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[CYOA] Evolutionary

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In this world, there were three main types of creatures that existed in nature. Each one broad...


Mar 1, 2017
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In this world, there were three main types of creatures that existed in nature. Each one broad with various subgroups deep inside it but they were widely accepted amongst the various communities to help group naturally-occurring creatures. The Galaxy was wide and vast with many things inside it ranging from supposed wizards, so-called gods and things which should not be spoken about. The three categories which we will explore are the Beast, Monsters and Spirits.

The first is the "Beasts" which are simple more naturally evolved or bestial creatures that act akin to normal animals. Although they were the middle-man of classifications many more mundanely occurring creatures are sorted into here due to their behavior. Although there are some beasts that can be sorted into the other two categories. Beast mainly seems to fit into an ecosystem, not Monsters level of Aggressive, and lower levels of sentience then Monsters or Spirits.

The Second is the Spirits which are meta-physical more than physical. Some believe these things can see into the workings of the universe and others view the Spirits as simply "Imprints" upon reality left behind from a potent telepathic creature, or fragments of a greater psychic creature upon its death. Although the weakest physically they have the greatest ability to utilize Blue space abilities. Although much is unknown about Blue space it is the source of many potent abilities. Alongside these Spirits display the natural tendency to preserve, protect or defend an area, person, creature or thing.

Spirits also display far more ability to interact with the mental state of those around it, go unseen and interact with the more advanced parts of the universe. Call it Magic or Advanced Meta-Physics, either way, there are some harmful and dangerous spirits that hunt upon telepaths but they are extremely rare.

Finally, we get to the Monsters. Ruthless creatures that usually hold a devastatingly strong material body that sometimes goes against the Laws of this Universe and some of the stronger ones can even defy certain rules of the Multi-Verse but that is unconfirmed simply a strong rumor which is widely accepted. Each monster has an obsession with its origins before it became a monster or they descend from a monster.

A Monster is a mainly physical creature with impressive abilities and a single obsession. They aren't inherently evil but they do tend to violent outbursts depending upon what they're obsessed over and can naturally occur in nature and only provoke minor eco-system collapse. Although many of them tend to have an ability to hunt sentient life making them dangerous and very useful weapons of war.

What is the world which we shall begin?

[] Tundros. A icey world with harsh winters, frozen seas, and various mining colonies set up across its surface. This planet rarely experiences any trade besides the Help-Co's various ships which pickup cargo, drop off supplies and ferry manpower.

[] Illinois. A jungle world with various walled in research colonies. This world has strong and stable beast-related ecosystems with various Monsters upon the world which serve as perfect test subjects and research items.

[] Havon. An asteroid pummeled planet that suffered from a horrible tragedy. It is filled with very few Beasts but many Monsters lingering about sad husks of sentient life. Declared Off-Limits by most colonial governments pirates tend to use this place as a base.

[] Kiolos- Mainly covered in various bodies of water and nomadic simple tribes. The reality upon this planet is thin and causes Blue space to bleed through heavily. This allows many of the planet to be gifted with various gifts and many spirits to dwell upon the world.

Finally, we need to establish what role this creature get sorted into. We will begin as a base beast and evolve into either a new category or a higher tier of the beast.

[] Prey. You are a rather fast and agile prey creature that survives with your speed, ability to hide and escape.

[] Predator. Using a trick of the trade you tend to hunt other life-forms and devour them. The only question is where you fit into the Ecosystem ladder.

[] Parasite. What sort of strange and life sucking little parasite are you?

[] Symbiotic creature. You tend to start off with a singular species that you can easily live off of or with.

Finally, what is the size of your creature?

[] Small.

[] Medium.

[] Large.

[] Huge.

[] Kaiju.

AN: If you want you can also add in an image of whichever creature you want it to look like. Also, I suggest some talking in the comments or just dropping hints at what you'd like to see in this quest.
[X] Kiolos
[X] Symbiotic creature.

Normally, I would've gone with Parasite, but I'm rather interested what it would look like to end up as a Symbiotic Spirit. At least, that's what I'm aiming for.
[X] Kiolos
[X] Symbiotic creature.
[X] Large.

Symbiotic suite, hmm...
[X] Kiolos- Mainly covered in various bodies of water and nomadic simple tribes. The reality upon this planet is thin and causes Blue space to bleed through heavily. This allows many of the planet to be gifted with various gifts and many spirits to dwell upon the world.
[X] Prey. You are a rather fast and agile prey creature that survives with your speed, ability to hide and escape
[x] Medium
[X] Havon. An asteroid pummeled planet that suffered from a horrible tragedy. It is filled with very few Beasts but many Monsters lingering about sad husks of sentient life. Declared Off-Limits by most colonial governments pirates tend to use this place as a base.
[X] Parasite. What sort of strange and life sucking little parasite are you?
[X] Small.

A parasite which can replicate and causes its hosts to sublte seek conflict, and also the urge to move between planets until they pass their usefullness and explode into millions of other parasites, kind of like a virus, but quite a bit more deadly
[X] Havon. An asteroid pummeled planet that suffered from a horrible tragedy. It is filled with very few Beasts but many Monsters lingering about sad husks of sentient life. Declared Off-Limits by most colonial governments pirates tend to use this place as a base.

[X] Prey. You are a rather fast and agile prey creature that survives with your speed, ability to hide and escape.

[X] Small.
Personally I just think symbiote is bad since we don't make the choices the other creature does and since our survival is tied together it's not like we can up and leave.

So all in all it's the creature with the least choices open to it, even as a spiritual symbiote trying to influence our companion we would still not be in control since then we'd be a parasite.


[X] Prey.

Rather be a predator since they are generally smarter, but that got no traction.
[X] Tundros. A icey world with harsh winters, frozen seas, and various mining colonies set up across its surface. This planet rarely experiences any trade besides the Help-Co's various ships which pickup cargo, drop off supplies and ferry manpower.

[X] Symbiotic creature. You tend to start off with a singular species that you can easily live off of or with.

[X] Kaiju.
[X] Illinois. A jungle world with various walled in research colonies. This world has strong and stable beast-related ecosystems with various Monsters upon the world which serve as perfect test subjects and research items.
[X] Predator. Using a trick of the trade you tend to hunt other life-forms and devour them. The only question is where you fit into the Ecosystem ladder.

[X] Huge

[X] Kiolos
[X] Symbiotic creature.
[X] Large.
Don't necro. This is against Rule 7.
[X] Kiolos- Mainly covered in various bodies of water and nomadic simple tribes. The reality upon this planet is thin and causes Blue space to bleed through heavily. This allows many of the planet to be gifted with various gifts and many spirits to dwell upon the world
[X] Symbiotic creature. You tend to start off with a singular species that you can easily live off of or with.
[X] small
i would like to be a Goa'uld so whatever size they are

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