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DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story

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Many historians often have somewhat of a romantic obsession with...
Chapter 1


I trust you know where the happy button is?
Jan 30, 2022
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Many historians often have somewhat of a romantic obsession with the reign of King Rhaegar Targaryen. They are not wrong because King Rhaegar Targaryen faced many trials and tribulations during his reign. He would be the King who would cement the Targaryen dynasty's rule over Westeros for the next several centuries.

Yet I believe that one can not ignore the rule of his father, King Aerys II, in history. I, along with many other like-minded individuals, think that the recently uncovered texts and artifacts confirm the long-speculated theory that the true beginning of the Targaryen dynasty begins with the rule of King Aerys.


Rhaegar Targaryen sat in his solar in the castle of Aeryndell. An apt name for a castle that looked over the vast town of Duskendale. After his father's command to build it into a seat befitting of a Prince, the castle was still undergoing renovations.

And as the Prince to whom this castle would soon belong was not in the continent, it was up to him to look over the construction and make sure it was up to the royal standards.

He stopped reading the report on the sheer cost that the crown was bearing for all this and looked at the open window. The day had not been the sunniest of days, and with a cooling breeze, he was feeling a bit of the chill. Instead of calling the servant he got up from his seat and made his way to the window, leaning into it as he felt another tremendous burst of wind strike his face. He looked out the window and saw the expansive city below.

A plethora of houses were being demolished, with more being built. A hoard of laborers worked in the cloudy weather to transform the city to his father's standards. And wasn't that a surprise? Many would have expected that Kingslanding would represent his father's vision.

Yet the sheer size and population of King's landing had forced him to compromise and choose efficiency over his own ideas for the capital of their rule. But fate had given him another chance to implement his ideals.

"Not that he needed to do this," he muttered as he closed the window. And wasn't that the truth? For it would take another long night for people to forget his father's rule: Aerys Targaryen, The Reformer. Many chose to call him the second coming of the conciliator himself. The man had come into power in his twenties. The Targaryen family was the weakest they had been since perhaps the end of the Dance itself.

Attacked by the Blackyres across the narrow sea, struck by tragedy at home. His father had not faltered. He had risen above all such challenges and rebuilt the Targaryen dynasty back to its greatest strength in recent memory. Everyone sang praises of King Aerys, the reformer. Yet few knew or understood that this had all come at a cost.


He was broken out of his thoughts by the knock on the door.

"Come in," he said as he walked back to his chair. The door opened and revealed the form of one of his Kingsguard.

He was clad in white armor with an ornamental white cloak on his back. A sword, unlike any other in the whole realm, strapped to his belt. Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the Morning. Wielder of Dawn. The finest knight in all of Westeros entered the room with a smile.

"My prince, the reports have arrived from the town." He said with a bow. Rhaegar smiled at his friend.

"Come in, and take a seat, Arthur. I was just about to take a break," and the Kingsguard nodded as he took the seat in front of him.

"Thank you, my prince," and Rhaegar shook his head.

"How many times have I asked you to stop with all this formality when it is just us," that had been discussed a minimum of six times, just in the last couple of moons.

And Arthur just silent at him, making him shake his head.

"So, is there anything interesting in those reports," Rhaegar asked as he leaned back into the chair.

"Nothing interesting, my prince. Though I did receive a report about your brother, prince Aemon, earlier."

Now, Rhaegar was paying attention to his words.

"What did it say? Aemon has been gone for quite some time now. It was supposed to be a routine trip to meet with our trading partners across the narrow sea, but he has been gone for more than half a year now."

And he had asked his father about this as well, but the man had been cryptic in his response.

"My Prince, it seems that he is finally on his way back. The reports say that he left the port of Pentos some time ago and is now on his way back."

That was good news. With the return of Aemon, he could return to the capital. It had been quite a while since he had seen his wife. And didn't that make a smile appear on his face as he remembered the joyous news he had received when he had left the capital?

"And you are sure you can not tell me what he was doing there."

And Arthur shook his head.

"I am afraid I can not share that secret with you, my prince. The King wants it to remain a surprise for everyone. And we are bound by the King's words," the wielder of dawn said with a smirk.

Rhaegar's eyes narrowed at his friend.

"Even if I were to command you as your prince."

"The King's word precedes your orders, my prince."

And Rhaegar stared straight into Arthur's eyes. Iliac met the light purple of his friend. His father had been very secretive about Aemon's endeavors. Only a few people were aware of the truth. And that included the Kingsguard and his mother. Queen Rhaella had also refused his request, saying that she would not reveal her husband's plans without his blessing. The Kingsguard had denied it as well, citing orders from his father.

"Keep your secrets, then. I will know soon enough with Aemon's return. But do remember that you are refusing your future King right now," he added with a smirk.

"Then I shall pray for the health of King Aerys. May the Seven bless him."

And Rhaegar broke into a smile at such a response.

"I pray for that too. May the seven bless him with a long life," and that was true. His father was still less than half a century old. And he was pretty healthy and fit. And if he did indeed live a life similar to the conciliator, he could live for a whole century.

"I don't understand why father is being so secretive about this. And more so with me, what is he even trying to do here."

"I can assure you, my prince. This will be a welcoming surprise for you."

Now, Rhaegar was even more curious. But it seems he will just have to wait for it.

"Anything else that I should know from those reports," he asked Arthur once more as he poured himself some Arbor gold.

Arthur looked through the papers as he spoke up.

"Nothing too urgent, I would say. These are just the reports from the workers building the new barracks and armories. Another one is from the workers on the docks about the repair of the port. And so on,"

"So, nothing urgent," and Rhaegar leaned back into his seat again. And silence permeated the whole room. As both of them just sat there quietly. Broken only when Rhaegar spoke up once more.

"What do you think of my father's plan for Duskendale? Do you think it was right of him to seize it for the crown rather than give it to someone else?" he asked Arthur.

"My prince, this was the King's decision. It is not my place to judge or think abo…" but he was cut off.

"I am not asking you to judge it. I am asking for your opinion." Rhaegar spoke up from his chair. His head bent to the side as he looked at Arthur. Arthur nodded his head slowly, speaking up after a moment.

"It was the King's prerogative to deal with the lands of the traitorous house Darklyn as his wishes, and he decided to have a garrison of the Royal Army built here along with giving the castle to Prince Aemon. These lands are close to Kings Landing and hence can be called upon to support Kings Landing hastily and make for a good defense for any attack on Kingslanding."

Rhaegar nodded at that, but this was not what he was asking about. The main concern had been the political one. Within his reign, his father had made repeated efforts to strengthen and centralize the control of Westeros in their hands.

And this had begun to worry many lords, high and low. With the formation of the Royal Army after the Blackfyre invasion. The building of the Imperial Citadel, then the start of their own trading fleet. The crown had taken numerous steps to strengthen its rule and remove its reliance on the lords.

But when he had decided to take Duskendale and gift it to Aemon, he effectively put it under the Crown's control. Rhaegar had begun to hear the grumbles of several Lords.

"The King could have raised another house and gifted them these lands. But it is the King's decision, and there shall be no questions regarding it from anyone. Anyone at all."

And Rhaegar smiled slightly at those words. Such devotion. His father had often called Arthur. The Truest of Knights. And Rhaegar tended to agree with the name.

Arthur Dayne was a true knight. If he chose to follow you, he would follow you to the world's edge. There was scarcely anyone more loyal and noble in the whole realm than him—the Knight among Knights. The King had dubbed him. The name now often screamed at the various tourneys across the land they participated in.

Suddenly there was a violent knock on the door. Rhaegar frowned as the noise disturbed them.

"Enter," and the door opened to reveal the form of another one of the white cloaks. It was none other than the man who had finished the Blackfyre rebellion with his sword. Famous throughout the lands as, Barristan the Bold.

However, the man seemed a bit anxious as he entered the room.

"What is it, Ser Barristan?" he asked, and beside him, Arthur was frowning as well. The venerable knight of the Kingsguard bowed his head as he replied.

"My prince, a raven, just arrived from Kingslanding," With that, the man took out a scroll and presented it to Rhaegar. Rhaegar's eyes widened as he saw the seal and coloring of the scroll.

Black paper, made by mixing the dye with the pulp, sealed with golden wax. Such a pattern was only reserved for an emergency, a system devised by his father on a whim to deliver secret messages in tricky situations like a siege or captivity.

But why is it being used now? And Rhaegar's felt dread bloom in his gut as he took the letter in his hand and broke the seal to read what had constituted its use.

Much like the rest of the Kingsguard, Arthur was aware of the code developed by the King. And was staring at the letter with some trepidation as Rhaegar read it.

Rhaegar's hands shook as he read the letter, his eyes not believing the words written in it. His mind refused to comprehend the words.

"This has to be a joke! Maybe Daenys is playing a joke!" he said as he looked toward Ser Barristan again. Though the man did not laugh, only shaking his head in a despondent way as he replied to the Prince.

"I am afraid not, my prince. The letter came directly from The Queen herself."

And the shred of hope vanished, and his eyes moistened as he handed the letter to his friend sitting in front of him. He was chewing his lips as he covered his face with his arm. Perhaps to hide the tears that fell down his cheeks.

Arthur's eyes widen as he reads and rereads the letter. By then, Rhaegar would speak up from his seat. His voice was slightly uneven as he gave further instructions.

"Make preparations to depart immediately. We leave for Kingslanding in ten minutes."

Arthur, who now stood right by his more experienced counterpart, nodded with him.

"Of course, your grace," and Rhaegar would shake his head.

"Not yet. Not yet. Not until I have confirmed this for myself."

There was sadness on the faces of the two Kingsguard as they nodded their heads.

"As you wish, my prince. We will make the necessary preparations to depart."

And they would leave the room after that. And sometime after that, Rhaegar would get up, and after reading over the letter once more. He would light it on fire with the candle on his desk.

And after throwing it into the fire, he would also rush out of the room. The fire caught unto the paper as it disintegrated into smithereens. Though, the first line was still legible as it avoided the fire that burned along the edges.

The King is dead.


The story begins with death. Death of the SI himself.

This is a unique idea I had gotten some time ago.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patreon. Your support helps me out a lot and allows me to write. So, if possible, have a look and consider dropping a dime.


Thanks for reading!
Chapter 2
Chapter 2- The Pampered Princess!

In today's time, it is hard to imagine that for a significant time in history, Westeros was considered the land of barbarians. Yes, up to around 300 years after Aegon's conquest, Westeros was still behind the likes of Yi-Ti and Bravos.

Though that gap would be erased by the end of the third century, with Westeros leaping ahead of the rest of the world by the 350th year, such advancements can all be traced back to the Imperial Citadel. The Imperial Citadel would truly rise to its prominent status in the reign of King Aegon VI. King Aerys II had built the foundation for it.

The Old Building of The Imperial Citadel, often called the Dragon College, remains preserved today and is a famous tourist attraction. The proceeds from it fund the education of thousands of deserving students throughout the globe even today, because of a decree of the late King Aenys VI.


Kings Landing had changed a lot over the years. Over the years, she had seen such change occur with her own eyes as portions of the city had been under construction for over twenty years. Over almost thirty years of his reign, her father had utterly transformed the city that represented Targaryen's rule.

Gone was the infamous stench that made a living in the city unbearable. With her father rebuilding the sewage system. However, that had not been enough. Flea Bottom had to be demolished, and its residents had been relocated to one of the expansions outside the walls. To accommodate its population of half a million people, the city had been expanded outside the main walls, with a new set of walls built around what was now called the Outer City.

Most of the work had been done. But that did not mean there wasn't work being done. She looked to the side and saw the construction taking place to her North. The colossal building getting built was for the Imperial Citadel. Another one of her father's ideas. And she shook her head at that. Perhaps he should really take a break from all this.

More than thirty years of prosperous and peaceful rule. He was now regarded as one of the most influential Kings of the Targaryen dynasty. Such progress and consistency had only ever been seen during the reign of the Conciliator. Many often compared her father to the Old King to lay down praise. Not noticing the stiff smile that would appear on his face on that.

Her father was not a big fan of the comparison, for he had a rather unflattering opinion of the Old King. Calling him the root of the tragedy that was known as the Dance of the Dragons. A tragedy that would end with their house losing its greatest strength.


"Princess, you do know that I will have to tell your father about this outing of yours," came the voice of her sworn shield. A member of her father's Kingsguard. The Lord Commander would usually be by the King's side, yet her father named the White Bull her sworn shield on her first name day.

And the man had been by her side ever since. Ser Gerold Hightower, the White Bull, one of the finest and fiercest knights of the Kingsguard.

"Father will be slightly disappointed but will not mind it too much. And I cannot miss my chance with the upcoming tourney," she replied as they slowly waded through the throngs of people. Even with the expansion, the city was filled with people. She could not even imagine how crowded it would be when the announcement of the tourney would be made.

"What are you planning, Princess? Your father may be lenient on you, but I could always go and talk to your mother as well," and she groaned at those words. And then she turned to face the elderly knight, giving him a slight glare.

"Then I will complain about you to Father, and maybe he will remove you as my sworn shield. Now, you wouldn't want that, would you?" she bluffed in a haughty tone continuing as she scrunched up her nose. And her sworn shield seemed unimpressed as he simply raised a brow for both of them knew that her father would never remove him from his position, though she would never ask that as well. She had grown to like the man, so she continued.

"After all, is there any greater honor than protecting the sole Princess of the realm?" but the man seemed unimpressed by her speech as he just stared at her with those dead eyes.

"You seem to forget that you have not been the only princess for quite some time. You forget about Princess Rhaenys, your niece." And her comment made her stop. And he was right. Her niece shared that position with her and was nearing her tenth nameday.

"Plus, where are we even going? If you need anything, I can have the merchants come to the castle," he said as he looked around.

"We are going to the Street of Silver to buy a piece of armor for me." And the White Bull frowned as he heard that.

"Princess, that could have been arranged through the castle Armory." He continued as he stared at her with narrowed eyes, and they suddenly widened as he realized his intentions—" Please tell me what you are planning?" when she did not reply, he added.

"Then it seems we must return to the castle immediately, and you could explain your plans to The Queen herself?" Daenys huffed at that. Mother was already angry with her over her response to her marriage proposals. Fortunately, she had the firm support of her father in that regard. But, still, if she got wind of this, she would be in a heap of trouble.

So, it was time to take a gamble. She turned to face the Kingsguard again, who had stopped walking and was looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, I will tell you, but you must first promise me that you will not tell anyone else," she said, and the man shook his head.

"You know I cannot do that, princess. I am answerable to the King and cannot lie to him. Even for you."

Daenys groaned at that. H was just as stubborn as a bull as well.

"Then you cannot tell Mother. You are loyal to the King and swear your oaths to him, not to the Queen," after much staring, the man relented as he sighed.

"All right, I promise. So, why are we buying a piece of armor from the Street of Steel?" he asked her once more.

"Because I plan to compete in the tourney. Father will have no choice but to grant me a knighthood with a win in the melee." She would only be the second woman in all of Westeros to do it. Being the first princess to do so. The only such knighthood had been given to Brienne of Tarth. Now dubbed as Ser Brienne of Tarth, the first female knight.—"Maybe then mother will stop with all that talk about marriage." She finished with a hopeful plea.

And her sworn shield was shaking his head.

"That is an extremely risky and foolish idea. Even though I have trained you with the sword myself. The melee is extremely dangerous. Your father will not accept it. He may indulge you, but I can assure you he will not allow you to risk your life."

And Daenys knew that he was right. Her father may indulge her, but he would not like this. She chewed her lips as she realized the gaping holes in her plan. Perhaps seeing her resigned and conflicted expression, Ser Gerold approached her and kneeled on one knee to look at her.

"Didn't your father promise you that he would not marry you to anyone without your approval? So why are you putting yourself in danger for something so foolish," and his question was valid.

It was true that her father had promised her that about her marriage. A privilege that he had not offered her brothers. But the proposals had come from all over the realm for her hand. And her mother had also started to talk to her about potential matches with her good sister.

"But there have been just so many proposals! What if he is forced to accept one of them? Then what will I do?" she spoke up indignantly. But the old man just scoffed.

"Someone force King Aerys. That will not happen, princess. You are the only person who has ever forced him to change his mind over something. And proposals for your hand have been coming for years, but he refused to listen to any of them, citing that you will only be married after your sixteenth nameday."

And now she was looking at him with surprise. She had not known about that. And she saw the smile on his face as he nodded.

"He rejected them all, and I can assure you that rejecting some of them had quite some consequences."

Her eyes widened at those words. She had not known anything about it. The man got up and looked around the street. They had been standing on the side to avoid the throng of people.

"So, don't worry, princess. Your father will not ignore your input regarding this. So why don't we move back to the castle?"

And she nodded her head slowly. Her mind was still thinking about the new information she had gotten. And they began to walk back toward the castle once more.

But then suddenly, Ser Gerold stopped, making her bump into him.

"Ah!" she rubbed her nose as she looked up, and her eyes narrowed as she noticed the increased presence of the King's Army. Ser Gerold held her wrists as he looked towards her, with the usual cheer gone from his voice.

"Be careful, Princess! Something is not right!"

And he was right. While the ten thousand standing army had a settlement in the Kings Landing. They did not usually patrol the city. That was the job of the Gold Cloaks. The Army usually had about half of its troops in the capital, with the other half scattered throughout the realm at various settlements.

She saw a small squad of soldiers come their way. All of them were on horses, wearing castle-forged steel armor with a shield strapped to their back. Their shoulder guard were painted to show their rank in the army. Ser Gerold moved in front of her. Removing his hood and cloak to reveal the special armor of Kingsguard. And she could see recognition dawn on the army officers as they spotted the shining white armor of the Kingsguard.

The officers stopped in front of them, still atop their horses, as she moved to Ser Gerold's side and moved the hood to show her face. The officers probably recognized her as they immediately began to dismount their horses.

"What is going on? Why is the Royal Army on the streets?" Ser Gerold asked. And the commander moved and kneeled in front of him.

"We do not know, but orders came from the castle to increase patrols and close off the city. I believe it would be better if you rushed back to the castle with Princess Ser Gerold. While small, there is a possibility that some disturbance could occur in the city as we close the gates."

She was frowning as she heard that. The city was never locked down like that in recent times. She had only ever heard of something similar in two previous instances. And both times, it had been followed by war.

Ominous thoughts ran through her mind as Ser Gerold talked to the captain. Thousands of questions sprang up.

"Princess!" and she was broken out of her stupor by Ser Gerold's voice as he held the reins of the horse to her.

"We must rush back to the castle." And she mounted the saddle of the horse. Ser Gerold doing the same in front of her.

"Hiyaa," and with that, both of them were on the move. Galloping through the streets. Two more members from the Armies squad covered their rear. The people parted to the sides, giving them the required space, probably recognizing the shining white armor of the Kingsguard.

They reached the castle gates, which were locked. But before Ser Gerold had spoken up, she heard a very familiar voice.

"Open the gates!" and then the fates were opened for them. She entered along with Ser Gerold. And both of them were greeted by one of her father's Council members. The Commander of the City Watch, Ser Stannis Baratheon. The man held the same dour look that had made her nickname the man Dourface.

Though she did notice the severity of his expression as he approached them. Clad in full armor, but unlike the regular soldiers, his was of smoked black color. Appearing as if it had been charred.

"You left the castle without informing anyone, Princess. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is?" he snapped at her. And had he not been her cousin, she would have had his tongue cut off. But she was saved by her sworn shield.

"The princess was with me, Lord Stannis. And I had informed Ser Lewyn before leaving," the man stopped speaking, but he still glared at her. Honestly, what was wrong with him?

"Now tell me what, what is going on? Why is the city being closed off?" Ser Gerold spoke up.

And Stannis just shook his head in response.

"I am just as clueless as you in this regard. The Queen suddenly ordered me to close off the gates and deploy the army. She refused to say anything else."

And Daenys frowned at that. Her mother had ordered this. The Queen almost never got involved in such matters. Her mother had never been fond of attention and had always avoided getting too involved with the realm's day-to-day running. She preferred a much simpler lifestyle.

"Where was Father when she ordered this? Was he there when she ordered this?" and the man shook her head.

"He wasn't there, princess?"

Dread began to pool up in her heart. Alarm bells rang in her head. And she closed her legs to command, and the horse sprang to life as she rushed towards the Red Keep.

She could hear Ser Gerold rushing in behind her, shouting at her to slow down. But she couldn't. She had to reach the castle. She had to see her father.



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Chapter 3
Chapter 3-The Journey Across the Sea!

The voyage of Prince Aemon to Pentos in 290 AC is a highly significant event in the History of Westeros. The exact details of the journey have been the cause of much debate, but it is a common consensus that this was a planned journey made for one single purpose. To obtain the greatest treasure of House Targaryen.


It had been rumored that Elissa Farman stole three eggs from the Targaryens before she began her journey across the seas. These eggs were sold to someone unknown in Essos, though many speculate that it was the Iron Bank of Bravos. King Aerys had been on the search for them for the major part of his reign. And in 290-AC, he would find them. Buying them for what is now regarded as the greatest Transaction of History.

Yet Alas, he would never be able to gaze upon them himself. Dying in 290-AC and those Dragon eggs would bring a huge storm for the Targaryen dynasty.


Aemon Targaryen watched the endless seas from the deck of his ship. The Titanic was perhaps the biggest ship in the Targaryen Armada. Its unique name was given to it by his father.

The sailors and the navy officers worked on the deck as they waded through the narrow sea. Finally, they were on their way home. He was excited as well. This journey had taken him way more time than estimated. But the issue's sensitivity was such that he could not rush anything.

Aemon had spent quite some time at sea. His father had given him the task of overlooking the trading endeavors of the Targaryen family. And for this, he had been on several voyages across the Narrow Sea. Sometimes to check on their routes and sometimes to meet magisters and merchants of the various free cities as an envoy.

Aemon reached into the pocket of his doublet and took out a very special object. The object which had allowed Targaryen to surpass the Sea Snake in their endeavors over the sea. It was a small wooden box. He rotated the small dial on edge, and the lid popped off.

Revealing a small piece of paper with a needle rotating over it. The whole apparatus is covered by glass. The needle trembled as it rotated a couple of times before one of its ends settled on the N. indicating the direction of North.

"The arrangements have been completed, my prince," came the voice from the side, and Aemon immediately closed the compass. Turning to see the person who had spoken up.

It was Captain Davos. A smuggler turned trader in his father's fleet. One of his father's peculiar choices over the years. But a fruitful choice nonetheless. The man had much skill in seafaring and had risen to the rank of captain over the years. That status was about to change in light of his recent services.

"Would you like to do an inspection, my prince," the balding captain spoke up once more. Aemon nodded his head at that.

"Yes, I would."

The man nodded at that, and they began walking over the deck. Moving to the special quarters of the ship. The crew bowed to him when he passed by them.

"I still cannot fathom how you even found these. Moreover, getting the person to sell them at all." Aemon spoke hushedly as they made their way to the captain's chambers. The two guards guarding it bowed to him as he passed by them. Aemon commanded them before going in.

"No one comes in under any circumstances. No one!" the two guards nodded, and then he opened the door, briefly followed by Davos.

"My Prince, we have been searching for them for over a decade now. Those of us recruited by your father were given this task by him specially. We actually located them a couple of years ago," Aemon frowned.

"Then why are we only buying them now?" he asked. And the ex-smuggler smiled at that.

"At that time, the magister was unwilling to sell them, for he had money and influence. So, the King decided to erode that money and influence. And through our efforts over the last couple of years, we were able to cripple him and his mercantile empire in a way forcing him to sell them."

Aemon just shook his head at that. It was just like his father. If he wanted something, he would turn to heaven and earth to have it. Over the years, he had seen his father enact various changes in the realm. Changes that seemed small at the time, like funding the Alchemists guild, building a trading fleet, taking direct control of some farmland, and giving rewards for exotic innovations. Each of them individually did not seem like much.

But their combined effect had changed everything. The compass made by the guild, now in possession of each captain of the Targaryen fleet, had transformed seafaring. Through it, they were able to trade more efficiently. The exotic innovations had been the most innocuous, and combined with the farmland under their control; the crown now had its own farms. Farms that gave almost double the harvest of those of the lush farms of the Reach.

The increased crop was used to make other things. Things that had never been seen before. Exotic Drinks and foods of various kinds. Which were then traded and added to the wealth and prestige of their House. It all came down to one of his father's philosophies.

"Wars are fought by men and won by Gold."

The aged captain reached one corner of the room. The lamp above illuminated it, and then he opened the huge metallic chest lying there.


And inside were two cups. But they were no simple cups. Each of them with a smoky pattern that rippled over their surface. Aemon picked one of them up, running his hand along the cool metal. Valyrian Steel.

"We have also spread the rumors that House Targaryen has bought Valyrian Steel. This way, the rumors about our true purchase could be suppressed." The old man said with a smirk.

Aemon nodded as he placed the cup back in the metallic chest.

"And where is our real purchase."

The old man nodded, closing the chest and locking it once more. After that, he walked towards the captain's table. Bowing down, he pulled something like a lever from underneath the table.


A plank loosened from the captain's table. Aemon walked to the side, joined by the aged merchant, who pulled the wooden plank to the side to reveal the metal contraption underneath. There was a circular indentation in the metal.

"Place your compass in it, my prince. Only someone with a compass can open it."

Aemon nodded and took out the wooden piece in the indentation in the metal. He felt it click, and then, after a turn. The whole side of the table was separated. Revealing a hollow space. A space currently occupied by three rounded petrified eggs. Three actual Dragon eggs.

Dragons that had been the source of the power of their house's strength. Lost during the dance in what his father often called the most tragic war of the Targaryen rule.

"According to the Magister, they were bought from lands beyond Asshai years ago."

Though Aemon was not paying much attention to the man. His attention was totally captivated by the petrified pieces of stone that could change the course of history. He raised his hand, trying to touch them.

"DON'T! THEY ARE VERY HOT!" but the old man suddenly stopped as Aemon touched the eggs. Their rough stony exterior is warm to the touch. He looked at the old captain beside him.

"What are you talking about? They are just a little warm." He said with a frown. And the merchant frowned as he raised his own hand but pulled it back with a hiss after touching the eggs. Making Aemon frown as he looked at his hand.

'What was this?' He thought. He shook his hand, putting this in the back of his mind.

"Who designed this whole secret space? And does every ship have it?" he asked, intrigued by the secret mechanism. Captain Davos shook his head.

"I am afraid not, my prince. Only a few ships have it. And from what I recall, one of the smiths from Kings Landing designed it with your father. Ser Tobho Mott, if I recall correctly."

Aemon nodded and put the information in the back of his mind.

"We actually used this to smuggle silk worms from Yi-Ti as well," the captain added with a smirk. Surprising Aemon once more about the source of one of the crown's other business endeavors.

Well, you did not become the richest house in the realm without a bit of trickery. And while House Targaryen had no gold mines in their lands. They had become the richest House in Westeros, surpassing even the Lannisters. But while the Lannisters' wealth was safe in the ground in their mines. House Targaryen had invested its vast wealth to transform its holdings. Hence betting on an increase in revenues from their various ventures.

Though his father was planning to build a bank to in the capital as well. Another one of his efforts to centralize their control over the continent. Aemon closed the chest, and then they placed the wooden covering back on the side. Hiding their true treasure once more.

Aemon then walked to the chair and sat on it.

"I will check on the crew," and with a bow. Davos left the office, leaving him alone in the chambers. Aemon closed his eyes as he thought about his return to Westeros, specifically, what awaited him.


Aemon Targaryen was a price of the realm. A second son, a spare. But unlike the other second sons. His father had chosen not to gloss over him. He had been trained along with Rhaegar by their father to rule. And now he had been given a whole city. Duskendale for him and his heirs to rule till the end of time. Over the years, various offers had been made from historic houses like the Lannister, Tullys, Tyrells, and Arryns for his hand. But his father had been reluctant to accept such offers for some reason.

But the issue could not be delayed any longer. So, he had been asked to make a choice himself. And he had narrowed it down to two.

Jane Tyrell and Laena Velaryon. Both matches had their own pros and cons. The Tyrells had been grumbling for a match for quite some time. They were the second richest House after the Lannisters, apart from the Targaryens. The match would put House Tyrell at ease.

On the other hand, Laena Velaryon was the daughter of Lord Lucerys Velaryon. His father's master of Ships. The Crown had invested heavily in the crown lands. And a match with house Velaryon would go on to prove the crown's belief in the houses loyal to it.

Just as he was deep in those thoughts, the door to the chambers was knocked violently. He frowned and got up. He opened the door and saw Captain Davos standing there once more.

"What happened?" Aemon asked as he saw the worry on his face. The man replied.

"My prince, it seems we have a problem."

Aemon frowned at that. What was happening now?


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Chapter 4
Chapter 4-Long Live the King!

The death of King Aerys Targaryen in 290 AC has been a source of quite some historical debates. Many attribute it to natural causes; others believe it to be caused by his pursuit of arcane arts. But the exact cause of it was revealed by the recently released documents of the Iron Bank of Bravos by the Royal Family.

These documents, dated back to 290 AC, clearly mention the transfer of vast amounts of wealth to the famed House of Black and White. The mysterious guild of assassins that worshipped Death itself. Also, confirming the presence of such a group to the general public.

Interestingly, the amount mentioned is presumed to equal that House Targaryen paid to procure the three Dragon eggs.

A Conspiracy!


Rhaegar rushed on his horse through the Rosby Road, constructed by the Conciliator himself. They had passed by the seat of House Rosby a couple of hours ago, only stopping to get on fresher horses so that they could make haste toward the capital.

A small retinue of guards and his two loyal Kingsguards rode hard with him. And now, with the night beginning to cloud their surroundings with darkness, they could see the edge of the city.

The walls of the Outer City were now visible. Tall and thick stone walls were manned by archers with scorpions on the five major towers. His eyes narrowed as he spotted the increased number of guards over on the walls. The doors that led into the city were closed as well.

They rode hard and made their way to the gates. Stopping upon hearing the sound of the Huge horn from the top of the Wall.

The gates opened, and he was surprised to see an armed army squadron come out to greet him. The Captain got down from his horse and bowed to him.

"Why are the Gates closed?" Rhaegar questioned the man.

"The orders came from the council, my prince. All the gates to the city were to be closed. To be opened only after further instructions."

Rhaegar nodded at that. Still trying to reason out the cause for such a measure. The captain then turned and shouted.

"OPEN THE GATES!" and Rhaegar saw the gates open slightly. He nodded to the captain, pulling the reins of his horse, and rushed through the city that his father had built. The city was quiet, lacking the usual hustle and bustle associated with it. The houses were much smaller and made out of wood mostly, unlike those in the inner city.

Though much like the inner city, the streets were clean, the main road paved. The people moved out of his way, spotting the Targaryen banner from afar. Many of them blessing him as he went past them.

Bless the Prince. Live Long Prince. May the Targaryen prosper.

Yet all this was not on Rhaegar's mind as they spotted the inner city walls. These walls were much taller and with a much larger number of men. Though the gates would open without any stoppage this time, and he would rush into the inner city. The Red Keep, visible on the edge of the city. He noticed the army once more, fully armored and patrolling the city.

He reached the castle and was greeted on the gates by two of his father's council members.

Stannis Baratheon, his cousin by blood. The second son of Lord Steffon Baratheon, one of his father's most loyal friends. He had been serving as the Commander of the City Watch for quite some time.

And the other was a much older man. He was responsible for the command of the army in the absence of the King or the Prince. He was also wearing full armor, with a distinctive sword strapped to his belt. The sigil, a striding huntsman in red on a green field, is proudly displayed on the chest. Lord Of Horn Hill, the King's general. Ser Randyll Tarly. A strict but competent man nonetheless.

"My Prince," both of them bowed to him as he descended from his horse.

"You have our condolences for your loss," they said.

"Thank you for your concern. But where is my mother," he said as he began to walk briskly through the castle. The two of them followed him. The sheer hush and the black clothing of the people highlighting pronounced the spread of the news.

"The Queen went to her chambers sometime ago, my prince," Stannis replied.

And Rhaegar began to walk towards the Queen's chambers. The various servants hushed and bowed to him as he hurriedly moved past them.

He reached the Queen's chambers and saw someone quite familiar coming out of the room. It was Elia's lady-in-waiting and the sister of his friend Arthur.

Ashara Dayne, well, not anymore, he corrected himself. She had been married to the heir to Horn Hill and was now called Ashara Tarly nee Dayne. She was wearing black as well, her eyes having similar coloring to his own but with a much lighter shade of purple.

She bowed to him immediately.

"My prince, you have my condolences for your loss." She said, and Rhaegar just nodded. He would have to get used to such words.

"Where is Elia?" he asked her.

Ashara had arrived in court a couple of moons ago when the master had confirmed that Elia was pregnant with their third child. It had been a surprise for them, for they had said that after the birth of Aegon, it would be difficult for her to become pregnant once more.

"My Prince, she just went to her own room to put Aegon to bed. Rhaneys actually fell asleep inside and is with the Queen."

Rhaegar nodded at that. Arthur and Ser Barristan would be taking over the command of the situation. He needed to talk with his mother.

"Has Arthur returned with you as well, my prince?" she asked him. And Rhaegar nodded.

"Yes, he did. Him and Ser Barristan are with the Lord Tarly and Stannis at the moment."

Rhaegar knocked on the doors to his mother's chambers. Entering them, he saw his mother sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing black, much like everyone he had seen. Her hands casually passed through the hair of the child asleep on her bed. Rhaeneys had fallen asleep on the Queen's bed and was clutching Queen Rhaella's arm as she slept.

She looked up to see him, and Rhaegar saw the hollow look and the dried tears on her face. He silently walked to her side and lowered himself as she enthusiastically embraced him.

No words were spoken, and none were needed. Queen Rhaella Targaryen had married her brother Prince Aerys on his grandfather's insistence. The beginning of their marriage had been marred by the second greatest Tragedy their family had faced since the Dance itself.

Summer Hall burnt and devastated, taking away so many of their family. The sickly price Jaehaerys would take the throne, and then the Blackfyres would rebel, aided in their greed by the Gang of the Nine.

King Aerys and Queen Rhaella had faced all those tribulations with no one but one another for support. And while Rhaegar knew that there had never been much love between them, they had built a healthy relationship based on respect.

He separated from her, taking a seat on the edge of the bed itself, giving his sleeping daughter a kiss on her forehead. The girl just turned slightly in her sleep, unaware of his presence.

"What happened?" he asked his mother. The Queen spoke up after a while.

"It was assassins," and his hands would stop as he heard those words. He had suspected as much with the deployment of the army and closure of the gates.

"It has not been confirmed yet, but probably the faceless men somehow were able to infiltrate the castle. Ser Lewyn was able to kill one of them, but there was a bund of them, and they killed your father."

And Rhaegar's mind was racing as he tried to think of the people who could afford such a hit. The House of Black and White asked for a specific amount of gold to carry out an assassination. And that amount varied with the difficulty and influence of the person that was to be assassinated. For his father, that sum would have to be quite an astronomical figure.

"I then summoned Stannis and had him call up the army and then wrote to you."

She then looked up at him and said in a small voice. Her free hand went up to his face.

"You have to be careful now, Rhaegar. I have a bad feeling about this," and he nodded his head at that.

"I will be. Where is Daenys?" he asked her, and he saw her expression falter.

"She was inconsolable. She has locked herself in her room. Ser Gerold is there guarding her."

"I will talk to her after this, but I have to ask you something, Mother?" he said in a much more serious tone. Queen Rhaella nodded her head, and Rhaegar spoke up.

"Do we have any lead, any suspicion about the preparator?" he asked her. She was quiet for some time, only speaking up after some time.

"Lands across the narrow sea have been discontent with your father for some time due to the rising power of the Targaryen family. The Triarchy still hates him for the defeat they faced in the war. It could be anyone."

It was true; rumors about concern regarding the rise of Westeros had been reported to them by their spies. No plot had been discovered, but Pentos, The Triacrchy, and many other lands in Essos had been growing wary at their culminating strength.

"But I do have something to tell you. It is about your brother and why he sailed to Pentos," she added mysteriously. And he frowned as he heard those words.

"Your father sent Aemon to Pentos to buy something that he has been looking for since almost the beginning of his reign."

His eyes widened as he heard the exact words.

"Dragon eggs."

Drago eggs. His father had been searching for dragon eggs, and if Aemon's trip was any indication, he had found them. But why? Dragons had been lost for centuries.

"Your father had an idea on how to hatch these eggs and had been looking for them for some time now. And he wanted it to keep a secret from the rest of the world, so Aemon was sent discreetly to buy them and disguise this venture with the buying of some valyrian steel cups they had also found."

And this was just more shocking to him, and Father had an idea of hatching dragon eggs. Then why hadn't he mentioned it during the Summer Hall incident? He was just about to ask her the same question when there was a knock on the door.

He frowned at the noise and got up from the bed. He opened the door and saw Arthur standing there. He was flushed and anxious as he spoke up.

"My Prince, there has been an emergency. Prince Aemon's fleet has been attacked," and Rhaegar's eyes widened as understanding dawned on him. He looked towards his mother and saw her expression marred by extreme worry as she heard those words.

First, the assassination of his father and now an attack on his brother. This was not a coincidence. This was a well-concocted plan, a conspiracy to bring their house down.

Yet he would not let them succeed. Such cowardly attacks would not cow house Targaryen.

And just as he was about to speak once more.


The whole castle shook as the sounds of two large explosions spread everywhere. The explosions had come from outside. He ran to the window and threw the curtains open. His eyes widened as he spotted the source.

The whole area around the harbor was burning. But the flames were not normal. No, they were green.

Wildfire, he thought. His eyes narrowed as he spotted another ship sailing dangerously toward the harbor. Wearing a banner that was very much recognizable.

Golden Kraken on a black background. The ship crashed into the harbor.

BOOM. And another explosion rocked the city. Anger rose in his heart. Greyjoys.

Those fuckin Greyjoys! Those fuckin Geyjoys!


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Chapter 5
Chapter 5- The Betrayal!

House Greyjoy ruled over the iron islands for over two centuries. The followers of the drowned god, a religion that promotes plunder and piracy, focused on raiding and taking the thralls and treasure. This was actually nothing other than slavery and stealing.

King Aerys would, in the later half of his reign, end this practice, famously citing.

"I do not care that you sow the lands or not. But you shall not be allowed to plunder and enslave my people."

Lord Quellon Greyjoy, the lord of Pyke at the time, would accept the edict because it was in line with his desire to bring the iron islands close to the rest of the realm. The King would offer them subsidies and other opportunities to prosper. But Alas!

The Greyjoys would be the house that would betray the royal house as they would join hands with foreign saboteurs and attack King's Landing.

But this would have consequences! Severe Consequences!

Rhaegar Targaryen!

"How could this happen? How can four ships crash like that into the harbor!" Rhaegar snapped at the people standing in front of him.

"Your grace, these were regular Greyjoy vessels. The officers thought that they were here to dock as they regularly do. But then they did not slow down, and three ships crashed into the harbor one after another. Without any inspection, we had no idea that they were loaded with wildfire," came the reply from the aged Hand of the King.

Lord Lucerys Velaryon had served as his father's hand for over ten years now, getting promoted from his post as the Master of Ships. An office that Lord Manderly now occupied. It was not like the Lannisters were completely absent from the court. Lord Kevan Lannister, brother to Lord Tywin, served as the Master of Coin.

Rhaegar turned toward another member, his father's master of whisperers.

"Qyburn, how is it that the Greyjoys were able to obtain such a quantity of wildfire without any news?" he asked. The man had arisen to the position in the last decade but had been observed in the capital for some time.

"Your grace, I can assure you that the wildfire did not come from Westeros. The ties of such a plot seem to lie across the narrow sea," and Rhaegar frowned at that.

"But how can they make Wildfire? That secret is only known to the alchemists," and the man spoke up in his grazy voice once more.

"I believe that they might have approached someone from the guild and smuggled the secret out. But I will look into it at once," and he turned towards the Master of Ships, Lord Wyman Manderly. A fat man who barely fit in the chair, but his father had always said that he was the most cunning man on his council.

"What are the losses, Lord Manderly? Can we retaliate?" he asked the Lord of White Harbor. The plump man shook his head.

"I am afraid that will not be possible; I have sent letters to Dragonstone for the rest of the fleet to prepare, but we will not be able to retaliate immediately. The damage to the Harbor is extensive. Though I have written to the Lannisters to prepare their fleet."

Rhaegar nodded at that. With the Lannister fleet, they should be able to attack the Iron Islands.

"But why would the Iron Islands mount an attack like that? This just screams stupidity. And I refuse to believe that the timing of such an attack is a coincidence."

This thing had been bothering Rhaegar for some time now. The Greyjoys had been somewhat angry by his father's edicts. But years had passed, and by now, they had been partly integrated into the trading fleet. What had changed? What had emboldened them to such an extent?

"Your grace, while Lord Quellon had always wished to bring the iron islands closer to the realm. I believe the same cannot be said of his son," began the Lord Hand, and Rhaegar frowned. Lord Velaryon was right.

Rhaegar had met Lord Quellon several times at court and found him an intelligent and cautious man, but his heir Balon had been a different matter. More so, the younger brother, Euron. And he frowned as he tried to recall a piece of important news he had heard about him.

"Your grace, apart from this, we also have another matter of great importance to discuss." Came the voice of the Master of Coin. Rhaegar looked up at that. The golden locks of House Lannister shined in the light. The green eyes were a bit lighter than he had seen in the man's brother.

"Your father's death was a great tragedy, but the realm needs a king in this dire time. I propose that we move ahead with the coronation."

Rhaegar shook his head at that, but he suddenly stopped. His mind finally remembered something he that had been nagging him for some time.

"Qyburn, didn't Euron travel to Essos excessively over the last year? Where did he go exactly?" he asked, and the Master of Whispers frowned and replied after a while. Confirming Rhaegar's suspicion.

"I believe he went to Pentos, though he did visit Myr and Lys as well," and the man himself stopped at those words. Probably making the same connection as him.

The Triarchy had always hated his father for his role in their defeat and his crusade in the Stepstones. This was all a part of a much bigger plot.

Rhaegar turned to his Master of Ships.

"Lord Manderly! Immediately write to the Dragonstone fleet, and have them send a portion of it to reinforce our holdings in Stepstones and a part of it towards Pentos."

"Of course, we must protect the Stepstones against any misadventure by the Triarchy, but Pentos, may I ask why, your grace," the man asked.

And Rhaegar frowned. How much should he divulge to the council? Should he tell them about the sensitive issue of Dragon eggs, Aemon was carrying? In the end, he decided to say a half-truth.

"You must remember that my brother Aemon is on a journey to Pentos. This whole could become disastrous should he be captured. So, I want you to send a portion of the fleet to safely escort him back to Westeros."

"Of course, your grace."

Rhaegar then turned to his Hand.

"The coronation can wait. I want you to write to each Lord and have each of them host a modest host. I am afraid the realm is going to …."

But his words were cut off as the door to the council chambers opened again. Rhaegar frowned while looking up and saw the Grand Maester enter. Another man of his father's choosing.

Archmaester Marwyn, called Marwyn, the Mage for his fascination with the occult, had been specifically requested by his father. Though the Citadel had been reluctant at first, they had acquiesced to the request when his father had sent a slightly differently worded letter.

"Your grace, you must forgive me, but I bring grave news!" said the learned man as he huffed. His chains clinked and produced a grating sound.

"What happened, Grand Maester," he asked.

"I have just received word from the Stepstones! The Triarchy has attacked the islands. Governor Oberyn is mounting up a defense but has requested aid."

The whole council room was quiet. They had just talked about this. His suspicion was correct. They had been betrayed.

"Moreover, Lord Balon Greyjoy has declared independence and crowned himself the King. He has also attacked Lannsiport in the same way as he did Kinglanding."

Rhaegar's eyes widen at that.

"What?" came the surprised and worried voice of Kevan Lannister.

The Grand Maester just nodded his head.

"Yes, my lord. The fleet at Lannisport has taken heavy damage, and though the invading force has been repelled, the damage is said to be extensive due to wildfire. According to the letter, they may have also captured your sister, Lady Genna Lannister."

And Rhaegar saw Lord Kevan's face morph with worry as he clenched his fists in anger. Rhaegar closed his eyes as he prayed for the safety of Lady Genna in his heart. The Greyjoys were not known for their civility.

For a moment or so, Rhaegar wished that his father had been here. None of this would be happening if he was here. He had always seemed so composed. Rhaegar had rarely seen the man caught by surprise. And for the first time, he understood the reason his father had insisted in his participation in the Council meetings.

All of them, including his mother and sister, had always been forced by their father to sit in the council meetings at least once a month. Though for he and Aemon, they would have to attend each meeting. Reasoning that they should all learn governance, for they would one day rule after him.

Rhaegar had observed his rule, starting as a cup-bearer to his father and later sitting in as an advisor.

"Lord Velaryon, call the army and have the levies assemble. The Seven Kingdoms are at war!"

"Yes! I will go and have the letters sent immediately," said the fat man as he hobbled out of his chair and began to walk out of the council chambers, leaving him with the rest of his council. He looked over the rest of them and spoke out after a second.

"You do understand what this means? This is a coordinated attack. My father's death and then such attacks. This is a conspiracy at work!" he spoke up and saw Lord Velaryon nod.

"Indeed, though it will not matter, your grace. We are prepared for any such aggression. Your father has left us with both a well-trained Army and filled coffers. We are ready!" and Rhaegar nodded as he leaned back into his seat.

"Your grace, we still need to discuss about the funeral of your father," Kevan Lannister spoke up from the side, making Rhaegar sigh as he nodded.

"Yes, we do. The Funeral will be in two weeks. Make sure to mention to all those who wish to attend that this shall not affect raising levies!" and the ma nodded.

"Of course, your grace, but what is the plan for countering this?" questioned Kevan Lannister, and Rhaegar looked toward the commander of his father's army, Lord Randyll Tarly, who stood up and unfurled a map on the table.

"The enemy is attacking us from two sides, firstly at the Stepstones and secondly from the West. They wish to make us divide our forces and use this to our advantage. My advice would be not to do that and focus all our efforts on one battle before moving on to the second one!"

And he was taken aback by the suggestion. Should we let them have free reign and advance without any retaliation on one of the fronts, potentially ceding ground?

"But this would let them cause havoc on one of the fronts. And then we must also consider that these attacks have their ties to elements beyond the Narrow Sea. We have to take care of them as well," added lord Kevan, and Lord Tarly nodded.

"Indeed, and that is why my advice would be to let Dornish levies reinforce the Stepstones while we should focus all our efforts on bringing down the rebellion by the Greyjoys. This way, we wouldn't have to care for them striking us in the back when we march onto Essos."

Rhaegar nodded as the man began to mark the locations for launching attacks and gathering the armies, highlighting the supply lines that had been established years ago by his father.

"It is a sound plan, but House Greyjoy's territory is small, and the Stepstones were conquered with great difficulty. I don't believe that the Martells alone could hold them. Have the Redwyne and Hightower fleet provide them with backup as well, and write a letter to Robert Baratheon to assemble levies for their aid as well. The rest of the plan seems sound, make the arrangements with Lord Manderly and have the preparations begin."

And with the final orders, he stood up and left the meeting room to give the news to their mother.


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Chapter 6
Chapter 6

Euron Greyjoy was perhaps the best sailor of his time and was thought unstoppable when riding his signature ship, the Silence. He had made significant contributions during the sacking of the Stepstones, and he would have been richly rewarded if he had not overreached and asked for the hand of Princess Daenys.

King Aerys was said to be red with rage at the overreach, and only Lord Quellon's intervention had saved his son's life, who would then go into exile.

Though he would return and atrocities he would leave in his wake would always have us say, 'it would have been better if the King had taken his head that day.'


"We are getting surrounded, my prince," shouted Davos Seaworth, and Aemon himself was starting to feel uneasy as he saw another one of the ships of their fleet sink down. He had recognized the opposing ship as the infamous Silence. The ship of the exile Euron Greyjoy, and even under his father, the man had been an exceptional naval commander, and Aemon was beginning to understand why.

"Ask the men to get ready and prepare the special weapons. Plus, give the command to the fleet to gather up, don't let them isolate a ship." And the captain nodded before he rushed to carry out the orders. Aemon rushed back to his cabin and looked at the map.

Euron's attack had been a surprise, but they were still sailing in the narrow sea. And it was right there in the name. Narrow. They could try to push through and push to reach Dragonstone. With the naval might of Dragonstone at his back, Euron wouldn't dare to attack.

But could they get through? Their opposition was well prepared for the attack, and from what he had sighted, there were ships from the Triarchy in its armada as well.

Moreso, how they had targeted this fleet at such a time spoke of extreme planning. So, he began to think up other routes they could take. They couldn't move back towards Pentosh because that would not be safe. So, that left him with only one option.

And just as he had thought that, the door to his cabin opened, and Aurane Waters entered the room, all geared up and ready for battle.

"The preparations are complete, my prince. We have taken out the wildfire weaponry as per your command. Though I would advise against using it right now, my prince," the man said hesitantly before continuing as he tried to explain.

"My prince, the weapons are extremely dangerous, and the fire is uncontrollable. If it spreads in our direction, it could be a complete disaster," he explained, and Aemon had known the same.

"Don't worry, Aurane, I was not planning on using it like that. Come here, though," he spoke, and the man rushed towards his side and watched as Aemon pointed at the map.

"I had hoped that we could turn back and then leave those wildfire mines behind us. If Euron tries to chase us down, his ships will go up in flames!" he told Aurane of his plan.

"So, you plan to dock on the Tarth island. That seems reasonable, but my prince, some of the ships in Euron's fleet bear the flags from the Triarchy," added Aurane Waters, and the same information had perturbed him.

And that meant trouble in the Stepstones. The trouble could easily spell out in other lands, let alone what was happening in the Seven Kingdoms.

"If we go through with this, we essentially cut off our escape route in case we can not dock there. And the docks of Stormlands aren't the safest," argued Aurane, yet Aemon could think of no other way. They had to make the decision fast.

"You are right, but this is the only way. Relay my orders to the men. I will be out as soon as I put on my armor," and the Velaryon bastard nodded before rushing out of the room. Aemon closed the map and finally put on the armor, though he did struggle for a moment while tying it up.

"Maybe I should have picked up a squire or two," he commented before finally succeeding in his endeavor. He rushed out of the cabin to see their fleet closing onto each other, and he could make out the form of Euron Greyjoy atop his ship in the distance looking straight at them.

Suddenly he saw Euron bring his hand down as the scorpion bolts were fired from his fleet at them. Aurane watched a couple of bots hit the ships. One of them even impaled a captain. They retaliated with their own attacks, but he could see that they were on the back foot.

"Have the captains turn the ships! Head for the Tarth lands!" and with that, the die was cast.

May the Gods be with them!



Davos watched as the fleet turned around and took its new heading. They had taken substantial damage yet the preparations were complete. He looked towards the young prince and could tell that the Prince was getting anxious. Not that Davos wasn't.

He had been in service to the Iron Throne for over a decade now, and could tell that it had been one of the best decisions he could ever have made. While previously a simple smuggler, he had been recruited by the Iron Throne. Davos had been apprehensive about taking the offer initially, but in the end, he had decided to take it up.

And it had been the best decision of his life. Now he was a captain with his own ship and crew. His family was settled with his son squires to a knight on their way to becoming knights themselves. And he knew that if this mission succeeded, he would be rewarded richly once more.

"My Prince, the preparations are complete," he informed the second in line to the throne. Both of them glanced at the trailing armada of Euron Greyjoy, chasing after them through the debris of their destroyed ships.

"Light it up," commanded the Prince, and he nodded as he turned to the row of archers at the back.


And with that command, the archers drew flaming arrows and loosened them at the black wild fyre-filled pots they had dropped into the water earlier. He gulped as he watched the arrows come down and hit the black mines, and then hell broke loose.



He had to avert his gaze as the water behind them descended into flames. The heat from those greenish flames was strong enough that they made him sweat even at such a distance.

"SEVEN HELLS!" cursed the bastard Velaryon as they looked at the raging green flames separating them and the fleet of Euron Greyjoy.

"No ship is getting through that," commented the prince. His amethyst eyes had a green sheen to them, and Davos agreed with the point.

"But we cannot relax. We need to reach the Stormlands quickly. Send a letter to Kings Landing as well. Inform them about the attack and ask for an update on the situation in the Kingdoms," ordered the Prince Davos nodded, and just as he was about to turn to relay the message to the acolyte Aurane Waters spoke up.

"What's that in the flames!" and Davos turned to look at the object the Velaryon bastard was pointing at. His heart lurched as he saw a giant shadow wading through the greenish flames. His mind refused to believe his own eyes.

"GODS BE GOOD! HE IS USHING THROUGH THE FIRE!" and then before he could react a scorpion bolt whizzed past his face.


There was a scream, and he looked back to find one of the crew members impaled on a scorpion bolt.


"WE ARE GETTING ATTACKED! MAN, THE SCORPIONS!" he ordered as armored guards surrounded the Prince, their shields up as they protected the royal. And he watched as a huge ship emerged from the greenish flames, it's coloring the iconic black.

'Silence,' he whispered the name of the ship.

It was Euron fucking Greyjoy!



"How could this happen? How?" she exclaimed once more as she hugged her mother though she knew that there was no answer. Her father was gone. Assassinated.

"We don't know yet. The war we have been thrust with has made it difficult to track down the exact method," her mother replied, hugging her as they hugged each other in the Queen's chambers. Even now, days later, Daenys could hardly believe it. The Seven Kingdoms were going to war once more.

The Greyjoys had rebelled, and Triarchy had joined forces as well to attack them as well. However, they suspected the involvement of other Kingdoms of Essos as well. Daenys had learned her history and was quite sure the last time she had seen an attack from Essos.

"Is it the Blacfyres again?" she questioned. Their father was said to have ended their line in the last war. But her mother shook her head.

"I would think not. Their line ended when your father slew Meleys the Monstrous. There should be no more Blackfyres alive anymore," but Daenys was not satisfied with that answer for some reason.

"But there could be. They say Lys is filled with silver-haired and amethyst-eyed people. All it would take for a Blackfyre pretender to hide there would be to change their name. They could have planned this to get revenge on Father for the defeat all those years ago," she said, making the connection.

"After the Nine Penny Kings war, your father sent men to track down any Blackfyre on the other side of the Narrow Sea," and Daenys looked at her mother, for she had never known about this. Her mother seemed a bit hesitant before she continued.

"They found a descendant from the female line. And despite my protest, your father ordered her to be killed."

That information took aback Daenys. Her father ordered the killing of an innocent woman. She knew of war. She had sat with him as he would teach all three of them the art of ruling and warfare.

"Why didn't he ever mention it to us when he taught us?" and her mother was quiet for a long time before she picked up the wine glass from the side table and took a sip.

"Do you know how your father got the throne?" Daenys sat up and looked at her mother before nodding. She had been taught her history. Grand Maester Marwin had made her read about it all despite her complaints.

"Yes, I do. Summer Hall, The War, and Grandfather's Death. I have read about it all," and her mother nodded.

"Yes, but you have read it. But the books can never tell you all of it. They can never tell you the whole picture," her mother spoke slowly before turning to face her.

"It all began on the day of our wedding!"


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Chapter 7
Chapter 7

Rhaella Targaryen was married to Aerys Targaryen when she was young. Rumors that were supported by some excavated texts tell us that she wasn't keen on the match with her brother, whom she called boisterous, cruel, and uncaring. Aerys Targaryen himself was rumored to be infatuated with Joanna Lannister in his youth.

Yet the marriage became the biggest lynchpin for the Targaryen dynasty and became the turning point in History for them. While not based on love, the two came to a mutual understanding and came to care for each other. King Aerys Targaryen would invite The Queen to the council meetings and value her advice when given.

They would be blessed with four children. However, much to their grief, the last child would die a year after his birth. Their relationship would provide their children with a solid foundation and is mentioned in quite exemplary words in the writings and letters discovered.


Night had descended now as her conversation with her daughter went on as she told Daenys of things she had not mentioned to anyone else. Even now, with the darkness taking over the sky, the city was bustling with the sounds of the Army assembling and people moving and shouting. She had seen a similar bustle twice before this. Once, she had been crowned the Queen after Summer Hall, and then when her husband had decided to bring the Stepstones to heel.

She watched, swept her hand through the silvery locks of her daughter as Daenys slumbered in her lap, her tiredness getting the better of her and making her doze off. She smiled, seeing her like this, seeing her all grown up. Daenys was everything she wasn't. She was fearless, assertive, and smarter than her. Aerys had always been proud of her, and her heart quivered as she thought of her better half. No one knew how hard his death had hit her, how losing him had shaken her completely. Yet she had known that she needed to be strong for her children.

She looked up at the ceiling, wiped away the tears welling up in her eyes, and whispered lightly.

"Why did you have to leave me so early? Why?" she questioned though she knew it was futile. He was gone, hopefully to a better place.

Truthfully Rhaella Targaryen had never been fond of marrying Aerys. He had always seemed so pretentious and cruel. And she was aware of his infatuation with her friend Joanna, yet their parents had not given them a choice for the match. She had feared his reaction to this, yet it was as if the marriage had transformed him. And then Summer Hall had happened, and they were left all alone.

She could feel the vultures circling, the court murmuring, yet Aerys had stood tall in the face of that tragedy and had led their family out of the crises almost single-handedly. He had known that she did not love him, yet he had only ever demanded one thing of her.

'I know this match was made without our input, dear Rhaella. But the times are tough, and I would hope that we could come to an accord to make this easier for both of us.'

A young Rhaella Targaryen nodded along, their child Rhaegar sleeping in her arms as both of them lay in their chambers.

At that time, the war had been called. She had been nervous about what he would ask of her. Yet his words would surprise her.

'Trust and loyalty. That is all I ask of you. We cannot make any mistake at such a time. We must not give anyone anything to exploit. So, we must band together if not in love, then in respect, for if we don't, our family will lose everything. Everything!'

She had nodded along at that time. And he had been proved right with the war getting called mere months later. Over the years, she also saw the plots and games in the court to try and turn them against each other, yet she remembered her promise to him. And slowly, Aerys would overcome them all.

And now House of the Dragon stood stronger than it had since the days of the Old King. Her hand went to her neck, and she saw the last object he had given her when he had gone to war for the first time.

'Keep this safe. If I am to die, show this to the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, who would show you to a secret safe. In it lie some guides about my plans and how to implement them. Use them!'

She had been taken aback by his words and had refused to take such a responsibility, yet he had thrust it in her hands forcefully.

'There is no one else, Rhaella. If I am to die, you shall lead the House of the Dragon and carry on this legacy!'

The memory seemed so distant now, for she had been young then, and Daenys and Aemon hadn't even been born then. Even after the war, he refused to take it back.

Her hands shook slightly as she looked at the ornately forged key before sighing as she picked up the bell beside her table and shook it lightly. The bell rang, and the door to her chambers opened, and Ser Gerold Hightower stepped inside. She saw his features soften upon seeing the sleeping form of her daughter before he knelt down.

"You called for me, your grace," and she nodded as she showed him the key. She saw his eyes widen as she spoke up.

"I believe you know what this means," and he gave her a nod.

"Of course, your grace," and she saw his eyes land on Daenys before he spoke.

"Do you wish to see it right now? You will need to go to the King's chambers for this, your grace," and she nodded after thinking for a second.

"Yes, take me there," she said as she gently placed Daenys head on the pillow before she got off the bed. The Kingsguard moved forward and helped her stand as they began to leave the room. She readied her heart as she entered the King's chambers, Rhaegar hadn't moved in yet, and everything was still as Aerys had left it. Ser Gerold walked towards the large bed and motioned her to come forward as well.

She frowned a bit but joined him, and soon she saw an indentation behind the bed wall.

"The King had the other key, which can be passed onto Prince Rhaegar after your consent. King Aerys was adamant that the protocol be followed and be maintained in case of his death," the Lord Commander told her, and she nodded. As she spotted the small keyhole between the ornate design.

Ser Gerold stepped back and began to leave the room, and she looked towards him.

"Where are you going, Ser Gerold?" she asked, and the man replied with a bow.

"The contents of that box are only for your eyes. I will be standing outside, your grace. You can call me when you are done," and she frowned as she nodded. So much secrecy. What exactly was hidden in that safe?

The Lord Commander left the room, leaving her alone, and her heart thrummed in her chest as she pushed the key into the hole and twisted it.

CLACK! There was the sound of a door opening as she felt a piece of the wall rotate a bit. She opened it and found herself staring at a portrait of herself and Aerys inside. Besides that, there were a number of scrolls and a book placed there. With shaky hands, she took it out.

Nothing was mentioned on the book cover, so as she opened it and on the first page, the following words were written in her husband's handwriting.

"My dear Rhaella, if you are reading this, then I have died before I could finish my work. Work that is absolutely necessary for the survival of our family and mankind itself, for since the day of my coronation, I have been preparing for a war. A war against the greatest enemy. Death. Death of mankind itself."

And as she read the next lines, her hands began to shake, and her eyes widened. And she knew, even with all she knew, her husband had more secrets than she had ever thought.



Tywin Lannister watched from the roof of the Garrison at Lannisport as the Gold Cloaks got ready for the incoming battle. From the vantage point, one could still see the damage left by the Greyjoy ambush. The damage to the fleet had been massive, yet the Gold Cloaks had been able to react in time and had refused to let the invading force get a foothold.

He heard the sound of steps from behind and looked and glanced back to find his son coming up to join him. Jamie Lannister, his son. The one to carry his legacy stood tall and ready for battle as he wore the finest armor. Tywin was proud of his son for how he had grown up. Long gone was the boy who stood behind in his sisters' shadow and now stood in front of him one of the finest knights of the realm itself.

"King Rhaegar is a day away now. He will soon arrive with the Royal Army. The sailors have also spotted the navy ships and are preparing the docks for them," Jamie told him, and he nodded. As expected, the Royal Army had been swift in their action, something entirely due to the efforts of his friend and King Aerys.

King Rhaegar thought of Jamie's words. And a part of him still couldn't believe that Aerys was dead. The man who changed history, the man who rebuilt a whole legacy. Gone. Of the group of three, which included him, Aerys, and Steffon, only he remained.

"What about the news from Stormlands? Has Prince Aemon docked safely?" he questioned, and Jamie nodded.

"Yes, he did so yesterday. He has minor injuries, and his fleet has been decimated, yet he was able to make it back. Robert is also assembling a host to counter any invading force though I believe our enemies will not try that," and that was good news. Aemon Targaryen had been the target of Euron Greyjoy, and Tywin knew firsthand what that man was capable of.

If Euron had just kept his mouth shut about the Princess, the King would have given him quite a station, yet the Greyjoy had not been able to do that and hence had been exiled. And the Princess remained a maiden still. A maiden that would make the perfect future Lady of the Rock. Aerys and him were discussing the match, yet now following his demise, he would have to bring it up with Rhaegar.

"There was a letter from Cersei as well," and Tywin saw a smile appear on Jamie's face as he continued and gave him the good news.

"She has given birth to a healthy young girl. She has decided to name it Joane, similar to mother," and Tywin's heart trembled as he heard that name before a small smile appeared on his face. Joanna would be proud of Cersei. Robert Baratheon had not been his first choice for Cersei's hand, yet it had been Aerys who had made the match, and with Robert Baratheon having grown up under Aerys's careful gaze and being the heir to a Highlord, there wasn't much to object.

So, he had accepted the offer, and Cersei Lannister became Cersei Baratheon. It was a good match, and Jamie's would be even better with the Princess Daenys.

"That is indeed good news," he commented after a while as he watched the doors to the Garrison open, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he watched the Sigil on the flags of the arriving party. A red lion, with a forked tail on a silver background. House Reyne was here. The very house that had been the source of the biggest quarrel between him and Aerys.

Leading that party was a man with silver hair and amethyst eyes, yet he wasn't a Targaryen. No, it was Vaemond Velaryon, the second son of Lord Velaryon, the Hand of the King and husband to Elissa Reyne, the last living member of the House, that had risen in rebellion against House Lannister.

Aerys turned away from the balcony and began to walk toward his chambers,

"Make preparations for the arrival of the King and have the army ready for the offensive. Rhaegar Targaryen will not want to wait much longer after he is here," he ordered Jamie, who nodded.

"Yes, Father," and with that, he entered the room, remembering the quarrel that shook his friendship with the King of the Seven Kingdoms.


House Reynewere the most prominent house in the Westerlands after the famed House Lannister. Emboldened by the weakness of the late Lord Tytos House, Reyne would make several overtures that had gone unanswered. Lord Tywin Lannister hated his father for his weakness and, when he came to power, decided to make an example of the rebellious House.

He planned to end their line, and he would have succeeded if one of the Reyne daughters, lady Jeyne Rayne had been present in the castle like the rest of the House. He would flood their caves and have the whole house put to sword, yet when the King would hear of it, he would be enraged. This would cause strife between the otherwise fast friends.

In the end, the King would marry the only remaining Jeyne Reyne to House Velaryon's second son and have both houses sign a secret peace pact. Many speculate that this was one of the reasons why the King denied a match between the Jewel of the West, Cersei Lannister, and Prince Rhaegar, yet no documentation of such has yet been found.


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Chapter 8
Chapter 8

Robert Baratheon, son of Steffon Baratheon, was named the Lord of Stormlands in the later vestiges of the rule of King Aerys when his father died of consumption. In his youth, the young Lord had been famous for his voracious appetite for wine, women, and war. Lord Steffon sought to have his son fostered by another Lord to curb his bad habits and initially chose the aged Mord Arryn, yet it never came to be.

In a surprising turn of events, the King would offer to foster the young Bratehon, and Lord Steffon would jump at the honor, more trusting of the cousin he had been a friend of than the older Lord Arryn. So, the young Lord would leave for Kings Landing, for his fostering. King Aerys would raise the boy like a son, labor hard to curb the boisterous young man's bad habits, and achieve mixed results. The King would succeed in instilling a sense of duty in the Baratheon lad, yet the young Lord always tended to be led astray whenever he was out of the man's eye.

Perhaps knowing that, the King would also arrange a reasonable match for the young Baratheon. A match he would later be found describing as.

'The old man chose her to keep an eye on me!'



In the stormy lands of the Durandon kings, it was a rare morning as the sky remained clear with no hint of a raging storm. On the shores of the Stormlands stood the ancient fortress of Storm's end with its singular defiant Drumm tower overlooking the bay, which had a number of ships broken and cracked bound to it.

Men were rushing towards the castle in hoards as the sounds of men drilling permeated the lands. However, inside the ancient fortress, the chambers of the Lady of Storms' Ends were filled with serenity as the golden-haired lady Cersei Baratheon nee Lannister sat on her bed, nursing the young little girl in her arms. She was pale, and her hair was disheveled, yet even in such a state, one would have to be blind to ignore the great beauty of the West.

And if nature ran its course, the young bundle with shimmering golden locks in her hands would grow up to rival her mother. Cersei Lannister smiled as she saw her daughter sleeping soundly. Her birth had been rather tricky, yet seeing the little babe in her arms made it all worth it.

"Hello, little one," she cooed as she rocked the babe in her arms, happy that Robert had let her choose their daughter's name. She had to choose Joanne, in memory of her recently departed mother, Lady Joanna Lannister.

Cersei had yet to fully recover from her labors, so a maid stepped forward and spoke slowly.

"My lady, may I take the young lady to her room so you can rest?" yet Cersei shook her head. It was the first time she had gotten to hold her daughter. She did not want to let go of her just yet.

So, she shook her head as she dismissed the maid.

"No, I shall take care of her for some time," then she turned towards the servant.

"Where is Robert?" she questioned, and the maid answered dutifully about the location of the Lord of Storm's End.

"My Lady, he went to the docks with the Prince in the morning. He also took young lord Ormund with him," and Cersei nodded and looked out the window at the fully risen Sun. They would be coming back soon.

"And what about Steffon?" she inquired about her younger son, named after Robert's father. The boy was leaner than his elder brother and preferred the company of books rather than the war hammer. Ormund took after his father more than her and was growing up to be as large as his father, blessed with the same monstrous strength he preferred the war hammer much to Robert's joy. Yet Steffon preferred a sword, much like his uncle though Cersei would wager her son was better at his letters than her twin.

"My lady, he is out training in the yard. He came to check on the young lady in the morning before going to the yard, he came to check on you as well, but you were resting at the time," and Cersei nodded and dismissed the maid as she finally focused on the sound of metals clacking reaching her room.

This wasn't the first time she heard these sounds. It had been years now though she remembered hearing them previously as well. Yet this time, it was as if the sounds were angrier, and they should be. War had been thrust upon them. Their enemies had struck first. It was now widely speculated that King Aerys had been assassinated, and a whole conspiracy was at play once more.

King Aerys Targaryen, considered by many to be the greatest King after the Conciliator himself. The man was a friend of her and Robert's father and had brokered her marriage to him, despite her father's will to have her married to the Prince. Cersei had complex feelings about the man, for he broke her dream of being a Queen, but her marriage with Robert had been a suitable arrangement by him.

As her mind wandered to the late King, she missed the sound of the door to her room opening and Robert entering her chambers. She broke out of her trance when she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder. She looked to the side and found her husband standing there with a smile on his face.

"What's on your mind?" he questioned her as he sat by her side. She shook her head.

"Nothing. When did you come back, the servants told me you were at the docks with the prince?" she questioned as she looked him over, neither missing the distinct smell of the Arbor Gold nor the little flushing of his face.

"Just now. We were unloading some of the important cargo so he could finally leave for Kings Landing. Aemon plans to leave by sundown, I will be sending a team of guards with him to guard him on his route. We cannot take any risk in these times."

And she did not miss the balling of his fists as he said that. King Aerys had hit Robert hard, for the man had been like a second father to him, and his sudden death had taken him by surprise. Yet that was no reason for him to forget himself.

Robert's eyes went to the little bundle sleeping in her arms, and as he reached for her, she swatted away his arm.

"Not like this. I can practically smell the wine on you," she rebuffed him and watched as his eyes widened at having been found out. There was a look of guilt on his face, yet she shook her head.

"Hahaha, me and Aemon just drank a bit from one of the vintages he brought from his voyage. In honor of the King, you see. To honor him," and she nodded sarcastically.

"Forget about it. Just be careful in the future. You know what the healer told you. Drinking excessively could kill you," she chided him once more in a concerned tone. The King had been rather strict with him in regard to his drinking habits, and those teachings remained effective to this day, yet he still needed some remaindered here and then again.

"Will you be leaving with the Prince as well?" she suddenly asked, handing him his daughter. Robert smiled as he cooed at the sleeping child before he replied to her.

"No, Ormund will accompany him for the funeral. I have other duties," and she nodded. The war had two fronts at this time, and they were closer to the second front.

The Stepstones.

"How is Prince Aemon?" she asked about the young prince. Prince Aemon had been one of her prospective matches. The King cared equally for his sons and had gone against tradition and had granted his second son a separate seat of power. In these circumstances, a match with Prince Aemon would only be marginally worse than a match with the crown Prince.

Robert's smile dropped, and he shook his head as he told her of his friend. Robert shared a closer bond with the younger Prince Aemon than with the older Prince Rhaegar.

"He is distraught and angry. Half his fleet was destroyed by that fucking Euron Greyjoy. He himself barely escaped," Robert replied angrily, and she saw his eyes blaze with the famous Baratheon fury.

"Gods! If I get my hands on those fucking squids, I am bashing them all! Those treasonous cunts!" he roared angrily, and the chamber shook with his voice. She placed her hand on his arm to calm him down.

"It's okay, they will pay! Everyone who had a hand in this will!" and he nodded and she noticed his eyes widening suddenly as he handed her Joanne.

"Ahh! I almost forgot about this! But you were in labor, so I did not want to trouble you," and her heart dropped as she heard those words. There was an apologetic look on his face as he handed her a letter from his pocket.

"There was a second attack as well. An attack on Lannisport!" and her eyes widened as dread pooled in her gout at his words. She immediately opened the letter and began to skim over it.

"Thankfully, both your father and brother are fine. The fleet was damaged, but that can be rebuilt," and her heart eased as she heard about her father and Jamie. She sighed in relief a bit at that.

"So, will you be going to Lannisport," and he shook his head.

"No, I will be leaving for Dorne! The levies from the Stormlands are to support Oberyn there," and she frowned a bit at that. Despite the relative peace of the last thirty years, the Stormalnds and the Dornish had a somewhat tumultuous relationship.

"The marcher lords will not be happy about this. Most of them are still at odds with houses from Dorne," she added, and Robert nodded.

"They might grumble a bit, but they will ride as ordered. As much as they may hate the Dornish, they hate the triarchy way more." And he was right about that.

Though it would be more accurate to say they were more loyal to the Royal family, especially to the late King who had made abundant grain available to them, solving the central problem of these lands. Though, with both Ormund and Robert leaving, who would be in command of the castle? While Steffon was able, he was still a child and had a couple of years before he reached his majority.

"With both you and Ormund leaving? Who will be in command of the castle?" she questioned.

"Ahh! Well, Steffon will be here, and you will be there to guide him. However, Renly will be returning shortly, and he will take command of the defense of the shores."

And Cersei frowned as she heard that. The youngest of the Baratheon brother had always been a bit of an enigma to her, he had always been polite, yet she never felt easy around him. But perhaps it was only her.

"When will he be arriving?" she questioned him, and Robert missed the rigidity of her tone as he replied in a boisterous tone.

"He will be here in a week."


In one of the manses of the perfumed city of Lys, several men sat around a table as maidens danced and littered around them in clothes that showed more skin than they hid. They conversed with each other in hushed tones as the maidens entertained them.

Suddenly the doors to their room opened, and another man entered with two guards flanking him on his side. Everyone turned to face the intruder as their eyes focused on him. He wore a dark doublet and had a sword attached to his hip. His head was bald, and he had a round face though his eyes were the signature amethyst, a legacy of Valyria.

The whole room became quiet as he reached his seat. The bald man looked around and finally broke the silence.

"The plan is in motion. Aerys Targaryen is dead!"


I can assure you that Aerys was laughing when he made this match possible. Laughing very hard!

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Chapter 9
Chapter 9

The betrayal of House Greyjoy would be the first test for King Rhaegar Targaryen. He would assemble a third of the Army and more than half of the navy for this campaign. Many consider these numbers to be too much, given the small population of the Iron Islands. However, the might of the iron islands can not be underestimated. Their strength lay in the fact that in order for someone to face them on the sea, their preferred battleground.

As the new King planned his first offensive, his brother Prince Aemon rushed back to the capital from the Stormlands. Tired, injured, and after having suffered heavy losses from the attack of Euron Greyjoy, many would speculate that his voyage to Pentos was a failure.

They couldn't be more wrong. This voyage would go on to change the fate of the royal family and the world.

On the other side of the continent, cold winds were brewing up, winds the likes of which hadn't been seen for thousands of years. The news of the King's death would also reach the North and the lands beyond it. And it is here in the lands outside the domain of his kingdom where his death would cause the greatest disturbance.

The Quiet Wolf will receive the news in the Halls of Castle Black itself on his way back to Winterfell from the lands beyond the Wall. He would then mount his horse and make haste to meet his Lord and brother Brandon Stark.



In the Castle of Lannisport, the army stood assembled and ready for an attack. There was a certain tension in the air. A certain tension as the people grew anxious over the whole war. Rhaegar himself was also quite anxious, for this was his greatest trial. While he did learn many things under his father's tutelage, learning and doing were different.

He looked out from the balcony as the men marched into formations. One could see a whole armada of ships that had been assembled for the attack on the Iron Islands in the distance as well. However, despite it all, he felt uneasy. Everything up until now seemed rather well-planned and coordinated. Their enemies had spent years planning this, and Rhaegar was sure they would also have predicted this.

So, the question was, what were they planning now? Was he overestimating them? Had he missed something? These thoughts plagued his mind when there was a knock on his door.

"Come in," he ordered, and his best friend and companion, Arthur, stepped into the room. He seemed more relaxed and had a missive in his hand.

"I have good news. Aemon has made it to Kings Landing safe and sound," and Rhaegar sighed in relief as a huge burden was removed from his chest. With Aemon safe and back in the capital, he could now focus on the battle at hand.

"That is good. That is very good. Now he can see to the defense of the capital. We can focus on the battle now. Has there been any news about Lady Genna?" he questioned, and Arthur nodded his head; however, his facial expressions made it quite evident that this wasn't good news.

"We are doing everything we can to locate her, yet there hasn't been much progress in that regard. However, Qyburn confirmed that she is not on Pyke," and Rhaegar nodded as he walked back to his desk, picked up the rolled-up map from the side, and unfurled it on the table.

"Well, that is a start," Rhaegar said as he crossed the island of Pyke on the map. Arthur joined him as he looked over the map. The master of whisperers was doing everything he could to locate Lady Genna, so they could rescue her before mounting a full-on attack. While Lord Tywin had not insisted on stopping an attack, Rhaegar knew he couldn't attack and put her life in danger like this.

"Blactyde is out of the question as well, as are the Harlaw," Rhaegar crossed off two more islands. Arthur frowned as he intervened.

"I can understand Blacktyde, but why Harlaw as well? Balon's wife is from there. They are as involved in this as the rest of them," and Rhaegar nodded. However, the Crown did not just rely on the master of whispers for its information now. His father had been a bit overly cautious in this regard, and while he did trust Qyburn a lot, the same could not be said of the future. And hence the trading fleet served a secondary purpose as well.

In normal times they were simple traders, buying and selling their wares, making a profit, but in times of war, they would become informants, soldiers, and sometimes even assassins. No one knew of them except the Royal family, and even then, the information was only ever shared with the proverbial heir and the spare.

"Harlaw is the island most involved in the trade. If she were taken there, we would know about it," he lied to Arthur. He did not like it, but his father had been very strict with his instructions. Arthur's eyes narrowed, and he probably saw through his excuse, yet he did not call him out for it. He could have guessed that he wasn't in the position of sharing the source, so they moved on as Arthur suddenly pointed at an isolated island at the edge of the Kingdoms.

"How about this? The Lonely Light, they are far off the kingdom and isolated, a perfect place to keep a hostage," and Rhaegar frowned as he shook his head.

"Possible, but it takes eight days to sail there even from Great Wyk. A ship should have been sighted," and Arthur nodded as he countered.

"They could have used a smaller ship," and Rhaegar thought about it all again, and it made sense, but they needed more help. Right now, he had enough covert resources to target two, maybe three, islands covertly to rescue Lady Genna. He did not want to waste these chances, so all he could do was wait.

"We need more information. Have Quburn focus on Great Wyk and Old Wyk. My suspicion is that she will be on either of these two islands. As soon as it is confirmed, send a team to rescue her," Arthur nodded.

"And are you sure you want to put Stark in charge of it? He is still pretty young," however Rhaegar shook his head.

"Yes, if I send you or Ser Barristan, people will notice your absence. Benjen is less famous, so it will be easier for him to move. And he is better at climbing and hiding than you and Ser Barristan. He will lead the rescue operation," Rhaegar confirmed.

Benjen Stark was one of the first northerners to become Kingsguard, a third son. His talent with the sword was not as impressive as Arthur or Barristan, but he did have his own special set of skills. He had been another one of his father's surprising appointments. A Northern serving in the Kingsguard, Rhaegar did not recall that happening ever before. Arthur nodded.

"Well, you are not wrong. Stark is quite good at climbing walls and hiding," he agreed and then looked at the widow at the setting Sun.

"The Lords will be assembling soon. They will want to hear a plan of action," and Rhaegar nodded. As he scanned the map once more.

"Seaguard is under siege by one of the Greyjoy's right," and Arthur nodded.

"Yes, it's Baelon's eldest son, Rodrik," and Rhaegar chewed his lip as he thought of a solution.

"It will have to, Pyke. We will have to cut off the head of the snake," Rhaegar concluded after a long think as he pointed at the castle in question. Arthur frowned.

"It will not be easy. It will be heavily defended, and even if we can mount a siege, they will have stockpiles," and Rhaegar shook his head.

"We cannot do a siege. We need to be quick. We will have to take it by force," he then finally settled onto a plan of action.

"And I think I know just how we can do this," and he started to discuss his plan with Arthur.



The shock from the death of her father was yet to fade off. He had always been there like a pillar of strength for her and her brothers that she could still not get over his death. Yet he was dead. Assassinated by their enemies across the narrow seas, and now her brother was gone as well. To put down the rebellion from the problematic House Greyjoy.

The city was still under curfew, and five thousand men of the Royal Army walked through the streets to maintain order. Work on the destroyed port was being done day and night to make it operational again as the King Landing prepared itself for the upcoming conflict. More levies were being raised, and grain was getting rationed as they prepared for a war.

Daenys watched as a grand column of carts and men headed straight for them. Guards from House Baratheon and the Royal Army flanked it on the sides, and the people parted ways to give way to the incoming Prince. Besides her, she noticed her mother looked relieved as her other brother returned home from his voyage.

Aemon was at the head of the procession, with Dour face, Stannis Baratheon, on one side, and a younger and more cheerful Ormund Baratheon on the other. Ormund was Robert Baratheon's son and Stannis's nephew, yet both shared little between them except the color of their hair, with Ormund taking after his father more than his uncle.

Her brother saw them and pulled the reins of his horse, and it galloped through the cobbled streets, leaving his companions behind and stopping right in front of them. He had grown thin, and his face had a rather gaunt look, but as soon as their eyes met, a small smile appeared as both rushed toward each other.

"It is so good to see you, Daenys," said her brother as she felt his arms wrap around her. They then separated, and daenys wiped away the wetness from her eyes as Aemon gave their mother a hug. By this time, Stannis and Ormund had reached them as well. Orumund stepped forward and kneeled down.

"House Baratheon sends its condolences to the Royal family on their loss. We are at your call in these difficult times," he spoke ceremonially as their mother nodded and ordered him to rise up.

"You look just like your father, Ormund. How is Robert?" she questioned him as they began to move towards the castle.

"Father is well and was preparing levies to support Governor Oberyn in the Stepstones. He was quite distraught by the death of King Aerys. He often called him a second father to himself, your grace," he said, and her mother's smile thinned at the mention of their father.

"Lady Cersei just gave birth to a daughter and decided to name her Joane after her mother, Lady Joanna. I believe you were friends with Lady Lannister," added Aemon from the side, and her mother nodded a small smile.

"Indeed. I and Joanna were dear friends in our youth. She would be proud of Cersei today if she were alive. Perhaps when the war is over, she could bring her to court," her mother said to Ormund, who nodded.

"It would be an honor, your grace," he replied before he looked around, probably searching for his friend. Yet when he found no trace of her, he spoke up hesitantly.

"May I ask where are Lady Elia and the young Princess Rhaenys," Daenys smirked as Aemon and she looked straight at each other? It seems little Ormund hadn't learned his lesson.

Ormund and Rhaenys had grown up together for a number of years and were quite close with each other. And even though Ormund towered over her niece in size, she usually led him around in their little adventures.

Their mother smiled as well at their antics before she answered.

"She is with her mother. The Queen is with the child again, and in these difficult times, we thought it best not to spread the news. So, Rhaenys is with her mother right now. You can see her after you rest for some time. I am sure the long journey has left you rather tired," her mother replied.

"Ohh, it wasn't that tiring. I was in the carriage, so I am quite fresh, your grace," Ormund answered with a cheer, and at that point, Aemon and her broke out into a laugh, and so did their mother. Ormund finally realized what he had done and turned red in embarrassment as he corrected himself.

"As you say, your grace." He said.


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Chapter 10
Chapter 10

The Kraken's folly was the name given to the Greyjoy rebellion, for it was just that a folly. The Targaryen dynasty was at the height of its power with the Royal Army and the trading fleet fielding over forty thousand men. The agricultural and system reforms had caused the population to boom so much so that Kings Landing was said to have doubled its population in his reign, this was also one of the biggest reasons for the expansion done by King Aerys.

Moreover, the King had been generous with House Greyjoy, investing capital into the islands to have them form ports so they could earn their way to wealth through trade rather than plunder and piracy.

Yet House Greyjoy rebelled. It joined a greater conspiracy against the crown, and it would see reckoning for its folly.



The council chamber in the garrison of Lannisport was filled with men. The tension in the room was sharp as everyone waited for the arrival of the King. He sat to the head of the right could, with Jamie seated to his left.

Opposite him sat the crown's general, loosely called the Fist of the King, Lord Randall Tarly. The man had been Aerys's choice, and just like most of his departed friend's choices had been a very well-made appointment. His lips thinned as he saw, Vaemon Velaryon seated to the man's die, his presence a reminder of his dispute with Aerys over the rebellion of House Reyne.

Yet that was in the past, the King had been able to establish some communication with Pyke and had offered terms, yet the details hadn't been shared with anyone yet. Tywin had been assured that all such terms would ensure the safety of his sister Genna. No one knew what the status of these negotiations was.

As he thought that, the door to the council chambers opened and Rhaegar's most loyal companion and sword came in. Arthur Dayne walked in, the famous sword Dawn strapped to his side, followed by Lord Barristan Selmy, one of the realm's most gifted swordsmen in the entire realm.

Rhaeagr followed soon, dressed in full armor, yet unlike regular steel armor, it did not shine. The metal was all black, such that it was the color of soot. Dragons were fashioned into its design but non at the cost of protection or movement.

Rhaegar walked to the head of the table as they all stood up, and the tightness in his posture made it evident that there would be no more talk. Rhaegar took his position at the head of the table and motioned for them to sit, as he stood there and cut an imposing figure.

His armor and demeanor reminded Tywin of a much younger Aerys, who had stood tall similarly when the Blackyre rebellion had occurred. Yet times were different. Rhaegar had a whole army at his back, while Aerys had only a bunch of untrained levies.

RHaeagr looked around the Hall before he finally began.

"My father ruled over these lands for more than thirty years. Over the thirty years, these lands flourished, trade boomed, innovation happened, and prosperity graced all of Westeros. He wished to share that prosperity with House Greyjoy as well. He gave them an opportunity to trade, he invested capital into their lands to help them grow. He was magnanimous with them, does anyone here question that?" he asked and the Lords shook their heads.

"Nay," they chorused at the King's question. And this all showed that his earlier guess had been right. Rhaegar leaned forward.

"As most of you know, House Greyjoy stood accused of crimes of treason. They have joined forces with our enemies across the Sea and have rebelled against House Targaryen. They attacked Kingslanding and Lannisport killing hundreds and causing losses of thousands of gold dragons. Yet despite all that, I offered them a chance to repent," said Rhaegar as he took out a letter from his pocket. The room bristled at that.

"Like my father, I offered them more than they deserved. Death for Baelon and all the lords who were part of the plot to kill my father and those who gave the names of their instigators from across the sea could be allowed to take the Balck. Their children could rule after them for that price, shamed, yet I would spare their sons and daughters their lives."

Said Rhaeagr surprising many of the Lords with his generous terms. However, Rhargar's face snarled as he continued.

"Yet they spit on my generosity. They spit on the grace and generosity my father showed them! They spit on the Seven Kingdoms as they sell out to foreign conspirators!" snarled the King angrily as he brought down his fist, making the whole table shake. The King then took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"They have not just betrayed House Targaryen, they have betrayed every Hosue every man of the Seven Kingdoms who wished for prosperity," continued Rhaegar and Tywin's eyes narrowed at that. It seems Rhaegar planned to offer them no mercy.

"The Iron Islands have long seen House Targryen's generosity," began Rhaegar as the whole chambers hung at his every word.

"That ends today! No surrender will be accepted now. No hostages will be taken. I will turn those desolate islands into the ruin they wish to be!" finished Rhaegar, and the Lords in the Hall roared in approval.




The whole chamber was filled with shouts and approval at the King's speech. And Tywin was impressed by Rhaegar's tactic. He wasn't sure that the terms he had mentioned were real, yet the man had set the stage for the complete annihilation of a Great House, a rather unliked one, yet a Great House nonetheless.

"The men are assembled and the ships ready. I shall lead the attack myself," said Rhaegar everyone became quieter as Rhaegar raised his hand.

"We shall bring them FIRE AND BLOOD!"

"FIRE AND BLOOD!" the whole chamber roared behind him as they cheered for their new King. Tywin looked at their new King and at the way he had riled up everyone.

It seems Aerys had raised him well.



Rhaeagr watched as Lord Twin Lannister sat on eh chair opposite to him. The man was the last of the Three Men that led the seven kingdoms in the War of the Ninepenny Kings. His father had a complicated relationship with the man, though their disputes were more political than personal. And from what Rhaegar understood some parts of them were more just for appearance's sake.

For why would his father arrange a marriage for the man's daughter and even offer him a royal match for his son? And wasn't that a headache for him right now? Rhaegar was very much aware of his sister's refusal to an arranged match and their father had indulged her for quite some years as he continued to reject matches for her. Though over the last year, there had been conversations between him and Lord Tywin for a match between Daenys and Jamie Lannister.

"I must say, your speech was impressive. Though I must ask, isn't it overly dangerous for you to lead the attack yourself?" questioned the man, and Rhaegar nodded.

"Thank you for the praise Lord Lannister, and I believe it is necessary for me to lead the attack myself. For the attack to succeed we must make them chase us into the Fair Isle Strait! Once we succeed there we can begin targeting Pyke!" he replied and the man nodded. It was a reasonable plan, one his father had devised in one of their many war games. And wasn't that eerie.

Though, there wasn't much time. So, he decided to move on to the main reason he had called for the man.

"I believe I have good news to share with you about your sister, Lord Lannister," began Rhaegar and the man straightened up. And Rhaegar smiled as the man the letter he had received from one of his informants. The Iron Islands had a trading fleet and part of that fleet were men that were loyal to the crown. They were part of every fleet, including the Northern and the Western fleet. These men were loyal to the Crown due to various reasons ranging from greed, and blackmail. Their whole purpose was to be used as espionage agents in case of war.

"We have located her. Benjen Stark is on his way to rescue her. She is safe and will be freed soon," he concluded, and the man nodded, and he noticed how the man's shoulders relaxed as if a huge weight had been lifted off of them.

"I must thank you for this, your grace," said the man, and Rhaegar shook his head.

"The Crown will always try to protect its own. We cannot let treason prosper. The Iron Islands have rebelled and have spat on my father's generosity. They need to answer for their crimes!" Rhaegar finished, and his hands balled into fists as he thought of his father. The recent report from Aemon had confirmed his suspicions that this was all a big conspiracy.

Now they just needed to find the one responsible for all this and make an example out of them. He needed to set an example for the realm, and the Iron Islands were the perfect place to do so.

"Indeed, an example needs to be set but your grace, have you considered the future of the Islands after your victory," and Rhaeagr knew the man would question him about that. And while he had several ideas. He did not want to reveal his hand just yet.

"I have, and everything will be shared in due time," answered Rhaegar, and he didn't miss how the man's eyes tightened though Tywin Lannister did not press.

"Will you be joining us for the attack Lord Lannister?" questioned Arthur from the side, and the man shook his head.

"I am afraid not. My son Jamie will lead House Lannister forces," and Rhaegar had seen the man's heir.

"Your grace," suddenly began Tywin Lannister, "I believe you are aware of the recent exchanges between your father and me about a probable match between Jamie and Princess Daenys," and Rhaegar sighed as he nodded. He had hoped that this topic wouldn't be brought up just yet.

"Indeed I am. Father mentioned it in passing, and just like my father, I can see the merits of such a match," began Rhaegar, and that was true. Jamie Lannister was the heir to the richest House of the Land, which was apart from the Crown. And from what he had seen was a good and honorable young man. But there was one big issue.

"But my father had yet to mention it to Daenys. I need to talk to her, and while I can endorse the match, I will not force Daenys to marry Jamie. I believe she would want to meet him herself," and the man nodded.

"That can be arranged," and Rhaegar nodded, still contemplating how to bring this up to Daenys.

"Then we can discuss it after the battle. I believe that will be all," and the man stood up as they shook hands and left his office, leaving him alone with Arthur.

"Jamie Lannister, huh. He is a good man. You knighted him yourself, didn't you," and Rhaegar nodded as he remembered. The boy had won a tourney at seventeen by unhorsing Ser Gerold, though he had lost in the final round; Rhaegar had been impressed by the lad and had knighted him.

"Yes, it's a reasonable match, and Daenys has to get married one day. Though I wish father had been here to talk to her about this," that would have been easier. Now, it all fell to him.

"Perhaps, you could ask Lady Elia to test the waters. So that the news doesn't take her by surprise," and Rhaegar nodded. That was good advice. Perhaps, he should write to her.

"That just might work. I will ask Mother and Elia to talk to her."


Jamie and Daenys, what are your thoughts?

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Chapter 11
Chapter 11

Benjen Stark was the first Stark ever to be named a Kingsguard. His choice was another surprise, yet King Aerys wanted to bring the eternally estranged and isolated Kingdom of the North closer to the rest of Westeros. Benjen Stark, the third son of Lord Rickard Stark, would serve as a page to Lord Tarly and then would join the Kingsguard later. His most prominent reason for fame would not be his sword or lance skill, for he was mediocre at it compared to his other brethren of the Kingsguard.

Instead, it would be for his skill as a covert operative. He would go on to free Lady Genna Lannister from her captivity, allowing his King to attack the Iron Islands without worrying about her safety.



The cold wind blew and made her shiver as she huddled in closer to save herself from the cold. She inched closer to the rags she had been given to cover herself as she looked around from her cage. The whole room was filled with cages, most of them littered with whimpering women. Her birth had allowed her some protection, yet those who weren't blessed with her status had been ravaged by the beasts who had captured them.

The ground was wet with blood, and the room stank as some died from hunger and some by choice. Choosing to kill themselves over enduring the savagery at the hands of their captors. Her stomach grumbled, yet she folded onto herself and tried to take her mind off her hunger. She thought about her brother, about her home, and hoped that someone would come for her.

She prayed to the Seven and any other God that would listen as she looked around the room and saw all those hollow faces. The look in those eyes made her heart ache. They just lay there, staring at the wall, huddled together, with bare skin and torn clothes, as they tried to find solace in each other's arms.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps, and there was a hint of emotion as the girls' faces became paler, and many began to Skiddle backward in their cages, hoping that the darkness would eat them up. Her heart began to rumble as the footsteps got louder and louder.

Could this be it? Could this be her last day?

The door to the prison opened, and their captors began to fiddle in, a torch in hand, as they laughed and japed with each other.

"Hey perhaps, we could make some time to make quick work on one of them," said one of the Iron Islanders as his eye looked through the room. Hunger was apparent in them as he saw the women skidding back into their cages.

There were four of them, and she recognized three of them. They had been regular visitors. The sigils on their armor made it apparent that they belonged to House BlackTyde. She saw his eyes linger on her as dread pooled in her gut.

"Ahh! Here she is, our unspoiled Lannister!" said the man from house BlackTyde his face was repulsive and had a huge gash on it with a misshapen nose. Hi licked his lips as he walked in closer to her iron cell.

"Perhaps it is time I have a go on her!" he said as he looked straight at her, and her heart shivered at her words, yet she did not look away. She couldn't show them fear.

His two companions stepped forward. Eyes focused on her as they smiled hungrily at her.

"They say Lannisters shit gold! She hasn't. Perhaps we should open up her guts and see what's wrong!" commented one of them, and she chewed her lips as her heart began to thump in her chest. Suddenly she found her eyes landing on the last member of the four, and her eyes widened as she saw a quick shimmer of silver.

"AGHHH!" suddenly, one of them screamed as the silver cut off his head, and the whole room descended into chaos. The two captors who had been staring at her jumped back as she got dyed red.

"WHAT THE HELL!" "YOU FUCK!!" the women screamed as their captors tried to reach for their swords. But they were too late as the other man made quick work of the other two men. His sword was a blur as he removed their heads from their necks, showing the room in blood.

Genna's heart thumped in her chest as the man finally turned to face her. His face was still covered by a cloth. The man stepped forward towards her chest and looked straight at her.

"My lady, I am Bejen Stark," said the man as he removed the cloth covering his face, and her heart eased as she heard that name. The man raised his sword once more and cleaved the rusty lock of her cell into two.


He opened the door and walked in, his steps slow as he removed the cloak from his body and passed it to her.

"I am here to rescue you on the orders of King Rhaegar!" said the young knight as he wrapped the cloak around her. And Genna finally noticed how her whole body was shivering! She nodded at him as she tried to speak up.

"Thank you," her voice came out broken, yet the knight from the North simply nodded and helped her to her feet. The shaking and the hunger made it difficult, yet she finally got up. The other women in the cages had become quiet now and were looking at her with their deploring gazes. She looked around, saw their broken gazes, and looked at the young Kingsguard as she spoke up.

"What about them?" she asked, and he understood her implication and nodded as he suddenly whistled. She frowned when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps, and half a dozen men stepped into the room again.

The Stark knight then turned to face the captive women and spoke in a firm voice.

"There is a ship on the shore. These men will free you and lead you to them. I am Ser Benjen Stark, and these are the King's men. You are to follow their instructions, and I promise you that you will all reach your homes soon," he ordered, and the room broke down into a small cheer. Benjen Stark gave the nod to the men, and they all got to work as he led her out of the room.

"Where are we?" she asked, and the man answered.

"We are on the Lonely Islands, my lady. The garrison was small, for they planned to transport you elsewhere. We have control of the island!" he replied, and she nodded as she looked around and found several bodies on the ground. Most of them belonged to the Iron Islanders.

There were a dozen or so armored men patrolling the garrison in groups, and there was still some sound of fighting. She did not speak up, and as he led her out of the castle, the cold air made her shiver.

She pulled the cloak he had given her closer as she tried to shield herself from the cold, though her efforts were futile as the cold wind continued to blow. There was a horse waiting for them, and perhaps on seeing her shivering, he spoke up again.

"There is better clothing on the ship. So, you could change into something more appropriate when we reach it," said the man and offered her a hand which she took as he helped her up the horse. She finally noticed that the man was only wearing a simple doublet and seemed unaffected by the cold. He got up on the horse and pulled the reins, and the horse began to gallop away, making her shiver again.

"Does the cold not bother you, Ser Benjen?" she asked, and the man smirked as he shook her head.

"I am from the North, my lady. To us, this is just like summer."



Jamie Lannister watched as the Iron fleet chased after them as the Royal fleet turned to retreat. King Rhaegar stood on the deck, commanding everyone as catapults and arrows rained down on them. The Greyjoys weren't known as prolific sailors for no reason. They had faced the might of the Iron fleet head-on and defied them a victor forcing them to retreat, though it was all part of King Rhaegar's plans.

"Armors up! I want the scorpions and the catapults ready!" ordered the King as his sword shield shielded him from the incoming barrage of arrows.

Jamie put up his shield and walked towards the King, who had now turned to look straight at the jewel of the Iron Fleet chasing after them with full force.

"The Iron Victory," commanded by Victarion Greyjoy with his Kraken-shaped helmet and large axe, chased after them, trying to gain a swift victory by capturing the King himself. Several arrows hit Jamie's shield as he reached King Rhaegar.

"Your grace, the men are ready," he told the man, who nodded, his face grim as he continued to look at the massive fleet chasing after them. Arthur Dayne and Ser Barristan stood in front of the King with their shields raised as they protected the King.

"You should consider going inside your grace. They have already taken the bait," said Ser Barristan, and Jamie would agree with the man. King Rhaegar's presence had served as the bait, and now that the Iron Fleet was chasing after them, he should retreat to safety. But the King didn't agree.

"No, as the King, I must lead from the front. I will stay here," said the King, his voice hard and resolute, brokering no concession. The Kingsguard nodded as he prepared himself for another barrage.

Jamie looked back and saw the strait as the Royal fleet entered the narrow passage.

"We are entering the strait, your grace," he told the King, who nodded as he raised his hand.

"ARCHERS AT THE READY!" and at the King's command, archers from the royal army, armed with wierwood longbows, assembled behind a cacoon of shields with their arrows. They drew their arrows, and Jamie was impressed as he saw a couple of dozen such men using the long bow with such proficiency.

"LOOSE!" the King ordered, and the arrows whipped through the air and felled a number of Iron-born sailors with several shots impaling even multiple men.

"AGAIN! Focus on the biggest ship this time," ordered the King, and the men arched their bows once more and let loose again at the King's command.


The arrows whizzed past him again, and Jamie's eyes widened as he saw one heading straight for Victarion Greyjoy, though the man was quick to react despite his massive size as he jumped to the side to avoid the onslaught.

However, Jamie hadn't missed the fiery arrow that had been fired in the direction of Fair Isle as a signal to the rest of the fleet. And soon enough, smoke could be seen coming from the Isles.

The fleet was on the move.

Rhaegar Targaryen finally turned to face the men who had now finished assembling on the deck. The archers continued to shoot as the King spoke up.

"Today, we face an enemy that has betrayed not just the Royal family but threatens the very prosperity and stability that my father brought to the realm. House Greyjoy has sided with our enemies and has become an enemy," began Rhaegar Targaryen, his voice booming across the deck.

"They refused my offer of clemency and are set on their ways! If they have their way, they will rape your women, pillage your homes and enslave your children. Do you wish to live like that!" asked the King.

"NOOOO!" came the thundering response. And King Rhaeagr nodded as he took out his sword and raised it in the air.

"THEN IT IS TIME WE BRING FIRE AND BLOOD TO HOUSE GREYJOY!" and the men roared as shouts arose.

"FIRE AND BLOOD! FIRE AND BLOOD!" and the whole shook as the men chanted the Targaryen family words. The men brought out the catapults and the scorpions as the ship slowed down. Scorpion that had been specially designed to be used on ships. They had reached the end of the Fair Isle strait!

"GET THE CATAPULTS AND THE SCORPIONS READY!" said Rhaegar as he turned to face the Iron fleet once more, and Jamie noticed how the men on the other side seemed to have become a bit nervous at their situation. But it was too late.

"LOOSE!" said the King, and bolts were fired, and castle-forged scorpion bolts whizzed past him.



"AGHHH!" men screamed, and the wood cracked as the bolts laid waste to the Iron Fleet, but that wasn't even the biggest surprise. And Jamie watched as the projectiles from the catapults fell down on the ships, and then all hell broke, lose.


Jamie had to shield his eyes as they exploded suddenly, engulfing the ships in scathing green flames. The pride of the Iron Fleet was also struck, and he watched as Victarion stared at them as his ship burned. The Iron Born burned and screamed. Many chose to jump off their ships to stop the fires.


And then there was a second sound of explosions, this time from the tail end of the fleet. And now the plan was complete. Victarion seemed perplexed as his fleet got attacked from both sides, and the narrow strait made it impossible for him to move.

He saw the man turn to wards his men as he raised his axe.

"FORWARD! RAM INTO THEM! WE ARE GONNA SHOW THESE INBRED CUNTS WHO RULE THE SEAS!" and the Iron Born rallied at his call as the Iron Victory sped up, even with a part of its mast in flames. Victarion put on his helmet as the ship approached theirs, and Jamie saw the King pick up his own helmet as the men got ready for the fight.

"BRACE FOR IMPACT!" said the King as the ships inched closer. Jamie put on his helmet and took out his sword, his target already in his eyes as he saw the man to Victarion's side wearing a sigil of bone hand. His sword gleamed in a smoky pattern.

Red Rain, perhaps it was time House Lannister got their own Valyrain steel sword. The two ships were now merely a leap or two apart when the Victarion Greyjoy and King Rhaegar gave the signal.



And the men jumped as the two ships met, and the decks were dyed red.



Brandon Stark watched as his brother sat in front of him, his body thinner and his eyes hollower from when he had left; Ned sat opposite to him in his solar having just returedn from his journey across the Wall. They had come straight to his solar for the matter's urgency made it so that no time cpould be wasted.

Brandon finally opened his mouth as he asked the question that had eroded his sleep for all this time.

"So, was it true?" And he saw Ned's eye shake as the grey in them hardened before he slowly nodded, making his heart beat faster as his whole world got turned upside down with that single confirmation.

Gods! How could it be?

"It's true. King Aerys was right, the Free Folk are assembling, but they aren't preparing to conquer this time," began Ned, his voice hard and dry as he confirmed King Aerys's news.

"This time, they are trying to survive!" Brandon was rooted to his seat as Ned finished his words; the implication behind those words completely stumped him.

After all, what can one do when myths become real?


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Thanks for reading!
Chapter 12
Chapter 12

We have already mentioned and discussed the betrayal of House Greyjoy in quite some detail. However, it must be noted that they weren't the only House that was a part of the rebellion. While no other major Houses rebelled against the Targaryen regime, there were other betrayals, some of which were more individualistic and personal. And the biggest of them would have to be the betrayal of Renly Baratheon, the youngest of Lord Steffon Baratheon's sons. Little is mentioned of the youngest Baratheon in the history books before his betrayal, and perhaps this anonymity made the youngest Baratheon try and carry out a coup against his own kin.

He would be supported in his efforts by Gelsaro Ferdinand, a sellsword, who is said to share his bed, and a man from Vale called Baelish. Petyr Baelish is an interesting character and was said to be the man known as 'the Preacher', the person who tried preaching against the Royal family, specifically against their incestuous ways. He presented himself as a man of clergy, yet later details about him show that the man dealt heavily in the business of the flesh—something which the Seven forbade.



The sky had turned dark, and the clouds thundered as heavy rain poured down, drenching them all. The Fair Isle strait was filled with a flurry of activity as ships crashed into ships, and men cashed with men. Swords cleaved armor and shields like butter, cutting through flesh and basking the waters below into crimson red.

Yet the two forces weren't equal. Not equal at all. The Royal army was armed with castle-forged steel armor and sword. Few men among the Ironborn had proper armor, and the realm's finest swordsmen had trained fewer for years to fight collectively as an army.

Yet even in spite of such challenges, Rhaegar would have to commend the Ironborn for their stubbornness and resilience as they clashed against his men with complete abandon. There could be several reasons for such fervor, it could have something to do with their religion or their collective identity as Ironborn, or perhaps it could have something to do with the man that stood opposite to him, clad in full armor wearing his signature Kraken shaped helmet, and wielding two giant axes.

Rhaegar gripped his sword tightly as the giant man moved unexpectedly quickly and swung an axe at him. Yet all his years of training in the yard against the realm's best fighters showed results as he simply dodged to the side, leaned closer to Victarion, and swung up at his shoulder, trying to cleave his arm off.

Yet the man was faster than he expected and could swing his axe straight at his head, making him abandon the attack as Rhaegar used his sword to block the attack.


And the sheer force of the attack pushed him back, and he saw Victarion raise his other hand, preparing to bring it down on him. So, he shifted his weight on the other foot and kicked the man in the gut.

"AGHHH" Victarion grunted as Rhaegar took a couple of steps back and to the side. He noticed how Barristan and Arthur were fighting to isolate him and Victarion. Together Victarion would have been an easy target yet Rhaegar wanted to crush the Rebellion himself.

"No man can run away from his own story," his father's words rang through his ears as he gripped his sword once more.

Victarion straightened up once more and took off his helmet.

"You must be foolish to think you can beat me at the sea. I am Victarion Greyjoy, and We are the sea itself. HAHAHA," he broke out into a cruel laugh as he swung back his hair before taking a stance again.

"I am going to end this whole farce right now. It's time the dragons learned their lesson," and with that the man charged at him faster than before. Rhaegar got into his stance. He noticed Arthur looking at him as he swung Dawn and brought down two Ironborn with a single strike.

"Rhae…" but Rhaegar cut him off as he readied his sword, as Victarion jumped, bringing down his axes straight at his head.

"NO. This is my fight!" shouted Rhaegar as he jumped back, avoiding the attack, and in an instant, swung his own sword straight at Victarion's now exposed neck. But the man raised an axe and blocked his blow, but before Victarion could attack using his other arm, Rhaegar closed the distance between their heads as he bashed him straight in the face.

"AGHH!" without armor, Victarion howled in pain as he reeled back, dropping his axe. Rhaegar picked it up and threw it at the man as he jumped after him.

Victarion's eyes widened as his own axe headed towards him, and the man raised his arms to defend his face. The axe hit his armor but couldn't fully pierce it, but the pained scream and the dripping blood showed that it had cut him nonetheless.

Rhaegar knew that this was his chance as he swung his sword at his neck, but the giant Greyjoy jumped forward and slammed his body into his, pushing them both to the floor. Rhaegar's sword dropped from his hand as Victarion sat on top of him.

"It's all over," said the man, bringing down his axe.


Rhaegar shifted his head to the side at the last moment, though, and he did feel his helmet crack at the side. But this had given him enough time to take out the dagger strapped to his leg.

"Yeah, it's all over now," said Rhaegar as they pushed the dagger into the man's thigh.

"AHHHHHH!" Victarion howled in Pain as Rhaegar continued to cut him up, as he pushed himself up and as Vicatrion swung his arm again, in sheer desperation and pain, he simply held it back as he took out the dagger from his thigh and aimed it right below his chin.

"Now, it's over," and with that, he plunged it straight up, and blood spluttered, and Rhaegar felt his arm limp off as the light faded from Victarion Greyjoy's eyes.

"HAAA, HAAA, HAAA," Rhaegar huffed as he pushed his massive body off of him, as he suddenly noticed pain radiating from the side of his face. He touched the side and found his helmet cut clean off, as blood covered his hand. He was injured.



Jamie Lannister watched as the Ironborn men began to rattle around him and began to retreat. He glanced to the side and saw Victarion Greyjoy lying there in a pool of blood.

"AGHHH!" suddenly, a jolt of pain ran through his side, as his distraction had given Himar Drumm an opportunity to land a blow on him. Jamie was pushed back as the knight continued to attack.

"Do not let go! ATTACK!" screamed the man, and he saw Ironborn rally at his call as Jamie was pushed back. Jamie could only defend against the flurry of activity, and suddenly his foot landed on a body, and he tripped, and his heart dropped as he saw Red Rain heading straight for his neck.

But before the sword could cut him, there was a blur of white, and he watched as the infamous Dawn of House Dayne blocked the sword.

"Are you fine, Jamie!" said Ser Arthur Dayne of Kingsguard as he blocked the attack and pushed Hilmar Drumm back.

"Dayne! Finally, a worthy opponent!" snarled Drumm as he tried to attack again, but the white knight seemed unbothered by the attack and simply got in his stance. Jamie's eyes widened as he saw Arthur's sword blur through the air, and then suddenly, he was showered with blood.

"AGH!" and he watched as Hilmar Drumm dropped down, headless and dead.

"IRONBORN!" suddenly, he heard King Rhaegar scream, and he looked to the side as the new king stood there, blood dripping from the side of his face, as he held up Victarion Greyjoy's head.

"SURRENDER OR YOU ALL SHALL SUFFER THE SAME FATE!" the King screamed, and he watched as the Ironbor scuttled back and huddled as the Royal army clustered around them. They whispered and whimpered before one man finally dropped his sword and dropped down to his knees.

"We surrender! Please spare us! WE YIELD!"



Cersei Lannister sat in her room, resting as she nursed her daughter. She smiled as Joan slept soundly by her side. The commotion that had begun when Robert had called for levies had ended with his departure, and now the castle was at peace. Renly had arrived a couple of days ago, accompanied by a foreign friend who went by the name of Gelsaro. And something in that man's gaze had put her off.

The way the man had been looking around at the castle did not sit right to her, and so she had informed Duncan, Robert's man at arms, to keep an eye on the man. She frowned as she thought about Renly, and Robert's youngest brother seemed to have also changed. Unlike Stannis, who was rather dour and unsavory. Renly had always had a silver tongue. He had always been a dreamer of sorts and had spent much of his time in Riverlands, where Ser Houster Tully had fostered him for half a decade before he had finally decided to venture to Essos. He had returned a couple of years ago, and had returned to Riverrun to stay with a friend there.

Robert had been unconcerned about Renly, saying it w good that he had his own circle of friends, yet Cersei found it all suspicious. Especially with the recent developments, she could feel that something was wrong.

And suddenly, her worries were proven right when suddenly the castle was filled with sounds of steel clashing and men shouting. She shifted in her bed and stood up, and walked towards the window to see what was going on.

"AMANDA!" she called for her maid as she saw down at the yard, and her heart dropped as she saw the yard covered in blood with a number of bodies strewn across several of them clad in Baratheon colors.

Her maid entered the room, shaking and white as a sheet.

"My lady, out there. We are being attacked!" Cersei's heart dropped as she scanned the courtyard again. Her mind raced as she thought of a solution.

"Send the guards outside to the library. Tell them to bring Steffon to me and have the master send ravens to all the surrounding Houses as well as the Royal family asking for aid," she ordered, and the maid nodded as she left the room to comply with her order.

Cersei rushed to her bed, gently picked up her daughter, and placed her in the cot to the side before she pushed the bedding to reveal the bottom of the bed. And there below the bedding lay a sword. Her sword. She took it out, took it out of its sheath, and swung the thing blade in the air. It had been some time since she had taken to the yard, the last time was over a year ago before she had gotten pregnant with her little Joanne, yet the familiarity wasn't completely lost.

She was broken out of her stance when her maid returned to her room.

"I have done as you ordered, my lady," and Cersei nodded as she rushed towards the window once more and saw the ruckus outside, her mind still racing as she contemplated a way to escape from this ordeal.

Suddenly she heard the sound of footsteps approaching her room, and dread pooled in her gut. She immediately ordered, "BOLT THE DOOR!" she said as she walked in front of Joane's cot, her heart thumping as she prayed to the Gods above in her heart.


"Who is it?" she questioned loudly as Amanda shivered by her side, and her relief filled her heart as she recognized Duncan's voice.

"My lady, it is me, Duncan. I need to speak with you," said the man, and Cersei sighed as she ordered her maid to open the door. Amanda opened the door, and Duncan entered her room with half a dozen men, armed in full plate armor, with some of them covered in blood.

"What's happening, Duncan?" she questioned him immediately, and the burly man took off his helmet as he replied.

"We have been betrayed, my lady. Ser Renly told us that he would be getting visited by some friends of his today. I felt something fishy and decided to have the retinue searched and found it armed," and she saw him hesitate a bit before he continued.

"I believe that Lord Renly has betrayed us," he finished, and Cersei gritted her teeth as she spoke up.

"What will we do?" she asked him, and the man's face became grim as he spoke up.

"The men have already infiltrated the castle, but their numbers are few. Once we regroup and get some reinforcements, we could regain control of the castle. But for that, we must move you and Young Lord and Lady to safety first," and she nodded. That was reasonable. She glanced back at the cot, at her daughter, and she nodded.

Had this been a year earlier, she would have decided to stay here and fight the invaders, but she couldn't risk the life of her precious little reassure like that.

"I have the horses prepared with as many guards as I could spare. I believe we could rid to Griffin Roost, for traveling through the sea could be troublesome with the ongoing war," and she nodded once more.

"I have also had the master send ravens to the neighboring lords and the Royal family, asking for reinforcements," Duncan nodded, and the man suddenly turned around and stiffened, and suddenly two more guards appeared outside her room. A young boy followed behind them, his black hair leaner than her eldest son, yet with those same blue orbs.

"Steffon," she called, and the boy rushed towards her, and she wrapped her arms around her little boy as she kissed him and looked him over for any injury.

"What's going on, mother? Are we being attacked?" he questioned her, and she nodded.

"Yes, but don't worry, we will be fine," and she looked toward Duncan.

"I believe we should hurry," and the man nodded. She looked back at her maid, and Amanda stood there, ready with her daughter in her hands. She nodded as the guards all put on their helmets and surrounded the three of them.

They rushed out of her room, and she was immediately with the stench of blood and gore, and she saw that the halls and corridors were littered with bodies of men and women. She hardened her heart as her guards cut off any attacker as they rushed through the carnage.

They reached the stables, and she saw that a dozen or so horses were ready, and she mounted the horse, and just as they were about to leave, they were interrupted by a rather obnoxious voice.

"And where do you think you are going?" and she looked up and found the traitor Renly Baratheon standing in front of her with half a dozen men.



The Queen of the Seven Kingdoms sat with the dowager Queen as they discussed the latest letter from Rhaegar. In her heart, Elia was praying for Rhaegar as he waged battle in the West, yet she was confident in him that he would return triumphant.

"It is a good match," she began as she talked to her good mother and Queen Rhaella had been rather distracted throughout the discussion. She had noticed this over the last couple of days, as her good mother had seemed rather disturbed.

"Mother," she called her again, and then she finally looked towards her.

"Sorry, I missed it. What did you say, dear?" said the Queen with a smile. And Elia smiled before she spoke up again.

"I said that a match between Daenys and Jamie would be suitable, he is the heir to Lord Tywin, and Rhaegar has assured me that he seems like an exemplary young man," and the dowager Queen nodded.

"Indeed, Aery thought the same. I will bring it up to Daenys as soon as I get an opportunity," and Elia nodded before she slowly spoke up again.

"Is everything all right, Mother? You seem rather tired for the last couple of days?" she decided to ask her and the Queen waved away her concern.

"Ahh, it's nothing. I am just a bit anxious about the funeral, that's all. Hopefully, Rhaegar will return soon, and we can finally lay Aerys to rest," and she nodded even though she could sense that that wasn't everything. But she thought it better not to push. She had just lost her husband and had stayed steadfast despite all the hardships.

Suddenly, there was a knock on her chambers, and she looked up and found her good brother Aemon entering the room with a couple of guards. His face flushed with rage. And dread filled her heart as she saw that face.

"What happened?" she asked immediately. And Aemon gulped before he replied.

"Renly Baratheon has betrayed us. He has joined forces with the enemy and is trying to take control of Storm's End," and her eyes widened as she heard those words.

"GODS!" she cursed as she thought the man had betrayed his kin. Aemon was enraged as well, given by the balling of his fists.

"What are we going to do?" the dowager Queen questioned from the side.

"I have sent Stannish with as many men I could spare, and I have written to Lord Jon Connington of Griffin Roost and Lord Selwyn Tarth to immediately provide reinforcements to Storm's Ends," and Elia nodded. That seemed reasonable. Suddenly she remembered about the young Baratheon that was visiting them.

"Have you told Ormund?" and the man shook his head.

"Not yet, I didn't want to worry the boy. I was hoping you could break the news to him," and she nodded.

"I will, but do try to update me as soon as there is any update about the situation," and he nodded.

"I am doubling the guards around the castle. Please, make sure that you are with a minimum of two guards at all times," and she nodded. Rhaegar had given all such authority to him, and she knew she could trust Aemon implicitly with her and her children's life.

Yet it seems Cersei Lannister wasn't so lucky. And suddenly, she remembered the young girl she had just given birth to, and Elia prayed to the Gods above to protect the innocent little girl from all dangers.


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Chapter 13
Chapter 13

Renly Baratheon's betrayal was a true shock to the rest of the realm. The man had chosen to betray his own blood and kin, fuelled by his boundless ambition the man had chosen to side with the enemies and had sought grandeur for himself. The man had sought to capture Lady Cersei Lannister and the young Baratheon children as hostages and send them to Essos to the Golden Company, hence blunting two of the Great Houses and forcing House Targaryen on the backfoot. Yet the plan would fail to succeed, and all for one reason.

Cersei Lannister was not an ordinary woman. Even at her young age, the jewel of the West had always held a strange fascination with the ways of knights and lords. Though hesitant at first yet, after Lady Joanna Lannister's intervention Lord Tywin indulged her daughter and let her learn the ways of the Lords and knights alongside her twin. Some say that the King had personally intervened in the matter and had been instrumental in forming the sisterly bond between Cersei Lannister and Princess Daenys Targaryen. It was one of the reasons why it had been a shock when the Jewel of the West had married Robert Baratheon instead of the Prince.

Yet the match would prove to be successful, and both Robert and Cersei would go on to live happily, and some letters exchanged between Robert Baratheon and King Aerys reveal that the King would secretly gift the bride a specially forged sword as a present to her wedding. Credence to these rumors is driven by the fact that Lady Joane Baratheon writes a similar tale in one of her diaries, which was recently discovered.



Cersei's heart raced as the guards around her formed a line and took out their swords. Duncan himself stood at the center as he shouted at Renly.

"Do you have any idea what you are doing, Lord Renly? You are committing treason against the Royal family and are siding with outsiders. There is still time! End this madness!" screamed Duncan at her good brother, yet the younger Baratheon seemed unaffected by those words.

"My so-called brother was so blinded by his made-up family that he forgot about his real one! Don't speak to me like that, Duncan, I am to be the next Lord of Storm's end, so I would suggest you lay down your arms, and I will be willing to accept you all into my service," offered Renly and she stiffened for a moment as she placed herself in front of her children trying to shield them.

Her heart thumped in her chest as she looked at the men surrounding her and her children. A speckle of doubt lingered in her heart, yet it vanished when she saw Duncan unsheathe his blade, followed by all those around her.

"Then I believe you leave me no choice," screamed Duncan as the men around her got into their stance. My lady, you should flee. We will try and hold them back for as long as we can. House Connington will have received our letter by now and will have men on the way.

And Cersei saw more men join the other side, as their numbers almost doubled, yet all those who knew of the ferocity of House Baratheon's men would say that the odds were evenly matched despite the difference in the size of the two forces.

She nodded and jumped on the saddle as Amanda handed her her daughter. Steffon sat on the other horse with two other guards saddled up.

"It seems we will have to do it the hard way," said Renly with a shake of his head before he raised his sword.

"MEN! CHARGE!" and with a shout, his men rushed forward. Duncan also led his men as they came together and arranged themselves into an arrowhead.

"SHIELDS UP! Make a path for Lady Baratheon! Let's show them how real men fight!" screamed Duncan as the enemy charged at them, and Cersei held onto the rings tightly with her free hand as Joane was tied in a sling around her shoulder.

Renly's men were meters away, and she prayed to the Gods above in her heart, and them thump.

"AGHHHHHH!" the men crashed into the shields, yet the line held as Duncan shouted orders, and then in the blind of an eye, swords were drawn, and the whole area was filled with wails of crying men as the ground was bathed in blood.

And she saw it, a path.

"GO, MY LADY! WE WILL HOLD THEM BACK!" screamed Duncan, and she pulled the reins, her horse broke into a gallop, and she raced past the men with three other horses at her tail.

"She is getting away!" screamed Renly as she raced past the gates and looked back to find him mounting on a horse alongside a couple of men. Preparing to give chase.

And her heart gave out as she watched him begin following her with five more men at his back.

"Don't stop! Push the horses! We cannot let them catch up to us!" she told Steffon as she kicked the horse slightly with her foot, making it speed up. Joane shifted in her sling and began to wail, yet Cersei could do nothing but whisper assurances into her daughter's ears as she whipped past the forest.

And the chase continued for hours, and she had lost her two guards along the way as they succumbed to arrows from Renly's men. Yet they hadn't died in vain. As of now, it was only Renly and one other guy chasing after her and Steffon.

Yet it seemed she had spoken out too soon, as suddenly she felt an arrow hit her horse's leg and her horse nayed in pain and she tried to control it, yet she failed and was thrown off its back and sent rolling onto the ground.

"AGHHHH!" she grunted as she landed harshly on the ground, her arms wrapped around her daughter as she tried to shield her daughter.

"MOTHER!" screamed Steffon, and as he was about to turn around his horse, she shouted out.

"DON'T STOP! RUSH FORWARD! WE ARE NEAR GRIFFIN ROOST! BRING THEM HERE!" she screamed, and she saw him stiffen up before he listened to her, pulled the reins on his horse again, and whizzed past her.

"Chase after the boy! I will take care of my good sister and niece myself," said Renly as he got off his horse. Cersei fought through the pain, stood up, and backed off.

"Come with me peacefully, and no harm shall come to you as long as your father pledges support to the new regime," offered Renly, and Cersei shook her head, disgusted by his very face.

"Gods, do you know what you are doing, Renly? Kinslaying! And for what," she argued as her daughter continued to scream in her arms.

"I don't have time to deal with this," said Renly as he took out his sword and rushed at her. And pure instinct, Cersei unsheathed her sword and blocked the strike.

"A lady with a sword! Gods, do you even know how to hold it," and she smirked as she parried another one oh his strikes before she aimed a counterattack of her own, which he barely dodged.


Blood dripped down his cheek as he looked at her wide-eyed and flushed in fury.

"I will show yo…." But he couldn't complete the sentence as an arrow suddenly hit him in the chest.

"AGHH!" he grunted in pain. As two more followed, striking him in the gut as he suddenly collapsed onto the ground.

"MOTHER! MOTHER!" and relief ran through her body as she saw Steffon appear from the shadows with half a dozen fully armed men, the sigil of two griffins adorned their chest.

"Are you all right Mother?" questioned Steffon as he rushed towards her as the men surrounded Renly. She nodded as she finally noticed how her hand was all red.

"You are bleeding. We need to take her to a master immediately!" screamed Steffon, and the men nodded along, and the rest was a flurry of activity that she barely recalled as darkness overcame her vision.

"My lady!" "MOTHER!"



"With King Aerys's death this has all become a lot more complicated," said Brandon as he devoured a cup of wine. And Eddard nodded.

"King Aerys was in contact with Mance for over a year. The King had also sent them weaponary made out of dragon glass as a means to fight the White walkers. Without him the negotiations will be very turbulent," spoke Eddard. The way Mance spoke of King Aerys showed trust and respect for the man.

King Aerys was a binding force for the Seven Kingdoms and with this new threat his presence would have done much to reassure everyone yet the man was no longer alive.

"It is said that the King strived to teach his heir everything he could. We can only hope that the Prince is aware of this new threat," spoke Brandon and Eddard nodded.

The Prince had been participating in Council meetings since his twelfth nameday, from what he had heard. And that had been the case for the King's other children as well. Eddard could only hope that the King had shared such secrets with his heir for that would truly help them.

"We should have Luwin send a letter to Kingslanding, to ask the Prince about this directly," and Brandon shook his head.

"NO! You will make ne mention of this to the maetsers!" and Eddard was shook by the tone of Brandon.

"But why," he asked.

"Because the King did not trust the maesters with it. I have another way to contact the King, it will take longer but it is more secure," and as he thought about those words. Suddenly it all clicked into place.

"Benjen!" he guessed and Brandon nodded.

"Indeed, it was one of the reasons why the King insisted on having a Stark as a Kingsguard. I will send the message and wait for the reply, but we must make preparations," began Brandon his voice hardened, and his eyes grew dark as he stood up and picked up a huge scroll and unfurled it on top of the table.

"We will need food. Plenty of food to feed our men. Even with the war, the prices haven't risen that much. We can use the winter and the war as a pretense to fill out our stores. We don't have to rush, but we cannot waste time," began Brandon, and Eddard nodded.

"I will write to Alyn Manderly and have him look into it," and Brandon nodded. Wyman's brother acted as his steward and was a man well-versed in matters of trade and would be the perfect man for this.

"We will need fortifications as well, weapons as well," Eddard pointed at the keep of the Umbers.

"Last Herath is not in good shape. We will need to order Lord Umber to repair his keep," and Brandon groaned, for they both knew exactly what kind of man Umber was.

"We will see about that, but we need to bind together the North. And I think you know what that means," and Eddard nodded.

"Marriages," and Brandon nodded.



Robert Baratheon sat in the castle of Sunspear, waiting for his men to rest before they could begin their march toward East once more. The desert kingdom's weather than harsher than his imagination even though the maesters already spoke of summer ending.

Despite that, the sun's scorching heat made it difficult to traverse the sandy kingdom. Yet it wasn't the heat that bothered him most.

No, the constant ominous feeling in his heart riled him up. He had been feeling anxious for some reason and had been having trouble sleeping, yet he couldn't pin point the reason for such a feeling.

Their march had been relatively peaceful, and he had heard of Rhaegar's victory against the Iron Fleet. Oberyn was also holding off the Golden Company, and the men were eager for battle.

Yet for some reason he still couldn't get rid of this strange feeling.

'Could it be because of Joan. But did I feel the same way when Orys was born' and just as these words were running through his head, there was a sudden knock on the door of his room.

Robert was broken out of his reverie, and frowned as he glanced out the window the enveloping darkness of the night.

Then came another knock, one which was a bit more violent.

"MY LORD! YOU NEED TO WAKE UP, MY LORD!" spoke a servant, and Robert felt his heart thump in his chest as he spoke up.

"Come in!" and a servant entered his room at his command.

"Why are you disturbing me this late into the night?" Robert questioned the man as he kneeled.

"My Lord, I bring urgent news. The Maester has just received a raven from Storms End," and Robert felt dread pool in his heart as soon as he heard those words.

"Storms End has fallen, my lord!" and Robert was out of his bed in an instant as he rushed out of the door.



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Chapter 14
Chapter 14

History books mention the names of various men who fought in wars. They write of The Sword of The Morning, Ser Arthur Dayne, the Black Hound, Ser Sandor Clegane, and Ser Barristan the Bold.

They write of Kings and Queens like Jaeaherys Targaryen, the Conciliator. Aegon the Conqueror. Aerys the Reformer. Daeron the Young Dragon. The Good Queen Alysa.

These names are plastered across books along with those of villains such as Meleys and Daemon Blackfyre and the grandsire pretender that came after them. Yet it is a tragedy that the books fail t mention the name holding the most significant importance among them all.

Serra Blackfyre. Sister to Daemon IV Blackfyre, who also used the name of Varys in his youth. She was among Meleys, the Monstrous's daughters and had been sold alongside her brother into slavery. She would serve in the pleasure houses of Lys before getting bought out by one Ilyrio Mopatis, who would go on to marry her because of her unnatural beauty.

Various scrolls mention that King Aerys, in his reign, tried to put an end to the issue of Blackfyre pretenders. Some say he offered them a peaceful way out, yet more lean towards the history that the King sent assassins after Serra Blackfyre and her brother to end this issue once and for all. It cannot be confirmed whether the assassins were truly hired, and if so, then why did they fail? But there is no failing that Serra Blackfyre bore King Aerys and his children a grudge, and she would plot with her brother to have them pay.



In one of the manses in the perfumed city of Lys, a silver-haired lady sat on a balcony looking at the streets below. She watched as women stood outside their brothels in clothes that showed more than they covered, as they basked in the attention of the men passing through the streets.

The perfumed City had once been an outpost of the Valyrian freehold and had served as a resting place for the dragonlords. And so the city was filled with people bearing exotic silvery blonde hair and those glistening amethyst eyes, evidence of the Valyrian blood running in their veins.

She herself had been blessed with those features, much like her brother. And now her son.

There was a knock on her door, and there was only one person who would disturb her, and she spoke up to welcome him in.

"Come in, Daemon," and the door opened to reveal the form of her brother. Dressed in a black doublet with a bald head walked her brother, Daemon Blackfyre. Though once he had been known by another name, Varys. Yet those names were behind her.

"The Greyjoys are failing as I told you they would, and now they are onto us," she began as soon as he closed the door. She had advised him against using the Greyjoys. Those so-called sailors and pirates had dreams of grandeur yet had no intellect or perseverance to achieve them.

Daemon smiled and shrugged.

"You may be right, but they were the only Highlords who made common cause with us," replied Varys as he walked and sat on a chair opposite to her. She turned to face him with a raised brow.

"And now you refuse to reply to any of their missives as Aerys's son lays siege to their castle," she challenged him softly, and Daemon smirked.

"Well, what can I say? They were good allies, but war demands sacrifice, and we shall sing songs of their gallant sacrifice," he said as he poured himself some Dornish Red and raised a glass to their fallen allies. She shook her head.

"I don't mind their fate, but this is troublesome. Aerys's son will become aware of our plans and our names soon. We need to strike now," she told him. And she saw his mood sour at the mention of that name. And her own gur lurched in anger and hate as she took that name.

Aerys Targaryen. The bane of their existence. The man who had sent assassins chasing after them and had destroyed their lives. She still remembered those sleepless nights as she and her brother would be forced to sleep in the shadows, scared and hungry as they tried to outrun those daggers aimed at their backs.

City after city, manse after manse. They had run until they were forced into slavery and lost their very names. And now they had finally gotten their revenge. And as she thought of the cost of that, her eyes teared up as she thought of her husband, the man who had rescued them from their poverty. Yet Aerys hadn't even spared him and had sought to destroy her dear Ilyrio's businesses all for refusing to sell him those wretched eggs.

"Even after his death, his ilk continued to cause problems for us. First, that second son, Aemon, escapes from Euron, and now Rhaegar lays siege on Pyke. Even from his grave, he haunts us," she cursed the bastard as her brother's lips thinned as well before he slowly replied to her.

"I am sorry for the sacrifice you had to make. I know you love Ilyrio dearly, but the faceless men work in mysterious ways. They wouldn't settle for anything else," he replied, and she nodded as she wiped away the tears from her face.

"I know. But promise me, Daemon, promise that we shall have our revenge. Promise me that his sacrifice shall not be in vain, that you will burn his ilk and legacy to the ground," she asked her brother, who nodded.

"I promise, Serra. I will destroy everything he held dear, and then we shall fulfill the dream of our great ancestor, and the Iron Throne shall finally pass to its true heir, your son Haegon," and she nodded at those words. They had waited for years for this, and now she could finally see that their dreams were in their grasp. They had the Golden Company at their back and the coffers of a number of prominent magisters from Myr, Pentosh, Lys, and Tyrosh.

"So, what do you plan to do now that those Greyjoys have failed," she questioned him about her plans. Daemon smirked as he sipped his wine and leaned back in his chair.

"Ohh, they were just meant to be a distraction!"



The events after the defeat of Victarion Greyjoy had gone as he had predicted. After the death of their commander, the Iron Fleet had crumpled quickly under the combined might of the Royal and Lannister armies.

And now Rhaegar sat in a tent as the men laid siege to the main seat of House Greyjoy. The castle of Pyke had been under siege for a week now, and according to his sources, the castle had enough stores that they could live for half a year. And Rhaegar did not have that time.

So, they had to strike now, as the morale of his men had never been higher. So, here he sat as he looked at the map, trying to determine the strategy for the next attack.

Ultimately, he decided to sit down to enjoy some much-needed rest as there was still some time in the war council. As he sat down, his eyes landed on the sword placed right there on the table. He picked up the famed Red Rain. And took it out of its sheath and was mesmerized by the smoky pattern of the Vlayrian steel blade.

Their House possessed two swords in Blackfyre and Darksister, yet both had been lost in history. His father had spent quite some time searching for them and even found a lead to one of them. Though he knew little about that, and perhaps his mother would know more.

As he was busy glancing at the blade, he didn't notice the sound of armor rustling as the tent flapped open, and he looked up to find Arthur walking in with a frown on his face, making him put the sword back in its sheath.

"What happened?" Rhaegar questioned the Commander of the Kingsguard, and Arthur walked up to him and handed him a missive.

"This just came from the capital. It seems Renly Baratheon has betrayed us and made common cause with our enemies," and Rhaegar was surprised by the news. Renly Baratheon, Robert's younger brother, had betrayed them. But why?

He took the missive and began to read it, and there was the mention of his attempt to control Storm's End and capture Cersei and her children. It was a relief that the House guards had thwarted the attempt and Cersei Baratheon.

"This caught us all by surprise. Lord Robert Baratheon was planning to pull back his forces and rush back home, but Aemon wrote to Doran to make the man stop. The increased activity near the Stepstones makes it a high-risk area. One which needs reinforcements quickly," Arthur began, and Rhaegar nodded.

"Qyburn has also been telling me of increased activity near the Stepstones. The movement of the Golden Company and the other mercenary groups points to a quick offensive," and Arthur nodded.

"Oberyn is managing right now, but he won't be able to hold back such a massive force for long. We need to end the battle here quickly so we can finally bring them to heel," Arthur's words were right. They needed to end their business in the Iron Islands quickly to move ahead.

"We could ask the North to call its levies and reinforce Oberyn…." But Rhaeagr shook his head, cutting off his friend.

"No, I don't want the North to mobilize in this war," Rhaegar put an end to that proposal, and Arthur didn't push for further for all of all the people in the realm he was most aware of his reasons for doing so.

If his father had been right, there was little reason to doubt that he was. The lands beyond the Walls were a wildfire ked waiting to blow up. The Free Folks' congregation and then the Long Night's possible return were reasons enough that the North remained out of this war.

"Speaking of the North, Eddard Stark has returned from his journey to the lands beyond the Wall. There is news that he is now rushing to the Capital on behalf of the Starks to convey the condolences of the Starks to the Royal family," and Rhaegar's eyes narrowed at that. That was good news.

"That is good. Now, we will have an idea of the situation beyond the Wall. Though, I am less concerned about them, for we have been preparing for that fight for years now," Rhaegar said as his fingers rhythmically tapped the board. He missed playing his harp, yet he had more pressing matters at hand.

Despite the obscure nature of the threats beyond the Wall, Rhaeagar wasn't much concerned about them. His father had been preparing to face them for decades, putting them way ahead of their enemies. Yet, they had been playing catch up in the current war against their enemy abroad.

And that was not sitting well with him.

"Since the attack on Kingslanding, we have been playing catch up with our enemies, and I am not liking this at all," Rhaegar said with a grunt, and Arthur nodded along as well.

It was amongst the first rules of warfare to not get caught up in the enemy's pace. And while they had been victorious in the battles and had thwarted all of their enemy's plans. They needed to act instead of just reacting.

And that meant doing something unexpected. Rhaegar looked up at Arthur, a plan forming in his head.

"We tracked the messages going out of Pyke, right?" Arthur nodded.

"Yes, they were headed to Lys and Myr. We suspect that's where the heads of this conspiracy are," Arthur replied, and Rhaegar nodded.

"Good, then I want you to write a letter to Lord Brynden Tully," Rhaegar ordered, and Arthur's eyes widened before he replied.

"Are you sure about this? Is it the right time to use this," Arthur questioned him, and Rhaeagr nodded as he began to strap up his armor.

"Yes, it is. We are going to use protocol Stab. Write to the Blackfish and have it all arranged," he said, and Arthur nodded. And then Rhaegar picked up his helm, and he began to walk out of his tent.

"Let's break open this castle. It's time Baelon Greyjoy saw what being a dragon really means."


Brynden Tully, the Blackfish, is quite an interesting character in the histories of the Seven Kingdoms. Brother to Houster Tully, he was a high-ranking noble of Riverlands. Though, after the War of the Ninepenny Kings, he decided to venture to the disputed lands and form a mercenary group.

Only later would it be revealed that it hadn't been his plan but rather King Aerys, who wanted to have a military might across the ocean. There would be no communication between them over the years, and only in King Rhaegar's times, the connection would begin to unravel.

The company was formed by a man called the Black Knights and wasn't the strongest in the disputed lands. Yet grew to considerable strength over the years and some suspect that the King's patronage was one reason for this, yet no evidence has been unearthed to support this theory.

In the 800 AC, the magisters would outlaw the presence of any mercenary groups in the disputed lands and would absorb them to form a military. The Black Knights would dissolve as well and would go into obscurity, yet many say that they still exist, active and waiting for a call to arms in times of need.


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Chapter 15
Chapter 15

After Victarion Greyjoy fell in battle, the Greyjoy rebellion was mainly over. The Iron Fleet couldn't sustain itself without its main leader and couldn't stand against the combined might of the Crown.

A major portion of the fleet would be sunk to the bottom of the ocean, with many choosing to surrender, and some of the more fanatic loyalists chose to flee and would go on to join the fleet of Euron Greyjoy. Despite massive victories, the Rebellion couldn't really end until King Rhaegar deposed the so-called King of the Iron Islands himself.

The castle of Pyke was less of a castle and more of a collection of towers built upon small rocky islands that had been slowly eaten away by the tumultuous seas. The largest of these connected keeps was a fifty-acre stone-built castle that housed the levies, stables, and weapons. A massive wall rose up, surrounding all these keeps, protecting them, yet in the face of King Rhaeagr's siege weapons, it would be do little.

The castle walls would be breached within a month of the siege as King Rhaeagar led the charge himself, Balon Greyjoy would have the stone bridges connecting the various keeps destroyed in desperation, yet it would do little to stop the King's army. In the end, Pyke would fall with little loss to the royal army, yet it would be on the other side of the kingdom where the Crown would suffer its greatest loss after King Aerys himself.



Rhaegar stood in the Long Hall of Pyke with the Royal army surrounding him. He had never been to Pyke before and was surprised to see the state of caste. Pyke wasn't like the other castles of the Kingdom. It was different in many ways, from the way it smelled to the way it felt.

Yet he could contemplate such thoughts later; right now, he had to focus on another point. It was to put an end to this farcical rebellion. Balon Greyjoy was on the ground in front of him, his body in chains, as he knelt alongside other members of his family, including his wife and daughter, Asha.

On the other hand, his two sons were nowhere to be found, yet with the whole castle and the surrounding waters under their control, they would soon be found.

The Lord of the Pyke had changed a lot over the years, with the color in his hair completely gone and his skin wrinkling with age. The man was thin, and his eyes were red as he glared at him with unadulterated rage.

"You broke your oaths to the crown Lord Balon. Tell me, what should the crown do with you?" Rhaegar began as the Hall stilled with silence at his words. Balon's eyes remained focused on him before the man spat to the side.

"What oaths do you speak of, boy? I swore allegiance to your father, not to a sauntering Greenlander like you. As far as I am concerned, I broke no oaths boy!" said the man with a ghoulish smile. Ser Barristan was enraged and was about to rush forward to punch the man when Rhaegar stopped him.

"You swore an oath to the Crown, not to my father, Balon, and you broke that oath. Not only that, you conspired with enemies abroad to assassinate him," and he saw the man's eyes widen at his words.

There were gasps of surprise and incredulity at his words from the gathered men of the army as well, for this was the first time that he had officially labeled his father's death as an assassination. Many people whispered about such a possibility, but now the Crown had spoken out finally.

Rhae stepped forward toward the bound so-called King and crouched down to look the man in the eyes.

"What! You didn't think that we would intercept all those messages you have been sending to your allies," Rhaegar spoke, his voice cold and angry as he took out one of the messages Qyburn had intercepted and threw it at the man's face.

"BALCKFYRE! YOU CHOSE TO CONSPIRE WITH PRETENDERS!" his voice thundered as the men gasped in surprise at the name.

"Your own father helped the King fight against those false pretenders, yet here you are describing the legacy of your own father. Have you no honor, Greyjoy!" Rhaegar spat to the side as he looked Balon in the eye. And he could see the man's mind racing as those gray eyes darted around the room.

And as Rhaegar stood up, the man spoke up once more.

"Names, I will give you names of all those who plotted this whole treason, and you shall pardon…." But Rhaegar cut off the man.

"NO!" he spoke as he turned to look at the man and saw the realization dawn on Greyjoy.

"You broke your oaths to the Crown twice over Lord Balon. You conspired against the King and then declared rebellion, so there will be no leniency for you, none at all." Rhaegar snarled as he stood up.

"This will be the end of your petty rule. Your islands have long made a mockery of the Crown's writ and power. But no more. This shall be the end of this whole farce," said Rhaegar as his eyes lifted up and focused on the unholy symbol of the power of the King of the Iron Islands. Carved out of oily black stone and shaped into the form of a Kraken, the Seatone chair was right there, emanating an eery feeling as if contemplating its demise.

Balon glanced up and paled as he noticed where he was looking and began to shout.

"Have you gone mad, boy? Do you have any idea what you are saying? That chair has always belonged to the King of the Iron Islander. No Mainlander scum has ever sat on it. It is the symbol of our God. Do you wish to incur the wrath of the Seas, you insolent fool!" shouted the man.

Rhaegar remained unbothered by the man shouting as he stepped forward and walked up to the infamous throne. He touched the black Stone and felt an ominous feeling run through his body as if his very blood warned him against sitting on the chair. He glanced at the monstrosity before he took out the Valyrian Steel sword strapped to his back.

"From this day, this Kingdom has no need of you and your Gods," he said as he swung the Valyrian Steel sword at the chair. Balon continued to shout and scream, yet the Valyrian Blade's edge held true as it carved through the chair. Cleaving the Kraken's head into two.

The Seas roared in anger and rage, and it is said that the waves large enough to devour islands rose into the Sea for days to come. Rhaegar's journey back to Kingslanding was tumultuous and ominous as he traversed the enraged seas.

Even to this day, no one has been able to find the wreckage of the monstrosity that was the Sea stone chair, and the symbol of the Drowned God remains lost to the waves; its origins remain a mystery to this very day.



Aemon sat in his brother's solar as he overlooked the various matters regarding both the Crown's governance and the war. The three Council members sat opposite him, including the Lord Hand, Lucerys Velaryon, the Master of the Ships, Lord Manderly, and lastly the Master of Coin, Lord Kevan Lannister.

With the current state of the Kingdoms, they had to meet many times a day, so meetings like this in the solar were commonplace these days. Though, unlike the other times, the mood in the meeting was one of joy and celebration as they all had smiles on their face as they drank watered-down wine from their glasses.

"All right, we should not get lost in celebrating this victory and must remember that there is still a war going on," he said. And the end of the Greyjoys' rebellion was indeed a major win for the crown, but it didn't mean that they could relax yet in the grand scheme of things, it was a single battle. And there was still a whole war left to fight.

The men nodded and put down their glasses, and it was the master Coin who spoke first.

"The Greyjoy rebellion has ended swiftly, and the Crown coffers were not majorly affected. We were able to divert the ships headed to the port of Kingslanding to Duskendale. And the repairs of the Capital's ports are nearly complete as well. They shall be finished before King Rhaegar's return," Aemon nodded.

That was good news.

"May I ask what about the Iron Islands? Has the King reached a decision yet," questioned Lord Manderly. And he didn't miss how all three men in the room straightened up at this question. And why wouldn't they? The Iron Islands were now without any leadership for the time being, and the Kingdom was waiting for his brother's edict.

"Rhaegar hasn't mentioned anything about this yet. But for now, they shall be governed by a governor. The new levies I have raised will depart to the islands to put them under direct Royal oversight. That will be all regarding the Iron Islands for now," Aemon responded, just as Rhaegar had instructed him to. To not give out the details of his plan to put major portions of the islands under Royal control.

The Iron Islands would serve as the perfect outpost for the navy and had the potential to become a trade hub for the world. Yet the Greyjoy had wasted the potential of those lands by alienating trading partners due to their culture of thieving and looting. But now it would all end.

He noticed the three men glance at each other before Lord Manderly nodded.

"I will have the ships prepared for the levies though may I ask has any name for such governorship been put forward," and Aemon shook his head.

"Not yet, but this will be Rhaegar's decision, but it is time we discuss the battle on the Stepstones," he began, and the three men stiffened at that. Not without cause, of course for they may have won a decisive victory against the Greyjoys, but the Crown's position in the Stepstones was quite precarious.

"The news is not very good, Prince Aemon," began the Hand in a thick voice as he stood up and pointed at the map.

"Despite the reinforcements from Dorne and Stormlands, the Crown has been pushed back, and now with the reports of the Golden Company and the Second Sons joining enemy ranks, I am afraid we would not be able to keep our hold for much longer," and Aemon chewed his lips as he glanced at the map again.

"Perhaps we could interest Bravo.." began the Master of Coin, but Aemon cut off the man before he could finish.

"No, we will not make common cause with Bravos. The islands must come under the Crown's control," he said resolutely. And the three men nodded.

These islands were one of the reasons for their House's enormous wealth. They were the center of trade, and despite the troubles they caused, his father had been clear on how instrumental they were.

Yet it seems that they were being pushed back.

"We still control Bloodheaven and Grey Gallows; without them, no proper army could land or control the islands. Write to Oberyn to focus on these two islands," he ordered, and the men nodded.

"And Lord Velaryon. Have you contacted Lord Brynden about his mission?" he questioned the Lord's hand, and thankfully the Lord Hand nodded in affirmative at his question.

"Yes, my prince. He has been told of his mission," but before the man could finish, they were interrupted by a knock on the door. Aemon frowned, for he had asked not to be disturbed.

"My Lord, I bring news from the Stepstones," came the voice of the Grand Maester, and Aemon's heart sank for a bit as dread pooled in his heart.

"Come in," he spoke hurriedly, and the doors to his solar swung open as the Grand Maester came in and handed him a rolled missive.

"I thought it prudent to bring it to you as soon as I got it, my prince," said the man, and Aemon gulped as he broke the seal and began to skim over the letter. And with each word he read, dread and anger rose in his heart.

"What has happened, my lord?" questioned the Hand, and instead of replying to him. Aemon just handed him the missive. Lord Hand read the missive, and his face paled as well before the missive was passed to the rest of the men.

"Gods be good. Governor Oberyn has been wounded critically! My Prince, this is bad. With control over Greygallows, the invading armies have a landing ground," and Aemon nodded, his mind racing as he thought of another Martell.

"The Queen will be devastated by the news," spoke Lord Kevan from the side, and the chamber became quiet at the mention of Elia, for they all knew what such news would do to her in her current state if it reached her ears.

In the end, Aemon reached a decision.

"No one will breathe a word of this to anyone. We cannot risk the lives of the Queen and the child in her belly like this. Until my brother arrives, the word about Oberyn's state will not leave this room," he said as he glanced at all the four men in the room.

"I will write to Doran and my brother personally informing them of my decision," and the four men nodded.

"As you say, my prince. But what about the Stepstones? Lord Baratheon has been forced to retreat to Bloodheaven. We need to support him," and Aemon's mind raced. They had to respond quickly. Otherwise, they risked losing full control over those islands, and the Crown couldn't afford to let that happen.

"Lord Manderly, write a missive to Lord Stark and Lord Jon Arryn. They shall provide the support until the Royal Army can be moved to the Stepstones," he ordered. And he knew that the plan was to keep the strength of the North and the Vale intact due to the threat beyond the Wall. But these were dire circumstances, and they couldn't let those islands fall.

"What about the Tyrells, my Prince? They have men and ships in plenty," came the question, but Aemon shook his head.

"No, not them. They shall have a different target," and he placed his finger on the most extended island just at the edge of Stepstones.


As the four men sat and discussed the war, a small retinue of half a dozen men, the direwolf sigil embroidered on their armor, entered the capital gates.

Eddard Stark had arrived at the capital, and he had not brought good news with him.


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Chapter 16
Chapter 16

The reasons for the absence of the North and the Vale from the initial stages of the war are often debated by Historians while discussing the Rebellion faced by King Rhaegar I. At that time, there was no obvious reason for preserving the strength of these kingdoms, especially when the Kingdom was fighting for survival. Yet the incidents of the next decade proved to be right.

Decisions like this and others like the establishment of communication with the Free Folk king give credence to the rumors of King Aerys's mythical abilities to be a dreamer and are considered as proof by many that the man had been blessed much like Daenys dreamer himself.

The joys from the victory against the Greyjoys were short-lived with the death of Queen Elia's brother. Oberyn Martell, younger brother to Doran and Elia Martell, was a man of adventure and made fast friends wherever he went. The man was appointed as the governor of the Stepstones by the King, and the letters recovered by the historians show that that man's ability to make fats friends was one of the reasons the King appointed the man to such an important post.

Given the title of the "Red Viper," the man was one of the kingdom's deadliest fighters and was later honored by the Royal family and named a regiment in the army after the man. 'The Vipers' regiment remains part of the military to this day and is considered one of the most elite forces in the world, and each Viper is trained to wield a spear to this day, for the Red Viper was said to wield one himself.



Daenys Targaryen sat in the gardens with her good sister and Queen, Elia. There was in common between her and Elia Martell, but the woman was cordial and easy to get along with, and hence Daenys had become fast friends with her over the years. And that was exactly why she knew just how much she cared for her little brother, Oberyn. And just how badly she would be affected by his death. And they couldn't afford that.

And her eyes went to her swollen belly. Her brother and Elia had lost a child a couple of years ago, and her health had suffered greatly with, and rumors of her inability to have any more children, and it was speculated that the King wished to have the marriage between her and Prince Rhaegar annulled.

She scoffed as she thought of that. Like her father would ever do such a thing. The man had put an end to all such rumors quickly and had even asked her brother to give Elia time to recover properly before they tried for another child.

"Are you fine, Daenys?" the question from Elia broker her out of her trance and Daenys nodded at the Queen.

"Of course, I was just thinking about Father and how happy he would have been at the thought of having another grandchild," she said a little wistfully, and Elia's lips thinned as well, and she nodded.

"Indeed, he would have been delighted," said Elia. And silence came over them once more. And then Elia broke it once again.

"Have you given any thought to what we discussed about your marriage," questioned Elia, and Daenys groaned internally but nodded nonetheless. The Queen squeezed her hand in reassurance.

"I just want you to keep an open mind. No one here will ever force you into a match against your will but you have to get married one day," said Elia with a smile, and Daenys lips thinned as she replied.

"I just don't want to lose my freedoms. I don't want to become a broodmare for some entitled brat," Daenys complained, and Elia smiled as she said scandalously.

"So, you are calling me a broodmare," Daenys's shoulder slumped, and she shook her head.

"You know what I meant by that," she groaned, and Elia nodded.

"I was just making a joke. And I know what you mean. Father's relationship with mother was quite exemplary, if I say so myself, and me and Rhaegar try and replicate it as well. But you must consider that it was also your father who thought of pursuing a match between you and Jamie Lannister. He must have seen something in him to consider him even worthy of his princess," Elia assured her, and Daenys nodded.

"I know, but I am still afraid," she said, and Elia smiled forlornly.

"Did you know I felt the same way when I married your brother? I believe it is quite natural to be afraid. But we cannot let our fear rule over us," Elia spoke slowly before wincing in pain. Daenys immediately reached for her hand.

"Are you fine?" she questioned, and Elia nodded, her brows still scrunched in pain.

"It will be fine," yet the relief never came, and suddenly Elia began to scream in pain, making Daenys heart thump with worry. At the Queen's cry, the Castle guards rushed towards them, led by Ser Gerold.

"AGH!" Elia screamed in pain, and Daenys could only hold her hand before her eyes widened as she saw her dress becoming wet, and realization dawned on her, and she immediately screamed.




Aemon Targaryen sat in his solar, dreading the conversation he was about to have with the man sitting opposite him. The Quiet Wolf of the North, Eddard Stark, was nearly as imposing as his father Rickard Stark.

The man had the symbolic brown Stark hair along with those striking grey eyes. The man had traversed the lands across the Wall on the orders of his brother, though one could say it had actually been his father's orders.

"So, Lord Eddard, I believe there is no time to waste, so why don't we skip straight to the topic" began Aemon, and the man nodded.

"So, was my father right," said Aemon, and Eddard Stark nodded slowly.

"He was, my prince. The Freefolks confirmed everything he told us," said the man, and then he reached into his pocket and took out a scroll.

"And regarding that, my brother has written this missive to the Crown asking for permission regarding various matters," and Aemon nodded as he took the missive and opened it. And though he had the authority to deal with it, with his brother barely hours from the capital, it would be better to leave it all up to him.

"The King is set to return today, and he will deal with this. Moving on, I believe you have something of my family in your possession," said Aemon, and Eddard Stark nodded. The man slowly reached down and placed a clothed object on his desk.

Aemon's heart shook as he saw the clothed object, and then with quivering fingers, he took off the cloth covering the object. He gasped as he saw the object lying there. It was a sword. It was their sword, one of the ancestral swords of House Targaryen.

"Dark Sister!' he gasped as he held up the legendary blade, and the very blade gleamed in joy as he picked it up.

"We found it stuck in the ground, near a giant weir wood tree just as the King instructed," spoke Eddard and Aemon nodded, his mind questioning just how did his father know about its location. And now, with his demise, he couldn't even question the man.

The sword was like a gift from him.

"The Crown thanks you for your service and will bestow an appropriate reward onto you, Lord Eddard," spoke Aemon, and Eddard Stark nodded.

"The Starks of Winterfell are at your service, my prince," said the man, and then just as Aemon was about to speak up there was a knock on the doors.

Aemon gently wrapped the sword in cloth once more, and placed it under the desk, before he spoke up.

"Come in," he said, and the doors swung open to reveal the form of Ser Gerold, and the man had a rather big smile on his face.

"My prince, your mother is summoning you to the Queen's chambers," and Aemon frowned, yet stood up nonetheless.

"What has happened?" he questioned as he rushed towards the commander of the Kingsguard and the man smiled and spoke up.

"The Gods have blessed your brother, with a son," came the reply, and relief ran through his body at those words. Eddard Stark had joined him as well. Aemon looked back toward the man and, with a sheepish smile, spoke up.

"I believe I must cut our meeting short, Lord Eddard," and the man shook his head and simply bowed.

"As you say, my prince," said the man, and then Aemon rushed out of his solar and rushed towards the Queen's chambers.



Rhaegar Targaryen raced past the streets of Kinglanding, the familiar streets of the City helped ease his heart from the perils of the war he had just fought. Under normal circumstances, there would have been a Victory march in the City, yet the circumstances were anything but normal.

The people parted ways and broke out in cheers, as soon as they saw his horse racing down the streets. The Castle gates were opened and the guards blew the horns indicating his arrival The Royal guards bustled and formed two lines around the gates.

He galloped past the gates and rushed towards the main gate of the Red Keep. He pulled the reins of his horse and came to a halt in front of a small retinue standing outside the gates to welcome him. Aemon led them as he stood there dressed in a black tunic, with a massive smile on his face.

Rhaegar jumped off his horse, rushed towards his brother, and crushed him in a hug, as the two brothers finally met after all this time. And suddenly, Aemon whispered quietly in his ears.

"I believe congratulations are in order, Rhaegar," and Rhaegar's heart skipped a beat as he separated and looked at Aemon, who nodded and confirmed his suspicion.

"The Queen has given birth to a healthy babe. The Gods have blessed you with another son," said Aemon, and Rhaegar's lips thinned, and he barely exchanged greetings with the Lords accompanying his brother before he rushed past them, his steps brisk and quick as he rushed towards the Queen's chambers.

There was a sense of joy and jubilation in the castle, and the servants congratulated him as he rushed past them. He finally reached the Queen's chambers and, after a deep breath, walked in slowly, and there in the bed lay his wife, her hair messy and sweaty. Yet there was a smile on her face as she leaned to the side and continued to coo at the small bundle resting in the hands of his mother.

To her other side sat Daenys, who was the first one to look up at him before she rushed forwards and lept at him.

"Brother, you are back!" she said, and Rhaegar nodded as he held his sister tightly, and he didn't miss how she had become taller over the time he had gone. The two of them hugged each other before he slowly walked toward Elia and his mother.

Elia smiled at him, and as he came closer, his mother gently passed his son to him.

"He takes after you," said his mother with a smile. And Rhaegar's heart thumped as he held his child, and felt his eyes wet. The babe had a small tuft of silvery blonde hair and the symbolic amethyst Targaryen eyes.

"Have you decided on a name?" he questioned slowly, his voice quivering, and Elia nodded before she looked toward his mother.

"I have, and with mother's permission, I would like to name him Aerys, in honor of father," said Elia and Rhaegar looked towards his mother, whose eyes had become red. Her lips quivered before she slowly nodded her head, and her eyes landed on the child in his arm once more.

"Prince Aerys Targaryen," she said with a smile, giving her permission, and Rhaegar smiled and gently kissed his son, Aerys.

"You should go and rest Rhaegar," his mother said gently from the side before turning to face Elia," and Elia, you as well. I will take care of the babe," she said as she gestured for him to hand her the babe. And just as he was about to protest her mother's eyes narrowed as she gently teased him.

"He will be fine with me Rhaegar, after all, I did raise three children myself," retorted his mother making Elia break out in a small laugh. Rhaegar handed her his son, reluctantly. And then with a nod towards Elia, his mother began to walk out of the room.

"All right, you should rest, and then we can finally have a talk afterward," and with those words, his mother left the room. Leaving him alone with Elia, Rhaegar sat down on the side of her bed and kissed his wife. Those lips felt like heaven after all these months of separation, and they both lost each other like that before they finally separated, both huffing for breath.

"It is good to have you back, Rhaegar," said Elia as she squeezed her hand. And Rhaegar nodded.

"It is good to be back as well."


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre 0n. Your support makes it possible for me to write. So, if possible, have a look and consider dropping a dime if possible. It would mean a lot to me.


Thanks for reading!Chapter 16

The reasons for the absence of the North and the Vale from the initial stages of the war are often debated by Historians while discussing the Rebellion faced by King Rhaegar I. At that time, there was no obvious reason for preserving the strength of these kingdoms, especially when the Kingdom was fighting for survival. Yet the incidents of the next decade proved to be right.

Decisions like this and others like the establishment of communication with the Free Folk king give credence to the rumors of King Aerys's mythical abilities to be a dreamer and are considered as proof by many that the man had been blessed much like Daenys dreamer himself.

The joys from the victory against the Greyjoys were short-lived with the death of Queen Elia's brother. Oberyn Martell, younger brother to Doran and Elia Martell, was a man of adventure and made fast friends wherever he went. The man was appointed as the governor of the Stepstones by the King, and the letters recovered by the historians show that that man's ability to make fats friends was one of the reasons the King appointed the man to such an important post.

Given the title of the "Red Viper," the man was one of the kingdom's deadliest fighters and was later honored by the Royal family and named a regiment in the army after the man. 'The Vipers' regiment remains part of the military to this day and is considered one of the most elite forces in the world, and each Viper is trained to wield a spear to this day, for the Red Viper was said to wield one himself.



Daenys Targaryen sat in the gardens with her good sister and Queen, Elia. There was in common between her and Elia Martell, but the woman was cordial and easy to get along with, and hence Daenys had become fast friends with her over the years. And that was exactly why she knew just how much she cared for her little brother, Oberyn. And just how badly she would be affected by his death. And they couldn't afford that.

And her eyes went to her swollen belly. Her brother and Elia had lost a child a couple of years ago, and her health had suffered greatly with, and rumors of her inability to have any more children, and it was speculated that the King wished to have the marriage between her and Prince Rhaegar annulled.

She scoffed as she thought of that. Like her father would ever do such a thing. The man had put an end to all such rumors quickly and had even asked her brother to give Elia time to recover properly before they tried for another child.

"Are you fine, Daenys?" the question from Elia broker her out of her trance and Daenys nodded at the Queen.

"Of course, I was just thinking about Father and how happy he would have been at the thought of having another grandchild," she said a little wistfully, and Elia's lips thinned as well, and she nodded.

"Indeed, he would have been delighted," said Elia. And silence came over them once more. And then Elia broke it once again.

"Have you given any thought to what we discussed about your marriage," questioned Elia, and Daenys groaned internally but nodded nonetheless. The Queen squeezed her hand in reassurance.

"I just want you to keep an open mind. No one here will ever force you into a match against your will but you have to get married one day," said Elia with a smile, and Daenys lips thinned as she replied.

"I just don't want to lose my freedoms. I don't want to become a broodmare for some entitled brat," Daenys complained, and Elia smiled as she said scandalously.

"So, you are calling me a broodmare," Daenys's shoulder slumped, and she shook her head.

"You know what I meant by that," she groaned, and Elia nodded.

"I was just making a joke. And I know what you mean. Father's relationship with mother was quite exemplary, if I say so myself, and me and Rhaegar try and replicate it as well. But you must consider that it was also your father who thought of pursuing a match between you and Jamie Lannister. He must have seen something in him to consider him even worthy of his princess," Elia assured her, and Daenys nodded.

"I know, but I am still afraid," she said, and Elia smiled forlornly.

"Did you know I felt the same way when I married your brother? I believe it is quite natural to be afraid. But we cannot let our fear rule over us," Elia spoke slowly before wincing in pain. Daenys immediately reached for her hand.

"Are you fine?" she questioned, and Elia nodded, her brows still scrunched in pain.

"It will be fine," yet the relief never came, and suddenly Elia began to scream in pain, making Daenys heart thump with worry. At the Queen's cry, the Castle guards rushed towards them, led by Ser Gerold.

"AGH!" Elia screamed in pain, and Daenys could only hold her hand before her eyes widened as she saw her dress becoming wet, and realization dawned on her, and she immediately screamed.




Aemon Targaryen sat in his solar, dreading the conversation he was about to have with the man sitting opposite him. The Quiet Wolf of the North, Eddard Stark, was nearly as imposing as his father Rickard Stark.

The man had the symbolic brown Stark hair along with those striking grey eyes. The man had traversed the lands across the Wall on the orders of his brother, though one could say it had actually been his father's orders.

"So, Lord Eddard, I believe there is no time to waste, so why don't we skip straight to the topic" began Aemon, and the man nodded.

"So, was my father right," said Aemon, and Eddard Stark nodded slowly.

"He was, my prince. The Freefolks confirmed everything he told us," said the man, and then he reached into his pocket and took out a scroll.

"And regarding that, my brother has written this missive to the Crown asking for permission regarding various matters," and Aemon nodded as he took the missive and opened it. And though he had the authority to deal with it, with his brother barely hours from the capital, it would be better to leave it all up to him.

"The King is set to return today, and he will deal with this. Moving on, I believe you have something of my family in your possession," said Aemon, and Eddard Stark nodded. The man slowly reached down and placed a clothed object on his desk.

Aemon's heart shook as he saw the clothed object, and then with quivering fingers, he took off the cloth covering the object. He gasped as he saw the object lying there. It was a sword. It was their sword, one of the ancestral swords of House Targaryen.

"Dark Sister!' he gasped as he held up the legendary blade, and the very blade gleamed in joy as he picked it up.

"We found it stuck in the ground, near a giant weir wood tree just as the King instructed," spoke Eddard and Aemon nodded, his mind questioning just how did his father know about its location. And now, with his demise, he couldn't even question the man.

The sword was like a gift from him.

"The Crown thanks you for your service and will bestow an appropriate reward onto you, Lord Eddard," spoke Aemon, and Eddard Stark nodded.

"The Starks of Winterfell are at your service, my prince," said the man, and then just as Aemon was about to speak up there was a knock on the doors.

Aemon gently wrapped the sword in cloth once more, and placed it under the desk, before he spoke up.

"Come in," he said, and the doors swung open to reveal the form of Ser Gerold, and the man had a rather big smile on his face.

"My prince, your mother is summoning you to the Queen's chambers," and Aemon frowned, yet stood up nonetheless.

"What has happened?" he questioned as he rushed towards the commander of the Kingsguard and the man smiled and spoke up.

"The Gods have blessed your brother, with a son," came the reply, and relief ran through his body at those words. Eddard Stark had joined him as well. Aemon looked back toward the man and, with a sheepish smile, spoke up.

"I believe I must cut our meeting short, Lord Eddard," and the man shook his head and simply bowed.

"As you say, my prince," said the man, and then Aemon rushed out of his solar and rushed towards the Queen's chambers.



Rhaegar Targaryen raced past the streets of Kinglanding, the familiar streets of the City helped ease his heart from the perils of the war he had just fought. Under normal circumstances, there would have been a Victory march in the City, yet the circumstances were anything but normal.

The people parted ways and broke out in cheers, as soon as they saw his horse racing down the streets. The Castle gates were opened and the guards blew the horns indicating his arrival The Royal guards bustled and formed two lines around the gates.

He galloped past the gates and rushed towards the main gate of the Red Keep. He pulled the reins of his horse and came to a halt in front of a small retinue standing outside the gates to welcome him. Aemon led them as he stood there dressed in a black tunic, with a massive smile on his face.

Rhaegar jumped off his horse, rushed towards his brother, and crushed him in a hug, as the two brothers finally met after all this time. And suddenly, Aemon whispered quietly in his ears.

"I believe congratulations are in order, Rhaegar," and Rhaegar's heart skipped a beat as he separated and looked at Aemon, who nodded and confirmed his suspicion.

"The Queen has given birth to a healthy babe. The Gods have blessed you with another son," said Aemon, and Rhaegar's lips thinned, and he barely exchanged greetings with the Lords accompanying his brother before he rushed past them, his steps brisk and quick as he rushed towards the Queen's chambers.

There was a sense of joy and jubilation in the castle, and the servants congratulated him as he rushed past them. He finally reached the Queen's chambers and, after a deep breath, walked in slowly, and there in the bed lay his wife, her hair messy and sweaty. Yet there was a smile on her face as she leaned to the side and continued to coo at the small bundle resting in the hands of his mother.

To her other side sat Daenys, who was the first one to look up at him before she rushed forwards and lept at him.

"Brother, you are back!" she said, and Rhaegar nodded as he held his sister tightly, and he didn't miss how she had become taller over the time he had gone. The two of them hugged each other before he slowly walked toward Elia and his mother.

Elia smiled at him, and as he came closer, his mother gently passed his son to him.

"He takes after you," said his mother with a smile. And Rhaegar's heart thumped as he held his child, and felt his eyes wet. The babe had a small tuft of silvery blonde hair and the symbolic amethyst Targaryen eyes.

"Have you decided on a name?" he questioned slowly, his voice quivering, and Elia nodded before she looked toward his mother.

"I have, and with mother's permission, I would like to name him Aerys, in honor of father," said Elia and Rhaegar looked towards his mother, whose eyes had become red. Her lips quivered before she slowly nodded her head, and her eyes landed on the child in his arm once more.

"Prince Aerys Targaryen," she said with a smile, giving her permission, and Rhaegar smiled and gently kissed his son, Aerys.

"You should go and rest Rhaegar," his mother said gently from the side before turning to face Elia," and Elia, you as well. I will take care of the babe," she said as she gestured for him to hand her the babe. And just as he was about to protest her mother's eyes narrowed as she gently teased him.

"He will be fine with me Rhaegar, after all, I did raise three children myself," retorted his mother making Elia break out in a small laugh. Rhaegar handed her his son, reluctantly. And then with a nod towards Elia, his mother began to walk out of the room.

"All right, you should rest, and then we can finally have a talk afterward," and with those words, his mother left the room. Leaving him alone with Elia, Rhaegar sat down on the side of her bed and kissed his wife. Those lips felt like heaven after all these months of separation, and they both lost each other like that before they finally separated, both huffing for breath.

"It is good to have you back, Rhaegar," said Elia as she squeezed her hand. And Rhaegar nodded.

"It is good to be back as well."


As always, you can read ahead and support me on Pa-tre 0n. Your support makes it possible for me to write. So, if possible, have a look and consider dropping a dime if possible. It would mean a lot to me.


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Chapter 17
Chapter 17

The death of Oberyn Martell would shock Queen Elia Martell, and she would be wroth with everyone in Kingslanding, for they had kept the news from her for weeks. She was greatly saddened by the death of her brother, whom she loved a lot, but the Royal family's decision would prove right and the newborn Prince would provide her much solace after such tragedy.

With King Rhaegar back in the capital, he would once more take control over the running of the Kingdoms. Yet he had not returned alone from his campaign and was accompanied by Ser Jamie Lannister, the heir to Casterly Rock. Ser Jamie would have to go through quite serious vetting rounds before being allowed to meet King Aerys's darling daughter, Princess Daenys.

On the other side of the Narrow Sea, Brynden Tully's Dark Knights would lay siege to Lys to root out the Blackfyre pretenders, and the siege would be broken later with many of the instigators escaping to Tyrosh to seek refuge, a mistake which would prove quite fatal to the Blackfyre cause for as soon as they would land there a massive force from Highgarden would attack the city.

Until this point, the Targaryen regime had fought on the metaphoric 'backfoot' in this war. This would be their first effective offensive and would prove devastating. The new ships designed and commissioned under King Aerys's regime would prove their worth and give the Targaryen dynasty naval superiority, which would last for hundreds of years.

Yet despite everything he had already done, King Aerys wasn't quite done yet. The departed King still had a final gift for his three children. Something which had cost the man his life, yet this gift would change the landscape of the whole world.



Rhaegar Targaryen sat in his father's solar. Though it was now his solar yet, even now, he hesitated in calling it his own. Yet already, he could point out the differences in the room from the time of his father. He sighed as he looked at the pile of documents sitting there at his desk and groaned in frustration.

He would never miss this, and he was thankful to Aemon, who had thinned the pile so much, for he knew otherwise the stack was to be at least thrice of what it was. Even now, Aemon sat opposite to him, going over a set of documents trying to help him. In the end, Rhaegar decided to ignore the pile sitting in front of him to focus on an entirely different topic.

"So, Aemon, have you given it any thought?" his younger brother didn't look up and simply replied.

"Given what thought?" Rhaegar rolled his eyes as he lightly tapped his table.

"You know, marriage. You are older than Daenys. Don't you think it is time you settled down," he spoke up, and Aemon stilled a bit before he sighed and put down the paper in his hand.

"There is a war going on, Rhaegar. Do you really think this is the best time to get married," Aemon tried to wiggle out as he always had, and Rhaegar just looked at him.

"Of course, there is no proper time to get married, and you must do it. So, tell me, have you given it any thought? I distinctly remember Father giving you a choice to make before you went to Pentosh," and he saw Aemon groan at his words.

"Aghh, do we really have to do this? Plus, shouldn't you be more focused on Daenys and her prospective husband," Aemon remarked, and he was right.

"I would be, but Elia has taken over that matter. The Queen and her ladies-in-waiting are vetting Jamie Lannister. I trust them with this," and he saw Aemon wince at those words. Daenys was the baby of their family. The whole family doted on her a lot, and Elia had taken command over this, and she and her friends were vetting the poor lad.

"May the Gods bless him, though is he talking to you again? Mother told me that she was angry with you because of the whole Oberyn Thing," said Aemon, and Rahegar shook his head slowly.

"Not yet, but she told me that this was between her and Daenys, and my mistake had no bearing on her relationship with Daenys," it was just one of the things he liked about Elia. There was hardly anyone more dutiful than her in the Kingdoms apart from his own mother, of course.

"Don't think I cannot see what you are doing. This is about you, not me. So tell me which one you have chosen, Laena Velaryon or Janne Tyrell," Rhaegar questioned Aemon, who sighed before speaking up.

"Though they are both fine ladies, I don't think we would make a good match. I had a different name in mind, actually," remarked his brother surprising him. And Rhaegar wasn't going to deny his brother a chance to choose his own match.

"You have met Eddard Stark, right," remarked Aemon, and Rhaegar nodded, not knowing where he was going with this.

"He came to the capital with a small retinue, a retinue which also included his sister," and Rhaegar finally understood where this was going. He didn't miss the small smile on his brother's face as he continued.

"She wasn't supposed to come, but she dressed up as a knight and followed him to the capital somehow," added Aemon with a small laugh, and Rhaegar was impressed as well by the audacity of the lady.

"What's her name?" he asked so that he could have one more discussion with Eddard Stark. Perhaps it was time that the House Stark had a royal match.

"Lyanna. Her name is Lyanna Stark," replied Aemon with a small smile. And Rhaegar nodded.

"I will talk to Mother. We shall see just who is this Lyanna Stark to have my brother besotted with her like this," said Rahegar as he wiggled his eyes at his brother, who just groaned.

"Aghh, don't make a deal of this, Rhaegar. Maybe the Starks have already promised her hand to someone else," said Aemon with a desponded shrug, and Rhaegar gave his brother a look.

"We shall see about that!"


VARYS- Daemon Blackyre

Varys cursed those wretched Targaryens as he watched the armed men patrolling the streets below. The men belonged to one of the newer mercenary groups called Black Knights, and had joined forces with other smaller groups to attack Lys.

Tensions were high in Lys, and various benefactors from the City had pulled out, thinking that Myr or Tyrsoh had betrayed them. Though he knew the truth, neither Myr nor Tyrosh had hired them. No, it was the Targaryens.

The Black Knights were highly organized, and the whole company was fitted with very good equipment. This showed that they had a very rich backer. Their commander was the infamous Black Fish of Riverrun, and all this pointed out that the company's anonymous backer was the Targaryen Crown.

He closed the curtains and began to pace in his room once again. His sister sat there seething with rage and worry as they sat there trapped in Lys.

He finally broke the silence as he looked towards Saera.

"We have to get out of here if this continues. It will not be long before we are found out. We need to move tonight," he said, and Saera's lips thinned.

"How? They are continuously patrolling the streets. How will we even make it out, and where are we even supposed to go!" she growled.

"Tyrosh." He replied quickly, and she nodded, knowing that he was right. They couldn't stay here. His mind raced as he began to formulate a plan. And then it all clicked into place.

"I think I have just the idea," he spoke, and Saera frowned.

"What?" she questioned as he took the seat opposite to her.

"I believe it is time that those who betrayed us learn that treachery has its own cost. We still have some of the Wild Fire stacked in the basement. It is time they paid that cost," he said with a smile, and Saera nodded.

This was the last batch of wildfire they had, and he had been saving it up for the assault on Kingslanding, yet there was little time to think about the future now, especially with their very lives hanging in flux.

"But how will you set it all up? They are continuously patrolling the city," questioned Saera showing concern for him. And he just smirked.

"You don't have to worry about that. I know the streets of Lys like the back of my hand. You just get ready and wait for my signal." And she nodded. With that, he left the room and began to make his way to the basement.



Her whole family stood there as the servants prepared everything for their father's funeral. It was a simple ceremony with only the four of them present, as they conducted the final rites of their father according to his wishes.

Aemon stood by her side, holding her hand as Qyburn ordered his servants to place the dragon eggs below beside the wooden casket.

"Are those the eggs that you bought from that Pentoshi merchant," she asked, and Aemon nodded.

"Yes, they are," and Daenys frowned as she saw them place them near their father's casket. She had gotten to look at them herself; they were solid like stone, yet they were hot to touch. Their mother had ordered them to be placed in a pyre for some reason. And they hadn't questioned her, much like they didn't question her when she told them of their father's plan for his funeral.

"She is hiding something," she whispered to Aemon as her eyes landed on her mother, who was conversing with Qyburn in a hushed tone by the side.

"I know, and I think we all have a pretty good idea what that is," came the reply from behind, and she looked back to find Rhaegar joining them. And she frowned because she didn't know what they were talking about.

She looked up at Aemon, who had a look of understanding in his eyes, and she frowned.

"I don't know what she is planning. Tell me," she said rather impatiently. Aemon's lips turned upward, and he shook his head.

Rhaegar sighed as he gave Aemon a small nod before beginning.

"I think you must remember how Father always lamented the end of dragons after the tragedy of the Dance," Rhaegar began, and she nodded. It was one of the topics that got their father heated. Though unlike most of the realm, their father laid the blame on Jaeherys Targaryen and considered the am responsible for what he called 'the greatest tragedy for their House.'

And then suddenly, it all clicked as her head snapped towards the dragon eggs.

"It cannot be!" she gasped as she connected all the dots.

"He is trying to revive the dragons!" she finished as she looked at Rhaegar, and her brother nodded as well.

"Father had a theory that the Targaryen family hid the secret to the revival of dragons in open sight. Their own words," he added, and it all clicked into place.

"Fire and Blood!" she gasped as she saw the arrangement. And then she saw their mother walk towards them with Qyburn right behind them, his servants bringing the eggs with him.

"The ceremony requires some of your blood as well. Just a few drops will do," said their mother, and all three of them looked at each other with a small nod from Rhaegar. They each picked the small blade and made a small cut on their forearm, and let their blood drip onto each of the eggs.

The eggs were so hot that their blood sizzled upon contact, and then with a small nod, the thing ex-master walked back with the eggs and placed them near their father's casket once more.

Their mother joined them, and Daenys couldn't stop herself and blurted out.

"Are we trying to make those eggs hatch," she saw her mother still for a moment before she gave her a slight nod.

"But what about the tragedy of Summer Hall? Don't you think it's too dangerous," and she saw her mother go pale at those words. And Daenys didn't miss how her hands shook slightly before she slowly replied.

"This nothing like that time. I am quite aware of what happened at Summer Hall, which is nothing like this. Just please trust me on this," said their mother. And Daenys sighed as the three of them joined her and stood by her.

They had all already paid their respects, and with a final glance, their mother spoke up.

"Is everything ready?" Qyburn, the thin man their father had recruited out of the Citadel, nodded.

"Everything is ready, your grace," and then their mother nodded.

"Then let us begin!"

And with that, the man finally walked towards the wooden platform and took a lit torch from one of his servants, and for some reason, Daenys felt her heart thump in her chest. And then, as the ex-maester lit the platform on fire with his torch, she felt a soft loving touch on her shoulder.

"Goodbye, my little dragon princess," came the slight whisper in the loving tone of her father. Yet when she looked back, she found no one there.

Suddenly he felt fingers brush across her cheeks and looked up to find her mother wiping away her tears.

"It will be fine, my dear!" and she nodded as she wiped away her tears and looked ahead as the fire consumed the whole platform.

The fire raged, and the flames rose viciously as they devoured wood and flesh. The whole courtyard was filled with silence, and only the sound of crackling fire lingered around them.


Until she heard a crack. She stilled, and her heart nearly gave out. She thought that she might have been hallucinating, yet her doubts were cleared up when she heard the sound again. This time it was much louder and clearer.

"It cannot be…" she whispered as she saw shadows wriggle in the flames. She stepped forward instinctively, with her brothers right behind her, as they slowly approached the burning pyre.

And with each step, her heart thumped louder as the sound of cracks and the movement of shadows in the massive pyre intensified.

And just as they were mere steps away from the pyre, three small lizard-like creatures stepped out of the massive pyre. Their coloring was different, with two being of a darker hue while the one in front had pale yellowish skin, and they were even smaller than a cat.

Yet none would mistake what they were, especially with their small wings and the shiny scales that covered their body.

The yellowish one struggled to stand on its feet before it suddenly looked up. His eyes were amethyst, much like her own, and had slits in them like a snake.

She sat down and put forward her hand, and the little creature sniffed it and looked into her eyes before it slowly stepped into her hand. It was hot, and nearly burning, yet for some reason, he didn't want to let it go.

She held it in her arms and looked around to find her brother holding their own creatures in their hands. Their eyes met, and then Rhaegar suddenly gulped and broke the hanging silence.

"He was right! He was god damn right!" he nearly shouted before they all turned around to face their mother, who simply stood there, tears flowing down her cheeks as she looked at them with sheer pride.

"But how? How did he know about this?" she questioned as she looked into her mother's eyes. She saw her lips thin as she glanced at the three of them. Her brother's eyes held a similar question in their gaze, and their mother sighed and, with a broken smile, gave them the answer to their question.

"I believe you already have your suspicions, and they are right," said their mother slowly, and Daenys gulped as she readied herself for her next words.

"Your father was blessed with the same gift as your namesake from history, Daenys," and of course, she knew who that was.

Daenys, the Dreamer, had been named after her. The woman who had saved the Targaryen from the Doom.

"Your father was a dreamer!"


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Chapter 18
Chapter 18

Dragons. The mythical beast that allowed Valyria to rule the world, and then after Doom, allowed the House of Targaryen to forge the savage lands of Westeros into a single unified Kingdom. They were the symbol of power for House Targaryen even a century after Aegon's conquest.

Yet the Dance took them away from the world. For two hundred years after the Dance, the Targaryen family continued to revive these beasts in order to regain their symbol of power, yet they didn't succeed. It was one of these very attempts that brought the Targaryen family to near extinction due to the tragedy of Summer Hall.

Yet where his ancestors failed, King Aerys Targaryen succeeded. In the funeral pyre of the greatest King of Westeros, three dragon eggs hatched, bringing back the mythical beasts that once allowed Aegon the Conqueror to forge the seven kingdoms as one.

The rebirth of the Dragons was nothing short of a miracle. And historians consider it rather fortunate that the Dragon Pit had begun its reconstruction just a few years prior to this and had been modified and expanded with an open structure to allow dragons to fly out with ease.

With the dragons, the House Targaryen regained much, yet there was always a lingering fear that the Royal House would fall prey to its hubris once again, and there could be a repeat of the tragedy that once burnt half the Kingdom. A valid fear, especially with the amount of power the Royal family possessed at the time. King Aerys was aware of that and, in his death, gave his children another partying gift which we today call the 'Dragon Rider Edict.'

These documents had remained classified until now and had become public only half a decade ago when the Royal family chose to disclose the contents of the diaries of King Rhaegar and Princess Daenys.

Even today, the Royal family is said to hold a number of frozen dragon eggs, according to some rumors, and have provisions in the law to try and hatch them in case of any emergency. Some even speculate that the Royal Family has a small herd of dragons on one of their private islands, yet these reports and rumors are without any substantial evidence.



Rhaella Targaryen, the Queen dowager of the Seven Kingdoms, sat in her room with her three children surrounding her, the questions raging through their minds evident in their gazes as they sat there in pin-drop silence.

The three newborn dragons were under the care of Qyburn and the rudimentary dragon keepers that had been trained by the man in secret on her husband's orders. In the end, it was her eldest who broke the silence.

"Did you know?" he asked, and she saw all three of them look at her as she shook her head.

"No, though I had my suspicions," she began. After she had read over the diary Aerys had left her, she had pondered quite a bit over the past to look for hints and had berated herself for missing all the signs over the years. Though, Aerys deserved some credit for making it so difficult to spot his gift over the years, and now it was only in hindsight was she truly able to see the whole picture.

"Though you might not believe me, your father was quite different in his youth. He was loud, brash, and often given to fantasies of grandeur and majesty," and she chuckled slightly at that, for that was a quality he hadn't quite lost though his dreams had become much grounded, and his perseverance to make those dreams a reality had been quite a change.

"Even in those days, he spoke of rebuilding King landing and establishing an army and fleet, yet at that, they were nothing but words, and then the announcement of our marriage was made," she said somberly. She had been against the match initially, especially given the rumors about his debauchery.

"It was around this time that he changed," she spoke clearly as she recalled those days in her mind.

"He became quieter, somber, and much more mature. I believe this is when his reams began," she answered, and then it was her daughter who cut her off.

"But how can you be sure now? You said you suspected it, but how can you be sure now that he was a dreamer," asked daenys and Rhaella turned away from her daughter and picked up the diary from the table. The very diary Aerys had entrusted her with, a diary with his visions and ideas. Rhaella knew little of science and administration, yet even she could tell that this diary was a treasure trove for their family. The things written in there would have been called as ramblings of a madman, yet given all Aerys had accomplished in his reign of about thirty years, she was inclined to believe them to be true and if they were. She held the key to the very future of this world.

"This is your father's diary," she said, seeing all of them look at the thick book with a narrowed gaze.

"After his death, Ser Gerold took me to his room, and with a key Aerys had entrusted me in his life, I opened a hidden safe hidden in the room where I found this along with some other things," she began.

"WAIT!" suddenly, Rhaegar spoke up as he reached into his shirt, took out a key similar to hers, and raised it toward her.

"Was the key like this?" he questioned, and she nodded.

"Indeed, there were three keys in total. One was with Aerys, I had the second one and you had the last one, Rhaegar," she began, and the three of them were hanging on to her every word and casting curious glances at the diary.

"Aerys wrote this in case he ever died before he could finish his work. And he knew that buying those dragon eggs would jeopardize his life, so he wrote this diary so you all could have some sort of help in the future," and she saw Daenys's lips thin at those words.

"What! Then why the hell did he do it? Damn the dragons…" but before she could say anymore, Rhaegar held her hand.

"Please stop, Daenys. Please," he said, and the two brothers shared a look making Daenys frown.

"What are you hiding? We have an army and a whole freaking armada of ships. What was so important that he had to risk his life to get those eggs," spoke Daenys. Her sons looked towards her, and she gave them a nod, giving them permission to discuss the extinction-level threat humanity faced.

"There was a reason for this Daenys. A reason which only a handful of people know in the entire kingdom," began Rhaegar, slowly making Daenys frown.

"It is time you learn about project 'Dawn Break'," spoke Aemon as he stood up from his seat.

"Dawn Break? Are the two of them joking mother?" Daenys said with a frown and looked at her. Rhaella shook her head.

"They are telling the truth,"she said and Daenys looked at Rhaegar who continued.

"Do you remember the story of the Long night and the Night King father often told us when we were children," and Daenys nodded. Aerys had been fond of telling stories to his children.

"Isn't that a folk tale from the North?" questioned Daenys, her voice quivering.

"No, my dear sister. That folk tale is a lot more than just a tale. The Dark Night was real, and so was the Night King, and he is coming back with a whole army at his back."

And silence hung in the chambers as Daenys's eyes widened at those words. And then they talked about it all. In the end, it was all too much to process in a single sitting. So, they left her chambers after hours, all heading for the yard to process everything they had just heard.



Living in the North for her whole life, the capital had been quite a shock to her. For all its prosperity, Wintertown housed about fifty thousand people at most though she would venture that it was lower than that.

Coming to the capital had been a shock; Lyanna had been to White Harbor a couple of times and had thought the city a marvel with its packed streets, with merchants selling wares from across the world at every corner. Yet the Capital had been a completely different beast.

If White Harbor was packed, then the capital was nearly five times the number of people, with the city being about thrice as large as the behemoth that was Whit Harbor, with two sets of walls and a third set under construction. The capital was filled with people. The buildings rose high and touched the sky, and the streets were packed with goods from across the world.

The Red Keep itself was a magnificent castle, expanded by the previous King. The castle itself was surrounded by two sets of walls with expanded stables and a training yard. Speaking of the training yard, she found herself intrigued by the thundering noises coming from the yard and hence snuck out of her room to see what was going on.

There were actually two training yards. One was smaller, usually closed off to regular soldiers, and mainly sued by the Kingsgaurd and the Royal family. Benjen had shown it to her when they had arrived, knowing about her interests already. With each step, the sound of metal clashing and shouting got louder, and finally, she reached the balcony and found the source of all the noise.

Below in the yard, there were people sparring. People she recognized immediately. The King himself was present, his hair wet with sweat and grime as he parried a strike from his brother, Prince Aemon.

Lyanna herself had spent quite a bit of time in the yard and could tell that the two of them were quite skilled, and the way their swords blurred through the air, it was evident that they had danced like this for quite some time.

The King remained on the back foot, remaining relatively still as he dodged and parried the strikes from his brother, who was a flurry of activity. They continued to spar and she stood there watching their dance. They were both equally matched, and their spar ended with much less fanfare as the two of them simply stopped with a final nod, indicating a draw.

Much to her surprise, they hadn't missed her presence as she saw the King look towards her, and she stilled as those amethyst eyes landed on her.

"Lady Lyanna, it is good to see you," said King Rhaegar making her blush as she saw his skin through his shirt. Though thankfully, her mother's lessons kicked in instinctively as she curtsied.

"I apologize for intruding, your grace," she said slowly, yet the King waived away her apology.

"It is nothing. Please join us," he said, and she gulped as she began to walk down. Finally reaching the yard she saw the King and Prince Aemon approach them, as both of them wiped away the sweat.

"I believe it must be Ser Benjen who showed you this yard?" he asked, and she nodded, dread pooling in her heart at having gotten Benjen into trouble. It must have shown on her face because she heard the Prince chuckle as he began.

"Don't worry about your brother Princess. It was just a surprise to see someone other than our sister here," and she flushed in embarrassment, though before she could say anything, another set of footsteps interrupted them.

"Ok, Aemon, I am ready for our spar now," said the intruder. She looked up, and her eyes widened as she found Princess Daenys standing there, clad in training armor with a short sword in her hands.

Much like the rest of the Kingdom, she had heard that the Princess could wield a sword and that the King indulged his youngest daughter and allowed her to learn to wield a sword. Something she was quite jealous of since she had to bribe her brother for lessons herself.

The Prince looked at his sister, like this was all routine to them, before she felt his eyes land on her, and Lyanna couldn't help but get a bit lost in those amethyst eyes. The Targaryen were often said to be closer to Gods than to men, and it showed especially in their appearances. Their Valyrian roots made them all exceptionally beautiful.

And she found it all true, much like his brother the Prince was blessed with sharp features and his hair had grown longer and was tied with a band.

"I believe your Benjen mentioned that you used to train with a sword yourself, my lady," the Prince asked and Lyanna cursed Benjen in her heart for spilling her secrets to the Prince. Yet, in the end, she nodded slowly. After all there was no point in lying now, giver her own brother had ratted her out.

"Yes, my prince. I used to bribe him and Ned for some lessons," she said a bit louder than normal, hiding away her embarrassment. The Prince chuckled, and she felt her heartbeat fasten at that roguish smile before he spoke slowly.

"Ahh that reminds me of someone in my own family," the Prince teased the Princess who looked away haughtily.

"I refuse to acknowledge all such allegations," said the Princess, and Lyanna found the relationship between the Targaryen siblings similar to what she and her siblings had.

"I believe we should do things a bit differently today, perhaps instead of me you would be amenable to facing Lady Lyanna in the yard," began the Prince and her eyes widened at those words.

"Of course, if the Lady agrees," he added suddenly and he found Princess Daenys looking at her with a complex gaze, her lips turned up as she cast a glance at her brother.

Lyanna could only look and shake her head.

"I would be honored to Princess, but I lack any armor or equipment for this," she said and the Princess smirked and took her by the arm.

"Oh, don't worry about that. We have spare equipment and clothes in the room. Come let me show you," and with that, she was dragged out of the yard to an adjacent room A single thought ran in her mind.

'Ned is going to kill me!'


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Chapter 19
Chapter 19

Lyanna Stark, The Winter Rose, was the youngest of Lord Rickard Stark's four children. She was a precocious child who preferred to ride horses and hunt bords instead of dancing and sewing. She was said to bribe her brothers for lessons in hunting and riding and was a major cause of headaches for her father. The death of the Lady of Winterfell had left everyone distraught, and all the Starks cared deeply for the last reaming symbol of their mother.

Lyanna Stark would sneak into her brother's entourage and go to the capital. It would be a perilous journey, and had she returned from the capital, she would have been punished by her Lord and brother Brandon. Yet fate would have another plan for Winterfell's beautiful rose.

In the capital, a match was already being made between Jamie Lannister and Princess Daenys, with the heir to Casterly Rock undergoing extreme scrutiny before he could marry Princess Daenys. Yet the late King's second son remained unmarried still and would have his heart captured by the Winter Rose of the North.



Daenys Targaryen was many things, but she wasn't blind, especially to the look in her brother's eyes. She had grown up with him and was acutely aware of that glint in his eyes. It was a look of desire and wanting and amusement.

The usual stoic face of her elder brother would often have a small smile on his lips these days, and she had caught him several times chatting and conversing with someone rather surprising.

Even now, his eyes were glued to the armor-clad figure of the person standing opposite to her. Lyanna Stark, the infamous Winter Rose of the North stood opposite to her, clad in spare armor as she held a sword in her hand. The way she held that sword told her that those rumors about the Winter Rose's preference for riding and hunting over sewing and dancing weren't exaggerated. Her stance spoke of practice and experience, and the thought of facing an opponent like that made her smile.

It had been quite some time since she had sparred in the yard, especially with the departure of Dame Brienne. There wasn't anyone left to spar against.

"Are both of you ready?" came the voice of her eldest brother from the balcony, and she saw the girl opposite to her give a small nod as she got into her stance. Daenys glanced up and saw Rhaegar smiling cryptically at Aemon, who had his eyes glued on her opponent, and she couldn't help but chuckle as she pulled down the visor on her helmet and took out her own sword.

Unlike the usual swords wielded by knights, hers was thinner, gifted to her by her father. It was a bit larger than a shortsword, yet thinner and shaped like a needle.

Rhaegar gave them both a nod and raised his hand. Before bringing it down with a shout.


Lyanna Stark was first to move, her grey eyes gleaming behind her helmet as she swung down her blade at her. And Daenys had to say that the girl was fast. Yet not fast enough.


With a small step back, Daenys avoided the attack before she moved forward, and she swung her sword at her exposed shoulder. The girl reacted haphazardly and shifted to the right making her blade hit her armor.

But before Daenys could attack again, she was forced to duck as Lyanna Stark's sword swept through the air right where her head had been. It scrapped the metal of her helmet and she felt a rush as she heard the very wind rustle, and smiled as her grip on her rapier tightened, and she pulled it back before she launched her own barrage at the guest from North.

Her sword was thinner, and that made it difficult to parry blows, yet its lightweight and thin nature gave her a different advantage. It was the perfect weapon for exploiting the gaps left by the armor.

She saw the Northern woman grunt in pain as she struck her shoulder, followed by her side. The sword was a tourney blade with a dull edge and wouldn't pierce the skin, yet a strike would hurt quite a bit nonetheless.

"ARGH!" the Northern girl grunted in pain as she took a blow head-on, instead of dodging or parrying, and Daenys smile dropped as she saw her grey eyes glint as she slashed at her from the side.



Jamie Lannister, the heir to Casterly Rock, had just spent an hour getting scrutinized by the Queen and the Queen mother. His time in the capital had been quite amazing, and he had finally begun to understand the sheer pressure of marrying Princess Daenys. He much like the whole realm was aware of the status of the Princess, yet only now did he truly just how much the royal family doted on the Princess. And it wasn't just the royal family, he had even gotten a strongly worded letter from his sister about treating the Princess appropriately.

It was like they thought that she was made of glass, yet the display blow in the yard went contrary to those thoughts. He stood on the balcony, with the King and Prince Aemon as the three of them watched the two ladies spar with each other.

Lyanna Stark and Daenys Targaryen danced on the ground with their blades, with the ferocity and precision of knights twice their age. Jamie himself was mesmerized by the Princess who tried parry the strike aimed at her side with her thin sword, yet the thin blade wasn't the best at this and could only slow down the incoming strike.


He winced as Lady Lyanna Stark's sword hit the armor on Princess Daenys side, forcing her to step back as she grunted in pain. Lyanna Stark hadn't escaped unscathed from their little interaction either, the numerous blows from Princess Daenys had done their damage making the Northern Lady give up on chasing after the Princess.

"They are good, very good," he found himself speaking, and that wasn't a lie. And though their skills could be comparable, Jamie's eyes were glued to the young Targaryen Princess with her silvery blonde rocks flowing out of her helmet like a waterfall.

The Princess got to her feet once more, and approached her Northern guest. Lyanna Stark saw through the Princess's attempt to move into her defense and swung her blade at her, forcing the Princess to step back.

The Princess tried to move in again, yet the Northern Lady was unrelenting and continued to slash as soon as the Princess stepped into her range.

In the end, the battle was decided in a split second. The Princess stepped forward, and the woman from the North shed at her per usual, but the Princess was faster. She spun on her heel, the sword brushing past her hair as she struck Lyanna Stark's hand with her sword.

"ARGHH!" the girl from the North grunted in pain, forced to let go of her sword. Yet it did not deter her, he immediately reached for the dagger strapped to her side, yet the match was already done.

He saw Lady Lyanna stop, as the Princess placed the tip of her sword near her neck, the thin sword skidding into the small gap between the neck guard and helmet.

Instinctively, he found himself clapping and saw the tension vanish from the yard as the two combatants looked at the source of the commotion. He watched them both still as soon as their eyes landed on him.

"Ser Jamie?" he heard the Princess mutter as she took off her helmet, beads of sweat glistening over her flushed face.

"An impressive duel, wouldn't you say?" began the King as they descended the stairs and walked up to the two ladies. By then, Lyanna Stark had taken off her helmet as swell, her lush dark hair tied in a ponytail, as she shook hands with the Princess.

"It was quite impressive," he replied as he heard the Princess speak up.

"I hadn't known you were this skilled with a blade, princess," complimented the raven-haired lady, and the Princess smiled.

"Thank you, you were pretty good yourself. The only person better than you would perhaps be Dame Brienne," said the Princess, and Jamie saw the Stark girl frown at those words.

"Dame Brienne?" she questioned. And before Jamie could reply, Prince Aemon spoke up from the side.

"She speaks of Lady Brienne of Tarth, she was the first woman knighted by our father. Usually, she would be here in the castle, but she is accompanying Lord Stannis at the moment," replied the Prince smoothly, and he saw the black-haired girl's eyes widen in realization.

"Ohh, so that is the official title for female knights," she exclaimed, and the Prince nodded.

"Indeed, it is. There have been two more after Lady Brienne, both of them were Prince Oberyn's base-born daughters," and he felt the mood in the yard turn somber at the mention of the Queen's brother.

"Though from what I saw, you could go toe to toe with any of them Lady Lyanna," complimented the Prince and Jamie didn't miss the red blush that appeared on the girl's face as she replied meekly.

"Thank you, my Prince."

He himself looked towards the Princess, who had a mischievous glint in her eyes as she stared at her brother.

"And I believe my sisters' words didn't do justice to your skill with a blade, Princess. I have seen knights less skilled than that," he spoke and saw the Princess's gaze turn towards her.

"Tha…" but before she could say any further.

"Ahh, I should have expected that you would be here in the yard!" a very familiar voice cut off the Princess. Jamie felt his heartbeat quicken as his head snapped toward the source of the words.

And he smiled as he saw those familiar Lannister golden locks on the balcony. The years had done little for his brother's stature, and his facial features had changed quite a bit. Yet even so, Jamie was quite sure that there was only one person of that stature and that hair in the whole realm.


"Tyrion!" two people in the yard shouted. And he saw his brother chuckle as he and the princess yelled simultaneously.

"Ahh, don't worry, you two. There is enough of me for both of you!"



People often thought of her as the oldest living Targaryen alive these days, yet those words couldn't be true. Yet she could understand why, for the other person had always preferred to live in obscurity, his royal heritage hidden behind the chain and the vows of a master yet always present in the balding silvery patches of hair on his head.

Aemon Targaryen, son of Maekar Targaryen, uncle to Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen, was the oldest living Targaryen alive. Born as the second son, the man had chosen to become a maester, leaving behind his legacy and family.

After the tragedy of Summer Hall, she had forgotten all about the man, unlike Aerys, who still remembered their estranged uncle. She remembered him writing to the Citadel, and then weeks later, a man of nearly the same build as their father had appeared. That had been the first time she had met Aemon Targaryen, a simple and comely man who helped her and Aerys through the grief of the tragedy of Summer Hall.

Yet the same man had a dazed look on his face as he watched the three young little dragons play with her three children. His eyesight was affected by disease and age, yet thanks to advancements, surgery had been done, allowing the man to see once more with the aid of what her husband used to call 'spectacles'.

"I never thought I would see the day!" he muttered in a dazed tone as he slowly reached to touch the dragon dancing on her daughter's shoulders. The little dragon snapped its head towards the aged man, becoming a bit agitated but docile as Daenys muttered reassurances continuously and her uncle touched the young dragon.

"Dragons! Real dragons!" he continued in a dazed tone and she could sympathize with the man, she herself had been dazed much like him when the three dragon eggs had hatched.

She saw him look at her, his metal chain adorned with various links showing his mastery over several fields clunk ah he spoke.

"I had always thought that Aerys was special," he began in a soft tone, and the mention of her departed husband made her heart ache.

"This just confirms it for me. Was he truly blessed with dragon dreams?" his question left her a bit dazed, for she hadn't told the man about this. In the end, she nodded, choosing to share the secret of her husband with the man, since he was family after all.

"Dragon dreams!" he repeated in a dazed tone, as Qyburn led the man to a chair. It was quite a bit to process.

"So, why have you called me here, Rhaella?" the man finally questioned. And Rhaella gulped as she nodded at Qyburn, who handed the man a piece of parchment.

"I wanted to hear your opinion on this edict my husband wrote?"


Aemon Targaryen the Elder, better known as Maester Aemon was the second son of King Maekar Targaryen. Being the spare, the man chose to join the Citadel after his brother was blessed with heirs of his own. It would have been the end of the man, yet the tragedy of Summer Hall would bring back the man to the capital at the request of his nephew King Aerys who would keep the man as an advisor in the initial years before appointing him as Citadel's liaison to the University he began building with the infamous Qyburn and the Alchemists Guild.

It was a political appointment that many in the Citadel sought to reverse yet held their hands in fear of retribution from the King who never truly looked favorable towards the order.

Maester Aemon's diaries are amongst the best representation of the transformation of the realm that took place in King Aery's time. The advances made in science and health and various other fields are cataloged with great accuracy, along with a detailed description of the King's role in all such discoveries.

The King Aerys offered the man the position of the Hand, yet the elder Targaryen would refuse the offer citing his aversion to the politics at court. He would live his life in solitude, trying to give form to Aerys's University, which would then become the house of thousands and thousands of inventions and breakthroughs over the years.

After the birth of the Dragons, the dowager Queen, Rhaella Targaryen would call for the man ( he was away from the capital for some reason ) to consult with him about the Edict.

Aerys Targaryen had written on the edict that it would only ever be applicable if all three of his children were to sign on it, hence leaving the decision in their hands. After much deliberation about the legal and societal ramifications, the three children of King Aerys chose not to sign on the Edict hoping to prove themselves better than their ancestors who tore the realm in Half but two decades ago in the Dance of the Dragons.

Some scholars speculate that there were, in truth two parts to the Edict. And the family chose to act on the second part, which contained King Aerys's second plan to avoid the dance.

Expansion and Colonization.

The only proof that points to such a case is that for three hundred and fifty years the Targaryen family remained satisfied with ruling the seven Kingdoms, yet in the reign of King Aegon VI, the realm would see a change in policy and would begin the age of Conquest with the Royal family attacking and colonizing the Lands across the Narrow sea, much like the Valyria of the Old.

"Aemon Targaryen has often been the name of second sons. Famous second sons. From Aemon the dragon knight to Aemon Targaryen the Maester, and then Aemon Targaryen the hero of the Dawn, the name has a solid history."
- Rhaena Targaryen 1014 AC ( The Targaryens Beyond Kings )

Note: He is also suspected to be the first person in the world to undergo cataract surgery and have an intraocular lens implant (an ox's lens was used before the invention of the artificial lens ).


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Chapter 20
Chapter 20

As the King and his brother focused on the war waged against them by the Balckfyre pretenders, a different and more sinister plan was being hatched against them and the whole Royal family in their own Kingdom.

With the King busy preparing to lead the final charge against the conspirators abroad, someone else was giving the final touches to their plans.

'The False Preacher' was one of the more intriguing and troublesome enemies faced by the Targaryen regime after the death of King Aerys. King Aerys had always been a man of science and could be considered to be a godless man despite his various charitable ventures. The King never made any major contributions to the septs, choosing to do charity through orders and organizations he established himself. It was a stark departure from the usual methodology of Kings who would give a fortune to the Sept and clergy.

Petyr Baelish, a man who was a minor noble from Vale who became Houster Tully's page for a number of years, was one cunning man. The man was said to be besotted with the daughter of the Lord of Riverrun, Catelyn Tully, who was said to be one of the finest maidens of the realm. Yet the infatuation was one-sided, and when the Royal Family allowed for a match between her and Lord Brynden Stark, the man sought retribution.

He would become the instigator of religious riots against the Royal family, calling them heathens and godless men. His rebellion would be put down easily, yet its effects would loom large tears later in the Religious uprising of 380 AC.



Rhaegar sat in his solar with his brother as they confirmed their plan of action. The war had now entered its final bouts, and it was time for them to land a decisive blow against their enemies.

The strike from Brynden Tully's Black Knights had been successful in forcing the Blackfyres to evacuate from Lys to Tyrosh, and by now, the Tyrell army under the leadership of Lord Tarly and Lord Redwyne was surrounding the city of Tyrosh to land their final blow.

Though the same could not be said of their campaign in Stepstones which was proving to be a challenging battlefield. And that was where Rhaegar planned to strike next.

"So, it's decided then, you will lead the army against the Golden Company in the Stepstones providing support to Robert," confirmed his younger brother and Rhaegar nodded.

"Indeed, we need to drive them back and then push forward from the Stepstones completely encircling them in Tyrosh," concluded Rhaegar as he set the dragon pieces on the board such that they surrounded Tyrosh.

"What about Myr?" questioned Aemon. And Rhaegar shook his head.

"Myr is a no-go for them. We have neutralized the city, the minute the Blakfyres or their allies set foot in the city they will be killed," and it was all thanks to Dorne and Lord Manderly who had developed deep connections in the city of Myr. Qyburn and his men had been stationed there and ordered to assassinate any Blackfyre ally that tried to escape to the city, as for those who had shown him support earlier. All of them had been managed.

Aemon once more scanned the map in front of him with a critical gaze trying to find any flaw in their strategy, yet he found none. So, in the end, he just sighed and nodded.

"Well, the plan seems reasonable, but are you sure you want to lead the armies again? I could take your place and you could stay here in the capital," Aemon offered. And with the birth of his son, a part of him was quite tempted to take the offer. He was acutely aware of his brother's leadership abilities and knew that he could lead an army as well as.

Yet it was his duty, not his brothers. Plus, in this way, Aemon might be able to spend more time with a certain Stark lady. Even now, the capital was filled with rumors about their scandalous romance, and Rhaegar had talked with Eddard and had sent a letter to Brandon Stark surveying the possibility of a probable match between Aemon and Lyanna.

The response was yet to come, but Rhaegar imagined it would be anything but positive. After all, which house would turn down a Royal match, especially one to a prince who was set to inherit a whole city?

"No, this is my job. You should stay in the capital and handle things here," Rhaegar added, and Aemon nodded. They both sat down as Aemon reached for a missive placed on the desk, this had been handed to them by Qyburn earlier.

"Did you see this?" questioned Aemon as he passed the missive to him. Rhaegar took it and skimmed through it and nodded.

"I have, it's about that rogue Septon, causing trouble in the Riverlands," Rhaegar summarized, and Aemon nodded a frown appearing on his face. Qyburn was the unofficial Master of Whispers to the crown and gave his reports directly to them.

This rogue septon had been on his radar for quite some time, the man portrayed himself as a simple septon and tried to show himself as a man of religion. Yet one look at his so-called sermons told of a much sinister and complicated plot. A plot to reestablish the banned faith militants. Something they could never let happen.

"Have you contacted the High Septon about this?" questioned Rhaegar and Aemon nodded.

"I have and the man denies any connection to this man, though one of the Septon did mention that this so-called Sparrow who is often seen with this rogue Septon was once a resident of Kingslanding," and Rhaegar frowned at that.

"So, what do we do?" Rhaegar questioned. It was a matter relating to religion that meant it needed to be handled appropriately, for they could not have a religious crusade at this time.

"Qyburn is trying to find out more about this so-called 'Preacher' yet there is no doubt in my mind that this Sparrow character is a zealot and that makes things troublesome," concluded Aemon as he leaned back into his seat.

"We could kill them," Rhaegar proposed and Aemon shook his head.

"They have support from the people and if we move in with the army to kill them it would make a scene, if either of them succeeds in escaping it could backfire on us," argued Aemon and he was right.

"We need to shift the focus away from the religion, to something that makes the people turn against them," muttered Aemon, and Rhaegar smiled as he saw the wheels turning in his brother's mind scheming away.

Well, it was his hassle.

"Well, then I will leave it to you, the armies are already ready, and I plan to leave in the next two days, but before I depart, I have something for you," Rhaegar informed him, and Aemon perked up at that.

House Targaryen had come into quite a fortune in the last year. From a house without a single Valyrian steel blade to one with two blades and then some Valyrian steel to spare.

The metal Aemon had brought back from his journey had been enough to produce a blade, a short one that he planned to give to his dear sister, yet that still left him with Red Rain.

He reached for the blade he had gotten back from the smith, Tobho Mott was the finest smith in the realm and one of the few who possessed the knowledge to rework Valyrian steel.

Rhaeagar brought out the blade and placed it on the table, and saw Aemon's eyes widen.

"With the return of Blackfyre, I already have a Valyrian Steel sword for myself, and with the metal you brought back, I am having one worked for Daenys. This, however, is for you," Rhaegar said as he unsheathed the blade. Its pommel had been reworked and was shaped like a dragon now, with a red shining emerald decorating the pommel. The hue of the emerald matched the red hue of the blade itself and he saw his brother's eyes gleam over the blade in fascination as Rhaegar held it out for him.

"Red Rain?" his brother questioned, and Rhaegar nodded.

"Indeed, but it has been reworked, and I had hoped you would consider my suggestion for its new name," Rhaegar remarked and Aemon looked up at him with a questioning gaze, gesturing for him to continue.

"Winters bane, I had hoped you would call it that," Rhaegar spoke and saw Aemon's gaze shift to the blade once more.

"Winters bane, I like that name!"


In a run-down village deep into the Riverlands.

In the seven Kingdoms, there was a place teeming with reivers large and small as they carved through the rich and lush fields and castles to give the region its iconic name, Riverlands.

"The previous King called himself a pious man, yet even he was misguided!" spoke the young Septon standing in front of a small crowd standing outside the sept, as his fellow's sections distributed free soup and bread for the homeless and the destitute. The sept ran these soup kitchens twice a week and for many, it was their only sustenance for the days ahead.

The young septons and septas speaking up weren't ordinary as well, they were called Sparrows, named after the innocuous little bird loved by the children. It was a homage to their leader, the one they called High Sparrow, a pious man who dressed in rags and gave away all he could to the people.

"The Royal family call themselves followers of the Seven. They are anointed in their light. Yet they refuse to follow the commandments of the faith!" shouted the man. And the crowd's reaction was minimal at this, for who would dare speak against their King and liege? It would be treason.

The people in the crowd looked at each other, a bit queasy as two men stood behind and watched the young septon continue.

"The Royal family builds septs and does charity a plenty, yet they refuse to let us spread the word of the Seven across the heathen lands of the North. They refuse to let us have shields and swords to protect ourselves against the heathens that live in lands to our North," the Septon spoke in a resigned and beggaring tone, losing all the confrontational aggression from earlier.

"The word of the Seven is sacred, and we all must do our duty in spreading it to all those who yet remain buried in the darkness of ignorance so they can be brought into the light as well," continued the man.

Behind him, the two men vanished into the forest nearby. Both of them had now taken off their hoods. They were dressed in quite contrasting ways. With one of them having a balding head with white hair. A haggard face, along with callused hands, spoke of hard labor, he was thing speaking of hunger and inconsistency in his meals as he walked barefooted on the ground, his sandals given to one of the poor men he had met on the way. Yet his eyes were sharp, blue in color, and they had depths to them much like the depths of the Sea, and showed an unrelenting intelligence. And why wouldn't they, for you don't become a leader of a whole religious sect without having an impressive intellect.

"The new child is good, though I believe he was a bit too rash in his words. The Royal family will not take it fondly if they hear such words being spoken about them," said the High Sparrow, his voice smooth and light like a light morning breeze. It was as if he could calm down the world with his voice. The man beside him was dressed in opulence, covered in a fine leather doublet and a lavish woolen cloak with his hair slicked back. The man's facial features were sharp, and he would have been considered beautiful if not for his height, which only put him near the shoulders of the High Sparrow.

"Perhaps, but why will the Royal family care about what goes on in some backhand village of Riverrun? Still the young man had tact enough to change his tone when he saw how the people reacted to his words," the Preacher remarked, and High Sparrow nodded. Though internally, he was angry at the young man and had plans to rectify his behavior already forming in his head, for if the Royal family got wind of this, they would crush it all destroying all his hard work.

"Indeed, he is young yet he shows potential," added the High Sparrow as they came to a halt and two men stepped forward, carrying a wooden chest which they began to carry towards the Sept.

"This is the Gold for this month, I believe this will be enough to have the broken sept repaired and renovated," said the Preacher, and the High Sparrow nodded.

"Indeed, but have you received permission from Lord Houster, we cannot have a repeat of the incident that happened with Lord Blackwood," and the shorter man nodded, wincing as he thought about their run in with Lord Blackwood, a land which predominantly housed people who worshipped the Old Gods, the people and the Lord had not taken it kindly when they had tried to repair the septs there and had forced them to leave his lands under the threat of death.

The man would have killed them had Lord Edmure not intervened on their behalf, ordering the man to spare their lives. Now, since their expulsion, there were reports of crime becoming quite rampant in Blackwood lands, with their villages continuously getting attacked by bandits and thieves.

A tragedy, but one which they had brought upon themselves out of their own accord when they had refused to let them preach the word of the Seven in their lands.

"This is signed by Lord Edmure and bears his seal. I believe this would be enough to begin work," began the so-called preacher, and High Sparrow nodded as he took the scroll.

"Yes, this shall do," he said as he pocketed the scroll, before he looked up again.

"Now, tell me how are things in Kinglanding? It has been quite some time since I last heard of the city," asked the High Sparrow, and the shorter man's eyes narrowed.

"The City has changed quite a bit. Despite the doubts the previous King has expanded the city and now it is twice as large with work still being done. Yet the place now also teems with heathens, the King has allowed other faiths to build their places of worship as well, and now there was even a Red Temple in one of the districts," though there was reason to suspect that the King had made them swear on certain things before giving them this allowance, and he found the priests in the temple rather mild in comparison to their Pentoshi counterparts who were said to burn children in the name of their lord.

"Such tragedy, the previous King was quite an able and quick-witted man, our work would be so much easier had he been just as enlightened," said the High Sparrow in a forlorn tone, making his squirm a bit.

King Rhaegar was his father's son and had learned the art of ruling under the man's watchful eyes. Unlike the young and budding Lord Edmure, the King's heir seemed content in following his father's legacy instead of trying to overreach.

Yet it wouldn't matter much. After all they had ingrained themselves deeply into the very social fabric of Riverlands, and it would be nearly impossible for anyone to completely root them out.

"Then I believe this is it, Lord Petyr. Though I hope I can get a glimpse of your famous sermon the next time we meet," said the High Sparrow as they walked up to his horse.

Internally he winced at that name, yet he smiled and took the offered hand with a smile.

"Perhaps, but I believe I gave up that name for my service to the Seven. I much prefer the name I got through my service to the Lords. So, I was hoping that you wouldn't spread it around," remarked Petyr, and the man's smile didn't change.

"Ahh, don't worry about it, my friend. None shall hear it from this mouth,"

"Seven blessings," said Petyr as he mounted his horse.

"Seven blessings," spoke the High sparrow, yet had he known about the source of the gold he had just received, he might have used a different set of words.


A new enemy emerges! AN enemy with a weapon that could tear the whole realm apart!

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Chapter 21
Chapter 21

Tyrion Lannister was the first dwarf to ever become a professor at the Royal University of Kingslanding, and the fact that a dwarf could reach such a rank in those times speaks volumes of the nature of King Aerys times.

Tyrion Lannister was amongst the first to join the King's ventures and would take full advantage of the grants and funding to travel the world, satisfying his natural curiosity and studying various cultures and religions of the world. The man is a polarizing figure and is often called a heretic in religious circles for his views on Religion and Divinity.

His work, 'An Understanding of Religions throughout the Worlds,' is a documentation of over three hundred religions he studied in his journies. The man is said to idolize King Aerys quite a bit, evidence of which can be found in his works. His greatest contributions are ideological rather than militaristic, especially in the late three hundred during times of religious strife, he was nominated as an arbitrator by the Crown and settled the growing disputes between the various religions, while also crafting regulations to separate religion from the state.

His works are often cited by Secularists and Atheists around the globe to this day and were considered a gold standard for studies of theology, statecraft, and policy-making for years, giving credence to King Aerys's words to the man.

"A very small man can cast a very large shadow."
(King Aerys to Tyrion Lannister)



Jamie Lannister felt pride as he saw his brother sitting opposite him. The youngest Lannister sibling had been the third and last child of Tywin and Joanna Lannister, his complicated birth leaving their mother barren. Born with an affliction that rendered him to only a fraction of a man's height, his brother had sought to sharpen his other talents.

While Tyrion Lannister would never wield a sword or an axe, or become a knight his brother had been blessed with a sharp mind. And while their father had never truly been able to look beyond their brother's height, their mother had been a whole different story.

Their mother had adored Tyrion and his sharp wit and had encouraged him to carve out his own path. And when their brother had learned about the King's decision to establish another order of learned men, Tyrion had been amongst the first volunteers.

Many had expected that the King would refuse the request. Yet the King had enthusiastically accepted their brother's request and had allowed him to join his so-called university.

"How have you been, brother?" Jamie questioned as he sat down, letting his eyes roam across the room. The room was the private chambers of Tyrion and had been constructed with his height in mind, given the specially constructed furniture and ladder placed at the corner of the massive bookshelf.

"I have been well. What about you?" said Tyrion as he passed him a goblet of Arbor Gold, and Jamie raised his eyes at the offered vintage and looked at his brother, who gave a simple shrug.

"There are always perks to being the King's favorite Professor," remarked Tyrion, given that drinking was frowned upon in the University. And right now, they were in its premises, in the specially allotted rooms to the members of the institution.

Jamie smiled and took the offered glass, and leaned back in his seat as Tyrion sat opposite to him.

"It is good that you returned when you did. The King plans to leave for the Stepstones in a week," Jamie began, and Tyrion nodded.

"Yeah, I am glad as well. It has been quite some time since I last saw you," said Tyrion with a smile, and Jamie nodded. It had been nearly three years, and though they had kept in contact with each other through letters, they had not been able to meet each other owing to the fact that Tyrion had been busy traveling the world.

And he could see that his time in the capital had changed his brother. Tyrion had never truly thought lesser of himself because of his affliction yet it didn't mean that he wasn't affected by it. There had always been a sense of unease to their brother, yet now all hints of it were gone replaced by a sense of self-assuredness and confidence.

"Though, from the rumors o have been hearing, there is a chance that you might become a regular visitor to the capital," suddenly Tyrion added with a smile as he smiled cryptically, making Jamie sigh.

"So, the word has gotten out," he replied, and Tyrion nodded.

"Not yet," replied Tyrion and Jamie frowned as he took another sip of the wine.

"Then how do you know?" Jamie questioned.

"I learned about it from the Princess herself. She wrote to me asking me about you. She wanted to know a bit about the man her family was trying to marry her off to," and Jamie's eyes widened at it.

"You know Daenys," and saw Tyrion smirk.

"Daenys. Ohh, so you are already on a first-name basis. Good, and yes, me and the princess are friends, or at least she finds my company less boring than the bumbling harlots of courts," and Jamie was taken aback by his brother's words, yet stopped when Tyrion suddenly added.

"Her words, not mine," and that made him smile, after all, if he had learned one thing about Daenys, it was that she was no ordinary lady. And as he was lost in thought, a laugh from Tyrion broke him out of his trance.

"Ahh, it seems you are quite smitten with our dear Princess," added Tyrion much to his denial, as he simply continued.

"Though I will warn you, she would main you herself if you were to ever stray from her, let alone what the King and Prince and Aemon would do to you," warned Tyrion.

And Jamie nodded, that had been abundantly clear. Yet he was getting quite tired of this and spoke hurriedly.

"Leave that. Tell me about yourself. How's the life of a so-called 'Professor' and where have you been all these years?" and he saw Tyrion's eyes light up at his words.

"Ahh, it is quite a life. The university is a piece of art, and being a professor is quite adventurous I would say," and though Jamie knew what it meant to be a maester. The term professor still meant little to him.

"What exactly does it mean to be a professor?" questioned Jamie, and saw Tyrion think a bit before he replied.

"I would say it is like obtaining a Master's link, but instead of learning and memorizing aspects of a field, you must make a major discovery or contribution to it, it's a bit complicated to explain since they are still making the regulations but that is essentially it," added Tyrion as he jumped out of his chair.

"Come with me, I will give you a tour. Perhaps we might even catch Qyburn doing one of those operations," and Jamie followed along.

"Operations?" he questioned and saw Tyrion smile cryptically.

"Indeed, it is when he cuts open a man to heal him. It is quite fascinating," and at those words, Jamie paled a bit, thinking that his brother had really changed if he found cutting open a man fascinating.



Qyburn often thought about his time at the citadel and reminisced about the day his whole life had changed. Blessed with rampant curiosity, he had given up his last name to join the order of the learned men to uncover the secrets of life and death. Yet for an order of such renown, he had been let down by their lack of curiosity and complacency.

His quest for answers had led to him experimenting on his own, trying to understand the very concept of death and its implication yet those 'Grey sheep' found his methods too bold and distasteful. To this day, he often found himself questioning how the Maesters had become aware of his experiments so quickly, and a part of him already knew the answer, yet he refused to acknowledge it, for it would taint the respect he held for the man he was sworn in service to.

He had thought that he would die poor after his untimely expulsion, yet just as he was about to depart to Bravos, he had been approached by the King's men with an offer. And with his single nod, his whole life had changed.

He was taken to King's Landing and met his employer, the reformist King Aerys. The man was much more intricate and complex than the bards made him out to be, and yet where the world saw a benevolent and just King, he saw a man burdened with secrets of the world. And what secrets they were.

They had never spoken about them, about how the man knew as much as he did of the world and how it worked on how the King would often give him directions about matters of science and magic, leading to discoveries that had shaken the whole world. Qyburn felt that it wasn't his place to question the man, for though the King may hold the answers to his countless queries, the true art of science lay in discovering the answers rather than simply knowing them.

Over the years, the King had entrusted him with several tasks that often caught him off guard. Yet Qyburn had simply done his duty, holding back the questions, yet the answers would reveal themselves.

Suddenly the door to his chambers was opened, and he hurriedly stood up despite knowing that the guards stationed outside were ordered to allow only a handful of people inside. And it was someone amongst that handful of people that had stepped inside his room.

Prince Aemon entered his chambers, wearing a cloak, his sword strapped to his side. The young Prince's eyes scanned the room before they landed on him, and Qyburn bowed in respect as he walked towards the Prince.

"What brings you here, my prince?" he questioned lightly as the Prince walked beyond his desk towards the massive map of Westeros hanging on the wall.

"Rhaegar has just left the port with the army to push back the Golden Company," began the Prince, his eyes scanning the room once more, this time hanging on to the various objects placed on the shelves. There were various vials placed on eh shelves along with a man's books and texts, many of those written by him.

"May the Gods bless the King, and show him victory in his endeavors," Qybrun commented, despite not entirely believing in those words. The Prince nodded, walked towards the chair, and sat down as he began once more.

"He has left me in charge of matters of the realm and I believe there is a certain matter that we need to take care of urgently," began the Prince as he took out a piece of Parchment and passed it onto him. Qyburn unfurled it and read the two names written on it.

"The Preacher and the High Sparrow?" he questioned and the Prince nodded.

"Indeed, though they hold little influence yet, I believe that if we let them move freely then we would have a major problem on our hands. So, it is time to take them out," spoke the Prince and Qyburn agreed with that assessment.

The two men had yet to cause any major trouble yet. However, there was little doubt that the men had ulterior and hidden motives behind their actions. Especially the one who called himself Preacher, for which pious man made his wealth from the rotten business of flesh.

"As you wish, my prince…" but the Prince's next words made him pause.

"And I had hoped that we could employ the Secret Order for this. I believe it is time for us to learn about the effectiveness of these 'Kingsmen' my father created," spoke the Prince, and now Qyburn understood the reason the Prince had joined him in his chambers.

The Secret Order, or the Kingsmen, was another one of the late King's creations. For as much as the Seven and the Maesters would deny the existence of magic, magic was a reality of their world. A reality that men often feared. Yet King Aerys had been no ordinary man.

"What are your orders, my Prince?" questioned Qyburn, and the Prince sat there impassively as he ordered.

"I want them to keep an eye on this High Sparrow and this Preacher, and be ready to take them out at a moment's notice," ordered the Prince, and Qyburn nodded.

"It will be done, my Prince. Though I believe I have new information in regard to these two men," began Qyburn as he handed the Prince a piece of parchment from his pocket. His informants had been keeping an eye on these two men for some time, and he had just received a report from them early in the morning.

He saw the Prince's eyes skim through the contents of the letter and saw his mind race as he placed it back on the table. Minutes passed as the Prince sat there, simply tapping the table as his mind raced to formulate the plan. Qyburn noticed with fascination as the Prince replicated the late King's tick, for he had often seen the King tap the table as he formulated a plan.

"This could be an opportunity to take them out," the Prince finally broke the silence, and Qyburn nodded, agreeing with the notion.

"Indeed, but it could be risky," cautioned Qyburn, yet the Prince just shrugged.

"Perhaps, but this is an opportunity we cannot miss. See to it that appropriate arrangements are made. Now, why don't you show me these so-called Kingsmen," ordered the Prince as he stood up.

"As you say, my prince," spoke Qyburn as he picked up a whistle from one of the drawers and blew on it gently. Yet surprisingly no sound was produced, at least not one they could hear. However, soon enough the door to his chambers was opened and a man entered the room dressed in light armor, the sigil of the three-headed dragon engraved on his chest plate, and immediately bowed upon seeing the Prince.

"We are yours to command, my prince," said the man in his thick voice. His accent still contained hints of his Northern descent.

This man was Wulfric, a warg the King had rescued and recruited while he had been a simple child. And now he was the leader of the Kingsmen.



The advancements in science and technology made in the reign of King Aerys resulted in the transformation of the whole world. It set the basis for a whole new way of understanding the way of life. This massive transformation of mankind is often attributed to King Aerys. It is important that we do not forget the man who was at the center of all this.

"Qyburn," the chainless Maester, the mad scientist, the first scientist. There are many names for him, yet none truly do justice to the sheer role played by man in the transformation of science as we know it. For his services, the Royal Family gave him the title of 'The First Professor' a homage to his position as the head of the University in its initial years.

He was said to be a man fascinated by the cycle of life and death, a man born with curiosity, and it is speculated that it was this curiosity that led him to the Citadel, where he sought to learn about the truth of Life and Death. Yet his approach was called too bold by the Order, which chose to expel him, only for King Aerys to intervene and bring the man under his service.

Qyburn would go on to serve the Royal Family with loyalty and would serve as the unofficial Master of Whisperers. Apart from his scientific discoveries, the man would re-establish the order of the Dragon Keepers in secret, on the orders of King Aerys, however, his most controversial achievement would be the creation of the 'Order of the Kingsmen.'

Kingsmen were a secretive order formed under the supervision of King Aerys and was comprised of individuals gifted by the Gods. Men and women who had been gifted with the arcane art of Magic. It was a small order composed of wargs and skin changers. The order would act as the Royal Family's eyes and ears, supplementing the role of Master of Whisperers for some time before getting recognized as a separate entity in the late four hundreds.

The order would remain a secret until the 'Rebellion of the White Lotus' in 887, when the leader of the order at the time would try to rise up against the Royal Family. Her attempt would remain unsuccessful, and she and her allies would be killed by King Rhaeagr III, who would then go on to end the Kingsmen.

Many believe that the order exists to this day and acts as a spy agency for the Royal family, ensuring their safety and dominance in the world. The Royal Family has never addressed these concerns.

Many novels and films have taken inspiration from these historical figures and organizations. Qyburn is said to have inspired the infamous 'Dr. Frankenstein' and several other cinematic characters.


Tyrion is a scholar! He was one of the smartest characters in the series, and I think the role of a scholar quite suits him. He was always curious and wanted to see the world, and I think this works well for him. His role in the future would be kind of like an Ambassador/Lawyer with a focus on religion and statecraft.

As always, you can read ahead and support me on Patreon. Your support makes it possible for me to write these stories. So, if possible, consider having a look and dropping a dime if you can. It would help me out a lot.


Thanks for reading!
Chapter 22
Chapter 22

Mance Rayder, The King Beyond the Wall, was quite an interesting character. Born by the union of a Free Folk woman and a man of the Night's Watch, the man's origins were quite complex. After the Night's Watch killed a wildling village, they took the young boy with them and raised him at the wall where he would grow up and join the Watch, donning its Black Cloak.

Yet the nature of his duties and a personal incident with a wildling woman would leave him questioning his identity and his oaths, prompting his eventual escape from the Wall as he joined the Free Folk.

He would obtain considerable influence amongst their ranks and would go on to become a prominent leader amongst them. When King Aerys sent an entourage to the North of the Wall, they were said to have made contact with Mance Rayder and offered him a chance to trade with the capital.

What the wildlings gave in return is still a mystery, but it is documented that the King gave them food and weapons, especially those made out of dragon glass, and this helped Mance Rayder begin repairs at the broken castle of Hardhome.

Mance would receive support from various Free Fold tribes, who would stop trying to venture past the Wall and would join him in forming a settlement at Hardhome, giving Mance the title of the King Beyond the Wall. A title in name only for the man would hold no castles and wear no crown on his head.

The castle of Hardhome would provide respite to the free folk, yet the Free folk were more than a few tribes. They were a culture, and despite the repaired castle, many would continue to live out in their wandering ways.

The lands beyond the North were rife with magic, with the lands filled with creatures of myth and legends, like the dire wolves and the giants. Remnants of these creatures have been found, and their presence can be confirmed through various texts of histories and they would go on to play quite an important role in the war to come.



What made a man a king? A crown. A sigil. A castle. His sword. Or a fine garb made of silk and cotton.

None of the above could be true for Mance had none of these things yet was called a King by many in the land. And so he decided that it was men and their dream of a better future that made someone a King.

And a King must have the cunning and the daring to do things that regular men would never dream of doing. And it had been this sentiment that had made Mance parley with the men who had come to the North all those years ago.

Men from the crown who accompanied the Lord Commander of the Crows and asked for a parley bringing with them a letter from the Crown itself. His people had thought it ploy, to kill the man who had united the free folks. They had advised him to ignore the call to parley, yet Mance had ignored their concerns and had trusted his gut, agreeing to the parley.

And that decision had changed his life. And the life of the free folks.

With the Northern winds eating up their lands the Free folk had been suffering greatly from a lack of food and other resources with the whites expanding uncontrollably, their shields and swords providing little assistance in the battle against the monsters of the legends.

The King's offer had been a blessing for them, a chance to obtain a steady supply of food and materials to make Hardhome liveable again, all at the cost of cessation of raids across the wall and the murder of one exiled and disgraced crow. The King had wanted more, offering gold and knighthoods to those among them blessed with gifts of warging, yet few trusted such an offer at first.

In the end, they had decided to wait, leaving the offer open for any who would wish to serve the King on the other side of the Wall. He had thought it all a hoax, much like most of his men.

Yet when a shipping vessel landed on the shores of their lands, loaded with grain and metals, he realized that the offer was made in good faith and that the King on the other side of the Wall was quite an enigmatic man.

The free folk had rejoiced, relishing the relative abundance of food as they began to repair the castle of Hardhome. And then the Kings men had met with him a second time, reiterating the offer of gold and glory to those blessed with the ability of warging, while they handed him a wooden chest.

"The King has sent this as a gift, to deal with your colder problems," the man had said as he had opened the chest, and right there lay weapons made out of obsidian. He had frowned at the gift, failing to understand the significance behind it, yet when he did everything began to make sense.

Those weapons were supposed to deal with the wights. Yet how did a king thousands of miles away came to know about these creatures was a mystery. It was at least until he recalled the legend of the dreamer herself, and realized that the King was perhaps blessed in the same manner as his storied ancestor.


He was broken out of his thoughts by a knock on the door of his room, and he looked up to find a blonde woman entering her solar. Val, with her flowing blonde hair, entered his room, followed by a couple of gruff-looking men, with one of them still biting a chicken hungrily as juices dripped down his red beard.

The other man was bald, his figure towering over the other, his body littered with scars and wounds from his various battles. Three Mance had fought against the man before he had finally decided to support him as King Beyond the Wall. He was the Magnar of Thenns, Styr.

"You told me you wanted to see them as soon as they returned," said Val in her unimpressed tone and he saw Tormund's gaze linger on the blonde hungrily, though he was aware that the man had little chance of stealing her wife's sister given her skill with a blade.

"Yeah, she wouldn't even let us eat in peace," snarled Styr, and Val just shrugged and then left the room quickly, leaving him alone with his two most trusted men.

Tormund Grisbane and Styr of Thenn were two of his most trusted men, and he had given them a specific mission. The two men sat down gruffly, with Tormund still biting into his chicken hungrily, as Styr gave the man a look of disapproval.

"So, tell me, how much time do we have?" he questioned, getting to the crux of the matter quickly since he could see that both of them were quite exhausted and probably in need of a good rest, after their months of ranging into the perilous lands of the true North.

The two men stilled at his question. The whites had been becoming more and more dangerous with each passing day, killing and converting the hundreds of roaming free folks, adding them to their numbers.

"A year, two at most. But they are becoming more and more active Manse," began Styr, and Mance nodded, and felt a sense of dread at the shortage of time they had.

"They are coming for us, Mance," cut in Tormund in his grave tone, and while there was no fear in the man's eyes, there was a sense of worry. Something which he shared. For what man would wish for a fate of servitude even after his death?

"Will the King keep his promise? Will he give us safe passage when the time comes?" questioned Thenn and there wasn't a need to question which King he was talking about, given that none really called him King this side of the wall.

He sighed at the question, as he slowly answered his question.

"The King is dead!"



Eddard Stark rode his horse hard as he made his way through eh Riverlands. With the King gone, there was little purpose to him staying in the capital. Unlike his sister, who had chosen to stay behind, her betrothal to Prince Aemon was all but final now since Brandon had given his assent to the match.

And Eddard smiled as he thought of his sister, and how unlike she had behaved when he had broached the topic of the betrothal with her. It was hard to imagine that it was the same girl who had threatened to run off to Bravos when Brandon had approached the matter with her merely months ago about a probable match with Edumre Tully.

"Look at that my lord," spoke one of his guards, and Eddard looked up and frowned as he saw smoke rising from ahead.

"It seems like something is burning," he spoke out as he pulled on the reins of his horse making it slow down as he turned it towards the smoke, planning to see what exactly was going on.

"Let us see what is going on," he said and his half a dozen guards nodded and began to follow him, as they made their way toward the source of the smoke.

As they rode past the forest, they realized that it was a rather small village, with some patches of land under the farm and about a dozen or two wooden houses situated here and there.

They finally saw the source of the smoke as they came upon a small hoard of people centered around a massive tree with pitchforks and axes in their hands. Eddard saw his guards tense up at the scene as their hands went to their swords instinctively, as they neared the hoard.

At the center of the crowd stood a man clad in a full robe, holding a sword, with the symbol of the seven-pointed star cut into his forehead.

"They are heathens! And it is our duty as god-fearing men to bring lead them to light! And if they shall refuse to mend their ways, then we shall do what is necessary to keep our lands pure!" shouted the septon, as the crowd cheered, and Eddard finally saw a family lying on the ground with their arms and legs tied as the tree behind them burned.

"It's a wierwood tree," spoke one of his guards with a gasp as he pointed towards the carved face on the tree. And suddenly, it became clear what exactly was going on.

"But aren't these Blackwood lands? The Blackwoods hold to the Old Gods, unlike the rest of the Riverlands," cut in one of the other guards.

"Burn them! Burn their heathen gods!" shouted the crowd, and suddenly one of their horses sneezed making the crowd turn towards them.

"It's a lord! Run!"
"Look at that sigil! It's a direwolf!"
"It's another one of those heathens!"

Eddard saw the Septon turn towards them in panic as the crowd became unsettled by their appearance, and before he could cut in, his guards took out their swords.


And in that pandemonium, he saw the Septon point towards them and shout.


The crowd rallied at his call, and Eddard felt dread pool in his gut as he saw the crowd turn towards him.

"Let us show them that we have the seven at our back and fear no lord or their sword!" the Septon shouted as some of the zealots rushed towards him. His guards were quick to react and despite his shout.

"NO, Don't kill them!" They struck down the two men, removing their heads from their bodies, and spraying blood everywhere.

The head of the guards seemed to realize their predicament finally and shouted.

"You need to get out of here Lord Eddard!" shouted Duncan as the crowd rushed towards him and his men in their rage, as the septon egged them on from behind.



Saera Blackfyre stood on the deck of the massive war galley, observing the men below her. The Golden Company was the most famous mercenary company for a reason, and it showed. While most companies failed to arm their men with reasonable armor, the company's men were well-equipped. Each man wore simple armor with some strapped in full plate, polishing their swords as they neared the infamous island of Bloodstone.

She heard the sound of footsteps from behind herself, and she didn't need to look back, to know who had come to meet her.

"Do you really think that this is the only way?" she questioned, in a mix of rage and trepidation. They had underestimated Aerys and his sons.

They had acted quicker than they had realized and had cut off their escape route to Tyrosh with Randyll Tarly, the King's infamous general leading an army, sacking the city, and rooting out their supporters.

Had Daemon not recognized the sigil on those ships, the man would have caught them and would probably have been killed, bringing an end to their struggle.

"Yes, by now, Randall Tarly would have captured all our supporters in the City. We have no choice but to act now," replied her brother, and she nodded. Yet they were desperate.

She looked straight ahead at the massive island. The island of Bloodstone stood there, a stronghold for the Targaryens, under the command of their cousin and Lord of Storm's end, Robert Baratheon, a giant of a man said to wield a massive Warhammer.

"Do you think we will win?" she questioned as the wind blew past her face, and she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder as her brother nodded.

"Yes. Yes, we will," he replied as she felt the massive ship slow down as they neared the island. Even without a spyglass, she could see the assembled Royal army right there, four thousand or so armored men standing there to end this war.

She saw her brother walk to the front of their ship, clad in full black armor, with a sword strapped to his side. Prepared for battle as the men of the Golden Company rallied behind them.

"And now it finally begins!"


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Chapter 23
Chapter 23

The abduction of Eddard Stark was a major embarrassment for the crown. The young Lord was on his way back to the North, and while he was traversing across the Riverlands, the young Lord would find himself caught up in a riot of the Sparrows, where they were said to be burning the followers of the Old god along with the wierwood trees signifying the place of worship in the faith of the First Men.

Many speculate that the abduction was planned, and that the crown was in search of a pretense to declare the Sparrows as vigilantes so they could be brought down without much opposition from the populace. But it should be noted that the Royal Family enjoyed much popular support at that time and needed no justification to declare the Sparrows as outlaws.

Nonetheless, the abduction would cause major havoc for the Crown, especially with their armies away on the campaign in Stepstones. The Crown needed to bring down the Sparrows.

Prince Aemon wrote a strongly worded letter to the Lord of the Trident, Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun, yet conspicuously, the old Lord would suddenly die of chills, the lordship going to his son Edmure.

Edmure Tully was the only son of Lord Houster, married to Rosalind Frey. The young Lord was blessed with three children of his own. Unlike his Frey wife, Edmure was said to be an easily swayed man, and his indecisive nature would show as he would refuse the call from The Crown, made no meaningful action against the Sparrows, and continued to provide them with refuge in the Riverlands much to the anger and perplexity of his sword Lords, and his lady wife who would go on to play a major role in resolving this whole mess.



Robert Baratheon had been filled with fury since the campaign against the wretched Blackfyres had begun. His hatred for the pretenders soared after they had made an attempt at the life of his wife and children using his own brother.

Renly had always been fickle and had often felt neglected with both him and Stannis being in Kingslanding, yet he had never expected this of him. Betrayal, and not just that, but kin slaying. It had really surprised him, and when the news about the siege reached him, he had every intention to turn back and cave in that traitor's head.

Yet, his guards and Cersei had been able to react quickly and were able to escape the castle while seeking aid from nearby houses who had been quick to react to the call, readying men to lend aid to their liege lord. In the end, the whole rebellion had been short-lived, with Renly succumbing to arrows fired by men of House Connignton as he tried to capture Cersei.

His brother's death had brought him both a sense of loss and relief, yet with the quick response from Stannis and his bannermen, Storm's End had been brought back under control in less than a fortnight, with Stannis personally beheading all the captured men, ending the rebellion and taking away his chance at revenge.

Yet his rage wouldn't let him seethe, and soon he would have his revenge. And so filled with this rage and determination, Robert watched as the ships of the Golden Company neared the shore of Grey Gallows, the massive armada swallowing up the shoreline as he and his men stood back and waited for their army to land.

Robert stood at the head of the army. Fifteen thousand men trained for war at his back arranged in four battalions stood at his back. He himself was clad in his armor, steel forged by the finest smiths of the continent. The armor was light, given its size, and was ornate enough, decorated with the sigil of his House with several stages of gold carved into the metal along with the massive horns that shot out of the helmet.

"Is this really smart to let them land like this?" questioned his vice commander, the only white cloak that had accompanied him on this campaign, Benjen Stark, the first Northern to join the Kingsgaurd in three hundred years.

The man seemed rather quiet and serious at first glance, but Robert had spent years sparring with the Whitecloaks and was quite aware of the hidden boisterous nature of the man. Though none of it was on appearance at the moment as the Golden Companies ships reached the shore and came to a halt.

Robert nodded, his eyes narrowing at the person standing at the head of the ship, he seemed clad in black armor, unlike the rest of the Company, which was fashioned into the signature gold-plated armor.

"Yes, this is the best course of action. Those ships are laden with scorpions and trebuchets. Having our army any closer would bring us into their range," he began as he motioned for one of his squires to come near as he pointed toward the uniquely dressed man.

"Use the far eye and see who is the person wearing the black armor," he ordered as he turned towards Benjen once more.

"Let them begin landing. As soon as they have begun, we shall shower them with arrows and boulders and then crush them with a sweeping cavalry charge, but if we attack now, they will simply pull back," he replied, and Benjen Stark nodded.

"It is a solid plan," and suddenly Robert frowned as the Golden Company raised their banners, but this time alongside their banner was another banner.

A black three-headed dragon on a red background. Opposite of the banner of the Royal Targaryen line. It was the sigil of House Blackfyre. The pretenders were finally here.

"My lord, it's the Blackfyre banner. The person you pointed out is probably…." The squire began nervously as Robert's eyes narrowed.

"Daemon Blackfyre!" he mouthed, and the very words made his anger flare up as his fists balled up. He picked up his Warhammer and began to step forward, his eyes focused onto the shadowy figure clad in Black armor, the man responsible for every tragedy that had befallen him in the past year.

The Golden Company had begun disembarking with their armies dismounting from their ships rapidly. It was time to make their move.

"MEN!" he shouted, his voice reverberating across the clearing as the men perked up at his command. He was in no mood for reviting speeches, and had the old King been alive, he would have chided him for his impatience and bruteness, yet one look at the men behind him told him that there truly was no need for words.

"LET'S SHOW THESE FUCKING PRETENDERS WHAT RETRIBUTION FEELS LIKE!" he shouted and men roared at his words, shaking the very ground as they followed behind him, stepping out of the cover that the small forest provided.

Even at such distance, he could feel the anxiety bubbling in the Golden Company as they saw the assembled fifteen thousand men.

"ARCHERS! TO THE FRONT!" he commanded and felt the men shift as the archers stepped forward, the army's signature unit wielding the recurved bow took the front line.

"TAKE AIM!" he shouted and heard the thrum of more than a bows getting drawn, and then he raised his war hammer, and saw the Golden Companies archer take their positions as well.

They fired their shots, yet their arrows landed in front of them, with only a few managing to land on his men, and even if they were blocked by shields. Yet his wouldn't fall short.

"FIRE!!!!" he shouted as he brought down his Warhammer!


The sky was littered with arrows, scorpions, and boulders and he saw havoc break out in their enemy's camps as the onslaught ripped through the fabled Golden Company.

"AGAIN!" he shouted, and the barrage continued, showering their enemies with arrows, scorpions, and boulders.

"CAVALRY! MAKE READY!" he shouted again, and the three thousand heavy cavalry stepped forward, clad in full plate armor, castle-forged spears in hand as they lined up at his call. The armies' training over the years showed its effects.

"CHARGE!" she shouted, and the ground shook with the gallop of fifteen hundred horses, as the men rode past him, heading straight for the disorganized and disheveled men of the Golden Company.

Robert felt a smile form on his face as he felt his plan begin to take form when suddenly Benjen Stark spoke from the side,

"Something isn't right. Look at the nearby ships," said the man, and Robert frowned as he noticed the anomaly. Despite getting hammered, the few ships besides the main ship had shown no hurry to dismount and had their men still on board despite their brothers dying in front of them.

And then he stilled as he heard the sound of horns being blown from their enemy's camps, the massive sound filling his heart with dread.

The cavalry marched on, and though the men were panicking he could sense no sense of urgency from the rest of the Company. And suddenly from the ships docked at the shore, a number of projectiles were fired.

Projectiles headed straight for the cavalry.

"HOLDDD!" he shouted but by then it was too late, and he watched as the first of those projectiles landed on the charging cavalry.



Devouring them in a massive torrent of green fire.



"What is the meaning of this!" Aemon shouted as he threw the response from Edmure Tully in front of Qyburn. He made no motion to reach for the letter, given that he was already aware of its contents.

The recently crowned lord had delicately refused the Crown's call and had declared that he could in no way step up to stop the people from carrying out their duty to the Seven, and that doing so would be going against his oaths to the Gods.

It was a farce, and after Qyburn's recent failure with the abduction of Lord Eddard Stark and assassination of Lord Houster, this was the third time the Preacher had outplayed him.

The young Prince seethed in rage and paced angrily in his room. The North was already enraged by this and were days away from crossing the Moat to bring back their kin. Prince Aemon had been able to halt their aggressive response, yet even then, the Crown couldn't let go of this.

"Have you found out, who killed Lord Houster?" the Prince suddenly questioned, and Qyburn nodded.

"Yes, my prince. It seems that the so-called Preacher is now leading all this personally. He had bribed one of the acolytes in the castle to poison Lord Houster, given that he knew that he wouldn't be able to sway the wizened lord and how he holds considerable influence over the young Lord Edmure," Qyburn answered.

The bribe hadn't been monetary, and instead, the young acolyte had had the words of treason whispered into his ears by a woman that he suspected was an employee of the Preacher.

"This Preacher is proving to be quite troublesome," muttered the Prince, and Qyburn would tend to agree with the Prince.

"Indeed, and I have confirmed it from considerable sources that he has approached the Blackfyres for an alliance, and I believe the Blackfyres would be happy to accept such an offer," and he saw the Prince stop at his words, his eyes widening as he realized that this could unravel all their victories over the Blackfyres and could hurt them massively.

Not to mention, the religious strife building up in the capital was a major concern as well, with the Fait beginning to flex their power as they saw an opportunity to regain a portion of the influence they had lost with King Aerys's reforms.

"This cannot be allowed to happen. We need to take care of this right now," said the Prince as he walked to the map hanging on the wall. His eyes scanned the various castles and houses in the Riverlands.

"Write to Stannis, have him and the men I sent with him get ready to march onto the Riverlands," the Prince ordered, and Qyburn nodded, putting the order in the back of his mind.

"Do we know where they are keeping Eddard?" the Prince questioned, and Qybrun shook his head.

"Not at the moment, my Prince, but the Kingsmen are looking into it. No matter where he is being kept, we will know soon enough," Qyburn told the Prince, who grit his teeth and nodded nonetheless.

"Have them do it on first priority, and also make them scout out all the hiding spots of these sparrows. I want to know each and every one of their hiding spots," said the Prince as he turned away from the map, fury burning in his eyes.

"We are going to kill them all in one fell swoop," said the Prince, and Qyburn gulped and nodded along, knowing that he had no place in dissuading the Prince from this line of action.

"And since the High Septon seems so amicable to their cause, it is perhaps time for a new High Septon to rise up. Septon Barthos has served the realm enough, and it is time that the Seven meet one of their most devout followers," said the Prince cryptically, the message behind his words clear.

Kill the High Septon and have someone more reasonable take his place.

"It will be done, my Prince," Qyburn said. Given the many vices enjoyed by the most devout, it wouldn't be much difficult for his associates to slip a little poison into his wine.

"Anything else, my prince?" he questioned and saw the Prince's mind race as he began after some thought.

"And have an edict written and distributed to all the lords of Riverlands, that the Crown may be on the lookout for a new Lord Paramount of the Trident!"

And as he was reeling from the shock of those words, there was a sudden knock on the door of the solar, making them both frown.

"My Prince, it is an emergency. I bring urgent news from the Stepstones!" came the voice of an acolyte, and he saw the Prince perk up at those words.

"Come on!" the prince ordered quickly, and the acolyte entered the solar and made a quick bow as the Prince motioned for him to continue.

"My Prince, the Blackfyres! They have joined up with the Golden Company and are closing in towards Grey Gallows for a massive attack!"


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Chapter 24
Chapter 24

Robert Baratheon was an excellent military commander and had learned the craft of war at the heel of King Aerys himself, along with the King's three children. However, the man would face quite a challenge when he would face Daemon Blackfyre, on the island of Grey Gallows at the climax of the Last Blackfyre rebellion.

Many have debated over the boisterous Lord's strategy and its merits and demerits, and it is agreed that the strategy made by the Lord of Storm's End was quite sound. Yet the strategy employed by his opponent was simply better.

The Golden Company would begin dismounting from their central ships and would take heavy damage by a bombardment of arrows and boulders from the Royal army at Robert Baratheon's back. And as the Baratheon lord would assemble his heavy cavalry and order them to mount a charge to decimate the enemy forces, Daemon Blackfyre would strike.

Using the last stashes of Wildfyre available to him, the man would bombard the cavalry with the highly volatile material, decimating them in a storm of raging green flames. The man would then have the ships docked at the flanks begin their dismounting, and the Golden Companies cavalry would dismount and begin a charge of their own, while Daemon Blackfyre himself led the soldiers from the front, attacking the Royal army from three fronts.



He watched as the projectiles landed, and lit up immediately and a massive firestorm rippled through the heavy cavalry headed for his men.

A lone shout from the Baratheon lord did little for his men as the wildfire rampaged through their rank and file, burning them, as they all shrieked and cried for help.

"Have the cavalry begin their dismount! We are going to decimate them in one fell swoop," he ordered his second in command, who picked up the horn from his side and blew it twice, giving the signal to the ships at the side to begin their dismounting.

He then turned away and began to walk out of the ship, as he put on his helmet. The men were already lined up and parted to make way for him as he walked to the front, strapped in full armor. The ground shook with the trodding of horses from their sides as the cavalry assembled on their flanks.

He stopped and turned to face the men of the Golden Company, his eyes glanced up, and he found her sister standing there on the deck of the ship looking at them. Their eyes met, and she gave him a nod.

"IT IS TIME FOR US TO TAKE WHAT WAS RIGHTFULLY OURS! FOR YEARS WE HAVE LIVED IN EXILE AS THESE PRETENDERS RULED OUR LANDS!" he shouted and saw the men begin to nod at his words. The Golden Company had its roots laid in Westeros, and many of them still yearend for their homes and their lands.

"BUT NO MORE! TODAY WE SHALL TAKE WHAT'S OURS!" he said as he turned to face the raging fire which was dying down mounted his horse, and took out his sword from the scabbard, and spoke their House Words.

"MEN! LET US SHOW THEM OUR MIGHT! OUR ENEMIES ARE MANY…." And the men behind him finished the words.

"….OUR EQUALS NONE!!!!" and with that roar, he pulled on the reins of his horse, as the cavalry by their side, rode hard as well, moving in an arc-like fashion as they aimed for the flanks of the Targaryen army.

The fire made his horse nervous, yet he held onto the reins and closed his eyes as he rode through the fire, crushing many whimpering men behind him. And as he emerged from the flames, he found the Targaryen army standing there, with their shields up and ready and he was impressed by the discipline in their ranks that even seeing such a disturbing sight hadn't broken their spirits.

He looked straight ahead, and his eyes landed on the commander of the army, Robert Baratheon stood there behind two walls of shields, clad in castle-forged armor, with his signature Warhammer in his hand.

"FIRE!!!" he heard him shout, and a massive volley of arrows was fired upon them, he leaned forward, and felt a number of arrows whizz past him, with some even hitting his armor and making him hiss in pain. Some of his men fell behind him, many succumbing to the barrage of arrows, yet they were now just some meters away from their enemy.

"SPEARS!" he heard Baratheon shout, and men at the front poked out their spears, lining them up as they got ready to face his charge. He pushed himself up, and stood on his horse, and just as his horse crashed into the wall of spears in front of him. He pushed himself off of it, jumping into the air, his sword drawn above him as he brought it down at the Baratheon lord, who brought up his shield in a hurry to block his attack.

"ARGHHHHH!" he shouted, as his sword cut through the shield, yet the armor on his hand stopped his blade, though he did hear Baratheon hiss in pain, before the giant of a man tried to hit him with his Warhammer.

By then the battle had already begun, both of them were surrounded by men screaming and shouting, as the ground was flooded with blood and guts, the brown sand getting dyed scarlet as their two armies clashed with each other.

He jumped back, and the warhmmaer whizzed past his face, and he tried to move in and strike at the man but Robert Baratheon wasn't just massive in size, but the gods had blessed him with inhuman agility as well, as the man suddenly brought down his Warhammer at him forcing him to jump back once more.

The hammer struck the ground, and he felt the very ground shake, and he knew that he couldn't let that hammer hit him for one strike from that, would end his life. He kicked the man's hand, yet he didn't let go of his hammer, and he tried to aim a slash at the man's head but Robert Baratheon quickly moved his head, and his sword found itself cutting through the antlers coming off of his helmet.

And then he was forced to drop down as the hammer passed where his head had been moments ago, and he tried to strike at the man's legs, yet Baratheon simply stepped back, and then suddenly kicked the sand with his foot.

"AGHH!" he screamed in pain as the sand got into his eyes, and he jumped back quickly and tried to wipe his eyes. He saw a Baratheon heading for him, his Warhammer raised and ready to strike, when suddenly one of the Golden Company captains intervened, trying to attack the man. Robert traded blows with the man, yet the man had underestimated Baratheon's might, and one strike from the man caved in the man's chest. Ending his life.

"AHHH!" the man vomited blood and collapsed in an instant, but by then his vision had cleared up and he began to move forward and picked up a handful of sand from the ground and threw it at the giant Baratheon. And as his vision was blurred Baratheon began to swing his hammer randomly, and he knew that he had to strike now.

So, he picked up his sword and rushed forward and tried to slash away at the man's neck, and in his excitement, he didn't see the hammer-headed straight for his side. The hammer struck first, forcing his slash to go wide, and his sword cut through his shoulder.


They both screamed in pain, as he held his side, and blood gushed out of the man's shoulder. And just as he was about to fall, he shouted.

"He is down. KILL HIM!" he shouted and saw one of the captains rush towards the man and raise his sword to cut down the man. Yet just as the man was about to bring down his sword, a glimmer of white and silver appeared in front of him, and cut him down with one slash, cleaving his body in two.

"Robert! Robert!" he heard the man shout as he reached for the man and began to command the men around him, to carry away the man.

And as he got back to his feet, he recognized the man in white armor. It was one of the Kingsguard, the only one present here.

Benjen Stark. He saw the man look to his sides, cutting down two of his men, as the men behind him carried away the injured Baratheon lord. The man looked around and when his eyes landed on him, he heard him shout.

"Retreat! Pull back to the boats!" and as he ordered the treat, he rushed forward to try and kill him, he struggled to his feet, though before the man could reach him, other members of the Golden Company stepped up and stopped the man in his tracks. The man struck down a few of them, but when he saw four people still surrounding him, he saw her grunt as he began to pull back with the rest of the army.

"WE WON!!"
"THE DAY IS OURS!!!!" he heard the men shout as they gave chase to the retreating army, though he looked to the side, and found the bodies of his men strewn across the ground.

They had won, but at what cost.



The newly enthroned lord of Riverrun walked towards his solar. The atmosphere in the castle was tense with the rising tensions with the Royal Family. The shadow of his father's death still loomed over the castle, and his sudden death had taken him by surprise. Lord Hoster Tully wasn't perhaps the most accomplished lord amongst his peers, but the man had always done right by his people.

The lords of Riverlands had respected the man, and now, with his demise, the mantle of the Lord Paramount of the Trident had fallen onto him. Edmure had always tried to live up to the expectations placed on him, to make his father proud.

Edmure had grown up fairly religious and was a devout follower of the Seven, and the rising tensions among the followers of the Old Gods and the followers of the Seven had been a headache for his father, who had grown frail and weak. And so he had decided to step up, to relieve the pressure from his father. And so he had called the leader of these devout followers, and had begun negotiating with him.

The Preacher, they had called him, was a thin and short man, with bright blue eyes. He was a man of inquired intellect and had the Seven's blessing. Edmure had ordered the man to calm down the preachers. The man had hoped for permission to build more sects so his people could preach safely, and sway away those with sinister minds towards a more peaceful approach.

He was a good man, a devout follower of the Seven, and yet The Crown failed to see that. The Royal Family had been growing more and more estranged from the Gods, and now they had begun to target those who did the Gods' work. They had staged an attack on Lord Eddard Stark, and had written to him about banning the Seven's work.

Edmure had been conflicted, and had sought advice from his friend the Preacher. The man hadn't asked for his support and had told him to just be neutral in the conflict, saying that the Seven would understand him not being able to support their cause in the open.

He had followed the man's advice and had written to the Crown about his stance. Yet the Crown had replied with a strongly worded letter, threatening him with severe consequences.

The nerve! Maybe Preacher was right. The Royal Family had truly forsaken the Seven and had fallen prey to the scientific heathens. The sad part was that his own wife didn't even support him in his endeavor, and had tried to keep him away from the righteous path. Yet he knew he was right. He was simply assisting the Seven in their work, helping spread the true word of God in his lands.

There was a knock on the door of his solar, and he looked up and spoke after a moment.

"Come in," already aware of who was on the side of the door, the guards had informed him about the arrival of his friend and the door opened and walked in one of the most devout followers of the Seven he had seen.

The Preacher, walked in with a serene smile on his face, and Edmure felt his heart light up as he saw the man.

"May the Seven bless you for eternity, it is good to see you Lord Edmure," greeted the man, and Edmure nodded.

"May the Seven bless you, as well. Have a seat, we have much to discuss," he began, and the man sat down opposite to him. Edmure didn't make small talk and picked up the Royal missisve and moved it towards the man.

"I received a reply from the Crown about my earlier position. The Crown isn't happy with me and has called me a traitor and has asked my bannermen to ignore my words, and raise their men to retaliate against you and your men," said Edmure, in a saddened and angry tone.

"That is troubling news, my lord. But it was expected," replied his devout friend with a sigh and Edmure leaned back into his chair.

"House Motton and House Blackwood are already raising levies going against my command, and other houses are following suit as well," he added, Rosalin's house had also raised their levies and had ignored his command. It seemed to him, that they had all forgotten just who was their liege lord.

"The Crown has threatened to strip me of position as Lord paramount. You were right about them, it seems that the Royal family has truly forgotten their duties to the gods above and have fallen astray," said Edmure sadly.

"The devils surround us and corrupt us, my lord. And when one is as powerful as the Royal family, the devil's words sound ever so sweeter and make one forget that they are here on this Earth only to serve the Gods above," said Preacher.

"Indeed," said Edmure.

"I know that you are troubled my lord, but the Seven will not abandon you, I shall pray for you and your house. And as for your bannermen I am sure that there will be those among them who haven't gone astray yet, and will try and lead their lords towards the right path," assured the Preacher.

"The Crown has called its men and plans to come to the Riverlands. If I don't open my halls to them, they will lay siege to my castle," added Edmure looking at the man.

"I want you to assure me that you and your men had no connection to the attack on Lord Stark and have no idea where he is at the moment?" said Edmure, and his friend nodded.

"I swear on the Seven, my lord, we had nothing to do with this. We are peaceful preachers who wish to spread the word of the Seven across the world. I swear on the Seven above, my lord. The Crown is trying to frame us," the Preacher assured him. Edmure nodded.

"Ok, then I shall write once more to the Crown telling them of your innocence. Perhaps we could have the Prince meet you and your men so you could talk to him directly," said Edmure, a plan forming in his head.

"Of course, my lord. The Seven will bless you for your devotion to the faith," said his friend, and Edmure motioned for him to leave, knowing that his actions would not sit right with his wife.

Why couldn't she just understand that he was doing the Seven's work. Well. May the Seven show her the right way.


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Chapter 25
Chapter 25

The victory of the Pretenders on the Grey Gallows was the first major loss suffered by the Royal Army. With their cavalry destroyed, and the opposing cavalry laying havoc on their ranks, the vice commander, Benjen Stark ordered a full retreat. The army would pull back to their ships and abandon the islands.

Many say that the call for retreat was unnecessary and that the army could have fought on. And while that may be right, the early and organized retreat would give the army a chance to fight on instead of becoming a wasted and spent force.

Despite the positives, the retreat was a major blow, especially with the Commander of the Army, Lord Robert Baratheon getting poisoned during the battle, for the sword used by Daemon Blackfyre had been coated with poison.

The King would hear about the loss, and would sit down with his councilors to make a new plan. However, it must be stated that the victory did little to shift the tides of the war. The Blackfyres were in quite a pickle. They were surrounded on all sides by the Targaryen forces and could only ever truly move forward, and that is what they would do. And this time they would be facing King Rhaegar himself who would show the world, the true might of the Targaryen forces.



The King of the Seven Kingdoms sat in his chambers atop the flagship galley of the Royal Fleet, his fingers thrumming on the ironwood table as he read through the report on the battle that had taken place on Grey Gallows, taking into account all he could as he tried to visualize exactly what had happened.

Opposite to him sat Jamie Lannister and his oldest friend Arthur, both of them quiet as they waited for him to finish reading. By this time, the whole fleet was aware of the battle of Grey Gallows and its unfortunate end.

They had lost. Robert had been injured, and their cavalry had been decimated by wildfire, and though their losses other than that weren't astronomical they had still lost ground to the Blackfyres and had lost the only major foothold they had possessed. This gave the Blackfyres the advantage of controlling both Bloodstone and Greygallows hence taking away the two largest islands away from their control, giving their army no landing area.

"This is not ideal, but I believe the situation is still under control," began Rhaegar as he put down the letter. And he was being truthful, their losses apart from the cavalry weren't too major and their retreat had been fairly organized.

"Yes, you are right. But I still believe Benjen's call for retreat was premature, the army could have fought on. We could have at least bled the Golden Company, yet he called for the retreat too prematurely," cut in Arthur, and while that would have been ideal. Benjen's early call for retreat had its own merits.

"Perhaps, but it was Ser Benjen's quick thinking that allowed the healers to recognize the poison in Lord Robert's wound. Had the fighting carried on we would be mourning the loss of a Lord Paramount, plus with the army intact we could use those forces in the upcoming battle," cut in Jamie Lannister.

And hadn't that been the biggest boon to the early retreat? Robert had faced Daemon Blackfyre in open combat, and from the reports, their battle had been a sight to behold. Yet the coward had laced his sword with poison. Thankfully, the healers had been quick enough to see the signs of poisoning and had treated Robert quickly for the poison, and though he was still not out of danger, the healers were hopeful about his condition.

"I believe discussing what has already happened is futile, we are gathered here to decide what are we to do next," spoke Rhaegar as he stood up and unfurled the map, as both Arthur and Ser Jamie joined him and began to place the mini statues representing their and their enemies forces.

"They now control Bloodstone and the Grey Gallows, taking away both of the islands that could allow us to land our armies," began Arthur as he placed the Black dragon on the two major islands of the Stepstones.

"Yes, but we received reports earlier from Lord Randyll earlier that he has Tyrosh under complete control, so that means that their supply lines are compromised," cut in Jamie as he placed the red dragon on the island of Tyrosh.

Rhaegar placed the dragon on the map at their own approximate position and then leaned back and began to make an assessment. It was safe to say that the Blackfyres now controlled nearly all of Stepstones, at least the main central portion of it.

But they had them surrounded. The Balcfyres essentially had only one way of winning and that was to push forward, and if that was the only way for them they could plan ahead quite easily.

"With their supply lines compromised, they will be forced to attack soon. They cannot sit idle and wait resources for too long," he spoke and the two of them nodded.

"So, we use a pincer attack," he began as he pushed forward the black dragon representing the golden army and the Blackfyres.

"We let them push forward, while we order Lord Tarly to move in from the back, and the Benjen's forces to push in from the side, we attack them from the three sides, overwhelming them completely," he said as he arranged the red dragons appropriately.

He looked up and saw both Arthur and Jamie exchange glances before they nodded along.

"That is a sound plan, but we will need to coordinate it precisely," added Arthur, and Rhaegar nodded.

"Indeed, but this is the best course of action, and I believe with Lord Tarly and Benjen leading the two forces, we can pull this off," he added, and Arthur nodded.

"So be it, then let us discuss the finer details of the plan," and then began the real hard work. And the three of them would leave his solar hours later after having the whole plan mapped out. It was time for this whole war to end.



In the Red Keep, the situation was tense for different reasons. The young Lord Paramount of Riverladns had refused the Crown's orders once more and continued his support for the faith militants who had grown bolder over the last couple of weeks. They ahd completely stepped out into the open, and were harassing Lords that refused to give them support. The Riverlands were filled with riots and carnage, making a direct intervention from the Crown necessary.

And so, the Prince sat down with his mother and his sister as he informed them about his plan to deal with this whole ordeal.

"Do you really have to go?" Daenys questioned, and her brother nodded back.

"I do, The North is really angry over this whole ordeal, and the only thing stopping them from raising their army and making their way across the crossing is my word. I need to handle this personally," added her brother and she saw their mother nod along.

The whole debacle had begun with the abduction of Lord Eddard Stark, by some faith militants and now had begun to blow up as the Lord Paramount of the Riverlands failed to order their command and do his job of keeping peace in his lands.

The Riverlands were filled with religious riots, and the faith militants had come out into the open and were trying to force Houses to bow down to their will. Yet their Lord Paramount did nothing and had the audacity to call them out for not being devout followers of the Seven.

"But can't you just send 'dourface' to deal with this? Do you really have to go personally?" she complained and saw her mother's disapproving gaze land on her for the nickname she often sued for Stannis.

"Daenys! Mind your language!" her mother cut in from the side, as she gently slapped her on the back of her head. Though Aemon seemed amused by her antics.

"No, I cannot. Lord Edmure is being stubborn and refusing my command. I have to do this personally, to make a display of the Crown's authority," her brother answered.

"Do be careful Aemon, this whole faith militant uprising seems rather pre-planned and pre-mediated to me?" suddenly their mother cut in from the side making her frown. Though her brother simply nodded along as a pensive look appeared on his face.

"So, you seem to thing the same way. I have been looking at it and have reached the same conclusion," and she was surprised by this information.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"This means that someone has been preparing for this for quite some time. This Preacher and this High Sparrow have spent years in training their men and brainwashing the common people to follow them. So, we have to be careful to not fall into any sort of trap," explained her brother and she nodded.

"Then isn't that one more reason for you to not go to Riverlands yourself. Especially with the situation in the Stepstones being as tense as it is shouldn't you stay in the capital to manage things here," she said and her brother shook his head.

"No, the most important thing right now is to make sure that we avoid Civil war and make it clear that the Crown's authority is absolute. Plus, Rhaegar has assured me that he has things under control in Stepstones, and as for the matter of handling the running of the Kingdoms I have the perfect person in mind to take my place," said her brother and she nodded along as she reached for her glass of Arbor and began to sip as she asked him.

"And who is that?" and she missed him smirk as his eyes landed onto her.


"PUFF!" the wine nearly went down her windpipe, as she coughed a few times before she looked up at the smiling face of Aemon.

"What! ME!" she said scandalously and he nodded.

"Yes, you. Father taught you exactly what he taught me and Rhaegar, so you I believe you are perfectly capable of running the Kingdoms in my absence," said her brother.

"But, that's too much work," she complained and saw Aemon smirk as he simply shrugged.

"You will just have to get used to it then, my dear sister. I leave in two days, so I believe you should join me from tomorrow to familiarize yourself with the tasks," he said as he sipped his own wine.

She was perplexed by this and looked towards her mother for support who simply shook her head.

"He is right, your father did have you attend the same lectures as Aemon and Rhaegar. It is time for you to put them to use," said her mother giving her no support.

"But what about Elia? Isn't she the Queen, shouldn't she be doing this," she quickly cut in as she brought out the best excuse. Though Aemon simply shrugged.

"I asked her, but she said she wasn't feeling well these days and expressed full confidence in your abilities to handle this task," said Aemon and she knew that she had no way out now.

She would have to wake up early now, and she shivered as she recalled the times she had attended their father's lectures on ruling and governing. As much as she loved her father, he was a harsh teacher and would accept no excuse for tardiness.

"I believe this settles it then, I will expect you in my solar at dawn tomorrow so you can familiarize yourself with the running of the Kingdoms," said Aemon, and she felt her fear turn into reality with those words.

"Don't worry dear. I believe you will do just fine. After all your father did say you were more creative than both Rhaegar and Aemon in your thinking," said their mother from the side, reassuring her.

"I believe he also said that she was the laziest amongst us, with the penchant for resorting to her most primal instincts in case of any trouble," cut in her brother, and she narrowed her eyes at him as he slowly smirked and continued.

"In short, he called her an animal," and she quickly reached for her glass of wine and threw it straight at him.

"What did you just call me, you bastard!" and she watched in glee as Aemon was drenched in wine from head to toe though the elation was short-lived as she heard the impassive and unimpressed voice of her mother cut in quickly.



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Chapter 26
Chapter 26

The disrespectful and indolent behavior of the Lord Paramount of the Riverlands came as a shock to many, even his wife, who continuously tried to sway him to follow the Crown's instructions. Rosalin Frey was known as the fairest of the many Frey children, and along with breathtaking beauty, the Lady of the Riverrun had been blessed with sharp wit as well.

Lord Edmure would refuse the counsel of his wife and continue to provide refuge to the rogue septons, much to her consternation. In the end, the Lady of Riverrun would have to step in herself, taking action herself to preserve the prestige of her House given that the Crown had threatened to remove them from their position of lord Paramount after their indolent behavior.

Prince Aemon would join up with men from Stormlands, which were led by Stannis Baratheon, and lead them to the castle of Riverrun, and yet in a sign of utter and baffling disrespect, the Lord Edmure would close not let the army enter his Halls. Yet the Gates of the castle would open later that same night, and bread and salt would be offered too on the orders of the Lady of Riverrun, and the Prince would enter the castle only to get attacked by the Sparrows who had infiltrated nearly all of the castle.

The Prince would survive, yet the tragedy would incite the wrath of the House of the Dragon upon the Rogue elements in the city, and the whole world would be reminded of just how the Targaryens had conquered the whole continent.



It had been a couple of weeks since Aemon had departed from the capital to deal with the religious uprising in the Riverlands. Though before that, he had first made for Storm's End to join up with Stannis Baratheon. On the other hand, reports had come from Stepstones as well, and Rhaegar was preparing for a massive assault, and many were saying that this one battle could spell the end of the whole Blackfyre rebellion.

The whole war had taken a massive toll on her family. They had lost their father at the start of the war. His loss had been hard for them all, for the man had always been there like a solid wall behind their back, standing tall behind them, ready to shoulder the burden of the whole world. Yet even in death, he continued to help them, even using his own body to revive the mythical beasts of their House for them.

And as she sat in her brother's solar, staring at the report from Qyburn, those very creatures were causing her a great headache. Dealing with the usual day-to-day tasks was stressful enough, and now the dragons were adding to her stress.

"So, you are saying that we have to move the dragons soon," she questioned, and Qyburn shook his head.

"No, princess. The Dragon's pit can house them well enough. After all, that is its purpose, but I believe it will be very difficult to keep their presence a secret. They have grown quite a bit, and their growls can be heard in the whole city," said Qyburn, and she nodded.

The dragons had grown at an astronomical rate. It had been a bit over a year since they had hatched and were now large enough to ride. She herself had mounted her Aerion in the night, taking advantage of the darkness to fly on Dragon's back. It had been a surreal experience, and the thrill and the excitement of soaring in the skies above and looking down at the city through the clouds was simply something else.

"There are already rumors circulating around the city about a shadowy beast that takes to the skies at night," added Qyburn, and her head snapped towards him.

"What? But I was so careful!" she nearly shouted.

"I know, princess but dragons are massive creatures. The truth is that I believe it is nothing short of a miracle that we have been able to keep this a secret for this long," added Qybrun, and she grained as she leaned back into her chair, her headache becoming worse.

"Aghh! Can't we just wait until Aemon is back," she pleaded, and Qybrun just shrugged.

"It would be better if the Crown makes an announcement about this before things get out of hand."



The atmosphere in the North was tense. The Northern lords were extremely tense after the abduction of his brother, and their anger and frustrations were growing with every passing day.

Brandon himself was wroth with fury and anger, and it was only the constant assurances from the Crown that held him back from calling an army and decimating these so-called Sparrows and showing them just what these 'Northern heathens' were capable of.

Yet, Prince Aemon had assured him that this matter was for the Crown to deal with and that he wouldn't let anything happen to Eddard. The behavior of the newly enthroned Lord of Riverrun had been surprising as well, as he had refused the Crown's call and had continued to provide refuge to those militants despite their actions. And there were already rumors circulating that the Crown wasn't going to let this disrespect go and that the Crown planned to replace House Tully as Lord Paramount.

The Riverland was in complete chaos, though things in the North weren't much better. The Lords were angry and were demanding that they raise the banners and march towards Riverlands. And as much as he would like to do exactly that, he knew he couldn't do this.

Had it been years earlier, Brandon would have called the banners by now, yet the years of lordship had made him more mature, and he knew that ignoring the instructions from the Crown so blatantly wouldn't be an intelligent move. And even though he may have the support of his lords in this, such an action on his part could plunge the whole continent into a massive civil war. A war they couldn't afford, especially with the rise of their true enemy.

"Things are much worse than I thought," he commented to one of his friends, William Dustin. The Lord of Barrow lands was one of his closest friends. Add to that the fact that Brandon was his good brother. He had asked the man to his solar to know about the thoughts of the Lords before he addressed them at the feast later.

And Brandon sighed as soon as he heard those words, for he had expected as much.

"Ok, so what are they thinking?" he questioned as he picked up his wine glass and gulped down a mouthful of the Arbor Gold to prepare himself for the discussion ahead.

"They are angry, of course, both at you for not calling the banners. Though most of the criticism is towards the Crown, they are saying that the Crown is being insincere and is stalling needlessly," William informed him and Brandon shook his head.

"Gods. What am I to do with them? Do they have any idea, what will happen if I call the banners?" he said exasperated by their shortsightedness, ignoring that he would have done just that if he didn't know what he did about the enemy growing more and more powerful by the day in the true North.

"DO they think I don't care about Eddard? He is my brother! Yet if call the banners, the whole continent could end up in religious civil war," he nearly shouted and saw William nod along.

"I understand that, and maybe the Lords do so as well, and that is the reason most of them are more angry at the Crown over this whole issue," added William, and he shook his head, exasperated by this.

"The Crown is doing everything it can. We are in a war with the Blackfyres, and without the army, the Crown has to be careful as well. And I don't think the Crown expected this from Lord Edmure, and now the Prince himself is marching towards Riverlands with an army to deal with this issue," he retorted to William as he leaned back into his chair.

"At this point, I don't think there is much else the Crown can do," he added. Prince Aemon had been fairly sincere and had written to him as soon as news of Eddard's abduction had reached the North.

He had assured him that the Crown was keeping an eye on this, and would not let this go. And though things hadn't improved from there, the Royal family had been sincere enough according to him.

"I know, but you need to make the Lords see that, they feel that the Royal family has abandoned them. You need to convince them that the Crown stands with them and is doing what it can to free Eddard," added Williams, and Brandon's mind raced as he thought of just how he could convince the Northern lords about the Crown's sincerity. And then suddenly it clicked and he reached into his drawer and began to rummage through the various missives.

"What are you searching for?" questioned William, and he found what he was looking for.

"This!" he said as he pushed the missive towards William, who picked it up and began to skim through it with a frown.

"What is th…?" but he didn't finish the sentence, and his eyes widened from shock.

"This is from before this whole incident. I hadn't made the announcement because I was waiting for Eddard to come back, but I think it is time to announce it to the Lords," said Brando, knowing that the contents of that missive could assuage the lords somewhat and show them that the Crown stood with the North.

"A royal match for Lyanna! Is this real!" questioned William, perplexed and surprised by the words of the missive, and he nodded.

"Yes, it is. It was one of the reasons she wasn't returning with Eddard. Things haven't been finalized, but I believe an announcement can be made. I think it will go a long way to assuage the concerns of the Lords," and he saw William nodding, a bit dazed still as his eyes remained focused on the missive in his hand.



Rosalin Frey had hoped that marrying the heir apparent to the Lord Paramount of Riverlands would make her life easier. Yet as she sat there in her bed, her heart thumping in her chest as Edmure slept by her side, she realized that it had gotten life had gotten somewhat harder.

After marrying Edmure, she may have gotten the prestige and respect, yet she knew that if she were to let the man continue down the treasonous path he had taken, she could lose it all just as readily. She had tried to talk him out of it and had used every method at her disposal. Yet Edmure remained adamant, fueled by the religious zeal he had remained headstrong. He had refused to budge from his stance.

And so, even as the Prince of the realm camped outside their halls, he refused to open the castle gates, refusing to let the Prince inside Riverrun lest he spill the blood of the Sparrows who had taken refuge in the castle.

And Rosalin had known that she had to act soon if not for herself, then for her children, whose very future hung in the balance at this moment. Her heart hammered in her chest as she slowly got out of bed, being very careful not to make any noise at all.

As Edmure refused to let the Royal entourage into their halls, showing extreme disrespect, it was up to her to act. And so she had used added a sedative to Edmure's wine and had cajoled him into drinking the modified wine so she could do right by her house and her children.

She looked towards his sleeping form and felt guilty about betraying him like this. He was a good man if not rather fickle and easily manipulated. He wasn't the kind to deceive others and was rather innocent. And though such qualities may be endearing to many, they weren't the qualities of a strong Lord.

"I am sorry, but I must do this for our House," she mouthed as she began to dress up. She slid on a simple dress and a woolen cloak, for the late-night winds had become rather chilly as of late. She then slowly walked towards the door and gently opened it. The two guards stationed outside saw her and gave her a nod.

One of the guards then began to follow her, as her trusted maid Shiera walked up to her and handed her a thick cloak to cover up. Rosalin thanked the old woman and began to walk through the castle halls towards the main gates of the castle.

"Did you get my letter to the Prince?" Rosalin asked her maid Shiera. Shiera had been the maid she had brought from her home. She had been her nursemaid and had practically raised her for much of her life.

The aged woman nodded.

"Yes, I did, and the Prince agreed to your terms, though the Prince did state that there will be no terms if the gates don't open tonight. He said he would be waiting outside the gates, waiting for you, my lady," said Sheira in a worried tone, as she looked towards her with a worried gaze.

"Are you sure about this, my lady?" and the question made her gulp down nervously.

Was she prepared for this? Prepared to betray her own lord and husband?

NO! Yet this was what needed to be done. And so, she would do it.

"Yes, I am!" she answered as they stepped out of the castle gates. The massive path now lead to the large walls that went up around Riverrun. Guards and men stood on the wall, wearing full armor. Beyond the walls, she could see smoke rising from fires, and a few massive wooden towers, that were probably sprung up by the Royal army as they surrounded the castle.

Her heart thumped in her chest as she saw the eyes of several men land on her form. The guards manning the gates saw her walking up to them and stood up nervously.

"My lady!" they bowed as she walked towards them and gave the final glance towards the massive wooden gate standing between her and the Prince. She closed her eyes and took in a gallop of air as before she spoke up in her most regal and authoritative voice.

"Open the gates!"



"Is it wise trusting the words of a woman, my prince? House Tully has disrespected the Crown. Don't you think this could become a bad precedent?" questioned Stannis from the side, and Aemon could understand the hesitance of the man, but the offer from the Lady of Riverrun had been filled with desperation.

She, unlike her idiot lord husband, understood the dynamics of power, and had reached out to him in that desperation, hoping to secure the future of her children. Aemon was angry with House Tully, and they would get their due, yet first, he had to deal with this Preacher and his so-called Sparrows.

"Well, it was the best option. And we will deal with House Tully afterward. She did accept that her son would become my squire and that once her daughter is of age, she would come to the capital to serve as a handmaiden for Princess Rhaenys," Aemon told Stannis about the terms he had offered to the lady of Riverrun, as they sat on their horses, staring at the gates of the castle in front of them.

"That should keep them in line," said Stannis, realizing what those offers were. Hostages. The two children would act as hostages. It was a tame punishment for the offense committed by their house, though given the services of Lord Brynden to the Crown, perhaps such leniency was needed.

Though, Aenys did plan on writing to the famous lord about this whole debacle, asking him to come back so he could put his own house in order and teach his nephew a lesson or two.

"They are opening," said Stannis, and Aemon's eyes narrowed as he saw the doors to the castle open as a cloaked figure walked out of the massive doors.

"Let's go," he said and pulled on the reins of his horse as Stannis and their guards made to follow as they silently moved towards the three strangers that had come out of the castle gates. He stopped his horse in front of them and jumped down, and walked towards them. He recognized the old woman standing at the back. She had been the one who had brought the message earlier in the day, and the other person was a guard.

Leaving, the person in front wearing that woolen cloak is the Lady of Riverrun, Lady Rosalin Frey.

"Do we have terms, my Prince?" came the voice of the Lady of Riverrun, and Aemon could tell that she was nervous. And she should be. She had just betrayed her lord and husband's trust. And he nodded as he raised his hand, signaling for the army to begin their move.

"Yes, we have…." But before he could finish, he didn't miss how the guard standing by her side suddenly took out his sword and aimed it at her back.

"Watch out!" Aemon shouted as he reached for her and pulled her back. The sword managed to catch her, despite his efforts, drawing a scream from her.

"AGHHH!" she shouted as Stannis took out his own sword and rushed towards the man who was quick enough to shout.


And only then did Amon notice the Seven pointed star, embezzled into the pommel of the sword of the guard.

"He is a freaking Sparrow. I want him alive!" he shouted in anger as the Lady Of Riverrun bled in his arms.


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Chapter 27
Chapter 27

Lady Roslin Frey, the lady of Riverrun, understood the implications of her husband's actions and struck a deal with Aemon, who had surrounded Riverrun with his men. She would open the gates of the castle, allowing the army to enter and search the castle for the Sparrows and their leader.

Yet as both she and the Prince would meet at night, to strike the deal, their enemies would strike. Unknowingly, a large number of the castle's men had already been replaced by zealous Sparrows, who attacked the Lady of Riverrun and Prince Aemon, hoping to kill them. Though fortune, would favor the lady and the Prince, and they would be able to retreat back to the safety of the army camp.

Though, that is where their luck would run out. The Sparrows would make hostages of the very man who had provided them with refuge, despite his oaths to the Crown. It would be found out that the leader of the Sparrows would be in the castle as well, commanding his men as they made Lord Edmure and his three children their hostages. The Prince would have to pull back to save their lives, yet these actions would lead the other lords to prosecute religious fanatics in their lands with haste, as they all lost whatever sympathy they had ever held for the group.

King Rhaegar would hear of this ordeal, and some men in his army would advise him to turn back to Westeros, to deal with this issue. Yet the Prince would ignore such advice and would choose to trust his brother and sister, believing them to be fully capable of handling this mess.

Back, in the capital, Princess Daenys would learn of this ordeal and, after much deliberation, write a letter to her brother, the effects of which would shake the foundations of the Seven Kingdoms.



Rhaegar Targaryen frowned as he read the latest missive from the capitol detailing the happenings in Riverrun. It seemed to him, that these so-called Sarrows were proving to be more trouble than they had all expected and had now taken some very valuable hostages.

"This is a mess, Aemon should have stormed the castle," spoke Arthur from the side as they stood on the deck of the Titanic, the flagship vessel of the Royal fleet.

"We weren't there, so I have to believe that he made what he thought was the best decision," Rhaegar came to Aemon's defense, though he did feel that Aemon should have stormed the castle as well.

But, it was also true that they hadn't been there and weren't aware of the specifics of what had happened and so couldn't really comment on it.

"Maybe you are right, but we are in a mess now. The Sparrows have taken Lord Edmure and his three children as hostages, other lords of Riverlands have locked themselves into their castles out of fear, and we still have no plan of action for freeing Eddard Stark," Arthur countered, and the way he said it, showed that they had a lot of problems. Though, Rhaegar saw through his words and knew that he was trying to say something else.

"So what are you trying to say," Said Rhaegar with a raised brow as they slowly sailed towards the island of Grey Gallows for the offensive against the pretenders. He saw Arthur hesitate for a moment, before his best friend and closest aide, spoke slowly.

"Perhaps there is some merit to the proposal of Lord Manderly. Maybe you should return to Westeros to deal with this issue first before continuing this campaign against the pretenders," and Rhaegar shook his head, not entertaining the idea.

"But Rhaegar, there is genuine merit to this proposal. The Pretenders are trapped. You could go back to the continent and deal with this issue and then return and then continue the campaign," Arthur argued, and Rhaegar shook his head.

"No, this was with the pretenders has gone on for long enough. It is time to end this," especially since they still did not know much about the true enemy gearing up in the true North. He had to put an end to this Backfyre business quickly so he could prepare the continent to face the true enemy looming up north.

"Plus, I trust Aemon and Daenys to deal with this. They may be on the back foot for the moment, but I have no doubt in my mind that, they will be able to pull through," he once more showed complete confidence in the capabilities of his siblings.

"Are the preparations for the offensive complete?" he questioned Arthur, who still didn't seem convinced but held his tongue wisely about his doubts and simply answered his question.

"Yes, they are. The men are ready, I have also written to Benjen Stark and Lord Tarly and informed him about the plan," Arthur informed him, and Rhaegar felt satisfied with this. If the Gods favored them then soon they would clash with the Golden Company within the month, putting an end to this whole war conflict once and for all.

"Write to Lord Brynden Tully as well, inform him about the situation at Riverrun, and tell him that the Crown will do everything to make sure that no harm comes to his nephew and his kids," Rhaegar told Arthur, who nodded, though suddenly the voice of an acolyte interrupted them.

"Your grace, a letter has arrived for you from Kingslanding," said the acolyte as he presented a sealed missive. Hadn't he just received a letter from the capitol yesterday? Why had they written to him again?

He picked it up and unfurled it and saw that it was from his sister, Daenys. And as he skimmed through the contents of the letter, a smirk appeared on his face as he shook his head, and turned towards the acolyte, and spoke up.

"Bring me some parchment and a quill," Rhaegar said as Arthur frowned by his side.

"Of course, your grace," and the acolyte nodded and rushed to get the parchment and the quill.

"It's from Daenys. She has thought of a plan to get us out of this mess and was informing me about it," he said as he handed the missive to Arthur, who took the missive and skimmed over it, his eyes widening as he read its contents.



Qybrun smiled as he saw the Princess leaning over the table, examining the three massive charts sprayed in front of her. Her eyes were sharp, and focused, and there was no sign of her usual complaining and non-seriousness, as the youngest of King Aerys's children showed their true colors.

Qyburn had played a minor role in the education of the three children of King Aerys, and as their teacher, he had a very good idea about their personalities. The three of them had inherited specific traits from their father.

King Rhaegar, had inherited his father's steadfastness and was able to remain calm even in the face of extremely stressful situations. Prince Aemon, had the courage and the chivalry of his father, refusing to bow down without a fight, and being true to his promises.

And then there was Princess Daenys, she had inherited the King's unorthodox mind. And much like her father, she had the ability to completely ignore the habitual approaches and bring out an out-of-the-box solution.

"Are these maps of Riverrun accurate?" questioned the Princess, as she pointed towards one of the massive charts in front of her. He nodded.

"Yes, princess. Your father had them made in his time, in preparation for situations similar to this. The maps contain every detail about the castle," he assured her, and the Princess nodded.

"And about the location of Eddard Stark, are you sure that this 'False Preacher' is taking him to the Vale," and he nodded, a sense of satisfaction bubbling inside him as he finally caught up to the False Preacher. The Preacher was extremely smart and had continued to evade his spies, though Qybrun wasn't one to shy away from a challenge and had finally succeeded in establishing full surveillance over the man.

"Yes, my lady, he is headed to Vale at this moment, his entourage has about a hundred men, and Lord Eddard Stark is with them," Qybrun informed her, and the Princess continued to scan the charts, her fingers continuously tapping the table as her mind raced to search for a solution.

"My brother's armies surround Riverrun, but he is unable to make a move because the High Sparrow and his followers have taken Edmure Tully and his three children as hostages, and we have finally managed to locate Eddard Stark's whereabouts, but we cannot inform my brother of them, in case our communication channels get compromised," the Princess concluded their situation, as she closed the two charts, and looked up at him.

"We are in quite a pickle, aren't we Qyburn," said the Princess seriously, and Qyburn, nodded, his head tilting downwards in shame.

"I am sorry that my negligence has caused all this trouble," and it had. Had he pertinent information about the riots in Riverlands and the growing influence of High Sparrow and The Preacher, they could have planned accordingly, but that time was now gone.

"Nahh, it's okay. We will just have to deal with this," said the Princess as she sat down on the chair and closed her eyes as she began to speak.

"This whole movement is being orchestrated by this High Sparrow and This Preacher. At this moment, we know the whereabouts of both of them," she said, and Qyburn frowned, not seeing where she was going with this.

"Aemon's army cannot move, at least not without securing the hostages which are held in dungeons, and we also need to free Eddard Stark somehow," said the Princess, as a smirk appeared on her face. And Qybrun knew that her mind was made, and she had made her plan.

"Write to Aemon, have him covertly rush back to the capital, and have the 'Kingsmen' infiltrate the entourage of this High Preacher," the Princess ordered.

"But what purpose would having Prince Aemon return to capital serve? It would leave the army leaderless," questioned Qyburn.

"Ohh, he isn't coming to stay. He will be coming here to retrieve the greatest weapon at our House's disposal," said the Prince, and Qyburn stilled as the implication behind those words dawned on him.

"You don't mean…" but the Princess didn't let him finish, and cut in.

"I do. It is time that the people are reminded of just exactly why the House of Dragon rules these lands," the Princess's gaze reminded him of her father, and it showed that her mind was made up a she uttered the fated words.

"Inform the Dragonkeepers to make the preparations. It is time!"



The Quiet Wolf of the North was quiet as he felt the carriage move underneath him. The last time, he had seen the outside world apart from the small glimpse he got out of the small opening in his wooden cage was weeks ago, when he had been kept imprisoned in a cellar built underneath a sept.

The rabid mob on the command of the rogue septon had attacked him, and his men. His guards had tried to calm down the enraged crowd. Yet the people refused to listen and continued to attack, and when one of the younger guards took out his sword, things had escalated beyond reason.

The people fell on them like a tidal wave and killed his men. They would have killed him, too, yet someone stopped them. A person who stood above even the septon, someone they all referred to as the Preacher. And though Eddard hadn't gotten a good look at the man, he was sure that he had seen that face somewhere else.

"We need to hurry. The mountain clansmen are said to raid these lands quite frequently," warned the same voice that had saved his life. And though Eddard was weak, and malnourished, his meals since his abduction were cold gruel and water. His mind remained sharp, and through the rocky nature of the terrain, and the overreaching mountain arches visible through the opening of his cage, he had guessed his location.

And those words just now had confirmed his suspicion. He was in the Vale right now, for some reason, they had hurriedly taken him out of his cell, had put him inside a cage, and had begun to transport him. He had heard whispers about the Crown and the Prince, and he had a theory that they had hurried out of the Riverlands because of the crackdown by the Crown.

And that was a glimmer of hope for him, that the Crown hadn't given up on him. He grimaced, as he struggled to his feet, and then suddenly the carriage stopped suddenly.

"AGHH!" he grunted in pain, as his head hit the wooden wall of the cell. And he could tell that the horses pulling the carriages were spooked for some reason.

"What's going on? Why are we stopping?" came the frustrated voice, of their leader, the one called the Preacher.

"The horses are afraid of something!" someone answered, as the atmosphere was filled with the cries of horses, as they neighed loudly, and tried to break free from their reins.

"What is happening!" the leader screamed again, and by then Eddard had stood up and was able to look out through the opening and could see the men struggling to control the horses.

"ROAR!" and then suddenly he felt his whole body still, as the sound of a distant roar made his heart race.

The men stilled at that as well and began to look around, trying to look for the source of the roar, yet their search proved useless as another massive roar shook the whole ground. Until it didn't.

"LOOK THERE! UP IN THE SKY! WHAT'S THAT!" the men shrieked, and Eddard looked up as well, before his heart stilled, and his mind refused to believe the sight in front of his eye as a massive shadow appeared right above them.

"ROARRRR!" and he felt the whole ground shake as the massive shadow descended, at a rapid pace, landing on the ground in front of him, and Eddard could hardly believe his eyes as the massive beast flapped its wings, arching its long neck, before it opened its maw, showing its mighty teeth ready to tear them all apart.

The massive growl made the men shake and whimper and fail to notice how more than two dozen men had suddenly surrounded them.


Damn, this was fun to write.

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Chapter 28
Chapter 28

The whole religious uprising was being led by two men. The False Preacher and the High Sparrow. To dismantle this whole uprising, both of these individuals needed to be taken out quickly and concurrently. For the death of one could make the other go into hiding or inflame the whole situation, making the handling of this delicate issue even more difficult.

Their continuous string of victories over the Crown were troubling for the Royal family, who had been pushed to the backfoot while dealing with these two individuals. And just as doubt began to linger in the minds of the lords and ladies of the realm about the ability of the Crown to deal with these rogue elements, the Royal family struck its most lethal blow to these two individuals, ending their whole charade within the span of a single day.

It is believed that the plan was hatched by Princess Daenys, who wrote to her eldest brother, King Rhaegar, to gain his permission, something which he granted quickly. A letter was then dispatched to Prince Aemon, who would then rush back to the capitol alone after giving strict instructions to Stannis Baratheon, his second in command.

And then days later, Kingslanding would watch in awe and horror as the very ground of the city shook as two mighty beasts roared and flew out of the massive Dragon Pit, signaling to the whole of the world about the return of the beasts that allowed the Aegon Targaryen to forge the seven kingdoms into one realm.

The House of the Dragon had somehow revived its symbol of power. The Dragons were back.



Stannis Baratheon stood in his tent and watched as the army stood ready behind him. The Prince had left in a hurry after receiving a letter from Kingslanding. Stannis wasn't aware of the content of the letters, but whatever they were, the Prince had ordered him to get the army ready for an attack, and he had done exactly so.

And so, as per the Prince's instructions, the men stood ready, armed, with swords and lances, with the siege engines and trebuchet geared up as they waited for the signal from the Prince. Just as he was lost in thought, he heard a commotion from the outside of the tent and frowned as he heard his guards shouting and arguing with someone else.

"I need to talk to your second in command," came a feminine voice he immediately recognized.

"My lady, Lord Stannis was very clear that he didn't want to be disturbed. I will inform him of your visit, but you should return to your tent," came the voice of his guards, and he began to walk out as the Lady of the Riverrun refused to listen to the guard outside.

He walked out of the tent and saw the Lady arguing with guards as her maid stood by her side, holding her arm, keeping her steady. Her injuries were still new, and the healers had advised her not to get out of bed for some time.

"What is going on here?" he spoke sternly and saw everyone turn to face him.

"My lord,…" the guard was about to begin when suddenly the pale lady of Riverrun cut in a hurried tone.

"Where is the Prince? Why is the army preparing for an attack? I need to talk to the Prince!" the lady of Riverrun spoke up in a hurried tone, her panic visible as she frantically moved towards him. The guards tried to stop her, but he stopped them with a raised hand and turned to face the concerned lady.

"Come and sit inside. We can talk there," he said and motioned for her to enter the tent. Her injuries were still severe, and the Prince wouldn't like it if they were exacerbated in any way.

Lady Rosalin Frey became quiet and entered the tent, her maid behind him, and he looked towards the guards.

"No one comes inside," and with that, he went back to the tent and saw the Lady of Riverrun sitting there on a chair, and as soon as she watched him come in, she began once more.

"Where is the Prince?" she asked, and Stannis answered as he sat down opposite to her.

"The Prince is away on some business. I am in charge until he arrives," he answered. And she narrowed her eyes before she continued.

"Then, can I ask you why the army is getting ready for an attack? The Prince promised me that he would protect the lives of my children. If the army attacks, the sparrows will kill them. IS the Crown breaking their promise?" she asked, and he didn't like her accusatory tone.

The Prince had made a deal with her, and it was the only thing that had stopped him from dismantling the castle defenses. Though Stannis believed that House Tully deserved none of the consideration, the Royal family was showing them, especially after their disgraceful behavior. After all, they were the reason the Crown was in this mess.

"First of all, I would like to tell you that the Crown owes you and your family nothing, Lady Rosalin. Your family broke your oaths, and the only reason your children and lord husband are still alive is because of the magnanimity and generosity of Prince Aemon," he cut in sharply and saw the Lady grimace at his tone and words.

"Your lord husband broke his oaths and, despite clear instructions from the Crown, gave refuge to rogue elements, elements that the Crown had declared as enemies of the Crown. You are in no position to make any demand from us," he warned her, and saw her grit her teeth as she lowered her face. Knowing that he was right.

There were already calls in the army and among the lords to replace the Tully's as lord Paramounts for their disgression, especially after the discovery that they had been giving refuge to the Sparrows.

Though he could sympathize with her somewhat as well, she was a mother and had stepped up to save their futures, betraying even her lord husband for them. Yet she was helpless, for the whole castle was filled with rogue sparrows, who had even tried to kill her and were now keeping her three children as hostages.

"Though, you don't need to worry about your children. The Prince gave you his word, and he will keep it," he assured her and saw her look up as she gave him a small nod.

"Have they declared their terms?" she questioned, and he nodded. The demands from the Sparrows were quite bold. They wanted power over the crown, a reestablishment of the faith militant, and the ability to preach freely.

"Yes, they did. But the Crown will not capitulate to such demands. The Prince has a plan. That is why the army is ready. We will do everything to kee…." But before he could say anything, the tent flaps were opened as a guard rushed in.

"My lord! It's the signal!" said the guard, and he jumped to his feet immediately and turned to face the woman in the tent.

"Do not leave the tent under any circumstances!" he ordered as he picked up his sword, rushed out of the tent, and watched as red smoke rose into the air, at a distance. This was the signal the Prince had decided on, to get the army ready.

"Get the men ready!" he shouted as his squire brought him his horse, and he mounted it and rode it to the front of the army.

Atop the castle walls, their enemy stood ready. Archers and scorpions lined up and aimed at them, as the sparrows rushed to arm themselves. He scanned the surroundings for any sign of the Prince, yet his gaze found no trace of the man until suddenly, one of the men shouted.

"Look there! In the sky!" and he looked up and stilled as he saw something he would never have imagined seeing again. He had read about them in books. The beasts that had allowed Aegon Targaryen to forge the Seven Kingdoms, the beats who had won perhaps the greatest victory in the Fields of Fire.

The Symbol of Power, of House Targaryen, lost in the Dance. Yet as the beast in the sky got closer and closer, he was quite sure that times were about to change,

"ROARRRRR!" the ground shook as the beast roared. The men finally looked up and began to murmur as they saw the beast of legends descend toward the castle. Its massive wings cast a massive shadow, over them. And he felt the very air rustle in anticipation as the beast flew over the castle walls, opening its maw, as he heard someone shout.

"DRACARYS!" and then he was forced to close his eyes as a massive torrent of flames devoured all the men on the walls.



The men on the walls shouted as the dragon flapped its wings and took to the skies once more and began to lay rampage on the other side, lighting the towers on fire.

"And he knew this was the opportunity!"

"MEN! ATTACK!" he shouted, and the army roared at his command, shouting as they stormed the castle gates. He watched as the siege engines tore through the gates in a single push, as the Royal army broke into the castle of Riverrun in the span of minutes.

He looked up and found the Prince riding on top of the Dragon, burning the Castle walls, and he knew in his heart.

This changed everything.



Daenys's heart shook as she felt air rustle through her hair. Her whole body felt cold from the flight. Flying atop a dragon was something she might never ever get used to. The feeling of flying in the air, passing through the clouds, and looking down at the expanding landscapes was something out of this world.

Aerion, her dragon, flapped its wings. She felt a sense of power and control as she saw the men in front of her cower in fear as Aerion opened its mouth and growled at them.

"It's a dragon!" "DRAGON!" she heard them shout, pale-faced, as most of them began to tremble in fear of the beast that stood in front of them.

Her eyes landed on the cage tied to a carriage as Qyburn's men surrounded the entourage. That was the cage in which they held Eddard Stark; her gaze then skimmed through the crowd, and most of the men were simple sell swords, with a few zealous septons present as well.

However, her eyes finally found the person she was looking for. He stood there, wearing a Septon's clothing, a pin in the shape of a mockingbird strapped to the coat. It was the so-called leader, the one who had been one of the leaders of this whole religious uprising.

The infamous Preacher himself.

"In the name of Rhaegar Targaryen, First of his name, King of Andals, Rohnyar and the First Men, I Princess Daenys, give you all a choice!" she shouted, and Aerion growled at her words, making the men back down at her words. The men gasped at her words, realizing precisely who was riding the dragon.

"Drop your weapons and kneel, and I shall grant you a quick death!" she shouted to the men in front.

"Or you fight, and I shall feed you to my dragon!" she shouted, and the whole ground shook as Aerion roared at the men in front.

She saw the men look at each other with fear in their eyes, and then soon many began to drop their swords. Few tried to run away, but Wulfric and his men made quick work of them.

When they saw no hope, most of them kneeled down, and began to beg for mercy. While her eyes were focused on the man who had been the mind behind this whole uprising, and the way he continued to glance at the might beast standing in front of her.

"MERCY!" "MERCY!" the man shouted, before she saw his eyes narrow as he began to speak up.


"It seems you have made their choice," she said before she picked up the whip by her side and swung it as she shouted her order.

"AERION! DRACARYS!" Aerion was quick to react to her command, twisted his face, and looked up before it let out a massive screech as it spewed a massive torrent of flame, lighting all the men in front of her on fire!



The area was filled with sounds of men screaming as they whimpered and cried for mercy and help. Yet she remained impassive. These men had made their choices when they had gone against the Crown. Their fates had been sealed right then.

Aerion golden flames left the men as nothing but black husks. And as the last of the men fell down, and all that remained of the more than two dozen men were charred husks, she lept off her dragon as Wulfric and his men brought forward the wooden cage.

"Open it," she ordered, and the commander of the men stepped forward and began to pry away the hinges of the wooden cage. The wooden panel came off with a thud. And she found herself staring at the man they had been looking for months.

Eddard Stark, brother to Brandon Stark, lay there, his face covered with dirt and grime. His hair was messy and distorted, and she saw the man's eyes widen as he looked beyond her at the beast behind.

"Take him to the healer and clean him up!" she said as she took off her helmet, and the man gasped and whispered.

"Princess Daenys!" and she nodded and greeted the man as Wulfric's men moved forward to support the man.

"Is this real? Is that really a dragon?" she heard him utter in an amazed tone.

"Indeed, my lord," she replied with a small smile, "it is real. And that is indeed a dragon. My dragon. Aerion, named after my father."


In the Narrow Sea, atop a black ship named Silence, a very intriguing man read the missive he had received from his allies in Stepstones and smirked as he threw the missive into the open sea and closed his eyes, as a massive smile appeared on his face.

"So, this, why you had me go there, huh?" he said, as his eyes glew eerily, and the winds rustled, and the obscure contraption hung around his neck rattled as he mouthed.

"What is dead may never die. But rises again harder and stronger!"


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Chapter 29
Chapter 29

The news about the revival of the Dragons would shock the whole kingdom. The magical beasts that had allowed Aegon to forge the tumultuous seven kingdoms into a single realm had been revived. The Royal House had regained the symbol of their power and, in the first display of its might, had crushed the Religious rebellion in one fell swoop.

As Prince Aemon's dragon decimated the sparrows and men guarding Riverrun, the army stormed the castle, slaughtering all those who bore the symbol of the Sparrows. A few loyal guards in the castle saw this and rose up in defiance as well, buying enough time for the army to rescue Lord Edmure and his three sons.

The Princess would kill the false preacher, and free Lord Eddard Stark, and have him taken to the Vale so he could receive the aid of a healer, and then fly away towards the capital to take over the duties that had been assigned to her.

Prince Aemon would hold court on the castle of Riverrun, sitting on the ancestral seat of House Tully. The Crown's position had changed entirely in a single day. While earlier, the Crown was considered to be in a precarious condition, the resurgence of dragons broke the scale and showed to everyone that the brightest days for the House of the Dragon lay ahead, not behind.

Many expected that the Crown would strip House Tully of its Lord Paramountship. However, the Prince would honor his word to Lady Rosalin Frey and let House Tully retain their position. However, there would be consequences: Hostages would be taken, and an edict would be passed allowing the Crown to retain a portion of their armies in the Riverlands.

This move would essentially give the Crown direct control over the Riverlands, hence making them the direct rulers of these lands in all but name. There would be some protest from House Tully about this, though the House would find no support from even the Houses sworn to it.

While the populace in Kingslanding was surprised by the appearance of two dragons, they had missed the third dragon that had taken flight along with the first two.



The atmosphere in the tent was somber, and everyone seemed to be looking at each other. None have the courage to voice the thoughts running through their minds. Just a day ago, there had been hope and joy in this tent as they rejoiced in the setbacks faced by House Targaryen.

Yet as the sun for this day dawned, they were bombarded with missives upon missives from their various informants across the Kingdom. Each missive contained a simple message that had sucked out the life from this tent.

"It cannot be. This cannot be true," Harry Strickland, the leader of the Golden Company, spoke up, as he looked around the room. His face was white as a sheet, and it seemed as if he didn't even believe his own words.

"How can dragons be back? How? We all know the last of these beasts died sometime after the Dance. Perhaps, our informants have been compromised, and this all is just a ploy from House Targaryen to demotivate us before the upcoming battle," said the man.

And the desperation and desire for victory compelled her to believe that argument despite knowing it to be false. With this news, it all began to click together. The constant harassment of her late husband, the desire to buy those dragon eggs, and the extent to which the House of the Dragon went to just obtain those dragons.

She looked towards her brother, Daemon, who had an impassive look on his face as the rest of the room looked towards him. The whole room was dead silent as they waited for his response, knowing that he controlled all said informants.

"It is highly likely that the news about the dragon is true," and as soon as those words left his mouth, she felt the temperature in the tent drop as all the leaders of the army looked towards each other.

Her brother stood up, and moved to the front of the table as he began.

"Had it been just our informants, I would have suspected such news as well, but by now, I have heard the same news from all over the continent. So, I believe the news about the dragons is true. Our enemy has somehow revived the legacy of old Vlayria and now has at least two dragons at its command, if not more," finished her brother.

"Then it's over," cut in the commander of the Second sons, shaking his head as he stood up.

"Three dragons, three. How are we supposed to beat them? Aegon the Conqueror forged the seven kingdoms into a single empire with his three dragons, but now we face not just three dragons but a well-trained and quipped army as well. I believe it's ov…."

"Aegon had three full-grown, mature dragons," her brother cut in as the whole room turned towards him as he leaned forward on the table.

"Aegon had three full-grown dragons, while our enemy has three baby dragons barely out of their maturity. And yet here we cower in fear all because of beasts that are smaller than our larger galleys," her brother scoffed as he spat to the side.

"You should be ashamed of calling yourself a man. Disgrace! What if our enemy has dragons now? Isn't our cause pure? Isn't our hunger greater? When we began, they had an army and a navy thought to be unbeatable, yet we have persisted, and yet with the blood and sweat of our men we have achieved so much. And now we sit here disgracing all of them. We should be ashamed!" her brother shouted, and she could see that the atmosphere in the tent was beginning to shift.

"Rhaegar rides towards us, and is less than a day's sail from us. And when he reaches these shores, and if that be on the back of the black dread itself, I shall stand there against him, for I shall not shame myself, I shall fight until my last breath," her brother straightened up at this, and picked up his helmet.

"The question is, will you?" and with that he began to march out of the room, his sword strapped to his side, as he tugged his helmet under his arm, sending the tent flaps flying as the room became quiet.

Of the ten sitting in front of her, she could tell that about eight were convinced enough by his words, while two of the men seemed rather unconvinced. She stood up, moved out of the tent as well, and walked towards aemon, who stood there, looking at the men drilling infront of them.

"It all finally makes sense now," he said as she walked to his side.

"The persistence to obtain those eggs. And the extent to which they went to, it was all because of this. They wanted those eggs to hatch them," her brother commented.

"Yes, I have reached the same conclusion," she said as she looked towards him.

"And was it true? What you said in there earlier, that you plan to face Rhaegar in open battle even if he has a dragon," she questioned, and her brother nodded.

"Yes, there is no other option. The battle today will probably be the last battle of the war. If we are to have any chance at victory, then I must face him tomorrow. Otherwise, I believe everything we have achieved until now, all the sacrifices we have made, will be for naught," her brother said through gritted teeth as she saw his fists ball up.

"He may have a dragon, but that doesn't mean I don't have a surprise of my own," her brother suddenly added and handed her a missive. And she opened it, and her eyes widened as she saw the contents of the missive.

"This came from Euron earlier. Now, we can only hope that he makes it in time for the battle."



A thick smell of blood and

Dragon. She had just seen a dragon. According to the rumors she had heard, it wasn't the only one, and House Targaryen had somehow managed to revive the beasts that had stood as their symbol of power.

It was a miracle, and she would have celebrated the blessing if not for the fact that right now, her House faced the wrath of this dragon. A thick smell of blood and fire filled the air of Riverrun as the Royal army showed no mercy to the Sparrows that had risen up in rebellion, slaughtering all of them on sight as the Prince's dragon played havoc across the castle.

And now, with the Sparrows decimated, the rivers around Riverrun dyed in red, the Prince of the realm sat there on the throne as two gruff men of the army held down the man responsible for this uprising infront of the platform. The Prince looked down impassively at the old man, his face devoid of emotion, and his black armor had blood caked onto it, remnants of the slaughter that had occurred earlier.

Her husband, Edmure, stood to her side, thin and pale-faced as he looked on at the proceedings in a dazed state, somewhat still affected by the whole ordeal. Her three children were with the master. Thankfully, they had escaped through the whole ordeal with minor injuries and were fine.

"So, do you have anything to say for yourself?" the Prince's voice swept through the main Hall as everyone looked towards the old man, who had led the sparrows.

"Yes, I do," answered the old man, and she narrowed her eyes.

"How can the Royal family call themselves the protectors of the Faith if you slaughter those who do the very work of the Seven? You deny us the chance to cleanse these lands of heathens and their misguided ways…"

"By killing them!" the Prince cut in angrily, and the old man quieted down as he answered through thin lips.

"By doing whatever was necessary," answered the old man, and the Prince shook his head and stood up, from the throne.

"You and your men are not devouts. You claim yourself to be a devout however, you and your whole sect have been funded by gold that was earned through the most heinous of crimes," the Prince's cold voice cut through the room.

"Slavery!" and she gasped at those words, and the High Sparrow seemed surprised by that as well.

"No!" he tried to deny it, but the Prince shook his head.

"I speak the truth. This so-called Preacher of yours, the man who funds you and your followers, deals in the slavery and businesses of the flesh, exploiting women and even children to build his wealth, his name is Petyr Baelish and he was sentenced to death for his crimes, however he managed to escape and took on the role of this preacher!" and the Prince then turned towards their side of the main Hall, and uttered something even much more horrible.

"Not only that, this preacher was also the man responsible for the death of late Lord Hoster!"

"Impossible," she heard Edmure gasp, as the whole room roared in fury at these words. How did he know that name, and why did it sound so familiar to her as well.

"LIES!" the old man shouted.

"Petyr was doing god's work! And you and your house frames him to make him stop!" the man shouted the High Sparrow.

"I speak no lies, for I have no reason to" the Prince said.

"But that cretin has been dealt with. It is time for me to decide upon your fate," poked the Prince as he reached for his sword, a Valyrian steel sword she recognized. A newer one.

The Guards held down the High Sparrow as the Prince walked behind him, taking the sword out of its scabbard as he began to announce in an icy cold tone.

"In the name of Rhaegar Targaryen, the first of his name, King of Rohonyar, Andals, and the First Men, I, Aemon Targaryen, sentence you to die!" and with that, he swung the sword, and she looked away the only ever sound of a thud and a small gasp.

"And now it is time for the final trial," she heard the Prince speak as she finally opened her and found the Prince looking towards her side of the room.

"Lord Edmure, step forward."


On the island of Grey Gallow, ten thousand men stood in line, their golden armors glimmered in the rays of the Sun as they stood on the shore, as the island was slowly surrounded by an armada of ships.

And as they stood there their commander stepped forward, wearing black armor, holding a flag with the symbol of the three headed dragon on it. And then the whole battlefield halted, the men held their breaths as suddenly the men from the ships dismounted and another army lined up on the shores and as the men lined up, thousands and thousands of men, lining up in perfect order, their shields lined up as the two armies stood face to face. And then stepped out two men, atop two horses pitch black in color, clad in distinctive armor, one gold and the other silver, yet one man was missing one man.

And then the battlefield halted, men held their breaths, and the very air warmed up as a single sound roared over the atmosphere as the men looked around, and then it appeared. He appeared.



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Chapter 30
Chapter 30

The battle that would go on to occur at Grey Gallows would mark a major milestone in the Targaryen empire, for it would bring an end to a near century-long conflict that had plagued the seven Kingdoms, The Backfire Rebellion. The conflict that had begun with the debauchery of King Aegon IV would finally come to an end.

King Rhaegar would enter the battle on his dragon. The roar of which would signal the start of the battle. Five thousand heavy cavalry would charge at the ranks of the Blackfyre forces, while the Rhaegar would stride over the battlefield atop his dragon and douse the opposing forces in its flames.

Yet soon, an old enemy shall resurface. Just as the Blackfyre cause seemed absolutely lost, an armada would break through the right flank of the Royal Army, cutting through the Royal ships in what is even regarded these days as the Drowned God's last Roar. Euron Greyjoy and his fleet would cut through the royal army's ships and enter the battlefield with three thousand men and a very special instrument.

A dragon horn, a relic of Old Valyria, used to control dragons. The mystery of how Euron Greyjoy got the said object is debated even today, and many believe it to be nothing but divine intervention, a sort of revenge from the Drowned God.

Yet no matter as the exiled Greyjoy would blow on the magical horn, the dragon of King Rhaegar would rebel against its rider and come crashing down on the battlefield. And at that moment, many thought the King was dead, Gods would take mercy on the Royal family, and the King would stand up, injured and bruised yet alive.

The dragon would rampage, struggling to escape from the effect of the horn, and in desperation, would take to the skies, eluding the control of the horn, and upon seeing the flag bearer of the Royal army stranded, the leader of the rebellion would rush at him, lance in hand hoping to emerge victorious by bringing down yet another King.


ARTHUR DAYNE-The Sword of the Morning

The Commander of the Whitecloaks's horse jumped off the massive ships. The black warhorse was larger than any other in the army, a special breed specifically for the White Cloaks and the Royal army. However, in this instant, the King was in no need of his remarkable steed.

Jamie Lannister followed him, clad in armor that held more gold in its plates than many Noble Houses held in their treasuries. However, thankfully, the armor was well forged and wasn't just pointless ostentation.

Both of them rode through the rows and rows of army men. The men separated as they made way for them, as they moved to the front.

"Where is he?" questioned the Lannister heir, and Arthur was asking himself the same question as he glanced at the army assembled opposite them. They had already forced them to exhaust their long-range weaponry, and now the only thing left was to put an end to this whole ordeal once and for all.

The cavalry assembled behind him as their ships laid siege to the whole island, hence trapping the Blackfyre forces on this island.

"He will be here," Arthur said, hoping that his words would be true, and his eyes narrowed as he saw the commander of the opposing force step out. His black-colored armor distinguished him from the rest of the Golden army with their golden armor.

The flag he held in his hands resembled the one held by his squire, a three-headed black dragon on a red field. Opposite in coloring to the one he held in his hands.

"That's him, Daemon Blackfyre," uttered Jamie Lannister from the side, and Arthur nodded as he glanced back at the army and gave an order to the men.

"MEN! WEAPONS UP!" he shouted, and the cavalry men picked up their lances as they stepped forward, and they waited for the signal from their King.

And then it happened, he came. A deep rumble shook the very air, and he looked up and found a small dot right above them, growing bigger with each passing second. His heart began to beat rapidly as he saw the dot begin to take shape with every passing second, and pulled down his visor as he shouted the order.

"CHARGEEEE!" and then the very ground shook as the cavalry rushed past him; the gallop of their horses made the very island shake, and he looked up. The shadowy figure appeared above them and opened its wings, casting a massive shadow over them all as it flew past him, its massive roar making his heart shrivel up.

"It's really a dragon! I can't believe it!" uttered Jamie Lannister, and they watched as the Dragon flew over the cavalry. Their enemy aimed a storm of arrows at the cavalry, and the flying beast simply flew over and then he watched as the beast opened its maw and spewed a massive firestorm at the ranks of the Golden Company, just as their cavalry was about to crash into them.

The cavalry smashed through the ranks of the Golden Company as Rhaegar simply flew up and began to circle back to attack again, yet for some reason, Arthur could not get rid of a sense of foreboding.

"We need to join them. The cavalry has broken through their ranks," Jamie said, and Arthur narrowed his eyes and looked at the cavalry ripping through the ranks of the Golden Company.


"Look there!" suddenly, he heard someone shout and looked to the side, and his eyes widened as he saw a ship sail through one of their ships. Its black sails and coloring and the sigil embroidered into its sail told him in an instant just who it was.

Silence, the signature ship of perhaps the most feared pirate in the entire region. A man who was feared all over the world for his prowess on the sea. A man thought to have no equal in affairs of sea fairing said to be blessed by the Drowned God himself.

Euron Greyjoy.

"They have broken through the blockade!" shouted Jamie as they watched the ships crash into shore, as men jumped out of them. He picked up a far eye and saw the man himself step into the battlefield.

A black patch covered one of his eye, giving him the name Corw's eye. His black hair flowed easily, and his blue lips gave him an ominous look. Yet for some reason Arthur couldn't look away from the man's blue eyes that seemed to be glinting.

And then he saw the man take out something from a box. And for some reason, dread pooled in his heart as he saw just where the man was looking.

"Jamie, take half the men and reinforce the cavalry. I will take the rest and stop these new men from interfering in the battle!" he commanded the Lannister heir, who nodded and immediately had half the men march towards the Golden Company.

Arthur himself pulled on the reins of his horse.

"MEN! WITH ME!!" he shouted as the men began their march, and they rushed to intercept these new men. Throughout this whole ordeal, Euron Greyjoy hadn't moved a single step and had continued to stare at King Rhaegar and his dragon with those glinting ominous gaze.

He finally saw exactly what he had taken out of the box and stilled as he realized just what it might be. Arthur, much like the other children of the Seven Kingdoms, had grown up fascinated by the magical beasts that had allowed the Targaryens to conquer the Seven Kingdoms.

"Archers! LOOSE!" he shouted, hoping to stop the bastard from using the object he held in his hand. The archers followed his command and let loose a storm of arrows.

Yet it felt like the very Gods were against them, as a massive gust of wind made most of them miss the enemy forces, much to his anger. He looked at his squire by his side and shouted.

"SPEAR!" the squire was quick to respond and handed him a spear without question, which he tucked under his arm.

"AGAIN! DON'T STOP!" he shouted at the archers as he pulled on the reins of his horse and pulled his legs, making it go faster.

"COMMANDER!" his men shouted from behind, yet he pulled down his visor and took out a spear from one of his men, and just as he was about to crash into Euron's men, he pulled on the reins, and his horse jumped up, galloping over a few men as he jumped up and threw the spear with all his might.

"AGHHHH!" however, not before a screeching noise interrupted the whole battlefield.





The screeching noise made Jamie Lannister frown as he tried to look at the source of this screeching sound as he cut down another of the men of the Golden Company.

Yet, as he looked around, his eyes widened as he saw the Dragon screech once more. Its voice felt pained as if the sound was hurting him. And he saw the dragon nearly curl upon itself as it stopped flapping its wings and began an erratic descent into the ground.

"SCREEECH!" its pained growl hurt his ear as he dodged the blade of another company solider, as the massive beast fell on the battlefield, right into enemy territory much to his consternation.

"Rhaegar!" he gasped, as he cut down the man, as he pushed his sword through the gap between his helmet and chest plate.

"Gugg!" the man fell to the floor, and he watched as the dragon thrashed into the ground, and he ground his teeth, as he pulled on the reins of his white steed.

"MEN! TO THE KING!" he roared, and the men roared at his command as he pushed his warhorse through hoards and hoards of company men as the army followed his lead and tried to make way towards their King.

And then, suddenly, the screeching sound of the horn stopped, and the massive beast waved its head as it opened its maw and he recognized that ominous glow coming out of its maw and pulled the reins of his horse, making it halt.

"ROARRR!" the massive beast spewed a massive torrent of flame, which nearly reached him and his men, before it once more opened its wings once again, and roared loudly, shaking the very ground, before it took to the skies once again, yet Jamie didn't miss the empty saddle as it flew right above him.

Dread pooled in his heart, and he gripped his sword tightly as he pushed through the men, heading straight where the dragon had crashed, as he prayed to the Sevens above to listen to him. His horse neighed in agony as an arrow pierced through its armor, and then another yet he didn't stop for he was just near the end of the throng of men and then suddenly it happened and he his horse tripped and he was thrown out of it, and was sent rolling onto the ground.

"ARGH!" he grunted in pain, and his body was in pain, yet he pushed himself up despite the pain and looked up, and his eyes widened as he saw the scene in front of him. Metal clashed against metal as two men clad in similar black armor fought with each other.




Euron smiled as he felt the winds at his back, shift the barrage of arrows away from him and his men and picked up the dragon horn his God had made him retrieve. He blew upon the horn, and a massive screeching noise came out, and he smiled as he saw the Dragon screech in agony as it began to fall to the ground.

He continued to blow on the horn, as the arrows kept falling at his side, the very wind seemed to be protecting him, and he could feel it speaking to him as it pushed for him to use the horn.

The dragon crashed into the ground, with a screeching roar, right in the middle of the Golden Company's men. He didn't miss, Blackfyre rushing towards where the dragon had fallen, and then his senses shifted as he heard a loud grunt.

"AGHHH!" he heard and turned towards the source and stilled as he saw a spearheading straight at him. Yet before he could move, the spear hit the horn in his hand, breaking it.

"AGHH!" he grunted in pain and watched as a man clad in silver fell to the ground. His armor glistened in the light, and as his men rushed towards him, the man took out his sword and cut the two men like they were nothing before he saw his eyes land into him.

The sword glistened in the Sun, a rising sun inscribed into its pommel, symbolic given its name. Daw, the sword forged from a fallen star, it was the ancestral sword of House Dayne, and was wielded by perhaps one of the deadliest knights of the seven Kingdoms.

Arthur Dayne.

"ARGHHH!" his men grunted in pain as the famous Sword of the Morning ripped through his men, his blade nothing but a blur as he rushed towards him. Euron's flushed in rage as he reached for his battle axe and shouted.

"Leave him! I shall deal with the dragon's pet myself!" he roared and broke into a stride as he rushed towards the Commander of the Kingsguard, cutting down those of his men who stood on his path as he jumped and brought down the axe with all his might.



Yet the bastard blocked his attack, meeting the edge of his axe with his sword. Euron stared into the man's eyes and smiled.

"Arthur Dayne, shouldn't you be with your King," he spoke as the man parried his strike and tried to cut off his neck.

"Hahaahaa," Euron laughed as he ducked under the strike and aimed a kick at man's torso, yet the bastard jumped back. But he didn't relent and swung his axe once more, yet the bastard parried his strike once again, and then before he could bring up his axe, the bastard swung his sword at his face.

The strike hit his helmet, pushing him back, and then he took the opportunity and unleashed a flurry of strikes at him.

Euron gritted his teeth as he dodged the strikes, as he felt blood dripping from his face, and then he roared as he parried one of the strikes to the right and pushed forward, and hit the man with his helmet.

"AHHHHH!" he shouted as the Sword of the Morning was pushed back, and Euron pushed forward, and began to swing his axe trying to cut off the bastard's head, yet the man blocked his strikes.



Metal clashed against metal until suddenly he saw those amethyst orbs glint as the man suddenly took a step back, and the blade moved as a blur, and he heard his axe fall before he could react, and then he felt a searing pain as he looked down and found red stub in place of his hand.


"ARGHH!" he screamed in pain and tried to jump back, yet the man was a flurry of activity and then before he could react, he felt his vision shift as the whole world began to turn, and then he felt his head lighten as the last thing he saw was the man's feet before suddenly it all went black.


Back in the main encampment of the rebellion forces, a woman sat on a chair, dried tears on her cheeks, as she slowly wrote with a quill on a piece of parchment as the sound of a crying babe filled the tent.

In the end, she stood up and walked up to the child crying in his cot at the side of the tent and placed what she had written in it as she reached for the child and chewed her lips.

"Forgive me, Haegon!" and with that, she gave the child a loving kiss as tears dripped down her face.


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Have fun reading!

And a bit belated Happy Thanksgiving!