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This is the first of many possible ideas I wish to write. Inspired by Brosef's New Man story...

Dragon Fire

Sad, sad, lonely lifter
Dec 16, 2023
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This is the first of many possible ideas I wish to write. Inspired by Brosef's New Man story.

Christopher Reed has a strong disdain for noise. He dislikes them because they ruin his good mood. The hustle and bustle of the city, people running their mouths, and even his ex-girlfriend's yammering. There were all noises.

When the Gates began appearing across the world, the noises grew to greater volume. Screams of fear at the monsters, screams of terror at the loss of loved ones.

Surviving in the defunct tunnels were hard as no one came for help. Everyone was on edge, trying to ensure their own survival from the monsters and others who used the chaos as an opportunity.

Like others, he had to crawl and hide to survive. That changed when he was able to create beautiful gouts of flames. With a wave of a hand, bright orange flames would combust to life and destroy his targets.

It was a wonderful sight.

He used it on the monsters. He used it on the criminals who attained magical powers. As time went on, he worked to the bones to ensure peoples safety.

He did what he could and he ensured the work is good. The only one who resisted the fire was that dreaded Kamish.
The red dragon that came out of the largest Gates in all of Hunter history. Practically almost all the S-ranks Hunter that participated died, leaving him and four more to survive to pick up the slack.

Weaklings, all of them were.

After a long, tiring and gruesome battle, they emerged the victor. It infuriated the man that a boisterous loud-mouth like Thomas Andre received first rank while he got third place. But he kept his cool and retired from Hunter business soon after.

With the privilege and reputation of beating Kamish, he was free from the noises. Hence imagine his fury when he heard a voice in his head.

'Excuse me.' A young male voice spoke out in his mind.

Christopher blinked in confusion, knowing there was no one in the room. Looking around to see if any of his maids called out to him, the man briefly wondered if it was the song. None of them are inside the room now, they know better than to intrude upon his favored past time. Reading a book with jazz song playing in the background is a soothing experience for him.

Hence when he returned to the wonderful experience, small sparks of fire came to life.

'Uh, yeah, you're not dreaming this. I am talking to you.'

"Are you a Magic Beast?" Christopher asked. His knowledge on Magic Beast isn't the greatest but the fire user knew that specter-type Magic Beast can only posses individuals who have lower mana levels than theirs. One of the few types of Magic Beast he finds more unsettling than that dragon.

A dragon will just stomp, chomp and burn you to death. Sometimes it just crushes you just easily with their own bodyweight. The strongest species of Magic Beast and Kamish proved that fact.

A ghost will turn a human into their plaything. Your own body became your prison, forced to watch an unknown being using your body as it's own toy. It was a sickening sight, having seen some of the scoundrels. He'd seen it firsthand and was thankful that he did not turn out as a weakling.

Gingerly he flexed his fingers and was surprised to find he still has full control. A partial possession is a rare thing but doable.

Transformation is a possible course of action to get rid of the Magic Beast but he didn't want to burn down his entire mansion. That damn form is huge, even bigger than Thomas' measly three meter tall frame.

'There are ghost type monsters in this? Huh, interesting to note.'

"Who the hell are you?" Christopher asked, surprised to find monsters conversing in monster tongue. The only monster he knew who could do that was the last monster he fought. It still took him by surprise and he still have nightmares about that damn monster.

Also the last he recall, that carcass is still kept underneath the Federal's main headquarters.

'Wow, this is a complete shock but uh, introduction first, hi, please don't take this the wrong way but you're a comic book character.'

He was expecting many things. He was expecting threats. Guttural, savage growling of a cruel monster. Or even whispers of threats. The National-rank Hunter certainly wasn't expecting that.

"Comic book character? You mean like Captain America and Iron Man?" Christopher asked, having read about them as a child. Also, what did he even meant by him being a comic book character.

'Oh you have those in this world. Interesting, interesting. Anyway, I guess introductions is in order.' The voice paused. Christopher waited for the entity to speak up.

'Huh, that's odd. I don't remember my own name. What a surprise.' It spoke in bafflement and confusion.

"What-You know what, never mind, why don't you tell me what you mean by your earlier comment?" Christopher asked.

'Oh right, uh...you are apart of a South Korean webcomic series, you're a comic book character who is a stepping stone to god-like kings called the Monarchs and you will die in the next...ugh, how long has it been since you beat Kamish?'

"What made you think I believe you?"

'Alright, your transformation lets you control flames that can't be extinguished and you became a giant blue-eyed flaming cyclop, you're the third strongest in the entire world, Jeju Island is currently occupied by a bunch of monsters and uh..is there anything else I can say that make you believe me?'

"You just read my memories."

'Alright then, try and get rid of me then.'

The entity's words warranted no response, Christopher taking it as a direct challenge. In one big step, he managed to leap out of the room like a rocket. The glasses shattering effortlessly against the durability of his mana-enhanced body.
In several long strides, he managed to cover several miles.

Sightings of looming wooden trees filled his visions, showing they were out in the wild. As far as the eyes can see, there is no one around. No towns, no villages nor cities, a perfect place for someone like him. It was a private island he'd bought, several hundred miles of the American soil.

He came to a halt after leaping for the seventh time, pausing as he surveyed the surrounding area. A large clearing with the trees several dozen feet away. A good place to banish the entity.

Wordlessly, he willed the mana coursing through his veins to burst forth. Burning hot energy in the stomach, bursting forth and enveloping his tiny human body. His visions and hearing grew sharper as his body grow in size, the intense heat and flame generated by the mana burning away the clothes on him.

When it was done, the trees surrounding him looked like spears poking out of the ground. He was roughly as large as Giant with five times their strength. Now he has unleashed his mana in full, Christopher hoped it would succeed. The last time he had to get rid of possession, it was done through the same method.

And that was before he reawakened!

'Yeah, you're stuck with me bud. Also, that reminds me; the way this world works is the 'survival of the fittest' magical edition. The one with more mana is stronger than the one with smaller mana reserve. All you have to do is just will your big, fat mana to life and bang! Your enemy is dead.'

Christopher undid the transformation, turning back into a small human. Walking to one of the charred stones he then sat down on it. The heat was bearable considering he'd endured the heat of that foul red dragon.

"Okay, you've got me. Tell me what you know."

'Really? Just like that? I thought you're gonn a do more like channel the energy and expunge it as flames?'

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