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Extended Business Trip (Arknights/Youjo Senki [Manga])

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Catastrophes. Originium. Conflict.

After an ignominious death as Tanya von Degretyav, Tanja...
Extremely Hypothetical combat-Tanja's Operator Records
Extremely Hypothetical combat-Tanja's Operator Records



Art: Chika Tojo CV: Aoi Yuki


Basic Info

[Code Name] Riemann
[Gender] Female
[Combat Experience] None
[Place of Birth] Leithania
[Date of Birth] December 23*
[Race] Elafia
[Height] 173cm
[Infection Status] Tests show visible internal blotches, infection confirmed by medical examination.

Clinical Analysis
Imaging tests reveal indistinct outlines of internal organs, with visible dark spots. Unusually high concentrations of Originium particles were present in the circulatory system, indicating signs of infection at this time.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 7%
Clear traces of Originium markings on the patient's midsection, but has yet to crystallise.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.19u/L
Early stage infection, currently not spreading.

——Audio Records

Riemann, on secondment from Coopers & Harding. I will be in your care once again, Doctor. My code name? It's a private joke.

Appointed as Assistant: Miss Amiya has forwarded me your schedule.

Talk 1: Doctor, the budget for the expenditure hasn't― You have no control over that? Very well.

Idle: Sleeping on the job… The privileges of being a Senior Executive.

Watching Battle Record: Astonishing. If only C&H executives were provided such a security force.

Promotion 1: It is non-traditional for the host entity to pay bonuses during secondment, but I applaud Rhodes Island's innovatory attitude.

Added to Squad: Ready to support from the rear.

Appointed as Squad Leader: Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to earn our salaries.

Assigned to Facility: I've lived in much smaller before.

Tap: T-This is pawahara!
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For Arknights-Blind Readers: A Primer on the Setting
I don't know jack shit about Arknights but I like Tanya, so here I am. Nice characterization so far.
Oh, err. So Arknights is set in the world of Terra, which is essentially a parallel Earth. There are a few things you'd need to know if you were going on vacation there:
  1. Terra is full of furries. From just regular humans with some animal traits, to full on Master Splinter and the Ninja Turtles shit. There are also fantasy races, like vampires, dwarves etc.
  2. Terra has its own counterparts to real world nations, peoples, and cultures. An example is the two royal lines of the Victorian Empire: the indigenous Dracos and the Aslans that invaded in centuries past. The Dracos, who are western dragon people, are pretty clearly the Terran counterpart of the Welsh and ancient Celts. The Aslans, who are lion people, seem to correspond to the Norman conquest of the British Isles.
  3. Terra is chock full of a substance called Originium. Essentially it's magical Tiberium, and people who are infected with it are treated about the way you'd expect AIDS-Cancer-Leprosy patients might have been treated in the 1700s (if such an incredibly awful disease actually existed).
  4. Due to mysterious Originium-related reasons, Terra is constantly suffering from major Originium-filled natural disasters known as Catastrophes. Thankfully, Originium also allows the people of Terra to pull off bullshit engineering feats like migrating entire mountains, so what all the advanced nations of Terra have done is put their cities on huge treads to run away lol.
  5. There are no conventional firearms on Terra. I've heard some people in the community claim that a developer has said that Terra has a different chemical composition to Earth, and therefore gunpowder, nitrocellulose etc. were never invented.

    They do have firearms, but they're really more like specialised magic wands that utilise the energy within Originium to launch projectiles. You don't just pull the trigger: you need to use Arts (Terran magic) to control the various ignition mechanisms within the firearm.

    Sankta (angels) are very, very good at using them, and their nation, Laterano (Terra's version of the Vatican) holds the monopoly on rifles and larger calibre firearms. Their version of the knights templar are basically dudes with huge guns.​

    An Apostolic Gun-Knight of Laterano
  6. tbh, Folinic is best girl​
Actually, here are some official overviews of the setting, presented as an in-universe brief of the political landscape given by one of the main characters of the story, Dr. Kal'tsit, voiced by Hikasa Youko:

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