Cerebro, and distance isn't much of a problem to a telepath of my caliber," Emma said in a slightly smug tone.

Shadowcat hummed. "Well, in any case, thanks for the assist."

"You're welcome, darling."

Walking towards Wolverine who stood by the entrance of the cemetery with arms crossed akimbo while wearing a scowl on his face, Shadowcat said.

"How are you holding up?"

"Dandy..." Wolverine spat. "Let's just get going. We're already wasting too much time as it is."

Shadowcat nodded, and without any further ado, the Mutant trio walked in...

... And left the planet, Earth.


An abridged profile compiled by New Mutant Squad co-leader, David Alleyne, 'Prodigy'.

Adam Abrams

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Relatives: Jeffery Abrams (father). Jessica Abrams (Mother). Nathaniel Abrams (Younger sibling—Brother). Cassie Abrams (Younger sibling—Sister)

Character Background: African-American with a suspect of Wakandan heritage. Adam Abrams was born to Jeffery Abrams and Jessica Abrams in the year 19, in St. Luke's Presbyterian Hospital, New York. Initially a New Yorker, Adam Abrams relocated to Oklahoma at the age of 3 due to his parents' sentiments on the rising superhuman activities in the city.

Apart from the birth of Adam Abrams's siblings, there are no interesting incidents of note.

Character Observation: As an ace in both academics and physicals, Adam Abrams has been publicly hailed as a genius from the age of 3, with a slight precocious tendency. Nevertheless, unlike in most observable cases, such a tendency hasn't been accompanied by any solitary behaviors—quite the opposite. It should be duly noted that if there is anything one must be wary about Adam Abrams; it would be his violent disposition.

It was during Adam Abram's tenure as the Head of Public Morals that St. George High saw a substantial positive increase in the enforcement of school rules and regulations. The number of 'casualties' in his quest for an institution of order and peace bothered dangerous.

Simply put, over 35 individuals have been officially hospitalized, and they were the lucky ones.

Overall Personal Assessment (Audio Recording): I know you asked for my evaluation based on my Mutant ability to absorb the skills of those around me—still not sure how that's gonna help.

So, while I won't say that my opinion isn't good enough. I only hope that you take it with a grain of salt—so, don't trust it, much. Anyway, considering the strange happenstance around the observable galaxy on Halloween and the supernova-like energy the Cerebro had picked up on that day which suddenly vanished and reappeared on this day, one should consider that we may be dealing with an Omega Level Mutant—which isn't necessarily a good thing considering our track record with those kinds of Mutants.

For now, I'll just hold on to the hope that this one isn't a lost cause like the others...

Like always, Adam Abrams must be met with calm and patience which means no sudden fit of aggression. Considering his personality, all forms and projections of anger will be responded to in kind.

The Omega firepower kind.

Hah... Now I suddenly feel restless.

I wish you all good luck and seriously, don't die out there—especially you, Mr. Logan.

Prodigy out...


Kitty has often wondered what Paradise looks like.

Not the metaphysical kind that exists after death. That will be for the future Kitty—or the dying Kitty to worry about. For now, she was more interested in that kind of place where the first words that would wholeheartedly spring out from the mouth would be ' Beautiful'.

An inevitability, considering the places Kitty has been to ever since becoming an X-Man.

As a Mutant, Kitty has been to every continent on the globe, either rescuing or recruiting newly activated Mutants or fighting against any anti-mutant organizations. Kitty has even traveled off-world—one notable place being Asgard in a joint mission to rescue Ororo during the Hammer Fiasco.

As Ogun, Kitty had spent most of her time—time being possessed so to speak- roaming the Asian continent, doing things that haunt her to this day. As a member of the Excalibur, Kitty has been to Avalon, commonly known as the mystical realm, Otherworld, facing otherworldly threats.

Heck, as a prisoner, Kitty has technically been to hell, or Limbo, as Illyana and Doctor Stranger call it—still couldn't see the difference, though. Besides, Kitty wouldn't count anything in that place as beautiful.

Kitty has been to many places—either too advanced for the current time or atypical enough to be found anywhere except in storybooks. Kitty has seen opulence and wonders at its finest.

But nothing has ever made her truly think it was beautiful...

Especially, not when the circumstances surrounding the reason for Kitty being there were mostly dire.

But at this moment, in this certain place, Shadowcat—no, Kitty Pryde could only look around the unearthly picturesque scenery in a dumb yet fascinated manner as the words that unintentionally came out from her lips were—

"How beautiful..."

"It truly is, Miss. Pryde."

Whirling, Shadowcat skirted back in alarm only to see Emma Frost dressed in her white apparel with crossed arms and all, while she bore a seemingly impressed look on her face.

But that wasn't important...

"How did you get here?" Shadowcat asked, "Unless I missed something, you should be back at the Institution... Are you even the real Emma Frost…?"

{No need to get all worked up, Miss. Pryde. I am the real Emma Frost. Here in the flesh.} The former White Queen projected her thoughts into Shadowcat's mind.

"That touch… I've had my share of Telepaths and I admit, yours feels familiar to the Emma I know." Shadowcat relaxed her stance—but not completely. "But, if you're here, does that mean you snuck out and followed us in the Blackbird without our knowledge?"

"Why would I do something as crass as that? If I wanted to follow you, all I need to do is ask. Besides, I was back at the institute using the Cerebro. But as soon as you both entered the dome, I suddenly found myself here. Wherever here is? Then again, I'm not all negative at the sudden turn of events."

"Yeah..." Shadowcat slowly nodded. "Me too."

If it weren't for the situation at hand, Shadowcat would have thought that she had died and gone to Heaven. As a Jew, Shadowcat has often wondered what Paradise looked like, and this—yeah, if someone told her this is Paradise, Kitty would believe them.

First was the air. How can Shadowcat even begin to describe it?

It was sweet in a way, she couldn't describe. While it is true that the air outside has become polluted by all sorts of toxins; both natural, supernatural, and manmade. There were still some 'clean' places so to speak.

But even that couldn't compare to the air, Shadowcat greedily breathed in.

The greenery, spanning as far as the eyes could see was lusher than the fields of Avalon. The natural small elevations and lowlands across the expanse were filled with occasional trees all sporting luscious-looking fruits of various kinds.

The sky was a rich exotic blue with snow-white fumes sprayed around in various shapes, decorating it.

Some were very recognizable.

Shadowcat's lips tugged as she recognized the obvious [X (X-Men) A (Avengers) 4 (Fantastic Four)] emblems amongst the various shapes outlined across the white firmament.

Seems like someone's a superpower nerd.

Which is good ostensibly speaking.

But that wasn't where all the weirdness in the sky ended. There were two suns. One yellow, the other, a fairer shade of gold. It looked marvelous, especially with how the clouds formed around the two celestial bodies in a sort of celestial ring.

But that wasn't all—not in the slightest.

The green expanse before them wasn't deserted—quite the opposite, they were populated by people. People, who Shadowcat is quite sure weren't humans.

Winged humanoids, some with large white wings, others black, and a few sum with wings made of fire soaring around cheerily.

Handsome and beautiful Elf-like humans played with obvious-looking Centaurs, Unicorns, and Pegasus.

The earth beneath Shadowcat lightly trembled as mountain-sized Giants strolled in the distance. Trails of every notable element were left behind by the Elemental humanoids.

Yeah, this place is certainly not Kansas.

'Could this be the Otherworld?' Shadowcat thought to herself.

While the Otherworld is commonly known as the center authority of Magic on Earth, and as such, contains most if not all the mythical creatures in the globe, Shadowcat should have been able to recognize its famed Light towers which were situated in all its regions.

Not seeing it would mean this is not the Otherworld—


Wait a minute...

Shadowcat looked around. "Emma, where's Logan?"

"Oh, him." Emma Frost thumbed backward. "He's right over there."

Strutting towards the duo was Wolverine and on his hands were a pair of… Beers?

Even Emma couldn't stop the nonplused look from showing on her face at the sight.

"Hmm. Never pegged you for one to drink while on the field, Wolverine." Emma noted, "Good to know for future reference."

"Oh, buzz off. You know I never do this."

"Then what's that on both your hands?" Shadowcat pointed out.

"Beer." Wolverine simply replied.

"Did you sneak them out as we exited the Blackbird?"

"Nope, believe it or not, I found it growing on a tree." Even the stoic Wolverine couldn't stop the quirking of his lips. "A beer that grows on trees."

"You seriously expect me to believe that—?"

Shadowcat sarcastically raised a brow—but to that, Wolverine merely gestured his head to wonders before her, and whatever budding opposition within her died.

"… Well, alright, I could believe that. But if it did grow on a tree, why pluck it out, anyway? Do you know if it's even safe for human consumption?"

"See, now that's where my handy Mutation finally comes in." Wolverine's lips widened a bit. "What's bad for you isn't necessarily bad for me. Besides, I get this feeling that I'll need it for what's to come."

At Emma Frost, Wolverine asked.

"So what's your take on this, Emma? Are we in some kind of telepathic landscape or something?"

Sighing, Emma Frost rubbed the side of her head.

"I… I don't think this is a mental landscape. If that were so, then I should have been able to cause some kind of ripple in it. Considering my appearance and the dome we're in, we have to consider every single thing we encounter from now on as real."

Wolverine's head seemed to lower at that. Abruptly, the regenerative Mutant popped one of the beers open and chugged it down in one go.

"50 bucks says we're dealing a Mutant on Richard's kid scale," Wolverine grumbled. "We're dealing with a Reality Warper."

That Shadowcat and even Emma couldn't refute those words says a lot about Wolverine's deduction.

In the end, the gifts that every Mutation brings are always about luck.

To some Mutants, their Mutations were gifts that made them powerful, strong—special even. To others, their Mutations were a curse that they had to live with all their lives.

Not all Mutants get the power they desire, and some even obtain abilities that threaten their safety or that of those around them.

But there are the few 1% selected with gifts that essentially made them Gods.



Marvel Girl.

Franklin Richards.



People call them the Beyond Omega Mutants. But to Shadowcat, all she saw were ordinary people who slept and woke up the next day with the powers of a god.

As she said, Kitty Pryde had seen enough signs to recognize the kind of Mutant they were dealing with.

But that doesn't make it any easier.

As an X-Man, Shadowcat does not have much success in dealing with Mutants of such caliber.

Just the issue of Quentin Quire, an Omega Telepath and Telekinetic has given Shadowcat nightmares that refuse to go away.

People—children died that day.

But that doesn't mean that Shadowcat will give up just like that.

Every day, Mutants are persecuted, killed, and detained for something they cannot control, and their opposition does not stop merely at the anti-mutant parties. Even their fellow Mutants were on the 'Naughty' list, doing everything within their power to widen the already vast rift between mankind and Mutants.

Sometimes, Shadowcat feels like she is fighting a losing war. Nevertheless, she will fight it.

After all, Kitty Pryde is an X-Man.

With that Shadowcat turned to Emma—who strangely bore a queer smile while looking at her.

"Can you pick up Adam's location?"

"Easy enough. He certainly isn't hiding his presence that's for sure." Emma said, pointing at the distance. "He's approximately 300 miles away from us."

"Ugh, that's what I need; a 300-mile cemetery..." Wolverine groaned. "Mutants these days sure don't make things easy for us, do they?"

Sighing, Shadowcat said. "Let's head ou—"

"On second thought. Hold your horses, everyone."

Emma interrupted Shadowcat with a grim look while her skin glistened with her secondary Mutation.

"Someone or something is coming, and it's very powerful."

Shadowcat assumed a combat stance, while Wolverine tossed away the half-emptied can with adamantium claws popping out.

Sure enough, there was a sound of flapping coming from above. Shadowcat looked up—and felt her heart skip a beat as a handsome being descended on their group.

Now, Kitty could candidly say there is no man in her heart except Piotr—even though, he is missing at the moment. Sure, she had seen fetching men and remarked on their structure, but that was where it ended.

This man-being though, really seemed to make Kitty's heart beat like a high school girl.

Tall and symmetrically burly with a face that seemed straight out of a million-dollar art piece. The gild glowing Caucasian blonde with four wings of fire smiled, halting some distance away from the group while raising his hands amiably.

"Greetings, travelers from the beyond." The angelic being lightly dipped his head. "I, Arthaus welcome you to Eden."

There was something hypnotic about his voice that made the X-Men almost lower their guards.

The key word is, almost.

Wolverine's eyes narrowed. "Alright, bub. Cut that shit out, or things will be getting real dicey around here."

{I suggest you stop that aggressive behavior. For our safety even if you don't value yours} Emma who had assumed back her normal form, established a mental link and broadcasted to the group.

Glancing at Emma, Shadowcat said through the link.

{Any reason why?}

Emma raised a brow.

{Color me surprised. I expected opposition from Wolverine not from you, Miss. Pryde.}

{Just consider me an interested party}

{In his good looks?}


{Hahaha… Alright, alright} Emma smiled but Shadowcat could easily spot the nervous bead of sweat trailing down the side of her crystalline face. {As soon I'd spotted Arthuas, I'd dived into his mind by instinct—and before you give me the reproachful look, know that I did it merely for our safety}

Shadowcat sighed—wondering when the next cause for sighing would come.

{… Go on}

{I couldn't sneak into his mind at first. His mental defense was on Xavier's level—no, it even surpassed that. But Arthuas knew of my probing and intentionally let me in, and I saw everything…}

Emma paused, letting the fact sink in.

{Katherine. Logan. We just may be dealing with one of the most powerful Mutants in all history of Mutants. Every living being in here can modify Reality to a certain extent, and Arthuas there is on the level of creating worlds in their thousands… We're dealing with a Mutant who hands out Omega Level powers like candy}

And that took their guard to the top throttle.

Arthaus smiled knowingly. "There is no need for alarm, X-Men. We've been expecting you for quite a while. Please follow me, I'll take you to my Creator. He's been eagerly awaiting for the past 3 months… Or was it, 3 days."

"3 days?" Wolverine said in an outburst. "Sure your internal clock isn't going all looney on you?"

Arthuas laughed. "Please, Mr. Logan. Time is merely a tool to me."

Matter gathered and coalesced into an ethereal archaic clock, which hovered above Arthuas's hand.

"I tell it what to do. It is more or less my Universal Constant. But today, the Creator has been messing up with time for, well … Quite some time now. Thankfully, I can manage this. His excitement usually instigates louder changes than this."

"And what's louder than messing up with time?" Wolverine asked.

"Hmm… The birth and destruction of worlds and ideas."

"Ugh… Now I wish I didn't ask. This makes me want to drink even more—"

A familiar weight settled on his hand as Wolverine looked down to see an unopened can of beer. Shrugging, Wolverine withdrew his claws and popped it right open.

"Might as well take advantage of the situation."

"Logan..." Shadowcat chided, while she asked the winged man. "Since you, or rather, Adam knows what we are here for, and he isn't opposed to seeing us. Can you take us to him?"

"It will be my pleasure, Miss Katherine." Arthaus curtsied. "So how do you want us to go?"


"Ah, forgive my lack of clarification. I meant to ask if you're okay with being teleported or do you desire any other form of transportation."

With a noise of understanding, Shadowcat was about to reply when Emma cut in.

"Any form of transportation, you say. Do you mean by anything?"

"Indeed, Mrs. Emma. Anything."


"You know, despite all my unfortunate dealings with powerful teenage Mutants, I'm quite sure I can find a place for Adam on my team when he enters the Institution," Emma said with a hint of a smile on her face.

"When, not if. Bold words you've got going there, Emma." Shadowcat said. "… Well, I do admit; I like that optimistic part of you. Hah… Anyways, just keep your expectations tempered—and your eyes on the road."

"But there is no road."

"Even so. It still doesn't make it easier for me to relax." The phasing Mutant sighed. "Tell me, why the hell did we not take the teleportation, again?"

"Because doing so would have prevented us from getting this beautiful new car."

Shadowcat blandly regarded the telepath. "Ah… Is that so?"

In a way, Shadowcat couldn't fault Emma for her decision—no matter how materialistic it may seem. As someone who has known the telepath ever since she was a teenager. Shadowcat could confidently say the Emma of now is vastly different from the Emma of before.

Ambitious. Materialistic. Greedy. Ruthless... That and many more vices comprised Emma Frost, the former White Queen of the Hellfire Club.

Her egocentric mannerisms made her allies with Mutant extremists and anti-mutants—for as long as they acted within her interest.

Back then, trusting the telepathic White Queen was asking to get burned when you least expected it.

Now though, Emma has changed.

Shadowcat still feels iffy about Scott's marriage to Emma which happened just after Jean's death. But she could respect his decision -just barely, though.

But Shadowcat has to admit; that she liked the changes it brought particularly to Emma.

Emma being this tempered is quite the sight, and while hints of the White Queen often rears its ugly head, it was not on a serious basis.

Now, all Shadowcat sees is an X-Man with an eccentric quirk—like most of the others.

So Emma's request for a white opulent Lamborghini didn't bother Shadowcat in the slightest. In a way, this gave her time to prepare for the upcoming meeting with Adam.

Shadowcat looked out the window at the lush blurring scenery with an incoming sigh.

'I can do this… I can do this.'

The phasing Mutant has dealt with all sorts of Mutants—but how does one initiate positive communication with a Reality Warper?

'God help me so I don't screw this up.'

Up ahead was the flaming winged Arthuas, who served as their guiding map, and by the side was Wolverine, who funny enough, copied Emma by asking for a ride of his own.

A much sleeker version of his motorbike back at school.

'Logan's gonna be keeping that bike if he could help it.' Shadowcat thought with lips quirking.

Clang…! Boom...! Clang…! Boom…! Clang…! Boom…!

The earthshaking reverberation came far out in the distance. Shadowcat could feel her throat going dry as she watched the… Well, she felt quite iffy calling the source of the thunderous sound, 'Giant Beings'.

'There is Giant as in building size tall, and Giant as in make mountains look like carpet… They are the latter.'

The Titans were two in number; one with a rock-like appearance with veins of lava streamlined across its body. Its eyes shone like mini-suns, and on its right hand was a burning hammer. The other appeared to be a hovering female with what appeared to be clouds serving as its clothes and hair.

In a cloud-dispersing grunt, the rock Titan scooped out mountains of earth and beat it with its hammer until it turned into an orb of light. The wind Titan gestured and the orb was telekinetically lifted to the sky—becoming one of the stars amongst the millions up there.

"Reenactment of the creation story. Godlike power in full display." Emma muttered out.

"You can say that again," Shadowcat muttered. "Is there anything we have to offer to someone who can do things like this?"

Emma smiled and simply replied. "Their humanity."

"Huh, humanity?"

"Remember that episode with the Beyonder. Why we had gone against someone like him in the first place? Just apply that method of thinking here."

Emma chuckled as she saw the bemused look on Kitty's face.

"Just treat him like how you treat a normal human being and you'll be fine."

"How is that different from what I originally planned on doing?"

"Our Mutant friend here is someone who has suddenly become something akin to an all-powerful being. Unlike most Mutants whom we help train to understand their powers. We are here to help him remember that above all else, he is not alone… And that's where you come in. You, Miss. Pryde possesses the most empathy out of us three, and it is your empathy that will do the job of sending the message to Adam."

Shadowcat—no, Kitty blinked before her lips stretched into a small smile.

"Thanks, Emma."

This time, her thanks were truly genuine.

"… Anytime, Kitty." Emma turned forward with narrowed eyes. "Now I believe it's time to put your empathy into practice. Because we're already here."

Sure enough, the car was slowing down in front of a clearing, while Arthuas descended further ahead.

Shadowcat blinked in bemusement. "Already? Shouldn't 300 miles be much farther than this?"

"Remember who we're dealing with, Miss. Pryde."

"Ah… Right." Shadowcat sighed, muttering as she got out of the car. "A reality warping Mutant."


Compared to the wonders of the greater part of Eden, the new place Shadowcat found herself felt quite tame in comparison.

Now what Shadowcat meant by tame is that it didn't contain the fantastical elements, she has been seeing ever since she got here.

It was still breathtaking.

It was a simple clearing. Carpet green grass painted a rather quaint scenery, and the valley winds brought about a cool and serene atmosphere.

Shadowcat readily admitted the beauty of this place. But more importantly, her attention was on the teenager right in the middle of it.

Outfitted in a red and white hoodie with grey denims, an unassuming teenager relaxed on the grass with his back against what appeared to be a tombstone.

He appeared to be sleeping.

Shadowcat blinked. 'Alright, that happened.'

Shadowcat had expected to see some guy on a big fiery throne, or some cosmic being looking down on them like how Jean is whenever she's possessed by the Phoenix or Illyana, when she's pushed into becoming the Darkchilde.

But Adam Abrams looked like an ordinary person who was taking a nap -albeit beside a tombstone.

God, Shadowcat isn't sure what to make of this.

Arthuas cleared his throat. "Lord Adam, the X-Men have arrived…"

Groaning, the Mutant opened his eyes—and Katherine Pryde finally understood the magnitude of the entity they were dealing with.

One of the few true words spoken by Professor Xavier that Kitty ascribed to was that; to truly understand someone, you must first begin with their eyes.

Anger. Happiness. Sadness. Jolliness. Envy. Hatred… Every emotion begins from those optical orifices, no matter the kind of person or being one is.

The eyes of Sabretooth are vastly different from the eyes of Magneto. One promises senseless violence while the other violence with purpose—no matter how repulsive the purpose may be.

Same with people like Captain America and Thor, or even fellow Mutants like Logan, Emma, and Jean.

The determining factor for one's sincerity and raw emotions always begins with the eyes.

For Adam Abrams—his were shockingly normal but at the same time had this enigmatic feel in them. That is what scared Kitty the most.

Innocent yet hopelessly curious. Normal yet inhumane. Sane yet very insane…

She remembered someone with that kind of look.

Kitty could remember his bored yet intrigued face when he threatened to destroy the universe on a whim. How he laughed and played while under the combined attack of the Avengers and the X-Men. His bored look as he decided to give up on his destruction merely on a whim.

He called himself, the Beyonder, and Adam Abrams is spotting the same yet terrifying the being had on his face.

Once again, a question hidden in the mind of Kitty Pryde the Mutant resurfaced.

'Can the human mind truly keep up with the powers of a God?'

Author's Note,

To be honest, I never really expected anything when I wrote this fic.

I merely wanted to create 3 OC/SI fanfics in Marvel and DC comics. A reality-warping OC/SI, a Mutate/Metahuman OC/SI, and an SI with heavy relation to the supernatural parts of the Marvel/DC comics. So seeing such a response is kind of a pleasant surprise.

Back to the story, I used this chapter as Kitty's POV mainly to describe the kind of person they were dealing with. Logan at the moment wouldn't be much of a good POV because of the recent happenings. Same with Emma Frost who had come out of the last school year with students killed and one of her Cuckoos gone due to a chicken head's stunt.

So their outlook wouldn't be a positive one.
Thank you for the chapter, also first [I hope while I'm typing this] and that answer my question: Nope, not limited at all, this is true pre retcon beyond er power level. Keep up the good work!
this i am looking forward to great chapter
Chapter 2 is too early to post a filler chapter IMO. No matter how effusively you describe the scenery three quarters of the chapter could have been omitted without the story losing anything. Other than that cool idea, I'll be watching.
This looks like the beginning of a good fic I hope you continue it.
I would love to see DC fic but with not so overpowered character. I usually prefer DC universe but this fic looks really promising. Ah how I want to have the talent for writing like you do.
Chapter Three
Chapter Three

Everyone wants to meet a celebrity at least once in their lifetime.

Some may deny it, but that would merely be their personal opinions against mine.

Which, mine would win anyway.

In my former reality, it was the music stars like Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, the Weekend, and Drake. As for the movie stars, well… It's always by the season or whatever is currently the talk on the Web.

Oh, I'm not going to deny that music and movie stars do exist in this marvelous but scary new Universe of mine. But compared to the never-fading rage that is Superpowers, the entertainment industry unsurprisingly falls short.

Wolverine. Emma Frost. Kitty Pryde.

In my past life, those names could only be found in cartoons, comics, games… And movies.

To Benjamin Kersley, those names were merely a source of entertainment.

The Wolverine. Wolverine: Origins. X-men: First Class. X-men: Last Stand, amongst various others.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe otherwise known as the MCU.

Benjamin Kersley watched them from behind the TV screen, enjoying the fight scenes and cool standoffs.

He was never invested in their plight. Why should he be in the first place? It never did affect him in any way.

To Benjamin Kersley, Wolverine was merely Hugh Jackman, Kitty Pryde was merely Ellen… No, was it Elliot Page (ah! So confusing), and as for Emma Frost, well… Eh, can't remember her name and I won't bother myself trying to do so.

All in all, they were celebrities who played their roles in the Marvel Cinematic iteration.

But in this world it's different.

Wolverine, who would have been a world-known sensation in my past life, here, is considered a world-known pariah. To the world, popping out claws that could cut through any mundane material known to man and surviving one's intestines being ripped out is considered the epitome of freakiness rather than a goddam miracle.

Phasing through objects, doing cool stuff with the mind, or altering one's flesh to become as hard as a diamond meant being liable to be lynched by psychopathic mobs or being captured by big ass mobo-robots would either lead to being dissected or be kept in a pen.

The life of a Mutant isn't an easy one in the slightest.

So to Benjamin Kersley, having a lineup of the X-Men standing in front of him would be something like a dream come true.

To Adam Abrams, it was…


Many things changed for Adam Abrams ever since becoming what he currently is.

It wasn't just the nigh-omnipotence that came with the activation of his X-Gene. Even his thought process had been slightly altered ever since Adam had become a Mutant.

Not really a surprise

With his rather esoteric physiology, Adam has not once experienced the feeling of tiredness, hunger, and discontent. Anything Adam wanted could be done with a literal snap of his fingers—and that's if he wanted to waste the energy to do so.

This was why when Arthaus had woken him up, whatever lethargy Adam was supposed to feel vanished as soon as he opened his eyes.

Adam was still where he was supposed to be—still in Eden.

Only this time, he wasn't alone with just his creations.

'Ah, so they've finally arrived.'

Adam regarded the three Mutants lined up just some meters away from him.

'They're… Different from what I expected.' Adam noted—before tilting his head in bemusement. 'No, should it be from what I'd originally suspected?'

Of course, this isn't the first time Adam has seen them. But it was mainly from the confines of the TV screen or newspapers who always described them in the same breath as J.J Jefferson would describe Spiderman;

[The Spider Menace Strikes Yet Again!] and stuff like that.

Hell, even that was an understatement when looked at from a certain perspective.

Anyways, looking at them face to face gave Adam a whole new perspective.

For one, Wolverine did not look like Hugh Jackman which was kind of a letdown and at the same time, not much of a surprise seeing as he had a cowl with a multicolored spandex of yellow and dark blue as opposed to the MCU iteration that was cowlless and wore pure black.

As for the others…

'Yep, I was right in thinking so.' Adam sagely nodded, 'Their beauty just ain't natural.'

There was this little detail Adam had picked up ever since he had been transmigrated into this Universe. For some reason, the appearance of both men and women could be classified into three groups; the average-looking, the stunningly cute, and the sensational beauty/strapping handsome.

Genetics had nothing to do with it and none of it was artificial. There was also the fact that such a physical trait carries them right to their old age.

Sophia Grainheart and her mom are Adam's case study. Soph's mom peaked at an average look which fell short of her daughter who belonged in the third category.

Hah… Anyways, back to the X-Men.

Adam had to say Piotr was a lucky guy for having Kitty Pryde who firmly belonged to the second category. As for Emma Frost… Well, let's just say Adam was thankful that she wasn't wearing her iconic one-piece suit, merely a cropped white top and sleek slacks covered by a fur coat that was all white.

Sighing, Adam stood up and did a little body twist to straighten himself—an action he did not need; merely a force of habit from his martial art sessions.

"I've been expecting you, X-Men."

Internally, Adam winced, hoping his words weren't as cringe as they sounded.

Thankfully, it wasn't.

"So we've heard from Mr. Flaming Wings, over there," Wolverine grunted out, though not unkindly. "But before we get down to business, I just got to ask. Are you the Mutant behind Freaky Friday?"

"Wolverine!" Kitty Pryde or was it, Shadowcat nudged Wolverine in a chiding tone. "What's with the 20 questions?"

"It isn't 20, merely 1. Besides, I just want to be sure if he's the same Mutant behind Freaky Friday."

"But that doesn't mean you had to go about it like that—"

"He isn't wrong in asking that, Shadowcat…" Adam interrupted her. "Or can I just call you, Kitty? Shadowcat sounds like quite a mouthful."

"No, it does not." Shadowcat pouted and then shrugged yieldingly. "Normally, I would question how you know my name, but with everything I've seen here, asking that would make me look stupid. Anyways go ahead. I prefer friends calling me that—which I hope we can be by the end of this. You can't believe how happy I am that we are not going at each other throats as soon as we've met."

"I feel the same way." Adam smiled, nodding in agreement. "And as for your question, Wolverine. Yes, I am behind the events of Freaky Friday. But certainly not the way you expect it to be."

Wolverine raised a brow.

"Altering the damn moon into something akin to a grotesque grinning face asteroid. Having the stars dance around in a merry-go-round and that's not even talking about the others; seems pretty clear cut to me."

"In my defense, I got that idea from Soul Eater—which I'm sure you wouldn't get the reference, either way- and I needed something quite significant to mask what had happened."

Emma Frost made a bemused sound. "What happened?"

Adam's smile turned cryptic.

"Depending on how you all take it, I may either follow you to that Institution of yours or do away on my own. At any rate, let's start by having a seat before we get to the talking. Feels kind of uncomfortable to discuss something like this while standing. If you would, Arthuas…"

The Chief Administrator of Eden bowed.

"Of course, Lord Adam."

The angel clad in flames gestured at an empty spot and in sparkles of gold, a round opulent-looking table materialized. It was made of some kind of wood Adam couldn't recognize, (not like he had any knowledge of any in the first place) all he could see was that it was gleaming, and…

"Diamonds… Don't you think you're going a little too far for some chair and table, Arthuas?" Adam asked incredibly.

Sighing, Adam ignored the fussing Angel as the table altered into a more demure but formal form as opposed to its opulent form. It was a round table with four chairs and placed on it were various assortments of food and drinks.

Although, it was a suspect that of the assortments on display, one side had rum bottles stuffed ice-steaming iron buckets, while another had cuisines fit for royalty.

Without any further ado, Wolverine strutted towards where the rum bottles were placed and promptly sat down.

The regenerative Mutant merely shrugged at the stares of his teammates.

"Hey, Xavier and Storm have always beat it into my skull about being civil to hospitality, and this…" Opening a bottle and taking a drink, Wolverine said. "Is what I call hospitality..."

With a chuckle, Emma Frost shook her head and promptly followed suit—unsurprisingly, to the side of the table that had the exquisite cuisine on it.

To that, Adam laughed while Kitty groaned, placing a hand against the side of her head.

"What am I to do with you two?"


It had been some minutes since everyone settled down and made their selves comfortable. Adam had started by asking questions concerning the Institution to which Kitty answered as best as she could with Logan -who allowed Adam to address him by his name- and Emma Frost chipping in occasionally.

It was through that Adam had been able to piece out where he was in Marvel's timeline, particularly in matters concerning the X-Men.

Candidly speaking, it wasn't like Adam needed their knowledge for answers that he could get at the literal thought of his mind.

If Adam so chose, he could make a comic book or a TV series on what he needed to know.

But unfortunately, nigh-omniscience also came with the pre-retcon package.

The keyword being; 'unfortunately'.

The ability to know and understand anything and everything was only cool for the first 5 minutes. Soon enough, it turned out to be so unbearable that it became painful.

Looking at someone and being able to write out their life's script isn't quite as chumped up as Adam thought it would be—so, it wasn't of anyone's surprise that Adam promptly shut it down.

Or to be more apt 'Ignored' it.

What? Adam won't bother with omniscience—not when he could have someone else be omniscient for him.

Thankfully, Adam had Gilgamesh from in the Fate Grand Order (FGO) Universe, [Earth-34567] teach him how to do that. However, it had taken Adam quite some time to get the PROUD Babylonian King to set aside time for him.

If it weren't for the fact that Adam didn't want to see Mash-chan's sad face, he would have obliterated that entire World -in its universal context- as soon as he was done learning what he needed to learn.

{Though, you may be the Demiurge of this World. To me, you are nothing more than a barricade for Mankind to tear down. A crutch that shall be cast aside. Be gone from my sight, Archon. Great you may be, but this King has a lot to deal with than interact with bothersome Divinities.}

That damn King sure better be glad he has someone like Siduri by his side!

'Urg, although, that fucking smug face of his…' Adam's eyes painfully twitched in remembrance. 'I'll remember to sock his face a new one at least once—no, twice, the next time I see him. Hell, I'll even ask Ishtar to join in the fun to vent her frustration… Even though, her personality is kind of a bitch to deal with.'

Adam's sigh turned into a reminiscent smile, before shaking away the cobwebs of memories out of his head.

Now isn't the time to be looking backward.

"Alright, quick question everyone. What do you think about all the powerful Mutants running around?"

That question grounded the ongoing discussion to a near-halt.

Logan stirred the bottle in his hand with a faraway look in his eyes, while Emma Frost who had been gracefully eating paused as she turned to look at Adam.

It was Kitty; who was the first to compose herself, and replied. "What brought this on, Adam?"

"See, it's been ostensibly over 3 months since I've become a Mutant. 3 months which I've used to take a look at the kind of world I'll be entering. I've been researching all there is to know about becoming a Mutant and as one of the active Mutant groups, it's only natural for me to look into the X-Men."

Emma Frost looked at Adam with a small smile.

"A good analysis, I hope."

A statement that sounded more of a question and a statement of fact.

Adam could feel Arthuas eyes turn to Emma Frost with an ambivalent smile. Well, the reality warper couldn't blame him.

As one of his most faithful creations, Adam supposed the thought of someone being demanding of his Creator in any way would be quite uncomfortable to see.

But then again, that is how the World is so Arthuas ought to get over it anyway.

Wouldn't do any good to vaporize them body and soul, after all.

"Oh, it is good. I've got no complaints about that. But you see, I can't help being curious. As a Mutant Activist Group, your entire deal is to be the bridge between Humanity and Mutants. But then you got beings like Apocalypse."

That got a flinch out of everyone.

"Nate Gray. David Haller. Gabriel Summers… Quentin Quire."

Wolverine's head snapped up. "So you knew about him?"

Adam nodded. "Of course, I did. I even knew about the little prank he pulled on Open Day."

Wolverine clenched his fist unintentionally shattering the bottle he was holding.

"Th-Then why didn't you…" On the regenerative Mutant's face was accusation, pain—and self-shame. "Why didn't you do something—anything to stop that shitty prank from happening?"

"Why… Why indeed." Adam trailed off looking into the distance.

It wasn't like this was some future knowledge he had gleamed or something of that sort. Adam already knew that Quentin Quire being in that school was a big problem in itself.

At this point, Quentin was still the arrogant little punk who thought being an Omega Mutant was the same as being God.

Not like he was wrong though; Mutant Reality Warpers is the case in point.

All Adam needed was a gesture or a snap of his fingers and all that fiasco would have been avoided.

All those deaths would have been nullified.

But Adam decided not to do it.

It wasn't due to something like the disruption of canon events—whether Earth-616 likes or not, Adam having the powers of the pre-retcon Beyonder means canon had already been flushed down the toilet.

So no, Adam didn't decide to let things play as it is because of that.

Adam at that moment simply had a morbid bout of curiosity.

"Let's just say, I wanted to see for myself; who the X-Men truly are?"

Even without looking, Adam could see their faces; confused, hurt—disgusted. But it's not like they can understand things from Adam's perspective.

No one in this world could understand Adam except Adam.

"Lord Adam…" Arthuas said, interrupting Adam's wandering thoughts. "It's time."

"Hmm? Oh, right, right…"

Adam turned to his bemused guests as an idea formed in his head—the look thrown at him -no matter how reasonable it may be was one born out of a lack of perspective.

So the answer to fixing that would be quite simple.

"How about a little excursion." Turning to Wolverine, Adam offered. "It could help you a great deal in understanding the reason for my lack of involvement."

"Lead the way, then." Emma Frost said, much to the surprise of the others.

"You aren't the only one affected, Logan. I loved Sophie like my own daughter and she's gone. I would like some form of explanation for this, and strictly speaking… Adam isn't under any obligation to help or even tell us his reasons. But here he is doing so, I would like to give that a chance."

Adam's eyes widened...

There were many things Adam knew about Emma Frost. Her past, present, and future—particularly her actions that led to the death and villainy of Moria MacTaggert.

But at this moment, Adam could see Emma Frost as Emma Frost, not the White Queen of Hellfire of the past—and the future.

"Is it ok if I call you Emma?"

Emma turned to Adam and smiled. "I thought you would never ask…"


(Emma Frost )

Emma Frost never believed in the concept of God.

Of course, some would find that redundant considering the world of today.

Thor. Hercules. Sif. Loki…

They are considered beings of immense power. One capable of deciding the course of an entire globe or the universe. But still, Emma never considered them as Gods—not in the context of their almightiness.

Not when Emma has seen firsthand—and even contributed to the defeats of such revered beings.

Once again, Emma Frost never believed in the concept of God… Only beings with 'Godlike' capabilities.

Owen Reece. Bruce Banner. Victor Von Doom. Stephen Strange. Wanda Maximoff…

Each of them is considered a being of 'Godly' power or can stand up to a 'God' in battle and win.

Despite Emma's current disposition, there is always this inner side of her that would always end up classifying these 'super-humanoids' according to their usefulness in the grand scheme of things.

In her glory days as the White Queen—it would be to see who was capable of pushing her goals forward and solidifying her power in the totem pole.

But Emma Frost isn't the same as before.

At least, that part of her isn't needed, yet.

Anyways, amongst the superpowered beings, the ones that held Emma's interest were the Mutants.

Emma's superhuman status notwithstanding, the capabilities of a Mutant were one of limitless potential.

Omega Mutants; the apex of Mutanthood.

Beyond Omega Mutants; the Gods of Mutanthood.

As the White Queen of Hellfire Club, the Headmistress of Massachusetts Academy, and now co-head of Xavier Institute as well as an X-Man, Emma has seen her fair share of Mutants with world-altering abilities.

Adam Abrams…

At first, Emma Frost didn't know what to think of him.

It was obvious from Adam's never-seen-before energy readings that Emma was dealing with one of—if not, the most powerful Mutant to ever grace the Earth. Not even Jean when merged with the Phoenix had the sort of reading Emma had picked on Freaky Friday…

Candidly speaking, Emma had felt relief that the energy had suddenly vanished as soon as the galaxy-warping debacle was over.

After Quentin, Emma wasn't so sure she had what it takes to deal with such a powerful Mutant at the moment.

Argh, this isn't so like her.

But after all, Emma has seen, she has decided to try once again.

To the prior White Queen, a Mutant with this kind of power is all but a God in classification.

To Emma Frost, Adam Abrams had already passed the bar by not behaving like an immature child—like most of the Omega Mutants she knows.

… It also helped that the entire conversation did not feel like Emma was talking to a juvenile brat who couldn't comprehend the significance of their powers but rather a rather 'morbid' adult.

And now, she's just projecting her issues.

Anyhow, the Mutant world welcomes another Mutant beyond even the realms of an Omega.

Emma merely hoped this one wouldn't end up like the rest of them…


Adam's eyes lighting up in ethereal white flames was the sign that he was using his powers, but Emma had the feeling that it was merely a cosmetic effect he was putting on.

Whether it was showboating or merely a way of Adam informing them of his power's usage, Emma couldn't bring herself to care.

At least, compared to what happened next.

With flaming eyes, Adam faced a particular direction and—

T̸͕̈ḣ̵͙e̸͋ͅ ̵͙́ẅ̸̹́a̶͚̾ḷ̵͌l̵̼̈́s̷̮̊ ̶͍̂o̸͙̒f̸̈͜ ̶̖̌Ṛ̶̔e̴̠͗ą̸́l̶̛̙i̶̟͝ẗ̷̼y̸͙̒ ̷̙̌g̶̟̐r̷̩̅ȍ̷̘ä̵͕ň̴͕e̶͎̊d̶̩̔ ̸͕͝i̷͕̽n̴̲͝ ̴̠͆r̴̲̀ë̷̫́s̴̑͜i̷̪͝s̷̼̎ẗ̶͖á̴͇ņ̷͂ć̴̲ḛ̴̀.̸͓͒ ̶̙̓

̵̮̈́C̷͙̒ȑ̷̜é̸͉a̷̢̔k̷̤͂e̸̡͐d̶̮̾ ̷̫͒ȉ̷͙ṇ̴̐ ̷͑ͅf̴̪͒u̶̩͑t̵̝̒ĩ̴̘l̶͇̄i̵̋͜t̷̩͆ÿ̶̯́—and exploded like pieces of expensive glasses.

Emma's face lightly scrunched at the discordant sound of what sounded like the combination of steel and armory-proof glasses being imploded from within.

Although compared to the analogy, what happened had a more fantastical take.

"Are you sure that's safe?" Miss. Pryde asked.

Adam turned to the phasing Mutant with an assuring smile.

"Ostensibly speaking, it's nothing serious."

Emma crossed her arms and raised a brow.

"In what kind of context?"

"Well…" Adam drawled. "Let's just say normally it should be easy to go back in time, but where or 'when' I'm going needed more oomph than I would normally require."

Time travel!

Emma clenched her folded hands, mindful not to let her expression show.

A power like that could change the course of anything and everything.

All mistakes could be wiped away at a single glance—deaths averted by the means of foreknowledge.

Exhaling, Emma tempered down the bubbling excitement.

All this would be meaningless if Adam decides not to come to the Institution.

At that moment, Emma decided it didn't matter the kind of argument Adam would present; be it weak or strong; she would support him.

'Have I fallen so low to be this desperate?' Emma thought to herself—and once again, the dreadful memory resurfaces.

Emma isn't one to be bothered about deaths… She isn't clean enough to even bother trying to do so.

But this case was different—if there was a possibility to prevent all those deaths from happening again, she would take it.

Sighing, Emma turned to the circular time portal with a bemused look on her face.

From the appearance, Emma could almost compare it to Illyana's time-space portals—if it weren't for the fact that hers were white compared to Adam's bright cobalt.

Emma strutted to the portal and stood beside Adam with the others following behind.

"Then let's be on our way."

Adam turned and nodded to Arthuas.

"I won't be long…"

"Please take your time, Lord Adam. I and Eden will remain here for as long as you will it."

'Well, that sounded moodily sweet.' Emma thought to herself.

Shaking her head, the telepath together with the others walked through the portal and left the Present of light—

Into a Past of darkness…


Emma couldn't describe the sensations at first;

She felt like she couldn't breathe despite the inhale and exhale of her throat. The darkness was so thick she couldn't see her own body. It overrode all her senses.

Much to Emma's horror, even her gift of telepathy seems to be eluding her.

It was like she was the only one in the dark world.

Had her hastiness once again led to another rash decision?

Thankfully, that wasn't the case.

"Ah, sorry-sorry." Adam's voice came out from 'everywhere' sounding apologetic. "Dammit, I've forgotten that normal humans can't survive in this kind of condition. Here, let me do this…"

An orb of light abruptly manifested from above revealing to Emma her current locales and the disarrayed state of the others. Normally, Emma would have been content to know that she wasn't the only one to have acted so disgracefully.

But at the moment, Emma couldn't bring herself to care.

"Whe-Where are we?" Logan growled, hoarsely. "I thought we were going back to the past."

Adam cut out a clear inhuman figure underneath the bright warm light.

"This is the past, Logan." Spreading his arms, Adam said. "Welcome to the TRUE Freaky Friday."

A sudden chill coursed through Emma's spine.

"What happened?" Words left her mouth before she could even process them. "Why is everything so… Dark?"

Stuffing his hands into his jacket, Adam's smile turned quite gloomy.

"Well, this is what happens when the Universe is violently obliterated down to its last atom."

"… …."

"… …"

"… …"

Emma blinked as the words reached her and the chill became a bone-rattling shudder.

Miss. Pryde took in deep breaths as confusion and fear warred on her face. Despite all the talks on empathy, Emma couldn't blame Miss. Pryde for putting on such a face that she, herself, is currently spotting at the moment.

How is Emma supposed to take this?

"So… So what happened?"

Miss. Pryde ambled towards Adam with a determined look.

"Maybe I'm not the best judge of character. But from all the wonders I've seen in Eden. The sense of awe that place had sparked in me. Everything tells me you didn't mean for this to happen. So please, help me understand what happened here."

The fiery glow in Adam's eyes died to reveal a normal brown.

Rubbing the side of his neck, Adam regarded Miss. Pryde for a second, and then asked.

"What happens when you pour an entire tank worth of water in a teacup?"

While Miss. Pryde blinked in a nonplused fashion, Emma's breath hitched as something about that question clicked to her.

Emma had an idea of the meaning behind Adam's question.


'Could it be something so simple?'

Meanwhile, Miss. Pryde replied. "It overflows of course. But what does that have to do with the destruction of the Universe?"

"It has everything to do with the Universe and how I will forever interact with it."

Adam sighed, dropping down on a materialized chair, and gestured for the others to take a seat on the chairs behind them.

"Sorry, but I'll be standing for this one," Logan said, impassively. "It'll stop the blood from gathering on my head and I'm too jumpy at the moment..."

Not a surprise, especially compared to her and Miss. Pryde, someone like Logan whose entire shtick relied on his enhanced senses would be uncomfortable with this kind of place.

Sighing, Emma promptly took a seat with Miss. Pryde following suit.

It won't do any good to start showing hostility when hospitality is being presented.

Adam made a show of tapping his chin as he scanned the small space.

"How to begin… Well, I'm sure it's common knowledge that a Mutant's powers affect their body in two ways; partial-body Mutation or full-body Mutation. Unlike Franklin Richards and like Kevin MacTaggert, I have a full-body Mutation."

"So, you are an energy being…" Miss. Pryde said. "But look you so… Human."

Adam raised a brow. "You've seen what I can do and you still say that…"

"Well, that was before I found out about the nature of your Mutant powers and there's the issue of precedence."

"Hmm~ fair enough. It seems I didn't put it clearly…" Adam cupped his chin in a show of contemplation. "Unlike Proteus, my nature isn't that of a clump of vast energy—I am a living sentient Dimension."

Logan made a confused sound.

"Ok… Still not getting it, kid. What does that have to do with the destruction of the Universe?"

"Everything…" Emma muttered in comprehension. "It has everything to do with it."

An entire tank's worth of water into a teacup—oh, why couldn't Emma have understood this from the very beginning!? It seems her comprehension capabilities were becoming quite rusty.

The answer was something so fundamental yet illogical that Emma had thought it wouldn't have happened to a Mutant like Adam despite it happening to other Omega Mutants—and all Mutants in general.

Emma turned to Adam and confidently said. "As soon as your X-gene activated you over-spilled, with the Universe as collateral damage. That's where you were going on with the questions and the beat-around-the-bushes answers… I-I never thought such a thing was possible, but Adam… You're bigger than the Universe, aren't you?"

"Got it all in one—you deserve a cookie, Emma." Adam let out a frustrated breath.

"I couldn't get a fingertip in and suddenly everything went all KABOOM! It took me quite a while and a̷̺͍̬͖͐̀͑͛̅̋ ̸͉̠̝͈̈̒f̴̨̜̏͐̇̚r̷͎̘̝̻̯̀ͅi̴̛͉̖̹̒̒e̴̥͎̪̲̋̀̈́̈́́ñ̶̲̗̘̈́̕̚͝d̴̞̓͝͠'̵̰̯̞̹̗̅͆̈́̒́͝s̵̰͑͒̍̊̎͝ ̴̈́ͅh̷̘̼͇͗e̴̘̮̟̹̘͊̍̀͆̐ļ̶͍͖̣̋̋͜ṕ̸̣̫͈̓̈̊̃̐ to understand what I had become finally… See, the 'me' you're talking to right now is nothing more than an 'Avatar' I made to safely interact with the World without blowing it up with a mere twitch."

Adam's form shifted as his body took on different shapes and forms; a beautiful blonde woman waving her hands suggestively. A roaring 4-meter-sized lion. A titan-sized humanoid rock construct. An androgynous being clad in flames sitting on a throne of fire… And finally as the human, Adam Abrams.

Miss. Pryde pinched the bridge of her nose with a sigh. "So if the Universe was destroyed, how are we still here—still alive?"

"Rather than telling, how about I show you?"

Adam stood up—and snapped his fingers.


Emma Frost never believed in the concept of God—or at least, in the sense of their Almightiness and Omnipotence.

Only in beings with 'Godlike' capabilities.

But this…

What could the former White Queen call this if not an Act of God?

What happened next wasn't something as complex as manipulating time. Adam simply snapped his fingers and the Universe lit up with stars and planets appearing in the distance.

With a loud tremor, the surface underneath Emma turned white as she recognized the rocky terrain of the moon.

'So we were in the Solar System this whole time… Somehow, that doesn't surprise me as much as I thought it should.'

Sighing happily, Emma turned back to appreciate the familiar shade of the sun beating down on her skin.

Emma didn't question why they were in space without a breathing apparatus—that would only make her seem stupid.


"Yeah-yeah, I'm getting to it," Adam said, interrupting Emma's thought. "I want this one to be a little bit more special."

Adam raised a palm with a familiar blue planetoid materializing on it. Blowing on it, Emma watched as the palm-sized planetoid drifted ahead and slowly grew bigger and bigger and bigger.

Soon enough, what hovered before Emma was the Earth in all its glory.

With a hand to the side of her head, Emma sent out a telepathic signal and immediately found her past self's mental signature still hooked up on the Cerebro and focused on the blinding energy signature that is Adam Adams.

At that moment, Emma found herself at an impasse.

Just in case the meeting didn't go according to expectations, should Emma send a telepathic message to her past self and inform her of what is to come?

As Emma was within her world, contemplating—Adam abruptly froze and turned his gaze towards the sea of stars.

He saw something…

Emma felt herself stiffen as she reckoned it was something quite serious to have prompted such a serious response from him.

"Yeah, I knew this something like this would spark his attention…" Adam drolly muttered before turning towards her and the others.

"Alright, let's get going... I've set a timer for the events of Freaky Friday, and I don't want to deal with the cosmic Super-Judge when he comes knocking."

"Cosmic Super-Judge?" Miss. Prdye asked.

"Go ask, Dr. Strange. He's dealt with that stick-in-the-ass way more than he would have probably liked."

Fiery trails traced a circle upon the walls of Reality as a portal manifested—this time it had a golden tinge to it.

While the others made their way to the portal, indecision warred in Emma's mind on whether she should interfere with the matters of the past or not.

Clicking her tongue, Emma decided to give a go at least—when a hand settled on her shoulders, as the Telepath turned to see Adam with a solemn look.

"I have to try…" Emma could hear herself say so pathetically. "If I do this, I can change everything."

"But not every change comes with a satisfying ending." Adam shot back. "Besides, I still owe you a cookie, don't I?"

There was a hidden meaning behind Adam's words that Emma was quick to catch this time.

'But can it be…?'

Adam nodded—and Emma felt like a large weight was lifted off her shoulders.

"Thank you, Adam…"

Adam smiled as they turned towards the time portal where the others were waiting for them.

"You're welcome, Emma."


Emma Frost did not believe in the concept of a God—but that changed after today.

Why, you ask?

"Because I am walking beside one."

Author's Note,

I thought it would take a single chapter for me to be done with this. Have the X-Men meet with Adam talk to him and Adam finally follows them to the Institution, after reading the comments, I decided not to do so…

Having the powers of the Pre-Retcon Beyonder is going to change how anyone interacts with Reality. Concerning the destruction of the Universe, I had the inspiration from the origins of Mr. Manhattan and the discussion between Molecule Man and Beyonder when the latter thought that the reason behind his inability to find happiness was because he was bigger than the Marvel Universe… While asinine, it's not like the Beyonder is wrong considering that his true form is an Infinite dimension.

Anyways, how is Emma's P.O.V.? Hopefully, I got an approximation of her current character.

At this point, while Emma still has that high-class aura, her time spent as an X-Man had tempered it a great deal…

Only for Krakoa to regress her back.
This is kinda sad. His power alone likely causes people to think about him from a distance, making it that much harder to form a real connection with others. And despite being omnipotent and almost having the power of a capital G god, he still has a part of him that's human. And humans aren't islands, they need each other at least a little bit. Excites to see how this develops.
You busy saying he sad. His brain was/is rewired, non? It is possible that he doesn't think like a human at this point. You can't stare at reality in the face and come out fine. His perspective is distorted and warped. Perhaps....
Chapter Four
(James 'Logan' Howlett P.O.V)

It was said; that in the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.

Wolverine may be a man who isn't afraid to give gods a new look—cut—in the face; especially if they turn out to be an almighty douchebag. But Logan, on the other hand, would readily admit he took those words to heart and very well believed in them.

This isn't Logan being religious; this was the result of his experience living a long life.

Before Wolverine and Logan, James Howlett participated in wars and took part in some of the most pivotal events in Mankind's history...

Same as in its most horrifying events.

But that doesn't make him anyone special in the grand scheme.

Logan wasn't the man who took a shield and led the charge against the Nazis, who were ruining everything. He wasn't the man who stepped right up to help the colored people who were grouped in the same vein as cats and dogs.

Hell, at one point during the Japanese v USA war all Logan could do was hide in a goddamn well.

So much for the Man of the Wild.

All the sack-of-flesh that is Logan had going for himself was an ability that wouldn't let him die, and bones excruciatingly coated in one of the strongest metallic alloys known to man.

… … Hah.


There were many things, Logan could say about his fellow kind—because there was no way, he could see Mutants in the same league as Humanity due to all the kinds of things he had seen done to the former by the latter…

Or at least, not yet.

Not until TRUE harmony has been achieved…

Whenever that would be…

Heh, ain't that one helluva irony that an X-Man is the pessimistic one?


Waking up with a 'something' you do not remember having yesterday.

Power manifesting little by little with you calling them 'a strange string of coincidences' all while that power is ready to explode in an intense buildup at any given moment.

Being on the field or in public only to have people point at you like you're an alien because you suddenly don't look like one of them anymore...

Take your pick, there's no lack of X-gene awakening stories on this small blue ball called, Earth.

But even so, there was always one thing that came with it...

Those newly activated Mutants weren't ready for it; ready for the world and the consequences their powers have presented to them… Just like how Logan hadn't been ready to watch an arm grow back while screaming and cursing his ancestors for bringing someone like him into this fucked up world.

Yeah, those were the good old days.

Logan hadn't been involved in the Mutant business until Chuck.

Who'd gone and left him as all the others did.

As a somewhat seasoned Mutant Activist—if anyone could call him that—Logan can say the Mutant business certainly is not an easy one...

Not when you've got to deal with the megalomaniacs. The psychopaths. The extremists. The racists… The idol worshippers...

… The last part used to bother Logan but then he got used to it along the way.




Adam Abrams…

To the world, someone like him would be seen as an abomination of common sense.

Like commonsense hadn't taken a hike, ever since people started prancing around in colorful spandexes.

The well-known Church of Humanity would call Adam an affront to God and all that he stands for.

After all, the good book has the Big Guy Upstairs creating the Universe in six days—Adam Abrams, on the other hand, built him with the snap of a finger.

A literal snap!

Was there any word to describe him other than a fucking Deity?

Logan didn't know and sure as hell didn't care about what becoming Living Dimension truly means—he'll be leaving that to the science experts.

What Logan did care about was the implications of Adam's existence to the world as a whole.

Omega Mutants are the pinnacle of what Mutants were capable of achieving, and the 'special few' given the title, 'Beyond Omega' are considered even above that...

Be that a blessing or a curse to Mutantkind was something Logan will never know…

Or even want to know.

But as of this moment, to Logan, Adam Abrams can be considered even beyond the capabilities of a Beyond Omega.

The only Mutants Logan could remember displaying powers of this magnitude would be Jean when she got possessed by that large-pain-in-the-ass cosmic bird, David Haller, and Richard's kid; Franklin.

To make matters worse, Logan was sure that at the moment, there is no one in Xavier Institute capable of stopping Adam, if he decides to do things in a way that will negatively affect the World.

… Hell, even Mr. Flaming Archangel gave Logan the kind of sickening feeling similar to when he stood against the self-proclaimed Eater of Worlds.

This ain't no funny business.

Another global disruption by a Mutant was the LAST thing Logan wanted for the still declining Mutant reputation.

While it is true that the X-Men current roster is ill-prepared for someone like Adam, after the events of that damn Open Day, Logan knew the world doesn't need another Quentin Quire outbreak.

And Logan wouldn't dare bet on it even though this one seems different.

Not when the Universe itself serves as collateral if this one goes loco.

'But it's not like I can do anything in this situation.'

Saying Adam Abrams is dangerous is well and good. But Logan—no—Wolverine knew he had no chance of stopping Adam if he went out of control...

Not unless there's some Deus Ex Machina hidden around the corner.

So it's a damn if you do and damn if you don't situation—just another day of being an X-Man.

While Logan wouldn't deny that image of Adam Abrams living the rest of his life inside of this… Pocket World he'd created seemed to be quite an enticing idea. He wouldn't deceive himself by calling it a feasible one.

Logan could see it in Adam's eyes; the burning curiosity and need to see the vast Universe out there.

Sooner or later, even this Eden won't be able to satisfy Adam forever... Not like it could seeing as he could control fucking TIME itself.

It'll take a while to get used to that.

There's also the fact that the world wouldn't allow Adam to hole himself up.

Bolivar Trask…



Dr. Sinister…

The Avengers…


The good, bad, and ugly would all come looking for Adam, whether he likes it or not.

Control. Contain. Exterminate…

That's the warranted response someone with powers like Adam's could—would—instigate and that was what Logan felt trepidation on.

There's only so much a pissed-off Mutant can take before deciding to wipe the Universe clean just for some quiet.

After all, Adam from Prodigy's findings had serious anger issues.





As an X-Man, all Wolverine had going for him were his claws. But at this moment, Wolverine knew that slicing and dicing wouldn't be enough to deal with a Mutant with powers over the very fabric of reality...

Despite there being no ensuing battle, Wolverine couldn't stop his body from tensing itself—he felt powerless.

An emotion he was all too familiar with his entire life.

But even so, he wouldn't give up.

Why? People would ask.

But Logan/Wolverine wouldn't be able to formulate a proper answer for that.

Maybe it is because Logan/Wolverine is too tired of letting those extremist bastards win… Maybe, Logan/Wolverine wanted to show that Mutants aren't always the beings of destruction the world painted them out to be.

That coexistence ain't just some wishful thinking.

Wolverine's eyes widened in a fraction as he crossed the circular tear in reality.

'Huh? I guess got more Chuck in me than I realize… Heh, ain't that a million-dollar joke.'

Well then, time to be an X-Man and wing it.




But as soon as Wolverine crossed through that portal, the determined beast died down as the man—Logan—looked up in awe.

"Damn, Omegas and their damn bullshit powers."


(Adam Abrams P.O.V)

It did not matter that Adam was here when this place was still in its blank canvas foundations.

It does not matter that before the scope of Adam's powers, something like this could be called insignificant.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Adam preferred this place over Eden.


Because it was here everything that is Adam—a being with the powers of the Pre-Retcon Beyonder—truly began.

From behind was Kitty, gasping in an undisguised awe.

"Whoa... What kind of place is this?"

Adam turned to the X-Men and proudly presented his Greatest Masterpiece.

"This, Kitty, is where I had learned to piece back the Universe from its largest superclusters down to its smallest quark... My very own, Celestial Starry Way."

Silence ensued…

"… …"

"… …"

"… …"

... … Adam's lips twitched.

'That's it; I've got to work on my naming skills.'

Although, Adam still felt that those words appropriately described this place and what it represented to him.

The first thing that gets to anyone seeing this place would be the crystal clear ocean that stretched out far into the horizon with a sunset that used a white star rather than yellow giving it a sacred-like scenery.

The finite volume of water expanded out infinitely—well, mostly because if it didn't, this place would most likely have been jam-packed by its contents. The blue ocean's depth same as its width stretched down infinitely to safely secure what swims within it.

Of course, they were all reenacting the miracle of walking on water.

Coughing, Adam awkwardly glanced at X-Men only to catch Logan's curious eyes.

'Yikes...' Adam quickly faced ahead while whistling innocently.

Unfortunately, the regenerative Mutant was more persistent than Adam would have liked him to be.

"Spill it, what's with the guilty look, kid?"

"Nothing~" Adam shrugged in a faux manner. "Only wanted to catch the awe-filled look on your face."

Logan eyed Adam for a moment shrugging.

"Don't ask for the impossible. Sure, I'll admit this place is impressive—but so are all the fantastical places I've been to by now."

Kitty nudged the regenerative Mutant with a knowing smile on her face.

"Critique much?"

Logan scoffed and increased his pace.

"Simply speaking the truth, Kit."

"You don't say..." Adam drawled—while internally wiping down a sweat in relief.

'There's no way, I'll tell them.' Adam resolutely thought to himself. 'There's no way I'll tell them that they'd all been dead some seconds ago.'

To Adam, this was the second time they were all entering this place.

The first, had them meeting the security guards—thousands of kilometers long eldritch monstrosities, modeled as creatures from HP Lovecraft books or as they're called in the Prime Universe iteration, the Many-Angled Ones.

It had been Emma who was the first to feel their presence with her Telepathy—only to be paid back with a telepathic scan resulting in 10 discordant seconds of intense hair-tearing, screaming, blood spurting from every orifice in her body, and finally rupturing of the skull into nasty gory bits.

Logan and Kitty's reactions were—at least to say—colorful in their reactions; as their guards raised with their animosity up and directed towards Adam…

Which was a wise decision, but not a safe one considering where they were.

As a result, what promptly followed was an enormous tentacle surging up and triggering a planet-swallowing wave of water to slam on them.

Adam looked down with furrowed brows.

[I'm disappointed in you, Cthulhu]

A mind-corrupting sensation emanated from the crystal nadirs in apology.

[Hmm... Then again, you were only doing your job, so I suppose I'm being unfair… Alright, from now you are to hide your presence and very existence from anyone that enters this place WITH me]

After all, anyone who is capable of dealing with Adam would find the replica Outer Gods as nothing more than a warmup.

A grateful affirmation pulsed and—REALITY SCRAMMBLED—in an instant.

Sighing, Adam felt the eldritch entities scurry off to a dimension more complex than the Celestial Starry Way—Adam seriously didn't understand what any of that meant and he wouldn't bother trying to do so.

'I'll simply take that as it is so long as there aren't any more telepathic mishaps.'

Seeing the X-Men's traumatized faces in a place like this didn't exactly fill Adam with joy.

Despite his anger propensities, Adam wasn't a sadist.

Now then…

Turning to Kitty whose hands reached for one of the dimension's contents, Adam quickly chided.

"I would be careful with that if I were you, Kitty. I'm sure you don't want to get your hand someplace it isn't meant to be, like a black hole or a star."

With a sharp 'eep!' Kitty pulled back her hand like it was on fire, alternating stares between Adam and the 'object' in confusion... And realization.

"… Is that what I think it is?"

By the side, a stunned Emma placed her hand on her temple, letting out a small groan.

"Just when I thought things couldn't get more ridiculous..."

"You can say that again." Logan scoffed in agreement. "… It ain't every day you get to see so many planets in one place."

It was the highlight of the Celestial Starry Way.

Strewn around and numbered like the stars in a clear pitch night were planets; Earths to be more precise. Although, unlike the blue globe in the Solar System, this Earth had a somewhat spiral galaxy around it, giving the sphere a Saturn-like appearance.

Adam cleared his throat.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, Logan. Referring to them as planets using a singular planet's perspective would be quite an understatement. See those spiral lights right there; they're a representation of something more. Universes. Those lights represent the stars, nebulas, star clusters, and alien worlds."

With that, Adam ended his brief and succinct explanation;

Going any further would only end up with him beginning a long and tedious explanation of the composition of the Worlds, and how they differ from each other—as some expanded infinitely while others had a fixed size to them.

If it ever gets to that, Adam would simply have Arthuas chuck the information directly into their head.

"Apple. Tree of apples—still all the same to me… What?" Logan shrugged with a bit of weariness in his movement. "You can't expect me to be surprised at every single thing. Anyways, why bring us here? Unless you wanna brag that you're almighty. Then don't bother—Eden and your little creation reenactment have already sent the message loud and clear."

Adam slouched to that.

Pausing, Kitty stared at Adam in mirthful surprise.

"Wait, seriously?"

"… Ho-Hold that thought, Kitty. Whatever you're thinking is simply wrong."

Adam quickly interjected, crossing his arms in an 'X' shape.

"I didn't come here to brag or something like that—not when I've got quintillions upon quintillions of beings already doing so in the Worlds around us. I just wanted a change of location, I know you and Logan aren't comfortable in Eden, so I figure we can do with a change of location."

Kitty raised a brow in bemusement.

"And you figure here would be better?"

Adam hummed.

"Well~ not exactly."

Walking ahead of the X-Men, Adam meticulously studied the hovering Worlds.

He was searching for a particular something.

"… Eh, been there. Been there. Planned to be there. Not exactly safe. Too loud. Too bloody. Too gloomy. Where is it…? Hmm? This one…"

A World floated toward Adam's palm, to which he lifted it to check out.

"This one… Oh, it should be in its Epilogue." A forlorn smile creased his face "Yeah, this'll do nicely."

Turning back, Adam strutted towards the X-Men with a World bouncing carelessly on his palm.

"So you asked why we're here, right?"

Something must have shown on his face—which had a mischievous smile plastered on it—as something clicked in Kitty's mind and her face automatically paled.

"Um, Adam?—"

But it was too late for Kitty to voice her suspicion.

"It's to do this!"



Like a professional pitcher, Adam threw the shrunken Universe at them—and it grew.

Bigger and bigger, the World expanded in size.

Galaxies—Superclusters—Black holes—Stars—Solar Systems—Natural Satellites—Planets passed by and they soon found themselves above the Earth's orbit…

… …falling.

What followed after was a—

"""' AAAAAaaaGGgggGGghhhhh!"""

Adam smirked as screams of joy flitted by.

"I always love this part."


(Katherine 'Kitty' Pryde P.O.V)

Shadowcat—no, this mission didn't require any sort of alternate identity right from the start—Kitty had come to a startling realization as she plummeted from thousands of kilometers above the Earth.

The ridiculous and amusing screams from Emma and the ragging holler?—or should it be bellows—from Logan didn't dissuade the erudite knowledge from slamming against Kitty with the force of an angry sledgehammer.

Kitty had always suspected—wrong—Kitty had sort of known from the beginning but tried to rationalize such a realization as a matter of circumstances...

But no more…

Not when Kitty's throat was (un) surprisingly clear of phlegm and croakiness; courtesy of the failed soprano that seamlessly passed out from her mouth.

Kitty really should distance herself from music for the Greater Good of the planet.

Anyway, the realization was a short and simple statement that even an ordinary child can say—

'All Omega Mutants have a certain screw missing in their head—a certain screw called, 'commonsense'.'

See? Even a child can say it—if it were in a normal situation.

But at the moment, Kitty's situation is anything but normal!

"I'm so gonna die! I'm so gonna die! I'm so gonna die! I'm so gonna die! I'm so gonna die! I'm so gonna die! I'm so gonna die!...!"

Kitty thought she had finally met a 'normal' Beyond Omega Mutant, but Adam was insane like the rest of them!

This isn't the first time Kitty had found herself freefalling from a high altitude; jumping out of a plane, a superpower that had to do with gravity manipulation or telekinesis, or some high-tech device that malfunctions and displaces her in an unwanted elevation.

Take your pick; being an X-Man means dealing with the ridiculous.

But this is the first time where Kitty wasn't just falling from above the Earth's orbit but from outer space.

How did she even survive moving at this kind of speed—

—was the question Kitty would be asking herself if it weren't for the bizarre sight of a certain physics-ignoring Reality Warper who lay relaxed on a deckchair and was sipping a coconut drink with a straw.

Tha-That brat!

'I don't care if he's a Beyond Omega or even a Mutant God, I swear I'll bonk him once we reach land.' Kitty thought in a dark panic. 'A very, very HARD bonk.'

Unsurprisingly, Adam seemed to have picked up her intentions as he sighed and said something over the blustery wind.

The World shifted, and Kitty instantly found herself on land.

"Thank God—Urp...!"

A sudden vertigo caught Kitty as she struggled to stay on her feet—well no surprise there, anyone would feel uncomfortable after a trip like that.

Thankfully, the giddiness seemed to last for a moment before clarity mysteriously took its place.

'Probably Adam's doing...'

With that thought, Kitty looked up to see the amused Beyond Omega Mutant being grabbed by the collar by a furious Logan with Emma by the side having a weary look on her face.

… Probably considering whether having Adam in her squad is worth the trouble or not.

"Kid, if you dare do that again..." Logan threateningly growled.

"Heard that loud and clear, Logan."

Adam drawled as he easily got himself out of Logan's grip.

"You guys, really don't know how to have fun, do ya?"

Emma blandly raised a brow with arms crossed.

"Considering your idea of having fun is a freefall from outer space... then no."

Adam rubbed the back of his neck with a chuckle.

"Yeah, but, aren't you guys the X-Men—you know lovers of adventure and stuff like that... Hah… I really should consider myself lucky that Arthuas isn't here with us, right now."

"Because he would have been the one scolding you?" Emma asked.

"Nope." Adam jauntily replied. "Because you all would have been dead."

Now that got Kitty's attention.

Considering Kitty's experience, she knew more than anyone else that a person shouldn't be judged based on their appearance.

Just because he looks like Prince Charming doesn't mean that his behavior would be out of a fairy tale.

Nevertheless, Kitty had not been able to get such bad vibes from Arthuas.

He was kind, polite, and helpful too—not exactly someone who would kill over some chiding.

"Most especially you, Logan." Adam pointed at the regenerative Mutant. "Unlike the others, Arthuas would toss you into the lowest pits of Hell and throw away the keys."

Logan's brows furrowed.

"Is that supposed to scare me or something?"

To the bold question, Adam cryptically smiled.

"Considering what I know about you. Yes, it should."

Kitty's back prickled in a chill as she tried not to shudder.

Yeah, not the Prince Charming she had thought him to be.

Coughing, Kitty clapped her hands and said.

"Broken expectations aside, where are we, Adam?"

Even though it was an ordinary sun shining above and people—normal-looking people—milled around without demonstrating any form of eccentricity, Kitty knew she wasn't back at her Reality...

It was obvious going by the peculiar looks being thrown at her group that their state of dressing wasn't the norm in this place.

At least, the density-manipulating Mutant was thankful that the peculiar stares weren't tinged in disgust like the ones she normally bore back in her Universe.

Heh, and doesn't that say a lot about where she comes from?

"Ping-pong ~ nice safe, Kitty," Adam said, with a smile. "Universe 3129865—Undead Unluck. The aftermath of a world that had managed to fight God and won through the illogical power of Love."

With a gesture, Kitty and the others followed Adam past the crosswalk and towards the quaint-looking café situated on the other side of the road.

The doorbell jingled as Adam entered with arms spread in triumph.

"I'm home~ Fuuko-chan~"

A beautiful raven-haired woman in a unisex waitress garb sighed and turned to Adam with a smile.

"Welcome back, Kami-sama."

"It's Adam to you, my beautiful heroine."

"Ever the charmer, aren't you."

"I aim to please."


Something glinted from the counter.

Letting out an unmanly yelp, Adam quickly clapped his hands before his face—just some centimeters from his forehead was the tip of a cutting knife.

"St-Still as nimble-fingered as ever, Andy." The Beyond Omega Mutant stammered out.

"What are you doing here, dumb God?"

Possessing a slightly above average height coupled with a well-developed physique, the silver-haired thuggish-looking man with a scar on his face grunted out.

With a shaky smile, Adam threw the knife back at Andy and said.

"Is it bad for me to come visit my friends?"

"This friend isn't cool with you messing around with his woman."

"A-Andy-kun, that's enough from you!"

Fuuko chided with a small blush on her face.

"Same to you as well, Kami-sama! You, more than anyone else, should know how Andy-kun is, by now."

Kitty had an ambivalent smile as she didn't know how to feel seeing as Adam appeared more remorseful than when Logan was threatening him.

Nevertheless, that didn't bother Kitty as much as the two couples before her.

The instinct ingrained in Kitty during her time as Ogun welled up in full force.

'These two are strong... Very, very strong.'

Just the woman, Fuuko felt more dangerous than Natasha and Elektra. While the man, Andy feels more like the fusion of Silver Samurai and Gorgon.

Kitty remembered the words Adam used to describe this Universe.

A World where Humanity fought God and won.

These two weren't your normal people.

Fuuko inclined towards Kitty and her fellow X-Men with a gentle smile.

"Welcome to Union Café. I am Fuuko and that is my husband, Andy. Pleased to me you all... Eh, and just to be sure; you all aren't Gods or something of that sort, right?"

Ingrained Japanese formalities compelled Kitty—as well as the others— to give a small bow in return.

"Katherine Pryde, but you can just call me, Kitty. I assure you, I and the others aren't Gods, same with Adam over here."

Fuuko's posture was slightly relaxed at the reply as she motioned for Kitty and the others to follow her.

"That's what Adam also said the day he wiped out the stars in the sky. But when someone as powerful and malevolent as the Sun addresses someone with reverence, one just can't help but have their perception colored… Oh and Adam, you'd just missed Tatiana, some minutes ago."

Adam's brows shot up.

"Really? So what's the little doll been up to these days?"

"Nothing much." Fuuko hummed. "Just nabbed herself a boyfriend."

That sparked a reaction from Adam that Kitty certainly did not expect.

"Hrk! Boyfriend?!" Adam sputtered. "That little Tatiana?!"

Fuuko laughed.

"Little? One more year and it would be a decade since you had upped and gone. Of course, Tatiana isn't going to wait for her big brother all her life—not when she's got to live it."

"Ah… Now more than ever I realize time's too finicky for me to play ball."

Adam groaned—his face bearing an undiscernible emotion.

"So who's the lucky guy?"

"Well, who do you think?"

"…Huh?" Adam's eyes went saucers. "Huh?! You've gotta be kidding me. It's that little twerp, Chikara!"

Andy's laughter rang out from the counter.

"Bwahahahaha... Now I remember missing that hilarious expression of yours. You and Chikara always made one heck of a comedic duo. All that's missing is a camera to commemorate this moment and send it to Juiz to frame and hang it at her museum."

"Juiz and Victor, huh... Don't tell me they're still pissed because of that little prank."

"You tell me. You're God, not me."

Adam groaned with palms over his face.

"I swear some people just don't know how to take a joke."

From the conversation, Kitty could tell that Adam had quite the tale with the couple and others being mentioned—and an old one too, judging from how the word 'decade' had been carelessly thrown in.

To the World outside it had been merely 3 months since Adam's emergence as a Mutant…

But how long has it been to Adam?

3 years?

3 decades?

3 centuries?

3 millennium?

The answer to that scared Kitty—but at the same time, explained why Adam had this demeanor uncommonly seen with powerful Teenage Mutants.

And why he preferred calling us by our names.

Soon enough, they were led to a partition by the window granting a quaint view of the city outside.

Fuuko had asked for their order, but excluding Adam who had asked for a strawberry parfait, none of the X-Men felt particularly hungry.

It was after Fuuko's departure that Logan began.

"Any chance you're gonna' tell us the story you've got going here?"

Kitty stomped Logan's foot with a small scowl on her face.

"That's a bit too personal, Logan!"

Even without saying it out loud, Kitty knew whatever Adam had going on with these people was something very personal.

Logan casually moved his leg and shifted closer to the window.

"You can't honestly tell me, you aren't interested in knowing what happened after everything you'd just heard?"

Logan turned to Adam and said.

"Look, I don't want you to think that I'm forcing you or anything of that sort—not like I can in the first place—I'm merely interested, that's all. I'll respect your decision if you don't want to talk about it. A man's got to have a few stories he'd rather not share with anyone."

Adam hummed.

"Well, first off; the story isn't mine to share as doing so would be revealing some pretty bad events..."

Adam glanced at Andy who eyed their group as he turned on the fruit blender.

"Events that will get me chased out of this café with a kitchen knife, and I haven't had the weekly special so NOPE I won't be sharing anything—not to mention doing so will keep us here all day, and I'm someone who likes to sit still for long."

Kitty exhaled in relief—mostly because she felt the presence fixated on their group vanish as soon as Adam stopped talking.

Logan shrugged, acquiescently.

"Like I said; I can respect that."

Adam smiled—

—and the mood suddenly changed.

There was no logical way of describing what happened—the tension in the air so thick, Kitty was sure Logan could slice through it.

The bright colors of the World dimmed with Adam's eyes.

It was a literal effect rather than a metaphysical one.

An indescribable pressure—it wasn't fear but something quite close—descended at that table.

It was finally time to get to the core reason why they were here in the first place.

Kitty instinctively straightened up, while Emma who sat beside Adam couldn't help but edge away from the source of the abnormal phenomena—an action Kitty couldn't exactly blame the Telepath for doing.

"Remember the question I'd asked you before this little trip of ours?"

'Little, he says...' Kitty thought in disbelief.

Since when had Time and World hopping simply become a little trip?

Nevertheless, Kitty carefully replied.

"What did we think of the powerful Mutants running around?"

It was a question that should have required a textbook answer;

They are Mutants with gifts to be explored and developed to facilitate a peaceful coexistence with Humanity...

But that was before Adam destroyed the Universe with a twitch and recreated it with a snap.

"So how about it..." Adam's eyes scanned the Mutants sited around him. "What do you think of Mutants like me?"

"Why ask us if you know what we'll say in the end?"

From the side, Emma asked with a tinge of incredibility.

"Your power presides over Creation and Destruction. Time and Space. Death and Life. Disregarding the morality of our group, it's only in Mutant's best interest that you stay somewhere we can keep an eye on."


Kitty didn't need to say it, but she felt that that wasn't what Adam wanted to hear.


Sure enough, Adam entered a fit of laughter.

"For a former member of that voodoo society, you are oblivious to the future of mutant-kind, aren't you, Emma? And no, I'm not referring to merely just me."

Emma narrowed her eyes, but Adam unflinchingly stared back.

"Soon, you'll be seeing Mutants with my kind of power running around. It's not some prophecy or something I'll have a hand in. It's a change that'll happen sooner or later. Reality Manipulators will be a dime dozen merely distinguished by the 'how' and 'level' they affect the World. I want you all to think and tell me how you feel about that."

Something coursed through Katherine Pryde—something very disturbing.

That... Sounded scary—Adam's revelation was like the manifestation of the End-Time propaganda spread by those Human Supremacist groups.

Professor Xavier had once told the X-Men that sooner or later, it would be the Mutants hogging the greater percentage of the Earth's population.

But that hadn't got to Kitty until this moment.

Until Adam...

'Somewhere out there. Be it now, tomorrow, or even next year, a Mutant could emerge with the power to destroy the World. It could be anybody. Saint or psychopath.'

What a scary image to conjure up.

"I think we'll be all kinds of fucked." Logan bluntly said. "Like how are we expected to manage something like that when we can't handle the ones on our laps?"

More powerful Mutants don't necessarily facilitate an improvement.

An almost decade of experience told Kitty that much—it's not always the Mutants that need saving; sometimes it's the Humans that need protecting from those powerful Mutants.


"But why are you asking us this?" Kitty asked. "Emma, notwithstanding, why not ask Scott? Or even Erick, if you want a broader view. You can even conjure up Professor Xavier to assuage your doubts if that's what you want. Why the three of us?"

"Why... Why indeed. Well—"

"—Uhm, sorry for the interruption. Here's your parfait, Kami-sama."

Adam's reply had been interrupted by Fuuko, who had brought his order—unintentionally buying time for Kitty to gather her thoughts.

"Thanks, Fuuko-chan."

Spooning a bite, Adam hummed.

"Let me set things straight; whether I follow you back to the institute or not shouldn't be the problem. I won't be there forever. And it's not like any of you can do anything to stop me."

Raising a palm, a blue star manifested on Adam's palm with a bright flash.

"As you said, Emma. I can create..."

His fist clenched and the star violently exploded in a supernova.

"I can destroy."

Simple theatrics with a loud and clear message.

"All it takes is a whim. My whim... Kitty, I don't need prep talks from Erik or Xavier. I don't need En Sabbah Nur telling me bullshit about Mutant Godhood and shit. I need the X-Men. A group of Mutants that fights not just for Mutants, but for the humanity that they once—no, always have. So, what do you consider someone like me to be?"

From an ostensible viewpoint, Adam's words subtly resonated with Apocalypse's views; having power means having the capacity to do whatever it is one wants without any form of repercussion.

'But who said, that is what Adam meant in the first place?'

Kevin Mactaggert...

Gabriel Summers…


David Haller…

Quentin Quire…

What was the difference between people like them and people like Jean Grey and Franklin Richards?

They are all Omega Level Mutant with powers that can affect the Earth and beyond the boundaries of the Solar System—but they turned out to be so different.

Because, we—you started to classify them as 'different'.

Kitty's eyes widened.

'Could it be that simple…?'

Look back and ask yourself again.

Kitty regarded Adam who appeared relaxed with his chin resting on his palm as he watched Emma go on about the need for Mutants to come together.

But Kitty knew more than anyone else that Emma's words were nothing more than lip service.

'When did we start seeing Omega Mutants as threats and bad news?' Kitty wondered...

'When did we stop treating them as fellow Mutants—as fellow humans?'

Yes, Adam could destroy the World, but so could Emma if she so pleased;

A quick plug into the Cerebro could enable Emma to telepathically control people anywhere on the Planet... Kitty has seen the Professor do this numerous times and with Emma's capabilities, she didn't doubt the former White Queen's ability to do the same.




Thump… Thump… Thump…

Who could stop Ogun if they decide to phase a hand through someone's chest and rip their heart out?

What were the repercussions for someone with her abilities?




"Let me tell you what I see those Mutants as..."

What followed was an unnatural silence as the Beyond Omega Mutant—no, Adam Abrams—turned his attention towards her.

"The ball's in your court."

"Right…" Kitty took a deep breath.

"Frankly speaking, they're dangerous. Scary. Crazy, even. I always can't seem to comprehend how they think and why they do the things they do. In a way, Emma's right for saying we need those Mutants where we can see them, but not for the future of Mutantkind—but to remind them that they're not alone…"

Maybe the X-Men couldn't do anything about Apocalypse, whose views could not be changed due to being regarded for centuries as a Godking.

But what about Kevin; what did the X-Men do to a Mutant who ever since his activation had been locked up in a cell and killed by the very people who ought to protect him?

Why didn't we do more to help him?

"Both Mutants and Mutates possess the same kind of powers with the only difference being how they came to have them. So why do we think of Powerful Mutates as powerful humans while powerful Mutants as walking disasters? Kevin can destroy the planet the same way the Hulk could."

This question didn't just pop out of nowhere. It was something that bothered Kitty since the beginning.

The X-Men are meant to be protectors. To show the World that Mutants aren't always demons from hell they saw them as—

—but what of the Mutants themselves?

Not the century-age masterminds…

Not the self-wannabe sorcerers...

Not the self-proclaimed gods and goddesses…

[Can the mind of a mortal the capable of processing the powers of a God?]


Kitty didn't consider herself intelligent enough to come up with an answer that could satisfy Adam—just that question is enough to ask herself…

What did the X-Men do to help Mutantkind?

Was there any alternative for all the Omega Mutants and Beyond the X-Men have met and put down?

What did Katherine Pryde/Shadowcat think of Adam Abrams—the boy with the power of a God?

"So it may be cliché of me to say this, but I see those Mutants the same way I see every other Mutants… The same way I see myself. A being capable of choice…"

The silence that followed was palpable.

Kitty winced at the thought that she had said the wrong words when Andy's laughter came ringing out—he had a look of interest and a bit of admiration (?) in his eyes as he stared at her.

"Those are some wicked sick words, Katherine Pryde! I can see in your eyes that you truly mean them. Hey, Adam…"

Andy called at the God Mutant.

"Why don't you give the girl a chance and see if she's capable of walking the talk? It's not like they can do anything to keep you back if you aren't satisfied by what you see."

"Hmm… I'll admit you have me falling for those words and the sincerity in them..."

Adam hummed and snapped his fingers.

"Alright, let's do this. As a Jew, you should know what this means; Esther 5:6. I will grant you one wish and one wish alone. Tell me whatever it is you desire; world peace? The powers of a Beyond Omega Mutant? The location of a certain metalhead? Tell me, Katherine; if given the chance as an X-Man to make a change; what would you ask for?"

There was no need for anyone to tell Kitty that Adam's question was a loaded one.

Kitty ignored the rather ambivalent look Emma threw at her—probably thought she had hit the jackpot with the opportunity presented before her.

But somehow in some way, Katherine Pryde knew that this question was a test.

World peace is well and good, but Kitty knew using a short-cut method means it wouldn't last forever. All it takes is for another powerful Mutant to decide such peace isn't worth keeping for everything to fall apart.

Also, this may be hypocritical, but nothing scares Kitty more than having powers well beyond what she ought to have—she isn't sure she would be up to the task.

And as for Piotr...

Kitty grits her teeth as the urge to know where he was burned her.

Merely the knowledge that Piotr is alive is enough for Kitty—she will find him WITH or WITHOUT the help of some Reality Manipulation.

[If given the chance as an X-Man to make a serious change; what would you ask for?]

There is no reason for Kitty to think that whatever request she asks will be perfect.


As an X-Man—no, a Mutant what does Shadowcat desire…

Kitty exhaled.

"What I want is—"

To Kitty's desire, Adam Abrams gave a sincere smile.

"If that's what you want, then that is what I will do."

Author's Note,

Apologies for the delay, I did promise to update yesterday but IRL issues are something I cannot control. Not to mention, before I even post this I had to reread it as slowly as possible to spot any grammatical errors—and it's not like I've seen all of them.

Anyway, it's times like this that I remember why I like writing my stories within 3k-3.5k words.

To all the authors whose chapters are more than 6k words, you have my UTMOST RESPECT!

Anyways, unto the story, the next chapter will be more of an epilogue/interlude for this arc.
Thank you for the chapter. Though I can't understand why we needed the PoV's of Shadowcat or Wolverine this soon. At this point the MC is just fanboying over his favorite Xmen characters, there could be no logical reason for the nearly omnipotent guy to bother with soothing the feathers of the aggressive regenerator with knife hands.
author .get back to work on this or i will find you ....!!!!!1
have a nice day :)
I want you to listen to a rather peculiar scenario. Deliberate on it and tell yourself what you think would be the right course of action to take or should be done.

Now I know all your answers may not be the same, just as not all humans are the same—we (you) are all creatures of logic and reasoning, after all.

So imagine—imagine that you're a simple person. A simple person from a poor—no, let's make it a middle class family for the fairness of everybody.

You eat three meals a day. You take a bath and waste electricity using your computers. You do not lack what is truly needed…

… But you lack what you want.

The latest videogames in town…? Well, pray that your parents' bonus pay is coming up soon. That fabulous shoes/sneakers your clique seems to be wearing…? Then you better go start looking for a part-time job and start saving up…

Your baby-boo is asking for something more tangible…? Lord have mercy, take some time, and go see a therapist because he/she's NOT the one for you.

Then again, you are a human, and being a human being means having WANTS—for that's the core of the species who coin themselves as the Lords of Earth.

So, here's the main part;

You—the human from a middle-class family—will be given 1000000000000 dollars (1 trillion $s) to spend as you like as well as the authority on the level of a first-world country's Head of State;

What will you do about it?

Obviously, at that very moment, your needs and wants entwine—and vanish in thin air.

Cars? Get.

Houses? Get.

Chicks/Dudes? Get in line.

There's absolutely no materialistic desire in this world that you cannot acquire.

No strive for improvement or success because your life IS a success story from that moment.

You have it all… You have everything… You lack nothing…

What is your thought to that?

From an apparent point of view it paints a rather colorful picture, right? Like who the hell wouldn't want to be born with a diamond spoon from the get-go?

Many would have their thoughts on this. Some would accept—most would accept—and to those that do, I honestly salute them, but as a certain wise Nazarene once said; they do not know what they do.

In the Marvel Universe, particularly in its prime iteration, all self-inserts (SIs) want to go there with cool and OP powers of their own.

They all dream of having powers that will allow them to fight bad guys alongside people like Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Sentry, Fantastic Four… X-Men.

But anytime they are given a wish list of powers to choose from they strangely don't go for powers that will grant them Omnipotence—merely, ones that have the potential of allowing them to BECOME omnipotent.

Why is that?

Now before I give you my answer, I hope you've already had your thoughts sorted out concerning the first scenario—because my thought is gonna be based on something similar to that.




Humans are beings of wants and needs. Yes... But they are also lovers of challenges and struggles no matter how they try to deny it.

There is nothing more pleasant than achieving something that is gained by your grit and dedication—or at least, that is how I see it…




In my past life—and this one where deities exist—sometimes, I couldn't help but wonder;

Why do the gods allow suffering?

Now while I do think that it's a shame that most of the Gods in this Universe are nothing more than heaps of disappointment—particularly the Abrahamic God, who turned out to be an insecure drunk (I'm never gonna let anyone find out about that), I also feel that there is a reason for all that.

We, no matter the race or species, are beings that strive for growth and challenges, and having everything catered to us would mean we never get to experience any form of growth or joy in achievement—and that leads to apathy.

Why care about anything when the solution to anything is right at your fingertips?




It is easy for me to go down the apathetic route—hell, I've seen realities and possibilities of me doing so, only for it to not matter in the grand stage… This Universe is not so weak for my decision to truly matter in the end.




Honestly, I don't even know what I should be doing—or rather, I do know what I should be doing, but as I already know what will happen in the end, I just can't bring out the enthusiasm in myself enough to do it, because if I want to do it, it wouldn't be from my heart—but merely an act of dedication.

Hahaha… So confusing, right?




There's no denying the regret I feel for choosing to become what I have become.

Going back in time to stop Adam Abrams never works—at least, not for someone unbound by the rules of causality and above the laws of cause and effect.

… Hah…

There is no medicine for this kind of regret, and there is nothing I can do about it—for as long I know what I AM—then I cannot/will not be LIMITED.

Nevertheless, I won't allow myself to wallow in despair. I cannot allow myself to despair…

…Not in a place like this.

The World of Marvel-616 is ever-beautiful, ever-expansive, ever-changing, and ever-unpredictable. Even with my nigh-omniscience, I can't truly tell what's in store for me.

But it's an aspect of this Reality that I love so much.

I'll accept what I've become…

There's no other option for me.

I will NOT become like the others.


The Life of an Omega Mutant and Beyond isn't one of celebration—it begins, continues, and ends with pain, fear, and revulsion.

That these Mutants should be seen as the hope for Mutantkind doesn't mean zilch when they are all regarded as living breathing disasters by the World and by their very own people.

They are looked upon with fear, greed, and hatred.

I am Adam Abrams—a reincarnate from a World far beyond this Iteration.

I know things that have happened, have happened, and will happen—

—and I don't intend to let fate and the stories of others dictate my own.




Not when I have the power to change it.


(Jessica Abrams P.O.V)

For a woman like her, simply sitting down to enjoy a meal with her family was one of the numerous reasons she wouldn't stop thanking the Lord Almighty.

In a planet that's all but gone mad—where going out means a not so 0% chance of entering ground-zero in fights between superpowered folks—simply sitting with her family gives Jessica the strength to go about her day with a smile on her face.

"So how's our new sophomore doing in college?" Jeffery said with a grin.

The addressed one huffed and tried to turn his face into a scowl—the main word being TRIED—not like it had any effect seeing as it looked more like a cute pout.

But Jessica wasn't about to tell him that.

"Dad…" Nathaniel said in exasperation. "It's questions like this that make me think you're still treating me like a kid… You never talk to Adam like that."

Adam paused, dropping his teacup, and turned to stare at his brother with an uncomfortable face.

"Nat… He sure did."

"No, he didn't."

"Yes, he did."

"No, you're just pulling my leg."

"You… You know what? Yes, you're right, Dad didn't talk to me like that—during breakfast, I mean." Adam said with a haunted smile. "Hah~ I can still remember that day when Dad started fussing at me at the Parents and Teachers Meet… In front of everybody."

"Hah… You must be jo—"

Nathaniel froze upon the haunted look on his brother's face.

"—king… Come on, that's not funny. Like really? I-I mean, Dad, life as a sophomore is great. I mean I'm doing great, so you don't need to come ask me that in front of the school—I'll die if you do that."

"Now that's where you're simply exaggerating, son," Dad said with a laugh. "Which child doesn't want their parents fussing over them?"

"Well, this child for one." Nathaniel groaned in self-gesture.

"No, Dad's right, Nat," Adam added. "The most you'll have is the intense feeling of not wanting to go to school for an entire month for it to blow… Not like it ever will."

Nathaniel gulped. "Ok, now why does that strangely sound like a worse alternative to me?"

Jessica laughed as she remembered the face Adam made that day. Luckily, she had snapped it and planned on framing it to show her grandchildren—anytime soon.

They're all so grown up.

Cassie upon seeing the elfin smile on Adam's face decided to come to Nat's rescue and even the embarrassment.

"So what's the deal between you and Sophia?"

"Pfftttt… Bwuuhuuhachahac…!"

Sputtered hacks escaped Adam's throat as he hit his chest, expelling out the hot tea that went through the wrong canal—but that still did not stop the pale look from surfacing on his face.

"Wha-What are you talking about, Cassie?"

Adam's voice carried a warning tone to it, but Cassie merely smirked at that—with Nat following soon after.

Seems like the duo are at it again.

"No, nothing…"

Cassie brushed her hair back and idly checked her fingers.

"St. George isn't the kind of place you can do anything without anyone knowing. Someone already saw you two—"

"Alright, Cassie… I get your point." Adam loudly interrupted in mortification.

But Adam wasn't in the clear yet.

"Oh come on, shouldn't it be better that we clear it up here rather than outside?" Nathaniel asked rhetorically. "It'll be much safer and less embarrassing."

"Alright-alright, I get both your points, Cassie. Nat." Adam said with a huff. "So please… Please, drop it."

"Only because you asked nicely," Cassie said with a bogus cute smile.

The two younger siblings smirked and fist-bumped each other.

'Haha… These kids.'

It was scenes like this that warmed Jessica's heart.

Due to her line of work, Jessica has heard stories of where eccentricities or even unnatural talent had brought about rifts between family members, but she seemed to have hit that jackpot with her own family.

There is no denying that Adam is not a normal child.

Looking at him, one wouldn't believe that this was the same child who has his rooms filled with all sorts of literacy and sports trophies—and it was Adam's NATURAL talent and hard work that gave him all that.

While Nathaniel and Cassie weren't excelling like their brother, Jessica could still see their dedication showing in their daily activities—hell, she couldn't remember the last time she had ever seriously scolded them on… Well, anything.

And it was all because of a certain someone's influence.

Nevertheless, all this talk about Adam's potential girlfriend sure colored her interest.

Smiling, Jessica looked at Adam with a grin of her own.

"So who's Sophia?"

"Ugh, Mom~" Adam groaned. "She's… Well, someone I just know."

"Hmm~ someone my son knows well enough to incite this kind of reaction… You can't hide anything from your mother, Adam. So when will you be introducing her to the family?"


Jessica laughed in good cheer.

This was it; the life of Jessica Abrams; the ideal life.

No superpower craziness, just a plain black family living a happy and normal life.

Apart from the bizarre happening from 3 months ago as well as the explosion from Adam's school that fortunately didn't have any causalities apart from the computer lab—everything is perfectly normal.

This is the life Jessica Abrams desires in a world where Gods and Monsters walk amongst ordinary Men—and Jessica wouldn't change it for anything in the World.


Adam Abrams's story should have been one of pain. Where a child dies and leaves an unfillable void in his family—of newly activated Mutant entering a World filled with people who envy and fear him for his powers…


Well, I kindly and fucking reject that!

Who decided that all Omega Mutants must have some tragic story as their origin?

Who decided that all Omega Mutants mustn't enter the world of supers without a smile?

Who decided that all Omega Mutants must be emo and loco and not normal in a normal way?

I'm not gonna let fate and reality play me like a fiddle—not when I have all its laws and secrets lain bare before my eyes.




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Who says I need Adam Abrams to be the only character in my Story? I am a Self-Insert, after all—and I've got tons of roles lining up for me to play.


(Universe 456GHi66—BBND)

Opening his eyes, Manny knew at that moment that he wasn't on his bed anymore—well, besides the obvious of him being up on his feet rather than lying down flat…




(Universe 21598BCD—WGPcGC)

For the first time in a long while, Nolan woke up feeling like a billion bucks. It wasn't an idiom. He felt refreshed, better, stronger in ways he couldn't explain.




(Universe 345AKA89—TStA)

"Huh?" I blinked as the scenery abruptly changed from my comfy room to a dark-looking alley.




(Universe 0000023AA4—DD)

"Alright… What's this?"

Opening my eyes, I took a look around and nodded to myself.

"Ah, it's that kind of troupe, isn't it?"




As soon as I leave this place—this Heaven—I'll be stepping into a World that will be calling me by all sorts of names.






"So it may be cliché of me to say this, but I see those Mutants the same way I see every other mutant… The same way I see myself. A being capable of choice…"



But you—

—yes, YOU.



(Scott Summers P.O.V)

The Blackbird descending to the Institute cockpit impelled a sigh of relief from Scott as ambivalent emotions turbulently rocked his chassis.

It had been over 5 minutes since Emma's body vanished from where she sat in the Cerebro chambers, and the level of anxiety that had struck Scott was enough to almost make him start popping blood pressure pills.

What or who had taken Emma away?

Why can't he contact Kitty and Logan?

Does this have anything to do with the signal the Cerebro had picked up from before?

Are they safe?

Was this HIS fault…?

So one couldn't imagine the extent of Scott's relief upon hearing Emma's telepathic assurance that she and the others were alright.

According to his wife, it seems the Mutant they were looking for had nabbed her for a few inquiries—Scott had questions about that, but the most important issue for now is that they are all safe.

All that remains is the Mutant and what his deal is…

Thankfully, they don't have to put this one down.

The sound of car honks drew Scott out of his musing as he blinked in confusion at the white luxurious car driving out of the Blackbird.


From the car seat was Emma waving at Scott, but he still couldn't understand what he was seeing.

'Why does she have that?'

Due to unforeseen circumstances, most of the available coinage scrunched up from Emma's as well as Xavier's companies had to go into the Institute maintenance; building constructions, adequate student facilities, extracurricular, and X-Men activities.

Considering the kind of children being taught and the nature of the Institute, it goes without saying that money had to be spent wisely and not on personal pleasure—this was what Emma and Scott had both agreed on.

So why is Emma driving a vehicle that is probably worth millions on the market?

Did Emma lie to him for something like this—

—is what Scott would have been thinking if it weren't for the fact that Logan had driven out on a nice ride of his own.

Now it wasn't much of an open secret that Emma and Logan had their few differences… Well, more like him and Logan with Emma being dragged into the middle of it.

So it was saying that Emma had given Logan that vehicle and the latter accepting it would be like saying that the sun is pink.

Meanwhile, Emma had packed the car and strutted toward Scott with a small smile.

Scott smiled lightly as the Telepath happily greeted him with a kiss.

"It seems someone had a fruitful outing."

"Fruitful?" Emma laughed. "Fruitful would be putting it lightly. Scott, we are dealing with a Mutant that can change everything for the better."

'Ugh, from where have I heard this again?' Scott scoffed in abject doubt.

But before a Telepath his thoughts were as clear as day.

Emma chidingly bopped Scott on the nose.

"Now-now, darling. You know I'm not someone who says things like this lightly. One of my numerous mottos is—"

"—seeing is believing." Scott interrupted, eliciting a playful eye roll from Emma. "So tell me, what did you see that made you say something like this?"

"Wonderful things, Scott." Emma sighed. "Things you can't even begin to comprehend…"

Scott tried to ignore how creepy that sounded and pushed on.

"Well, I suppose I've gotten the culprit for the new car, then."

The current leader of the X-Men heard sounds of discussion coming from the Blackbird as Kitty and an unassuming teenager strutted out from the jet.

Scott… Wasn't impressed.

"Is he the… One."

Words trailed to stop as Scott died at the sight of the lady who followed behind the unassuming boy.

With a shapely body crowned by the golden yellow hair that cascaded down like a lion's mane, the lady with brilliant fiery eyes turned to Scott and nodded once…

… Once was enough to emulate the feeling he had the day Jean had kissed.

She was beautiful—a truth merely needed to be said once.

Nevertheless, that didn't stop Scott's mortification upon hearing Logan's laughter from the bunker.

'Jesus Christ! What the hell is wrong with me?!' Scott thought to himself in alarm—as he struggled not to even think about what his wife would think of him at the moment.

Emma sighed and bluntly said.

"That's technically a man, Scott."

"You're joking…"

An instant reply.

Kitty and the strange unassuming boy were sporting impish smiles, as the latter turned to lady who—now that Scott thought about it—followed him deferentially.

'There goes an hour of mind cleansing for the day.' Scott sighed.

"You should have seen your face." Kitty teased. "It's like you were an 18-year-old, hormonal teen."

Scott pinched the bridge of his nose as he foresaw this incident haunting him in the future.

"Kitty please, mercy."

Sighing, Scott turned to the two strangers, confused by who he should be greeting.

Thankfully, time and his hesitation had saved him from embarrassing himself.

"Adam Abrams."

The unassuming boy raised a hand.

"Nice to meet you, Scott."

Scott huffed at the familiarity, but a gesture from Kitty told him to go with it.

'I have SO MANY questions to ask.'

Taking the hand, Scott managed a smile and said.

"Scott Summers, nice to meet you, Adam."

Nevertheless, his first impressions were remarkable.

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