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Fanfiction lookup.

If you are looking for a fanfiction, that's SFW, then this is the thread.( I didn't see anything like this in the first 4 pages so..)

First up! Combination of First post and example of the General format.

Looking for a Ranma Saotome sent to Evangelion. Only things I can remember is Misato's car being flattened like a potato chip, Ranma intentionally misinterpreting instructions to use fictional stuff, and managing to get everyone to call them Kaiju instead of angels to be polite. Definitely humour based.
Is Ranma sent there via curse Video tapes?
Not as far as I know.It's not Wild Horse Thesis.
I'm guessing Switching Places Evangelion. Literally the first result when I googled "Ranma Evangelion Kaiju."
I read WH40 on SB, it have 5 chapters,was dead few years ago,and was about Eldar hybrid made by Dark Eldars /woman/ who:
1.massacred her creators,flew,
2.meet human cyvilisation with good technology,start working for them,
3. saved as commander of human units IoM merchant ship wrecked on planet attacked by Dark Eldars,unfortunatelly on ship was Inquisitor who used deamonhost in child body and planned the same to group of taken children.He tried kill her,died,she take children as wards/all psykers/
4.Other Inquisitors planned to follow her,found her cyvilisation and made them join IoM.Story ended there.

P.S She genuinely hated Dark Eldars and killing them was revarding for her.She was powerfull psyker,and capable of wiping out retuine of DE commander and easy kill him later.
Humans who served in her unit could easily wipe out few average DE each./technology,most was not psykers/
Did anyone know about a fic about jaune who forget about who he is and end up being a mad scientiest who create a bomb. For some reason the writer make him talk with german accent(?) Calling ruby as fraulent and he got almost obsessed with penny after he fount out she is a robot.
Did anyone know about a fic about jaune who forget about who he is and end up being a mad scientiest who create a bomb. For some reason the writer make him talk with german accent(?) Calling ruby as fraulent and he got almost obsessed with penny after he fount out she is a robot.
Pretty sure you're talking about Hypnotherapy. One of the personalities he ends up with is a German scientist stereotype.
Looking for a Naruto fic. Danzo-trained since Kakashi is focused on Sasuke and disregards any clues Naruto gives. However Danzo trained his mother, so he slowly turns better, even alerting the Hokage to the presence of Oro in the Forest and the invasion plot. I remember that the love interest is a mute Uchiha survivor shunned for being descended from Madara. She hasn't shown much of a personality yet. Danzo in this is looking to make Naruto a successor in command of root, as well as Hokage. Very interesting.
Just out of curiosity, isn't this thread redundant with these two?
SFW fanfic search thread:
NSFW fanfic search search thread:

There's also the Find That Porn thread in NSFW General...

I expect people will still end up creating new threads to look for a specific fic, since I remember a while back there were six of them created in NSFW General in the span of two weeks
Looking for a Naruto fic. Danzo-trained since Kakashi is focused on Sasuke and disregards any clues Naruto gives. However Danzo trained his mother, so he slowly turns better, even alerting the Hokage to the presence of Oro in the Forest and the invasion plot. I remember that the love interest is a mute Uchiha survivor shunned for being descended from Madara. She hasn't shown much of a personality yet. Danzo in this is looking to make Naruto a successor in command of root, as well as Hokage. Very interesting.
The Flow of Change by StoryTelleroftheMist, link. Training was monotonous, but I reckon it deserves twice as many comments as it currently has.
The Flow of Change by StoryTelleroftheMist, link. Training was monotonous, but I reckon it deserves twice as many comments as it currently has.
Thanks, I feel the story is a breath of fresh air myself. It doesn't turn Root into the worst thing ever, and makes military sense.You also get a sense of why Danzo is so screwed up in the beginning. Easy to see how things could go either way in this. In my opinion he is darkish but still loyal to the Leaf rather than dicking everyone over for lulz. Feel kinda bad for Kakashi, as it's clear that every attempt he makes goes wrong, like Durian and haggis pie. I think he means well, but he did not follow his own creed here.
Thanks, I feel the story is a breath of fresh air myself. It doesn't turn Root into the worst thing ever, and makes military sense.You also get a sense of why Danzo is so screwed up in the beginning. Easy to see how things could go either way in this. In my opinion he is darkish but still loyal to the Leaf rather than dicking everyone over for lulz. Feel kinda bad for Kakashi, as it's clear that every attempt he makes goes wrong, like Durian and haggis pie. I think he means well, but he did not follow his own creed here.
I found Better to Honour to be a nice palate cleanser. It portrays how a hokage or any ninja could actually be heroic, rather than simply being called heroic and capital-G-Good as Kakashi, Sarutobi and others are. Well… how they could fit that label in a recognizable version of Naruto with the shinobi system.
Friends, I'm looking for Naruto fic, help me please. Lately, I've been looking for interesting books that I can read and write about as part of my academic studies. At https://writix.com/ I get professional help in writing similar research on topics related to the books I read.
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Not looking for any specific one, just wondering if there's any decent fanfic around. Comedic but can get serious when it needs to, technically competent, and (most importantly) finished so that I don't get disappointed when the ending tapers off.

Harems are optimal, though hopefully no actual sex or relationships.

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