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Dragon birth. Beginning

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After death, the young guy was lucky not to lose himself and go for rebirth, taking with him...
Chapter 1
I didn't have a lot of interesting things in my life, I can mention my high intelligence and good imagination, as well as my curiosity, sometimes it served me well, but sometimes I got into trouble because of it. I don't have a very big family, I, my mother, father and sister, surprisingly we even have good relations, I respect my father, he is a retired officer, has a lot of useful acquaintances, as well as a huge life experience that he tried to convey to me, he did it with varying success, my character affects me, I can't look at life seriously, sometimes it seems to me that I live in a comedy with horror elements. Ahem. I'm off topic. Where was I? I remembered! My mother is the kindest person I know, especially when she has something heavy in her hands, although my father may disagree with this, but when did my mother ask him about it? Mom can be safely called a man of science, despite her experience of working around the house, which she diligently hammered ... Ahem, passed on to me no matter what along with her knowledge of science. It's also worth mentioning about my sister, we are twins, but for some reason she got the whole trick, which is why she was the first to learn the skill "Eyes of a Shrek Cat" and in the shortest possible time improved it to the maximum, which she shamelessly used. It was she who introduced me to such art directions as anime, movies, fan fiction and ranobe.
I can safely say that I am not a social person. what my family and friends have told me many times and tried to put me on the right path. Nothing worked out for them, well, I don't take their social life seriously for the life of me, I perceive it as a Brazilian Santa Barbara, it seems interesting, but it tires me to look at it for too long.
And everything was fine up to this point, but I need to find out what's going on in the alley between a drug addict and some student, that's what I think. Maybe this jerk is asking her the way home? I hope that it is, I don't want to deal with the inadequate:
- Hey man, what are the problems?
- Eh? Who else are you? Get out of here!
- Yes, no problem, you just let the girl go.
While we were exchanging greetings, I slowly approached him and looked at what was wrong with the girl. She looks about 19 years old, brown hair and brown eyes on a cute and slightly naive face, now it's clear why she was here, it seems she didn't immediately understand what was going on, well, nothing such an experience comes either through someone else's experience or through the ass.
- Ha, as if I would do it right away, there was a hero here – I had already managed to get close enough when he sharply pointed a gun at me, and where he only hid it.
- What is not so brave anymore? Why are you silent? Are you afraid? - While he was mocking me, I was showing the girl with my hand to run away from here, there's nothing to pull passengers with me.
- Where did she go? - while he was looking for the girl with his eyes and turned away from me, I quickly jump up to him and try to twist the hand in which he holds the gun
Yeah. Let's say I managed to twist his arm, put him on the ground and knock him out, but damn it should have happened without a shot in my chest. Well, the girl managed to bring help, it's a little late, but at least the stoner won't be able to leave, and why are you crying? Well, he hit me, I'll live for nothing. Kha. I was in a hurry with the diagnosis, maybe they will have time to take me to the hospital? Hmm, it's strange why I don't feel my heart beating, there's more adrenaline in me than blood, and I think I realized it wasn't beating, that's why it got so cold. Why am I so inclined to go to bed, I kind of got enough sleep, that's what it's like to die?....
Hmm. This is not how I imagined life after death, for what hour I've been here and I'm freaking out with everything that happened to me, now I'm in a dark space illuminated by a lot of colorful lights and their clusters, one of these lights turned out to be me. I realized this by subjective time after 3 days of my being here, which is interesting, I came to consciousness not with a jerk, but gradually and only now I can think normally and without brakes for several hours, during which I stuck in particularly large clusters of lights. After a few more days, I came out of reflection and stopped grieving about my death. Having nothing to do, I involuntarily watched the streams as I managed to understand the shower, from the observations I realized that they dissolved in this space, and the soul that remained of them went further, I was not among them only because I was nailed to the edge of the stream and I managed to regain consciousness and it is unclear how to get out of the stream. What is strange is that even in the stream I did not dissolve, I just could not regain consciousness.
For all the time that I am here, I managed to get used to the fact that I was lucky not to go to reincarnation, but I was bored and to diversify the time, I decided to scroll through my whole life in my mind, it turned out to be surprisingly simple for me and after watching I realized that my memory has improved and now I can just rewind my whole life like in a movie. After a while I decided to try to fall asleep, at first I was afraid that I would be carried back into the stream, but after a while I realized that the stream did not affect me in any way that I was far enough away. For a long time I could not fall asleep, so I decided to start meditating, which is not far from sleep. When I succeeded, I was half asleep, but I could still observe myself and a small space around me.
As time passed, I began to observe my soul more and more often, over time I began to see deeper and clearer, and after a while I fell out of meditation because of the memory of one of my favorite books that surfaced, I realized that the structure of my soul was painfully familiar to me and I had already seen such a description of the soul in Rudazov, only now I had only four shells and a fifth emerging. As I understood, I managed to lose the shells tightly bound by the stele and only my atman, the fifth, sixth and seventh beginnings remained, the rest of the beginning washed away after death, then I looked at the immortal spirit and decided to postpone its inspection until I calmed down, when I climbed to inspect the immortal spirit, I realized that it takes nourishment for its formation of the energies generated by my soul and from the atman, as I understood the eighth beginning began to form after my long stay here and the fact that my soul was influenced by a large amount of energy for me. And my atman began to use this energy to form a new shell, I wonder when a hamster managed to bite me, well, it's not so bad, until they dispel me, I won't die, and you can always find something to do. Even now I have several types of energy that I can study, but while my eighth shell will grow, I will try to learn how to control psi, since it is not very much spent on feeding the immortal spirit.
Chapter 2
I wonder when I will be able to find a continuation of Van Peaсe, although I have already found a couple of volumes on elementary magic, to read what I will have, I need to check how my eighth shell is there.
For an incomprehensible amount of time I have been waiting for the immortal spirit to fully develop and at the same time I began to try to control my psi. It is generated by the sixth shell of the soul and it is very easy to learn, well, relatively, when you see the results of your attempts, then learning happens much faster.
Now I can safely use psi and use it to simplify training in controlling other energies, while I can control mana more or less with the help of psi, but I am gradually reducing the amount of psi with which I control mana, I hope I will soon be able to control mana a little without psi.
While I'm practicing using psi with mana, I decided to go fishing and see if I can view the not yet erased memory of captured souls. In order to create a thread of mana that will not dissipate in a couple of seconds, I have to spend almost all of my mana reserve, which is already slowly filling up
It took me a while to catch the first soul, until I realized how to cling to the soul, I managed to miss a couple of hundred "fish". When I succeeded and was able to drag one of the souls to me, I broke my sixth shell for a long time, which is still instead of a head, how can I take this very memory?
After a couple more souls that I helped to clean up faster, I was able to scan with my psi what was left of the soul's memory, and I saw a couple of fragmentary days of an ordinary clerk, but what was strange was that everyone I could see in these excerpts had bright red skin and a pair of horns, which is not surprising because there was a huge temperature on this planet and everything had red tones, even vegetation, I couldn't find anything very useful, but I put his memories in a separate section of my memory, if that I would throw these memories at those who like to climb into other people's heads.
I also tried to leave the preserved souls with me, they still continued to dissolve into a kind of broth that I used to develop my shells.
Over time, I switched to sorting my consciousness, which was easy to do when you can look at the sixth shell from the outside and understand how to organize it better. I managed to improve the work of my consciousness and increase the volume of the shell and the energy generated by 30% and catalog my memory.
While I was doing this, I did not forget to catch a couple of souls, view the remaining memory and leave them with me for easy access to building materials for my shells. I was able to catch interesting souls, I left a couple of cultivators away from me since their aura looked like shit and smelled good, they turned out to be from the clan and were typical of their world, I even learned to identify them and did not pull them out anymore, their memories were not valuable or pleasant, so I removed them to the edge of consciousness, it turned out to catch a couple of souls of magicians, which is noteworthy Sumerian and it was immediately noticeable that they were strong, their soul was much denser than mine and more 3-4 times, considering that I directed them all this time nutritious broth is aimed at the development of all my shells, then I was many times larger and more compact than other souls, I was able to learn a lot from them and occupy myself for a long time, and their souls after their nous or seventh shell almost completely dissolved, I sent straight into the river of souls and strengthened their souls with my mana with psi, I managed to check on several souls so they dissolve more slowly and can go to rebirth with fragments of memory and a large mana reserve for an ordinary person.
Thanks to these masters, because from them I was able to take a little of their knowledge about the initial training of a magician, which helped me in mana control training
While I was storing all this knowledge and starting to look through the memory of the beginning of the training of those magicians, I gathered more souls next to me so as not to be distracted by them. I noticed small wounds on all my shells, it turned out that when I went into the cycle of souls, the missing shells were now firmly connected to my body and tore off pieces from other layers with which they were connected less tightly.
Chapter 3
-Come on, come on, come on, go around him, that's a good fellow, well, a little more. IIiii ... BOW - LEGGED ****** ***** *****.
That's what boredom brings, from nothing to do, I started watching football memories and got a match between Russia and Croatia. Okay, let's not talk about the painful, I didn't expect anything else. Well, it doesn't work out for them, well, it's not theirs. At least he dispelled boredom, otherwise I've been sitting here for a couple of months on subjective time, and the eighth beginning still does not finish the scan.
During this time, I was able to slightly increase my reserves through training and find information on two schools of magic, and then not very much. I found an interesting soul with an education in the soul, well, I fished it out to see what it is, a magician, and this is exactly him, turned out to be a school of space, from his memory I was able to find out that he had a spatial pocket in his soul, not very large, one cubic meter, but it was filled with artifacts and most importantly his diary, unlucky that it was a diary of the times of his training as a magician, but I was able to find information on his pocket, he was not very sophisticated, just attached to the soul an add-on into which he stuffed part of the space and stabilized it by a ritual and a huge amount of energy.
In principle, the pocket is good, but it needs a lot of energy to create it, which this magician saved up for a couple of years of apprenticeship, dropping his reserve every day. If it weren't for a huge amount of energy, then we could try to repeat it, but why make a new one if I already have a ready one, so there's a staff in his pocket, aha, not particularly strong, let it be there later, I'll study the carpet, why does he need a carpet, aha, I found a flying carpet, well, at least not a broom and then bread. What kind of stick? So, yeah, a fiery sword, the blade is made of compressed flame, why the fuck do you need it? Okay, maybe it can be converted to a Sith sword. What else, a bunch of empty drives, someone's broken staff and a couple of scrolls, so with what we have scrolls, I found a couple of scrolls for the dome of silence, one alarm, one firestorm and frost armor.
It could have been worse, and now the million-dollar question is how do I pick up this pocket for myself, my hamster has big plans for it, as an option it can be cut off from the last owner, damn it feels like I'm cutting up the carcass of an animal, well, okay, he doesn't need a pocket anymore, there's no need for good to disappear.
And so, first you need to unhook it from the previous owner, it wasn't very difficult to do this, but with my control, I had to constantly make sure that I didn't tear off part of the pocket with the controlling threads, it would be a shame if it collapsed. Due to the fact that I was careful, this operation took a long time, I had to cut off all the functionality of the pocket because they were tied to his soul, and transplanting a part of the soul was not part of my plans. As a result, I managed to keep my pocket intact and I sent the magician's soul back to the river, leaving the souls nearby no longer made sense since it was no longer possible to direct energy to improvements.
After that, I decided to attach the pocket to me already, since my eighth shell is still rooting with the others, this will be the best time to install the pocket. After installing the pocket in the right place, I began to attach it to all the beginnings, so I could use psi to check the space and provide it with energy to interact with objects inside or to recharge the pocket itself.
For the complete merging of the pocket and partial restructuring to be able to store not only matter but also energy in it and the development of the pocket itself along with my soul, a small domain turned out in which I know everything that happens, but I would be afraid to move living beings there, and the question of moving things into and out of the pocket is still open, I just don't have such a skill in space magic, so I will have to learn to use it for a long time. How painful.
After a while, I already started looking for stronger souls to feed at their expense of the eighth beginning, because I will be waiting for a very long time without third-party recharge.
During the time that I was looking for souls to recharge, I managed to find another magician and was able to grab knowledge about simple runes, nothing serious, simple energy transformations with an average efficiency such as an increase in temperature or a decrease in it, which spends energy on activation, and then absorbs thermal energy. Quite interesting runes that can be used not only in artifacts but also as curses, fix the energy pumping rune on the aura of the target and power it from it. Or it can be used to convert light into mana. I'm already salivating from such prospects.
It also turned out to catch a couple of monks who strengthened their body with prana. If I don't get anywhere, I will be able to develop my body to good heights, well, good for these monks, for ordinary people it will be the level of a super-human. But while I don't have a body, I'll leave the knowledge until better times.
I was also lucky to catch the souls of scientists, now I have a lot of knowledge to study on the structure of the human body and mathematics, I do not know where exactly I will need this knowledge, it will not be superfluous.
While I was trying to look out for the magician's soul in the river, I noticed a large cluster of souls in the distance, which looks like a colorful flashlight. And the closer they got, the more doubts arose in me. As they approached, I was able to see one strong and dense soul around which ordinary souls were floating, when I was able to catch the largest soul, it turned out to be 5 times larger than mine and denser, when I began to examine it, I noticed that my consciousness and emotions were in turmoil, I don't know how this creature thought, but it was most likely insane, despite the fact that the mind was developed at the human level and exceeded it.
This soul was well preserved and did not have only a body, while the mind with feelings was in a mess and even had the beginnings of an immortal spirit. It was possible to use the soul for energy, it has all the whole shells well developed. Or you can use the soul to form the Second and Third principles, that judging by the astral body, the soul could take the form of a humanoid and had a second body or form, now I can say for sure that it was a large creature, maybe he was a werewolf.
As a result, I decided to let my soul merge with me after getting rid of the remnants of reason and emotions, otherwise I don't want to pick up madness, and I can develop the sixth principle myself.
I did not start right away, because I was on nerves and worried about the success of the operation, this is the only chance, I need to absorb it now, then my soul will stabilize and it will not work to perform such tricks, it will be possible to become a spiritual cripple or split my soul, but now I have the opportunity to use my soul to develop the missing principles, strengthen the seventh principle responsible for magic and put the embryo of the eighth shell on a resource for my beginning already.
The process itself was not particularly painful, I quickly sent the eighth shell to capture the soul and parse it for resources for me. I had to wait a long time focusing on absorption and periodically enter into meditation to relax the mind. I had to take additional energy from reserves for better efficiency .
As a result, I managed to assimilate most of the shells, losing half of the reserve for the formation of the Second and Third beginnings.
The result was the almost complete completion of the unfolding of the Immortal Spirit and the formation of the missing shells in me. Moreover, I have adopted from the soul a high efficiency of energy generation and a high density of the soul. Also, after the examination, I noticed that I already have a second hypostasis or a second form, it is not yet clear what it will be, but the dimensions are already larger than my humanoid body, although all these are astral bodies and they will become smaller after birth by adjusting to the body. I also got a high vitality, since the second principle is already producing prana, which I began to drive through all the shells to stabilize the soul after absorption.
When I finished examining the new shells, the eighth beginning was finishing its sweep and I noticed that the spatial pocket was expanded and divided to store different energies as an additional reserve. I also noticed that it became easier for me to be in the river of souls and cleaning this place does not work for me.
Therefore, thinking if I had forgotten something, I reduced my soul as much as possible to fit into the body and went into the river of souls. Let's go on an adventure!
Chapter 4
After a short adventure in the river of souls, I noticed that the souls in front of the stream began to disappear, I understood this is how souls go to a new world, when I reached that place, I began to accelerate and I caught a fit of many flowers quickly floating next to me.
While I was trying to recover, I noticed that my first beginning, or simply my body, began to form. And I began to observe how my body was developing, it was not a fast activity, so I was often distracted by the surrounding world, which I could not see normally, but saw the energy and astral bodies of the intelligences next to me.
But over time, I noticed one problem, the embryo adjusted to my developed beginnings and began to take more energy from the mother for the development of the body, so I urgently directed all the energies available to me to my first beginning, prana and mana turned out to be the most effective, psi did not help much yet, but I think later it will be needed for brain development. The astral body also affected my body, changing it and making it stronger. I watched as the Third Principle comprehensively changed and improved my body, no mutations, but all the tissues became an order of magnitude stronger, stronger and easier to carry energy through themselves.
While my body is not very developed, I decided to continue observing my mother and the surrounding space, I quickly got bored, as I could not normally see beyond 10-12 meters, then everything began to blur, due to the amount of energy and its superimposition.
Apparently, my mother either owns her own business or she is the Director of an enterprise, what kind of campaign and what she does, I could not understand because I did not see the text, but in my mother there is more magic than in other people, a couple of times I saw the same people with magic, but all of them had not much more magic than other people, they just had it in greater quantity and influenced the body, fueling and strengthening it a little, and it looks like they did not control it.
At home, I also noticed the germination of mana channels, but I stopped this process and tried to simply saturate and drive mana around the body, after a while the channels began to dissolve in the body, and after a couple of months mana began to fill the body more willingly and did not leak out. What confused me was that the mana from the background began to flow into my body and then into the reserve filling it, from that I went crazy and tried to stop pumping from outside, maybe it's free mana, but it sometimes comes across a certain element, I think then I will direct this flow into my pocket by dividing it by color, but for now, I'll look at the locals, see if they have this.
When the seventh month was approaching, I began to feel that my body was already developed to the level when others began to actively change energy with it and my consciousness began to work more slowly.
I also began to feel the emotions of my mother and those who come very close, I also began to experience more emotions, it seems that without a body they were greatly blunted. What is remarkable is that I did not understand who my father was, my mother always slept by herself, and I did not notice any men at home, plus one question in the piggy bank.
And I also accepted my new mother, well, to feel constant love and care directed at myself, if at first I was just grateful to her that she was my biological mother, now I don't think I will consider her a stranger.
While mom was resting after work, I noticed a slight change in her. It turns out that I still have to study and study, although I directed prana to recharge my body, some of the energy settled in my mother's body, which improved her health and removed some of the minor injuries of the body, rejuvenating it for a couple of years.
The more time passed, the smaller the range for which I could see the energy became, I understood that the sense organs begin to work and connect with the spiritual ones and they will have to be developed. When there were a couple of weeks left before the birth, I completely adjusted to my body and decided to go to sleep, leaving the edge of consciousness for monitoring, but who am I lying to, I don't want to go through the birth, if I am conscious, then I will definitely get a moral trauma.
When I did this, I fell into meditation, which was a substitute for sleeping in the river. That's just if I was slowing down my consciousness there, almost stopping it, leaving a small stream for monitoring, then now I most likely fell into my inner world. It looked like an island in the void and this island is my pocket, well, things are all here, even additional reserves are visible, a small red ball is right above my head, and a small layer of water is visible around the island, behind which a transparent dumka is visible, it looks like neutral mana, and a ball of fire and water is elemental mana that I threw here after it came from the background. The island was not big, three and a half meters in diameter, a couple of centimeters of water and a layer of neutral mana extending five meters. I was here in the form of a white ball with inclusions of all colors.
There's nothing to do here, so I flew closer to the ball of fire and tried to fall asleep for the first time in a long time
The first thing I saw when I woke up was the blurry face of the girl, which did not add joy, so it was magical vision that made the already blurry picture even worse, so I forcefully switched only to the eyes. All I could see was my mom's white hair and something that I took for a smile, because my eyesight is not to hell and if my eyesight develops like normal babies, then I will have to endure another half a year with such vision, but it is clear why children often cry or laugh, they see a kaleidoscope of colors and can't understand what is happening.
With tactile feelings there was the same bullshit, my skin was too sensitive, which led to frequent crying, well, yes, I have experience of life, but the pain sometimes feels like I'm being cut. It's good that it started to pass in a couple of weeks, speaking of weeks, during this time I managed to suck on the sis, I don't want to think about it, but I liked it. I managed to figure out about what time of year I was born, it was either the end of spring or the beginning of summer, since my mother and I were often in our kindergarten.
Speaking of the house, a small two-storey house with a couple of rooms on each floor, you can't immediately say that my mother lives alone. On the ground floor there is an entrance hall with access to a spacious kitchen, a bathroom and a staircase to the second floor with a bathroom, an office, a bedroom and a room for storage. Most of the time I sleep next to my mom, I'm a quiet child and if I don't hit, I won't cry, so I often sleep in her arms.
You can't tell from mom that she owns her own company, she spends most of the time with me taking care of me or playing with me, at first I didn't understand what she was saying, but now I already realized that she spoke English with some kind of accent. And yes, I will have to learn English because I didn't know it very well, and now I know a little Sumerian in addition to my native – mighty, well, as I know, I copied the memory of the language to myself, but I can't speak it.
Well, nothing where ours did not disappear. So, it's time to go to the side, and there I will float part of the reserve to increase the pocket and the island in particular.
Chapter 5
- Well, what's the problem with supplies?
-The Japanese report that they have a problem with the delivery during this period, they ask for time and they refused part of the money for this delivery.
- And you said why we need them, there are Americans. The Americans would not have done this, they would have taken all the money and given a smaller supply. What's the problem?
- Since production will be suspended, we don't know what to do.
-There are a couple of supplies in the fifth warehouse and strain people to work, see what is missing in the warehouses. What else?
-Our suppliers from Romania have not carried out deliveries for the second month.
-There are clauses in the contract on the refusal to perform duties, if this continues, absorb, if not, then at your discretion. If that's all, then you can go.
- Have a nice day, Mistress Amber.
So much for Mom, and I was thinking how she left work like that, after all, mom owns a company. The truth is not clear what the company does, well, it's not really important, it's important that I start swimming again, this is not the first time and I'm slowly starting to get used to it and I'm getting less and less flattened. What is the problem? And she's not there, it's just easier for me to feel my mom's emotions, I felt the same Alan, but not as much as mom's, and this Alan gushes from all sides with devotion and a desire to take on more work to relieve mom. Where she dug it out is not clear.
Interestingly, I began to try to use psi a little bit, I don't have enough to pull a toy or compress it, when I pulled off such a feint with my ears, I immediately threw it out, well, I'll train on pebbles.
I tried to use the knowledge of magic training. It turned out after a couple of hours of trying, I was able to split a piece of land into mana, it's clear nothing will work right away, so I'll start by absorbing mana from different sources, I think then I'll stick a whole staff out of my pocket somewhere, let it pump mana out of the ground.
I think it will take a lot of time before I can do this, but for now I will be a simple child, well, not counting my training.
That's happiness has arrived, I already thought that I would not have children, but thank God everything went well and my baby was born healthy, went all over me the same white hair, only my eyes are a little different, if they are orange, then they are yellow, it would be all right if this goat did not leave when he found out that I was pregnant, and there were so many words, well, I'm not vindictive, I'll take revenge, I'll forget, then I'll take revenge again.
The time that I took after the birth of the Baby became one bliss for me, as I was told I was very lucky that Feyd does not cry very often and often calms down as soon as I take him in my arms. I don't know about everyone, but I feel like I've aged a couple of years. Well, at least Alan can do business himself without my direct participation, and these breeders from Romania need it, otherwise they are painfully reluctant to fulfill the contract, well, they will bite them with their own.
What will mom say when she sees my baby, I hope she has thought about my words and understands that I would not be given life there, people like me are not considered people there. Well, nothing is important, my baby is with me, hmm, I'll extend my vacation for a couple of years, I think Alan won't mind, let him take control of one branch.
Hmm, and where did I forget one toy?
- Maaam, Uncle Alan has come.
You never think that six years have passed and I will soon have to go to school, fortunately I have found a way to relieve boredom that I will definitely have at school, but all you need to be able to think fast and a lot, or rather think about two things at the same time. What exactly did I come up with, nothing new, I transfer part of my consciousness to my pocket and train my magic and psi there, prana needs to be pumped through my body, which I get already on the machine.
I also saw local representatives of the magical society a couple of times, that's just an individual who was sick to me, I looked at his soul, an ordinary soul, even the seventh principle is not developed and somehow works, and he magics by absorbing mana from the background, which is not very good, and I got a sample badly. Apparently he is a cripple, only one highway on his arm is developed, the others are undeveloped or clogged, how he still uses magic is unclear.
So mom turns out to have retired a little and put Alan on the post of head, and she rested with me or with friends. But now Mom wants to expand, so she begins to influence the company's work more actively.
I tried to find out about my father a couple of times, but after I was doused with undirected rage and anger, I realized that I didn't have a folder, but I had a dog and a slop worm....Ahem, yes, I didn't really like dad either, well, he doesn't really climb into our life, and if he gets in, he'll get balls from me and claws from mom in the face ... Brr.
During all this time, I managed to understand a little bit about the magic of the elements, a little space and runes. I put one of the scrolls in my pocket to study, what can I say, now I know the firestorm spell and will be able to put other spells in the scrolls if I can find the materials for the scrolls. It turned out to disassemble this spell into components and was able to remake it for other elements, the storm of space, I will remember for a long time, even longer I will remember how much energy I spent on calming the space. Whimper-whimper 20 of my rather big reserves of the master were wasted, after that I started testing spells in my pocket.
How did no one see the spell? So I tested it in the rain at night and it seems to me that someone managed to notice an incomprehensible phenomenon in the storm clouds. I even started trying to use several elements in one. So I got a magma arrow a couple of times. But I not only trained spells, but also direct control of the elements. It doesn't always work out well, but I'm moving fast enough.
It turned out on the basis of scrolls with a canopy of silence and a signal to make your own on the basis of runes and someone's mother. I also tried to copy the armor, but so far it turned out to be only frosty and they do not protect so badly, except for the cold steam coming from me, it is not visible on the body. It is not inferior in strength to a good metal and can well slow down magic with fire.
Infrequently, I also had unsuccessful days when I tried to absorb maximum energy from the sun and placed transformation runes all over the garden. I didn't take into account that there would be too much energy due to a sunny day, so I had to fill almost a full pocket and then release excess energy into the sky and destroy the rune circle underground so that it would stop working.
I had an interesting experience using wild magic, which requires large amounts of magic and a good imagination to represent the desired result. I took that case into service and I think I will have something to experiment on at school.
And here is the first of September and I, as an ordinary schoolboy, stand with my mother in front of the horror that my people fiercely hated and went to fight with him for all 11 years.
- How are you, baby? Aren't you nervous?
-Feyd dear, I realized that you are not particularly interested in school, but try to have fun there, find yourself friends with whom you can spend time, not all the time you will spend at home?
- Hey, it's not as boring as you imagine! The school has a lot of interesting things for any children.
- Did you believe it yourself? Okay, Mom, I'll go, will you be in the office today?
- Yes, we need to give a course of development and see how they start, I think I'll be free by lunch. Come on, I love you honey!
Now I can proudly wear the title of a schoolboy, a school or a potbellied trifle. Well, okay, maybe it won't be so boring at school, anyway I have a project to work on. Shadow.
Chapter 6
- And so who can go out and solve this problem? Come on, don't hesitate if you fail, I'll help you. Jin, you already answered at the beginning of the lesson, give your classmates a chance. For example, Feyd, could you solve this problem… Jin pull him to wake up please. Thanks.
Yeah. I didn't manage to be on two fronts at once, so I slept for most of the lessons, which attracted the teachers' special attitude towards me. Despite the fact that they knew that I was ready for the lesson and had learned the current topic, they conspired to involve me in school life and therefore, as soon as they see that I am falling asleep, they ask me either to answer a question on the topic or to show the class how to correctly complete the task, once I was caught on a fourth grade task, which I did not fully wake up, decided in a couple of tens of seconds by the method used by high school students. The teacher expected something like this and was not particularly surprised, which can't be said about one energizer that I call Jean, from which she sulks sweetly, who sat down for me at recess with questions about how I solved that problem. I liked the girl because she had brown hair up to her shoulder blades and an eerily cute face. She was also lucky with genetics, since she most likely had magicians in her family whose blood is strong in her and helps her draw mana from the background, which is noteworthy only neutral and filled the pseudo-energy reserve in her body.
What is noteworthy is that it was filled constantly and periodically emptied due to pressure, which naturally increased the volume of this organ and slightly developed its channels. According to my guesses, such auto-reinforcement will continue with an active growth of up to 17-19 years. What surprised me was how her pseudo reserve dumped excess energy, extra mana stupidly shot out of the girl's channels into the surrounding background, passing through the whole body and a couple of times I noticed wild magic behind her, while mana flowed all over her body, Jean had a heat of emotions with apparently a strong desire, because in another way to explain that a little girl with an unconscious release of mana was able to pull a book in the library from the top floor right under her arm, without noticing it, I can't explain.
I myself tried to repeat her result until I was distracted by something and while the memory is fresh, or simply because a small piglet could do what I can't. In short, the awl in the ass began to play, which was the result of several burned books that I quickly stuffed into the already probably rudimentary domain. Well, I freaked out, it happens to everyone, but I figured out how to give mana a certain effect, while I was angry that I couldn't repeat Jin's trick, I felt anger at myself and my mana acquired the effect of destruction. Now it remains to check the effects on mana of other ranges of emotions. At least one plus, now I can give mana the effect I need.
When I came out of the trance and put a notch on my memory to check other effects, Jean had already managed to bring five books and sat down to study them, my mind got used to such a picture and did not let go of my jaw at the sight of the diligence, and sometimes the stubbornness of this pretty girl.
- You are more windy today than usual, what are you thinking about?
- Yes, I'm thinking of studying your head for mistakes, well, that's why you need so many books, we'll pass them all anyway!
- Because you need to constantly expand your horizons, - this dyed blonde said with a proud face and raised her nose high.
"And who told you that?"- I don't think she came up with it herself, most likely she read it somewhere.
- My mother told me so when she saw me sitting at my textbooks, but she said something with doubts, so you can still instill in her a healthy view of studying.
- By the way, what did your mom say?
- Um? And, she said that they would be free on the weekend.
Yes, my mom met the parents of my only girlfriend, especially Jean's mom. Therefore, while they go on vacation, Jean and I stay at our house or at Jean's house, where we most often communicate, since she lacks this at school, so I try to give the girl what she needs, that is, a shoulder of support.
When Jean finished with the book, which is not a big problem for her almost photographic memory, I took her to the dining room, adding colors to the life of those who laugh at my friend and no one will suspect me that one had a stomach ache and the other suddenly had legs tangled and he fell on his friend, dousing him and himself with tea and food. Children what to take from them, only after that they will be afraid to mock others for a while. But Jean's look with which she studied me for a couple of moments strained me, did she guess something or did she feel something? Yes, not nonsense.
Already at home, I sat down to modernize the protection of our house and add a friend-guest-stranger display function with a number of commands for each case. The system will take aim at strangers and prepare everything necessary to neutralize potential enemies, as well as give a signal to the system administrator transmitting information about the target and waiting for commands.
I started making this system after reading a textbook on programming complex systems, it was difficult to find such a book while computers had not yet developed to their heights, but there will be something to do in the classroom trying to transfer the computer device to a magical analogue and try to make a basis for the future when I will teach artefactorics, if it is of course sufficiently developed.
In such a leisurely pace, 4 years of elementary school flew by during which I was able to make an approximate plan of how to make a computer on magic and put it in the back drawer, for not having the necessary materials and knowledge in runes. With the question of resources, I began to take matrices from various materials, I could not get something particularly valuable, because I simply did not know where and from whom to look.
It turned out to upgrade the security system a little and create a spell based on a frost shield that can protect the house in case of an attack. For mom, I made a rough mind protection that can protect against exposure from outside, but in a couple of hours it will have to be replaced.
Jean's emissions were still going on and there were a couple of them at school, fortunately no one saw it, but watching her emissions, I realized how to use light and sound illusions, which helped me a couple of times with unsuccessful experiments with new spells.
My pocket did not remain unchanged and was already 10 by 10 in size. Also, due to constant training, it turned out to increase the size of my reserve to the level of a master by Sumerian standards, which was beneficial for my manipulations and growing control, and now in the event of a clash with a large group of enemies, I will be able to pour a couple of tens of meters of concentrated fire with a high temperature at which steel will melt, and I myself will sit under the frosty armor, pouring a huge amount of mana into it.
Not the best strategy, but it is in case of a large number of weak opponents or to distract attention.
I don't know what's going on in Jean's head, it's contraindicated for me to get into the brains of a living being, but it seems to me that after our gatherings with the analysis of all the information received, the girl began to treat all sources of information differently and check it whenever possible. And it seems to me she began to notice her emissions, at least her parents took one of her emissions for overwork, but Jean's thoughtful face makes you wonder if it's worth explaining to her what's going on with her, so that she wouldn't come up with something superfluous.
POV Hermione Jean Granger
From the very beginning, my school life did not go well, all my classmates found out that I wanted to study and seeing how I sat in the library began to avoid me, and after I began to show my knowledge in class, they began to call me a nerd and laugh behind my back. This attitude of classmates confused me from the beginning and then I felt offended because of their bullying. The only one who didn't laugh before me was an unusual boy with white hair and bright yellow, almost amber eyes, whom I first took for a girl, which I will never admit to him.
He was the only one who didn't laugh at me and after a week I realized why. As usual, when I arrived at the big break in the library, I saw a white-haired boy reading a book unfamiliar to me. When I looked at the cover of this book, I saw that it was a 20th century story that high school students usually take. Approaching him, I asked him a little excitedly:
- Mm? Oh, of course, have a seat.
Sitting down next to him, I looked at a couple of books on the table, there were the history of the first and Second World War. He reads these, I wonder why he took books for high school. While I was thinking about this question, the boy looked at my books and looked at me with an incomprehensible look. Because of my memory, I could learn something new very quickly, so I decided to study mathematics for this class.
- I see you decided to go a little ahead?- he asked pointing to my books.
- Yes, my memory allows me to do that, and I'm interested. And why do you read such books? Are they like for high school?
- It's just that my mom has a little hobby, she collects her library from books she liked, there were a lot of books with school topics, and I was bored at home, so I started reading them and finished this summer. And there are books at school that I haven't read yet.
When he finished speaking, I was in shock. No, we also have a small library at home, but there were either stories or books that I didn't understand. If I didn't know what to talk about with my classmates, and after they started laughing at me, I especially didn't approach them and try to talk, then with Feyd I could chat and talk for a long time and we liked it judging by his facial expression.
Chapter 7
I was sitting on the bed and trying to comprehend everything that had just happened and what Alex had told me. If you believe him, and it doesn't work out not to believe him, then I am a magician and there were magicians in my family once, or I am the first of my kind, which should be rare. And judging by Alex's knowledge, he is also a magician, but how does he know about this?
While I was thinking about it, I noticed how Alex stretched out his hands to me and circles connected by different signs began to appear on his palm and gradually became more and more difficult, when it was over, he brought his hand to my heart and this construction sank into my chest, before I could get scared, I felt a pleasant coolness in my head. When I turned my attention to Alex, I saw his fanged smile on his contented face. I was about to ask him what had just happened when he spoke.
- Now I can be sure of your safety and especially that no one will get into your head. – when he said that, I understood why he hadn't talked to me about it before, or he didn't know how to protect me or was waiting for something.
- And why are you talking about this now?
- Because your magic core has just calmed down and I was able to put you mind protection that will not fly off after the first reflection or after your ejection.
While I digested the information I received, Alex continued to load my brain, telling me how he learned to control his magic and began experimenting with it and told me about his heritage, received from his ancestors, past life or because of some mutations. When I came to my senses, I immediately flooded him with a bunch of questions and when I saw his expression while I continued to ask questions, I forgave him for dumping so much information on me so abruptly. Seeing the expression of universal anguish on his face made me feel like I had done my job well. I think I'm starting to understand why he makes fun of his classmates so often.
It's been a couple of weeks since I told a little girl that we're magicians, and now it's time for us to go to school. During this time, I figured out how to drag her into my domain without taking her body. At first, I had to try for a long time to transfer rabbits to the domain that had a Seventh Beginning, but I brought out a couple of such rabbits to check the possible benefits of creating creatures capable of producing magic.
The results were expected, the life expectancy of rabbits increased and their carcasses became quite valuable to me, since I was able to remove the matrix from a material capable of storing and conducting mana. It is not profitable to create such materials using materialization on an industrial scale, so I have a small field in my domain in which prana is stored together with natural mana, where rabbits can freely reproduce, and when they died, I got a carcass that I can use when creating art. What is most interesting is the soul of the rabbit, which after death did not fly away from the domain, but remained in it and passed the circle of rebirth, leaving most of all its beginnings, which were preserved separately from other energies and became a mixture of all the energies produced by the soul.
After studying the result of the purification of the soul in my domain, I received crumbs of highly concentrated energy that can be put into action, for the development of the domain, my soul or individual shells. This type of energy, which I quickly called ichor, because of the similarity of properties, is well suited for powering energy-intensive rituals or banal for my development. When I started cutting rabbits for additional study, I noticed a decrease in the energy received, which is already not enough. I decided not to arrange genocide for rabbits, but to leave them to live and develop, in conditions of high concentration, their souls began to adjust and become more voluminous, this cannot be compared with human ones, but the older they get, the more ichor I will get after cleaning. I did not drive more animals into the domain because they would quickly drink up the entire puny background of my domain, which had become so concentrated because of its size. It turned out to understand that rabbits who grew up not in the domain were not so willing to be cleaned and often went into the river of souls.
When I transferred Ji to the domain, I calmed her down for a long time and helped her recover, after I helped her transfer her consciousness with her astral body here. At first, she tried for a long time to get used to the new sensations and realize what she was seeing now, but she no longer saw a small island 50 by 50 meters, which is crossed by a small stream, and only bluish-white smoke is visible outside the island. There were also small trees on the island from which I could rivet scrolls in the future. The sky was also transformed, now you could see cosmic clouds in the distance, these were my reserves that I set up for such a display in the domain, all this and the fact that she could see energy flows while in the astral body created an unforgettable picture.
When Ji recovered from the shock and admired and studied the surroundings, I decided to give her a tour, with each new explanation, her research interest was kindled. After completing the walk, Ji was extremely silent, it took her some time to recover, and at that time I was checking my little forest and rabbits. As soon as I came back to her, I immediately heard:
- When? she said this, fixing her expectant gaze on me.
- When you start teaching me magic, since I'm a magician, I can do the same as you.
- Em. In principle, you are right, but I do not know if you can use magic as well as me.
"Until we check, we won't know," she said with such a confident expression on her face that I was a little imbued with her enthusiasm.
- Okay, I'll explain everything I know to you.
When the school year started, I started teaching Ji magic, watching how her core works, which is why students passing next to us could stumble out of the blue after what they saw.
With Ji's training, everything was not so rosy, she could manage her mana very poorly. Fortunately, she was able to feel mana after I pumped her body with the maximum amount of mana that her body can withstand.
The presence of mana in her body had a positive effect on her and she was stronger than her peers. In four months, Ji was able to use magical telekinesis and could strengthen her body a couple of times, but her reserve was not enough for constant reinforcement, her maximum is a two-fold gain for 3 minutes. In the use of elemental magic and mana transformations, she couldn't get far because of her little control.
For the New Year, I prepared a staff for Ji with a binding and the ability to hide it in a spatial pocket, which I made in the likeness of a staff that I got from a Sumerian magician. He will not be able to catch souls and drink energy from them, but he will be able to store mana and a couple of spells quite well.
And with the help of the staff, she could create spells, keeping their structure in memory or fixing them in the staff, she could create them without an intermediary. But with him, she only began to create a spell structure, taking mana for spells from the staff, it was more profitable and more convenient because of the low bandwidth of her channels and faster access to mana from the staff.
By the end of the year, she was able to repeat the effect of magical vision, due to her frequent stay in astral form, and also learn the spell of the fiery shaft, but she could only use it with a staff and spent up to 10 seconds on it. He also taught her to quickly replenish her reserve and staff from the background, to take energy from various sources, as it is practiced in Sumer, she could not and no matter how much she puffed up, nothing worked.
After my birthday, in early August, the defense of my house signaled an attempted invasion. Considering that my mom and I were at home and the Grangers came to visit us, Gee and I began to prepare for the uninvited guests. When I checked who it was, I was surprised. The defense reacted to a couple of owls who tried to get through to us with letters in their claws.
I missed the birds, but I kept these birds under the gun of the security system. It was a pity to look at them, the poor birds were magical and sensed danger, but continued to move to our doors, where they carefully released the letters and flew away twice as fast.
When we were rushing to pick up the letters, my mother heard these feathered reptiles and went to see what happened there. When we went down, we decided to wait for what Mom would say.
When she finished reading, she became serious and thoughtfully handed the second letter to Ji's mom.
- Is this some kind of joke?
- Alas, but no, it's real - our moms have known and trusted each other for a long time, so Ji's mom believed her friend.
- What is it, Mom? – I decided to intervene because I realized that my mom knows what just happened.
- You will go to a school for wizards and witches. What do you say, young magicians?
When she said that, Gee and I realized that we had been discovered.
Chapter 8
- Mmmm. Yes, that's it. Stronger, yeah.
- Mom, do you understand how it looks from the outside?
- No one is around, relax and continue.
In order to understand what's going on here, I'll have to go back a couple of days.
I was immediately alerted by how calmly Mom talked about magic, and Ji was alerted by her mother's reaction. As my mother told me, she is the daughter of magicians, who was unlucky to be born a squib, when I told my mother that I saw her energy and that she could become a good melee fighter, an interrogation began on which Ji also suffered. The women fell out in a drop and we had to wait until they moved away from such information, and when I mentioned my domain and moved us all there, my mom started crying, I immediately went to hug her, because I felt that cocktail of emotions bubbling in her.
As the calmed-down mother told us, she always thought that I was also born a squib, which happens quite often, but when she read the letter from the school for wizards, she realized that I would have to plunge into a pit with snakes, so she called the society of magicians of Britain.
At first we didn't understand what Mom was talking about, but after a brief excursion into the life of the wizards of England, I realized that I couldn't have come up with a better one. Ossification of thinking, racism towards all other species and full confidence that they are the best, then another place judging by the description, but let's not jump to conclusions.
My mother left the magical part of the country when she realized that she would not be allowed to live there and decided to start her business in the non-magical part. And sometimes making deliveries for acquaintances in the magical world. I didn't ask about my father, but by omissions I realized, after learning that his son is a wizard, he can come and start pumping rights. Therefore, mom was hung with proven prototypes of protective art and several emergency ones that teleport her home or to my domain.
My mother's eyes lit up at the sight of my already rather big warehouse and she began to conduct an audit. After which she stated that we can start supplying magical artifacts that are no longer being made. I gave my consent to this and began to think about who would plow into me.
And now mom made me help her relax, a back massage with an infusion of prana into the muscles works just awesome and I took this effect on a pencil.
Ji, after receiving the letter and information about the magical part of England, began to train more, because she was afraid that the aristocrats might put their eyes on her and if I cover her parents with stationary protection and a bunch of art, then she needs to get opportunities and strength by the beginning of the school year.
I decided to test the portal arch in my domain. In case of unforeseen circumstances, I decided to prepare an anchor if I appear far from England. Such an anchor will allow me, with enough energy, to return home and out of the river of souls.
To Mom and Ji, I made a binding to my domain, something like a stable portal based on my anchor, thanks to which they will be able to enter the domain with an astral body.
The trial launch of the arch within the domain was successful and did not spend too much energy, but more energy will be needed for the portal to earth, so by launching the arch and pouring into it a couple of times more energy than the last one, I was able to open it, but it started eating more mana and threatened to run out of my reserves, so I decided to test it and close it so that it would not drain my reserves for a rainy day.
There were no clouds over the city and it was easy to spot aerial objects if there were any.
A random viewer could see a picture of an unknown object falling from a multicolored explosion and moving towards the earth. If the observer had superhuman hearing, he could hear incomprehensible words and sounds, the tone of which suggested that the meaning of these words were not particularly cultured.
While I was coming to my senses and thanking paranoia for thinking of putting protection on myself, I scanned the area for danger and tried to contact my mother, who remained in the domain. And when I met her, I immediately hugged her. Mom was a little taken aback by this, but she waited until I spoke.
- Mom, how long has it been since I entered the portal? - she was surprised by such a question, but answered.
- Two minutes, did something happen?
- Ten minutes have passed for me, and there is almost no magical background where I found myself. I think I've entered another world.
- Will you be able to return by anchor or just from the domain?
- Yes, but you need a lot of energy and your connection can transfer the astral body or your souls if something happens, but I will need mana and the portal arch to return, because the domain is partially left with you, it looks like I will stay there for a couple of weeks.
- Are you in any danger there? Is there anything to eat?
- It's okay Mom, we'll be able to maintain a mental channel through the domain, so don't worry.
- Okay, but be careful there and come back as soon as possible.
Outside, 15 minutes have passed and for a conversation, mom will have to speed up consciousness or I will slow down mine. Nothing terrible has happened and I am even now considering the possibilities that have opened up. To move to such non-energy-saturated worlds, it will take little energy, of course, compared to magical worlds, but there you can get a lot of new things. But I will not meddle in the magical worlds for at least a couple of years, now the border guards can stop me there, if they are there. I'd rather get stronger, and then I'll go there.
When I decided to start moving to the nearest city to understand what year it is and what is happening in this world, I transferred to myself a set of armor for reconnaissance, in fact, the only one I have now. On his chest was a tight-fitting plate vest that protects well from magic and physical damage and can withstand a grenade explosion without a single scratch. On top of him was a thin dark cloth cloak with a deep hood, and on his feet were dark trousers made of light fabric slightly inferior to the vest in strength and crosses with soft soles, from which there will be no sound thanks to runes absorbing excess noise. In this set, I was silent, did not smell and merged with the background of the world, and if necessary, with shadows.
Starting to walk towards the visible city, I began to accelerate near the road and with a breeze reached the modern city without meeting a single car along the way. And I understood the reasons when I approached him. There were abandoned cars in the oncoming lane, and paying attention to the meager background of the world, which gave off necro-energy or the energy of death, I realized that I was either in a dying world or in a post-apocalypse. And from the fact that there are so many good things and good computers lying around, which will not be in my world for a long time, my hamster rubbed his paws in anticipation and prepared a place in the pantry.
Chapter 9
- Catch the grenade! - a hand poked out from behind the edge of the roof, which threw something small on the road.
When the "pebble" fell, it began to glow red, and part of the street for 30 meters in both directions was filled with a shaft of ghostly fire, which affected only organic matter, burning it almost without a trace, and the fire that could ignite slowly began to fade. The unknown jumped off the roof of a five-storey building and installed a crystal in the center of the street, half a meter in diameter, on which symbols began to glow and it began to change its color a little, from crystal blue to dark blue.
A casual observer would have been amazed at the stupidity or recklessness of a reasonable person who takes such risks, but there was no one for the next couple of kilometers.
As soon as I approached the city and saw the abandoned cars, I immediately suspected something was wrong, but after an hour and a half of my inspection nothing happened and I carefully wandered towards the city.
Looking at the whole cars, I was able to understand that it was 2012 in this world at the time of the coming of the cunt, which lifted my mood, and after I found the whole cars and a couple of good bikes, I completely got kinder, because what is it? That's right, the best technologies and just good transport, which I won't be able to use soon, but there was one low cross-country motorcycle on which I quickly put runes that drown out sounds and reduce them to almost nothing. The work is clumsy and the runes will need to be constantly energized, but right now I didn't want to get too distracted.
There was a little gasoline in the tank, but there should be enough to get to the other end of the city.
When I was driving next to one particularly battered car, I felt something from it. The feeling was faded and lost if I moved away from her a little and it was like feeling like a person, just not a full-fledged one. Walking up to the car from where some crap was felt, I threw on the armor of frost and prepared my spell, the icy hand. The whole spell was to maximize mana around the hands, converting it into cold mana before that, the effect is similar to the effect of nitrogen, but without steam and the freezing speed is a couple of moments.
When I carefully opened the door, the corpse of a man began to move towards me, which, after touching my hands, began to change color to blue-white and quickly became one piece of ice that broke falling to the ground. After that, I had to calm down for a couple of minutes sitting on a thick ice pole.
I was corny scared, all the influence of scary movies about walkers has not gone away, and having calmed down, I began to study this individual.
The body is there, there is nothing more to say about it, the second shell has stopped working and produces drops of necros, which supports the remnants of the sixth shell in the body and the effect of necros makes them more aggressive towards the living.
According to my theory, the virus or whatever they could come up with kept the body alive and did not let it die, instead, the second shell stopped its work and began to generate necros, due to the lack of a core and most of the soul, which was only enough to maintain the remnants of the mind and body together.
In order to understand what this shit is, you need to see the process of infection and treatment. But somehow I was able to remove the matrix, if it turns out, I will try to make a controlled undead or a golem based on the matrix.
Continuing on, I stopped at the beginning of the skyscrapers and hid the bike in the domain. Going into shops and buildings, I was looking for surviving things that are not in my world. On the main street it was suspiciously quiet and there were no dead people, sometimes I felt these defective in cars.
Continuing to walk down the street, I saw in the distance something that made me choke on saliva. A couple of blocks later, a whole fucking tank, something like an Abrams, was standing by the curb.
While my hamster told me to go remove the matrix from him and take it to the domain, my chuika screamed that there was some kind of trick. Concentrating on my vision, I noticed a small smog a little further from the tank, around the corner.
While I was thinking what to do, I saw a figure approaching from behind. Deciding to observe a possible survivor, I climbed onto the nearest roof and began to observe. When the figure approached, it turned out to be a man on horseback, not an African-American without a top, but a typical American who was most likely a cop, his uniform hinted at this, only from the dark shape I knew, his top was burnt yellow, and behind his shoulders was a bag with a couple of pumps and pistols with cartridges.
That's why I love people's inventions, you can remove matrices from them and materialize them when you need them, although it eats up a lot of energy, while removing the matrix from an artifact is useful only for the purpose of studying it and it's cheaper to make them from scratch.
When he passed under me, I carefully removed the matrix from the bag, although I had to carefully descend.
The longer I watched him, the more times my hand met my face. This oak tree drove up to the cars with a horse and attracted all the defective people who were in the cars with sounds. And no, to clear the escape routes, he drove on. When he got close to the turn behind which there was smog, I moved to the nearest roof. And what I saw would make me shit myself if I couldn't burn down the whole street on fire or banally cover the street with earth.
So I arrived in the city, it's surprisingly quiet here and there are few walkers, but such a lull made paranoia go berserk and it seemed to me that I was being watched, a couple of times there was even a feeling that someone was standing behind.
After driving past the tank, I moved to the next turn, the closer I was to it, the worse the already spoiled air from corpses became. As I rounded the corner, I saw something that made my blood run cold. A crowd of walkers was standing right around the corner, the situation got even worse when the horse started kicking and panicking. Because of the noise from the horse, the whole crowd turned and started walking in my direction.
I did not stand and wait until I was killed and turned back, but walkers began to come out from the other side of the street, I began to drive the horse, which was afraid, back and after reaching the tank, zombies began to come at us from all sides. The horse started to panic even more and threw me off the saddle. The bag of weapons fell from the other side and I had to crawl, shooting back from the fastest, in the only direction where there were no crowds of zombies.
This place became a tank, I had to crawl under it and fight off too long-armed monsters. It was lucky that the hatch of the bottom was open and I quickly climbed into the tank, closing the hatch behind me. Looking out through the hatch on the roof, I saw that the tank was surrounded by fifty walkers and the same number were on the way. After closing the hatch, he began to count the remaining cartridges, and after a depressing result, he began to look for cartridges from the corpse of a military man. I found a Colt with a full clip of cartridges, but as soon as I started to relax, the soldier who was supposed to be dead started moving.
The worst thing was that I sat down next to him. I had to quickly take a revolver and shoot him. It wasn't the best thing I did, because I was stunned.
While I was thinking about who this guy was, a lucky fool or just a fool, I noticed a full-fledged source of life that was approaching along the roof and fire escapes. This time I decided not to hide, so I transferred a modified plasma sword to the belt, which now had a steel blade, with runes of strength and heat resistance applied, and materialized a piece of iron that looks like a colt, but hollow inside, if I need to cast stone bullets.
When he ran up to me, he was wary at first, but realizing that an uninfected child was in front of him calmed down a little and went to the ledge to see what was going on there.
- Well, what kind of idiot did that?
- This idiot locked himself in the tank, - I answered the question to a young guy with an oriental appearance.
- He's an idiot, he does it by himself.
- By the way, are you by yourself or with a group?
- I've been alone so far, but I'm thinking of joining someone. Are there many of you? I asked .
- Not really, two dozen in total, but most of them are at the base.
"For supplies?" Or intelligence?
- Supplies. Will you come to us? We also have children, though not so combative - and he's not a bad guy, during the whole conversation there was never a false emotion. I have plenty of time, I will stay with them for now, it will be more interesting in every way.
- Well, it became dangerous to walk alone.
After a while, Glenn, as the boy's name was, contacted the others and told them that he had picked up the child and would try to save one man. When he finished, we decided to contact one idiot.. While Glenn was giving valuable instructions, we started going down the fire escape and I was wondering if I was doing the right thing, instead it was possible to collect samples of equipment and gadgets, or find something interesting. But after thinking a little, I decided to leave everything like this, during the time that I will wait for the replenishment of reserves, I will be able to collect things interesting to me.
Going downstairs, we waited for the guy and I shouldn't have called him an idiot, he's just stupid. Along the way, he began to shoot the closest inferior, when they could be bypassed and not attract the whole horde.
Turning the corner, he was scared of us and almost shot Glenn, but he realized in time that he was not a corpse. And again he began to be stupid and instead of climbing the stairs, he began to shoot the nedokhimer. Fortunately, he had enough brains to climb the stairs.
- Where is your group holed up?
"In the hypermarket," he pointed to a building a little further away.
- Go, I'll quickly take the bag and follow you.
"Baby, are you going to be okay?"- one of the not-so-far ones asked me.
And while they were going to other roofs, I created a rassengan on minimalkah, powered by mana fire. The Rassengan turned out to be great and I quickly went down to collect the free energy into a crystal created from recycled rabbit horns. Nekros and the energy remaining in these zombies quickly gathered prototypes of pumps on the runes and I hurried back for the men.
Chapter 10
For the past hour I've been sitting on a trailer and running around from the locals. They have a zombie apocalypse, and they're figuring things out here, one particularly smart guy managed to hit on his friend's wife, who was in a coma for the last month, which he got into because of a bullet.
There's such a Santa Barbara going on, I don't even have time to cook new popcorn. In principle, these people are good, well, some of them, one managed to get hit by balls after trying to run over me. Surprisingly, no one knows the reason for the hit-and-run, but they maintain such an attitude towards him behind their backs.
I also found an interesting frame here, who, due to brain problems, was able to see a vision, this is one of the options, the other option is that he is sick and sees everything in his dreams. What am I talking about?
After a couple of days, during which I began to slowly assemble the frame of the portal arch, almost all the men left for that bag of ammunition, which in my opinion is a bit reckless to leave the camp without normal protection.
I also managed to be taken out by little Rick, that policeman, this young know-it-all was interested in absolutely everything and pestered me especially carefully, because of how he considers my age, I'm not much younger than him, but it was enough for him to get it into his head that he was responsible for me. Well, yes, and the fact that he does not shut up is just an accident.
I noticed that someone was actively trying to get hooked on me and it was most likely a virus that I found in all the locals, so they are all infected. Fortunately, I noticed this, but my high vitality, along with a strong body, did not give the virus a chance to infect me, and my body was able to learn how to effectively cope with the virus, I adore my huge immunity. But I arrange thermal treatment for my things and drive fire mana in the aura. So the virus can't even come to me. It is necessary to take note after visiting suspicious places to clean ammunition, and what does futunari rabbits have to do with it?
So, I'm stuck, there's already a little one tugging at me. And while all the men went to get ammunition, some shit started in the camp. The undead began to crawl out from somewhere and move in our direction.
I got down from the car and went to the residents farthest from the camp. Quietly approaching the girl and starting to take out the sword, I scared her, but when I saw that I walked past her and quietly poked the sword into the dead man's head, it's good that they walk hunched over and I'm a little taller than my age, plus the length of the sword. Before the girl started to panic and start making noise, I approached her and began to lead her to the center of the camp. Along the way, I asked people sitting on the street to hide in their cars and not to shine, somehow managed to drive those who were far from the center into cars and I moved to the campfire.
There I met my grandfather with a rifle, to whom I gave a sign not to shine and be ready to shoot. After that, I began a systematic cleaning, trying not to make noise and not to attract the attention of many corpses at once. After a couple of dead zombies, which I actively milked with a crystal in my bag, one of the girls came out and began to help with the thinning ranks of the undead.
Having finished with those who came to the camp, I decided to leave, since I have nothing more to catch here, I have already taken matrices from everything that was interesting here. Therefore, grasping the idea, I went away from the camp.
Karl couldn't find a place for himself, knowing that his, as he thought, new friend might die. But after leaving the trailer, he and his mother saw a clearing where there were many bodies of walkers, which his new friend and one of the surviving girls had dealt with. It was clear from her that she was only helping by dragging a part of the zombie on herself.
But now it was over and everyone began to relax, but they noticed how the figure of the boy who joined them a couple of days ago moved with a silent tread in the direction from which the walkers came. After a couple of seconds, they heard gunshots and noticed several zombies who changed their course in the direction of a sharp sound.
Despite the fact that the boy left of his own free will, the girl who helped him tried to follow him, but the camp residents who woke up from the boy's self-sacrifice did not let her die.
Five minutes later, the group that had gone to get ammunition returned and after hearing the distant shots, they learned from others about the attack on the base. They were trying to follow the boy when they heard a loud explosion in the distance and a column of smoke following it.
It's worth paying tribute to them, they sent a unit capable of fighting zombies on my trail. What about me? I left a piece of a vest similar to mine at the site of the explosion. And my gift to them with pills that can remove the toxin after a zombie bite, or just pills from prana, which they will have enough to etch the necros that poisons the body from the body, they found a couple of hours after the arrival of the search group.
Yes, I'm acting ugly, making them think that I'm dead, but I can't take them with me, they're trite to me, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to be grateful, so I left them a bag with cold steel and pills filled with prana, they can help with a zombie bite, destroying toxins. Therefore, with a clear conscience, I already pulled out my Shelby, sat in the passenger seat and tried to grab the steering wheel and pedals with telekinesis. It didn't work out the first time, but it's a good exercise in control and multitasking.
Over the past two weeks, I've spent part of my time sitting in the domain and figuring out the arch or talking to Mom and Ji. I asked my mother to find those whom she can trust to analyze the received technologies, I was assured that there are such people and they can be put on a contract, which my mother did not say, but judging by her smile, they will literally sell their souls.
Ji did not stand still and, thanks to constant meditations, was able to double her reserve, although it is better not to repeat such a trick in the near future. It can simply burst due to damaged and not having time to recover after stretching the reserve.
When there were a couple of days left before filling in additional reserves, I decided to conduct an audit and sort out everything I could get. In total, I got a couple of hundred different models of computers, laptops, smartphones and other samples of equipment. I found an empty military base, where I managed to get a couple of models of weapons, an armored personnel carrier, a jeep with a machine gun and a couple of boxes of ammunition.
When mom saw all this stuff and found out that, if necessary, we could materialize more with enough energy, she started squeezing me and said she could arm a couple of contract troops.
I left this world in a good mood, and arriving back immediately changed my mood, I fell from a great height again, but this time I fell in the center of the city. It turned out to soften the fall and not attract the attention of the Chinese, and it was with them that I ended up. When I was about to teleport to England, I barely managed to get away from a too-fast blow that blurred in front of me, despite the working gain.
Turning to the unexpected guest, I met the gaze of an elderly Chinese man who was saying something to me, although I did not understand a word. Fortunately, I was in the scout set with the disguise turned on. While I was preparing for a fight, the old man looked at my outfit and estimated my strength level. Well, never mind, I won't beat you up much.
- Aaaaa, - that was the first thing my mom heard when she saw me teleport straight home.
- Son! Are you okay? What happened? There was concern in Mom's voice.
- Everything is fine, I'll rest a little and everything will pass.
And mom's worries were not groundless, most of the armor on my torso was cracked and held on the last crumbs of strength, with pants that were only slightly weaker than a vest, the same story, metal inserts were either missing or were not whole. This Chinese was a melee fighter and exceeded me in all indicators except strength, and did not allow me to get out of melee with him, releasing waves of energy that did not allow me to use anything normally. After spending a couple of times more energy, I was able to teleport home with the remnants of my pride.
- It was one of the masters of Chinese magicians who specialize in melee combat. I don't understand at all how you were able to hold out with him for five minutes. Sit, I've sent people to get potions to speed up recovery.
- Actually, I managed to break a couple of bones for him, although after that he accelerated and I already received from him.
- They attacked because they recorded a surge of energy and found an unknown person at that place. I think he realized that you got to them by accident, otherwise he would have held you until the arrival of other masters. He was testing you, and realizing that he could fight, without holding back, he decided to test your limits.
- What kind of monsters live there.
This fight showed me that I'm not the biggest frog in the swamp, I'm just a tadpole with great capabilities, well, nothing, the main thing is that I remained whole. It would be unpleasant and take a long time to restore the limb. After taking potions and assuring the worried mother that I was not going to get into trouble in the near future and would not overexert myself, I went to bed and without noticing that someone was already on my bed, I fell into a long-awaited sleep.
POV Hermione Jean Granger
I successfully missed the planned portal arch test, and when I found out what happened, I immediately tried to log into Alex's domain. Aunt Amber stopped me and described in more detail what had happened, assuring me that everything was fine. But for a long time I digested the information that there are other worlds and about the undead living in one separate world. Removing the matrix is a great spell, it's really very difficult to master and I don't always get it right, but working with the matrix that Alex took off one of the dead, I tried to create a basis for golems, something worked out for me, yes, it turned out to create a basis for puppets that can be taken under control, but you need a body for a doll and knowledge in various areas of magic.
I decided to leave this project for Alex. While he is in the zombie world, I decided to look at the data on the Fortress rune formation and see if I can help him with this project while he is busy.
There was too much data to analyze and memorize, and Aunt Amber allowed them to stay in their house to study an earlier version of this protection. A couple of times I stayed at Alex's house and this day was no exception, but when I woke up, I found myself hugging Alex with my whole body, it wasn't the first time we fell asleep like that, so I gently freed myself from Alex's warm embrace and went downstairs, where my Aunt was now, who told me what happened.
Outwardly I remained calm, but inside I had a cocktail of various emotions incomprehensible even to me. My aunt advised me to rest longer and sent me back with an incomprehensible smile.
Waking up early in the morning, the first thing I noticed was the source of life, at my side. Yesterday, mom told me that Ji often sat in the domain, working on the basis of golems, which is very good, but we critically lack the knowledge to create a golem. But the fact that she began to get acquainted with the "Fortress", we do not have enough resources and a constant source of energy for her, and this project will be abandoned until better times.
Mom made us happy at breakfast with the fact that today at lunch we will go for school supplies and for our chopsticks. Not understanding what kind of sticks, I asked my mother to explain what kind of sticks and why we need them. After explaining, I became very interested in this tool of wizards, and Hermione wondered why she needed a wand if she had a staff. The information that most wizards cannot do magic without wands was accepted stoically, Ji and I already understood, and that it was very difficult for her to learn to consciously control her mana and it was almost impossible without outside help.
While I had free time, I decided to go to the garage and leave Shelby. Mom went with me, after the fight with the Chinese, she began to be with me more, it looks like she was seriously scared of my skirmish. The car didn't really surprise mom, what surprised her was the electronics, it was literally everywhere. I made a promise that as soon as I accumulate energy, I will give her a copy of the typewriter to the scientists.
The time was getting closer to lunch, during which time I found out from my mother about contracts and vows. The contract bound the reasonable ones who signed it with the conditions that were described in the contract, and absolutely any magician could take an oath by simply swearing by his magic. Mom didn't know how and why it worked, but I asked for a couple of contracts to study, I was asked to be careful and not check them on myself.
Mom had already talked to Ji's parents and explained the danger of her status, so the five of us had lunch, and after lunch the security system notified me about the anomaly. When mom heard this, she couldn't stop laughing for a long time and explained that the deputy director would accompany us, it was because Ji was from an ordinary family.
After giving anomaly a guest pass, Mom went to greet the teacher. Inviting the teacher for a cup of coffee. Therefore, after walking and sitting down at the table, the teacher introduced herself and told that she was here to take the children to the magical part of the world.
I was a little amused by the description of all the titles of the headmaster of this school, so I asked Miss McGonagall my question.
- And what does a light magician mean?
- A wizard who does not use dark spells is considered light, young man. – she said in such a tone, as if it were a truism.
"Why not someone who uses light spells or medical spells?"
The teacher hung up on such a question, but after thinking about it, she replied that they would tell us everything at school. I think she just didn't find something to answer and decided to skip the topic. The teacher knows that our mother is a squib and told us a little about the magical world, so she immediately suggested going to Diagon Alley. Mom had a couple of wizards on staff who took us to the old bar.
– And where is the entrance to the magical world? - Ji began to bother the teacher with questions and it seems she likes it.
"The entrance is in this bar," the teacher replied calmly.
"Why is he so old?" Is this an illusion? If not, do you not have enough money to repair it? - Ji was already bombarding the poor teacher, who did not have time to realize the questions and answer them.
- No, it was done on purpose so as not to attract attention, - the teacher still found something to answer.
- Do magicians not know how to use illusions, as in books?
- They can, - the deputy director said in a dejected tone, apparently she understood what the next question would be.
- Then why don't they use them, they don't want to work?
So, eating the teacher's brains out, we walked through the bar, which looked like a den of alcoholics, to the brick wall, where the teacher pulled out her wand and activated a passage connected to a part of the isolated space, from the abundance of energy it took Ji and me some time to see something.
Having got used to the abundance of information, we were able to look around and what we saw on the one hand was amazing, and on the other it was incomprehensible. For us who have magical vision, it was akin to falling into a fairy tale, a very bright fairy tale. But if you consider that magicians do not possess magical vision, then it becomes a little sad. Due to the fact that only we see such beauty and because of how this place looks without magical vision.
A bunch of wizards hurrying about their business, incomprehensible architecture that is impossible without magic and a bunch of little things that make you think about the sanity of some individual representatives of magical England. But all this fades when you realize that absolutely everything is done here with the help of magic, which was not always needed. There comes a feeling that magic in this place has merged with matter and judging by Ji's emotions, she also appreciated this view.
After seeing us off a little more, Miss McGonagall left us with Mom and went about her business. To the logical question of why she came to us, if we could come here ourselves, mom told us that we should not expect the usual logic from wizards and that it is customary to bring students living in the Muggle part of the world, even if, for example, we don't really need it.
Already now I have suspicions about a different approach to solving problems, which was proved more than once later.
Chapter 11
First of all, we went to get our robes. It's not completely clear what kind of mantle and why we need it at school, but leaving our questions for a while, we went to a store focused on sewing mantles to order, again, it's not clear why we need a store that sells only mantles.
Approaching one of the shops located in Diagon Alley, that's where the name reflects the whole essence of the place, we found ourselves in front of the window of a small shop, a certain Madame Malkin. And while we were walking to him, Mom told us what we were going to do there and what the robes were for. They're kind of a status thing for wizards. I still don't understand what it is useful for, maybe they enchant them? Although looking at the majority of wizards passing by, almost everyone had magical lace embroidered on their robes, but some of them practically glowed from the mana invested in them.
Having stopped looking at the bright robes and taking Ji in tow, we entered the store. To my surprise, I felt changes in the space, and looking around the store, I realized that it was a couple of times larger than outside. This cheered me up a little, local magicians can influence the space, which could not but please, in addition to distortion, to reduce the distance and increase the speed, I could only slightly distort it, which ate mana, as not into myself and refuel standard forms of spells, which again, was ineffective.
While I was thinking about the possible progress of magicians in the field of working with space, we managed to enter the store and while I was being stupid, the female part of our group began to inspect the items of clothing located here. There was a small woman in the store, about 40-45 years old, who took measurements from a sleek blonde, seeing whose expression, I wanted to hit this self-confident face with a brick. No, I don't like hitting children, but by the emotions reaching me, it was possible to understand that he considers himself the navel of the earth and is very self-confident.
Yes, who am I kidding, this little shit, after examining our clothes, she is normal, looked with contempt, and then with superiority. He had already enraged me, and judging by the emotions of Mom and Ji, I wasn't the only one who noticed this look. I understand everything, the family decides and all that, but he is trite weaker than Ji and it's all the same that this is not an indicator.
He finally enraged me when a guy who would go to the Hogue with us came in, he was even more disgusted by him, despite the fact that the guy had a larger core and more developed channels. Concentrating on psi and using pyrokinesis, I warmed up his ass, from which he jumped up and grabbed his ass. Judging by the look of a man similar to him, he will be reprimanded and punished.
Meanwhile, a local dressmaker came up to us and started taking our measurements. I was expecting questions about what materials, what shape, etc., but mom said that the robes are needed for the Hogue. It looks like they have one uniform for school, for example. Ten minutes later, our robes were handed over to us, I can't say anything about the material, but they had built-in charms, as Madame Malkin explained to me, the robes change their colors depending on the faculty the wizard will enter. It turned out that these are the only charms present on the mantle, I was reassured by the fact that at school it is allowed to choose the set of charms applied on the mantle, but I was broken off, no one will enchant our mantles, we are free to learn the charms and use them ourselves.
After that, we went to the bookstore, where Gee and I started begging Mom for more books for a couple, we managed to get Hogwarts textbooks for all seven courses. Gee and I lost the hamsters in a fight with Mom's toad. Well, nothing, they say there is a large library in Hogue.
- what? Jean was looking at me strangely.
- You had a painfully dreamy expression on your face just now.
- The seller said that Hoag's library is one of the largest. Imagine how much knowledge there is on magic.
After finishing paying the seller, mom looked at us and saw two children with a dreamy expression on their faces. Her head was already starting to ache from what the children could do at school. But this will no longer be her problem, but the teachers'.
After buying potion supplies from another store, we went to get owls, buying one for mom, we didn't need them, but we bought one to communicate with other wizards. In addition to owls, there were other animals in this store, Ji noticed one of them, it was a small black kitten, as the seller explained, this kitten was a magical animal. It wasn't expensive and Ji took it for herself.
It only remained to go for our chopsticks, so we walked towards Ollivander's shop, according to the poster, this is his family business with a long history. Going inside, we saw a picture of creative chaos, a bunch of things scattered around the room, shelves with boxes standing on their word of honor, it's unclear what effect the owner was trying to achieve or he just doesn't clean up in the store.
The owner of the store appeared unexpectedly, just came behind us from a side aisle, he recognized his mother, grandmother took her wand from this master, how does he remember everyone? After exchanging a couple of phrases and finding out the reason for our visit, he looked at us and went to get tools. They were all floating in the air and doing the appearance of work, why the visibility? Ollivander immediately went to get the chopsticks, he's probably having fun like that. He quickly selected a couple of boxes and gave them to us, after which the dancing with tambourines began. He gives you a wand, you try to fulfill his request and wave, and he takes it away while you try to do it and goes for another one.
Ji quickly chose a wand, relative to me of course. When Ollivander brought the wand, it immediately sparkled, which gave a sign to the owner. Her wand consists of a vine and a dragon core, according to the master, this wand is very powerful, suitable for people with great potential, it is more difficult for them to make friends.
We had been dealing with my wand for almost an hour, during which the master's eyes shone with enthusiasm brighter and brighter with each wand, until he decided to bring something special. While he was following it with a wand, I decided to look at the wands with magical vision. In the memory of Sumerian magicians, I saw how they performed rituals, and now I look at the wand and see something similar. It looks like a ritual that is set up by the magician himself and looks like a constructor, it turned out to be understood only with a strong peering, and then I don't have full confidence in my conclusions.
When I began to have thoughts of disassembling the wand, Ollivander came and carried an old, dusty case. Inside the case was a medium-sized wand, the handle was made with scaly cutouts and was gray in color, which turned white at the end of the wand. I took it and realized that I could use it. I fused my channels because of uselessness and the wand was hammered with a small probe in search of my channels, it even seemed to me that it flashed with regret and helplessness. While the probe was hysterically looking for something to connect to, I remembered how the eighth shell connected to the pocket and connected all the beginnings.
I tried, with a stream of psi and a shock dose of mana, to create a channel from the immortal spirit to the wand. I stuck it in for a couple of minutes while I was trying to direct the probe towards the eighth beginning, and when the probe came across the beginning, I felt an attempt to connect, giving the command to connect, I felt the beginning of the absorption of the wand, well, like absorption, the wand was drawn into me and began to be cleaned of excess, under the influence of the eighth beginning. The enchantments imposed on the wand flew off, then you need to ask why they put the enchantments on the working sticks, after the fusion of the wand began, which had the beginnings of consciousness, the basis of which was loyalty to the owner, that is, to me, the wand willingly went to merge, which would increase its efficiency, this information was thrown to me by the wand itself, along with its functionality and structure.
The wand itself was made of a dragon, scales on the handle, a bone at the base and a filling from a part of the dragon's soul and magic core. To the message with the question who created you and why, the wand answered me with a misunderstanding. I had to ask my question with simple messages, to which she threw off the dragon's memories stored in her. This scaly one was one of the last of its kind, some moved to other worlds, and some decided to stay here, there was no reason to leave and we can only guess. The same unique decided to make an artifact at the last moments of his too long life. This madman was an artefactor who dedicated his life to this and he set a goal to create his strongest artifact from himself. Looking at its capabilities, it becomes clear that he created a masterpiece devoid of the disadvantages of ordinary sticks, he created a scalable artifact that grows with the owner, and now, thanks to the eighth shell, it is part of me. Already now she has begun to adopt my features and rebuild herself, this process will take a couple of years due to the difference in our structures and forces, now she looks like a child who learns from me and adjusts.
It looks like two souls having common shells with one atman and I am sure of her loyalty to me. In reality, almost a minute passed, so as not to disturb everyone, I called the wand into my hand, it did not change much, the scales became more voluminous and felt very comfortable. I told Ollivander that the wand could hide at my will, which I immediately demonstrated.
They let us go quickly, the master told us how he got this wand and how it could not find its owner for many years. I even guess that the reason was in the race of its creator, and the fact that I came up, because of my fusion with that, most likely, a crazed dragon.
After leaving the shop of the old reasonable, we decided to go to a local cafe where ice cream is sold. So, sharing my impressions and waiting for the order, I began to communicate with the wand, which will soon become wrong, because of its partial copying of my astral body, she also began to analyze the souls of mom and Ji, for information about their structure. She could even measure the level of intelligent power, but she needs a lot of information for this, so the process is delayed for a couple of years of analysis with the current development of consciousness.
The day passed productively, and we returned home, where I immediately went to the domain and saw my wand, or rather that it began to rebuild its rudimentary astral body, it did not look like a wand, but looked like a ball of energy connected to me. It's a little unclear what she's doing now, but after receiving the answer "I'm working, changing, it looks like the owner is stronger, more useful"" I decided not to interfere and went to the rabbits. These babies have grown up quite well and have actively begun to breed, while there has been no increase in numbers, but this is not far off.
Due to the growing domain, the forest also began to expand, tree sprouts were already visible in the new clearings. Having decided to separate the center of the domain from the surrounding forest because of thoughts about increasing diversity in the forest, by predators, making the center a large island separated from the forest by a wide river going from all sides to the edges of the domain. It didn't work out overnight and it will take another couple of weeks of work before the intended result, because the island is planned to be half the size of the domain at the moment.
Having finished with the work, I moved the bed from the clearing with my things to sleep. Already lying in bed, I felt warm, I need to give the wand a name, yet it has its own mind connected to mine. What's your name Elsa, abbreviated Lisa. To which I received a bundle out of gratitude. Okay, it's time to go to bed, tomorrow we'll change the landscape again.
Chapter 12
The next week passed quite calmly, it turned out to finish changing the landscape in a week. At this time, Ji was trying to help me using energy directly from the reserves in the domain, by the end of the week she could minimally use earth magic, strengthening or weakening the soil, although using her reserve or with a staff she would not succeed due to the large energy consumption. Mom was chasing her tadpoles at that time, who, after seeing the technology, were ready to sell their souls. Which they practically did by signing contracts. There were no free contracts, but as an alternative, I looked at what happened to the scientists after signing the contract.
The contract provided a subconscious unfolding of the network of blocks that falls on the mind of a reasonable person, it is supported by the subconscious and it will not work to change an already signed contract, at least someone who can do it will be able to change consciousness directly, without bookmarks. After that, I put a new idea in projects, how to avoid the impact of contracts or oaths.
While the tadpoles were breaking their heads and walls, banging on them, I tried to rest and simultaneously loaded my mother's assistant Alan with a couple of tasks. He knew his business and by the end of the day he managed to order the animals I needed, among them were predators with herbivores, all of them were not magical, which was done on purpose. I managed to learn a little about my mother's family, which has a fairly high position in America and practically does not affect magical England. I didn't ask any more questions, it was clear that Mom was at odds with her family and she wasn't the initiator of the discord.
I also started reading first-year textbooks, after reading which I realized that I didn't understand anything. Most of the textbooks for the first year were water, what are the specifics? Only speculation and speculation, only hardcore. It would be understandable if these were author's books, but s*** this is a textbook for the first year, for fucking children.
With the available spells, it was a little better, but again there was no explanation of what you were doing, why and how? But the spells are working, it turned out for half an hour of dancing with a tambourine to repeat the levitation spell, repeating the effect of my magical and psi telekinesis. The difference was, and it was, that I spent less energy with a wand, but my magician. telekinesis is not developed and with its development, mana consumption will decrease, along with an increase in the capabilities of telekinesis itself, while wand telekinesis will not develop.
There was a week left before the start of the school year, during which time the tadpoles came to their senses and began to actively figure out how my gifts were arranged. It got to the point that they work for a couple of days, with short breaks, this was possible thanks to the supply of magical energy. So far, they have only studied the devices and technologies used in them and in the near future, they will be busy only with this.
I actively complemented the landscape of the domain, advancing in earth magic and telekinesis, adding a couple of meadows in the middle of dense forests. Recently, the size of the domain has increased to one square kilometer, which has increased the habitat of rabbits, and by the end of the week, several more pairs of animals that will have to become magical in a couple of generations. I asked to order animals that are not long-lived, so the results will be visible by the end of the first year.
At that time, Ji studied the textbooks she bought and learned a couple of spells, the same leviosa and lumos, telekinesis and light, which can be enhanced with the prefix maxim. I was a little pleased with potions, mainly Ji, I was more interested in spells and runes, which are taught from the second year. I was interested in the cleaning spell, but after a successful attempt and watching the spell work, I realized that it dematerialized dirt on mana.
By the beginning of the school year, we have prepared, Ji wears an amulet that helps to decompose all the food that gets into the stomach into useful substances, negating the effects of potions that students often indulge in and a couple of runes on the mantle, when activated, the temperature of the mantle itself will increase. After Madame Malkin's story about the climate of Hogwarts, such a trifle will not be superfluous.
And so on the day of sending to school, Ji and I stand and say goodbye to our families. Ji's parents were worried about their daughter, sending her to an incomprehensible school, my mother tried to explain that everything would be fine with us, but it didn't help very well. Having agreed with my mother to see each other a couple of times a week in the domain, I went to the Granger family, who were finishing saying goodbye.
Together with Ji, we tried to find the station we needed, but passers-by looked at the question "where is platform nine and three quarters" with pity and said that there was no such platform. Having found the ninth platform, we found an anomaly in the face of a whole family of redheads who had been actively saying goodbye for more than five minutes and were not going to stop. The strange thing about them was that no one paid attention to them, and they were also dressed in robes. I asked them for the location of the mysterious platform.
- Oh, so you are also going to Hogwarts, now we will help you - a woman who was not in a hurry to see her children off answered me.
But, at one point, she perked up and began to actively say goodbye to her children, at that time a boy with a cart approached us, who also noticed the red-haired family and how no one notices them.
After a question from the boy who was in the robe shop, the woman suddenly finished saying goodbye and showed us where we needed to go. Ji and I were not particularly surprised by such a transition and decided to use it first, but we ignored the comments that we needed to accelerate to enter.
The platform did not inspire, that's quite the feeling that I got into the last century. The poor locomotive was stuffed with magic to the brim, why don't they take a newer model? There were many children on the platform who were boarding the train. We hurried to one of the cars and climbed into it, found an unoccupied compartment.
Soon the train started to depart and we started to do nothing, I was just playing with levitation, arranging weightlessness in the compartment and hanging upside down in front of Ji, who was trying to take a couple of things out of my control, which she did with varying success.
After a couple of dozen minutes of the trip and the game of keeping control, they knocked on our compartment and opened the door without waiting for permission. The picture that appeared to one red-haired and one skinny boy was unforgettable. The skinny boy reacted faster and asked for forgiveness and closed the door, to which we started laughing.
Another ten minutes later, three boys also came to us, one of whom was the blond one who was able to piss me off. This time there was no "you're all shit" look, instead he calmly looked around our compartment, and when he realized, he hung for a couple of minutes. When he came to himself, he could see a fierce struggle of views and a poor spoon, which crumpled in different directions until it began to collapse due to intense exposure.
"Um, sorry," the blond guy decided to leave when we noticed him.
Until the end of the trip, the twins came to us, interested in the rumors that were going around the car, but we will see an inverted compartment in which two freshmen were calmly sitting, making figures out of molten metal. Deciding to repeat the strategic move of the blond, they hurried away.
During the time that we were on the road, we had time to relax and have some fun, it was interesting to try to make figures with the help of psi. Having stopped, the train signaled to everyone that it was time to get out. There was a little light around the train, saving from darkness, which is strange, why is the place of arrival of the train not illuminated? It looks very much like this atmosphere was created on purpose.
While we were standing and waiting for the escort, a light appeared at the other end of the platform, everything is fine, only the light was at a height of three meters. The children did not have time to be completely afraid of the unknown, as the figure of a man, a very tall man, appeared. He reminds me of a brownie on steroids, he had a huge beard about a meter long.
- Freshmen, this way. Is everyone here? Follow me. Harry, are you okay?
I am amused by the attitude of this giant, he did not bother to check if everything was in place and went on, not caring if everyone would follow him.
While we were walking, I decided to help the guys next to me and filled the aura with fire mana, not much, but the air around me became warmer and a couple of people gathered around me, among whom two twins and a girl hiding her emotions stood out. Unlike those who came closer, one redhead, on the contrary, moved as far away as possible and said something about dark magicians.
We didn't walk for long and came to the shore of the lake, where there were boats, and there was something huge in the lake. It's a good thing it wasn't active, otherwise I wouldn't have climbed into these boats. The giant told us to get into the boats in fours. Ji and the twins got into my boat, there was not enough space for an emotional girl, and judging by the looks of others, no one will let an emotionless girl to themselves. We decided to take the girl to ourselves, since she understood that no one would let her in and sat down with us.
The boat trip was quiet and no one wanted to feed the animal that lives in this lake, sometimes I caught the grateful glances of the girls from my boat and felt thoughtfulness, and sometimes shock from the emotionless. Noticing my look, she seemed to understand that I could feel her emotions.
In the middle of the way, we got a wonderful view of the castle, which is now used as a boarding school, in magical vision the picture only became more magical and the castle looked like one huge artifact, despite the non-working modules that became useless, it was clear that the castle was built a long time ago and the secrets of its construction went away with its creators.
Arriving at the shore in front of the castle, we began to disembark from our boats, as the gentleman I had never been helped the girls to land. When the turn came to the strange girl, she shuddered at the contact of our hands, maybe she was cold, hmm.
While we were approaching the entrance to the castle, a strange girl looked at me, which sometimes gave me goosebumps, I don't want to have a stalker. Approaching the doors, the giant knocked on them, if we take into account his height and weight, the sound was similar to knocking out the door. In response to attempts to knock down the door, it opened, allowing the deputy director to pass, who took us to a room in front of the main hall and asked us to wait.
Most of the students looked apprehensively in our direction with Ji, only a few students, including twins and a strange girl who continued to look at me. The hubbub quickly began in the crowd of children and it seems that a couple of students did not share something. At one point, transparent creatures crawled out of the walls, not paying attention to us. While the students were scared, we were ready to pour a light on these ghosts, but their behavior made it clear that they live here. When a ghost flew near us, absorbing some of the emotions, I was ready to throw a fire bolt at him, but he had a pumped chuyka or just instinct prompted him to get away from here. I took this ghost on a pencil and next time I'll shoot something weaker so that it doesn't catch my eye anymore.
Ten minutes later, during which one red-haired boy managed to scare the poor children by telling them how the selection for the faculties would take place, the doors to the main hall opened, in which all the students and teachers had already gathered. We were taken to the tables and asked to wait here.
After that, a small speech of the director began, who surpassed the reserve of Ji ten times and was half as small as mine, but if he knew how to use all his magic due to his vast experience, then I could at least go into close combat simultaneously flooding everything in the area with various elements, creating a small storm of elements.
Having finished with the speech, the deputy director brought out a chair with a hat that shone in magical vision from the contracts imposed on it and she began to sing, so disgustingly that I had to impose a rune of silence so as not to go deaf, I did the same with Ji, the twins and with a strange girl. And if Ji understood everything and nodded gratefully, then the twins were confused and understood everything from our glances, but the reaction of the latter surprised me, she had surprise in her emotions, and then awareness. I have a small theory that her family has a large library with lost folios, another way to explain that she realized that I did it before the lake and now.
When the hat finished spoiling the poor children's hearing, the director announced the beginning of the distribution and explained how it would take place. The first student approached the hat, after he was called, sat down and put it on him. Nothing happened for about ten seconds, but in the magical vision it was clear that they were talking. The boy got to Gryffendor, which was applauded by the entire faculty of Lviv.
At this pace, most of the distribution took place, Gee and I agreed to enroll in the same faculty and waited for our turn, the twins went to Gryffindor and it was my turn. Walking to the chair, I noticed the children's eyes on me, most of the girls looked with interest, there were even a couple of undergraduates. But one look did not give me rest and was from the girl who introduced herself as Daphne and she looked with interest and expectation.
Finally reaching the chair, I sat down on it and raised all the shields, hiding most of my consciousness and all my memory, leaving only a channel for conversation. I sat down on a chair and waited for the hat to be put on me, which happened in a couple of seconds.
- Hmm, commendable caution, young man.
Chapter 13
"What am I going to do with you?" Where do you want to go?
- Tell us how the faculties differ.
- Yes, than, than, nothing. Previously, each faculty was intended for the selection of talents. Those who had a penchant for combat magic went to Gryffindor, basically it was a faculty that trains fighters and aurors. Druids and healers went to Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw was a home for scientists and artefactors. Well, Slytherin was preparing future politicians and potion makers. But now the training at all faculties is the same and the distribution has a different meaning, to give children a comfortable living environment, among the same as them.
- And where will it be most interesting?
- Ho, this is Gryffondor, something happens there all the time, or the twins' jokes or run-ins with Slytherin.
"Then send me away from them, to the artefactors.
"Ravenclaw?" No problem, something else?
- Can you tell a few students about the faculties?
Since childhood, I have been tormented by my gift, because of which I had to work hard and control my emotions. The gift of the seer made my life much more difficult, it didn't help that the gift worked almost always, loading me with information.
There was also a problem with no one finding out about my gift, otherwise I would have been dragged into my family to strengthen it. I had to be careful and keep myself apart from everyone. Often the gift has helped me, but sometimes it just loads me with useless information. It got even worse after we found out that my sister Astoria was sick and my gift could not help her in any way.
After all the doctors we went to couldn't do anything, I decided to become stronger to help my sister. The first step was our ancestral library, in which there was nothing useful, there should be old folios at Hogwarts, maybe I can study them and help Astoria.
The train ride was quiet, with the exception of rumors circulating around one compartment, these rumors were confirmed by the Weasley twins. The rumors were most likely fake and they were just joking about the first-year students.
It was cool on the platform and while we were waiting for the conductor, someone decided to prove himself by warming us. At that moment, my gift made itself felt and suggested that it was not a spell. I immediately had a logical question about how he did it. My gift had a peculiarity, it could give out information when I was focused on something or someone. This information is not always useful, for the most part it is sketchy and only sometimes gives something useful. This boy had white hair and bright yellow eyes, sometimes it seemed that they were glowing.
All the way to the lake, my gift was silent, only once he told me that this boy feels my emotions. I was wary at first, but it looks like he took my surprise a little wrong. All the swimming, I tried to get more information about this boy, but my gift didn't seem to work on purpose. I was so carried away trying to find out more about him that I didn't notice how we sailed to Hogwarts and the boy was holding out his hand to me.
At that moment, my mask threatened to crack, but with a strong-willed effort I restrained myself and accepted his help. It was as if Dar was just waiting for this and told me his name. All. Usually, the gift could give out a huge amount of information that was not useful or interesting. This time it just didn't work, and I noticed that I relaxed a little from the information noise that has been pressing on me for most of my life.
Ghosts flew out to us in the passage in front of the main hall, there was little written about them in our library and they were described as energy vampires. I immediately prepared a simple spell to ward off the undead, but everything worked out, and after the gift let me know that the ghosts were one step away from the final death, especially the one that scared the children. I managed to notice that this boy and his girlfriend were on guard and again dar was silent.
While we were waiting, I decided to talk to them.
- Thank you for inviting me to your place, my name is Daphne Greengrass.
- Yes, you're welcome, my name is Feyd, nice to meet you.
- My name is Hermione Granger, and are you from a family of wizards?
While one inquisitive person was leaning on me with questions, the doors to the hall opened letting us in. The hall was huge, with a good illusion on the ceiling. When the distributing hat started singing or rather spoiling our hearing, but everything abruptly became much quieter while I was trying to figure out what had happened, dar suggested that it was Feyd who helped me. Until the end of the song, dar did not bother to tell anything.
While we were being called, I tried to find out more about Feida, which I couldn't do, no matter how hard I tried. I didn't pay attention to where others were going, but waited for Feyd's turn, next to him I can relax a little, it wouldn't be bad to get into one house. His distribution was a little longer, but in the end the hat announced which house he would get into.
I was delighted with the hat's decision, Ravenclaw is one of the two houses where I would like to enroll, the main wits of Hogwarts should have their own library, and this house suits me.
After a couple of students, Hermione was also called, who successfully went to Ravenclaw's table. My turn came a couple of minutes later.
When I sat down on a chair, a wave of pent-up panic swept over me, now a choice will be made that determines my whole life. When I was ready to put up with getting into Slytherin, the hat started telling me the differences between the faculties and the fact that they no longer perform their former functions and the choice of the house affects only the people who will be there. She did not forget to tell me that it was Feyd's request to tell me this.
After the hat's story, I asked him a logical question where she would direct me, to which I received an interesting answer.
- You are free to choose where you want to go, everyone hopes that I will choose for them, and I just send them where they want, usually it coincides with my decision.
Yeah. I didn't expect that we would be in the same house, I just wanted to help her get where she wants to go, however, this is not bad. We were warmly received at the table and sat down next to the twins. For the sake of interest, he sent a mixture of emotions of surprise and concern towards Daphne, while looking at her. At that moment, she shuddered and looked at me, and gratitude was evident in her emotions, in response she sent a mixture similar to a willingness to help. I can also communicate with Ji in this way, but only because she started working with energies directly, such a trick will not work with others, the maximum that they will feel is chills.
While I was mocking the poor girl who didn't understand what was going on, the whole hall started whispering. I decided to look at such a reaction, it turned out that it was a boy from Madame Malkin's store, Daphne, seeing my misunderstanding, explained who it was, received gratitude from me and stuck again, trying to figure out how I do it. It turned out that he was a hero of England, who killed a dark lord at the age of one, who terrorized wizards and non-magicians.
This story is very murky, no, I've already come up with a couple of ways how his mother could protect him. But it still smells bad.
Potter did not talk to the hat for a long time and quickly flew to Gryffindor, looking at the Vulture table, I am convinced of the correctness of my decision to go to Ravenclaw. One family of redheads is worth a lot.
After the distribution, the feast began, the chefs did a great job preparing so many dishes. During the feast, I continued to communicate with Daphne, it turned out that she was from a noble family and wanted to become a witch doctor, I told her my thoughts about Potter, surprisingly she calmly accepted my thoughts about the multi-layered story. Ji was eating the upperclassmen at that time, well, yes, she is small and actively trains, she needs a lot of calories for growth.
After the feast, the director, whom I suspected of using artifact glasses, well, ordinary people can't let out glare in time, made his speech and warned all students not to go to the third floor, on pain of painful death, and said all this with a smile. Every moment it seems to me more and more strange the attitude of wizards to some things.
After that there was the school anthem, which was sung by all the students, the choir was a sight to behold, one minus everyone sang in discord. This did not prevent the twins from finishing singing the anthem together, which they did perfectly. Having finished singing the hymn, our elders took us to the Ravenclaw Tower, which belongs to our faculty. The way to the tower was accompanied by negotiations on options for using telekinesis. Daphne also decided to take part in the discussion and seemed to be very loaded after hearing our reflections on the use of a simple, as she thought, spell.
In the tower, we were shown through our rooms, in which two people live. I was paired with a chubby boy with glasses whose name was Max and judging by his look, don't feed him bread, let me read something. There was still an hour and a half left before lights out, but most of them had already gone to sleep, but I decided to sit in the faculty's living room for a while and, calling Lisa, began to sit with her in my hands, driving mana into the body and back through the seventh shell. I took a little more than my control allowed to improve it. It didn't really catch the eye of an outsider, so I wasn't afraid to do it in the living room. So an hour flew by, during which I managed to talk to Lisa in parallel, and after that I went to bed, enjoying the density of the local background.
Surprisingly, I was well received at Ravenclaw and I managed to chat with Feyd, who broadcast some of his emotions to me, which is why I was trying to figure out how he does it. His thoughts that the Potter story smells rotten made me think.
The way to the towers was brightened up by strange thoughts about how to use telekinesis, several of their ideas made me almost beat my head while I tried to figure out how they came up with this.
After showing our rooms, the elders retired to their rooms, and we still had an hour and a half left, which did not stop most of the students from sleeping. Hermione and I shared a room, but she decided to go to bed early. Having nothing to do, I went into the living room and sat down on the sofa and noticed Feyd sitting near the fireplace with a wand in his hands. For a couple of minutes I tried to use the gift, which turned out, and I felt the energy that he was moving in his body, it was like a vision that I remembered very clearly. And taking a closer look, I noticed how the flame was waving in the direction of Feyd.
I could have sat like this for a long time, but I decided to leave to prepare for the first day of school.
Chapter 14
The first night in Hogue turned out to be calm, despite the attempts of my neighbor. Getting up early in the morning, I went to check how the tummies were doing in the domain. Although I changed the landscape, but the island remained empty and scattered things were visible on it, remembering this problem, I went on. So far, there have been no special changes in the animals, but due to the small population, they have begun to multiply actively, so there will be a replenishment in the domain soon.
While there was time, I began to slowly direct the available energy to increase the domain, to create an area for magical creatures, and judging by the speed of expansion, for a small territory, I will have to wait until January. By a small territory, we mean a nature reserve, the size of a small city, which will only increase.
I connected a small channel from the background to materialize the soil in the new territory, the channel was not particularly large and kept up with the pace of expansion. When checking the expansion process, I noticed my mother planting flowers on the main island. The flowers contained mana absorbed from the background, which acquired the color of life. Although the concentration was scanty, but the number of plants can be increased.
Mom liked this hobby, with the ability to see mana flows in plants, and in the near future, mom plans to populate a small part of the island with various magical plants. Due to the dense background, plants have stronger effects, a couple of potion makers have already tried out plants grown by mom in the domain, as a result, we have the opportunity to sell better ingredients for wizards.
While I was watching my mom, she suggested that I create a separate island for plants and populate a couple of people there under contracts so that they take care of them. True, there was one problem, no one would sign up to such terms of the contract, and those who would agree or Muggle-borns who have nothing to lose, criminals or races despised by wizards. And the terms of the contract need to be finalized so that it does not fly off after the death of the body. Therefore, this option has been postponed for some time.
When it was time to go to class, the head of the faculty led us through the corridors. Passing next to the vultures, we kept hearing whispers about Potter, which began to make us nervous.
The first lesson was transfiguration, while we were waiting for the professor, we managed to notice a cat on the teacher's desk, everything would be fine, but after looking closely, I realized that it was the professor's familiar, their auras were painfully similar. So I decided to pet the little animal.
The predator realized something and tried to leave, but pinned him down with telekinesis so as not to run away, picked him up and carried him to his desk. Gee also wanted to play with the kitty, so for the next couple of minutes, fluffy was thrilled with affection, although at first he kicked. Five minutes later, Ji released the poor animal, which quickly ran away from the classroom. Daphne at this time tried not to laugh, but answered questions, saying she remembered something funny. Five minutes later, Professor McGonagall came in, her eye twitching sometimes.
The whole lesson we were told about transfiguration and scared so that we were attentive in class. Judging by the example of the transfiguration spell, the effect looks like a dense programmable illusion, although it is not.
In five days of study, I managed to make up my mind about the subjects. Transfiguration was interesting and I began to master the initial spells of this school. Spells with our dean were one of the most interesting, due to various spells, which he slowly translated into his own way of magic, it turned out not quickly, but the result was.
It was nice to take a nap at the history of magic, to the measured stories about the goblin uprising. Astrology was a bit tedious, though informative. At the herbology, we were told about the types of plants and how to take care of them, it turned out to take a couple of views for my mother's garden.
Today we should have a potions lesson, judging by the stories about the first lesson of Gryffindor, Professor Snape does not particularly like them and his lesson promises to be the most difficult.
To call the lesson difficult, the language will not turn, just vultures did not prepare for the lesson. Snape did not get to us, our faculty is already considered the smartest, but he was not too lazy to drive us a little, for prevention.
I was disappointed with the lesson on protection from dark arts, Professor Quirrell was not trained to teach and the lesson was like a circus. Besides, he smelled of the undead, if you believe his stories, the vampires cursed him well.
During this time, Malfoy came up to us a couple of times, the blond one from the robes store. He approached Daphne and tried to start a conversation about the engagement, to which he received a cold answer that he could only dream. It looks like her family is not doing very well, but so far they have rejected his father's offer. He tried to say something in our direction with Ji, but I learned one trick, after which Malfoy got goosebumps all over his body, and his back was covered with cold sweat, it turned out to repeat the yaki effect, if not the yaki itself.
There were a lot of stories about Potter at lunch, how he gets into trouble, for me it remains questionable, because in the first lesson of potions, he managed to lose the points of the faculty. Our lesson on flying passed without trouble, although only a few students liked this type of transport.
At lunch we found out that Potter had joined the Quidditch team, this news did not surprise us, during the first week, he managed to get into all the trouble he could get into. Gee and I were actively engaged in lessons this week, and after them we checked the library and wrote out useful information, which was very little. The library itself was empty most of the time, only sometimes students came here. Most of the library was filled with books on a certain topic, in which there was almost nothing useful.
Daphne helped us in the library, telling us which books are nothing, but I made copies of all the books for my collection, Elsa also helped by sorting copies of books in the domain and monitoring the domain expansion.
It took only a week to copy the entire library and sort a couple dozen books. There wasn't a lot of useful information compared to what was eliminated, but it was entertaining. It turned out to lure Daphne into our discussion on the use of magic and spells, and she seems to have begun to relax in our company.
Over the weekend, it turned out to sort three dozen more books, including a collection of household spells and old textbooks on magic medicine. There were a lot of useful spells in them, which would take months to sort out, which Daphne did.
In the morning, it was heard again that points were taken off the vultures because of Potter, I didn't care about it, I already had the impression of him as a boy who is looking for trouble on his fifth point.
While we were eating, I noticed Malfoy walking towards us. I can't expect anything good from him, so I told the girls about Malfoy. As soon as he approached us, he immediately began to have a conversation in which he offered a solution to Daphne's problems, but seeing no reaction to his monologue, he decided to switch to me and Ji. I didn't even listen to what he was saying, and neither did Gee, which made Malfoy more and more furious, until we started discussing the use of an interesting spell. Malfoy couldn't stand it and reached for his wand, to which I summoned Elsa and pointed her at Malfoy. Fortunately, this happened in front of the deans and to me, there were no questions. Malfoy also received a working out and minus 20 points from his faculty.
A month and a half of study flew by unnoticed and Halloween came. During this time, it turned out to weed out half of the library and find textbooks on spells and runes. I postponed their study until we finish sifting through the library. In addition, it turned out to find out about the existence of a closed section of the library, which contains twice as many books as the main one.
The gala dinner was great, despite the behavior of one redhead who doesn't like that others are studying and not fooling around. There was a festive atmosphere in the hall, candles on the ceiling were replaced with pumpkins, with scary faces, dishes were more diverse. Before the dinner, the director made a small speech, which almost no one listened to, and the feast began. Ghosts were flying from one table to another, and Peeves was joking with the children.
- If he flies to us, I'll throw a whip of light at him!
- What's wrong with him? It's just a joke!
- No, Daphne, throwing a plate of food is not a joke, especially if they throw it from the ceiling!
- Well, maybe sometimes he overdoes it.
- Sometimes? A couple of days ago he wanted to shave off your hair! And this has been going on all week.
- And what happened to him, because he avoided us before.
- I don't know, but if he does something, he'll get it.
Flying up to our table and looking at us out of the corner of his eye, he accelerates sharply in our direction. I expected something like this, so I threw a whip of light at him, which wrapped around him, not allowing him to move. A subsequent interview showed that he was knocked out by the Weasley twins, who were now watching the interrogation. After releasing Pisva, after pumping half of the energy out of him and warning him that I would dispel it next time, I teleported them into food, their own poison, which they had been pouring on us for the last month.
When the Twins calmed down and began to eat, they suddenly grew nickels, their hands became hooves and their skin was covered with mucus. After a couple of seconds, they were no longer in the main hall and those who suffered from their jokes laughed at them.
Ten minutes later, Professor Quirrell burst into the hall, shouting about a troll wandering in the dungeon. There was a fuss in the hall and everyone began to panic.
- QUIET!!!! - the director, using the amplification of the voice, and calmed the crowd - Elders, take your faculties to the bedrooms!
One could admire the director's quick reaction to the danger to children, but the realization that Slytherin's bedroom is in the dungeon does not allow this to be done. Either the director doesn't like snakes, or it's senile senility, after all, he's over a hundred years old.
After asking the girls to make my illusion, I approached Professor Flitwick and informed him about the position of the snakes, he immediately started to the director and stopped the Slytherins.
Carefully leaving the hall, he went towards the dungeon. It is advisable to take the troll carcass for yourself, you can safely study it, and then disassemble it for materials. Having gone down to the dungeon, I began to wander through the corridors and scan, and soon luck smiled on me. In front of the entrance to the toilet stood a four-meter tall swamp-colored fellow with a huge club in his hand.
This big guy did not immediately notice the guest, which is why he lost his baton, and then felt what his victims feel. Knocking out the floating troll didn't cause many problems, although he was strong, it didn't help, taking away the club while he was relaxed and didn't notice me was not easy, I had to use mana together with psi to increase the power of telekinesis, and then use his own weapon until he realized what had happened.
Maybe his skin protects him well from magic, but from a blow to the head with a club, especially such a heavy and strong one, such a skin will not save. Having moved it to the domain, I left it on a separate island, the size of which is ten square meters, and there is only emptiness outside the island.
Before the teachers came here, I carefully went to the faculty's living room, where Ji and Daphne were already waiting for me. And if Ji was wondering if it worked, then Daphne didn't understand what I was doing. Despite the fact that we've only known each other for two months, we've talked a lot, and she knows some of our secrets. Daphne has already told quite a lot about herself and made it clear that she values our friendship.
Taking assurances from Daphne that she would not tell anyone and after her voluntary oath, he began to put up mind protection, which took some time.
- Okay, now you'll see everything, just don't be surprised!
Chapter 15
The first week of study was exciting, every day a new subject and new knowledge, which is only worth Feyd's trick. Poor professor, she had to endure stroking for five minutes, I was afraid for her pride. After successfully escaping and calming her nerves, the gift will not let her lie, she managed not to give a sign about what happened. I wonder if Feyd knew then that the professor was an animagus, probably not.
The trio managed to stand out, to be more precise, Potter and Weasley, Longbottom often stayed with them, which is why he also flew in. Basically, Potter received special treatment from Professor Snape, for which he lost points and Neville, who managed to crash on a broomstick.
Malfoy, who regularly approached me with offers from his father to become related, reduced my good mood, fortunately he did not bother me and quickly retreated. What lifts my mood is Feyd with Hermione, starting from the attitude towards me and my family's affairs, ending with their knowledge and skills.
Looking at Feyd, I understood that he was special and different from other wizards, but I downplayed his difference. And the Hogwarts library only confirms this, that's how often an ordinary wizard visited the Hogg library, probably just before exams, and we are there every day. Everything would be within the norm, if not for the fact that we not only sifted books from water and unnecessary information, but also made copies of them for the Feyd library.
I was very pleased with the old textbooks on coldomedicine, which gave an impetus to the fulfillment of my goal. This and the exercises that Feyd advised me to do increased my confidence in him. Although I won't be able to start practicing soon, but the knowledge of spells to combat diseases and not strong curses in the textbooks of senior courses gave me confidence that I could help Astoria.
In the last month, the Weasley twins, famous for their jokes and bullying of students, decided to make fun of us. In the beginning, everything was normal, their favorite joke was mixing their author's potions into food and drinks, but then more sophisticated methods went and Peeves joined them.
On Halloween, the director decided to cancel part of the classes because of the holiday and in class with our dean, we practiced the Levios spell, which allows us to take control of the subject. Remembering Feyd and Hermi, they already own it perfectly and they get this spell on pure desire. The practice was not difficult for us and we quickly worked it out, for which we received 5 points to our faculty.
I was amused by the reaction of the sixth Weasley, whose name is Ron, despite his attitude to study, or rather lack of desire to learn, his attitude towards us is unclear, calling those who devote a lot of time to their development and training nerds and nerds. It looks funny and embarrassing how such a person got into the house of the noble, although if you look at the rest of the Gryffindors, it becomes clear that now the faculty of Lviv is accepted according to other criteria.
The festive dinner passed quietly, with the exception of Peeves, who finally got fed up and received a final warning, and the Weasleys received a response.
The appearance of the troll in the castle was a shock and everyone started to panic, while Feyd asked us to create his illusion, a spell that we found and learned after the first month in the library, there was a problem with its complexity, but the two of us became a little easier and we were able to hold out to our tower. The fact that our fake illusion was not noticed was helped by a crowd of hurrying students who did not pay attention to the angular and frankly bad illusion.
When Feyd returned, my question was what he was doing, thoughts that he had gone after the troll did not come to me, Feyd asked me not to tell anyone about what I would see and find out, to which I took a voluntary oath. What followed confused me a little, according to Feyd's explanations, it was mind protection and its effectiveness depends on the power of my mind and magic, from scanning, superficial reading and subtle influence on the mind it will protect, but whether protection will help in a rough attempt depends only on me.
After successfully implementing mind protection, we got together and Feyd took my hand. The next thing I remember was a colorful performance consisting of various colors. It took me about ten minutes to get used to it and start to navigate when I could already more or less understand what I was seeing. We were on a large island, separated by a large river from another land. The island is one large clearing, on one side of which there is, apparently, a warehouse, if of course you can call a warehouse a bunch of things arranged on three-meter shelves, to the side there were rectangular, metal devices that I saw a couple of times from Muggles.
A little to the side was an incomprehensible device for me, similar to the previous ones. About a dozen meters in length and two and a half meters in height, sand-colored, for a while I decided to put aside thoughts about the purpose of this device and continued to explore the island. On the other side of the island there was a garden with various plants, looking at them, I found magic plants known to me. Looking at them, I realized that I see not only the plants themselves, the gift immediately suggested that these are streams of magic.
When she came to her senses, after realizing, she looked at Feyd and Hermi, who were calmly standing next to each other and talking about something.
- Ji, don't be so bloodthirsty, why do you need to dissect him? We will have enough observations of him to study his body, we will need to study conventional medicine and I doubt that this will help much when studying a magical species.
"But his skin has magical resistance, if we study this effect, we can create a spell that mimics his effect or make our skin stronger!"
- Yes, but if you dissect it, without the necessary knowledge, then a valuable copy will be lost. So, no dissection yet!
When I came to myself, for the umpteenth time, I decided to find out where we are. After a long explanation and acquaintance with a semi-intelligent wand, in the form of a yellow ball, my head began to ache. When I started asking questions, my head started to hurt even more with each answer I received. Despite the migraine, I was glad that my now definitely best friends decided to entrust their secrets to me,
After a long tour, we decided to take a break and went to the main island. For the next couple of hours we rested and talked, forgetting about the troll remaining on a separate island.
Daphne's reaction was about what I expected, she was very excited, especially when we told her about how we use mana, to the logical question of whether she could use mana directly, as Ji assured that she could still retrain until her channels atrophied.
I also promised that on the weekend I would install an anchor connecting her to the domain, for which I was attacked with a huge portion of gratitude and happiness in the emophone, after explaining all the advantages.
The next day, all Hogg did was talk about Quirrell and Potter, everyone seemed to have forgotten about Dumbledore and his mistake. There were rumors about Quirrell that vampires were hunting him, sending monsters after him, and Potter found adventures again, along with the sixth Weasley. I don't know what happened there, but they escaped to the dungeon where the troll was, found their teachers, who went in search of the troll, already three, they either went after Neville, who was not at the feast, or the professor mistook Neville for a troll, in short, everyone was having fun, creating a bunch of rumors.
After classes, we immediately went to the domain, where we conducted the first training for Daphne to control her mana. Only towards the end of the lesson, Daphne managed to feel mana, with the infusion of the maximum possible amount of mana for her. Then it remains only to explain what needs to be done, in the domain, when you see mana, it is easier and faster to learn how to manage it.
While Daphne was already training on her own, I decided to do a troll. When I came to him, I found Ji and the immobilized troll, trying to figure out how she was able to fix him, noticed a club next to him, the questions disappeared by themselves. I spizd ... borrowed the troll, yes, it would be more correct, not only to study his skin, but also for subsequent settlement in the domain. It would be possible to worry about the living creatures inhabiting my domain, but they managed to breed and strengthen from free energy. To study, I took one of the cubs that were recently born and began to take care of him, already now he is larger than ordinary cubs of his age and actively draws energy from the background. When I noticed this effect, I went to check the whole litter and noticed that not all the cubs were able to repeat the feat of their brother, or rather there was another one.
Those that did not draw mana were similar to ordinary cubs and passively absorbed energy in much smaller volumes. Despite this, the adults received a small increase in strength and would be able to escape from the troll.
While I was helping Daphne, Ji was able to understand a little how the troll skin worked, his whole skin was one big mana seal, almost all the mana in his body was concentrated in his skin and he did not have his core, as well as the ability to use it, but due to the high density of mana in his skin, giving him resistance to mana-based influences, it is simply difficult for her to seep through it. This does not apply to energy-consuming magic or spells created to break through shields.
Over the weekend, it turned out to create and test a connection with the domain, everything worked well. When we finished with this, I decided to release the poor troll, the rabbits have already bred and continue, they don't even care about the replenishment of wolves, and some rabbits can fight back against one wolf, their horn turned out to be sharp and easily pierced the skin of wolves. On this wolf, Daphne decided to practice healing magic and, apparently, she will have candidates for treatment all the time.
Chapter 16: Chapter 15
- Did you stay up all night again?
- Yes, Aaah, Gee and I were busy all night, - the Gryffindors passing by us blushed and began to whisper.
- Do you understand that this sounds ambiguous?
- M? What are you talking about?
While we were walking to the main hall, we heard talk about the upcoming Quidditch match, and everyone was discussing Potter's participation in the match, which is against the rules, but in this school, no one cares about these rules, so this is the norm.
Entering the hall, they saw the director, as usual, sitting on his chair, in his invariable attire and smiling an omniscient elder. Approaching our table, I noticed a couple of students immersed in a book with their heads. While Gee and I were trying not to fall asleep, bodies came into the hall, slowly moving their legs to the tables of their faculty. These sleepy bodies reminded me of the world in which I managed to visit in the summer and left one of the blanks under the anchor, which has only the function of guidance. I remembered him because of the difference in the speed of time and resources left in that world. It will be possible to arrange a raid for resources on vacation, and it will not hurt to relax in an environment different from the library. And it doesn't hurt to take a couple of hectares of land, otherwise materialization eats a lot of energy, which still goes to expansion.
- What do you think about the match?
- It would be interesting to go to it, I still don't understand why everyone is so fanatical about it.
- It's just that Quidditch is the most common sport in England, and it's on everyone's lips.
The first lesson was Transfiguration with Vultures, McGonagall did not press her class much, unlike Slytherin, which she constantly drives. Most of the lions fell asleep at the first lesson, thereby making a huge mistake, the professor may be the dean of Gryffindor, but these guys will then go to Filch to work out.
After Transfiguration, there was a history queue where I decided to go to the domain. Having moved to the island, I thought about electricity, for the equipment that I'm going to use in the domain. The first thing that came to mind was to supply electricity directly, only recently it turned out to use electricity, directly converting it from mana.
The first attempt failed and the first electric kettle burned out, an hour later I realized that I would have to adjust the electric current for different models of equipment, although the equipment burned out again after a few minutes. When I started thinking that I was doing some shit, Ji came to the island.
- Have you been here? I thought you were in class.
- No, Daphne and I decided to practice and help a couple of wolves.
- Did you go to the troll again? It seemed to me that they could appreciate his strength.
- Now the troll has come to them himself.
- And how many are injured?
- Three adults, Daphne finishes with the last one, it looks like he was offended.
- How much time do we have left?
- Mmm, about five minutes.
When we were approaching the place where I felt a familiar aura, I noticed a family of wolves looking apprehensively in the direction of their wounded comrade. Daphne was already finishing her treatment and, judging by the missing fur, the troll had cut the wolf's shoulder. A couple of minutes later, after finishing first aid to the wounded, Daphne noticed us.
- Have you been waiting for me for a long time?
- No, they came up a couple of minutes ago, what happened to them? - approaching the wolf, he began to scratch him, simultaneously passing him a little prana, from such caresses he relaxed and began to fall asleep.
-They ran into a troll, were able to scratch him a little, and when they realized that they could not compete with him, they hurried away, the troll was not enough and he decided to catch up with them, they were able to fight back, but they also got it.
- We have to go, the lesson will end soon.
Returning to the classroom, I noticed that other students began to disperse, leaving the office, went towards the main hall, after lunch we have another lesson in astronomy, after which it will finally be possible to make a building for a warehouse, since there are materials. The astronomy lesson itself was ordinary, nothing new compared to the knowledge of Muggles, but they explain to us the influence of celestial objects when performing complex rituals.
After astronomy, we went together to the living room of our faculty, it was still a couple of hours before dinner. Passing through the stairs, we saw a scene that repeats at intervals of a couple of days, Potter and Malfoy were fighting again, and if there were two lockers on Draco's side, then Potter was actively helped by the sixth Weasley, inserting his couple of words into the verbal battle. Everyone is already used to their constant showdowns and try not to pay attention to them, almost always such skirmishes end with Malfoy threatening to tell his father everything and going about his business.
Continuing to move in the right direction, we came across Slytherins returning from classes, passing by them, I noticed glances in the direction of our group, those who especially distinguished themselves received a little yaks, after which they continued to move with pale faces.
After lingering a little on the stairs, waiting for her to swim up to us, we went into the living room. To enter the tower, it was necessary to answer the question of the painting, despite the fact that this wall was enchanted, when activated, it checked the person in front of it and could open the door to the tower if the student was enrolled in Ravenclaw, previously this enchantment was connected to the general Hogwarts system. Over time, without maintenance, the feeding circuit was damaged and now you can use this function only by feeding it yourself, which I abuse, telling the picture all sorts of nonsense.
There were a couple of people in the living room doing homework or reading books, a common picture for our faculty. After 10 minutes, I was already on the central island of the domain, having arrived at the part of the island serving as a temporary warehouse, I thought about the size of the future warehouse and its device.
When I noticed that Feyd is not a squib, but a full-fledged wizard, I was ready to jump with happiness, the cases when a wizard is born to a first-generation squib are very small, despite this, to go home with such good news, in such cases, such children are usually either despised or weaned from an "unworthy" mother.
Despite this, I did not say anything to my baby, in the ancestral library there were mentions of ancient magicians who used a wand or staff only as an amplifier, the age of these records was more than five thousand years, there were also records about the usefulness of children's emissions in understanding magic and getting used to it. But I didn't expect such results, sometimes he could use magic without realizing it.
As a squib, they didn't explain much about magic to me, despite this, I understood that my son's success in magic was too amazing. Then I turned to my full-time magician, Lucas, in whom I am sure how to be insecure about a person you have known for a long time, especially if you have signed a contract and he cannot betray. The only thing Lucas suggested was the ancestral gift, which became available due to the fact that the ancestral curses did not pass to me, only a few curses for weakening magic passed to me and the gifts that were not blocked by curses were able to fully pass to Feyd.
I was very worried that the baby would have no friends, but my suspicions were in vain, even though Feyd had only one girlfriend. Even though I knew my son was smart, it came to me to reconsider my views after I found out that they had read the entire school library in elementary school.
About what he threw out with a personal dimension and a transition to another world could add gray hairs to me, the only thing that comforted me was Feyd's knowledge of magic and the fact that there are no magicians in the world he got into and the world itself is dying. Lucas then had to run around a lot, and organize a small mobile squad, in case Fade ran into trouble and needed help, only then I was told that my preparations were in vain and would not help, but the squad could help in the fight against the Chinese, since he attacked to test his strength, and not to kill, otherwise the group was ready to pull Fade out.
At least at Hogwarts, he does not do anything out of the ordinary, although I doubt it, my suspicions only increased when he showed a troll caught in the corridors of the dungeon of Hogwarts, from what I heard, I had questions to the leaders of Hogwarts, especially to the director, without whom such a feint would not have worked. If he really allows this to happen, then I think there are quite a few people who would not mind complicating Dumbledore's life. Mu-ha-ha-kha-kha, no, Feyd is doing better.
At this time, Amber's personal assistant, passing by the door of his boss, got scared and began to prepare for a new job, praying for the peace of mind of those who crossed the road to his Boss.
Chapter 16
- Did you stay up all night again?

- Yes, Aaah, Gee and I were busy all night, - the Gryffindors passing by us blushed and began to whisper.

- Do you understand that this sounds ambiguous?

- M? What are you talking about?

While we were walking to the main hall, we heard talk about the upcoming Quidditch match, and everyone was discussing Potter's participation in the match, which is against the rules, but in this school, no one cares about these rules, so this is the norm.

Entering the hall, they saw the director, as usual, sitting on his chair, in his invariable attire and smiling an omniscient elder. Approaching our table, I noticed a couple of students immersed in a book with their heads. While Gee and I were trying not to fall asleep, bodies came into the hall, slowly moving their legs to the tables of their faculty. These sleepy bodies reminded me of the world in which I managed to visit in the summer and left one of the blanks under the anchor, which has only the function of guidance. I remembered him because of the difference in the speed of time and resources left in that world. It will be possible to arrange a raid for resources on vacation, and it will not hurt to relax in an environment different from the library. And it doesn't hurt to take a couple of hectares of land, otherwise materialization eats a lot of energy, which still goes to expansion.

- What do you think about the match?

- It would be interesting to go to it, I still don't understand why everyone is so fanatical about it.

- It's just that Quidditch is the most common sport in England, and it's on everyone's lips.

The first lesson was Transfiguration with Vultures, McGonagall did not press her class much, unlike Slytherin, which she constantly drives. Most of the lions fell asleep at the first lesson, thereby making a huge mistake, the professor may be the dean of Gryffindor, but these guys will then go to Filch to work out.
After Transfiguration, there was a history queue where I decided to go to the domain. Having moved to the island, I thought about electricity, for the equipment that I'm going to use in the domain. The first thing that came to mind was to supply electricity directly, only recently it turned out to use electricity, directly converting it from mana.

The first attempt failed and the first electric kettle burned out, an hour later I realized that I would have to adjust the electric current for different models of equipment, although the equipment burned out again after a few minutes. When I started thinking that I was doing some shit, Ji came to the island.

- Have you been here? I thought you were in class.

- No, Daphne and I decided to practice and help a couple of wolves.

- Did you go to the troll again? It seemed to me that they could appreciate his strength.

- Now the troll has come to them himself.

- And how many are injured?

- Three adults, Daphne finishes with the last one, it looks like he was offended.

- How much time do we have left?

- Mmm, about five minutes.

When we were approaching the place where I felt a familiar aura, I noticed a family of wolves looking apprehensively in the direction of their wounded comrade. Daphne was already finishing her treatment and, judging by the missing fur, the troll had cut the wolf's shoulder. A couple of minutes later, after finishing first aid to the wounded, Daphne noticed us.

- Have you been waiting for me for a long time?

- No, they came up a couple of minutes ago, what happened to them? - approaching the wolf, he began to scratch him, simultaneously passing him a little prana, from such caresses he relaxed and began to fall asleep.

-They ran into a troll, were able to scratch him a little, and when they realized that they could not compete with him, they hurried away, the troll was not enough and he decided to catch up with them, they were able to fight back, but they also got it.

- We have to go, the lesson will end soon.

Returning to the classroom, I noticed that other students began to disperse, leaving the office, went towards the main hall, after lunch we have another lesson in astronomy, after which it will finally be possible to make a building for a warehouse, since there are materials. The astronomy lesson itself was ordinary, nothing new compared to the knowledge of Muggles, but they explain to us the influence of celestial objects when performing complex rituals.

After astronomy, we went together to the living room of our faculty, it was still a couple of hours before dinner. Passing through the stairs, we saw a scene that repeats at intervals of a couple of days, Potter and Malfoy were fighting again, and if there were two lockers on Draco's side, then Potter was actively helped by the sixth Weasley, inserting his couple of words into the verbal battle. Everyone is already used to their constant showdowns and try not to pay attention to them, almost always such skirmishes end with Malfoy threatening to tell his father everything and going about his business.

Continuing to move in the right direction, we came across Slytherins returning from classes, passing by them, I noticed glances in the direction of our group, those who especially distinguished themselves received a little yaks, after which they continued to move with pale faces.

After lingering a little on the stairs, waiting for her to swim up to us, we went into the living room. To enter the tower, it was necessary to answer the question of the painting, despite the fact that this wall was enchanted, when activated, it checked the person in front of it and could open the door to the tower if the student was enrolled in Ravenclaw, previously this enchantment was connected to the general Hogwarts system. Over time, without maintenance, the feeding circuit was damaged and now you can use this function only by feeding it yourself, which I abuse, telling the picture all sorts of nonsense.

There were a couple of people in the living room doing homework or reading books, a common picture for our faculty. After 10 minutes, I was already on the central island of the domain, having arrived at the part of the island serving as a temporary warehouse, I thought about the size of the future warehouse and its device.
When I noticed that Feyd is not a squib, but a full-fledged wizard, I was ready to jump with happiness, the cases when a wizard is born to a first-generation squib are very small, despite this, to go home with such good news, in such cases, such children are usually either despised or weaned from an "unworthy" mother.

Despite this, I did not say anything to my baby, in the ancestral library there were mentions of ancient magicians who used a wand or staff only as an amplifier, the age of these records was more than five thousand years, there were also records about the usefulness of children's emissions in understanding magic and getting used to it. But I didn't expect such results, sometimes he could use magic without realizing it.

As a squib, they didn't explain much about magic to me, despite this, I understood that my son's success in magic was too amazing. Then I turned to my full-time magician, Lucas, in whom I am sure how to be insecure about a person you have known for a long time, especially if you have signed a contract and he cannot betray. The only thing Lucas suggested was the ancestral gift, which became available due to the fact that the ancestral curses did not pass to me, only a few curses for weakening magic passed to me and the gifts that were not blocked by curses were able to fully pass to Feyd.

I was very worried that the baby would have no friends, but my suspicions were in vain, even though Feyd had only one girlfriend. Even though I knew my son was smart, it came to me to reconsider my views after I found out that they had read the entire school library in elementary school.

About what he threw out with a personal dimension and a transition to another world could add gray hairs to me, the only thing that comforted me was Feyd's knowledge of magic and the fact that there are no magicians in the world he got into and the world itself is dying. Lucas then had to run around a lot, and organize a small mobile squad, in case Fade ran into trouble and needed help, only then I was told that my preparations were in vain and would not help, but the squad could help in the fight against the Chinese, since he attacked to test his strength, and not to kill, otherwise the group was ready to pull Fade out.

At least at Hogwarts, he does not do anything out of the ordinary, although I doubt it, my suspicions only increased when he showed a troll caught in the corridors of the dungeon of Hogwarts, from what I heard, I had questions to the leaders of Hogwarts, especially to the director, without whom such a feint would not have worked. If he really allows this to happen, then I think there are quite a few people who would not mind complicating Dumbledore's life. Mu-ha-ha-kha-kha, no, Feyd is doing better.

At this time, Amber's personal assistant, passing by the door of his boss, got scared and began to prepare for a new job, praying for the peace of mind of those who crossed the road to his Boss.
Chapter 17
- What did Potter do again, that the Vultures were stripped of points?

- Took a book from the library and Snape met him with it, outside the school building.

- What are you talking about, Padma?

- That's how he manages to annoy Snape so much, he's picking on him on purpose.

- Maybe it's a personal dislike?

- Or is he jealous of his fame?

- Girls, stop spreading rumors, finish eating, the Quidditch match will start soon.

Sitting at the faculty table, the Patil sisters could be heard talking, which is not surprising, again about Potter, today is Saturday, the day of the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin, I have already managed to argue with Ji that Potter will be on his new broom, maybe she has familiarized herself with the rules of Quidditch, but the participation of the first-year student already violates these rules. It is very interesting why no one paid attention to the violation of the rules.

Another difference from the previous days, in addition to the general obsession with the upcoming game, was the gloomy face of the director, along with the announcement of the presence of several observers from the board of trustees.

The match was scheduled for 11 o'clock and I decided to spend the remaining two hours practicing mana control. After opening the domain to Mom, one of the requests was to collect all the available books on magic, in case something happens. So, the analysis of the library has faded into the background, in the foreground is the development of their abilities and training or learning new spells.

Half an hour before the start of the match, Daphne found me and dragged me to the stadium. We moved quickly through the corridors of the school, slowing down a little on the stairs, where I, not wanting to wait a few minutes, captured us with telekinesis and smoothly descended to the first floor. Coming out of the castle, they saw hurrying students and a huge stadium, climbed to the podium, immediately heard the Weasley twins, moonlighting at betting.

During the time that we were waiting for the start of the game, I managed to put a couple of galleons on Gryffindor, only because of the catcher with a faster broom, make a few servings of popcorn and get drinks, all this was disguised as a small suitcase changing its size, with increased space inside, I saw such while walking along a crooked alley.

Before the start of the match, they released a snitch, a golden ball with two wings and high speed. The match began with the presentation of the teams to the audience, after which everyone flew to their seats and the game began. The process itself was entertaining and resembled rugby with catch-up, but after about ten minutes, the Vulture catcher, who Potter was today, began playing a rider trying to stay on the bull. The magician's vision clarified this anomaly, there was a spell on the broom that someone was trying to remove, both signals went to a high podium next to us, on which there were several teachers. Potter's kicking was funny, but he could fly off the broom and fall, which is noteworthy, none of the teachers or the director himself decided to help the poor freshman, seeing that something was wrong with his broom.

I had to spend a lot of psi to fix the broom in place, giving more time to remove the excess spell from the broom, after half a minute, someone else's spell lost its recharge and Potter was able to take his broom under control, ending the match in a couple of minutes, catching the snitch
Chapter 18
-Why are you so happy?

- Just the little things of life.

How can I be dissatisfied when I was able to take almost all the profit of the twins from the bets with my bet. And no, my conscience does not torment me, if at the beginning of the year it was possible to think that they were normal, then after a year and a half of observation and ignoring their attempts to make fun of my faculty, I was convinced that I could not get along with them normally. Yes, and their idea with bets, although it was sensible, but it was calculated for ordinary schoolchildren, who cannot have large sums, if someone from a family of wealthy aristocrats decided to bet a large sum for them and win, there would be the same result.

Now joyful voices could be heard from the Gryffindor table to the whole hall, today the lions were able to win another small victory over the snakes. Their excitement about winning Quidditch is still understandable to me, but the annual struggle of faculties for points is not very good. As I managed to learn from undergraduates, a victory does not bring anything for the winning faculty except a change of flags at school.

The study of the Hogwarts school library is in full swing, recently Elsa began to help in sifting through the school library, nothing serious, but she could remove water or mark repetitive information, which shortened our study time, with her help we will be able to finish with the open part of the library before the Christmas holidays.
Of course, what we are doing now cannot be called a normal mastering of knowledge, in fact we are only studying information from books, we are not developing new skills, we will do this after we finish gutting the Hogwarts library, for me it is also the creation of analogues in the Sumerian school and the isolation of the spell behind the keyword and the movement of the wand. After 4 months of being in a school teaching wand magic and observing teachers and students, I built a theory about how wizards do magic.

The theory is that wizards almost universally use magic through rituals, do certain actions using a mini ritual complex and achieve a fixed result, the wand as a ritual complex, and movements and words as the ritual itself. Of course, this may be just my guesses, but when observing the formation of the spell, my theory fits almost perfectly, the main thing is that the delusion of Muggle-borns and some Aristos that magic is intelligent or magic is a deity that grants its powers to selected people, these are just stories. From the memory of Sumerian magicians, who were not particularly believers, and therefore were able to avoid the mark of Marduk, which attracted the souls of his flock to him after death, thanks to which they went into the river of souls, they could observe the divine miracle and they remembered the feeling of divine power.

They are almost right about the fact that magic is reasonable, as I understood from conversations with my mother, every aristocratic family has a ancestral stone, with its own spirit responsible for protecting the family and gifts. It smacks of witchcraft, which was common in Sumer, but it was considered an easy one-way way, because sorcerers gave their souls for the power of cunning demons. Here, the aristocrats are supported by the astral spirits that have eaten away over the centuries. After that, you begin to look at the stories about the great power of the wizards of the time of the founders of Hogwarts in a different way.

The next couple of weeks were no different from the others in terms of events, only that I began to devote a little more time to training in magic, so using the schools of space, telekinesis and earth, it turned out to reorganize the domain a little, taking the form of a sphere with flower-shaped islands floating at one of the edges, with a central island and five petal islands around him. This was done with a view to the future formation of the planet, at least externally.

Now I was on a kind of walk around the castle, coupled with an inspection of the power lines and constructs soldered into the walls, most of which were either turned off several centuries ago or fell into disrepair without maintenance.

There were still a couple of hours before lights out, and finding one of the students in an abandoned classroom did not surprise me, a couple of times I met couples in such offices who were looking for privacy. looking into the classroom, I identified a local celebrity in the student, Harry Potter, but it's not clear what he's doing here.
After looking more closely, I noticed exactly what a local celebrity was stuck on, a mirror, an old growth mirror, everything would be fine, only from this mirror it smacks a little of a demon, weak, inferior, but a demon.
A quick inspection of the room and the corridor did not reveal any extra eyes, so I threw the stunner at Potter, waited until he settled down and captured him with telekinesis, quickly leaving him in the room closer to the stairs, started examining the mirror.

When approaching, he began to feel small attempts to get into his memory, not to call this attempt serious or at least how dangerous, the artifact tried to evoke his dream in a reasonable person, how he sees it, and transferred this image over his mirror. The demon in this mirror was just a battery in a storage device, similar to the staff I inherited from the Sumerians. The artifact is interesting and it should be taken away at least because of its main purpose, but the study of one of the innate skills of demons, understanding all languages, is more relevant.

Having transferred the artifact with the demon trapped in it to the domain, to a separate island surrounded by the energy of light, I decided to continue the walk, it will take a lot of time to study the artifact and it is better to start after the end of studying the open library.
- What will you do on vacation?

- I think we'll go with mom to Romania for a week, look at the dragons, recently mom bought one farm for their breeding.

- And you, Hermie, what will you do?

- Dad wrote that they want to go to the mountains for the holidays, like to France, and you're Daphne?

- I'll be at home with my family, I'll stay with Astoria and try to see what's wrong with her through my vision.

Today is the last day at Hogwarts, in the evening everyone can go home by train, we have already sorted out the library, it remains to decide where to start putting the copied and sometimes taken originals in my domain. You can do this at your leisure or throw it on one of the streams of consciousness, well, or if they are busy, on Elsa.

I have big plans for the holidays, starting with creating a material illusion under the control of one of my streams, ending with an attempt to shift the speed in my domain, if there should be no problems with illusory bodies and I will mostly get used to being sometimes in two places, then there may be problems with changing the flow of time in the domain. Initially, the pocket had the effect of slowing down time, everything that was stored there experienced time hundreds of times slower, but with the absorption and expansion of the pocket to the domain and the possibility of being in it in the body, the time in the pocket accelerated, becoming about 1:1.2. Since the domain is already completely my part, I can change absolutely everything in it, in theory, of course, the last attempt to speed up the passage of time took the entire reserve and most of the, then not a large reserve in the domain, speeding it up to 1:1.5.

Now that my domain and reserve have grown substantially, I want to increase the acceleration to at least two times, which in theory will increase the slowdown of the magical world when moving through the arch to another world, and with the metamorphism that has recently erupted, slowing down the maturation will not be a big problem, especially if it turns out to speed up the domain.
Chapter 19
- Feyd, get up, the train is approaching the station, - I open my eyes and see a blonde face in front of me. Couldn't lift me up when the train had already stopped. After lunch and collecting things, I decided to start sorting the copied books by topic and in the order of deepening the material. When it came to the realization that it would definitely not be possible to finish everything in a day, I decided to connect all available capacities, assigning one of the threads to sort by topic, and the second to check the content of the material. As a result, additional streams of consciousness managed to spread out two dozen books on transfiguration, while I cut down several trees and began to collect shelves for the library.

- I'm getting up, I'm getting up, just let me come to myself, - a wave of prana swept through the body, simultaneously cheering me up and toning me up. Despite the large amount of prana, it was difficult to control, unlike mana and psi, prana was heavy energy in itself, and after absorbing part of the dragon shells, my prana became even denser, which also makes it difficult to control. Fortunately, I started to start small prana control trainings in the first years, after birth.

When the train stopped, the hubbub of the crowd was heard, hurrying to get off the train as quickly as possible. After a couple of minutes, after waiting for the main crowd to get out of the car, our trio went to the station and we began to look around in search of greeters. They found themselves on the side, talking about something.
After a short acquaintance with Daphne's parents, the Granger couple and I went home. Having already laid out my things at home, I shared my impressions with my mother, by the way about her. After connecting to my domain, Elsa, at my request, began to provide her mother with mana in abundance, constantly overflowing her reserve a little, such passive pumping works extremely effectively, having already increased her reserve a couple of times, over time, of course, the growth rate will slow down, but given the initially small size of the reserve, it was expected, another advantage of bola is the increasing sensitivity.

The constantly overflowing reserve slowly drains the excess through the channels in the body, gradually working through them and causing emissions, one of these burned part of the waste paper so unloved by mom. Already now she constantly feels her overflowing reserve, soon it will also be possible to start training on mana control.

- By the way, my artefactors have slightly modified the design of your project and test models together with the server will be ready soon, - Protean charms are at the center of this project, when I first got acquainted with these charms, I immediately remembered the Internet and its ability to transfer information between several devices. After that, an approximate fax design and two working models were compiled.

- Aren't you afraid that someone will be able to understand how they work and start making their own?

- No, everything is captured. The server is only with us and its design will not go to the side, and as long as someone can understand how they work, it will be pointless to compete, most of the innovations are in the server through which it will be possible, knowing the code of the other side, to send a document or message. So thank you honey, thanks to you White Inc. will have a monopoly on fax, - at the end of the monologue I was squeezed in an iron embrace.

- Glad I could help you with the company, -still not recovering from the emotional attack, I muttered, - So you'll be busy after Christmas?

- Yes, but I'm gradually transferring some of my responsibilities to Alan.

- Good, because lately you've been at work all the time.

A few days later, a flight to Romania took place, in order to inspect the new property. The farm was located in a mountainous area and looked like a Crooked Alley, it was located inside a separate dimension, above the dragon veins, a place where the energy flows of the planet are as close to the surface as possible, thanks to which there are natural places with a saturated background or anomalies.

The space of the farm was not large, only a dozen kilometers in diameter, where flocks of dragons lived comfortably. At the moment, there are several representatives of the most famous dragon breeds left here, bred both for sale and for the sake of ingredients.

Walking with my mother along the nests with dragons, we decided to stop a little and look at them closer.

- And how many of them are left here? - family and financial problems caused the sale of this reserve-farm, which, however, did not prevent the sale or slaughter of the ingredients of most of the dragons who lived here.

-Now there are only four types of dragons on the territory of the reserve. A pair of Chinese Fireballs, one pregnant Welsh Green female, two Romanian Longhorns, they were the most numerous here, but they were allowed to be sold separately, even the remaining ones had their horns cut off, they were in great demand, and the last two were Iron-Bellied.

-How did it happen that they are either in pairs or one, but with a quick replenishment?

- We have been buying from this farm for a long time and supplied it to everyone interested. When deliveries began to arrive late, and then not in full, when asked to wait with orders and not wanting to return the money, we began to negotiate slowly. As a result, it turned out to buy out the pairs of the remaining species and one pregnant. They could have put everyone under the knife or for sale.

- What are you going to do with them next? - it was not possible to worry too much about their fate, from what we could see, local dragons are closer to wyverns than to real dragons, they do not have the eighth principle, which their elders have by right of birth, their mind is not much different from ordinary predatory animals, and even though they have magic and have the active seventh principle, their reserves are at the level of Hogwarts teachers or an average master among the Sumerians and most of their mana settles in some parts of the body, which is why they are so in demand among wizards.

-It would be useful to breed them further, even if they are not grown specifically for slaughter, they leave useful and expensive materials, discarded scales and skin, the shell remaining after birth.

- What do you think if we put them in the domain? A lot of animals were dung there, and they are actively reproducing, even in a mana-saturated atmosphere, I don't think that a couple more, already magical predators, will be able to exterminate them all.

"Are you sure?" They are not the kindest, especially the Fireball, they become even more aggressive during and after pregnancy.

- Yes, I don't think it will be a problem, the central island is already closed to the public for animals, - I think my nature also played a role here, when I deployed my aura, most of the local dragons calmed down, the Chinese ball only reduced aggressiveness, leaving a little caution.

-Well, in a couple of weeks everything will be ready for their departure, we will deal with them after the Christmas holidays, at this time we will be busy resting and celebrating Christmas! - I will always admire her ability to remain not only positive but also cheerful with such work, because I myself saw how she once first freaked out, and then cheerfully threw some documents into the burning fireplace, singing cheerfully.
Chapter 20

The Christmas holidays were held in a warm, family atmosphere. In these couple of days, we celebrated the holidays together, enjoying a little respite, which I missed so much, and apparently my mother. Preparing a plan for the introduction of new artifacts to the world market is not a quick task, apart from hiring and organizing production. Therefore, we enjoyed the collection of films, catc... Found in the zombie apocalypse world.
Among those watched were popular films of the two thousandth, some of which I knew from my first world, but if some films had other actors, then some had a completely different plot. The same Terminator began according to the classics, but in the end robots are aliens, capturing new planets.

In general, the film marathon was excellent. A couple of hours before the New Year, we got out to the center of London and when the fireworks started, we were on the roof of one of the buildings, I also decided to participate in the celebration and launched several fireballs exploding in different colors. On that day, we celebrated the New Year 7 times, having finished celebrating in San Francisco, not stingy to fill in almost the entire reserve for creating snow, fortunately it was cloudy and the locals should not have any questions.

In the following days, they continued to rest, sometimes spontaneously visiting popular cities. After visiting the Urals, we met a local goblin who agreed to show interesting places, if we do not harm the forest, he also asked for a fee, an ancient Jew, you, he says, give the old man a little mana, you have it painfully dense, I'll put it into business. The old little guy drank a few reserves out of me while we were visiting him. Although he shared the information, more precisely, he said to be careful on Lake Baikal and not touch anything there, this is the land of the bony, Koshchei he calls so not because he is some kind of undead, but a magician who lived with the Slavic gods until they moved out of here, the whole pantheon. The reason for the departure of the Slavic gods, leshii did not know, but he told that most of the gods either fell out of this world, or quarreled among themselves.
As a result of the gatherings, we had a nice time listening to the stories of a not young spirit who knows a lot of stories and provided him with an increase in the controlled territory.

It turned out to change the flow of time in the domain, but it took more than half of all the energy stored in the domain, bringing the acceleration to one to two. I didn't dare to increase it further, because then it turned out to speed up the time in a separate island, which required much less mana than for the entire domain. So, the central island is not only separated from the others by a barrier, but also the time in it is 2 times faster than outside. I tried to speed up time in the ordinary world, the costs of creating a stable time anomaly increased hundreds of times, of the not expensive manipulations there was only acceleration within my body by a maximum of 2 times, if accelerated further, the costs increase too much. It also turned out to slow down the time, but the same restrictions on the slowdown multiplier and costs remained. This is not counting the time to apply acceleration or deceleration, I have to spend a couple of minutes on application, and then spend attention on maintaining it, despite the fact that my additional streams of consciousness are already busy supporting acceleration.

In the following days, he began to gain practical experience in the magic of life. Going to the city hospital gave me experience in the treatment of simple diseases and injuries, but the magic of life is not only recovery or treatment, it is also a change, as a result, one of the patients had the ability to consciously cause a state of adrenaline, which he later realized, but did not advertise, specially visited him and checked his health. I even visited the hospital of magical England, in Mungo, first I was examined by a medical doctor, and then I came myself. I managed to examine a dozen patients, slightly speeding up their recovery.

The classes that started did not greatly affect the schedule, because the central island allowed both to finish homework quickly and to spend more time either resting or training than we actively used. Hermione became interested in creating artifacts after she saw a prototype of a magic fax machine and tried to create her own fakes. Daphne continued the practice of healing, sometimes visiting Mungo with me, and the magic of nature, a little vegetation in the domain. I continued my practice in space management, first trying new spells and direct control, and then fixing it on the Ground, where the world did not bend under my wishes, not as much as the domain.

The dragons took root on the third island, with a mountain in the center, where they made caves and masonry, sometimes terrorizing local wildlife that could escape from them. After such trips, either Daphne or I got a little practice in restoring small areas of the forest.

In April, a new serial magical artifact magofax was announced. Yes, they didn't think about the name for a long time, it looked like a mini printer in black, with green inserts. The serial model has been added the function of remembering the contact and simple illusions through which you can see what to send or print. He could work both on paper and ink, or he could take mana from the user and transfigure the necessary documents or messages.

There was a lot of noise in England because of newspaper advertisements and rumors that it was too expensive for such an artifact, if it worked at all. Despite the hype, Mom received orders from large magical enclaves and enterprises. The release of this art is scheduled for August, but large orders will be delivered to the magic departments of all countries in July.

All exams have been passed and summer holidays will begin soon, the open part of the library is no longer visited, due to the lack of new books, and the closed part was stupidly copied, and copies were placed in the library on the main island, which is why being in the castle will not be necessary to study books from the forbidden library. In one of the visits to copy the closed part, I watched the same desperate student who penetrated here with the help of the invisibility cloak, interesting enchantments, usually I either shifted in space, losing the ability to physically affect the world or moved through the shadow, a very interesting experience, similar to being in the river of souls, the fact that there was no matter here and there were small creatures that wanted to either escape from another strong creature or eat the one who was weaker. Interestingly, in the ordinary world, the number of such creatures in the shadows is hundreds of times less, only in Hogwarts you could find dozens.

During the festive feast, I noticed the absence of one of the teachers, which is not uncommon, but at festive dinners, all teachers are usually present. But what happened after dinner, I can't call it anything other than serving. But after looking closely at the heroes of the evening, I fell into a precipitate, at first I noticed a small spot in Potter's aura, such things happen for absolutely different reasons, but after looking more closely I noticed that it was painfully similar to the trace that happens to murderers, and it would be fine, everyone killed a small animal, a bug, at least someone, but when killing gifted or magical creatures, the trace on the aura is brighter and takes longer to fade, if I looked at it after a week, it would not have happened so immediately to notice the spot.

Of course, I'm not a fan of inventing conspiracies, but the absence of a teacher and a stain on the aura from the recent murder of a magical creature pushes me to certain thoughts. And it seems that the director knows about it, since he assigned points for some heroic deeds, but he is not only the director, Dumbledore is also a politician, a man who cooks where I don't want to be and will fight off those who pull me there.

- Yes, Jean, why did you decide that?

- You had an expression on your face like you ate a few sour candies.

- Just thinking, be careful with the director and Potter.

- Take a closer look at Potter's aura and remember the aura traces, - the conversation fell silent for a couple of minutes, but then the girls had a surprised expression on their faces, and then they all turned their gaze first to the director, and then to an empty seat at the teachers' table.

- Of course, this may be what we thought, but think about the troll. If there is a similar situation here?
-Gene, of course it can be, but then there are questions to the director, where they come from Hogwarts. In a school that is called the safest place in England.

- It seems that the director has senility in his old age, even though he is considered the strongest light wizard.

-Come on, it's time for us to go get our things, the train leaves in 2 hours, we need to pick up everything from the rooms, we'll be in others next year anyway.
Two quiet summer days have passed, spent by our family on the central island, which got a beach in the middle of spring.

After such a short rest, you can study my prisoner a little, about which I have already forgotten a little. For inspection, I decided to go to the mana cluster of light, having penetrated into the center, I found a mirror, which has not changed since my last visit. The next half an hour was spent assessing the demon imprisoned in the artifact, according to the level of strength, he is a weak master, remembering the little I know about demons, I began to look for a thread connecting him to his native plane, there was no such one, only the scars on the eighth shell were not fully healed, he did not have a body which is not critical for creatures with an expanded immortal spirit. The shells responsible for the mind and feelings were either uprooted or torn apart and the constructs of the artifact's spells were soldered to the remaining memory and reflexes.

His remaining memories were copied by me and placed in a quarantine made for them, where they had to be roughly stripped of their emotional color. After that, I left the artifact alone and returned to the island, and under 4x acceleration, I started disassembling the memory.

Basically, these were moments with the use of magic, and although I will not be able to repeat the manipulations of the demon, the memories of how he jumps on calls are quite interesting. This demon could freely communicate with the infosphere, not only of the world or plane in which he was, but also "catch a signal" from other worlds. Of course, this is not a panacea, and he could not do whatever he wanted, not all worlds were open, and in some, if God notices an alien demon, he will not hesitate to throw it back, at best, at worst, he will simply send it to rebirth, erasing all the shells.
This is certainly interesting, but I have not tried to interact with the infosphere yet, if you form a request incorrectly and without volume restrictions, you can either stay with a headache or without brains, they will simply burn out from the amount of information.

But the method of walking on calls is interesting, having found the "order" of interest, the demon uses the connection from the request, with the coordinates already entered, imbuing it with its power. Because of this, demonologists must be able to purify their aura from the demonic energy settling in the magician through communication.The demon himself could freely jump into the world adjacent to his plan, losing the recharge from his native plan and becoming an order of magnitude weaker.

I also had some knowledge of demonology in my memory, the demon was not young, and willy-nilly learned about how magicians kept him in order to use vulnerabilities from inexperienced magicians. The retaining circles themselves were not in his memory, only the principles of their work. By the way, my reinsurance has become a good prison, moving through portals in the domain is constantly monitored by Elsa, who can use most of the mana stored inside the domain, and the cloud of light mana could erase the demon if he got out of art.

On the eighth shell, which has a black color, which means that it is based on Darkness, there is Me, from the demon's memory, I realized that all demons have it and it is responsible for the knowledge of languages, loading knowledge from the infosphere. Of course, I want to adopt such a one for myself, but it's a bitch. This Me has been with the demon since birth and who knows how it will affect me, so art with the demon will stay here until better times.
What to do, what to do. There were no special plans for the summer, especially with the opportunity to increase free time by 4 times. I remembered about doppels, I have an idea how to make it, it remains to try.

It was easy to remove the matrix from the rabbit, but the matrix itself had much more "weight", because it had data on all its shells. I tried to power the resulting matrix outside the body, it turned out to be a transparent illusion standing in one place. I tried to stand in front of her, touch her, even picked her up, zero reaction. Dispelled the illusion and tried to feed the matrix more slowly and fed mana a little more. The result is almost the same, the rabbit became less transparent and could stand by himself, he could not do anything else. It seems to me that it will be a long time.


POV Amber White

After my son established an anchor in my soul, linking me to his domain, it became much easier to live. If after the birth of Feida, I had several sores disappeared and my body tone slightly increased, then after the anchor was installed, I seemed to be renewed, after an examination by a doctor unfamiliar with me, I was given a verdict that I was a completely healthy witch for 20 years. I had to pay extra for him to take an oath of non-disclosure.

After getting acquainted with the "Structure of the World", the squeeze of my son's knowledge, I realized that he would drag me through all the magical ranks, up to the archmage, when the soul of a reasonable one is sufficiently developed for independent unfolding of the eighth principle, and he will do it, even if I fight off such. He himself said that he does not want to part with his family because of old age, especially if he can fix it.

Seeing his attitude towards me, I involuntarily remember his father, not with kind words, of course, but knowing him and his relatives, you can start preparing for the appearance of my ex in England. Knowing Feyd, if he decides to approach him, he will not get off with one curse. And he would be fine, but his mother is more annoying, maybe their main business revolves around America, but they have several branches in England and if she wants to complicate our lives, she has such an opportunity.

Having an anchor not only loads my soul, but also gives me the opportunity to feel my son and talk to him at any moment, which reduces my anxiety because of his studies at Hogwarts. As it turned out, it's not for nothing, I don't know what Dumbledore is trying to achieve with this, but my connections with noble houses are enough to complicate his life, especially after the disappearance of Professor POTI.

And the established time barriers have become a real mana of heaven. Thanks to them, I managed to unload and start spending more time with my child.

After training on the control and development of mana channels, I took a little walk around the central island, which has changed a lot over the past year. It increased in size, reaching 4 km in diameter and acquired several buildings in the center. One of them was responsible for the storage of books, a two-story building with windows on each side and large double doors and a sloping roof. Inside the building was dozens of times larger than outside and 5 meter shelves filled with books. There was also a map where you can choose any book, read its title and find out what it is about.
There are several other buildings, hot springs that help to relax after training, a large warehouse building that has the same map from the library, without which it is impossible to find anything there, a meditation room, a small building in which the background is much richer than outside and a copy of our house where you can relax and sleep.
On one part of the island there is also a beach with crystal clearwater and high temperature, with sun loungers and umbrellas.

On the opposite side from the beach, there is a training ground for destructive spells, arriving at it, I immediately noticed my child there. He is constantly like this, disappearing either at the landfill or in the library. Coming closer, I noticed that someone was standing in front of him. Having already approached them in a tight, I stood to the side of them. On the left stood Feyd, dressed in shorts, a T-shirt and sneakers, all in dark colors with red prints, examining his opponent and sometimes giving commands that he carried out. Opposite him was his copy, but in trousers, a hoodie and a raincoat, all in white with green flowers.

- Um, am I out of time?

- No, I'm done.

- What was that?

- My doppel, it turned out to be normal to make it, has all my knowledge and can apply it, if it dissipates, the remaining energy will pass to me, along with knowledge.

- Can I train with them? Send one to learn a new spell, and then dispel and gain experience?

- No, these are dummies, I can take control over them, but by themselves, they cannot develop, remember something, yes, they can, use what they have learned and fill in practice too, although less effectively if I do it myself, but study from scratch only if I take direct control.

- You're going to teach Mommy such a beautiful spell, aren't you? - Isn't that right?

- Yes, of course, as soon as you have a second stream of consciousness.

-Heh, heh, heh, finally these damn pieces of paper will disappear from my life. Ha-ha-ha!

- Um, you'll look through them anyway, without you or your stream, the doppel won't be able to solve something, just do it the way you already did.

-..... NOOOOOOOO! I'll burn them, then I won't have to deal with them, right? It's so simple, why didn't I think of that?


- what? Is something wrong?

- I'll help you with the documents a little today, there's nothing to do anyway.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how you help me, my dear!
Most of the summer was spent on training and helping mom with paperwork. It turned out to combine work with papers and practice in mental communication, I was in duplicate, the main body and the doppel under the control of the second stream, engaged in proofreading documents and transferring a brief squeeze to my mother, after which I received either clarifications about the content, or a request to sign it, or postpone. Not to say that there was a lot of work, but for one person it will be a very long dreary.

We discussed the idea of settling a growing domain, whose fuel for expansion has recently begun to decrease. As a result, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to increase the amount of land in the domain.
Now about 2-3% of the volume goes under matter in the domain, despite the constant increase in the size of the islands. And if the central island stopped at 4 km in diameter, then the islands around it, separated by a river, reached 30 km in length, although they suffer from a low depth, about 40 meters.

It was decided to start forays into the world of zombies and move the islands to the domain, some of them will go to create a separate island, for the resettled people, they will be selected from the company of mom.
In the middle of August, I decided to go to the zombie world to investigate and check if I could control the doppel located in Britain when I was in the zombie world. More than a year has passed since the last opening of the gate, and during this time my energy reserve has reached the level of a weak archmage, but due to the settings of the eighth shell, for pumping energy from reserves into the domain, my whole soul has developed comprehensively, not to mention the density of my energies, orders of magnitude superior to ordinary magicians. This is caused by both the unfolded eighth shell and the absorbed dragon soul. As a result, I'm more like a fairy, gifted with magic from birth and having advantages over mortals who develop magic from scratch.

The launch of the portal ate up a tenth of my reserve and took energy to maintain it from the domain. The passage through the portal was slightly different from the first time, I stopped at three streams of consciousness and did not create new ones, improving their quality, so I was able to disperse consciousness and consider the transition process. It was not possible to consider much, both because of the speed of the transition and because of new impressions.
For me, the space between the worlds looked like a cosmos with stars, only here the stars occupy the entire space and differ only in colors and their brightness.

When I came to myself after the transition, I felt fresh air, and after looking around, I began to urgently pick myself up with telekinesis. Again I'm falling from a great height, landing on the roof, looked around, I was still in the same town. Looking closely at the background, I noticed its slight saturation with necros, it does not hold up for the spontaneous raising of the dead, but now the raised or converted dead will rot more slowly.

I created a doppel and sent it in search of a map and finding large islands. The resulting doppel had the reserve of a weak magister and dissipated after spending all the mana invested in it when it was created, but it had a connection with me and could slowly restore the mana spent through communication with the domain, it would not work to restore the entire reserve in a couple of minutes, but the recovery speed would be enough to block the mana spent on maintaining it.

Tearing his eyes away from the streets where the dead are standing, he tried to take control of the Doppel that remained in the domain. It turned out to take control and even move to London, it even turned out to unload the stream of consciousness occupied by this doppel, because the domain is now under acceleration and the stream simply does not use part of the capacity, slowing down to control it.

After telling my mother that everything was fine, I created a doppel here, sending to kill zombies and collect the necros left after the murder into crystals, there are only 4 dozen of them, after filling which I will have to convert necros into neutral mana and release it into the domain reserve in order to free up the drives. At first glance, the undead did not change much, they began to look more like mummies, but at least five years have passed in this world.

While one of the doppels was collecting free energy, and the second, under the control of the second stream, was studying maps and marking places where it would be possible to borrow land that the local population no longer needed, he decided to walk around the city. Surprisingly, the undead were found only in the center of the city and closer to its surroundings, the undead were becoming less and less. Most of the buildings are either devastated by looters' raids or look abandoned. The roads out of the city are deserted, only in the center you can still find equipment, in varying degrees of abandonment. While I was examining rare undead specimens that had fallen into hibernation, beginning to show signs of life when approaching them, I heard the sound of an explosion from behind. The connection with the Doppel gave the answer, only part of the undead were on the streets, the rest were in buildings. Doppel fulfilled his goal, collecting energy from the undead in storage and after cleaning the street, headed to the houses, where he continued to clean up. In one such house, the doppel blew up, hitting the tripwire, he was lucky, because several shields were used, which after the explosion of the fragmentation cracked at the seams. As a result, the doppel has settled on the shadow plane and restores an almost empty reserve.

Myself, I threw on, in addition to mana Armor, Spirit Armor and replaced several attacking spells suspended in the aura with phase shift and a short teleport, maybe I can repeat these spells with direct control, but the suspended spell can be activated instantly and these saved a couple of seconds can get rid of unpleasant sensations. After all, a grenade won't kill me, especially in enchanted clothes, but fragments can fly into open places, and there is also a concussion from an explosion in the immediate vicinity. While I was waiting, I decided to look for settlements of survivors, blinking and examining the area for the presence of intelligent ones. After just 15 minutes of such movements, I noticed a group of reasonable people, watching them, thinking what to do, the group was hunters who were driving a deer.

In the end, I decided to get in their eyes, there is time, the doppel is already working under the control of one of the threads. My clothes were almost the same as on my first visit to the world, there were more metal inserts, the fabric itself was made of silk from acromantuls that settled in caves on one of the islands. The fabric itself is enchanted for Indestructibility, despite the name, these charms only enhance the strength of the material. Before making contact, he lay on his back and turned over a couple of times so that his clothes were not too clean. Taking the Doppel remaining in the domain under control, he went to the warehouse and took a stiletto with a hunting knife from there. I transferred them to myself and hung them on my lower back, after thinking a little more, I found a bow with a quiver and arrows, I know how to shoot, my mother and I shot at targets a couple of times, if anything, it will be possible to accelerate and correct the flight of the arrow to the target I need.

Coming closer, I climbed a tree, a group of 5 people carefully approached the animal in a semicircle, out of all 5, only two, men and women, had lki, the rest had spears and swords. A couple of minutes later, the deer came up to me at shooting distance. Having prepared a bow and arrow, I waited for the deer to turn sideways to me. The hunters had already noticed me and took aim at the deer, while some of them were watching me.

A kind of signal was the movement of the deer, as soon as he raised his head, my arrow hit him in the chest, until he moved away from the hit, a second arrow flew to him, landed higher than mine and most likely hit the spine, because the deer immediately collapsed to the ground.

While 4 pairs of eyes were watching me, I slowly threw the bow and began to descend. The group of hunters relaxed and began to approach the deer. Approaching, the deer was already dead and one of the spearmen began to drain the blood from it.

- Hold on, kid, thanks for the help, - one of the archers came up to me and handed my arrow.

- I won't mind if you share rations and a place for the night, - the last meal was breakfast and this is not an excuse, I want to eat, and it would be nice to look at the survivors' settlement from the inside.

- If you don't mind helping us on the way back, then join us. Are you a loner?

- Yes, the group I was in split up, there was a choice to go after someone, but there are more minuses than pluses - yes, the doppels and I split up and I decided to go myself.

- I'm sorry, my name is Cory, that silent girl Catherine, - Cory was a dark-haired man over 30 with short hair and a small stubble, Catherine is a girl of about 20, petite, about 1.60 m, black-haired, - The big guy who deals with the carcass Solomon, - a man under 1.80 m with brown hair, without a beard and with broad shoulders, - , and there Lydia and Grand, - the last couple were now looking so that they would not suddenly approach us, Lydia looked like her namesake from the scrolls, she was dark-haired, with an angular face and a sword in one hand, the Grandee had a spear and a short sword in his belt, he himself had blond hair under a cap and a wide chin.

- Feyd, nice to meet you.

- Me too.

After a short acquaintance and waiting for the blood to drain from the carcass, several zombies wandered to us, who were quickly laid to rest by Lydia and Grand. Having loaded the carcass on Solomon, we went away from the place, as Cory said, we will make a small detour so as not to go along the same route. I took a seat in the center, behind Solomon, Lydia and Catherine walked next to me, and Corey and Grand led us. Along the way, we met several more zombies and Catherine shot a Hare. After that, I caught her proud look, and shouting "Can you do it this way?". I could, now Solomon was dragging two birds with one stone.

There were no problems on the way back, and an hour later we came to an iron gate, on which there were a couple of people armed with rifles. At our approach, the gates began to open. There were cars and concrete blocks on the way, and zombies with holes in their heads were lying on the ground. There were guards outside the gate, there was a small village inside the walls, at first glance it was possible to count several streets with 50 houses, these are the only ones that turned out to be examined, surprisingly everything is neat and there is a feeling that this settlement was not affected by zombies.

I had to linger at the entrance, Cory went to report to the authorities about the sixth person in his group, Catherine stayed with me, Solomon and the remaining hunters went to hand over animal carcasses. If they looked at my small arsenal, it wasn't for long, in this camp everyone has a knife or a dagger at hand, the guards have both cold weapons and firearms, although only those who stand on the wall have rifles, the rest have pistols.

While waiting for the Measles, Catherine tried to talk to me, asking how I survived and what happened to me. One might have thought that she was doing this for selfish purposes, but judging by the few emotions that could be sorted out, it was her curiosity and desire to know that nothing bad had happened to the child.There were no questions about my hair, for five years in the zombie apocalypse, only a few did not get gray in their hair and there were those who had no hair left with their native color.

- Well, kid, the authorities gave the go-ahead, but with several conditions, - Corey came in 15 minutes, already without a bow and arrow, but with a knife on his belt, the rest of his group was not visible.

- What conditions?

- As you noticed, no one forbids carrying edged weapons, within reasonable limits, of course, but the bow and arrows will have to be handed over to the armory, when leaving the camp they can be picked up.

- Okay, but I won't give up the knives.

- No problem, the second condition, no, it's not even a condition, the authorities said that we should take responsibility for our decisions.

- Pinched the bed, right?

- Ahem, in general, yes, so you can stay in my house, it's big, and only Catherine and I live in it. Don't look at me like that, she's my niece.

- Mind you, I didn't say anything, you made your own conclusions.

-.... You can stay as long as you want, as long as you help us in the hunt, no one will drive you away and all your prey will not be taken away. Let's go, put the things in the warehouse and let's go to the house.

Five minutes of leisurely walking and we came to a local warehouse, where we left most of the equipment. After walking another 10 minutes, we came to the house where Cory and Catherine live. A two-storey house on the edge of the camp, near the fence, before this house could be suitable for a family with several children. While walking to the house, I asked Corey about other famous camps. There are 5 camps known, in addition, with which communication and exchange of resources are maintained. One of the camps actively sells seafood, occupying a former coastal village, the rest are mainly engaged in looting and hunting, both animals and single undead. When asked about the large number of guards on the walls, I learned that groups of survivors often try to capture the camp, recently nomads who do not shy away from plundering, capturing and raiding camps came to them. In addition to people, the undead also teach surprises, hordes of zombies are not a rare phenomenon and the large horde itself numbered about 70-80 thousand and this is one of those that survived this camp, they used to trade with six settlements, but one of them was right in the way of the horde.

It is a pity that he does not know about the presence of such hordes, they are constantly moving and it is not always possible to foresee their path.

I was allocated a room on the second floor with a single bed, a chest of drawers, a table and a wardrobe, while I was looking around the room, sitting on the bed, Catherine entered the room and put a stack of clothes and sneakers next to me.

- A young couple lived here, with a child about your age, try it on, it should fit, - the girl herself has already changed into loose pants and a T-shirt, - shower in the backyard, come to the kitchen as soon as you finish.

- Thank you, can I help you?

- Eh? No, what are you, Uncle cooked this morning, I'll just warm it up.

After a shower in warm water, which was facilitated by the effect of fire mana, there was a dinner where I was asked about how I survived alone, where I told about what happened on my first visit. I was curious about the head of the camp, she turned out to be a certain Vanessa Gray, who with a group of survivors settled here in the first months of the apocalypse and was able to gain a foothold, supporting the camp until today.

After dinner, I went to the allocated room, it was already dark and, settling down on the bed more comfortably, took direct control of the doppel remaining in the city.

During this time, Doppel managed to make 3 visits to the domain, filling a total of 126 drives. Separate pockets have already been prepared for this case, with limited space, where the elemental mana is stored, the mana of light with a captive demon has migrated to one of these, such mini-plans.

Having climbed to the high-rise, I sat on the edge of the building and tried to send a little psi into the space with a request. After getting acquainted with the demon's memory, or rather with the part of it where his experience with the infosphere was, I wanted to try my hand, I did not dare to do this in my body, and making a request through a doppel, all the information will come to the doppel and the rollback from the information shock will simply dispel it.

The answer came in a couple of seconds and overloaded the doppel. I had to make a new one and move it away from the camp. A couple dozen more attempts did not differ in the result from the first. Due to a series of failures, I began to revise the demon's experience. The next half hour was spent trying to limit the incoming information, with the same zero effect, although no, I began to feel as if the hydrant tap was opening, opening with a hammer, which blows it the fuck off, opening the maximum pressure.

As a result, he stopped the Doppel genocide and tried to repeat the demon's trick, namely, to "listen" to the infosphere. Another hour was spent in silence and sometimes it turned out to catch small packets of information that it was not always possible to understand. At the beginning of the second hour, a package was thrown at me, and according to the sensations from the doppel, it felt exactly like that, which was in no hurry to disperse or return, but fluttered like a fly over my head. A couple more minutes of figuring out what it was, I realized that I repeated the demon's experience too accurately, a "request" with the coordinates inside this world hung in front of me, and judging by the content of the "task", someone very much needs someone who can save a person, and apparently they asked just anyone, since the world he threw it to me, they would have asked demons or gods, fuck if he had flown to me.

And what should I do?